Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1935, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wcdneaday evening october 30th 1935 silvers offer ten specials for this week end that are worth seeing ladies win coal o fine troebark material fur trimmed lit 995 grrte winter coal willi muff and hat to match beautifully madr 695 up ladac siuv blouee these ore sample in crepe and tattns reg 2 95 value at 100 lavc woouett drae in lateet style included are a few plaid at 395 lsdiev ftalineletle tyarnju 2 piece suits at tg men here is value 1 men soud luther olorde uiei 6 to i i 188 boy boot sixes up to vi at 195 cnlldnerfi 3je ctlrtchuu sets coat lesging and helmet 395 ladiia uradwwwair cotton and wool veil and bloomer at 49c mllltnery our tnliunray department otfwra tvrc imi sceub in udw fact hal 98c j 149 silvers depl store wlttt your doiuy go friliw phone 378 georgetown oivxk iumci tat- twor outreh ob cxs idy oot- aath bar r woo thoaip- fcora till dafcblt- of mr lajr- bar irraiid and th ut hairy irtmuaa to tumul oivct on uj d oita and th ui ohft of ow6ihoa ajinwevaary service ad st- gorge onirdbi blv canow nafettx of holyom tui iirctajl ra rim gar d- uvttkkd umltmduy municipal matut awotltnt municipal vtj u draw ing to a eta and nfw day yridy nov xtad u only thr ks aey w hat not eotuullfd with bfembere of council a to their munuotu but it u our cpuiic thmt uu irupre of 0orjtodfb would be wu advised to retain th ame bun in ohlc for another year mayo olbbon ha twforbud th dull of hid ouu with edit to hisuelf and th iobto hi ha hid uu honor to mnwiu for lb put lo sara ibo txiouo hu u onomy as far w pirtlcahu and with tly fcu es- al4anc of ww claw and the uhiibm of council u a whole the bufclnfai of lh municipality ha un cuvfuuy trejusctad vtth the twill that um toma financial position to day u longway bttr than it wu tfco or uir jvart aa w uuw th rmonl of uu lfai council t t good oo and lh tattebn individ a uy and coiucuky haw orkad in lh bt lnurta of th uunlctpality ytwy r gradually pulling ua out of th hoi and u alkd to oontlnu thai butto of pricufil ccononiy our lon and dtuxu yrntrally u1 una bl if th pn ct tfalt sj eul ini to iww anottwr jrvar rlct uwbi by tt nd thank uwa for tbtr tu rvt spec1al1 special1 special books books books 4 for 100 our huh alack of ubeery dooki la b told tl thle lumln imee la mijte ir for an enurely ne library ncv wow wuiui ytav uw i u im pitetchristmas showing of childrens books be to 80c ooeae in and aee our atodc- alarm clocks canadian mad rcuabl ttbikffera special 9g the nyal popularity contest be prepared tog an early atari enroll now tb eonteat will begin toon with nigger and imter prtau someone will win why not you ewtpt yocn haig at omog hlaccormacks drag store sohs til we p oavtboltowm reopening of longs confeettonery after remodelling and redecorating saturday november 2 ice cream specials banana tlm me hneaihruc bundae tltf ckocolayc boda ii homemade me and ice ceeam it uaixowfrain fafv th sunday achool food of th doiud chukii th me of a ty ltaiiloaxati urty on uondy twn latt oct mix hrf th 6i4ar of th tiaouum 6f th youn gaaoplas uatlmlf fenurtalobd th youn popl or th clitjfltii yn ffurjau ruld by a thoatv ho auottad thcb ith an ley hand lp to th ifcrapmnhaaat of trd vail bhsi and ahrua a varuty of aolo nuaher by john lifiufui a atngfcont and tj tuaui by a nrity orthaa- tr r thoroughly oyd by wwy on th oolorful oran1 and blacji d- oorauoi and th orlhnal and varud coaiuaa of th futati addad coa- aldarably to th aurtctlvvnaaa of th party iuj iky tad jack uaxlaivn wr