Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1935, p. 6

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pags 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december lltli iq35 w safada orange pekoe blend will prove a sheer delight to lovers of fine tea salad a tea a ooumv cooboul ttatr ft 6tykhoua4 in th country thai u vw la my heart though time and dlt kp and its homliw apart i have just to clow my nwlid and hrlf memory tak m bc to the pc and quirt balotiing to thai little country afaack- turi a uu on th wt tng t nod wight with a woodm bench around it where all t doro a night thn ui shadltu vood ui lamp- llght tn uwlr drou stupidity aj the cat slept tn uw ooibca and th lov gloxj clluy in a cjoroer stood the wai and the clock ticked or that wuu on yonder nail vlth dignity turns father old ursw hau x can uia oar old sofa where i iued to lie and d after milking tha uu owr and i hl utu back utf comt- therea a cupboard ruar hut slndos i cuii uneu lt hlddsn ware a big pr of ma a brovn oooktf uu torn glcfifbnmd i aaeer ttere a never any uyu about this room u dear to me vrt tonight i wish i might njoy tu quaint simplicity unuli uacuulaa ekrat temclung tlw law of god uimwiui ualfajrtai tieaatday tual hiiafcsr luk 115 neilsons chocolates in xmas boxes xmas mixture and cut rock gsae piei tobacco pouches cgarem light cigarettes and cigars in xmas boxes e e young phcae 161 main st great reduction in winter millinery all the very lateit styles in velvets fella and metallic clothi also sport hat with scarfs to match raom 100 w furs remodeled come in and see them at misses clarkjge millinery parlors tested recipes asvb cuil ulu take si np cvxutllaneton p- u uxsp out uj ct ntre rill them with finely minjvd cold cocked chic ken and uuon with mlncd grn ptpoar and aail add ecough cream to uobua tlace appi la s steam er and cook until almost land i1ar uwa on tea and urv with tuyonnala and uttuor awtl pi ibj fw stuad caw una 1 uusdpoon flour t ublapooo bulirr 1 taasnoon eduatard hfflu block upuirt gcvoifgctowii thzse neautifullv otvledwatchtefl are built to give uany yeajis op accurate detemdarle uejivice a gift of a lorxe watoii thla xmas will make a decided hit not only on xmu mamlntr but throughout tha yara to coma th nam loiue u your gulda to tatlafacuon da tha latest atylw in uuaa moat popular tlma pieces at j h jordans lane block hione 11 watchmaker georgetown jeweller also singer sewing machine agent hew and used cawing ltachlnaa and parts repairs to all mafcta s draper treadla long ahuttla electrlo portable mt ca ainoar in eiwllrnt c ala iii dmtm swaou condition 600 demonstrator when lt bn stormy for dyi on end or you havent been feeling quite up to your usual round of vujtf how puaunt it is to rhit with frlenjj by telephone you are tuver alone with your tele phone it banlthei isolation keeps you in touch wltblfyour own immediate drele attd with the world at urge and irt al ways on guard in emergency f is jusf what you make it i 4 cuo boiling vaur u cup vlnagar uli dry tngrcduau thoroughly add butttr and im aluhtly buurj than graduauy add boiling eater whan thoroughly blmdad add tha vtnagax uowy cook owr boiling vsur ulir- ing coaatantly until tha mutura thlc- tuna furaln and uol if duirad tha drfsulng may b thlnntd ltb rnua awl avj data kalaj cut canadlanton applta into dl- td parts out dalra into pufi ualnj a quarter as much data aa appla to eaxli pint ol matartal add j tabkapoona olita ou and tnlm hu lm stand in cool ptaca clouly cowhd for half an hour turn into bowl unad with uuuca laavts add 1 ti lemon jute uerva wttb brad and butur at luncheon or cup per afajla aaj chh uu choppad pacana with tvic thalr bulk of ctua chaaaa adding a utua thick cream to blend tha mlitura baaaon with papptr and salt and maxa into tiny balla para mauoe tart canadian grown apnua cora and tuoa acrou tha centra into rings about inch thick ajranz on uuuoa laavea and plaoa aevaral chaua balij in tha centra barva with cream or salad flrmilnj koatuwxuttlln ontario lumats m1n1no oou no similar alxod area tn tha vorld has had tha rapidity of mining da- vtlopment experknoftl by northwaa- urn oouiio daclarad ked v bat bert superintendent of natural ra- aouroea for the canadian national rauwaya at winnipeg speaking at thi doting banquat of the northwaa- tem aiaoctatad chambers of com meroe recently two years ajro there were two producing mines tn the area tha llcvry and tha aloaa today there are 16 producers tn 13 distinct min ing flalds from long lac to tha uanl- loba boundary thty are handling a total of j0o0 tons of ore per day and thla year they will produoa more than w 060 600 to gold a production double that of last year any one of the 13 field la a po tential porcupine or klrkland lake neither procuplne nor klikland lake had a better atart than any one of them ur belhert said we just hava made a atart in northwestern