Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sndynintli yw of puuutioa 11m g haraul wfauy evtaiinc october 30 1b3k 1j50 per annua in ailnncal sxoo to ujla the getp hcnjj 1 m moobk te cnr rim tu bundjhj tliim pi v torcalo ti fi t iii hdjh fv tvvoota ltd j wtvl li km imbs bjady ills uuva afcosastowu tb us ulia u i1a pja k2m ib i0i 1mb iu pit r check ite radio you buy by this yardstick dill bu4 buindy i dally 6sarxl balliftuj i x sutuuli only i tuumy ovhkvj ul iiuu din ov bafitflim trranzxabd ttub uwoi cohfsctionebv jfteltla- if directory lb bo dais mbasna u umoboh hai uortfiii lba la lain tmin linn him tualb gmooobhb bicb1bjuuw r- 1 ii lin mrfirtm a ajuz w mioirtbrwom bju u1umn b1hxy graybom uwsehcb bj u ipwull mpirill c e milt tunay ico u uim dot oftfea oriydoo ill uiln bl north bmapcul ytlwlhfivt wj ilimu u frsnom tofcllw mihmifa v b w1hoh djib mas ociu lloun- to ttutpt thumut a m nielsen uk vor u i l cmfrtjwrtn x4lay lvutkw llmrfal obm wr twiim bum omfgcma unun s s tjs ms pm frank fetch ucsmss atxmohua tw uw ciiiin a ui ui ihim kvacapt bwrfm chiktnhim i t ttatlnlcma llrl pott oom otuliuihui monuments pollock a ingham buamuon u ottu worth gab oat pmiw mi bm itw mm tnipmi our wotk la oiwnfmod ctuturr i r-i- commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction thegeoroelowuberald v allmetal ratxotrofts v airpilot vtoneflow cabinets v simplified tuning v automatic tonecom- pcnsation i advanced engineering obluiibww festinghonse gives you everything gl r muckart hione 319w 319j georgetown ulutrvut itfnyat vatloctf srrejuuzb tin hsnvkh dr hammonds baii uj kww hb u a brain boo and tluu rnchi3r lhu bukm car 99alad uul thi rttvitbyi httcurflud iri s4 ft lui old bui u h cauibi i with hla oo th wf butt ta caj ar all lh ra of th ut out ef ym sam out au 4lx of thhif yh all li or uubh- xbd thrw all fciir vp uu4td ooi tfatyn ad -thi- ujj ftul ui dual filling it lut d gotr cam horn femi ttbum ounh k4 tinjj th imtl itto f mil oo wry tmlrt 1m btttbrd too buth lotn lhooht of lhlrf md femmmil lnsh u bu tnm td hibi fax hi tkk kuba towwrwt fctr ktti hifl w all th y w to tw rtvwr i i bat w tiwrr w bd tut lwik id u wtibout ktii btj ft mbitlj dmy abd bl w all akm tii wy uiltet fc uwt orhond our lktu uiil bow hodil al fifit bic4mtil ttl fcrvai qrlns of tcua tabs hiidi lh mmjto fmll ham tatrf ftlavb ljlt a um9 y but lh tej bnji y a tea h gdrj4 la uk bcm tuy rhi iilsbl to eaii xruml 6ua 1 fckv wfail put u dy h cab- h fau do liu u44t hu bruin tt bora hi fiifli- lb lh fcfia fftg4 bo l4 utllj ti jti lm ff wuian tha to hli ut ob to hi tut lb ad of bum faab hi lulfed bvio wb ad urf hw blp to bw4 hi b4 vmtag fhwto bo fcoi vllb dra h iftimt bm hip to 6ujl u tut rti lbr w ft dty iuj hi vfe ws fadftrluu ot hto low i4rt i ttrufau ouwn ta lh hw york 1ia kwmvnaho dart la lh kit or votaul an b- iktilahy id lb wlaaatu vmlwy mjihiag uu tna lb mood mot lb tfmkw ihmt fauld momh mm6u afid ui mouitt alalt od lh famr but lh mud t tfcrt haa twijf u w loit and huuob of souam worth ot broimiy hiltwtjij kj itefcitt at td lh rw kmlioaal uaua uwjiitn kullway bttds aad tto amhd at but la tht teomlhi trahu r afmia ttum ot towfi td lh drvamalad am ifl thfeuah th mai lh tmiu thtttfct u ouid ul ft wax and lh ntem ot lb o1a hutl was a nmrtobar4tlb vxma ttidaj thr u no altm bfodd hiihalw auiria on trt wiint and to lh fattiihrwiia or th baautlful win vxmkl vtlvy maltcochccsc loafchckt lmltclll ou chs lb fie cabtltifuw new cheese lb