awaxdad th prlwi for th but eotv tufiua luadi aa urvd at th elo of th prosttel lijt0ittwwo ol lohq8 cow- nononny th r kunfalllftg and radooralln of ltontv onfacuonrry and lunch wrtor i now eoraplhd n njulp- natit haa bfl inaallad and lonkh ar no tn a batter poaluon than 99r to carv thatr aany patrona with tint quality eood tn cuan and com fortahl auiroundinca krttnda and patron ar cordially tnviud to th ropilnf on saturday ho 2nd whan aoni ipacial baralna will ba onrwd ajbo aach lady will raoalv a trt and ath child a trrat with itr lonfa ocbpuuanta th ur- vtoaa of ut blrk of nliwn1 ic crwmm co hav bwn aacurvd to aaalat at th opaoinf th tattbtn and adhrmta of bt- otaitmm anxucan church cewtnlad th attb annlwwfcajry of th founding of lh church in ocoftttmis oo bun day uu larg coontlotu at undod th bervlcm and lh day throukiuhit wu on of dlvtn intplf allon and hlfvlrg uav woo thtetapfcqti rctor had tliars of th taunting wrvtc luv cjwm naful of ulltcbn had charge of uitj evening tunic and alter raduig uttptur lrfaotu ftoo uk toil chapter lu punca and ul cliaptrr paula lpitle to lh icphnl ana w praclid an eaniamt and in- aplrln urmon i rota uu foiloing unt t found in th 11th chapter of trefkul lain viiu tiiu uuuj the lod uod although i liav caif lhrta far off unong ul ittalhen and al- ihouioi i hav xaturfd uua auong hie countru yt will i tc to then aa a uttlt aanctuary in the oountrtc khrre uvy ahall oou lie taid in part to day e think of tluu lu cam to uua land far totta th horarland and built th firat off ixjlldlaga u hkh lo worship ckml tliey vw atrortej bvn and o mtn in lh early daya and w4 ryjolc ovrr th afamptuluiirnla of thr put wlui beautiful meavjru of lh cnru- tian fallh and fortitude of thew who rjktauulud ood a lanctuarw in uu ruty daa w1u1 appreciating lh great axoompllihianu of th peat we muat retiwttlvr that church wort la newr don and that today cfaru- uanlty la faxing anouier grmt calami ty tn th foroa of plaaur and war uom people wonder if th church will lurvtv in lh ne cibuualloa- tli force of ood lit forewr and th graiatt contrtbutioa w cn uai to chrutlanlty la the aplrlt of prayer and uxrtno th iplnt of th amnc- tuary la aotnethlng that will raoiala when all earthly thing ar ton tsopl fcl lh tplu of avhiwil to lh aanctuary today thank ood for thy bautlful lawtaury raard upon prayer and urtlce to ood u you ar not a regular woekhlpprf you art loiing a lot of thla hie morn ing and wnlng pravcr haa baea lou to lh hoine we aliould carry th iplrit of ood tnto our home uore than w do it will blaaa and bring pec into lh hoei w ahould carry lh aptnt of ood into our biul- n4 and reeou that all food and money balnnga to ilia w naad 111 help in th dlmcult and trying altu- atlona hav to suet the tbutth need your preunc and hah tn oodki work devotion to ood baana brotherhood and to of wphtnil leektag to aav and bring courag joy and peao to ttfejtbroki aoul tb world today nda mora of th heav enly pathera aptrtt and loe tn th heart of men and women w thank ood for hi lov and guiding eat throughout th year that hat gon and irtut in lum aa a aanctuary tn the years lo come th apecial mutlc by th choir and organ voiunlarte by lira w y brad ley war alio much aojayad laabhabbbabbbbbbab plumbing tlnsmithipfl eavelroughing hoi air heating candy specials dabk rcrrcbiinrr mjuaujoa hixkd mirr duors toval vcuvesa ooldkn glow cuncu hand hotuoj chocolates chooolaw covkkeo uhzd ndt8 lb la ue ik ue ik ue ik we ik bee otjb windows vou otueil argciau w h long oonrectioneky and ldnci1 pablou phone 80 main si georgetown stove and furnace