Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1938, p. 2

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page the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 28th 1938 the georgetown herald motm no a j vl moore goiter ana fabusher a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town of george and surrounding country including the villages of glen williams norvml umehouse stewarttown ballmafad and terra cotta issued every wednesday evening at the office en main st georgetown qrjbsorgptxon ratios s1js0 per year in advance united states 60o additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per une for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or organisation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 28c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorlan notices soc and 10c per une extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small advertisements one inch or less 0c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion u display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be takento avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless i proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement the herald does job printing of all kinds- church giving i bought gasoline i went to the show i bought some new tubes for my old radio i bought candy and peanuts nut bars and ice cream while my salary lasted life sure was a scream it takes careful planning to make money go round ones method of finance must always be sound with habits quite costly its real hard to save my wife spent ten bucks on a permanent wave the church came round beggingr it- sure made me sore if theyd let me alone id give a lot more they have plenty of nerve they for get all the past for i gave them a quarter the year before last urge conservation policy with a view to stopping the indis criminate cutting of woodlots the norfolk chamber of commerce has passed the following resolution for submission to the ontario govern ment that the norfolk chanjber of commerce petition the ontario legis lature to enact legislation covering a definite county forestatlon and con servation policy for ontario that this policy include such clauses as to prevent wasteful cutting of immature timber creating fire hazards blow sand and erosion conditions that the provisions of such an act come into effect in only those counties which by resolution of the county council wish to accept it that provision be made for the appointment of a coun ty forester who will under the super vision of tbe reforestation committee of the county council enforce the act a retail and wholesale vendor of creamery butter in windsor ontario was recently fined 50 and costs for having in his possession for sale creamery butter in prints that were not correctly marked as to the grade of the product the wrappers were marked first grade but the actual quality of the butter was second grade as determined by the stan dards provided by regulations under the dairy industry act it is the responsibility of all those vending creamery butter to consume in ontario to have the butter marked to mdlcgtehecorrectgradoi l product in acocrdance with grade standards provided under the regula tions the terms used are first orade second grade third grade and below third grade the designation of grade must be placed conspicuously on the main panel of the package in order ihat consumers may readily see the parti cular grade offered for sale in the case referred to the quality of the butter offered as first grade was distinctly second orade hav ing a stale or old flavour and also being streaky ui colour first grade butter is always clean and sound in flavour and the colour even or true throughout the package a staff of trained men is maintained by the dominion department of agriculture ottawa whose duty it is to check constantly the quality of creamery print butter offered far sale in jie whoelsale and retail trade and to see that the grade terms used on the packages agree with the quality or grade of the butter therein changeable women are more en durable than monotonous ones how ever unpleasant some of their changes may be they are sometimes murdered but seldom deserted george bernard by betty barclay start theyear light by serving 8om new dish in the borne and diip2te this surprise each week youll be delighted with the results try the following dishes on your family and guest b macaroni with beef brliket macaroni is the hostess best friend in every season of the year for its economical bounty every one seems to like it try your luck with macaroni and beef brisket casserole 1 lb macaroni 3 stalks celery 2 small onions 1 small can tomatoes 1m lbs brisket of beef 2 carrots 1 clove garlic salt and pepper cover meat with cold water and add chopped celery carrots onions and garlic bofl meat until tender drain off and keep broth chop meat and vegetables cook maca roni la boiling salted water until tender drain place a layer of cooked macaroni in bottom of bak ing dish add a layer of chopped meat and vegetables and then a thin layer of tomatoes sprinkle with salt and pepper repeat finishing with macaroni season broth with pepper and salt and pour over mixture in baking dish bake in moderate oven 375 de grees for 1 