Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1935, p. 3

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the ooorag herald wednesday evening december ibttv 1935 page 3 2iv merry clklitma5 christmas gift values ugjjl ji- jgg fcibbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb appropriate ftm glfu for averyooe are on tfiepuy for your choice at our lda drug stor your rwsy proprietor will deem it a privilege to place u ph knowledge of tte aoerthtadtie at your dupoul and to make any aufseetletu that may prove helpful to you all our price are reedy moat reasonable sease of the popular line are priced below for your e eoavealeriee hot water bottle fancy xma wrapped tt practical gbv extra value 100 watermans pens 298 300 100 watermans pencils 100 128 ij0 we will nuke up any set you wish in xras wrpped boa give candy inblson hollyl and betty brown s9e 80e 100 special i d a special double a w weirw double votes cash contest votes frosi deeecaber itvjj te december 24lli wo are a4iaf louu oue oa all our laestbaadue u wul pay you to buy your seeds at our lda drug store from aow until cfeftatmas you spend less and receive double votes gifts for her cur ayattowebv fotteb uooaui urrcaum lavkhbbat exr me tin am tm tth cvtsx tumcvbs set eae ilu ls rabblev uvemscb mat ale us ilu ilu has am tui ilu fcuu tiaw bvelvn 80w abb iih bjusoe cabde abate u ilm nun ilss eta bath salt cetstals lb u us boov diiyino fowbsb u ilu oluo iuniccbb 1st ilss ilu ait evelyn rtasvta gifts for him otllerra baxou liaeeu ciqxmitrts chubs tobacco am uu r i wakae kfiu wv couutss oirr est wooofevava orr ua auothem out itn roms noons uuvrwo ilss atss uss lunch aura uu vabblsv sjuvino a tooacoo foucw u at bolls bakoaul 1am an bubbeb set shavtno ausasa ilss tut ilss kola raws ut uk humm rtrts baeob sybottl ue u ilss for children fiotube books ua bibtksay books lla bhaa stockings hi ll hi oaves ua nztlsom joias fackaoe i tin lb for your xmas parcels iiui cobb seals taos bibbon xkas bells weeaths tbee oecoeations tissue faks a gift be will appredale out ouua a u aabua base a gift ibe wul apared- tle for those cold nights electbio heatfno fad obeen wurrs j xmas cards i j2 lor 5c 3 lor 10c 5c and 10c j malachi fortells a new day s 8 georgetown pharmacy lisulte jack d harrison s georgetown our greats pleasure t pleasing you phone 232 s m we deuveb bhjmaabbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbair yky1 have your eyes examined tulyer ordinary that y irtjlvij are b style uium u ueurtu to tdi bcwr you look up or down la or oul tulyr i taalljud 1a drim tfid u lold bt ifc uttl drta til 0w auavdav so th lha foa uiuwuu tulyr lbums or th um dtim u aj otu ta lajroato or aulph- o t walker ro ofsoabwjst bvesiaitf kciallw nim w b si bobbra dbco btobe o uw mi wrbrli l bw hhtuti or re aujr emusu a t wijtor ms u is bri sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaabbbbabbbbbbbbabababbb e for the man who drives a car we offer an exceptionally fine lot of accessories for winter driving that make ideal christmas gifts prices from 49c to 995 these 1koluoe windshield defbostebs in 4 sizes beabvosw houtob with clock jewel fendeb guides doob hdjob iobbobs uanifold beatkbs hot wateb ueatebs kniam and bed seal engine ueatebs wuie auto beauty kits sealed winteb oil jiffs qbip cbaina badiavob obnahskh a laim vahaly t ekmw iu electbic fan defrosters uu uwwt lurabh an uk mulut ctai la saj tea ne tulisuaa ta bay aa raw ah 11 friendship in business counts for much and we ore grateful for your may we take this opportunity to wish you a very i merry christmas nnd a prosperous 1936 speights servus jpbooe 279w art spelahl gtwrgetowii obituary has vuoiuu hehdkssom urt liiottia hwdwivon ft itf- lont ntlitent of cuhaw lid at br homt m attftn itrwt taut 0hw arty thlt maitiuyr dm luh un luadtnoo