repairs of an kind bmw ut kv uea uw aaj rruue itjtfle atkig hl f lmegavray rfca t1w citua iaaabbaabbbaababbbi gola jufcau thoiycixw cburciev georciqwn nrtt burkuy holy crow chuxelt auvwltnl will ebfarmi th ooldeti jubuw of their piit church th tlru church i built uhty years ad but lh ptiaiet on 5 yt on bunday th buhop of itaniliton the hight hev j t uchauy will oort th church which haa twn all re- dcormted uuld and out for lh oc- it u on of lh prttlet de- coraiki diurchr in th province at iu next bunday rev lht kelly fomvriy an axtoa boy will ung aolemn lilgb mai th hlght itev uontjcnor uccann a fortner ulur boy at the church la otoea- town will preach lh arrtnon tn luahop of hi ml hon who will be a- ijitm by itev dr 0hrlet of ouelplt and itev dr j ohellly of oulph th fught itev uoculgnor caauty of hatallton will be prent u u forty years unc a buhop cau to uw church in otorgflown and he will ad rauuater ui ascrawenl of conftrtiti tlon to a dau of over forty frotu uecirsrtown acton and ouuie on uunday evening at im ui jesuit fevlhers who built th pment church will preach th aerraon and elv brnedlcuon on uonday morning at mm there will be a rjjuitrt high biau for all lh daceauj of th pariah in th ewnlng thcr will be at im pom th jubilee supper the former pa tors of the church living will b at th aupper and take cliarg of the devotion after th former paaton a ho will b prvwnt are lleva rather arnold rliwr trarnor vtiit doyle rvuier ooodroe and ifathrr lttjtravy on tueulay horning uier will be a apaclal high tnaaa for th children of th pariah in the evening at 136 lh tvtduui of thank to cnrut the king will dot with lh prwtu of th dkwe of itauuton taking char of the dvotlona luv ealher a curten of th i of chriu th king llamuton will glv th special aw mon th itlght luv ugr oetil vicar oeneral of th dtocaw will felve th solemn iwnedlcuon au ar invited to attend tha de votlona a tall la being placed on the church and lil ring th hrrt urn on th occaaton of th oolden juhue of th church w knoer th du aeoa of oeorgitown will all help to mak thla tvect a great succee and wtah lh congregation jd th paator itev j l- udirtd ujl who haa labored so hard to hav th church radecoratad tvery food will raojjnafad ut and urs jchn ewd and mi and urs robert lord and family of omagh were bunday vlatiors at th horn of lira a kentner in th aba of our m l rev benjamin eyrt of ajahgrov took charge of lh servto bunday morning taking aa hi teit then were th disciple glad when they taw th lnrd- th october meeting of th wus wu held at lh horn of ula rata ohortlu wednesday afternoon th meeting was well attended and th roll call waa anxwered with beautiful thanksgiving thought lira j ucdermld and urs overend of oeorgetown were present ura uo- dcrmid spoke for a few mlnuu on th subject of the ulaalonary uonth ly atxeaalng the fact that it waa our duty aa vmo members to euhecrth to thla intereattng booklet and also lo read it so as to keep in touch with our work ura overend aw epok glvtng ua some inlereatlng nwa con- ceming ulaa ucllarrles uby ilota tn india it waa decided to send a bale of clothing to waatern canada to help thoa let fortunata th acrtptur study wai given by ura w bhortul and the topic by ura alvm btarreu utea reu fihortlu and ulas b iiilta sang a duet after which rev ur kreman doted th meeting with prayer uruittaea ly f a very pretty wadding took plaea on batumay october ath at four odotk at lh hoaa of ur and ura thoa ion oofatoii wbn their daughter uary uargajm bxa th brtd of ur oary kavraoa uc- kinney son of ur w j uxaunney and th