Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1938, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 13th 1938 t thm georgetown herald sabacrtauea bate 81 m per year in advance united states mo additional single copies 3s both old and new addresses should he given when change of address is requested adverusmc bates legal no tices 12c per line for first in sertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in blaok face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments so ciety church or organization meetings etc 8c per line mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted tree in memoriam notices 50c and 10c per line extra for poems birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertlsements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each subsequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the under standing that it will not be liable for any error in any ad vertisement published hereun der unless a proof of such ad- vertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly sign ed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plain ly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such adver tlsement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the hole space occupied by such advertisement j m moore publisher phone 8 georgetown the life fob which i long when on my day of life the night is falling and in the winds from unsunned spaces blown i hear far voices out of darkness call ing my feet to paths onknown thou who hast made my home of life so pleasant leave not its tenant when its walls decay 0 love emvlne o helper ever present be thou my strength and stay suffice it if my good and 111 unreck- oned and both forgiven through thy abounding grace 1 find myself by hands familiar beck oned r unto my fitting place- some iitlmble door among thy many mansions some sheltering shade where sin striving cease and flows forever through heavens green expansions the river of thy peace there from the music round about me stealing i fain would learn the new and holy song and find at last beneath thy trees of healing the life for which i long john greenleaf whlttier the terrible tories there is a story going the rounds at present which whether true or not should be good for a laugh it was up in northern ontario where the grits had a special stronghold the teach er said who gave us our wonderful highways johnny s hand went up mitch hepburn who gave us our fine bridges again johnny an swered mitch hepburn who gave us cheaper license plates so that we all might drive a car and johnny piped up mitch hepburn changing the theme the teacher said who gave us the beautiful green trees and the lovely spring flowers this time the ministers son answered god johnny turned in his seat gave the youngster a dirt took and said gwan e dirtj tor are you sore your eyes see correctly 1 have you seen the new rimless mounting t no screws to loosen and cause wobbly lenses less breakage of uwg thus saving yon money our price is the same as city prices o t walker ro optometrist eyesight specialist brampton who ta at bobbs drug sxobb georgetown the ne4 wednesday of every btontn or yew may oanamh o t walker at nb office la b expert watch repairs by j h jordan georgetown phone 11 lane block muriel watson used to worry about bobs fre quent trip to the raw edge of civiliiation to mining towns and construction camps where life was rough and comforts few now he t her and the children from each new location cheering them and himself in the process after all he muses youe never oat of mlixa- tion as long at you hare the telephone umtm ulijlm mil hnrf mi law l ims 1 md it k mfkui i crop report below will be found a brief synopsis of telegraphic reports received at the head office of the bank of montreal from its branches under date of july 7th general good growth and absence of any major setbacks cont to characterize the progress of the crops throughout the dominion in the prairie provinces where early sown wheat is now heading out over wide areas well distributed rains have been beneficial and crops on the whole are making good progress under fav ourable growing conditions in south ern and central saskatchewan and ovet a large part of alberta stands ot wheat are heavy in southern man loba an infection of stem rust has appeared but it is not serious at pre sent while in parts of saskatchewan grasshoppers are active and causing some damage in quebec all crops are showing satisfactory growth a better than average crop of hay is being cut and the crop of canning peas is up to average while potatoes and other roots as well as tobacco are doing well in ontario crop pros peels generally are excellent the hay crop is a good one fall wheat is approaching maturity in promising conditio canning crop prospects are satisfactory and tobacco is making excellent process while fruit tree fields are expected to be slightly be low average in the maritime prov inces grains are progressing satlsfac torlly hay prospects are good and potatoes and roots well advanced for the season in british columbia dry weather has resulted in below average lelds of early hay and potatoes but recent intermittent rains in most dls lricts and lour days of heavy rain in the cariboo and kamloops districts have been beneficial to all crops good yields of tomcoes and vegetab les are in prospect and tree fruit yields close to average are indicated pro- ince of ontario