Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 6, 1935, p. 3

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v the georgetown henul wed ncatlay evening november 6th 1935 page 3 be prepared for winter the following lines and prices should interest you heavy fleece4jned shirts and drawers gg md penmans merino shirts and drawers 79 web mens ribbed wool shirts and drawers 9g a mens natural merino combinations sine 36 lo 40 125 mens wool sweater coats haalw kudw 38- 42 mens heavy wlndbreakers vatioiu akade extra special 100 179 mens black calf oxfords 10 249 198 298 ladys twin sets idea 16 40 womens tweed plaid dresses childrens winierweight school dresses 149 ladys silk and wool hose variou dude 29c d co comer mill and main st phone 1 67 georgetown 5 biihmhmhbhbbbhillluahuabailbuailhilmhhaimmsi ra j aaaa a a aa aiaaaa a a a a a dellcioci fresh picnic iu shoulders r- 14- pork chops 23elb rump roasts l0 i routs rump rjjok j leg of lamb 23c loin of lamb 17c front quarter lamb j3 lb canadian spanish onions g lb for 25 head lettuce targe head 0 isc heine nuullr mm tomato soup 2 or 2be aunt jemdfaa paneatu flour isc aunt jktnuab buckwheat flour 18e wiluowa ptnb rolled 0t 0 lb for 2gc cream of wheat 23c cuaiatiea graham wafer 23e we sell for cash b phone g law yr we ssw af 13 vjlslv deliver la aa rt ril a i trarn a s asa local news opctf dy bftiutdbxy toart hnaatnatui lew tend 4jot i taiil bj b6v jua and tbui sl iw wimirfawl ottcja iax j wajateo to teutr um coal at morrtl baxw bm baaf sd1 hi this uaa amulu ihsyio u that oaaav upb fatitkuy mm lut wmuoafaki uuatatauy u ilw clh itw and ait u oajchrau have luireilaad hoa to acted ottd if maf ifldaaiu ol that morvaj ivaatytttij cujh thfe- kua uipiar and eecuwt kmdy nov win- aunttttort m uk 4e llaulojj t will hoad thatf uuiual ifariurtfj 4 u uedy mo lath j h mv- r ifuo u aawxlcag b aaodaatt atone tad uucoo luttaa us aataua bjn auullt lta umtivtiraru uti of puttn lag a sal cj fwitia fciiaw t lanry woatt in the ulue llbaajy mov l rurtw parlhl4n uta 11 wd wrluuaxrlh fcafliatf1g l durtng tt liaaad of irau co- starto- n uucws ofid faadaat by itacouo ua itiuatuy nw liul iaot tdvt la as uijia u situ euttft t thai um ali ieotuol us4 foal praiutkl cf baxuis la uh luacay ttiium iad diy tuhl mo lull fcdvt kt luotlwr f juv ur kin nd ur w j stud- ovu ftif cuthw j luuaa w ury rtuatud uu ooful uaud eucuim la ui uuuj cuiuch u lb ki 64ui nov ftinl r t ila talwulx lilj ol frpfrtng gjyj l itfalaa iliiptha fil ual waawoa aaandaukaa t uollad oulkil aiat pruoilum uuf ju1 ti wmd uat few u and it bo tw imafaud m trysaiiaav uoi bj lavtud to ba tl lb towti hll go tufediy frwfibaz mm utb u 1m for lb purpu of fotabiag tuu llannr wtuoa ol aihiro hu d octwd thu bu raiiawj ua uaba to uum tu tuj riabd out uu u yfu u ft cofd lu41m kkih u hd u th irlhaual hltb abooli bau cf otnuu witjr uu anidy raomlm u lit diu dmlabuy in 0orsrtt tt j hucil ksfival uw uun lb en 1u bw t yirt ttiroui tanm aj itraai lhu eu ihj bay ubu bm la tavd tmuav d uiatiujt cu lulkawl wa lu utnud ol cm luiil bto ijfoit ii u1 t cotuy pl6 of fun u lb ouuf u uw ouau 6l uab bctya ttu h tbtxd u aubs oul iuatly fthif lu otlatk aituidy nuht to john fit hu cur bad cubt ft in front ol lb ami in duo illnhftj ub chcmkal mtln bftlor irtou 1au- m doa in chuant up our noue uuu quu f hm ntw- d to ru tttount of hfld tub icrlauon soounl buu4 lb uu uonlhs co thu tv douu hu btto an omfauhl but u1 you kindly do it d0 our cult for uluatrtud ohrulttu tdwhuiiw will b wdy about lb nisddl of koaabar u skhiatj dfiirlnt asaelal ohrutbas adrtiinj wtu kindly uudhon lb iur0d a rtpraunuu wul b plahd lo etol on lbau dont