ftge8 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 21 t 1936 used car values below are listed a few of our used cars thoroughly condition ed for winter driving sedans 1938 chrysler royal 2 1937 plymouth deltuce 1937 dodge custom 1s37 terraplane deluxe 1936 plymouth 7 passenger 1936 chrysler 1935 graham paige 1934 dodge 1934 chrysler airflow 1938 graham 1931 buick 192s plymouth coaches 1938 chrysler royal 1937 buick 1937 plymouth 1937 terraplane 1937 pontine 1936 ford 1933 pontlac 1933 ford 1934 plymouth coupes 1937 buick 1935 terraplane 1935 plymouth 1934 ford roadster 1933 terraplane 1930 ford 1909 ford 1928 dodge trucks 1937 ford 3 ton platform 1935 chev 1 ton platform 1936 ford 14 ton platform 1935 international tt ton panel 1934 ford 2yard dump hydraulic hoist 1934 ford 1 ton panel 1934 o m c tractor hetternan motor car georgetown hep speights oarage nkffs and information fob tim wtcy dry bean crop dry bean yields are substantially better than was anticipated earlier owing to the excellent growing weath er during the fall in huron county a period of met weather caused dis coloration and in some cases sprout- ins but in other counties the quality is for the most part good the aver age yield per acre is reported at 229 bushels and total production of 1366000 bushels as compared wrth 193 bushels per acre and a total crop of 1105700 bushels in 1938 the price being paid ranges from 95 cents to 1 00 per bushel at the farm for white pea beans the apple crop the 1938 apple crop harvested un der most favourable conditions and afltuft than urn if 1 is estimated at 831560 barrels or 12 higher than the 748300 barrels harvested in 1937 an increase of 40 in the eastern ontario crop more than offset a 23 decline in western ontario fall de mand has been particularly good in all channels of trade domestic and export fresh markets and processors with average prices holding firm and not showing the draggy conditions ex perienced in the fall of 1937 most of the cold storages in western ontario are now filled to capacity and season al packing for export is well advanc ed in eastern ontario notwith standing an unusually heavy move ment during october for both domes tic markets and export large quanti ties of starts have been packed in shredded oil paper and shipped to montreal cold storages earmarked for export later as the cold storages in eastern ontario are filled next seasons chicks now that most laying flocks are housed for the winter or are soon to be housed the next important thing to consider is next seasons chick flock too early not at all it is good practice to plan out poul try operations for the entire year as far as posssuethls- permits start ing the chicks at the proper times so that uniform income may be obtained throughout the year now is a good time to begin think lng about this and getting information that will help deckle when and where to buy chicks for the coming season a definite decision in this matter cannot 6 course be made at the- present time but it is a good plan to write to different hatcheries and breeders asking for their catalogues price lists and any other infonna lion that is desired this gives an opportunity to- compare the offers of the various hatcheries and breeders from which a selection may be made and orders placed at the proper ume it is none too early to start writing for information the crop the 1938 crop of potatoes in on tario is estimated at 7 428 700 ewt as compared with 10430500 owl in 1937 this years production is 36 7 per cent less than last year and one of the lowest per acre yielding crops on re cord the quantity of marketable potatoes is lower than total produc tion due to losses in storage from rot the development of late blight rot in the late crop was spotted in that some districts suffered to a greasr extent than others the earlier ma turlng varieties such as cobbler warba chippewa and katadln es caped damage from late blight rot on account of the foliage being more mature or dead before the attack came which was during the month of september while some districts re ceived a killing froston sept 6th which destroyed the green foliage and prevented late blight from be coming established this reduced the yield in these areas but potatoes of good keeping quality were harvested growers are discarding as well as possible the infected tubers and mar ketlng the better portion of their crop a further development often occurs and much dissatisfaction is experienced by dealers and consumers there are however large buantltss of ontario potatoes free from dis ease and of good keeping and cooking quality to a great extent these po tatoes are being held for marketing later when higher prices are expect ed potatoes of this quality are now bringing about 25 cents per bag pre mium over stock that has a percent age of disease reports from the provinces east of ontario state that a considerable portion of the crop wul be discarded on account of the lau blight rot the yield in eastern provinces was reduced by unfavoable weather conditions the market shows a strong tendency and higher prices are expected in the early partrof loao boy said blgfoot sampson dd you evah walk five miles to git some chicking meat and when you got toj de hencoop you fine de white folks is planted a bear trap a spring gun an a bitln dawg nevah has nothln lak dat happer to me but ahse had a heap wuss things happen whut demanded blgfoot once in de ahmy ah done talked back to a fust sarjlnt faygsef christmas tree