hd bmn tn ul bulth lor mvetau moruiu and for tba put tw wrftks had bmn stftoiitly lit tba dwmmda vhou ualdui nam u kmity luilm uftddla wa bora tn othawa ft moibr of on of th oldmt famlilu of thli city bafon hr marrta to ur lltrumnoa aha uuflht acbool tn th city bin was membr of blaooa titnet uniud church and btr wtolahaartad operatloa and lupport in many of the esocuum of tna church will b ladly mltiad ai will har ehmrful praunaa ur luiultvkn dauabtai uarlon dlad in 1u4 and a autar u1m ualtn kaddla and ft brothar ur arthur kaddla of ann arbor utehlgan jwdawaiad their alitar surviving mwabftra of the family totlude ona too doutlaa ona daughur uelan two auura lira wad urooka and lfiu jean ueddlc two brother ur will kaddla of ottawa and ur chart kaddla of weatera canada rev w r tan- tan paitor of blucoo suaei united church oooduotad the funeral tr- vloea hlch were held fttom the family reeidtmoi euln atwet aaatv at 3j0 on saturday atteroootv burl texy winkck8 of uokoavfl keeno boofal tha wlniurfl tt uu tcaeno toelal on uonday night ware ut m lb baj flour ur doyle and towal ut 1 wright sfd baiket fruit lira doyle 4th 10 lba tugar lfra ilottiby wh uhu lamp un jamee 6th x4 tba tlour lira lawman tin towal ut j bhepherd ath baakat vebvublav j4 uoyla bin picture 1ft ailuvet 10th man aearf d jlaumer 11th 34 tba flour lira ucqulaan uth towel aet k hornby utit m lba flour a loruuo 14th table lamp w pry lmh 14 lba flour j yalta door prtie 14 lba flour fl iiulsu paclal priu uoa table cloth utri u wucov taklna place in the union oaua- ryoinawa dally tlmea deo ath christmas giving people teem to be bto claaiea at chrtumt time the tnezpenalva read the adverllsemeiits and save tmiaaaiia floral desians wrtxkm biwaya all neiml weak vfucaw auabohattuc j farmer gabtlpti st fl divided into two claaaea at chrtumt time tbow who tntnk ohrutmaj tint chrlatmaa without open hearted and often tn ducrtmlnatlng gtvlna and tha who hold that chrutmaj u ft utnt of travaganoe which ahouvd ba ourbed eipeouuy by their irtloular ax- ample in between the rtatrtctad and the lavlah pursue la the happy uadl urn tha ideal ohrutmas ceuhratton if tha depreulon hunt taught anythlnt cite aumly it haa tausht ua to live according to our clrcum- atanoea it haa even forced ua to do that cant we keep on carrying the hard earned leaion into our otirtat mat giving but ttlll glvet why ihouldnt wa aend gift till not leave a quantity of unpaid bull a tarry wltneu to our chrut mai bphitt why ihouldnt wa gdve not the cheap but glftr there are auch thing aa crayon and paint books for the tittle fel low ftmall bottle of shaving and hair lotions for the big ones all sorts of utile thing for the house mother euch as rope of wool tn many colore far dpirnlng- books f assorted neadlea hoses of mending cotton of various shade and ft mul titude of little kitchen tools then dent forget the hanirtfilalli for every man woman and child these gifts are much mora useful than christmas cards and cost very uttla why ihouldnt we give as buny as our puna permits and satisfy our craving for beautiful gift by wrap ping them baauufullyf above ait they should have the touch of chrlat maa seals the small gift haa its advantage aa well it doe not impose an obliga tion upon the recipient and it for ever buries that feeling of keepta ua with the jonas when buying a tin tha large present has lie usee loov a pair of pretty blanket will satis fy the christmas sentiment of every member of the family for mother without making the gift that flu tha need a joke you have heard of auch case as the girl who waa gain to buy her mothey a tewing mac hine and her father a butter knife because those were two things moat needed in her home left hop fa ther appreciated and used the but ter knife borne little fellow has his toe peeking- through