tat ura ucklnrvey of liraitapton th rev j a if hodg son omculfid th horn waa decor tad with pfnk and whit elirynth- mumi and th wedding muale played by ulaa ruth anderson of oaora- town during th signing of the reguter ura arthur uottuon aleter of the groom sang into th dwn with you th brtd given in mar riage by her father or a aown of whit point d tapnt over whit falue her only ornament being a clasp pin th gift of th groom her veil of net waa caught in halo effect with orange blouoma and aha carried a houquet of shower urtardltfe rosea ulas btlty lyon altter of th brtd waa brtdeamald gowned in pink silk moire with matching hat and ahoea one canted a bouquct of whit can dtda chryanlhemuma th arooma- man waa ur r bad urgent of riyaclnrille mend of th groom th bridal mother gowned la navy geor sett with mstch tng aoeaaaorua ana wearing premier rose and violet received th gueaia aaalelad by lh grooms altter ura a uorruon bownm in black velvet with ebiifl collar and wearing tallaman roaa later the brtd and groom left for a trip to th iph mar travelling th brtd wore a brown coat with sable collar brown felt hat with i veil and brown aued sjceaanrtea among lh many outoftown guests wer dr and ura weir lyon ulaa ellen lyon uua evelyn bmlth ulaa u u early all of toronto ur and ura e w agar of lellngton ura j if reed ur r w oudsloo 1 urs oladaton and son kenneth of ouctph and mr john 9 hunter of bt ieterburg korlda farmers attention we are buying jbakljcj m we have installed the latest special machinery and equipment for cleaning and handling grain it will handle and clean barley to a standard weight giving the grower the highest market value with no extra coat bring your samples to select seeds location brampton ont phone 888 cjnr station night phone 164w i d a cash contest start on wedne oct 30 end dec 24 a 12 pm open to old and young 1 anyone may enter by giving ua their nam 3 1000 vote with each entry 3 you may hav a many people voting for you a you with a each penny apent tn our store avleh or conteht count aa ont vote 5 your standing w 111 be posted frequently in our window 0 votes ar not transferable from one contestant to an- other 14 cash prizes 14 ui mie rili tttmi tad rrlaecua tllwi ted prli- ruh llth ik imii fiik uml uauni rrtaacaak im imk u itu frtiefmih ua in dlannlng thla oonteal we believe that the average eonleatant nrafera la buy hie or her own prlae bo we are giving you thla ida oonteit with wmrtcen cab11 nuzes georgetown pharmacy jack d harrison geobcetowm ldja drag benlee rilone ut bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi payment ot 1935 taxes town of georgetown 1 5 the second instalment of taste are due and payable at the municipal office wednesday thursday friday november 6h 7lh and 8lh i b the praiiijst tmytiteitt ef tasea eta abave date wui be 3tmedatj by m cawiieil s w cl marshall coluaor umehouse th threshing outfits hav t busy in the immediate tulghbornood th past weak and a half but they finished up at ur u given farm on tueeday th general topic lh past few day haa centred about th immense sack of wild gees that passed over her oalurday evening last earlier in th week a couple of flocks were seen flying almost directly south but thoa of saturday seemed to go mow west or north west thar aemevto be thousand of them and while they wer flying high they could be dla- tlnltly beam giving orders tic u they went along ura johnson and children left on prtday last for their new home in northern ontario they ar spend ing a few days however with una johnson mother tn palarmo befor starting