Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 37th 1940 glimpses of parliament i ate due co hck of jnace la kt wtt fcaue it was tieoeasr to leave obt jtfc major part of mr cteavera of parsjeffiwiv mr cleaver wm at- tng awene of w prime mlntttfa openlyspeech which we pottoon frcm last weeks issue the royal canadian ah- force con tinues to perform its threefold teak xta hboie defence squadrons continue fhehvconstant patrols over our coasts and coastal waters they take their part in the escort of convoya to and from our shone our air force too has shared in the battle of britain since the bouse adjourned our canadian flfcditersquad- xon flying planes produced lh can ada has engaged with memorable suc cess in active combat with the enemy the mam energies of the royal gan- adian air force continueto be dlrect- d jergely to the development of the british coa ah- training plan the gigantic proportions of the air training plan are now beginning to be appreciated by the pubue at the begnmmg of august wentyfour of qm training schools had been opened by the end of october thirtyrrix were in operation to put it another way ttuoughout that period an average of one school a week was started on september 36 the minister of national defence for air welcomed at vancouver the first detachment of australian pupus who had come to canada for their advanced training national begistrmtfcm may t now say a word about national registration tthls glgaxrtlc task was the first under taking of the department of national war services after its creation on july 13 i do not need to ten hon mem bers how pf how vigorously and how efficiently the registration was organized or how noothly and effi ciently the machinery for registration worked on august 19 20 and 31 i want however to express to boo members of all parties and groups the warm appreciation that the gov ernment feels for their effective co operation in this great natio task the cost of the registration itself was kept at a minimum owing to the enthusiastic response of citizens in an walks of life to tie call for voluntary unpaid assistance in carrying through this great survey of canadas human resources the response of our people to this first universal call to duty was magnificent the most graphic index of the pro gress made in furnishing needed muni tions and other war supplies and equipment is perhaps the total of war contracts let on august 12 we had awarded for the account of canada contracts to the total amount of 30a 000000 bj november 4 that amount had been increased to more than ms 000000 of the 443000000 worth of contracts 87 per cent have been plac ed in canada 8 per cent in the unit ed kingdom and 5 per cent in the united states in addition to these amounts canadian industry had un dertaken as of september 3 1040 to tal contracts from the government of lelf made it so easy for us elude the agreement reached densbdrf in reality the acreemen marks the fuu blnwnrntng of a lone aasocmsan in harmony b thu people of canada and the people of the united states to which i hope and believe the president and i hav also in some measure contributed the link forged by the canadaunited states defence agreement is no tem porary axis it was not formed by nations whose common tie is a mu tual desire for the destruction of their neighbours it is part of the endur ing foundation of a new world order based on friendship and good wfll in the furtherance or this new world order canada to liaison between the british commonwealth and the unit ed states is fulfilling a manifest des tiny wnr almsa word in conclusion concerning our war alms or if the term seems preferable our peace amis rightly considered toe two constitute opposite sides of the same shield there has already been a good deal of discussion concerning aims in this war it is bald on the one hand that the only aim of importance la to de feat the enemy on the other that moat important of ajj la to bring into being a new social order an order in which freedom truth and ustterwl increasingly prevail in the relations between individuals between classes and among nations personally i do not see that any conflict need arise between our war alms and our peace aims if nasi germany is not de feated there will be little of freedom truth and justice left in this world if on the other hand we are in earnest in our desire to have freedom truth and justice prevail in all human lations we should be prepared fight as men have never fought be fore i should like to remind the house that the only limits the government is prepared to place upon canadas war effort are those imposed by the extent of our resources both human and material and by our capacity for sacrifice we will make financially possible the utmost effort the people of canada axe physically and morally capable of making mr hanson in opening the debate for the opposition dealt in the first place with his views with respect to the duty of an opposition he asked a number of general questions and then offered some criticisms the following are verbatim extracts from his soeech may i at this point pause to entm ctate the views with respect to public business ol the party i have the hon our to lead i want to be very de finite about this mattex today he policv of the corservative party is to continue he policy of cooperation with the government in waging the war over there and for the defence of the nation here and to render such as sistance as may be in our power to attain the supreme objective i say further to my right hon rriend that we desire to persevere in this there is substantial evidence that in about 20 per cent of children the ton sils are either enlarged or diseased and therefore have an unfavourable in- fuenoe on the physical development of the child such tonsils should be re moved the tonsils have assumed an im portant role in the economy of the child during the last 30 years the benefcial results following removal of of tonsils in selected cases has well justified the procedure it has been shown that markedly hypertoophled tonsils and tonsils that aire repeatedly inflamed giving rise to attacks or tonsillitis and swollen neck glands frequently impair normal physical development when such a condition exists after four years of age it is advisable to have the tonsils re moved with th expectation that at least so per cent of children so treated vill be materially improved it is undeniable that the child pop ulation of the country has experienced better phjstcal development with