Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1935, p. 3

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pgc3 al week end specials friday and saturday groceries 10 it granulated suftny soc 10 iba brown sugar goe libbya tomato juice he durham corn starch be redroaetea 2fc falarla tea yellow label 2tfe fry a cocoa he roas baking powder ike white onion aweet and aour 2 fc 2e old dutch cleanaer be chipao large aize i be blue ribbon malt extract 12 maple leaf soap flakea ibe cowana perfection cocoa 21 e kiite caatile soap kforzse simplicity pattern ike a4 for langlevs clma and dram we deliver the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 30th 1935 lake advantage of these seasonable specials heavy fleece4jned shirts and drawers gg md penmans merino shirts and drawers 79 teds mens ribbed wool shirts and drawers gg cads mens natural merino combinations afa38lo40 125 mens wool sweater coats leather 100 179 anadea 38 42 mens heavy wlndbreakers varioua shade extra special mens black calf oxfords 10 249 198 298 ladvs twin sets b 18 40 womens tweed plaid dresses childrens winterweight school dresses 149 ladys silk and wool hose variou shade 29e d brill co corner mill and main st phone 167 georgetown ivialilbbbbbbbbbambbbbhbhklhbbbbbbbbbabbbbitl delicious fresh pork hocks loclb ss 18 psricdwtte a bastis j9 clb legs of lamb loins of lamb 23c kj 17c lb this is national cheese week newcheeu igelb nippy ou cruete 2icfc brookfield cheese 2 box for 25c 4t yon di0nne quintuplet birthday bowl quaker oatsljb shou 23 e wfi uahjt vuur mincemeat 2 um 2se chase- a banboaurs coffee i lb bag 38c iiuot- aub qaaut buffet pea 3 for 28e qdmfl f rstts aat flour 71k big m9 wit sell for cash phone g i of tarlaf we 28w ao 1s1v deliver pure po store i ii i i jagaaaababfiaamaaaa 32 ms jar snnrise orange maraalade 25c 6 lb freh wheatleta light or dark 26c 6 lb fresh quick cooking rolled oat 28c freih wheat germ per lb 6e freah cracked wheat in bulk per lb 6c maconochiea fresh cut mixed peel per lb 21c clark pork and bean no 2 jumbo size lie ovaltine per tin 38c and 68e maltone a delicious food drink 20e vl lb pkg lyon yellow label tea 28c domeitic or easifirst shortening per lb 13c pure lard in i lb carton 17c sweet pickle cottage roll in piece per lb 20c freah bologna in piece per lb izjc super suda per pkg 8e choice fresh fruit and vegetables complete atock of china and glassware a e farnell phone 75 we deliver vallate want foghorn and barred hock pullets wanted ulgbeit eaah pf ut give full pavrtlttilare box it0 wtttu ontario apple fa sal a quantity of northern spy and stark apple for tala good quality george tulle pfaoku u r 11 axw town m local news iulicfro tfcunday highs ataktmur oamtmtiuod mov sttf jumlatloaj daky it t root um dy ttaayuur rrwttrag of tbvu ownvr bxt tuiili owsaom hoctaidtoionai widy hov ktad flaimrtat of th tdc fct that gregory thoi bauuiday night th feieotad tiaajjljmarrtt of ulu4 tor lss u diat bi oaaarvacom oa mov 4lb lb ud mh la u- omiu iiii laula hl 8ouaxuy wo sad tfa ruh of ijrfg hulur ulu uofhlof ootxud oui taoraaf inureai- ta iubu hkb wm tpr tamt lv b aawadfttlaat of lotvts cottlwuaii- vy am uauufxuy hov lad uaja fcd1 inthu lailal ludtut ajuuwtjy suikuy kov ifttii wof u la orekud lla uo of utuaulff oiumfally wuj fc lb pfuhfr xasraa sotll of wild fc 1 owf lom lut lutunuy ifufiwd uul fviiaj tfaty n ami