fter the georgetown henu wednesday evening december 28th 1938 the name isabella like isabel tea long baan considered a form at xuxabeth meaning consecrated to god but it probably came origmav if from jezebel meaning conse crated to baal baal bemg the false god of the he one authority writes florence cowles in the cleveland plain dealer says joxc probably meant chaste or pure many are the royal womsn who have borne the name of taa- beba isabella of bavaria td 1435 wifa of charles vi of france did s tead hreabn repr nor did isabella wife of edward it of i d 1504 joint ruler with fsliiiairi of spain w the meet famous bearer of the nam m his tory tor she it was who legend says sold her jewels to raise money to finance cohxmbua voyage tolhe hew world isabella deste marchess of man tua fifteenth century was so charming that she was called the first lady of the world daughter of the earl of mar the orst wife of robert bruce than la a light brown color called isabella attar isabella of austria daughter of philip n who vowed not to change bar linen until ostend was captoxed but the siege lasted from 1601 to 1604 so wen enough c developed with th grantee car in none of the relatively meager fleoords of the constitutional con- aanlfawi is the literary authorship of any part of the constitution deftnite- lyetahlished awcrjts a writer in posed plans untfl a committee of de tail was appointed on july m 1787 consisting of john ruuedge of south oa edmund randolph of vir ginia nathaniel gorham of massa chusetts oliver ellsworth of con- ssctfcut and james wilson of penn- nrlvataa who on august 6 reported draft debate continued nniu sep tember 8 when a new committee ot style w named to ravisa the draft thto committee included wlbiam s johnson of connecticut alexander sarnllton of new york gouverneur lorris of pennsylvania james madison of virginia and rufus king aw massachusetts and they rep the draft in approximately its final dkurn on september 11 the actual literary farm is be lieved to be largely that of morris as indicated by the letters and pa pers ot madison and morris claim however in reality it waa de veloped slowly and carefully with sot a piece ot material included un tfl it had been ahaped and approved the preamble waa written by the committee on style khayyam bars is persia omar khayyam was born in or sear nishapur in khorassan persia an the eleventh century and died there about the year 1123 the khayyam in his name means tentmaker and was probably de rived from his fathers occupation omar waa well educated and be cause the outstanding mathemati cian of his time he wrote a stand ard work on algebra and was sum moned by the sultan to institute as tronomical observations on a larger scale and to aid him in his great enterprise of a thorough reform of the calendar his scientific fame is eclipsed by his poetical renown his rubaiyat or collection of about 500 epigrams in quatrain form being best known through edward fitz geralds translation carry xasng an back the large mute swan will carry seer young on her back this bird is very jealous of her territory and it is her custom in many districts to get her young away from the lake en winch they were bom she win srry them long distances while sw on a river or lake but arhen she goes overland they usually toddle behind her in single file baby possums are carried on the back of their mother in an ingenious rnan- ssr she bends her tail over her faacr and the eight or ten young sters curl their tails round that of their mother they have to hold on tightly for she win travel savough the forest snotot crfsftd to 0610 oou3kn tejlt yvjome ye after me and i win make you to hers of men mark 1 17 ue9b0n passactr john 1 m2 luke ft 111 man is no little thing that uke a bird in spring comes fluttering into life and out brio the darkness ot strong death the breath of ood is m him and his agelong being has a m and an end oar brother u pit the people who have never known the luxury or having a good brother ihey have missed one of the stost enrichments of life a playmate in childhood a fellow strag gler getting a vocational foothold a visitor to one home a counsellor in hfes great declsians a brother gives and receives an intimacy that spiritu alises life those who have had 3uch a winframhtp know the lack when the brother is called to higher ser vice no letters no telephone calls no visits no more jests or pleasan tries we is poorer when such i bunny partnership is ended the loss is all the greater when two brothers have been sharing partners in spiri tual experiences telling of then- vic tories and defeats and making avail able to one another an that they have found in christ it has bean said that blood is thicker than water and tier but it need not be nastier the m of birth and the h irf tlifr grid wljkmrm holy bonds in the disciple group there were two pates of brothers james and john andrew smupeter the mew testa ment gives much more space to peter than to andrew but it was andrew who mat ted fetor to christ 2ven before the disciples were chosen an- drewwajreadyensheroi men lafttfa new bsttoasag 4 peter may have had no thought whatever that life would ever hold any high destiny for him he prob ably expected the routine that he bad followed to continue to the end to morrow would be the same as today mending nets fishing caring tor the eaten collecting what