few er interruptions due to mild and pro- onged illnesses in the last 30 years infant mortality has been reduced and fatal illness in the school age oc curs less oten while the widespread application of public health proce dures such as pasteurization of milk the safeguarding of water supplies and care of foods and the health edu atlon of the public has had the most influence in this direction it must be admitd that eradication of unhealthy ton l haij played a considerable role in the physical improvement of the race the single question to be determined in respect to the tonsils of a child is are these tonsils diseased if so they should promptly be removed the united kingdom m the amount i course by offering constructive crltl of 134000000 tor equipment and suo- pies and commitments have been made by the united kingdom for capi tal expenditure of an additional 981 000000 the figure of 443000000 which i mentioned a few minutes ago represents contracts for the delivery of munitions supplies and equipment we have also made commitments for capital expenditures in the form of plant construction and extensions to the amount of 335 000000 these capital commitinents include fifteen explosive and chemical plants at a to tal cost of 70000000 twentyfive armament plants at a cost of 68000 000 forty ammunition plants at a cost of 36000000 additions to auto motive plants at a coat of 6000000 further details and subdivisions of these expenditures will be given by toe minister of munitions and supply mr howe m the first twelve months of the war our expenditure was 300000000 or about 800000 a day the collapse tf the resistance to the nasi offen- alve on the continent of europe and the elimination thereby of many of the protective factors of time and apace were followed by an immedi ate increase in our financial and ma terial responsibility ibe result was a rapid and progressive rise in our wartime expenditures in june and july we were spending about o and a third million dollars a day aiipw nearly two mfluon dollars day in the month of spent 60000000 in october our war expenditures were over 81400000 the october expenditures were at the rate of almost a billion dollars a year in regard to the recent vs treaty mr king said i should be the last to claim that the ogdensburg agreement was due wholly to the conversations between toe president mm myself to our reciprocal dec hi 1338 i am happy to know that in a mo ment of crisis personal friendship and mutual confidence shared over many years between mr roosevelt and my- we reserve the right to crltl clze the proposals and actions of the government which are deemed not to be for th common good both in its war and in its domestic activities with respect to all domestic and peace tttre questions we reserve the right to criticize condemn or praise in a word we will preserve all the rights and win exercise an the privi leges of a peacetime opposition i hereby rededleate this conserva tive party in the house of commons and in the country to the service of the state to the supreme task of help ing to win the war overseas to prepare for the defence of our beloved country to help solve the problems of gov ernment to the domestic sphere and so far as in our power lies to pro mote the greatest good for the great est number of our fellow citizens i have a list of specific questions want to ask the government 1 why have no rifles been made in canada to date for use by our bat talions why are our thirtyday trainees given only old ross rifles many of which may not be fired only those which have been reconditioned may be fired 2 why is there such a shortage of machine guns for use by machine gun unite 3 why is signal equipment practi cally nonexistent mr baldwin stressed this n his review of our conditio on october 4 w is the pob with r to bren guns why is there so much secrecy about their production from time to time we are told that pro duction of this and production of that is up to schedule or ahead of schedule but we hardly know what the schedule ls what is the schedule in connec tion with bren guns we are told that lt calls far a thousand guns by the end of next march a large por tion of which are to go to ifrwglypd 5 are there any 26pounders for our artillery according to mr baldwin the answer is only one our artil lery units are armed only with obso- cleveland ohio martin walter oldtime indian fighter who lives in nearby hcrbsts corners doesnt have to smoke alone he has trained his pet frog frederick the great to puff along with hfen blue coal the c010ur is your positive guarantee w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown listen to the shadow cfwrj tnaa 830 pm ckco to 9 00 p cfrc tbors 800 pav let 18pounders left over from the last war two artillery unite in train ing in my province one at st step hen and one at fred totem have never even had a wooden gun with which to train i talked to the offi cers personally and they are just sick about lt 6 what is the stage of production of tanks in canada how far if at all have we progressed 7 how far have we progressed in the manufacture of aeroplanes i have been told that no engines are being made that it is only hoped to make them at some indefinite time in the future 8 what is the production of aero plane propellers and hubs 9 how does our effort compare with that of our slater dominion australia from a recent account i read it would appear that in every field of war en deavour australia with only about two thirds as many people and prob ably less than two thirds the wealth of this country is far ahead of can ada dealing with the militia training scheme mr hanson said the first mftgestlon ls that the length of time of training for these men be lncreas- that fohs column by agnes held ii tended for last week school goes on reading arithme tic singing and acting for commence ment which will be held on dec 5th this year cadet party it went over with a bang so let us hope that such a fun packed even ing ma be repeated again mr heldmann had charge of the paywy and to him we extend a hearty vote of thanks in return for the able manner in which he handed the ac tivities of the evening milton and georgetown cadets were united to tiring route march then came the sensational party dancing to a real orchestra and then enjoying a de lightful lunch after which the stud ents returned to their homes girls are forming a cadet corps it u the desire of the high school board that gh8 girls should form a cadet corps we are to be under the leadership