tit lyons tea to 31e gum drops ss ik 14c jelly beans s lb 14e peanut taffy lb 14c rwftftt rftty rua salmon 12c pea soup 2 25c 211c dftkigou vaoril styu pumpkin 2 fsf huimmc pui buw kisses 225c wuuli auoncti btulli wj fubhu- mixed nuts 18c fniii rsukd peanuts 10c ubkul tatute soup5r ttc sunlight 5 ban 25c fug soap 10 bm 35c ch1pso flakes a 17k kirks castile 3 14e matches fc 3ws0c ammonia- 5c carrolls grapes 1 oc lb bananas ootden him 23c doz jwca r tniioo 3s lbs lie oranges bmmm ui mtoy 20c doz onions 10 lb 15c cranberries aud oiihw frtiu and veceubka u spedd price main street ftee deuvery wwiie 3s7 georgetown sister- act my t ha yum waldo nplllv umwm quitv b rajj f rtumy in ultjln tcaa aray w tt dulrlit llcyri ct tu umuw ku tea a butu harb tlaw lod lawtasj bw ttao a ullw ty la uw rsbu ttt jwti ltrrnftnn tusj lla fmd i lw tt la iltf iloulslsa of ewif it ki wjirtj aad tfci lalknuw caly a fbffiulj tt dl irut attorwy tpliltd aa fetwb l uu hklw tua ui la lb bti cbatr tf iu du aad luuiftj u atkura i1rm uhlrfwjihl la uld nat i nity rrw1 iu iw4alir of ju luutartfp u tca after joor ah try- lug rd4l ilut routloa uutl b lawad nuv rf ufa j to tll b urnvd oiuax lut barad b- fla at ll llmij auj tiu fof tlmta aad tklali rtrfully uaa i wi tuiilag uafg mua fn cuual tobsr all ad t u abvut i bo li ego liars kujai bfui umt ia at kaiih uudla i tbacjfct that eu b faa i it a kjfct lb 67 vy titw i sat bsr ibat i a4 jt it bw iu rat j fw ht aad uat uu m tty m t jaji i but it wa hxid u to ft tacnt iu wu lbte two a luw b6r wwj day aft- lut aad wua b aad uarg at t diarta aj plata la tb felat bj auxgt umiaa k toa i dldat kaow rtibt asaj bat it aa all aboat but foir ftf day i uaa t rwlu tut kvd faua fo a iu tea pdjiac attawuft aad falllab m araoad aa r ill i tbouam ku lutgt elj abi bftt ab dldat m ta 1 felt tarhbl bot i batad u aaat ta urw tfm i rald i b cfmtf about bta ab waa aad fco ah kt tmiahlat t thtt barrufa b laaft of aaylar aaylblag i juat ttud u atafc ur ilfanam eadwuad i mv vast alt yctwday b atayad aeay aatll afcuot atx aad ebaa b can ifarf eaa ub blbl kb aald ikayd baaa out loimr alliflanuoo uklaa ft rid to aa alfftua i tblak i eaa fcwftj aud a lbaoib i waa atlu aoj tvd aavar haap au promt t harry bar wall aitar dtaaw uar aald tbay w fotas op ta ulwjll oam u sta uka tit ov lb waafcaad aad ah aakad at to aaau tba 1 tbabt u waa fuat ta bar a cbiftaroa a i aald au riihl bat of coara tow i took back i cas aa ur ilraaaa aiaat aa aofgad u it waa ut wbaa w fat t lb tab aad w au daetdad ta t rtibt to bad uarg bad rooau at b aad lb ball as lb aaeoad soar tad jba war aboat halfway dawa u aad emta aar th otbar oad aftar 1 aadroawd i raaibiwd mf allpoar war la uarava bat a i pat aa a rob aad atarted daws lb ban to tt lbaaa joat aa i baaad ur nraaaaav door ba ooad tt aad calud bm aad wbaa 1 tuftftd b crabbod aay ana aad ballad aa butd aad abut lb door it waa all dark la ibar ua4 for lb lubt that casa larach lb traaaoai aad i waa tarrtbly rvijhtaaad wbaa 1 cttad out for aiai ta ut aa f b et bl baad ovar ajy awalb aad moot aaytac yeo caat goyoo caat fr aad wbaa i trtad t ibt tooaa b aald oh uo ta all lb du a tbaa 1 aoabad his baebward aad b fu dawa baatd a eaalr that bad bla aaiteaa oaaa oa u tb hht froai eatftd aboa habt th aad i aaw a aa lytai aa top of bl ablrta uuddaaty ur uraaaaolaa buaoad a agala aattbd au tltht irayoa doat uataa to bi r aad thaa at ba 6b i joat eaat t f kb alasapad dawa fae la baad th dlatrict altoroay