Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 21, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sweatyfifth year of publication wedaealay october 21 it 1942 5e a copy 200 a year work harder spend less lend more buy victory loan bonds third campaign swings into action this week with orvaruatlon carried out effectively under uir chairmanship of w p bradley th third victory 1jmtx got underway thli tek to a fine fctan in oeorgrtovn bond aalexovn with leroy dale k o a commute chairman acre on their rounds eajly hon lay morning ond report uilr coming in stead- u during the campaign every home in oecrgetown and dutnct will be can- taared rrjranllcaa of whether employee in local industry hae contributed ttroqgn tha payroll dmuotsons or not it l to be hoped that tha bond aiir- tarti will be ohm a welcome tn your homr and that your belt will be drawn in another notch and that you purchaae as large a bond as you posattly can th memory of our brave boys at dieppe ami tn our mind oeofbrtown with tha reat of canada is out to raise and exceed if poaalble lu quota ol 1329000 wbrn this objective is reached a commando dofffffr will or unt to our boya over at the tame time imprecating on us that our moviey nrnt on victory bonds u applied to the manufacure of weapon for our firhtink force nothing that wr can do can equal the sacrifice of the men of dieppe wr biuat back our boya to the limit by mocking harder spending leu and landing every last dollar to buy planra tanks guns and thin bonds may be bought in denominations of 130 100 1600 11000 and ur- frr remember you are not giving this time but lending and laying up lor yourself the beat inveatmexu tn the world victory bonds are backed by thr nsouroea of canada they can be sold at any ume before maturity u you ahould later need the caih oct into the fight on the home front duy victory bonds today georgetown and district victory losn committee vicechairman county executive l c flick honourary chairman w v oram chairman w p bradley vlotctholnnen lrroy dle ko howard may ltool o b b oous em a beaumont w a wilson t l leslie oextrrol sole section chairman leltoy dale w it lm k m laxis- don ralph rota a braumoat john d kelly public relation beouon chairmen fatntrrtotnmentl e v macoormaric fpreanl o mcouvray tbpcakrra itrd mcnally special name section l e fleck w v oram lcroy dale payroll savings section r b pou- 111 w d pcrd e mowhlrter a beaiunont ltool o d b oouscna ucuuutnmv citizens ami uunutn committee col jas ballantlne jos beaumont j h bingham reeve harold cleave rev c c cochrane mra p o oofin oeome currle georgetown o d doytoot a ii pcuer major jowpi clbhona w r kcnt- ner d drill pros lions club j b usckcnzle pred mccartney prea canadian lee ion d r mcloushlln br no s oeorgetown rev pother morgan rev j e ostrom mlsa annie ryan vlocpres red crou society b stone rev w o o thompson rev r otodd mra j v williams regent loxje sjt james kelly weds leone frances hanley l frecftfkk hillock buried on monday frederick c hillock pauad awiy at his homr here in ocorttown on fri day october mth after a irnguiy luruvi mr hilluc s born in oeonrkovn and lived here daring the great r part of hu life lie aas the only child of oecrge and ituuly illuocfc of oeorgr- town mr hiuook wu enjrwod tn the lum ber buunrss for tevrral yrars and was uo einpioe1 by thr alliance paper mills u oeorvrlown lr lt4itis to mourn his loss his aldow tornvril iilei mrlnnis of chsuaorth orw diu mrs it w woon of toronu ujj lour uury pie howard c huiocfc it uiv c aor horrrll and j ncfc of tnriuito ajtd maurlor of oeo rurloan piiiwral 4-ript- aire conducted at tils home on monday october iwji by tlie llei mr coctirujw- of knox ptc- bterlaji cliunii and interment was mode in urvenwoud cemetery oeonttr- towu tha pall be are m were his four a letter from halten victory loan chairmii k v marcormack tocsl drueslst ho has done ft line ob aa bead ol the publicity cotnralue of the third victory loon he nt- w woon ol toronto and john placed w v bradley who hrd ua alrlnnh at oruuiwortb ofive on the flrfct and hecond victory umim and ho in this campaign amk aa uctliiii aa ornirul chalrmin for the llavrl davitalt s huui clwnelon dlitrlec uo i burned the wfather our week or more ol ulmot cloud- miss lronc franoob hanley eldest daugluer of mra elizabrth hanley of winnipeg and ft james will lam kelly rcap elder son of mr and mm john l kelly oeoriirtown err martlod in the watry of holy ctoo church ut 1pm tuesday aftenioon iu itcn pr v j monrun omclatlnn the bride glxcn u marruw- by