his ihoes and la gladdened by new pair a ahlver- inir family receives a load of coal from an tuiknowu lrlettd there is a beautiful cmrirtraw story accompanying ail auch pres ent ooldof text behold t w4h sethi my taiajintar ma hat fehftll ptpuw the way btiatr csbk sal tchl i 1 ubcbom fabflaos 14141 i 1ix nil up aaeh baa with what artfl ust buy up the tbfwamtiu as thy fco the lit abow vfcaaa thla la ptt the rip fruit of life bauow tw sbbbbk tf t the title of this book tioaai bt ucttuartiy iftdifaia the j tba author the word auuhi lnfii tity uriuicvat- and may only be a pwudooym uaploed by tha authot writing a book fujirtri the tidi- tions id his day he fctay ha lv- icffvd to trtiia anooyiboial atatb ing u ruckfdrd mrlig the aluy of the prophet and we ea cdiy tiitcttue ho he wa uifid ta dl- aiue by the claet of wenhia and inunalngling with tctwtpa wldaiy prvvaunt in his day vajioije opfcii- lons are iwld as to the date wnea uits book a vrtiua- 8otae pum it after kua and mhtrluh oittare utink it probahle that the book of ualathi povdad the woait of thaaa teo iffoaawrt and pfvpajd tha way for unco 0rtalnly u a aitiar the return from the alii durtag the finlaii pfiiod thai the wruw to the tnhautanu of pifidinj ilh ltuta to fntcrm it us ut plague spots of the natloo life and pcinisd ttie way to true proa penty 1u laid down principtwa to hie ji of taveolythre cnturi nfio that spply to us today the book of uaiathj the but hook the old tmtament has a iaal and vital ff for ua a afla1ib ftraa t4 in emaiem lande to this day ra- nntrs may be wo ai work along the iuwti they have a hlue fire and bold the ttwtal la a unm u u purt ad- the prophit used this tw as uiutirgihto of the purtf jlngj work cat oods bptrit lie spoke of tha purt- hcation of the sotia of um the rmiuiou uadcrs wfa to be purined rliu tn otdiat thai they miih pfaa- tnt as lixinnoi uiora ood trfur- taga in ftfiiswarmm whete rhmi rsllgkuie hfwst bgla la our dayf tha bint gltaa hare is thai u btln imietn wua mtnlitire feuora auida and uunday tuchsra li that all haelhe syni of christ there u no doubt aa ta the uplutlo- of tha raat of tha nalloa u may be thai mase may not be the riaht way to wotk lor tha rinerauoa of tha caiioa aa a whole to qukaaa the ipouiaaw rellgkous liirtir hl aaaa beta may be more efxcthre bethaj in the long run asbbmtral iiiiaaffah traduioiialiih li u u sot e done may reader uaaiful aanioa bs perpetuatuit the good rasulia of the past the chinese with their anne- tor sotahlp block nnkgraa ihvme avertiao to fhsrge while tha vaj urn world is tsmpud to keal agalnii old customs whether good or bad imply because they are old there la a tutural tendency to idealise nasi which rasolta ta the tallica ua of a golden age which never aaltad tha who are alwaye pm the perfections of the past might base rude awakening if they could ba traniportad into k llif nt days of antbjulty doubtlat they would be glad to be modernised again ta uutant of time there are however certain custom which we do wall ta preserve a gifts to u from our fore father hun of these are family religion observance of the lorda day business honor and chivalry to wards the weak there is a tempta tion to neglect these thtwg la our complex and busy lis pleaded with the people to return ta the rtilgious observance of farmer days but they ware ifw of any lapse and asked wherein shall e retumf uujjl oad t in much of the book of ualachl the literary form 1 that of dialogue the prophet asks warchlng queatlana and than give a fearless answer will a man rob oodl ood la pre sented a answering that tha people had robbed him of tithe and offer ings some had refused to glva any thing and others m pieaenied mamtshlf eacylnoe which they would have been to afier ta the persian overlord not all i 1 been guilty of this otfinc bat it was