ut forward now bow huts au rtabt tbatvto juat oa asar thing i wast ta kaovi did b aay anytblaj aim bafor ba- hot alataairr liar bobbad baad abook frooa aid ta aid 8b waa crytaf aoftly wlthoat raatralsl 1 aa lata tb roetaafular blach box at bu albaw ba aald will yo btadly atep la now ula orayr uartarat gray aatarad tbrooah th door oa th riant dar fac waa drawa with tutrarfn bot aatlraly dry too baard tvarythlagr tb dlatrict attaraay aabad amaotbly uartarat aodtud iuv yao anythlaa to addt ya i eaa vattfy au that aba aiid 1 waa to hla badroaia i x had jdbt goa la throaib tb th hall door tb ilutrlct attorney looked haatlly away from bar ataatirau gruvlog ay and claarad bla tbroat thaa laoaa oray triad oat aharply aad fttitad ovar la bar chair fib rafalaad eoaacuoaaaa a mlnutaa utar tylai oa laathar eooeh la th adjoining mom oaly uargw waa thar alttlng by tb roach aad buring down al bar tararioaaly laoaa raa bar tongu ovar vary dry up at uat ah whlaparad baahuyt why why dldat yoo tallv uargaret gray amll did sot on aid of bar mouth at all that you abot mut what good would that dot telling about uy tla larv allly vanity that mad bar lu- aglna intrigu from a llttlo klndnwa wont bring hack th mart i lovd bay hualtand ya of rouraa yoa poor little fool wa flaw to uma and war tnarrtod yonlarday and bacaua w wauttd to koop it frotu avaryoa for while jork w bar volro brok boaraa- ty jock juat triad to atop you rasa going to nty room and aadlaa it empty a man had bean riding hi a amok- uig car and when the train otopnod at the station ha want out oa the platform and took deep bwalha or freah air in hit enjoyment he aald to the brakeman lini this tnvlgor- atlngr no air wi the reply thu li oochectoa laagutrate to wltneu tn auault caw you were nreeent when the wltnaaj gtruck hla wlfev foai air and what is your opinion of the caaey well it was a good fight fcir with pretty footwork on both kldoa ut px aay the iady wag enuued to the dafikicci cat pouu hamoo teaser hubhd conference hi broot tb jvahrm inmlituu ot th ilkl- tod xnpadoimu hald lhslc eoyiuar at broou on ttuirmday and ridy ou 11th and lath th thursday taboralng blfiri oa 9m with cwvouooal aurdao and an oddrau by bav a ucoowan klroriu thn uliawd lb radiag of th wlnulm lriuw rport foil call and appoliitmmit of comwlttt k o omlhurt lh pftdcnt apoa to th aujjr aiur which uu ltiuwi wlula ujl gav a talk oa tt hi tlaahh ilmdbock and v kduh and kmlhlarti dotikln of toarunattti who alunovd fkibuiur adiool lhl war apok oo th maw ikallb ooufkb in th alurnoon lhar waa an hour twvoud to btimmr uchool courw aprfnfrb vrtday mominga tafam oodwd with cwtouonal iwcum and an ad- dru by ww j cawfoa palataao uua uuu wuaon hta bchcol tokmta gave talk on pvfciary work at lh esomlng bilrft a a outtim of ktotdrfttary and be- ondary lducauon wa lh fluj addra of lh alurnooa u was eiwn by itu uarkut a whhakar woodilotk tillijr uuaioorw tm luporta of th goujto kduteuonaj auoetauoa mh glta by uw u lluaw cuorvton and blu kuuou h a ho is rrfn oicn awtad for th doling ymi wr vldrnt uuudl ihw blrcvtcvllw vtoph4idnt uu u iwy ojrrtlir tauiy llu u z iknnatt aeton uaujr atlas d rvrmur alton ovfnkauon of tab thjough- out oourlo and tnluauy lhrouahout oinada with a ramng or profmaional ktandatda and wahtlih oi mlnfarikn aalary of baoa a ta raott rural achoou was urd by rtn- dpal u y tfanowion of th oik- vllu athooi tb ua has th torn- plrt approsal of th oatario dacatt- eaent of kduoiuon