hour serve hot note spaghetti egg noodles vermicelli or other forms of maca roni products may be substituted for the macaroni in this recipe li mas with sausage pound sausage 1 medlumslxed onion 1 cup cooked dried llmaa 1 cap tomatoes teaspoon chili dssapoon salt fry onion and sausage until well done add other ingredients and simmer for so minutes frozen egg nog 1 package vanilla arrowroot pudding 1 eapmflk tt cup granulated sugar cup sherry 1 cup cream whipped mix vanilla arrowroot pudding with milk bring to boll ulirrlng constantly roraove from fire add egg yolks mixed with sugar cool add sherry egg whites stiffly beaten and whipped cream mix well and pour into freezing trhy freeze quickly about 34 hours makes about 1 quart coconut pineapple macaroons v cup sweetened condensed milk 2 cups shredded coconut 1 cup crushed pineapple pew grains salt blend together sweetened con- denned milk shredded coconut crushed pineapple and salt drop by spoon fu 1b on well buttered bak ing sheet 1 inch apart bake in moderate oven 3b0 f 10 minutes or until a delicate brown- remove from pan at once makes about 30 peppermint ran netcustard 1 package raspberry rennet powder i pint milk pound peppermint stick candy crush candy into one crumbs and let stand in milk in refrigerator for one hour make rennetcustard according to directions on package using the peppermint and milk mix ture instead of plain milk when ready to herve garnish with choco late sauce or whipped cream and sprinkle with crushed peppermint candles if desired lemon refrigerator caka 24 marshmallowb cut fine and soaked 30 minutes in 1 ptnt whip plug cream 2 tablespoons gelatine softened g minutes in m cup cold water 1 cups sugar brought to a boll with 1 cups water add sugar syrup to gelatine mix ture add cup lemon juice cool when beginning to stiffen fold la msrsbmallows and ereem which have been beaten stiff poor into an 8 or 9tnch sprtafxbnn lined with 18 to u tadytecers serves ii whatfs in a name by 8ehene bebq f t was the ideal the romantic set ting a garden the mnn the girl ihe harvest moon of august what more could one want you know its queer but my fa vorite name has always been sally nnd you are my favorite girl it sort of gdes together rpnlly then shyly yes it uesfit my favorite name has al ways been jack u doessecm as though when two people find they like each others name best that thoy fall in love and get engaged it is strange i never proposed under the same cir cumstances before sally looked annoyed no i nev er accepted anyone in such case wither but of course this one is very very different jock very different sally dear and we have only a week left sighed jack and made the most of his opportunity the week passed in a flush as weeks do when one wants them to linger isnt it darling said sally to myra one day as a sort of introduc tion to the more important fact jack woods told me his favorite name was sally hum myra gave a little skep- short short story complete in this issue tica sneer that sounds like him uast year hetold marlon thhtne thought her name was the prettiest in the world and two years ago he told me myra was his favorite name if you think that is dar- ling- sally smiled bravely arent peo ple funny while this conversation was tak ing place jack was trying to de cide whether or not to tell bob white the glad news funny thing he remarked sally told me she thought that jack was the nicest name that whatt yelped bob she sprang that on you too say not so long ago she told me robert was her ideal name and shes told bill graham and larry march the same thing too its about time she got a new line to spring this ones old that night jack and sally met again in the garden i suppose wed better say our fond farewells now since i leave early in the morning before respec table young ladies like you are up yes said sally quietly weve certainly had an awfully good time playing round havent we its been jolly good fun having you here only i wish you hadnt had so many favorite names what are you talking about you were rather generous with them yourself goodby jack in a small voice but goodby sally and they parted six months later as sally who had been doing a lot of thinking about jack lately rushed around a windy corner she bumped into a young man hurrying in the opposite direction it was jack sally how are you gee but its good to serf you again why jack what are you doing here i thought you were miles away i was but you see 1 came to see the girl whose nnme i like best really who is she this time jack had the grace to blush you of course whats your favorite name now honestly its stewart and the only stewart i know of is uncle stewart a grouchy old crab they both laughed mine said jack is jane but the only jane i ever met was a funny old wash woman sally i really love you you know do you care of course was the happy re ply many people going by wondered why those two young folks didnt do their lovemaking in the house rather than on a windy corner perhaps if they had read the marriage inten tions the next morning they would have understood improved tone on vx apple market the apple market- in the united kingdom has developed n improved tone with possftulty of eagfthentng demand for good stock w b cor nell canadian fruit trade obmmli- aloner