Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1935, p. 5

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tfas georgetown herald wed nesday evening december mtli 1935 p8 5 a filer ru christmas a tribute to her u ibe fona of wearing apparel or tontttung to luck la be hope cfceu wfcat better cbciee t d brill co offer a wit uuctioa of liagerb clove ndrwer bath rooei footwear lliwfu df sweater cuiuots etc etc gift lingerie of satin crepe or rayon obtainable in pantie bandeau set veil and bloomer sell gown pyjamas and slip pric 29c 29g handmade initialed haodfceliiefa singly or boned alio opal cloth lawn and other cotton handkerchiefs a wide choice se u0 sou hose fuufiomoded pure thread ailk witli frenclr heel two very popular number are ringjes chiffon or erviee weight gselbc umbreuu with pryital and colored handlei plain or fancy covering wood thank construction priced at 1jjo am s2jto for her hop cbest the will be proud to receive a set of a fine quality theet beautifully hemstitched with fait coloured border and two pillow caul to match packed in rift boxe and priced 298 smut leather handbag in styles that are sure to pleate 100 up soft capesldn or kitblda glove a large variety of ttyle in all ftkm 100 195 clastic tailored flannel robeat alio satin or slhc moke robe in copen wine rote green navy or lavender pric 395 j 495 silk scarfs wool scarf and scarf of silk and wool a great variety of tyte and color priced at 25c to s1s0 bedroom slipper of coloured kid patent leather felt or velvet many ttylea to chooae from at 4 to j c gifts for men are on display in our mens store they are sure to please d brill co gift headquarters phone 16v comet mu1 and main street georgetown buriijaaii i i i a slltlcla food bucks boiling fowlvtse7cib chopped suet special 2 for 25c rump roasts shoulder roasts 15c hamburg steak 2 for 25c pork chops 25c rb oat tnu lit ut breakfast bacon 25c by the alm otdters red diamond brand 9 oz jar 29c ciscoes large golden smoked 22c ubuvb spaghetti 2 for 19c ubnvbjmiibo tlu pork beans lie motlteb pakkebs tea a pound zbe clu teauta a veiwuue soups 2 for lse viiuinr soap chips 3 lb 2sc comfort soap 4 ft uu ud u ball 9q 111 handy auwtauv jtfc personals mr bert thomjaion or toronto u pending a holiday at his hoou here ur jack duncan of the dank of commerce staff at imrt rowan hat been transferred to uuton branch of the bank ur prod christie of niackfalds alta was a visitor in town over the week end the many friends of uaiter hoy tvck will be pleated to learn ha u home anain and progressing favor ably after hi operation in toronto hospital lait week sir henry wilson aihgrove re turned home lait vriday from a trip to iowa newbraika and chics tro while tn chicago he vtaited the fair and waa delighted to aee a number of ilaltoo eihlbltora had taken griua lie made the entire trip by m and enjoyed it very much the aympathy of the community la extended to fair and ura j o mur ray btewarttown whose dear little ton chart orant hurray passed away at the click children llospl- tal toronto on deo 1th aged nine month the remain were interred tn greenwood cemetery georgetown on tueaday afternoon te all lagtaaalk be sure and be preaent at the new legion room on thursday deo la at 8 oclock when you will have lot of fun come and enjoy a night out the boy will all be there alio ome vliitor to dont mis this a spelcal program ha been arranged a u parr secretary it dim la albert the remain of the late margaret araham who died in the hospital at lacotnbe altst on nov 36th were interred in the family plot in green wood cemetery georgetown last friday afternoon deceased was bora in esquaalng the youngest daughter and the last remaining member of the family of the ute praticl graham bhe went to the west over thirty year ago and ha resided there ever since the funeral service waa conducted by rev ur overend of the united church the pallbearers were w a wilson jr j thompson if f araham wands thompson w d johnston and j u moore we sell for cash se c j buck rjrswmswsrfitswiliiiiaiiimiimiiri ham and oenlwu destraye a disastrous fire took place last fviday evening bout seven oclock when the fine bank bam of mr w if moouuough comer of the tow line and aoton eras mad was totally destroyed together with the season cron moo bushels of grain ii calve and 3 plga the origin of the are is unknown there waa only a small amount of insurance on th building and none on the contents mr moouuough