itatad 3 bl torn y puhu tktuul bupetor uutoa otbar obaif or th uathrra organliihon plan ta to wrfc far iaj- tw aehool units that u bbat faas- ibl to rplaf onarooai acfaool uh union acboold op rating undar uor n boards of uimu a baotlon aiking th ontario ulnl aur of bmuration to arraba bualll gtnc taat for studanu etrtng pub- uc aehools wu wuhdrawn on in tlon of xnipactor danyaa who ujd that taachara could glv lians ouiut animal ralbnd it is taid that thir u a ouaar link bstwaen man and dog thai axuu ba- twoao man and no otnsr craatur and lhat th dog voluntarily ranaad hlm- mif fay mans aid ages agobut why whan or wharf this blandly relation- ship bagan authorluaa on dogs ar not cartaln th origin of lh dog ramatns hidden but thr la much evident lhat h was th balpar and nmtijhjntnn jx man in prahlatntlo maa in china ths dog appear to ban bean td and graatly prised torn thousands of yaara bafor th chrutlan ara for on of th mos ancient mantucrtpu in a ttubatan monaaury aay that dogs vara uaad to fuetroy wolves and to protect sharp in th ramotsat tunas of man his tory this manuscript ta blhd to bav baan wrutan about jom ho th eajuam racordad rafarcnoe tn egypt to the dog u the ptctur or abakani th dog of cbaopa th pharoh who tn ti bxj commano- ad lb atructur oi th graat pyramid al ohlssh n i u had lh ta- age of his tour uvoru hound burl ed with him txitankbaman had the atngua of his two favohu in his tomb and other pharaohs had their favorite dogs sculptured or pic tured on th walls of thatr burial euea in certain parts of egypt lb dog was held in veneration and member of a houta went into mourning for th death of their dog anuttla th hgyptlan ood or tb dead was r- pneented by a doga head bmhlamsttn of his character of fidelity and watcb- fulneas the at on urn held the dog in aucb high eeleem that they crowned on king and kept hbn in great ettals lie lived in royal splendor surrounded by retinue of lit nd ants m assyria the dog was uridoubtedly mans companion in th chat for many carvings tn aton depleting hunting scenes show an animal very like the greyhound today tnitfmrw of the use of war dogs are also num erous in ancient times they were not only used for combat but also for following up fugitives and for th protection of the camps we also find many historical cases of doge being used for personal guaidlanihh plutarch tells the story of a watch dog oi an athenian temple that tracked a thief who bad stolen valu ables from the house of the gods fol lowing the man many days and re fusing to eat poisoned food that the tbtef tried to make him take th lilndu and the uohammeden dislike dogs but tn the ancient books of india ar legends and stories show ing that the doga fidelity and social attractions were one prised even in that country on story is of a righteous pilgrim coming to the gates of heaven with his dog iu waa told to enter but his dog must be left out side all right then i dont go tn said the pilgrim who thought heaven would be no heaven for him without his faithful mend in the legends and traditions of every country the figure of the dog appears until very recently the peo ple of oomeo believed that a dog watched at the gate of paradise ancient proverbs and superstitions about the dog have come down to us and history bears out the fact that the dog was from earliest times man ally friend and guardian as he is to day in our dumb animals kevcnueh op canadian national ha1lwayb an increase of