reports to the depa of trade and commerce that there was an unexpected upward swing in values for nova scotlan fruit of sound and attractive qualify which may be the forerunner of a general improvement in regard to ontario apples he re ports that the demand continues fair ly steady but except f the best packs of the most popular varieties a slight recession in values has de veloped indications are that the supply of boxed british columbia ap ples will be limited under these circumstances the prospects for bri tish columbian fruit may be consid ered tather bright and can be ad versely affected only by the develop ment of an exorbitant movement from the united states under the reduc tion of duty arising from the anglo- american trade agreement the re duction in duty however is appreci ably offset at the present time by the adverse rate of exchange but any im provement in the financial situation will tend to make the trade more attractive colors of planets the smaller planets mercury venus and mars are believed to have a solid surface composed of rocks very similar to those of the earth mercury is stated by some observers to have no perceptible supply of water but the two other planets have water and ice on parte of their surface the larger planepj jupiter saturn uranus and nep tune are not solid but- appear as balls of cloud which may have solid or liquid nuclei the ruddy color of mars to the observer is due to the red surface of much of that planet but there are also dark markings which show a seasonal variation in color the planet pluto also has an apparent redness suggesting a thin atmosphere and a surface of low reflecting powers venus has a sil very brilliance while mercury la more inclined to redness saturn is yellowish uranus pale green and jupiter shows a variety of colors with reddish ones conspicuous a hot dogfxantfurter sausage usually m a split rou with a slpper- fastener was demonstrated at the na tional association of retail meat dealers convention at milwaukee wisconsin it has square instead of round ends and was streamlined times abe tough nearly 100 million dollars was spent in the liquor stores of canada during the past year of which ontario ac counted for onehalf also hi one year canadians smoked 68 biulon cigarettes worth at one cent each 68 million dollars also 123 million clgfvrv and bet 21 million dollars at race tracks it all seemed to add up to the fact that times are certainly very hard forest standard passengers for toronto pa sundays only going west passenger and mall passenger and mail ajb pja passenger sunday 11 j saturdays only leaving toronto u30 pm arriving at georgetown 1235 am first trip november 8th going north mall and passenger 646 ajk going south mall and passenger cm pja farmers wife if you cant sleep count sheep fanner i did that last night i counted ten thousand sheep and put them in cars and shipped em to mar ket by the time rd figured up mv losses it was time to get up and miik boy leaves hospital under his own power after four long years lads parents dont pav question how about it now dont j i the doctors and hospital make some cent t or expert lare of this back from the private patients who can afford to pay and treatment would it be news he asked that out of the 434 beds in the hos- elghtyearold jim has gon back pha tor sick children 414 are ia to the nor countnalter four years public wards we had 9000 patients mtry ail ifors in the hospital for sick children last year and leasthanfi vaporcent toronto he walked out carrying of these were private patients i handbag four years earlier when he was hardly more than a baby us parents mad the long j oumeydftwjlto to ronto bringing jim with them thr appeared in the outpatients -clinic- they need and its not unusual or at the hospital for sick children and told the doctor that jiro had a sore back as they do with thousands of other patients every year the doctori at the clinic gave the little boy a thor ough examination some of the ablest physicians and surgeons in toronto were there they took x- rays made blood tests and sec tions and found that jim had a tubercular spine they took him upstairs and put him to bed while his father and mother stayed around i few days and then went back up lcrth privately the doctori thought that jim had scarcely a chanceto get bet ter but they worked over him un ceasingly turned loose all the magic of modem medicine tor four long years while the little boy ticked off bis birthday well it worked jim did get bat ter and he walked out of the hos pital with a strong back set on two sturdy legs hes up home again in the bush country of northern on tario parents didnt pay cent and because todays hospitals are organized in an especially marvellous way jims parents didnt pay a single cent for the four years of ex pert care and treatment his muni cipality paid the hospital for sick children the public ward rate of 175 a day for every day the sick youngster was laid up and the on tario government paid the statutory rate of 60c but it cost the hospital at least 100 a day more than the 335 the hospital for sick chil dren invested 140000 of its own money in jims recovery they do things like that every day in the week the doctors who looked after jiro for four years donated