l a heavy loser tn this unfortunate fire ctutslau cfceer far tka llbfartaaau the relief oommiision havo decid ed to organise a christmas hamper fund and deliver hampers to all those who are in need at this time of the year mra j b mackenale eilb mrs d livingstone will be triad to receive any good or cash for this purpose that anyone in george town corrs to donate you are ask ed to deliver nonperishable oiods at mrs livingstones home on george street not later than december 16th if the goods you wish to donate are perishable please notify mrs living stone at phone 05w and arrange with her where and when to deliver and give her an idea of the kind of goods to be donated so that aha may plan the best distribution cash may be sent to mrs mackcruue or mrs llv- tngstone and will be very much ap preciated as it will rrautre from glsoo to u0000 to take core of the need local news aliop tn georgetown christmas two k froni lfdy have you don your christina hopping yrtr thrr sr ruttoa of an awtlon tn uurelng towruhlp- ikquraung towtajthlp boaaanatioa monday dm uth tucuott janu- nry 6ui uoauifu is llk a whtwlbarrow u lands stlu unku tcaton pushee tt advertii in the herald it pay many sulioij that will help jou tn your clirtitmas shopping tbiy be found tn the lurald this wtk chrutmu tvr for til d- llvirrd anyhr in townjohn tntr 1tioiv 239 oiwlph fit lip warden llsrold ctav has uattt- rd tnvltatlcis to the wajdrni xmd- iui whkh will be hld at the uutoa inn iai tiaffcday dm itlh- in many locallufj the ordinary pruvtirlan is not to tiiurtd fat the hltuiidrun diirr as in the hljj- onjrum drtvrr thf rruular mvtlng of the wctu will be lifld at the hoew of uf ii mi on vtiuy drc luh at 3 oclock kuchra ui be tuld in boo of dt ororur clubroooi tuauday dae lltb ut e pro itafrhmnils admltiloo ffllu ltp unlrvi tft a few more tub- xrumkjn ur uk itrrasd lhat are lng uj its pork and beans or uuugr for clirutmas with us tin- last rrguui mrung of e- quralng tonijiip council or 1sj3 ill bf lirtd to the council chataber uit uonday dc 16th coaunenctng at 10 tm ttie uolvbuon army chrutmas itfiigrhm ill br ivld to the crew umi conun co church uumuy rroing drc 16th at pm tutuday ute itlh mission lund tra and sale of biking at the united church children sill aarw upper from 3 to 8 mlhrliftfy- booth and tamemad candy it otoriirtown corporation rtcelfad hrqus for ku0 40 from the ontarto ooununrot this wwk as its portion of the revenue received from the two hcttlc in town the ctoklnole party and dance htld at the ham of mr and mr thomas appwyard at quviifcreek last friday night was a grand suae is iiure us a good atundanoe and everybody had a good lima do not mlu the concert on tui duy drc 17th by the uhoura and a phty by ttu young people of the vtct- ruiy of a a ko is tutone school on tho 7th una highway the ooneart will be followed by a dance the fraf under the anipl of the woman auxiliary in knott bjteruui church lass saturday not- iihstandiog the bad weethar was lamely attended and most itmnmifnl t supper served by the ladle ruxptlonaiiy good yuv chief long reauaat ue to warn all cltlxens i the danger of lighted candle on chruimaa tr- if you must use them be careful you dont mar the occasion by having a nrr tn your bom come and danoa to the enapcy mutlo of the midnight revallan at the town hall oun wliuaua m- day dec 13th dancing begin at 910 under auspice of pipe band admlslon jio jnr 111 authortfatton for annual training during the tg year ha tiisn al loftfd by the department of defence for the helton stifles aeotd- ina to an announcement froa ot taie it u said that no nan who bad a receipt for hi local papsrlp snhscrin uon tn his pocket was eves bitten try a mad dog struck by an auto or car ried away tn a bilatard at any rat it is worth trying although a qnnfllin tourist t to be privileged to bring moo worth of goods into canada dutyfra whan re luming from the unued aula u i stated the word tourist vtll apply only to person who have been ab- sent ten daye or rnore the buyand run visitor doe not count window cards are out announo ing the ptremena dal the event of the season to be bald in the arena on kew year eve johnny waldos and his seven piece crcneatra of guelph will supply the music oat your partner ready youll enjoy u if hall oelesslels troop were a effective in removing the italian peril as noaaoom in removing ern newspapara would be enuring a new subject for front page new oe koaacorn at georgetown