by inauiy of our culawtli a ufg duawr of gajoffvtoijb udlu haw fafcunl in th t day avmlns couru mcad by lh wo- suoli itwihila w sub to naiilfad our ctlimtu olat a nltki ca b f hatvd liuo qulntudki copoira for th lkaqal too of tew iod for cilud slfau- wavtch th lbaruocjettlr ovuaf lo ua dtjallata utxaaj adai to ejutatii uk ooldca annl- wrury of lloly cfa ctmrch uu uj u do hlwo katuj lhi vwil u jiiaouiafttd but u u1 b ob uooddy ulibt notr mlb voulj ay kcao iti nafliur bdidtiaf of ua wo- iv ibauluu u1 u bld ta lb arj1lf4h cltab booafii oa wadoadly tviuroooo mov hbui o cloak ur whllauoiac atheiiuuraj kjia-au- um wtu b th uiiii kv47faody wlftscbi ur john r bufatr to tioln bawliitf fabturw of hi trip uoud lb frortd at uvt nafuur starting of lb ouud of htdoit ofaurcb oa jiwaj buht hov uii alt bo would uk to lh plrtuf aw cordially lo- vlud to ailuwj lip urm annto johtuoo and dili euobhuon acioa suj hold an rslttult clurnlbf ul of all bouw- hold atfavia rua uuon at rkh dxaho on sauurday wo tad at i otloth yvfiiu cub r j krr phow m acton j nd laatto shinum hor4uls cod ltrr oil lh ou uucud for th dbm qtuotujatj caui b boumht durtn th on orftt bau at to bottuai for th prte of oo piu on cntl it ui u luu a brtjv for your cblwo and food for lot of gronupj aa u- tula itobbs lb iuu1j drua blor ur 1 j- ryou of toronto 8uprlnlddtat of th ototral oo- tarto sua lie u ahwaiunj th h tlonal oonvarfitton of uotor coach opinion at hw oruan ur ryauaj i fuurabud to h bua patroni th baat pouibl awinwwnninn on th una h rjtait and any bw tda obtaliud for th eoafort of th travailing public will b lnaafiratd in otntral ootarto lin hihn clfc futul evinlij a pan aocial tvatu look plaot on uonday wnlng when wo arty babn of oortton bovttna club satharad at lh bom of ur and lira j w kennedy for a brtd and uchr aftr th gas r eon- cjudaad dauidavi nftulubemu urvd and a dauchllul hour apant to octal intercoun th ptta tnnra at btid vr laadi ult xayt kaonady ban uv iluah dawtdaon euthr tadluir u nar ur a l hrjulr ouiralaj hr mui baruaaay ura lunry curtd a hlhly uacnad hiliutu of 0oaiatorn for many yaara albratd bar hth urthday at th bom of bar duh- tar and aonmlaw itr and ura ituth luadc bootoh block ataqiwhltwf on tburdy but ura curidap u th relnlnt of haarty eoncratula- uona whan many old frland and r- lauvaa eauad to a bar tih 1 ioyint food health and cnant pteaaant afumoon with bar nimur- ou gtiaiu bakar u4 th bakara of ilalton pl and duffartn countla mat at th uo- aibbon iloul oaorgaiown on uon day avanui laat thar waa a tart ttandano and ft ty wmnful mtln- waa b4d ihhfc fmliiii in cnral vaa dteuwid and th atan- dard prto for braad ovar th uira eountla wa aat at so par loaf and to ear loaf wholaaal braad la al ready 80 per loaf tn moat town but lh baw of thla dktrioi dactdad to wait a count of waaka and ae what th prtot af flour will b under th now fmmnul akbevanary bawtaaa at ifallhufw annlnnary aervlom of the balllna- fad united ohurcb will b held bun- day kov im at 11 ajti and tj0 pjn th rev j o tottn of vrealtoti will preach at both aervloea in th mom- qa aervte tha choir will b auiiied by ura w uatui and ura o juitto of krln and lo th evenlnt th muale will b in charge of th uuton ual quartette on uonday avenlnt hov 4th ft fowl aunnar wlu be held from 9 to cdock after which ft good nrocram will b tlven fionilahrvg of the following number addraaa by