ontario no one can guess what la ahead of tha district ha said expenditures by tha mining lndua- try in northwcatern ontario jumped from axiooooo in io to t5ooooo0 ui 1034 durlnit the last nine tar ck- pendlturca have totalled 110113000 approximately 40 per cent of this to tal has been spent in wagee and ser vice 30 per cent on mining and mill ing machinery and equipment 13 per cent on food 10 per cent on cxploslvea and fuel 10 per cent on mtnera stores and hardware and 8 per cent on building material mining de velopment was bringing this area the last gap in tha dominion into its oun and welding the canadian con federation more closely together ha concluded accidents and comtcnsation during november there were 813 accidents reported to the worfcmena compensation board as compared with bm during october and 4u during november a year ago the fatal caste numbered 31 as against 38 tn october and so last november the benefits awarded amounted to 138343938 of which 820710346 waa for compensation and 18833103 for medical aid in october 17618 fll waa awarded in benefits and 413 300jlo during last november a wortlt wiiu watii the problem ol earlita fur tha many uiifurlunsu luttirvrs nun i ulurrultuii u m tub which ur mmi ii itara ftu iwaii eitng th aiuntlmi af the notlona arlum amiuiitilon murailnii i fir nlia ltuilial lur i onaumiillvim tin tonuild lliailial ftw coiiumillvw and lh uuwn xlory llnaiiltal fin- con tiimpnw tlilllnit at pnwm tlidaii up tndale itninltala wllh an acvdinmimtolttiii at nvor i uul imi arc itml to tliu uimmt to car ror nwhly runiiiiiinivt wh- lintu tit rutiini litajth h i tn 411 muni a ml rare trvatmuni ami rare it u in onlcr tha may iw itutw tn wlilln work that ulan that lliuu inaiiiutlan tn carry on iliu wuvtli wlillc work that it la pwarv in annually utahian aptual farruniu nw tho tlatut wn alluwaimva rwvlvl fall far ahnrt l iltr actual anal ii raainicnanc willi a iichrli or many thtmnanda of tlnllara lu tuattn up ihla yrar nn aptvallna account wi salt that you slv aa bcmmuuy aj mi can ihuaaa utul nur alfc to tlir naiional hanharluni aunclalian jjj caiimiii htrmil toronto a ooldcm tiacr rity word have i hid in mlna hrt- walm 119 11 lcflaoh pauaaok eua 7 10 nehemlah i 13 8 8v13 ttuwk tlw too uat thou hau made joy to abound bo many grnue thouihta and dda clrctlng us round ttiat in tha dark pot of tarlli hotar low la found a iliiia im4j 3 it baa farly morning when kara began to read in the atvet and ha continued until the midday heat of the lulero sun forcad his audutvc to uk shelter lie had lo much to that the tuna iktwd all too ulort row mufh of the law of lt as trad we do not know doubt- text lura fcould ilft the more im portant parta ttie people wire very uttenmr as the trutlis uul aera to lurtcl that the inlereat waa tuutalnm and ttie tlma pajvl unnatlrd wlu re there la auxclent tntereu ttrrc u lr lie complaint about the irtttfth of public gatltlnga thiva luurs u not coruldred ekreaalve at u political meftlng a theatre or an athletic ronteat but often be srudge more than an liour to a church wrvloe and v altrapt to teach llunday uiiool uauui in a study iwrld of unity uilnuu olun pub lic fcorthlp la marred by the appear ance of haite and the leaching func tion of th church is aadly curtauad fur buk of time atrveett u wtej 8 0 ttouah thla rreetlng waa bald in the ujtmi it wxs mada bripwaalve by u sptnt of the coagrvgatlon tha aorne u grephicaijy deacrtbed in the onrf story cra stood la a high ooden pulpit so that he could be wen by all the peopla lie was sup ported on either side by tha uadcra of tha nation who by their pretence wlineaud their agreement with the peakrr fcua cpenad the book the sight of all the paopu not u a prim concealing a myatary but aa a teacher wuhlng lo impart the fulual knowledge as soon as he opened the book the people stood up thereby shoeing reverence em tlaiih tha lord ui great ood and all tha peo ple ansacred amen amen lifting up their hand than they bod their i wad and woralilppad with their fatee to the ground it increaie lo- tcrcst in public worship for a con- gregatlon lo aluure acuvely in tha aervloe making reaponue ln tha readings prayers and hymnx to hear the united volcee of thla great vast asaembly would be a memorable event to exra belong the glory of promulgating the law la thla impras- ahe fashion and of making it paaa into the life of the nation tula law waa later lo degenerate into legalism and paul had lo correct u but to the ooniemnorarlea of km it aaa a landmark of a great forward step tn revelation tk art af raaaelaua eira waa laauied by other acrtbea who like himself ware quaiifled to apeak in public they read in tha book of the law of ood distinctly and gave the acme and caused than to understand the readtng these reader enu dlauneuy and paid attention lo punctuation they did not ruoa through tha word no jjirit out tha phrosee dlsjotnuy audience