forgt lb lt4j cuehn in ui anna on thursday nov 1lk thcr la a beautuul labu lamp and cuiblon lor lucky lickat hoburt tu your irtandi about it and b praunt younalf on tbursday tvenlnf kov ulli everybody u auured a good urn u a nralndr ol th orwat war and lppy day u wry vividly nor- irayod in u lloney black window by a mlnlalur randan wald or croaua row on row popplm and ralloi ol the day leutfiia fiaturday u pop py day in oortown and your eon- inbution to a wry worthy fund will be apprmuud bh our xxa ad to th dally btar on november 8th and th evan- ma twram on nov tth for full lut of drug epadals bacaum of th tremendous buying powar ol th uxa w now bring you lowar monyivtn priosa your local iojl druj star hvu yoti all th advantat omrgatown wiarouuiy ltd hon iw oortown w dallht you dont hjtv ta fo to rmo for a quick dlvoro from your earn just bo to your druffu and gt ft tub of noxacoom liald at ooratown phavrmiey ltd pbon tu it pure food store 3 large tim caraation evaporsled milk 2sc s oz tin neilion jersey brand purs cocoa isc large bottle lnzenby chef sauce 17c 14 oz bottle create blncltwell catiup ike large tin clark pork and beam he 8 oz pkg fancy new layer fie 10c small pkg quick quaker oat be freah molaaaea snopa lb 10c 5 oz bottle ono cordial 37e large tin beefex cubes 10c sweet pickle roll in piece per lb 19e breakfast bacon in piece per lb 23c freah bologna in piece per lb 12vi fresh large lemons per doz 38c 5 cakes palmolive toilet soap 23c choice fresh fruit and vegetables complete itock of china and glaitwara a e farnell phone 78 we deliver wood for sale cfctkm ktxdwood bush amd ufpls t tj par cord ulud al tfu vtr corjj balls hu mr cod wtw m sw mu wood for sale otielu ustria hsirii hsjls tt htht tst a hums irifbii boo vtiou tuwapuy tteuttd wood aad 0ur ordn ism at lie a lmxamoitr ftgilin a tf swill t oortri olub hm ral4 ax invkauon rna aruuts ctufe kll cbqr to snur a hob us tbtlr ies- pul nowubir bttb to hth oas day eurunf awund itatry and ft or 109 u u to by nov lauiu dvl4ml phtldbl t wabma smh 1 u w o t v rultiln- that in dubit aidraa imported faruflr in uu lu ud tain uueb valuabla rataraeas ua uruj a rullar racort will b prapar- d or all austettnuy inuimfid u ta tha praa aaeratary urs o re oatb tujtj la saa cfmu dav orlohton ton of ur and itn david orichton oaorgttowti now ftt taodlnf tmronto unlw rally ova took third plao in th crou country foot nu at ltigb pauk tamonto uu ba1 urday thar war flftyon eontaat- anu form dltfart part of ontario ctonjtaliuatlon daw 1h aei ctaajav ftl nfyl aihcrov khayih wtll nmant th lhfaavmt touidf ntltud uaiv odu in th air ubdar th dlrm- tton of lira f o ejupo of jloroby in th paruh hill worval on friday nov und thar will u ipaelal mutla batwaan aeu and ft mad en- loyabl vanlnf u uaumd all who at- ulkd t bastkl abalhwary atenlaaa annlvflraary uvvima will b hald in th baptlu church oaorgahown i sunday nov loth ftt ii bjo and y pm prof i u orohard ua ud of uftuaitaf univimlty lumuton will pmaeh ftt both aarvleea bpaelal mualo by th eholr aiiutad by kmat a warroti unor at tha evanlng aar- vlo fioaeial flu will obarin at both mrvloa all aiw walooow pcr30nals uy jawob lonnaaiy cf h ft viattae- in towd oo tuaaday 1 jlaan and uarjorw uuka- at acwoi tb wk tod with triaadi b4 ybreaxta iiy dofti oan wit oct laway for lo an oadliomla wbam aba will fctod lb wlnur lth bw father ad aiaia u and urt j avwuod of toronto vkuad with uf and urn w it ooto li wk uuf mauond datf ridd bvw- ury of th wotu u ut tuoj of ui- c u- dayfoot during her tuy in town uu afc lira ktuudy and bv dwhlw uta rou lautrr of huudalhla ua murad bonw uu alter vuumg with