nearly a million dol lars in the operating revenues oi the allinclusive canadian national hall ways system last month over the tig urea for september lest is shown tn the monthly tromo report issued at the headbuarters of the byatem operating revenues were 115001131 as against lltmo260 for september of lost year a betterment of 6aofl53 an increase in net revenue of 3a3uo u compawd with bepfaatnber 1051 u also shown vcr the nine months period from january 1 to september so 1039 operating revenues totalled i1m1w- 170 which was an increase of whtt ayo over the revenues tar the oorreg- pondlng period of 1034 operating ttrpense for the 1019 period were lfcomdls en increase of muu10 over the expenses for the aama mou ths of 1034 net revenue for the nine month neried wen adlmeot a decrease of wojtt as compared with the ulao months period of uat yaay origin of halloween judah taken captive umamj tauh asrimsuww uaikn in apu of lie irndajry spooks may b aald to bsw hd an aanaiiturai origin and to th ikwat ny u ibfr uix u fruit d uw aaiui pruulany apple thr ara ron tor this tn m oirutun laurcn uauoa or all ii silo lw u lh nu given to tn evening of tn a lst of octoiur as th vtgu u mimw or au balnls day ba- u lha cnrulun era hovr lh m of lb 1lu of oftour bm th utciuon of harwst and oths ti in various countru and lh iauvitw which gradually slhrd around uw chrutun itauoatn at a uur oat original d or lb mou pari tn oountru unds lh avay of in lwuid iugun aiiuy atriuln plus a its i and wtdthy omu- unluaru bcrrod from lb pagan llocoan utuval to th godd of fruu in tbo chuf cluracuruuc of anewnt luuoo war lh lighting of 6oahja and th ulkf thai ual- uso 64 the only night of th ar tn which ghlaa wfocbs wttchrs and evil turns u psrmil- uo to snar en trtn oo th ut oi hotembir lh oruus hd that grwl fail ubiivai and ugbud firs in hffv of t tlinjtfl lh ihanfatji for tmwi u w aho a firm b- aaf tn lh ruigion of ths lvuid that on lh v ol this fsilltai itauow- imu u know u uakan lord of death calud lcvbuut th wicked whim that within th past imlt jnttib tm lwn rfmvwiiniiii to tn- uahti lh tiptli of i with ragard to this uluf u u tnuruilng to nou that tn parts of inland th im octour ftaa and even sun u known aa ofrlfvc wttnahna th vtgu q uarnan on or about th ut of hovamhar al to lh tft uatiral ui kngm of fomona was hsid pomooa was lb godd of th fruit of uvb ha in words pomotogut groasr of fruit and tctnology at this uoman uatl- val nuu andtappua as rtprmaung lh winur ator of frulu play aa tmnortant part and thui origin a tad th ftt of roastlng null and apnu ifiun silsjiiiwng to sau with th utn an appki homung la tub of air a sport in whkh us uur snsrteuon of young folk ha mu- oratad th av of lut october bom cynic ever that th au aptrtu of cid druldlcal lima still taut la lb anap of thwigmlmis youlhs hom rough pranks on tuuoa orua rauit in injury to praodi and sttueb damag to pfoparty that pranks ar tn survlvai or lh ucantioqe part of th pomona fruit fsstlfai th custom of lighting uauomvb fires survived generally until ront years in lb itlghland of awm and waus and still is la vogu tn am of the ramotsr psita in lb dying ambers of th fir 11 wa usual to pulo as many small atone a tber war person around and next morning a search was aud if any of th ilonfe ware ill sr it rail tt was regarded a an omen that th person represented would die within 13 mon wuo tabu ths eatt th everyday american u a gooa iu struts and hlssaa at snjthlng