Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 20, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evaning november 20 1940 thist an that in sport by o mao itoquvray leader of the the snow over the weekend ed a flurry in the hearts of skaters and skiers but by sunday it bad disappeared and at the time of writ ing the weather is quite mild again and tee making weather seems quite distant yet milton have taken a jump on us una season and have entered a team in the bjpa series toronto they played there on monday night agmt st michaels college and the game resulted in a score for zn um town bao the odd voowv hail and the orange ball i flaw from then- orderly puea into a jig saw pontic on toe floor r an aoootn- paniment off mock snaa mots and gaiters were of and to wawtng in che air hen as share patches of adhesive tape worn by the all- army issue picked or overseas service m the not fax distant future the highlanders could quite obviously take it they showed more interest in their anony mous pal a small rather straggly blackandwhite collie that had made the march with them adopted by the companies than in their own weari ness the pup curled up on a mat- tressand showed an utter lack of in- thrttngawiwl visitor u toronto sir thomas beeoham bart- is pay ing his first visit to canada and is to conduct the toronto symphony or chestra tuesday november 3fl thw great british musician and impresario whtrjrh4vm conductor in chief of the london fw1- rflsljs- ssssuk harmonic enoys the distinction of jt bymphony orcheatons was lnstrumenlat fatigue however and after thai men had m i bringing russian ballet 09 saturday 18 a big day for hockey j ssiws hnrt i performance of steausa executive in toronto when the slss roeenkavauer inberlted a baron- aimual meeting of the ontario sje 5i xss etcy a year after being knighted tor hockey association will be held at the sje njjjnis sltl rvices to british art he is a grand- royal york hotet the meeting will e1 b muee ltss son of the founder of the beeefaam commence at 1030 followed by a ban- gave opera to the brlt- quet lnie evening the delegates wul ijsssassfl f2 throughout the last war at be the guests of the association at lvtnw s tremendous financial loss u himself a hockey game in maple leaf oar- li f the new york philharmonic denscit is altogether likely that the i rt orchestra for 8 weeks in ibm has just sflt jsjszpl comoleted a tour of australia and w rsss 2s 5sl j2j hme appred as guest conductor hi constant touch with camp borden vancouver toronto and montxeal be- w h kentner son georgetown phone 12 local club will be presented with nathan silver now operat ing a store in new toronto the georgetown hockey quib is minus the services of its last years presi dent nate has been a hard worker for sport in town and pressing person al business this year has hindered him getting the club under way for the 194041 season the hockey club regret losing the services of nathan silver but hope that he wnl come up often and lend his moral support at least so it looks as though last years executive will have to dig in and call the annual meeting if any- thing q is to take place here perhaps tt will be like last season left up to the arena board to start the ball rotting at any rata we should get started now how about tt georgetown do you want hockey this season enthusiasm tn hockey circles acton bolton and brami doesnt seem to be too high this year acton is having a hard time persuading officials to even make tee this year while bolton and brampton are silent on hockey matters mhton is going right ahead and while we have no organized ourselves there is hardly a doubt but what we wfn have two teams i while hockey is now considered canada greatest national sport did you know that an act of par llament of 1863 ruled that lacrosse was the national sport however since that time hockey has by far over shadowed the old indian game and whether parliament rules or not whence rations were transported to the days base v after thft grueling march from beeton officers and men were more than a little thankful that the vil lagers had seen fit to eliminate the need of preparations at the nights bivouac at beeton kitchen faculties were available to supplement the field kit chen which formed a part of the trans port at bolton none of the three halls had kitchens although theaocommod ation for sleeping was all that the com panles asked in fact there was some good natured ribbing between the platoons as to which had the best bunk house the bandsmen behaved a little snobblsly when they found that they bad been given private rooms in a building provided y c a laggett the scheme was under the direction of lt j m hahett training officer the two companies were commanded by lt mcoann and lt mcintosh with u p griffin lt beal and lt mceach- ern in diarge of platoons of a com pany and lts mocutcheon richard son ani moarthur leading the b fore returning to london the will broadcast a portion of the concert to a network audience between 1060 and 1100 pm edbt and the blue network of the nbc will carry thw programme between 1030 end 11jm pm for listeners in the united states new programme new seng todays music directed by albert prate from the toronto studios of the obc on friday november 29 at 9 00 pm bdst will highlight the de but of a new popular song written by the conductor to be sure is the title of the number which makes tta bow on this date the arrangement if by robert farnon and honours will fall to the string section of the orches tra the programmes guest soloist will be charles jordan baritone well- known montreal radio star oafl meredith also featured will sing pet er de roses new tune