suffer untold annoyance from apeak- era whose utterance 1 indtiunct through faulty lone production through the vexatious dropping tof syllahlea at the ends of words and acnutxcea tumbling reader and mumbling speaker are ducourteoua to their lutenera by causing tnam to strain to hear the vocal organlim la one of the triumph of ooda crea tion and is worthy of tha utmost de velopment nearly every one can become a distinct speaker with prac tice there are scnool of expression where those needing help can be taught not to slur over the labials dental and sibilant in the alphabet it la passing strange that speakers will otk for day preparing an ad- drcaa and deliver it in such a slovenly manner that only the front row can hear the stage has gnmetmng to teach the pulpit and lecture deak in the art of enunciation a day at jay at first the people wept when they heard the aord of tha la realising what they had missed recollecting what their nation had once been conscious of their imperfection in the sujhi of ood but nchcmlah and ezra forbade thim to weep for the day was holy unto the lord and grief wot not in keeping with the spirit of the day they commended that tha day he made joyous oo your way cut tho fat and drink the aweet ana aend portions unto them for wham nothing u prepared after the strain of tho long service they were to relax through social enjoyment and by the gladness of helping other they obeyed and made mirth nva tliey rejoiced in their new knowledge of tho gracious purpose of god in culling them to be a holy nation separate and pure however dreary later judaism because it wa origin ally a religion of gladness with more festival than fast the jay af the la 1 t tha joy of the lord l your strength this 1 oce outstanding example of the ulblea wliadry of felicitous phrase it contain deep spiritual truth pain is deapreatlng but joy give strength especially is thla true when our joy t in the lord religious melancholy iprtngs from habits of subjectivity and morbid in trospection but when the soul con template ood the result is joy we discover gladness through ooda truth love and goodness christ did not bequeath us a legacy of bloom but a gospel of joy lua beatitude point the way to deepseated peace and at the close of hi ministry un der the very shadow of the cross he could tay these thing haw i spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your loy might be full paul caught tha aplru of tha aliuter when he repeatedly bade his converts rejoice joy is the grace we lay to ood when henry uartyn lay dying fever itrlcken and alone he wrote in his journal u thought of my ood in my solitude my company my prtend my com farter qamtlea fer dlavuealea 1 how may we set our adult church members enrolled in bible olaaae tn our churches 3 has familiarity with the printed bible dulled appreciation of it dualling 3 guiould congregations stand while the scripture 1 being read 4 why u the bible so frequently badly read in public s are our services and our bundays too sombre pamlly doctor vow husbands nol so well today bin mahoney ifl ho sticking to the simple diet i pre- scribed he is not sorr coma the reply he aay hell not be after atarvln himself to death just for tho soke of llvln u few year longer the population of sudbury increased by 3000 during the yew last open every night until christmas we deliver xmas eve floor radio and table lamps smokers end tables coffee tables radios bookcases chesterfields cushions occasional pieces ferniers mirrors glass silver and china ware pictures brass and copper gift novelties book ends bedspreads etc si price to sua every purcnueir mcclures tlwi til fujaltaia we kave in unequalled uuetloa ol toys fw boys and gms ransioa frora 28c bo of blocks to a ft us wottc bendi couplete witlj tool i i dolls prams and carriages in all the popular sizes and colors that every little girl loves what tittle girl wouldnt love oae ol these lovely baby like dolls 49c u to 3 teddy bears a complete and exclu sive ranfe ol lionel electric and mechani cal train tat the little and big boys frota 198 3200 h c mcciure phone 54 the home furnishings store georgetown alton colple ucd fifty yxauh citizens paid tribute to ux and ur joseph lemon of alton who celebrated their sixtieth wedding an- nlveruiry at their home on december 1st ur lemon who on december 7lh celebrated his clgbtyiecond birthday was bom on what is now tha pted uadlll farm jiut south of alton he spent hu entire lite in the vicinity except far five year in wiarton and toronto he was for many year the village butcher hi wife tha for mer emma uenxle is a native of esquealng township there was ft family of one son who died tn in fancy and two daughter ulss ida who died some years ago and airs george adam of toronto three grandchildren and one greatgrand child in token of the day culiens presented tha couple with a bouquet of sixty roes and a