b cimsondwlth no suturnn galea to o alnsworth smith rcaj wore uxm oft thr ut dnpin kp bun of lnatnly blue wool crvpr alwady the mr ijnj ihlvmn imxl4 mi tils fumi ut htn willjaiiv hls crmitely lfuuid b lirr iiround 10 o clock in a long toro with rounded neck line ond thrve quarter lentrth sleeves full skirt with featured box pleat hhe wott ni acwveorie the bride had o constft of red rosea bhe wns attended by mrs t ain-s- worih smith who wore a cedar wood aool crepe favihloned on torso uni her accevcuies were dark brown arte wore a enrtuvge of talwnan rones mr william kelly was his brothers best man a reception was held at the home of the grooms parents mr and urn j d kelly following which st and mrs kely left on b short motor trip on their return they will reside in toronto irwo sklea has brtn fouoaed by uuee wuili muminir cui of ruin which tnhurei thre will tl frtim- ihmim- oa tn u mluded be no uck of molatare in the ground louitmji ujid boui mr tuni mtt i hi fall idivlihi iii um lire s noi not- with all the nvutur uih rimnwi until i- hti r too much he- the leavti on ive trees have matured i t lkxl mr hhonu fuliy and e have had glorious fall neighbour u c uie fuv to arrive on the rtne mr anil mm hlu- hup- mtird to drki t jiortly ufterward triil were ixbu l moe uve davlron cur hi h linl i n ikrvcxl rltiv u uie llaniiii iviu nothirut could be saved lnsde tin iiotse tlie ohkji f th ihl is tllakllin harton county victory loan executive chalrmon major prttnh pulltn oaltvule vicechalrmen 1 e fleck oe- ordctown e m milne burllrurton dr c a martin milton o a dills acton general bales section chairman u r force acton agricultural bales section chair manpaul fisher burllnffton public relations seouon press ohalrmanotorgc c alltlns oalt vule speakers w j mccultochrf burlington entertnlnmcnti w h edard oaltvule snecuu names section chairman ltcol 8 b piplcr oakvlllc payroll savlnip section chairman w j beatty acton executive members amos mason aoton wm vanslckle cumbellvlue w f bradley oeorretown o h davtson milton stanley crotc bur- unirton a t weldon oakvtuc unit orftanlzcrs i c amyh oik- vllle h j reld oakvluc secreiary h p wun7er oa county citizens committee third victory 1an dr r k anderson muton tlio- mas a blttkclock mia oakvluc john blair county warden burltne- ton e iiukhes cleaver kc mjp burllnnton w i dick kc milton w j u hamphhlre rr no 3 mil ton his honour jnrlso munro milton mrs ritchie ol toronto wo the iruvt tneaker nt tho annual thank oftermk meoilnrt ol the wmj3 of ksox prcbbytartan church wednes day afternoon she eavo an interast- irur talk on the women of tho blblo and compared utelr important rota with that of the women or today mr w t sinclair won in charge of the moetlnc and wtisassuted by mm o hunger nnd mrs a leobott of the norval society and mm oamoron of klnoton mm oronutr and mm de- vrlea ming a duot there was a boodi attendance bunch was served ashgrove tlie yj union met on sunday even ing with the mlvuonary oemvenorf in charge ifaney mum travc tlie devot ional reading and the roll call uilv rr- itonded to by naming a body of water mlni donna adams gave a ery in ter es ting topic on th miulonary uork amonc tlie lepers by ft domlen ijui- bel wrigrlcsworth favoured ulth n walo and readings wrre glvtm by mabel wrtffhlcsworth and marlon dick miaa b swarutoti of toronto was the week end truest of her sinter mn charles austin mrs home of port credit is visit ing with mr and mm c d dick mr howion lush of huntnvtlle mr and mrs cuthbert lush and mr and mrs p d hartley of milton called on mr and mr a o ruddclt on mon day mrs j tliomnvm of keswick spent lam week with her flstcr mth j o wilson mr and mrs frank ruddell attended the funeral of onr olcnn elliot of rvrgus last thnrhday remember the unite ohuroh aiui- lv rwary sttvlcpr on sunday octobeir 25th services nt tl am and n pm rev a walter fyifthburv of anon jind rev r c todd of aeonxtowi will be the preachers the wl held their octoht meet ing at tho home of mrs run sell tlep- oum on tuesday october 20u mm m ii moyer was jniert tpeakcr 3he ltavi- a talk and demonstration on an- ori wool producus tlie roll call wiu unswerrd by iwlnk one thlnn i am kolnr to do better this year the motto mnke the best of life where ou are wns klven by mrs prl wribblcsworth mm horace barnes pave an interesting paper on modern trends in anrl culture active service notem uba j deurkop and mrs dour- kop of toronto united over the ueck end with mr nnd mra t h cott the cwaj6a have added another local kirl tothclr ranks una hill of