so wuiesprtad that the nttha aa y whole was incrlmliieted that ta a disturbing question far us also aftll a man rob ood do wa hww thieves in the sight of ood by neg lect to give him worship nveraaea love and a portion of our foods do we rob him when we are care less about sabbath observance or our daily prayer hour the prophstw penetrating inquiry may make ua lee comfortable as we review our steward ship the sgiru el nim 1u the dlble has much to aay about the stewardship of wealth and about tha duty of acknowledxtns ooda goodness by consecrating a portion of our goods for sacred usee giving should be systematic as li it is left to chance the fountains of ganero- lty dry up olvlng should be pro portionate many oonslder a tenth a fair amount though it is too little for the rich to give giving should bo ungrudgiog for the lord lovelb a cheerful giver olvlng should also be eacrtftcial christ commended above all others the poor widow who threw into the treasury the two mites bar sole possession olvtngs for religious purposes appear paltry compared with what l spent on luuiriaa pleasure and vices if all csirlauana wore ttthera there would be no re strlctlon of missionary effort through lack of fund those who give aa the lord has prospered them dfc not find that they are impoverished ur roger bahton the htuhwea ate tutlclan haa outlined three eouraaa for business men who feel that they ought to flght rather than feed the appetite for ewmwniahwa money vlrst turn the pmoflta over to tha employees beoond reduce tha price of the product for tha benefit of the public third adopt a while vou live policy tor hhkif and religious work hydro operation in georgetown total erf bydm pa te soar iuoa ua btat oaity to ayatsaft 1jss4 and tbaww all oorgi6m siydjo od this totau oaf thrttl hi tnd urploe wtdch tnakpatfaa whh ibbbtibsb tad snrpua total caf but mea bs 114 the otxd yaay u hydro opasrauoa fas oaoratoark a hua u toiler h uydro tav counts flaaiane fo tttiiuy bs j crtaca walam dibrtuiii eat plant ja diturie paid aw- 117 tfid hg soirplti aujfcu ioreioamw uial of tot krydro totuubmare cbtvtuuual a fpvarih croaa u4 la u14 lfwprar taad tn u4 sajordine to the uteat tmartso waa 1041 a eoatiasted with lie la 1414 j rvtujee last year wera uko tgalnst aissl u u14 dbxaaastle and bzvmreul fiiairiiiabi lut war kjxb u ecbaipared wtth mil in 1114 kllowait boura acid far liihthlm w4e tae41j ft ccaaatpsuad with ilr lj u14 and falani eapual ta bov valued at ftrdjei aj bparad with uit fczual ta uli with vbtbfeiwi and rnriimiiilil uehtinet rate last year of irad- uauiy li eeats par kllosau hour 040ieatob ajfd the low taaraga oou to ijfrh cotafcuaner of 1m taatae prt iluoau hour the rate i much ties than half the average rate pfsrvmlhag la urar unued fauue citlea u ha baa fs that the appucailot to oiurio of daud buua iu power raise would add over ftesod- 664 annually to oaitiritye akaricuy tn tie ef oris to etrietad thruahout all ontario tha snataa of ukistb pubhely oaraed popr the ontarw livdro elatiri vvt txnuniuaaa last ysar taatituud apeeial j tfvltidffig hv i eeriaia ebsariaal rural ontario iii rural ontario to cooiicbj hitihd to afydrty hb ta- cnesed rapidiiy tod ibuibw cat a rural power toe havfau beaa aathof year ttda to ahtwa three uaue the rural ttydro fnubbu tbottad ta is orar abas rwal tifmr ase bataar added to ttydn ta had rate hv m sllaitillat tatam iwotab the araaotiflbi bat tharaday tag waa the feaene el hard twht m wbaa the o0rt6bra kdeh jvj teat their flfad liaheihil teata atbvt the kxarne stifiee eaaad atarty ta the brat sjiaariar tha ect- lelane lofvad fa the croat when bmribtr took m hut paa rroaat dm ean dribbad past the army daateea and tupped the ball the hoop for two petal ita til the and of hif uma the ediur coritttiivad to bame the aoadtota tad ran the