of miss beales let us ful our group with plenty of vim vigour and vitality three cheers for the girls commencement practices are under way singing and acting are a major thought among stu dents these days for time mar- the worlds news seen through thehristian science monitor aw internmtilmal duly newspaper to truthful cconchtrbbca vtr1nm ssontfanal km bdttoriali ax tinmfy and lokrocthw and in daily fmun together with ft wtddy magarhw sacttoo mv dw mown an ideal newspaper tor the mama th chnnian science pubiiihing sodaty on norway srnct boston mawchumtts prter 1200 yearly or 1 00 a month saturday iuua including magazw section 260 ymc introductory offer 6 iacuei 2 cents name p train three groups a year instead or ten the first eight weeks of this four morths course should be desig nated the basic recruits course and thf second eight weeks the trained mens course and graduation betog required from one course into the other in regard to the international situ ation mr hanson suggested i sug gest that canada approach mr de valera with a proposal that eire lease to canada certain strategic air ports in the south and west of eire for use as empire air stations in regard to the last war loan mr hanson charged it was a flop i do not care what the minister says have been out through tt country and i know what the people think about lt what were xht cames for the failure of this second war toonf i am trying to help toe minister if he only knew it i lay at the feet of the administra tion the charse c havteghnposed tremendously heavy and oppressive etjttreiytb fault taxation by the 1940 budget this taxation affected tztoae who ordinarily would have subscribed ml of dol lars to reply to oils charge x would sug gest that as toe loan was sufiy sub scribed it was not a flop and that so far as the country at urge is con cerned we are further ahead to taka large incomes by taxation rather tttan by way of loan in my next letter i win cover the reports gtven to tim house by the different wax mtnistera magnetism of earth helps locate cable when a cable sheathed with metal is at the bottom of the sea the mag netism of the earth converts it into a weak magnet according to the can adian national telegraphs whose ca ble connections extend to all parts of the world if a coil of wire is moved through this magnetic field electricity wll flow in the coil as long a lt ls in motion the submarine sled designed to find the depth of buried cables car ries two colls one fore the other aft to protect them against the pressures of great depths the colls are placed in pots full of castor oil when the sled passes ovei a buried cable the colls de velop electric current which is wired to the cable ship as one coll is wea ker than the other the two voltages ire different the ratio between them fellowship after a jolly but slightly l an exact measurement of the depth of the buried cable a shield of faith the canadian prime minister what is necessary then to win the present conflict it is to put on the whole armor of god not the outward material trappings only the helmet the sword and the shield necessary as they may be for the purposes of defence and of attack let lt never be forgotten that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against princip alities against powers against the rul ers of the darkness of this world ag ainst spiritual wickedness in high pla- let us make sure that the hel- ches on and december 5th appears met e or saiyaaton the sword much too soon for many of us exam alas in case you haven t noticed it the examination time table is up you may familiarize yourself with lt by gazing upon the bulletin board railway collects damages from motorist who htt car belleville ont november 26 an erring motorist has paid damages to a railway company and to two railway employees to terminate a court stilt this happened here when the cana dian national railways entered action on behalf or itself and its employees j risk and r todd claiming that a level crossing collision at glen ron between an automobile driven by george c mototfomery of franfcfanl ontario and a gasoline operated track car owned by the national system was the case was heard before mr justice keffler mackay hi the supreme court and terminated when asetaeme was offered by the oafendaat mr montgomery agreed to pax- to the canadian national larihvajff ff- 16625 for damage to equipment to mr todd 3 130 for personal injuries and to mr jrisk 160 alab for personal injuries a counterclaim for 280 presented by mr montgomery was withdrawn and further he mutt pay the cost of the action one of the spirit and the shield one of talth that our loins are girt about with truth and that our s one of righteousness and toat our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace if these things are ours and i believe they are the weapons with which britain and tba dominions seek to slay the dragon of nazi germay today we shall find ttt- tel difficulty in reconciling our war alms and our peace alms to slay the dragon which has been fascinating its victims by tear 1 lng the springs of their moral and 1 teuectual being at the seurce and which would prey upon then vttajg for years to come is clearly the fleet task of a civilisation which would save itself and more than ever when th evil dragon of nasiam is slain to aw that neve- again in our own or hi any other land shall the gods of material power of worldly possessions and of special privilege be permitted to- exer cise their sway never again must ne allow any man or any group of men to subjugate by fear and to crush by the power of might the spirit and thi lives of honest and humble men house of commons nor ix notice re voting on extension of term for councillor take notice that on monday ttfc seoond day of december 1m0 ttw ratepayers of ge will be asked to vote on the question are you la favor as a wartime measure under tne local ooe ernment qctendon act 1ml of t the municipal council elected lor 1m1 h office tor the ttrm of two yeas the vote wfll be taken at tt una and place and by fane offload ao for the mimlrapal tlecleoue ote also regulata the tan hot public school troateaan p b harrd90ci auction sale of household furniture the property of n b henderson maiket street georgetown saturday nov 30to 20 rotuehold furniture including 9 piece dining room suite stom tennis net bookcue secretary cuvw crib childs pram radio tee wagon and otber bouae- holo effect frank petch auctioneer

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