rev tr uagwood of oakvuk hawaiian mualo by uakhment bro- thera aolo by ulu wiu oappa readlnga by ulaa beatrlo vannor- 1 admuiion se and mo bf oarya aulinbify caaiwhrt thar u ft larga aotendanoe at bt oeorge annlwaary oonoatt in the town hall on uonday evening whan evater hewitt noted radio an nouncer and old uan bunahlne rev tebb of butllngton dellgntad tha audlenob with their arthfoue ur hewitt gave a vary lntereaung and initructlve talk on radio from it in ception to the preeent time tnter- iparaed with pereonal aamerienoe tn connection with uoadoaattng rev tebba llluitrated addreaa on hu uio by motor to the uona oonveatloa at uexlco city waa very tntereatta and much appreciated th reel of na tural oolored picture of autumn foll age and sowera which wai ahown for the flrtt time waa very beautlful a very enjoyable evetting waa apent by all who attended the keno social held in the basement of holy oroaa church on thuraday evening laat week rdlowuig are a liat of prlae wlnnera door ptiee ft lac table cover was won by omer wtuon of oaorge town holder of ticket ko u ux urooka baiket of ttoceriea ura bar- kant allumln cooker p oullen radio lamp ur wuuton oueh allumln tea kettle u uariow 34 lb bag flour u oirniwlim baaket or arootrlea ura utur double boiler um ck den radio lamp lira oollttu aauoe pan ua 8 uumu book end lit caiue baaket of groeeriea p oon- nelty coffee percolator kit 1j wil cox radio laup km a roney bath aalta ur wkiwott baaket of kroeer- mi mnt turknr woouea blanket personls ur yd lu4rda of pwluwnitml wm k vacilor in town 00 monday uf hbtl ur wed whyt and tad ywl of ouilpb i viallor n towu cat kalooaiay ur j v doartary of tjwtft fcxlt th houcuy atkj w rd with b pamu ur and ut j j ucoul ry w o o thotixw rm feiwnl at uliioa bui sutaday evwilag lwr he had charts of th unlc to orate cbuixii ur uid un a o ucuukby timmd od uooday rtilng froco hiuiucai trip to fikln lai cavup it buk boatb of worth uy oa th wrvuftoo hlhaay yty bfoucht bom tao hu ovr ur and ura w ii hill iad dauashufa f li lhi and aurajri of ilotauord oot w w iuu i ttujki lair- uauqiala auld cuiiarf olort of nuara rmll wr holiday viallors at th lifar cj ur and ura- y u ituj kclni ht on thuraauy iil li u u brrv vunwd aluou enllnly in th buck hm of ui air lean congo to hkb dlnvtor zolun kettle lnd on of th fcoau p7itlaue lofaiioa rirprditlocu mr aluvuptfvd udurutr of lh luwr wuj u- inud at th a ory thatl on futumy nuto wrv jkl its ondrful pactur dont hla uulg it suoday 0 rd at ijtt pet bnl- dy acbool at ro jlw cburdi vu hul b held buaday no xni ix 10 ilh that day wittol ijid tuu tuaerf at 11 au and y pm paabbe wnhip ry o 10 tud budy etbooj ii im tb wak of th intaw bodoiy- v pd 1 kothlog too kliajix all tasavta u1 b tlkeal for lb work of tfa luble botwty gl ftvmawto ulu uu daughur of ura lur- bare rytuirlj and ui uu lunry kvauacla wa cuuuy biarrud to ur the olvo 4u of un o otwn and th uu ur cllwn of oorg- ton tn be twai cliurcb of fclauhl by kv woo thooip- on oa uy r0ji oct hlh tu brld ho woftf a uiu auli stth dajk bron uimiiu vue atlfiud by ula ellin qiwo uorguwn who wot uu aull kalkfud avauaclav brother of ui ttid u groomhsian afur a uotor huneyboon ttuougti orcuaj onurto ur and un olo wlu life in qorgtobti church news feflvlikf y abj lk aitru ajaj tk awu aay caw asi m ua tka4 lx ut uy tiafi ajlj m ua tkai la atkiru imm a4 ut b ua uk ua w u firwly