money he sould bui audi uuu nj t jesus and life was never the same again for peter xt bad a new mean tag a new p a supreme lntar- peter was not transformed by any hope that he had for himself but by the hope that christ had for him it gave hhn fresh confidence to be told that he would become a man of rockllne strength and that his name would be changed from simon to cephas or peter a stone christ can reveal to us possibilities that we have never dared to see ourselves peter had tried to be a good fisher man but that was the limit of his after he met jesus his eyes began to behold far horisons bis soul awakened his inner life was quickened he was to see that his go far beyond and family interest and take on new social significance bis reli gious experience in the jewish faitn was to be irradiated with new light and purpose as he discovered the plan of ood to christ the day when an drew introduced his brother to jesus was the birthday of a new peter owe af the bhtas 1 3 any of the ships along the shore have served the purpose but chose to use peter boat was bis way ot strengthening the big doors swing on little hinges and a little personal touch of courtesy may have large re sults peter could hardly help feeling pride that his own boat was being used that boat would henceforth be more than a bit of equipment in the flab business christ had spoken from it at this time the boat was prob ably of more help to jesus than peter as yet peter had little be could say out of bis own experience but the time would come when peter would be doing the talking himself on the day of pentecost he address ed thousands and bis words had pow er peter life was to be a becoming through christ he was to become stronger wiser man tn this incid ent christ used the boat of peter but later peter ability to apeak to write to lead to die was to he laid upon the altar of service for christ a speak er invited to address a group of young people remarked under his breath to the chairman theyre a oomi tot- 6o were the dlectples when ji caned them but under the teaching of jesus they soon became uncom mon they became the apostlei qjuajt supfdah that hes your boy and white we sti to a fanciful mood lets supposene has suddenly become seriously m then imagine yourself to be in financial difficulties y income never more than 90000 a year has ceased altogether because the factory has shut down temporarily you rbink your little boy may be dying the doctor orders yon to r with him to the hospital or sick children you learn lts phwraionhr of the moat serious type that serums alone win cost over 40000 to ssy nothing of the special graduate nursing and expert medical attention required nor of the cost of hospitalisation itself could you be turned away because of this there is only one answer to this question it has been the answer of the hospital for sick children for 63 years a youngsters real need for hospital care and medical attention is the only ticket of admission required race creed or financial circumstances are not consid ered we know the people of ontario want it that way thia hospital has met every emergency which has developed during the 63 years of its existence it is t the c world for the success and efficiency of lta medical and nursing staffs and for the raw coat at which it is operated and who pays for this lmmanharian work the doctors give their time absolutely free v the ontario g pays 60c per patient per day and the patient or the patients munidpakty pays 175 on the same basis that leaves over 100 per patient per day of bare cost for which we must appeal annually to humane and generous crtixens tus hospital does not share in the funds collected by the federation for community service because patients are admitted from all over ontario thia year over 83000 00 la needed that means over ten thousand donations if they were to average 800 each or over twenty thousand averaging 4 00 certainly a staggering total so please make your gift as large as you possibly can if you cannot afford more remember that even a dollar bill helps pay for the care of somebodys baby kindly mail your donation to the appeal secretary 67 college street toronto we cannot afford to use any of our muchneeded revenue for canvassers or other organized effort to collect money x hospital for sick children 67 college street toronto space for this advertisement donated by the georgetown herald where wateut cmtersdlhur feeds the walnut caterpillar feeds on ghe leaves of various trees mclud- flnc walnut hickory beech oak wfl- pw and thorn apples the female gvposits about 300 or more egga on the under side of the leaf where the young hatch and do their feeding the larvae or caterpfllara have the habit of creeping down the- tree franks to masses when they are ready u molt whan they are fun hi the fan they enter the i to pupate where they pass t winter ovwateat master ef ceaatteraeaet the oerman composer johanu se- fcaitr bach leso1788 was as mailili gr master of the pstar earn raalj bssanat to teal unworthy to stay mat of this its bed seen ptotere at haaaev and m not law visitors to the sea of galilee sav that when the sun is shining in a certain direction shoals of flan may be seen from the shore whether this esplatna the unexpected catch of fish or not the tact remains that pater had toned an night and caught noth ing- and when he obeyed the wmhh of