score ta ttfteea bar the teulltu refused ta and ram out fahtt for the third quarter the puy raged tm and cwn the court but the tttpatiar rflerhlng e the blue and whita teaa ovarcame the heavtar khaki eauad and the game ended with the inh bchocl winning by the eeor uf tghteen to ten the lien up were as follow army davidson lit wtlay ra bruntao lg- oochrana rx colutr c r lorueto and a lorusao alter- natlvaa ulgh school ifaiyhmerat ld poulia rd fatmsn u bstrfaer ri duncan captain c amwaiwt uaa- uren llecnally altemaufee for him from the mens shop 75c i u ba h kllm cjaur ryfca tbb hiirt v lll bkh u 200 a iuum sii sllliill fl ailiplliiw im mi if fcaj a fril ktub u 7sc ad 100 z9c aa i tkbil ul kn 195 abaa f ww cwkihl wuk ail aaa tlihs frfaa to ai u sam wmli ua gvh aalj lajil ajay aa m c- a hi i i faal aab al 198ajal i ida nii til in out d brill co pboae 107 cor mill maid su cuorgetowis oeobdatolm licata a lot woa a ctoft a story i told of a bunday dinner t which tha family waa erulcldg the church service an had attadsd rather chiseled to the sermon say an wfhange and mother thought u time they hired a new orffrdst daughter was severe on tha defects of the choir the eon of the hooae unaaily ta all this eriuatasti hnallr ha putta his word after all dad x think u waa a lot for a 6nl- that story ithould set aoma of ua thinking often wa have come borne from church or sunday school ta a critical mood and have a lot to aay about parts of which we dtoappfor after all however have we not re ceived a lot tn ccenpartioa with the little we have tirea fhltlt and vegetable market we offer you these prchristmas specials fancy malaga grapes new mixed nuts absolutely this years crop the finest procurable and above quality to any in town dvsjttotwuaidded walnuts filberts brazil a almond texas seedless grapefruit large 6 for 23c head lettuce lame head 2 for 13c new messina lemons lame sue doz 25c oranges navel sunldat new crop these attractive prices to meet every purse buy in quantities 18c doz 2e doz 30e dox 35c dox 40c doz 60c doz cbambebbies ctlkjty cabeaoes bananad vcactables etc ol bmccialties cblebv ioubt wry criitx tut up duly ta uilul la kail sfantjil onions i ua for ua sweet fotatoes s lba for u we wisn au our fiuehds and ou0t0ueiui a very uxmts cioturruae orauptott stiateholden heelvad their ant and ntul dividend froffl tha beaver tvuolc oorporatlou aitiouuted to ishty4ve one huudnth or one per cent and ae received from o r olsrkson toronto uwil dalor of tbs ooiporauon 1 why do we study ualtthla teach logr 3 llaa tha depnauou been t re flnera flre 9 ii the old teitaaient to ba w saxded aa a ohriauau book ware the prophets shvey oarmot in their anticipations or the fu ture why la the new day so loag hi ooulnsf roller skates 69e up stream line kiddy kars 1268 tricycles with 1 solid rubber tire ss00 and ss00 coaster wagons in all sizes anjffl snowshoes skis toboggans eveready flashlights at 88c up bklievcb btemtal fatiadb bteadteb tbs wdttvab dr hammonlvsi bratarsnj karm una u a brala bona and tuaue i prtffhjitiiiy ulat blaau for healthy nerval a deal pamlnd and the reatorauou aucof youthful visor neeommendad and sold by luccshbucko drag store ta rocking horses 1248 a a air rifles 11j50 up pocket and pen knives from 28c up ccm skating outfits for children 1278 ccm skating outfits for boys and girl s2s up ccm skating outfits for lathe 398 ccm skating outfits for men 298 up chrlslmas tree lighting sets 98c electric table lamps electric healer and toaster sandwich toaster silverware carving set bread kulvea connor electric washers mcclary electric ranges happy thought quebec range and heater plumbing furnace work and electrical wiring estimate given free r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown

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