olen wullama belnrr the moft recent recruit ac1 rdkrir broomhcad wan trans ferred from st thomaji to brantford last tuesday cecil davidson for aeveral yoarfl a valued employee of dominion boed house ltd has joined tho signal corrw of the army and is temporar ily stationed at exhibition parte toronto he spent sunday at his home here air ia punyrnt with unokr and little fir s lutht up the ntrreta at nlitht aa the majority of chuen try to dlipore of them while a few of the wiaer mi ef hc can oaenpoat them in the hack ard to make leaf mould for their next years flower garden pllowinfi axe the local ueather re- corcu for the past wvek tt oak 13 t m wvd oct 14 m 40 thux oct 15 67 60 frl oct 16 68 4o at ocd 17 60 43 3un oct 18 50 45 man oct 10 j 39 sj haltons lean quota wartime prices board to establish hert the wiiitlmi prtoes and trade bo ard has uakid mayor olbbonj u form it iletrionul board for a dutrlct major fuaxu pvuxn to the citizen h of ii alio v county it u perfcapa not neorbary to re mind ou thut e ure ntrw fuoixl allh u dmtv of vital importance u rawrur o uox jrd vlctoo loan li uve tcteutna vwr attemptmn tju- lkunlnlun of canada r tlve allaxjnejit lor our county itallon ha ben conaidirably uiciof anniversary sarvkes observed at knox ca corujratlonj crwted ui r u a icwtdcr ua us at botn morning and rtcniruj urvkn aa ba preaebed annlvrnary rrrlcu in knott ipnattarlan cburcri on oundaj to the monunf be choae at hut tnt id barus u tte lcrda and the full- oaaa tnereof tbe ctiolr cong jr4u ary of mao oeurtnn and a duct trf ilia jan urlvirtvi and urs il lur tow mold tbou uy lusd u muob wncutad ura it t paul at lb arfan plawd at an osertorr oru oaorpottd by brr fatbrr alton i llrt- hr of kltcbaner tn mlnltjrr took nil lot in th rr- cnlnc from uut tint two venes ol um mb cbaptcr ol deulfranomy uary and dttty paul unf a lovtry duat rrtir lord li my oarprirrd and lb choir rrndrrrd the amhrm italy hplrlt puimm uanj ol llopr try uautu aa thr oftcrtory erlrctlon thr annual annltrrbary supper wtf rot held thia year ltd c c oorliranr occuplrd th pulpit in wychmood prrobytrrun oho rcli toronto in the ahetnee of ret liwauw llul lniporuiur uih v i i w c 3ck t ivb opioijonmtnt cltnf t aaawb n the total ot flhlijf ftf uttrmpa4n tlu r vc n nrtrtrre prat the ek end in town lie has juat bren notlflad t0 out pnvloua ixxuis aa u the cat- 1 ul hu transfcrrnoe from the iloaf in ju othir cijcruiiunltlrs and it u1 hution at bruntford to ncwfound- riun um- iritul hon ujid conld- land i rubu- bocnlict- uii uv prt ul all ol plrs lrtrry ritchie and o cope- 11 at- urv uj auocced hund ho trv lormerly at ouelpn a- cillnns uu- county ol iullclt list tuesday for red deer al um ot liat tuod rtuion to uc proud btrta ul our pn tiuu nunl m all putrlouo the army aem to be on the mova llurlaxliu ajul i ihmx i am ctthee day another oeorsctovn boy r ui mauiik uiul on ue bojjj ol pt- walker clrvr haa chongtd atat- iwjpoutlon uirrc la no otljcr district loru pormrrlj- at ouelph b la now n uw lkmnuilm ol cuuulu uiut aui tntnlnn at camp dorden i xcxd our rivjord lor un- numut rs wr- i mm isobrl cltae rroclied a cobu u in ua- urml xorceo or in the tram her other son 08 prarutlla tnnount hubrrfnbed or luiy palilo- rlrut hi luid ornted in england uc purnuse buch brlruj the cae r tale and well frank u on convoy must hate no thought of failure at duty with the iicn uu1 ume thone of u rio ure not pnvllegrd on ucouum of lure or ifrmcial handi cap to henv in the urmed forors can ihrfurm iiotne jnull iart of the oblig ation uiat rtms on all of ua to defend all lvrut max stroruj haa been trans ferred from uxidon to darrlctibld p q flluhturut j e ana was home ovaf the week end w coru3rutulauons to lac alfred bykcs that makti life worth lilng by ho graduated from the training achool imtiosi ol aci oromtirni l- i um u no irntouatea from the training achool qsjt ani vlsu7 sch of w ijijppf 1 october bth ilth th u rirt murucnvuujot will btren- jj 1 rt lr 11 rank of serveant alt l to report at 2 ri kf 1 nners njanltooa on october s4ur in nm imd on uir hoard ita duties i w lkux quotas for the vartous miuuclp- teinfa uu iro11 ulls alluea in hal ton counti omcr volunteer orkts will be aih otruetown 236000 acton i so0o0 burttrutton aoooou milton 250000 namuiraweya 5o0oi oakvlllc special namea county quota 475000 11450 000 300000 11750 000 kl tn iwlst ui thu xirk mayor olbbnru huf uvn aked to asrumr the clmlrmiinslilp of the local board mind the nunifr of the other members will he nnitounced shortly all will mtvo luumt remuneration