jesus there was such a catch that the nets broke and the ship was fill ed until it began to sink peter mmd fisherman though he was im mediately turned away from the fish ing trade and rocussed on his sms the presence of christ the words of jesus to the crowd and the personal attitude of jesus to turn made peter feel how ignorant coarse and wrong- mottved he had been and was peters word of pftfsonai congestion of etn- fnmeat vindicated the choice of jesus tn selacting una dnetote peter was morally sensitive m the presence of ctnistw g he became aware of bla os there is hope tor a personal evangelism he won the disciples and trained them o win others soul winning was not an optional part of his programme it was the e thing he chose men trained in the art of catching fish and set them apart for the higher art of catching men a new book on evangelism gives the opinions of flfty christian leaders about evangelism but it u cloubtod if this book ot several hundred pages says as much as jesus did in his brief word to peter pear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men in t bruad sense all christian work is evangel ism worship staging education missionary work done in the christian spirit are real evangelism but there must be mare personal eva catts for a suu all its own to be sensitive to spiritual need to hover over a soul like an aeroplane seeking to land to move into anothers life with truth olve and guided sugges tions to make a clear moral chal lenge to lead through to decision to provide fellowship for continuance that is soul surgery as skilled and scientific as brain surgery this is the work that christ has farus todo he taught his disciples how to do it we may learn from ctiriht how rre too may do it for imseasston 1 about whom do we know more peter or paul 2 how may a congregation organise for effective soul winning docs anyone envy the kditokt dont envy the editor is the edi torial advice of our upendcomlng young contemporary the port credit weekly in last weeks issue the writer who sounds this very sane but hardly we should think necessary warning reminds his readers of the difficulties of obtaining news for the paper when things are quiet and points to the worry which is the lot of the hapless editor in these barren easy yw to i raanat aesugfc akoi tm sorry x havent a dime the lady said as she handed the conduc tor a ten dollar bill dont worry madam he replied politely youre going to have 90 of them in a couple of minutes what the use of it all amid the old rooster leaning his head sadly against the barn door begs yetteri day chickens today fe dusters sjaoag am axexatry jasat ass picob we are mildly astounded and not a little a our contemporarys tion that a newspaper editor is an object of envyl especially when the paper which he edits happens to b of the small and stnajgung variety but apparently he has found it so for some unexplained reason per haps he i an extraordinary editor or the people in the community he serves have peculiar tastes which we are loath to believe for it is our experience nased on a tew years of observation of human be- ihgahebr ideals and aspirations that people do not envy editors their envious yearnings are l for more exciting and picturesque person ages people are not infrequently given to envying generals snd admir als artists explorers actors are of ten reg with envious foeunga by the undistinguished man of the mob some there are who envy soldiers sailors cowboys jockeys circus clowns and hoboes but an editor never unless he be the one in fort credit that this should be so is perfectly understandable what qualities are there pertaining to the editorial pro fession that would make the editors position coveted one he may tact he sometimes does enjoy a cer tain measure of esteem in the com munity he ser but his position offers none of the adventurous allure none of the rich monetary rewards none of the g trappings none of the gutter and mtement that commonly arouse the wistful longmgs of the mnkitade xda work as a rule to anwmltmg enough and fluad with annoyances aplenty the editor ot a amau paper must be hi constant touch with hat ownmanlrjta various aouvt ties wmoh means virtually that he must be on the job all the time taetther psmfuuy scratching tor x to nil the paper like our port credit mend or driven half to dietraotieu wondarmg vakera to put tt au be has to drat nsws out of want fegtve ft to athens nosa asvn tebxaik 100000 canadian furnacs 3a 2tad if satisfafftoh a fffljt owaxaaneeoverlooncaeadxmh ta ia jr2jhs3bi tor tn bmesb asoat croadmisaa e enjoyed order a ton today w h kentner son phone n dine coai ihf milp e k n nil very careful not to offend any one tn any item he publishes he must know enough about affairs municipal national and international to upon them intenigentiy or at least to appear to do so and when in the course of his writings upon many matters he makes a mis take as has been known to happen he must be prepared to stand up and take the blame of an tocenaed public so people need not be jealous of the editor we refrain however from eohomg our contemporarys solemn warning nothing wm con vtnee us ua t- beat lower flat of duplex tour jtiaasa a conveniences fireplace poaaaggam dec 13th apply phone b r la it wood for sale sxawbaaa and isama at jbbss t edoaodw tcacher of vkxjm sy ml attention to bcsjniwsib ladfridwl