th loitbirrb nw lira w c anthony ui and salt auarn tiau aniukiiu lb tmamiu of thfir uuhlfr taift vauy to ktaaut iiqimh kat paw atw ef lira uouit aruorccai and th uu j rscfjrw cf olo- wuujua tw burrug to tak olu qukty au ui isofiw of th uuw psiirnu on uowmb llth valabi hi ml tail 1 a11 cxwrvtc and voawo a urd to tak daut in u uruorui airvlu at th caanoupli on fiuuur taortilji kov loth wrad wtu fall la u vuuu litry at 10 otkak aharn kwtu and tnadala any otiur orttanlaaltona dtltog to uk oart ar rvqiaaaud to wpul to oaut o wuliibi uo buahaul of dauatv uul cjii4y vuh aurw fcftjlmrul- uhbai at a uauquaad ullio 0 pajty fu bald on tuufadaty avaoliisf by th wo bawl twfaltfi ofoup ua ukt unltad oluikb at ua loco ol ur and ufa j w- klroiahiy wtadi aa cbairy and auractlv wtui luucrn dauiflwju cuuiau witou and eu w4m all out for tb ocajlnn and otaufawaab awuaactainl aa uud by th wajjisam fortune tailing and a tirwty of gamaa at th cloa of a wry soiaabu awnlnf tuuotan r ffaaribaslu un utvad ulm itdltb diu fuuartainad u bar fyji ttiihtliy night in afuu q ulai iuu toa wuo uiobii bitd of lhla b tb batsfiabsira of lb ttundaiy lcbooi cuu priiintrd bar with loeajy buck and ailvar tabl umn aim praiafll cd uu qwaijon saraj aofiu twicty osabet and ropnunu uvu of lb urataton lftdua bolt- ball olub of wbicn uu vau hu uar tauiwt far ui pi w sau tbay thomrcd bar wuh iany uaaful aittuasa of kitdanwau a vary njoyabw frvauunat wua apatu by all afljmwuaj oraaatfillaf cuak it u inufvallng to know that haw in ussorgatown a clockaalur who u xux tn repairing and hiking th uou eomplicaud t ll w luolon baa two pundfathar clock lo hi wofahop whlcn r tn on i imj of auvar tubaa wtuuington w uichaala waatalniur u alw bu th auik and aiwu rod 8r aiopptng both th chlua or houra at nlgnl or u of tllnaaa ur lunton u ira- quanlly cauud to toronto to repair ina compllcaud dock 11u father waa on of th flneat clockmakeri in london engund and be wa brought up in th atmoiphcra of watehaa and jawauary trt anska tk watu in matabsra of icna praabyterlan church ouqd and othara apent a plaaiint two houra on uonday evn log- whan ur john it- darter enter tained them with moving picture of hie trip around the world the many tonne and teaullu picture portrayed on th canvaa war vividly daacrlbed by ur duber in pie tntar- eeltng and inatructlv talk ae loan followed aosn 41 wae a delightful oomulon for all preaent ur june kennedy prealdcnt of the oulld act ed ee chairman of th evening many aushti k igiaujf tha reopln of laa oonfeav ilotury and lunch paylor ut futur- day proved ft vety pteaulnjr event for ladle and efuldrea eetudaily thar were many nun ftleo who took advan tage of tha candy atwuli and pre sented their mrahhtri wtui eltolm bokiu of tuooutag for in wmic and ihindrede of udlej ww pwaatflt dur- ln- tha afumoon and aianbu and each lady moored ftuall box of chocolate with ut tkh eompi- bunu ow tm tag owj flonftj wm tlvett to th ehildrait it waa an ideal wopulnit of one of th most modem and uivtouu eonfm- uotuiy log reaht and liandt parlow in thu part of the protfiutt aty long u to be iarluuud on the beautiful eurwiwdlng and modem awomntodetlott he hag provuad fo big patlwaln umehouse the much needed rain of the nut week are wry welcome tha far- men have found tt very hard to plough and many welle are low if not altogether empty fallow en brought tha uiuol grou- tque and atrange vtallora they were indeed many and varied aome even claiming to have come all the way from auhlopu although they hardly looked the part we enjoyed their vulu juat th aamo there were of court the midnight prowlera too making thmgi appear ae though