ac2 ted sluiker who haa been stat ioned at lnchlne quebec is now train ing nt no i wireless school montreol able comfort thr inul that we who are left con do la to lend our money in order that their herolun may not be in aln the men who have glwn their uvea or their liberty at liana korar die- ppc in the air fbrcr the navy and the merchant marine faced irrrpaulble odds without a thovujht of nmrfiing or failure con we not emulate tn i e fleck who la not only a vlcoolialrman onion the halton county extoutlve no the aaargfttown and dutrlot war pin- lima held this position for all uirco once oommittm for tho third victory loan rtampalgns loan but is also a wcepreawont october 34th ills ulfe nnd narrnut mr and mra thom as by kes attended the graduation cere mony boy in uniform home for the week end lac jim louth toronto po gordon mcdonald camp borden pu walter dlrhn orlula pte bill brauby klrurston set jim kelly malum po joseph rural trenton dvr b burt slmcoe pte joe cox niagara pte d wood niagara pte j otlw niagara onr herbert arnold haa voluntee red for tho canadian porauoopenl me small dcgtee their splendid division and already u on his wayto rsv port denning aeorgla where he will the threat to our national life is greater than many unect this la proven by uie event of the post few dayi uirouirti the loaa or life due to mibmarlne aculty on the east coast and if we arc to survive it will only i uiroligh n supreme effort on the part of ill of u the uunoit r run lend is uie least we con do there can be no victory without pain no iieaco with out sacrifice only those wlio are 1ll- iiik to deny uicnwlvca desene to uln i appeal to nil to foritot selllsli in terest and to support this effort to the very limit of your ability frank pullkn chairman county of ration third victory loan koion memiwiim entkiitained the men of thr lcirlon branch no 120 mid invited frlemk tnuile were muslrully entertalntxt liutt friday ev ening by a concert trrotip from oue lph ami u fine evening wua held by nil offlclntlni nt the piano waa jolm nle wiiulou who ns well aa ucoom- imnylng the various urusts waa no mem entertainer hlmscf bololst sidney ooldwcu wna encored again nrul attain on each of his uppcaran- re uie boys really takuta to llta voire and delivery the string trio of andy mcklnnon pred nrldgc and nert hall furnuilidd several splendid receive his training par the pott few weeks he has been stationed at bra mpton und prior to enlistment att ended georgetown high school herb is nineteen and is the first boy from this dlsuict to take porotroop train ing pte eddie doyle of the lorn soots camp borden is spending his lurlough in town pte jack whitney o f uie veteran guard of canada stationed at wind sor was in town over the weak end with hut family pte william smith of bowman- vllle was home over uie week end pte ross hunter hun been home on cite for i few days he is going to uie wtei coast at the termination of bis leave whon he will be a baker in the ordinancti oarpa pte ethel webster is home now on four dnys leave bhe has just grad uated from basic induing at trinity rmrmcks toronto cpl w s king has been promoted to rank of sergeant congratulations bill but king is with the rcap overseas nnd his fumtly and friends also send him birthday congratul ations on november 30th lance cpl beruin snhcnk of dft- venport barracks toronto spent th week end nt home bertha was am ong a smart trimly aturod unit of the cwaos pictured at on inspect ion n couple of weeks ago in the roto gravure section of the toronto dally star we were rind to see 2nd lieut rob- intcrprctntlons of concert and old ume hlui tho novelty number of the irt early bnclt in town inst week end evening was by pte t enrlght of bra- ho has comploted his training at oar- mplon who gave poy eye tho sailor man a now and rouslnjr twist during the cvcnlrui two draws were made on pairs of ducks tile first winner was jack kemshead the second winner a miller of ouelph the latter drawing was made from the hat by a distinguished visitor who was heartily applauded he being engine roam artificer wheeler a bimrlvor of the good ship ottawa don head do and reported in camp borden last tuesday far advanced in struction jim ruddell has joined the boys in blue having reported at uie rcjlt depot in toronto on september 3rd jim is a recent senior matriculation graduate from georgetown high school acting able seaman bob ookuiam from the hmob york toronto was home for the week end nothing matters nowbut

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