favourable growing conditions continue and crop prospects generally are excellent hay liu nears completion a satisfactory crop of good quality is being stored fall wheat is filling well an earlj har vest is expected spi ing grains arc well headed prospects are promising corn and roots are making satlsrac lory progress canning crops are in tood condition earl potatoes are being marketed from southern sec tioiis slightlj below aerage jlelds of tree fruits are forecast recent lains have been beneflcal to pastures v htch are in nood condition pros iktts are fivoiable for i good ield of alsike seed tobacco plants gener all hat i made exctlljetit pi ogress al though some unevenness is apptrcnt due to laie replantlngs v ith the completion of the main hingar and thl two stoiej admlnut trat on bul ding general staffs and icchniclms of he trans canada air lines a win pr hae been trans ie red f n tenpoiar offices to their jcrna tm qjarters when taxi strips from the mi in runwajs of the airport are computed aircraft will be moved in still under construction are part or tli machine shop the engine test house and several concrete aprons another t c a hangar is being built at lethbridge alberta reaping the benefit of the exper ience of the united states and eur opean airlines whose hangars often have proved inadequate as larger aircraft came into use t c a offic ials designed both winnipeg and lethbridge hangars with an eye to the future winnipeg hangar space can be doubled if necessary giving a clear opening ot 200 feet or sufficient to handle any kind of aircraft likely to be uaed in the canadian service the main hangar of brick con struction and with steel framework supportlig huge areas of glass on two sides is large enough to accomodate four of the lockheed 14 s at one time together with smaller aircraft inter esting features of the building include the large blower sstem or heating units illumination by high intensity mercury vapour lamps and highpow ered mercury lamps and the electric allyoperated doors these doors ot glass and steel make up the entire south wall of the nangar and will op en in 40 seconds to leave an unob structed opening 27 feet high and 100 feet wide across the face of the nan gar each of the four door units is dh lded into two sections the lower of which alone will permit the pas sage of a lockheed 14 on the first floor of the adminis tration building is the modern wait ing room with corner windows which permit a full view of the airport in conjunction will be a post office and the ticket offices assembly and en gineering rooms the accountancy of fice and accomodation for the link trainer also are provided for the second floor will be devoted to de partment of transport offices weath er bureau and radio rooms and offices of the executives equipment in the machine shop in cludes the most recent developments in ventilation and devices to cast off fumes and metal particles emanating from certain overhaul operations but the house said nat a farmer had an old blind horse which had outlived lta usefulness one day the horse fell into a well and the farmer found him there standing knee deep tn the water there was no way to get him out and as both tho horse and the well were useless the farmer decided to fill the well up and leave the horse buried in it he shov elled dirt into the well as rapidly as he oould but the horse was not rertdy to be burled alive when the dirt be gan to pour tn on him he shook it off and kept treadlx on the dirt un der bis feet gradually the well til led up and the horse at the sunrume rose higher and higher until he was able to step out and walk away to the pasture the moral oh yes tt is this none of us can be buried under hard times discouragements and wor ries unless we are willing to be buried deborah emergency leadership internatlonl uniform sunday school july 11 1938 golden text who knoweth whether thou art come to the king dom for such a thing as this esther 4 14 lesson passage judges 4 19 1214 the summer days are come again once more the glad earth yields her golden wealth of ripened grain and breath of clover fields and deepened shade of summer woods and glow of summer air and winging thoughts and happy moods of love and joy and prayer samuel longfeupw a woman as judge 14 for a period of four hundred years the israelites were governed by rulers called judges in the catalogue of notables the name of one woman ap pears that of deborah she was a prophetess able to read the signs of the times and express them in song and poetry she was a wife but lap pidoth s only title to fame is that he as the husband of deborah she did not think that her place was in the home for her nation had been oppressed under slsera for twenty years and the mtn were content to endure the humiliation deborah be came the leader of those who chafed under the foreign yoke she held court in the open air under a palm tree and the children of israel came up to her for justice her qualiflca lions for office a ere her ability to think to lead to impart her patriot ism to others she gained great in fluence over the israelites just as joan of arc in later years was able to rally thi frerch perhaps her actions ere criticized as un ladylike but her brave spirit transcended convention ahtles teaching lourajce to a general 59 barak ncehes honorable mention tn the roll call of heroes in the eleventh chapter of hebrews a distinction hich he owis wholly to deborah x