bev ui it trv w o o inooioiwi uttor twmwth tiandiy afur tnoiuy lt oommuiilon a si tti and rmlt ur- tc 10 an holy doma union 11 sj xtttnan t p bona of fit 0org oarpofal com- munlan at lvn st ajkaa cwaralt gla wiutauai uunday achool 1 pai ktrnaong and uuny j p baxu canit ttrv e o luitir of brxwrvburg wo wlu pevafh in the uaptut church on bunday tint for a call local ooukctl gmv th oftawr toawtua of lb locaj couofu of wum wm fcld at lb iuhe cj lh wldet urt j tl uajhril on inriday ajbrrtaooa oc- tobrr ifelb brwraj roota aiv- cu midjaaf th rioh ca t llfjuj axd child wur by ku a u- wit atu lh kauolfi fl atnil of urf tabkuoj hid baartf rikh d of ura huu louodufd lb kmif of ui alurtaooo ur hitad cat to- xallto tao bw ft ftfifaortad auad v liluufu addn tad triai ur itoaaoni addfw atiaaamd tb value of ufi lo mantilrm fcjid f lnr f of ptimag thecat ura- ity aaw- m a hany vol of ibmiik to ur itcbion ajur bhuh arufuood tu wa urved by the uiaiw ftxab ifchank waiabftn looth baawr oofiat aatuaon bealtibtri play ooraaowa at h uii- ruv en tbonday oct tt oajsa tmuwl for cu new atverttszmekr3 lfaaajeat le a ameil bikt brtag atf baufcaau to o w uninctoa 0mttt bc oa- ttp how to wnt od uaple aw- apply un t jr tspahaht or ft inaw li caaa faaf kai laod cbawtowi odud id ptwaah nmnhaf ordw pauflt ha m cheap f ojuldf bale apply at airraid of- gloaulkyovrw coueal tnaoia bkeilmt to bav acxoh ln thitr ntum tut with artoa uu turulay ewnlng at klaawtkat fvuk the ororgrtovd juniore ovfcaud thatr optiotimili ii i thu ithraaulvi for thai ewlt liar tucvioua fjl fu ua nru quarter play y rn aithouah lor th u fie agi uu umaru7d had afton buk4 tup laio uattr on tarrruory aeaoa douiiud btib an aertaj altack that te piajt oim lolo oofin ur- ntry in th taiooad quarter aatton hed the stud behind lhaa aiad grtduiuy dro 0caton tauet to uwii touch uo where dunoia yu faofd lo run out a tick and wa rouged for arton flru polnl afur laairlua lh oeorfton muhtivr bfavn to flua luevy uuka uiruugh ui tin and fut od run biought uum to aruao w yard line tarir lii threw a long forward trial duncan juat managed to grab and waa graued fit yard out oa the neit play duncan plunged it or and then converted it after th tcema thiagd eod for th but ejuar ur oeortetoani conunuad their uu- llant atbuk uu plaj ttt ca aooa 45 yard tin theti lunan tllppial round kcioom kft eod wardad atf too tackier and carried the ball o or oeorgrtown aecood touch which aa not cooverted ror lh t- h of the quarter play wa cnlrad to acton urrllary katry man on th oaorsvtown taatd plaed atnllng rugby their uoe wa wild th baukfleld mad few frhft and rvooterwd eryon of th acton fumhlm ooorgetown lined up a follow onap ifrhermny fnftfcw mieailih and iuick middle ooldham and rroomhrad enda byteatsr uociun quartrr llartwr halra arnold lun an duncan flying wing hoar grlcory theatr friday nov 1 she married her boss fmj aiat jfclur uijim4 cuafeu riniri comedy eaty money fra njv saturday november 2 matinee at 3 sanders of the river uahu r- a uriiita uu b mnr wuu duia pul baerloui fight picture chapter 4 bum em up bamea tueaday and wedneaday nov 6th and 6th little men turr it ihfci u ainu unta lultb hmma ul rvuato biml todd kelly comedy tin man song hit life of the party snapahota no 13 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj the original rexall one cent -sue- wednesday thursday friday and saturday two