the moon fell in the river gallant deeds recalled the story of the ppcll one of canada s most gallant regiments which gained lasting fame in the first company platoons wuii k lt or orimn was transport officer grea wax and has carried forward da with lt coleman in charge of billeting line tradition in the second will ba w richardson attached told by bb farrell in his talk be tween ourselves on sunday novem ber 24 at 12 15 pm edstj33e prin cess pats named for the beautiful daughter of canada s then wartime go general the duke of con- naught jt toed the immortals of bri tain s battle legions at yores that regiment 3 members included soutn african veterans college professor white collar men and men from thf the entire unit numbered fourteen j ween ourselves officers and men with one hundred and fifty three on the march and the remainder in charge of transport and liaison peel gazette and whether parliament rules or not hockey has made ltseir supreme tne rfcl fw 1d wan dap f whi c 2 s2 f z first rules of hockey were drafted at i 1 ur mail bag back country who left their desks and cabins for the campus of old mcgut it will pay you to do your christ shopping a t altemaris jewelry store brampton a comptota line f the fouowtnr in brtvlac 4skr silver tea set cabinets of silver diamond rings vanity case fancy clocks and bulova watches the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor f an inlernalmnat daily vrttipflwf l editorial an timely id iimrucoc io s fttti toili h h wu mzn soo mk fh m or idl npr for h horn j saturday i nil the chr n sc tnct pub tin soc etv one norway se boon mmnrhu etn price x12 00 yearly or si 00 a month ludmr mattaz n sf i on 12 60 a year orv offer 6 uiue z3 cent the bugles of england were blowing oer the sea as they had called a thousand years calling now to me they wokt me from dreaming at th dawning of the day the bugles of england and how could i stay the banners of england unfurled across the sea floating out upon the winds were beckoning to me storm rent and battle torn amokestained and grey the banners of england and how could i stay ohl bnglandl i heard the cry of those who died for thee sounding like an organ voice across the wintry sea ttify lived and died for england ang gladly went their way england ohl england how could i stay written by james d burns australia in the honour column of the re cord england of october 21st 1915 rat the following corporal james drummond burns eldest son of the rev hugh burns ullydale melbourne killed in action at the dardanelles aged 20 first rules of hockey mcoul university in 1879 and since that date hockey has made great strides in canada and also in the ujb a for daring plays speed and de termination hockey tops em atl players absorb more punishment than in any other game and seem to get a kick out of it old timers ten us that the game has changed considerably since six man hockey replaced the sevenman team as lt has stopped many rough plays and speeded the game there was more high- crosschecking a few years ago but rules have revolutionized the game applied more scientific methods of at tack and defensive strategy however i old timers cant argue that the players of generation or two ago were any stronger faster or better than the athlete of today old records are con tinually bring shattered llmehouse i november 14th 1040 editor of georgetown herald georgetown dear sir what is the matter with our county council is there no one in it who nzs th interest of the community at heart is there no one who cares bow the people are inconvenienced by faul ty administration of public utilities early in july road work was begun between the seventh line in esqueslng township and the village of lime- house all summer the road was we read in the papers that dick carroll is to coach the per gus thistles this year he was in georgetown a few years ago but he didn t fair so well and left rather a bad taste when he used the club for i a breach of a nan existing contract for back salary their training centre in canada far rell hinuelf a soldier in the last war win tell his brief history oi the prin cess pats for all friends of the fam ous regiment he wilt broadcast from ottawa to the national network lets face the pacta premier adelard oodbout of um province of quebec lewis mumlotd the brilliant american witter and au thor of the passive barbarian una pierre cosgraln of montreal two fa mous newspaper correspondents p j philip of the new york times and edward johnson of the canadian press ixmdonbureau and leonard w samplb copy on rl ulsl ftoc bv0w9c -i- snowbaka in hell fa so qhd have met awlmmtpbflolgood- mtv trtwfflmi b a fcfcblkftm coach tmnl tort jor ait trlay w it hwl nam mmfeuumm at w h low o thmm a spafkllnr new novel the opening installment ilustra- ted in color of this gripping serial story by i a r wytle renowned au thor starts in the american weekly with the november 24 issue of tine detroit sunday times and tells of the sco 000 000 glamour girl who played with love with astonishing results be sure to get the detroit sunday tunes army invaded bolton village were welcomed and treated to hot meal after their long march swinging along before a file edged i north wind the reinforcement com pany of the 48th highlanders on the march from camp borden to toronto captured the village of bolton without encountering resistance in fact the notice re voting on extension of term or councillors takejfloeftat en monday ttu second day of peoamber imp m ratepayers of georgetown win b astisd to vote on the question an you in favor ami a wtltiin wmwmmt pbor tj local oor- minunt bctenaton act imql of m wtmwtpal obunen alaotad for smi holding onto tar m