the eerttkjuik had actually been qulu aevere in una locality uany felt and heard the earthquake on thuraday night and were conoid- erably alarmed otbera alept the ateep of th juat and knew nothing of the danger that threattned them until th burning lurmony dub met ae uiual prtday evening the meeting wu in charge of th onrutun kmllowihip committee au wright took the aerlpture leaaon and ur luepheiuon nve very tnureatlng paper on islartin luther afur which there wu proverb oonteat the prealdent ut deonu iiu1 then took char of the bualneaa part of the meeting ur auephenaon eloeed the av with prayer on friday evening hut there wu an open meeting hald in the united church for the purpose of completing plana for the work on the dealing rink airauigemenu were made for the boarding etc and ft bee to be held in th near future in order if paalbae to get everything tn readl neae for winter port when tha real cold weather oottiee on tueeday afternoon lut october 30th at the afanu acton ulu itabal neileon eldeat dauahur of ur jona than nellaon uuton lulghu wu united in marriage to ur arthur wealey benion eldeat ton of ur and un- r denton umehouae iuv it l beniue ofncutlng after a abort honeymoon ux and un benton will take up realdenoe in llmatioua on tuoiday evening lut the olrle lookout olub held a very aucoeuful pie aocul in the preabyterun church although th weather wu inclement there wu a good crowd to enjoy the aplendld proarom arrangud by the glru tloma of tho ulcnt wu ueum earl bcott and harry bmelhurat vio lin and piano ulection urn oromar kve several clioloe reodlnge ulu ilen zimmerman violin eelectloiu ur john emmerton aoloe with tile own aooompanlment on the gulur ur pred shortui solo and ur ymd packer eolo uembere of the ckwtrae- town aulld gave a very amuilng play the teeth of a out store every one taking their porta well at the clot of the program lunch wu eerv- ed ur and un vernon bwackhamer of albany mv are spending a few day with ur bwackliamer and ulu uargarel ueaare wu and nelph uanhall ulae kedwena and ohariotu of toron to and ur allan uaralull or aoton vlalted ur r uenhall on bunday uv and un wu orelg uu of brantford epent bunday with ux and un newton and ur and lire oaje un albert ueredlth left on satur day but to take up residence with her daughter un o lucae in acton un- ueredith will be ateatly tnlased in umenouie but we truet ahe wul vult amone ui ofton 17th armisllce anniversary sunday nov 104 lau at tha ccnoraxt ottosuiktowm gcrvlc crfwtihv-iwlns- vxtuuy oaritcat or uavxt iii wonhlp luycr atuxu will lkoooh 1 our is iu wlavut of invocation hjuuno or wmunia ty h davuln k ilooorary pdfnt 0 pott 10 outa dtan uakui aod lt o tt uuthhfunl vo atuamitance asv tmtn till iionon noci niuzp ajuiiiitio nnnni iuv woo tbouica 3 uihirreu uiuatcx uun- poor tile doteoiotiah national ahtittli binding acoaipa2ud by ltvu notice to creditors b tk ulb a tk ibuki mak uamxt ida ocsumu ui w twwa f o k i smwarttowh ur and ur j w smith and fcoo oordon and ur c pcdl of to- lonlo avpant bunday at j w btnllbav ur and unv a deatue of cjualpb fornaerty of utavwajtuyan bare renew lag acuainlanct tn th vuuge ci bunday wedding balu are ringing in our a number of th w a member enjoyed th afternoon tea at korval on urtdiy uu ashgrove uoii graufytiig annlmnary aerv cere held at the united church on bunday oct antti oapeoly audknote itatiured at both uoming and ewtung urvlcca at lb cburcn which bad been uittruiiy decorated by the young udiee cuu with plant and cruyuuuhemuma rev a o w pore- man of iuiiinaiad wu the apecul minuur for th day inepuing and liclpful meuage were given tn the morning