north ur johnson remain ed behind for a few days while anal arrangements an being mad for th transfer of th post oho to ur v benton ur benton te to be our new postmatser and will mov his grocery business over to the premise just vacated by ur johnson as soon possible wedding bells an ringing in our midst it la rumored and we are likely to have the plejuun of welcoming a former resident back tn our midst but tn a new role the olrl lookout dub held their october meeting at the horn of 1 wtlla price on fiaturday afternoon last quit a number of improvement and repairs an being made by ulaa ivena on th old homestead since tak ing possession a few weeks ago the road work teems to be finished in thu section for th present it la rather quiet without either th hum of the wnahtng angina or th road machine ur and ura law miller of ouelph visited with ur and ura wu lane on bunday ur and urn j u uarahau and son gerald and ur j bannon of north bay and ur and ura o kt uarahall of new toronto visited mr r uarahall on thanksgiving day ur and ura d u ooydy and children of toronto and ur and mr brown of klngsvill apent thank- bivlng day with ur and ur wm oowdy on friday evening last the har mony club held a llalolwean party at the home of ur pred packer there was a good crowd and every one enjoyed the gamut and ipooky trtcki indulged in ur and urs v coles of acton apent bunday with ur and urs a hill early bunday morning the larg elraw stack on the farm of ur oeo uino waa destroyed by flra th blaae waa first noticed by ur ohas mere dith when going out to milk he no tified mr uino who wag entirely un aware of the are until ur meredith phoned the atraw could not be sav ed but fortunately no other damage wu done special week end t f m f 9 c priro at iv 1 11 v o akllie onlry urle headcheese uird em 15c special creamery batter 25elb cwvkaolo kuuhd cj i i i mnd one uiw bologna i w rewe 2 29c kkcial si ruhl kllikm- cn4 cottage rolls 23c li srccfal suovlbcal roasts of lamb 14clk ihu lub shoiuow rout of pork himlt hue 1w 17c lavii bbaaiy pork butts 22c uj k1u pcwk shouidw 17e- cbeice cats it prime beef at bw price shoulder roasts of prime beef 4c fc choice meaty rump roasts ls lb- brisket and plate boiling beef iq lb porterhouse roasts very tendce- j9e round steak roasts lean and bacaly 18c rv k m rurt ui ud alii veal chops 2se ua ru stewtngveal 22sc ckoie reaau of veal 20c- sxal 8a1- awr w skciai balkf clkj v1m pumpkiti is- ie mincemeat 2 lb carton 2s fvwah oysters 29ej special cooking onions 101b ise rv- k haddock fillet 17e- salnioa steaks 18c- slrj fcvajal kippers ise cktlee smoked fiba4 18e eanaoat crmraoceru 21e cbidlamtyw kaolva uaduflx- meat pies se vimen wim king pipt delivery bbbhhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbflbbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbbbbbbby stewarttown uu dorothy wilson of toronto spent th week and with htruta friend ur reg robins retuwenud our avjjl a th conference in wind sor last week w ar pleased to hear that ura english was able to rtum horn from oualph lloapltal on saturday last a number of honia hav been un dergoing tmneoveeaenta lately which adde txatly lo th aptaranc of our vulage in th sjaeiv of th rector on bunday but ur robl copeland took charg of th arvtc in fit johnm church norval the hi 1 lit paul eburch or bosland muni wul bold aale of bakln- and arumooo tea vridar hov ut at i ockkk tn the paruh iu11 tn rar raasafaai ijha si drug wednesday ttttiwday friday satarasy oct mlh lo nov 2nd original size packages irts than half price buy your drug need now we save you