tsrat gray coach lines before the khi of the pipes was heard over the rolling hills at the head of the village and the women of three churches the united presbyterian and anglican had a hot supper waiting for the marchers supper however was kept waiting while the marchers eased their feet seventeen miles from beeton yester day and the march from camp bor den to beeton on wyiy had made patches necessary on the pedal equip ment of more than a few of the men the march first of its kind to be carried out by a unit in training at camp borden had several trying fea tures the road according to the marching aoldlera is seventeen as the craw files from bolton to bee ton but as amy boots travel tt to several miles kmger and seems to get longer ami kmger and atffi longer as hnhnallt grit and slide anstyel and and when a gnawing chaotic mess but people put up with brocktnj rjc whl be the it thinking that nelwould come sstattk liextstx weeks on the ser in a reasonable length of time m f peote the order to widen the pp talks by distinguished men and women into properties which had formerly f m vntridriftors are presented s br l overfclatooal lork7bun- leaving an abrupt drop or rrom nmr am bq host and are ar te six feet driveways easy of ap- znii hv thw dtrector of pubuc da- proach before were left either wi m too narrow culverts or a grade which some cam found difficult to taking hi second gear the promise however was made that when the road was fin ished all would be well about the end of august the digging upyceased and th- road was left to settle sol we were told then cameuw rainy fall season to say that we experi enced a blitzkrieg of mud would be putting it too mildly the road be came a perfect pudding of mud which was capable or nicking any weight whatever like quicksand to even cross the road was almost an impos sibility cars which had to use the roatl wen along with a sort of figure eight motion or stuck entirely peo ple who ventured out after dark not only ruined their clothes shoes rub bers and stockings but also had aocl wind cuts across the back of the neck and attdea down the collar the road be- tt two yean it vote win be a f tsma ijsrca and pointed for the mnrawp n votea jafoa ft cptmue sc p b haiikfwow but there was nogrotsdng wham the company strode into bqtton ther was no swank but then wa sc flourish in the arrival nf the twooc paniea behind their band and marchers had scarcely slammed one1 two to a halt when the tlimfats began to extend a variety of wewwm a quarter of an horn later kilted yotmg bandsmen were riding but ion ed bicy cles up and down queen street with a burlesque pompoatty tha sle feminine vfdagers to wlndrowa and straining muscles in an effort avoid being stuck fast oathermgsl and entertainments either had to be called off or else were poorly attended j for after battling with the mud when j necessary no one was going to go out j when not necessary that is the situation and no relief in sight we know now that there is little chance of anything being done before winter sets in and the bpxms will bring a fresh onslaught of mud whose fault st is is a my cer tainly the men working on this road are not to blame they are only work ing under orders and have been very courteous and helpful when cam have stuck or had difficulty to passing tte road machinery but who baa given these orders that is the queetfcn tn everyone s mtodv why should we ha men at the head of our affairs wbo an capable of wmti j bungle of like ttust if the rest of th ec stratkm is carried on aobordtogsy 1 think it high time that w had a uc change in our owmop baftwe socli h j hke ttie ma this to take a drive across that road some day alter tt baa rained for a few boom i thmk he or they would be duly luipjia wttfa the fact that we ltaebottaettee have reason to be oodbout will apeak sunday november 34th at 990 pjn edbt a listens saves honey the farm broadcast saved me en ough money in one day to pay my ra dio licence for she years said a farmer recently in the martttmes variation of this statement have been heard from fanners in ontario too m refer ence to the farm broadcast for thai region the reason such broadcast saves the farmer money is because ik keeps him informed each day as b exactly how much he should get for hib produce consequently unscrupo- lous buyers are unable to buy facta products at lower prices than they an currently worth the ontario farm broadcas is h each weekd aft 130 pm edbt 1230 pjn bsd from toronto shortly after the opening 1 of this years northern messenger pr the pro- sontherners too hear norther thnnktng you for the apace to your tours truly grammes pen was deluged with evidence of the fea tures popularity both tn canada and the united states several tonem from good nelghboure over tte border wara interesting one fan from portland maine wanted to know more about canada s arctic was suipu tnat so many people lived tear round in reindeer land another brtehar fa michigan city ind h a lettar read to lonfr lost friend fiyd brawn u helpuh tnejwo old pa gat i toaott with each other for rlgbfe wmigw the gentleman in the western arotto w the former buddy of the lad m todl- ana cau from a c tan wifrabttnl west vhgtmav who ioat ealhd no to ay how much he md the monnanl mes a tna ime to talk about everything twu ttn aatamctoqt ontoome of jbejffftehaw to trw prow of his son and fiatr on tna footbas field dont forta mesaana rer the obo northern m aboqld b a sed care of tna outpocarttob 88 ybtft btreet toronto oanada and uafawd for the attentkm of northern messen ger the programme la beard frldaya at is 00 nildrilghtnfcirterndaynirjt sa ving time

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