regular article for the price of one hu 1 cenl now is the time to stock up on household needs for the winter dont forget to vote in our boys and girls contest help your favorite boy or girl to win one of thete beautiful prize contest now on double vote on all rexall preparation robbs drug store the rexall store phone 76 we deliver georgetown khhhhmhhmhfe w fui blmu cu rooaned boua oa fcung st all worriilrtw tx- y jn ul ooo apoly to ur w a- udcuu taod m r qigttrtm st w la dupuar houi to hrnt odpoail tamp- tut curch bathrood and newly de- eortad and mwatad- fcmi- linn kw uul apply ui wltfrw l- ton olaad wuilaia or yu ul orwrtara fp aakhjalweo vax kalb th tu aale of parcebi osered and utaiold oo oct urd ifcji will be of ltwad alo at th oouncu ohabbat buirttw en wadneaalay nov lh u id a-0o7- laralie twaaurer tuvytuhlp of y it waaalij noat ducahaa and dralia to dig oid f r tuuram ate oa abort botlo whit- shb3at aad any other dosi- bauhioaaa outat teatailed 4 kat twicaal jauw wuhattl ttoat u o0r401 tf phone 64 geottglnown another week- end oi better values mohf la to huioh j4 wbilm macaroni 5 sjmoma itubdv bro 45 juic 3 e5 caupacll ornate 21m i etc cleanser 314 christies fig roixs aoetzeooa raekaunniho salt 111 free i paramge handy asukwtije wllh euh fortluu al bars op comfort soap 10 4a caadma w leva tuatl rjfjijyvcfarrldoa free wm 2 pattaa wheat krisihesj national oiewej wck dominion coopcralca in kat tonal oiaea wk flcraa year fhiportunily to brncfii bolh yosrull and ca kraft canadian ru fvelveeta or o h o tfc chateau 227 kraft 23 old cheese 21 new cheese 7 ai fruits and vegetables cooking apples 6 qt baaket 19e celery bunch 8c cooking onions 50 lb ba 89e dominion stores limited a 7oan of frundthip and lotting rirnambrance there an three thing which enter into the making of a pic ture whether by photography or any other prooeaa they are dealgn or ooupoaltlon technl- que and that elusive hardly to be denned aonuthlng which we call feeling which give to a picture it greatest attraction and appeal all three we atrlve to attain in making your portrait at price to mlt everyone if ttette te early new ta ar- aa for ofarfalaaab meiaetth brampton t quu gt e muae ulw t georgetown cafe georgetown new cafe will open in the oneill block main st on saturday november 2nd a modern ond uptodate cafe where only the best and choicest food are served to patron at most reasonable price wo are lur to aaoommodato uu public and will apondata jour patronage georgetown cafe oneill block main st georgetowa weepeuilag vttruddeu any peraort or fwinona or treapaialng on pramlse lot itteod 0 eflquealng will be proaeouted estate of w a uoolure georgetown at atetu promo house at corner of bdlth and factory btreeta newly daoorated in- aide and will be newly painted uutalde all tnodera convenience xuselou nov let apply to lit p v blaok- burtt phone ida georgetown tf jointaches b aciuno mubclkb and joint m quickly nliaved by- at tuln kumaoahi kotont ddo wnmui 2 rumacaps 8 wood for sale ottfiaob hajdrootl uaplg and bflhih misted aoft wood uoai tmintume wjjwrottashaaa wood for sale obolm alapto ttsraam and mar raus at rltht bman onaw ian at a utuwf or at aty bad hua aar prampuy attaailatait a uvdhiatotar wood for sale at auo par eerdt auatd waat atag wr eom rail aus var eawl t auunnromo raaa au ar anj

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