pharmacy ltd than 333 oeargetowil bee our ida handbill and our ida ad in the dally 8tar on wed nesday dec 11th and the kventng telegram on thursday deo 13th you will and many suggestion to help you with your xmas shopping dont for get our ida cash contest special this work boo our ad on page s and you will rind many helpful euggeetlon to aid you with your xmu snooping our greatest pleasure t pleasing you georgetown pharmacy ltd phone 333 georgetown wo deliver oeouoetoww coumxjnity ciio ual society at a meeting of the georgetown community choral ooclety on tues day december 3rd 1033 the follow ing officers were elected for the 103330 season president a maclaren vicepresident miss u ilarrtson decretorytreasurer w lealle associate secretaries w young t eason committee mis shorulk mr a a dick mu r olffen mm w a bcsey un a duncan measra oytil urantford w newton geo ttrown crfegjsy theatre friday december 13 the murder man mytfery drama aurrlac hpaur ttmtij maa vllala bhm comedy old sawbones fox new variety shorty goea south saturday december 14 matinee al 3 here comes cookies la nitwit at the tutwriu lain nuuul of uutwufc ohen bania aud gracl auctt comedy once over lightly musical barrah minnevitch chapter 10 burn em up barnes tueaday and wedneiday december 17 and 18 the marines are coming feurria- ula or itauiwtipcki iurttur wuiuu luuu comedy miamonaged snapshots pepper pot all colored vaudeville comino burly top kurrin bhuby ttutjo come to the a great assortment of serviceable goods suitable for the holiday season including hosiery hand kerchiefs glove scarf ties etc mens furnishings mens natural wool shirt and drawer ahiha double back and front drawer double back 139 mens tie with our without 2sc lo 79c mens linen handkerchief is- iiaiied 3 mens lined kid glove fit mens knitted wool glove at gfjg and gjg mens fancy sox a large aaaort ment at 3g pr mens wonted sox 29e lingerie ladies taffetla slips white 69c mt ladies silk set in boxes y9ci89c ladies rayon and silk bloomer 29c ladies flannelette gowns 49c 98c oversize 98c a full range of ladies slipper 39c to 98c agents for langlevs cleaners and dyers handkerchiefs mens linen handkerchiefs 15c zoc 25c mens linen initial handkey 25c 3 fullfashioned hose alarge stock of ladies fuufa hioned hoae 69 79 g9 the best quality pure silk hose sl29 pure silk hoae at 49 silk crepe hoae at 5 rayon hose all sixes and saw color t 25e 39e velvet gnloshe furtrimioed 325 rugs rag mau 2648 49 hooked rug 89c congoleum rug 9x9 675 rugs 9 s i0y j7j5 simplicity patterns gg the above prices for one week only gi mcbean co phone 64 we deliver georgetown rttst attar ar 11 dominion sronrs limited b y better values ttirtc specut values cflrctlvc from lvc 1 2th to dec uth incluiive jewel or domestic shortening s5 j choice oualttv hed prttio clterries clarks pork beans solden iiallowi hates oxo 9 3 w oantoball toauto soup h p sauce ss auitrallan sultana raisins gold and silver wrapped assorted chocolates 95 slb linn mclarens peanut butter c fltfbarat 1 15 ircl eiager 8isats aylmer tomato uuice s 35 liaht svruii no 2 as bayside pears 2 for 25e blue rose rice ii it in c11ii1jii oat puffs pk 9c fresh mushrooms 36c lb grapes red emperor 2 lbs 29e snow apples 2fle fold fjf ctnhtcit sciei in nw lilats hall ladles auvduauy to oanadun le- tttoa bauay in turn leaion hall ou batunlay dao uth at 8 oclock taincy work hoaiebaiaiitf flsh doad 6e trosaiuw island ltto afternood tea aoo lucky pilw ticket will be svta at the te uluso game will held tn tho evening at 8j0 pjjl loo bom urijteil odus and brin your irleuds and haw a uod ume in our uew hau on u1u ti social kvattliiar w the teaiaii a social evening in the splendid new wottu or the canadian terlou last thursday night was largely at tended by member and a number of invited guest a singsong instru mental selections and exhibition wrestling bouts made up a twograni that every one present appreciated and enjoyed wo congratulate the legion ou their spacious new quar ters which are a credit to both tho town uut oifcanliauoil dominion byosues 8atjs8 w bales of dominion stores limited for the 13th period ended november aocii lwi were lit raw eompaka with sales of iljootu t tho corresponding period of 1su nd sales of tlsasjkts for the hiimediate- ly preceding period of uttfi ttie number of- atores operated during the period was 484 u mmet 4dt during the ooii period

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