their services as they are continually doing for helpless young sters who come to them with bad tonsils poor eyes weak chests hereditary diseases and a hundred other ailment broken bones come in for setting babies who arent feeding properly and older children whose teeth havent been attended to since they wre born are looked after the biggest men on the hospitals staff carry on their dally clinic in the morning diagnose troubles and give the delicate operations and care to those who are already in hospital last year for instance the highly skilled physicians and surgeon on the staff of the hospital for sick children gava free of charge mora than 40000 hours of their valuable time put a value on it say 500 an hour which is too little and you have mora than 300000 worth of medical services given away la taste hospital host of public wards joseph bower supermtaodeat of the hmpltal listened alartly to the a public hospital and like every public hospital we are re quired by law to accept any patient w comes to our doors in need of treatrnentwe give them evi the hospital to furnish from 300 to 400 worth of serum to a single pa tient suffering from pneumonia whatever the cost to us we get only our regular allowance of s235 a day per patient some serums are given free to the hospitals by the provincial depart ment of health the others not on the free list must be paid for pretty obvious then that the hospital has to make up its operat ing loss some other way this is the reason for the regular annual appeal to humane and chari table citizens for donations the outpatients clinic was crowd ed by pj0 this morning waiting room and corridors were filled with parents rid children from infants to adolescents several hundred coma here every day many from outside toronto of all the hundreds of fathers and mothers wbo brought in their ailing youngsters a few who could paid 50 ceitts there might be bills a llttu higher for xray and other special work but the majority paid less and many nothing at all look closely into the heart of the hospital for sick children and jou find not only kindness and superb skill but an organization that li almost unique in the world it is a childrens hospital for everyone la ontario drawing its patients from every municipality even to the farth est corner of the province 100000 visits a year there is no statutory provision for establishing an outpatients de partment in any hospital said mr bower but municipalities through out the province have come to real- lie the importance of our out-pa- tienu department since a very large proportion of the patients treated there would otherwise be occupying beds in the hospital and that would result in a much increased financial load for the municipalities so there is one reason for the size of the great dally clinic which hunts out the ills of thousands of young sters and results in upwards of 100000 visits a year the hospital for sick children does not share in the funds collected by the toronto federation for com munity service because patients are admitted from all over ontario over 8300000 is needed this year to meet the unavoidable deficit even small gifts are not only wel comed and appreciated but ara the hospitals assurance from the people of ontario that they should continue tha great work of serving sick and crspplsd cfaudnd without regard as to race creed or financial clrcurn- ycwr ft should be mailed to the appeal secretary the hospital for sick children 17 couega street to- rente run outhms asiaaaa 55t jacksonville g new orleans lqs angeles to40 gray coach lines cnr time table ikmtm sq s n gray coach lines time table effective sunday september zstfc leave georgetown to toronto a 708 ajn 028 am 1148 ftjn c 223 pjn 4j8 pin 648 pjn 903 pmv westbound to london 935 ajn xll20 ajn xos pjd cx2j5 pjn ay445 pjn 7joo pjn oooo pjn djtll05 pm erll50 pjo a except sun and hoi b sun and hot o sat only d except sat sun and hol e sat sim and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long os m directory lebor dale fux m sybil bennktt bjs barrlstefs and souettero rwngotwim ontario office gregory theatre bldg wit bs kenneth m langdon banister solicitor notary 1 plrst mortgage money to loan office main street soutb phone 88 ge p r watson dd8 hjds georgetown office hours 0 to s except thursday afternoons dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to s evenings 7 to 0 phone 2z4w georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the comities of peal and halt prompt service walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate main st north geor 183 v monuments pollock ingham successors to cater a worth gait ont designs on request phone sou inspect our work a greenwood j cemetery new silver dollaanp tores newlstamps to commemorate the visit of kins george and queen elisabeth to can ada next spring the canadian gar eroment will issue a new silver dol lar bearing the kings bead and n postage stamps to the kimjsgroiiput the green onecent stamp tn bfjtf the features of the royal elisabeth and margaret htm brown two cent stamp win the national war menwrial at ot tawa which hu llajeiw will on next may wmto ilk tttnt f king and mimrkwifl 1 red threa osot k signs win fat on h

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