light sets 45c up doll prams 8 9 tricycles 89 metal wagons 35 wooden wagons 250 675 boots and skates 259 p hockey sticks 25c 10 hockey gloves 265 p shin guards 95c p toboggans 250 475 sleighs 45c p skis 175 p skl boots 475 a 500 pyrex ovenware reduced 30 so per cent electric grblletes 295 695 jelectric toasters 150 electric irons 150 sunbeam automatic electric iron 995 silex coffee- makers 99 electric foodmixer 1495 heating pads 59 bed lamps 295 carving sets 2 10 knife and fork sets 350 kitchen clocks 8d 300 alarm clocks 125 iim you cant do any thing better than to see our displays of xmas articles suitable for every person on your list suggestions for him just what i need a jasmine shaving set 135 surprise him with a new gladstone bag folly equipped 1750 make his a gift worth while electric razors 8042000 if he smokes make his gift cigars or cigarettes fancy boxed make hun happy with a genuine leather wallet individually boxed 49c 300 suggestions for the home a useful and practical gift electric heating pad guaranteed no badto 495 you will always enjoy these playing cards stnrle and double deck 50c to 200 xmas tree decorations xmas dinner isnt complete without xmas crackers 49c every home should have bathroom scales guaranteed 5 yearn 495 xmas candy neilson jenny lind annie laurie all fresh stock 50c below we listing just a few of our many offer ings for this year suggestions for her to really pieather give adrienne gift sets 100 to 750 something to write home about gift stationery 25c to 300 here is a gift that is sure to please shaeffer pen sets 250 1400 her when she see a jasmine gift set 100 1000 she would love one of our beautiful toilet sets mirror brush and comb 595 995 you cant go wrong on yarley gift sets 100 1000 your goodwill that intangible invisible asset has been the pride or our store for many years we hope to continue throughout 1 939 earning your good friendship and patrdnage merry christmas robbs drug store phone 76 the rexall store georgetown t sunbeamhelectric shavemaster 1675 fancy dishes odd cupsand saucers westinghouse radios refrigerators we wishone and all a flferr christinas ware we deliver w c t u the december meeting of the wc t u was held frl dec 9lh at balllna fad when mrs duncan ferguson wel corned to her home the members or the oeorgetown union as well at se veral balllnafad friends of the tern perance cause mrs a ft vannattfr the president occupied the chair the devotional period conducted by mrs a reeve had for its keynoi the christmas message behold i bring you good tidings of great joy for unto you is born this day a savl our harmonizing with this christ mas meditation mesdames vannotter and wrtgglesworth added a beautiful message in song entitled no room in the inn and mrs a o foreman led in prayer the address of the afternoon given by mrs j p sutcllffe on the subject slavery presented in an interest lng way many original thoughts the speaker pointed out that slavery is typical of all the evils which afflict mankind dr endlcott a former moderator of the united church of canada travelling over the old clave routes of africa in the steps of living stone said had any doubt existed in my mind of the power of christianity to overcome every evil hi the world no matter how deep rooted the reflec tion that human slavery has been out lawed would banish- the doubt vans inhumanity to man still makes countless thousands mourn but as we look back through history we note the gradual loosening of the bondage of ignorance and evil from which our saviour came to deliver men there are two kinds of slavery i that imposed from without and that which we impose upon uuieelia we are apt to tie enslaved by custom habit environment ete and recogni tion of and obedience to truth alone annate ua free slav to th de- 1 air tor wealth la the uudeilrtog oame of the tad tat ustoor and drop which protts mjmjjh the aetf4mpos atar- dtjf of ttfmttw and wnndn to ode um or fashion the umfctt vtth rttrttnt pw te n we send to you our 9 reetinqsf may your way be gay your pleas ures unending your christmas a merry one your new year a prosper ous one these are our wishes for yes for o all we want ts yoar continued friendship and patronage this is tyers milk products phone 162 georgetown tlans to unite in erfusal to submit to the dictatorship of the liquor trade reminding us of the saying tne liquor traffic would do away with he church if it could and the church could banish the liquor evil if it would upon request the press secretary mrs c b dayfoot reported re the petition circulated in the community in protest against the establishment of a brewery warehouse in oeorge town she stated that a weuatgned petition was complete and that the committee were now awaiting word from mr blakatook mjla for hal- ton who bad promised to notify the deputation as soon aa ho in obtstntnv tor them an interview with the uouor oonnlsslaner lfr odette we have ur butkelmks aa- suranoa that no action m the mttterl itt m the m l s taken m ophocuton to our protoat at to ek br tot ihaflant halfhour provided through tnl ness of our hostess m serving the cup that cheers but not mebriatas mrs r h wright expressed the thanks of the gathering to mrs fer guson mrs sutcllffe and to all others through whose help and cooperation this pleasant and profitable gather g had been made possible it is plbttned to hold the january meeting at the home of mr a speight ouelph st after october rh dffleas tow as- wrptod by dah btitsn and aoacttora te hbwaa jmwls