dollar household remedies acyczsnm raac msi in woaui arumm re son ue taaur ikon a won u o re uco tl no livaur re ue lie olvcaaunb aad aoai wattja re bo lie kilnsauu oil ii ki lie lie monutal oil 40 oa re u5 ue a a a tahlrra re o lie a b a vakunnl re ise te uoouce coiir rowdeh re ue a muu bait 1 lb re xc ue castoa oil re he lie noiucio acid re lie te xnna leavka re loo te uydauxlen vclaoiask re ue lie kosk and nutoav dhofa re ue lie covau lozmaita i uc it cascajla vauucm m re 3ec lie hvbup hvroniodhlltiul l oa re 11 tie iodized tllkoay oarole re uo he aeom cascaka re jle iu amom cabcaka ki lie tie wtuta uniiikny re ue ue coo uveb oil 1 oa re 1150 tie kxthacv coouvcat oil 1 oa re il tie baccua1un vabuet 100 t re jjo lb iiuiiun romiua re nc lie k1dnev rillb re too ale svavr or wurre ihnk and tas h o ue uilk of kaonesu 1 oa it ue lie hilk or uaonksia h oi i 110 tie cauhlobatcn oil re ue lie a h b c vamjm re ue lie vb iodine st re aio lie kill balts nt me tie ouvt oil rllkt re ue lie coliao hy11w re mc te blauds coio tableta re ue lie veaetablk laxative yakut w ut iii analoebio unikent re ua te kotex 18c 2 for 3se toiletries raee lewder re uo reee r re too vaee ceeamt re uo paee ceetmi re soo brllluuaa re ue head lillm re ue a r i re ue cwd c iiim 1 lb tar re 7to balk bella re uo wm bel re uo ware bel re too daua rwder re ii lie ue lie he ue he he ue lie he stationery wriua red re lto te wrilla red re 30o lie wruu red re ue ue ebjveleaa re lto se baa slatleaaty re uo ite bel hlaueaery re me ue soaps cajdii baas t bars far ue luallb baan reg loo 5 r he palaaellve heap s far tie ui tuap 4 far ufetway beat s far it infant dellgltc saa t far iv caslil seap long bar t f r ue raaart baap 4 far lte hala heap large oval s far le many ptowera rap 4 far ii kleenex 12c 2 for 23c baby supplies raky oaaafc brno re uo ise ruby bakw rente re uo ite baky nlaaba re loo te bakr nanla beule re loo te baky veleeat pewder re uo he uaaara rakhnw ue headm cereal ue ate bakya own baa i ter he bakye owa rakuta ue laelena ha etu deabt afalleae lie bleednaai fewdan ue patent medicines bardeek bleed bluare ue lyadea veetaue cewb tie sal uenauee ue j7c lw ireolaad veaal ue s for lilt vaaal irea takuta tie or fer ua aia nue re uo sse jad salle ue knuehea bella re lto ue eae rralt bella ue he we vkke naaa dreba re too ue vlekwes bah re uoue baraalu herkal teale re sliu tie vacuum bottles special 29e sundries teelh braakea re uo he veolk braakea re lto e teelk mule re uo me bkaln cream re uo lie kkavln lauaa re uo ue let water beluea re lie ue ceeeaaat oil bkamnea re uo he cera keaiever re uo he old datek cleaiuer re 10c le banlflaak re mo ue deaeke brrlate re tlao he sanitary rede re uo tie weak cletha re 10c te vealk raale re uo tie anuaealle meatb weak re too ue teelk tttwder re uo e nail bratkea re uo ue abiertnl oeuea 1 lb re toe he cough syrup rtaei n uo ue beat ceatk brrap tie maaeaw il ceatk byraa we ue ayera cherry rtelatlal tte tl baekleyi ulilwe tee ite owkrldave taale tte ue hleanv caaik srrar ue dr ckaim death byrwp ue lie hall a ced uw oil lh ue i lb ue creeleae teale re slu tie ueada ced uver oil lie lie ims baalkka ced urer ou ite tie faeeelle tissues m i pi x8e we carry a complete stock of princess pat preparatio cmiemaefaatimdv atntfai daggett and ramadm creams cold vanhh- something iv ew i a chanting now in ise ar 10c tabu georgetown pharmacy phone 232 slwaaaswaw jack d harrison l d a ultuo seuvtok wat delivkb awaawa4bbkawhaaaaamaeaaaaaau georgetown isajaaamsamamtaasaasmsajdbbl

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