lacked initiative to strike a blow preferring to be daunted bj difficul s rather than risk all for liberty il rebukt of his pusillanimous spirit me from a woman one who was not warrior nt all she sent him a mis siigi that was the equivalent of the ptesemation of a white feather she predicted that sisera would be drawn to the nvu kishom there to be deflated with hls chariots and his multitude eien after this challenge and prediction barak displaced gen ral cowardice stotiru that he would not go without dtborah thi general idmltied his med of deborah s pres once to kipp up hls courage there is biting satin in her answer i will ur h go with thee notwithstanding lu journey that thou lakest shall not be for thine honour for the lord shall sell slsera into the hands of a oman shamed into action by ner taunts barak resolved to strike credit for this determination is due to de borah barak merely followed men and women deborah was one of those rare women whose souls burn with en thus lasm and holy purpose when the hearts of men are abject and de pendent woman has taken her share of the worlds work in the do mestlc circle she has been queen mother nurse and teacher some times her voice has been heard and her counsel prized in the national a rena as queen she has reigned with firm nerve and clear sagacity in many a land there is no doubt that our age has begun to think in a fresh sense of the human race as two equally balanced or normal halves with due respect each for the other we are enquiring what is the special intellectual and spiritual purpose of the division of mankind into men and women our problem is not a man problem or woman problem but a world problem the race can only be brought to its highest level through the freedom and the full opportunity of development of women as well as urges cost study fob j automobile owners w- c cowling tleerrwldeat ot willysoverland motor inc say operating costs are vital keep a record of fuel and oil oosts is the recommendation of w c cowling vicepresident of willys overland motors inc to automobile owners it will serve as a guide to more enjoyable motoring he contends and will not only be an effective aid in showing how to get the most en joyment out of the car but will also help in determing what fuel and oil to use many willys owners start with a simple bookkeeping record of the cost per mile for driving their cars they simply jot down the mileage on the speedometer whenever they buy fuel or add lubricating oil after a few weeks thjs form of accounting for money spent per mile for driving becomes an interesting part of their use of their car it not only serves to check per formance but is also a definite pointer to the quality of materials used and the precision or engineering a good check on the actual mile age producing factor of various types of fuel can come from a close record of not only the mileage but the grade and type of fuel purchased the same is true of lubricating oils a glance at the runningnrecord of the performance of the car will also serve to indicate whether or not car buretor or fuel pump or oil pump ad justments are necessary there are willys owners who state that it costs them about 70 cents to drive 100 miles or slightly less than three quarters of a cent a mile with ave passengers in the car they are getting these low opera t ing costs with standard grades of fuel and are able to plan on the costs for trips they may want to make with their car an excellent guide when buying a niw car is a record of the perform ance of that particular make of car as it relates to fuel and oil consump tion this is particularly true when the choice is between a used car or a new car the average owner drives from 10 000 to 12 000 miles a year willys ow ners find themselves definitely planning on covering this mileage at a cost for fuel andoil of around 70 00 and this is a ibnire they consider when they plan to purchase theii new car modern motherhood motherhood marks the climax in gods creative activity it is gods own masterpiece in the olden days it cradled human life tn the home and fashioned and furnished that spot into the likeness of heaven now in these later days that cradle and nur sery have been expanding the ac tivities and interests of the home have been transferred into other regions notably into the factory and the school the relationships of the fam ily have been interwoven with other families so generally and so intimately that all social and public interests have become family interests thus tt happenax that the modem mother follows her offspring into the wider arena and is finding channels through which the mothering impulse can reach the whole community life to cleanse tt and sweeten it and make it a fit breedingplace for a race of modern heroes certain circumstan ces in public life today are god s clear call for warmhearted and coolhead ed womanhood wooaen in the cbarch prom this incident a discussion might be started as to the scope of women in military affairs of their courage there is no doubt witness the fortitude of nurses and women in general in bombed areas clearly de borah shows that ability ianot limited to one sex it would also be fitting to mention what public men owe to the tmrteognieed assistance of their wives but let the emphasis of the lesson be laid upon the place of wom en in the church it was deborahs faith in god that gave her such con fidence and courage hath not the lord god