the teat wu taken froa john 8 vena it uy pelher workath hitherto and 1 work in the evening from the nnt puum uethel united church choir ably bupphed the mualo lor the morning tcrvlce while our own choir bullied by ului wuu price of lulunalad gave th evening mutc the anniverairy supper and concert tollowod on tuiuday evening iui an unumially no program while the supper waa being served puno numbers war given by uua bile netii uf john bird and uue uabel wrlgausworth alao oommunlty sing ing ud by ttev kaliy of lowvule th lsowvlile uau quartette coniiit- ing of llev fcuiiy ur u itiwlhead ur u ooubon and ur v ucarthur xkmpanled by ur u hrart heart gave solo duet and quartette numbere and thee were all thoroughly enjoy ed we sere delighted also with the three following artists uu lulen ucoowan of limenouae for her piano numbers ulu wuu price for her solos and ulu alice ounby of tune- ley for her reding the young people e bocuty are pre- ring a puy enutled marys oaitu the air under the teederahlp of ur p o bhlpp and are giving it in korvml peruh hell nov und the auxiliary will meet on kov 13th for their regular pall thank- altering meeting at which ur pin- uy ualheaon of luullngton wul apeak boout krw0 the 2nd george town troop of boy ocouta under booutmaiter r u plre- stine and auietant booutmaiter keen has fay permlialon of the town council uubushed itself in the town hall which wul henceforth be con sldered iu otocul headquarters the officers have decided to increase the membership and all boys between the age of twelve and eighteen years are ellglbu lo send applications to either of the ranking oinoara how ever ainoe a maximum membership of twenty boyi nu been ut for the present time all wouldb bcouu are urged to get their applications in early keotsoe ts izajly otvaof that ail vtnuom bavin any culme oa de- taaauade agailut tb ulaj umjt1 id andaaatja who died od car skbout the lhlrtyait day of uay ajd xua at the city of ouajph in the county of wa4iintcai are qulrd to send by poat pa of to daiiaaat to tha uo- deraiaad lalkuoar for tnobava aikw- uirt th irdaiinlstrbtoaf of the auiaf of uariarct ida andtraon daafaauad thalr iuum and ruriaai and full tmrtkuliia in writing of their culms atad auwouou of ulr ftfwhinl and the natuie of t aanirltlav lf any iiald by th amd tautk motlcx that af ur the iafvaaoth day cf dvanabaf teal th said adoiinutiutor will vtotd to die- ulbuu th awu of uk sauj dcaaaard amotw tlwt dhaone entltud tbrto liavlnjt hraixl only to th culnu of which he shall then have had notlc and that the said ai wjj not be ilabu fo th said iintr ev any part thrfaof tfi any praaoci of whose tubrt he shall tut tha have faoalvad notke dated at oaarsvtoarn oadarto thu suut day of novenur ifeaa ujioy dazjf kfj bolkltv for the said imi m kv aaetvalu duata and daaufi to dig old caaaroou cutaatu feu cuehi on slkvt notte uw whii- siahiag and any other wont dvse- halhwoni outau eompute irwatlh at loafaai ivtcasl wluum bob lot oaorav6a if wood for sale obalea huimi uasl isd fmti w ioft mod- uu grkajecly ink ttarf hau m lumbago a m attack fh2 cavtx ol lumi- a i fifuua lumbaao a uu awhacath a nana tfosai rumacaps floral deslfltis wtrmiki ufrtif clulrti uj au slwttl ttfc ui aa ula rtuces beawinablc rka tt j farmer gaal m dwnlka week end specials friday and saturday groceries 10 lb granulated sugar 80e 10 uu brown sugar boe libby totoato juice 8c durham com starch se rjrorttea 28e sauda tea yellow label 28c frya cocoa 2ie roe ealcina powder ibe white onion tweet and aour 2 tat 2ac old dutch clcanier be cliipso targe aize ibc blue ruibon malt extract sljis maple leaf soap flake ib cowan