congratulatory letter htkongeht glue hade fuou fibi liquid nah glue is claimed to be the strongest in tho aorld and stron ger than tho strongest wood in some cxpcrtmenia carried on in thla con nection atatca the industrial depart ment of the canadian national hall way maple block were joined with blue mode from the akin of codfish put in damp for 43 hour and then put in an hydraulic pre which ap plied ft shearing force so that the glue would give way before the wood if the latter were stronger in the test it was never possible to deter mine the exact strength of the glue because the maple blocks always frac tured leaving the glued joint intact although flan glue has been known for 150 year or more it ha not come into much favor but recent re search show that when properly pre pared it ho little or no odour and great strength tho advancement of this industry 1 of great value to can ada particularly the uaritlme pro vinces with their great wealth of deep sea fisheries stricter regulation for obtain1nq motor licenses regulations far obtaining 1030 auto mobile licenses are much stricter than in farmer year itefore any 1030 plates may be issued tho purchaser must have a 1030 operators license and the number must be included on the application for tho plates applications for 1038 plate must bo made on the reverse side of the 1030 cards and if these have been last or mutilated copies must bo obtained from the department of highways toronto this applies to car regis torod in ontario in 1033 permit also must be issued in numerical or der unless on special authorization ol the department of highways and all questions on tlie application form must bo filled in by the applicant be fore he will obtain his plate or u- thfl yield of potatoes in canada in 1030 la estimated to show a reduction of 0300000 cwt or 10 per cent u compared with 1034 this large do- cllno was due partly to a decrcato in tho aoreago of uioo or 11 per cent and partly to tho summor drought tn eastern canada and british co lumbia which reduced yields per acre to levels below uiase for 1034 end tho longtime average the worse thing about a ridicu lous mistake la usually tho ridiculous fjuuse to which it give birth teaching child tttn to gamble in the last couple of year a wave of rackets ha swept over this coun try and in town a elsewhere the youth of tho country ore tntlduously taught gambling instinct punch- board punchcard slot machine ticket on various article lucky can dle are all breeding in our young people a desire lo take chance weve vn youngster of tender yeara risking a penny to win more than he 1 entlued to bending children out selling chancre on puruhhoard i another racket and la being indulg ed in by msnufactunng company wuhtng to incite the sales of their product ouch thins only create a desire in the ounatera to gamble and thereby ituena their reautance to the urge to gamble for greater stakes when they are grown up gambling is one of the worst of all human vice and ha wrecked the ll r of many otherwte strongmind ed men and aomen adult should not encourage gambling devices a- mong children and the sooner punch- board and pick out your girls name card are prohibited among children the better it will be for the moral and morale of our youth palmertton otuener ibbfabfbbghbbjbiiiatbhbbbbhbhbhha8hhhhv0bhhbhbbbhh solving a lot of gift problems the georgetown herald offer of the herald and three magazines for 250 will solve christ mas gift problems for many friends remember the offer is good on new or renewal subscriptions to the herald you may divide the addresses to which you wish the herald or magazines sent well forward cards telling your friends of your thought- fulneis and notifying them of the subscription for warded by you just come in and ailc about this offer but do not delay too long in taking advan tage subscriptions to magazines in canada only select 11i1y l llllsf 1 and you will racasva the whole 4 public tiotif for one year from the data wa receive tha coupon her i tha amaxing combination lew price liixiiks rtjssp 8 m j currant thauim 1 yr mstlaans u iwui yr q cjiataurm 1 yr csmidun lyr nauaiul hon manlmy yr pictorial ravtaw lyr q canadian harijcurtur and hsiita mussina lyr our rjuinntu to yu hu wonderful offer b svsll sbl to old and new subicrlb- er to this newinaper wa guarantee uio ruliulmont of all nujcazino lubsctipuon snd jl sv klw suursneo 1 thst this generous offer ts itscuy ni renrosentod n- nowou will bo extended for full term shown 8s 3d r mk03 i iskih mail coupon todav lag s publcca- ru piom clip ll of umwlnu ajur ckwltbv flow deilrarf mi out coupon kullu gentlemen lenclou t pleuoiendme the tnreo majrnilnoi checked with a years subscription to your newgpaper namb btheet town and phovincb the georgetown herald printing that you want when you want it phone 8 georgetown

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