commanded isnot the lord gone out before thee her hymn of triumph began praise ye the lord should not the fidelity of women in religion shame the men in to greater activity barak fought spurred on by the example of a believ ing woman can fullgrown men be content to have their religion rem in the wlfes name it is certain that an ever increasing opportunity will be open to women in religious essay on a cow a friend who has his own ideas about cos has sent in the following description which covers the ground prittv well he doesn t claim that it is original thi cow is a female quadruped with an alto voice and a countenance in which there is no guile she collabor ates with the pump in the production of a liquid called milk provides the filling for hash and at last is skinned by those she has benefited as mortals commonly are the young cow 1 called a calf and is used in the manu facture of chicken salad the cows tail is mounted aft and has a univer sal joint it is used to disturb mar auding flies and the tassel on the end has a unique educational value persons who milk cows and come in contact with the tassel have vocabu laries of peculiar and impressive force the cow has two stomachs the one on the ground floor is used as a warehouse and has no other function when this is filled the cow retires to a quiet place where her 111 manners will occasion no comment and devotee herself to belching the raw material is thus conveyed for a second time to the interior of her face pulverized and delivered to the auxiliary stom ach where it is converted into milk the cow has no upper plate all of her teeth are paired in the lower part of her face this arrangement was perfected by an efficiency expert to keep her from gumming things up as a result she bites up and gums down a slice of cow is worth 5c in the cow 14 cents in the hands of the packer and 2 40 in a restaurant that specializes in atmosphere the man cow is called a bull and is lassoed out west fought in mexico and shot m ottawa when parliament sits cnr time table standard time going eat passenger ftlfi am passenger and mall 1006 an passenger and mall 840 pm passengers for toronto 940 pm passengers sundays only gjl pm going- west passenger and mall 834 am passenger 335 pm passenger and mali 649 pm passenger sunday 11 19 pm going nortn mail and passenger 8 45 am going sooth mall arid passenger 642 pm gray coach lines summer time table effective saturday jane 5th leave georgetown to toronto a6 03 am 8 58 ajn 1143 am 218 pm 410 pjn 615 pm 910 pm a except sundays to london x925 ajn 140 pjn x740 pm x connections for owen sound standard time o tickets and information at w h long georgetown directory leboy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors georgetown ontario office gregory theatre bldg mill st kenneth m langdok banister solicitor notary pubua first mortgage money to loan office main street south phone 88 georgetown raney gbaydon lawrence cook barrister etc 465 bay st toronto brampton oat e fraser raney kc h edwardcook gordon graydon 333 main st north brampton telephone 792 harold r lawrence loblaw building brampton telephone 643 f r watson djjs mjk8 georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except thursday afternoons rammer it home roger babson who is a leading or acle on business problems says wisely you might think that certain indus tries need not advertise the movies tor example are consantly in the pub lic eye the radio industry already has your ear and the telephone in dustry is on every tongue neverthe less these industries have the wisdom to advertise n persistance is the ery heartbeat of successful ad- verising statistics show the astoun ding turnover of customers advertis ers realise that new customers are now coming into the market at the rate of about 8000 every day a mes sage may be an old story to you but every twentyfour hours there is a fresh group of 6 000 who never even heard of you before this is one rea son why advertising should be con tinuous another reason is that an advertising massage it like a nail you cannot drive it home at the first stroke but must hmr it home with a succession of strokes service she bath done what she could was the commendatio of christ that is the standard for 1 why had women a place of higher dignity and importance among tne hebrews than among neighboring 2 do you feel any conflict between the book of judges and the gov pels 3 should the ministry and eldership be as open to women as to men 4 compare deborahs song with tne magnificat 5 compare deborah and madame kaishek of china dr j e jackson dentist xbay office hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 phone 4w georgetown frank petch licensed atjctfonbbat coonilea of feel ami halt prompt service chelt 38 r 23 georgetown urt post ofllce cheltenham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate main sl north geergetewa 183 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gait ont dcatgns on beqtmrt fhkne 2848 inspect our work la greenwood cemetery o a m nielsen u year at rraedee chiropractor xray drugies therapist lay atteaisnt office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 5 730 9j0 pm mother at tea tommy yoar hands are simply filthy tommy yes mummy i wash them ao s m be ready far gardening directly after tea detwyt you must be tetttnc tired of m you ntrer eau me stear as other man do aha do ttaeyf

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