perfection cocoa 21e kirk cattile soap tttvtsse sitnplicity pattern 18c a fr langlevs cltaturt arj d wcdeuver mcbean co phone 64 georgetown bbbbbbbbaaababbbibbbababbbbbbabbsbbgbbbbi w save utthsaftti at your re3aliltiut ood uveb coutovmt uk cu m specials ri whiii ai iir smm ui tuiy ratt1 u baull ou kku wuk u ctau auk ameaii tmawa hiihi mi kw4 ulm u la hot wat8b bofrimu oirihlj 1 raar u nsrwimuofi fafnaa 1 ik ha vm ua aktara akap ta aaaua at h bauu km bum lvaoc tmiii ha tb iu j ad aura fcoott- aatuiaioh aa ha a v a couoh bkok uirtillrliif aw u a ii1 ua caninm uaxr oa t oakaah auiuactixw itaxt t honiara ikikiw ta robbs drug store alkat u- w baieeae tw afwah a-aa- emomaswmt nealth atatrobt the following u th report of com municable disease by the uoji to occtbctown uoard of health for oo tober 1cu3 dlphuuru 0 tuarut mver 0 ohlckenpok 10 ueaslaa 0 german ueaales is mump o infantile paralysis o typhoid pever 0 whooplngcouah 0 ocrcberofipinal uenlngltu 0 new advertisements lutta te eteni house to rant on ueple ave apply un t j speight or itione 3t0w tf per fuu oakc kitchen cabinet ism in good condition apply at herald omce up per iuu er bent blx roomed house on king st ell oonvunjenob ttirage rjaavsalan nt once apply to urt w a uoolure phone h rl oeargetown it pee hau one monarch quebec hraur equip ped wltli two 7 silent otow oil bur- nors togal drum with quantity of oil complete 115 00 also uoffatt liot water an noil with now hot waur front prloo 110 oo phono qsw auction sale f co head op pbebh cows upkinqeru aavotteatai and pceoeliy the undersigned hoa received in structions from piled wbioalxawobth to sell by public auction at lot t 1th line ksqiieslng on tiiubudav noveubek uut 1u5 at 130 pm the following oows durlmni cow 6 yra frealtr durham cow 1 yru freh 8 llolsuln cows 4 yra free durluunsiolsuln cow b yra freeli 3 ilouteln owe 6 yra freah part jersey cow ft ytt- fresh due nov loth 60 heed of slockere end feeder m0 to 1000 lb tticee stoclcfiri and feeder coma from clean area ilouteln bull 3 years eligible 0 veal ealyee 4 ahoau 600 bus tumtpe trimmed for ship ping 360 bui mangels 10 bag of potatoes veaeet grain grinder 0 inch tkftllboajh it lbuutortv a pfctoh aiicilotioere dominion stores mohey severs vlnt clliclivf uumur nu lli m silmiur ko k bbuniwick all valnc m sardines 3 14 calaysoap3 14 campbells ta beans lo biuhlwict av aaa a chicken 2 t 25 red rose t 26 oxydol 19 gold soap 10 39 domino a 15 fancy santa clara n prunes u 2 2s clua wttk4 walnirta rbca a 4s whob wilil mazit hut cltnwood beets diced fancy japan rice i7 pcrlcllon cocoa tvm8 llfabuoy soap ficjic 15 caulo 8c each cooking onions solbbagjf orange 19c to 30c doz pastry fiom 57c dominion stores apples far sale a quantity of northern spy and stark apple for aaie good quality oeorge tislle phone a r 11 oeorge- town st relleu wanted leghorn and barred hock pulleu wanted iltghest cash price paid olve full partteular uo 359 fergus ontario t avhpaiiutg vwudden any person or persona ahoounff or tiwpasiing on pramliee lot 11 con 0 luealng wtll be prosecuted estate of w a ueolure qeorgetown 8t te seta avsune home at corner of edith and raclory atreeu newly deoorated in- elde and will be newly painted outside alt modem owvenjeneej vowmiots nov let apply to un p r blaek- bum pboiu utla oaarbetowtl u november j flower sale m mums marigolds violets etc a owing to the unusually mild weather we are able to a offer cut flowere and pot planu at very low price s remembrance day wreaths and g crosses made to order lsoup b barber floral co iaabaabbsibbbbb aaaa ctotaatowii

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