good or bad and nuuts down only wbj rrtendly h f ssds i aumltilri b likrs a fat salary low not ftaedom from lax ft dot or whslhav yout soak th rich aomron shouts and lik silly aaes w his and gat ourselves all else mad up with now a thought of what too ouch moak- ing will mfi what would happen if w j taxed the rich until they vera rich no longer think it over sentlbty instead of trying into a transport of jay over th ida taka wealth away from all and you immediately throw hundreds of thous ands out of ernploymenl th i4 nooks chaufuur aardantra hostiar butler and others who earn thatr livelihood in wealthy bomta without wealth who will purchsa expenaiv estate anfomnhlua race horse yachts etct llorc men out of employment thousands of them without wealthy men vher al e send our wive when an ungant operation u neceuaryr not to a hos pital hospitals are not supported by men of moderate meana vher shall our children find a called a library a theatre do you think you and x will get together with a few million other and supply these things who will supply th money for our railroads bridge and onto buildings will war if no man has more than his share of americas wealth who can undertake to finance anything re quiring real money perhaps we have been killing the goose that lays th golden egg per haps th bosk th rich advocate are not so wise after all what care x if a man make million dollars a year provided spends most of it to give employment to score of men and women it lent th wealthy spenders we should soak its the wealthy saver the man who make millions and hoards it when ha dies soak him properly with the inheritance ux but if hi uvea and spends liberally it might be wis to let him increase hi factories increase his employee and continue to pur chase the hlghprloed commodities that none but the rich can afford the making and selling of these com- mrdlties will give work and wag to you and me sly richard 0 bond better make it clear the eighthour uw is supposed to be effective now but there u not a clear understanding bout its mean ing and the various classes to which it applies an illustration of that was given in hamilton recently when 300 workers hi a factory voted for the eighthour day but 400 caat ballots to soy they preferred to work nine and onehalf hours for five days per week it would be a 48 hour week but it would not be an eighthour day we do not believe there is any thing in the act which cover such a case there are other eases vher people work longer one day than on another and there are ptaoe when the work is spotty that is a man may be call ed on for much leas thin 4s hour this week while next week ha may have opportunity to exceed ths eight- hour limit and be glad of the chance to make the money this paper is not opposed to the principle not for a moment but be fore enforcement is under way it should be thoroughly understood just what it is that ti going to be enforced ft would not he at ail helpful to the eighthour movement to have case brought into court for iu bfrautloa only to find there waa no gullt- stratfom ajmuicraw if it wafcttt for me youd be the biggest fool in the show business how doe tt eel to head the utr filiraiilail uwtfwwi illy grbul if i ir w x tart oofxssm ts3ct tfluftiitriae w- aiutb a halloa but atn u r promch t aay popte proverb 14 ltaoow pajaifaof 3 afc 34 iu all this x bau not man bot sag nor raa sot only wmt with iu wild fcrhiilhj fc ood strik u ttb u t4 b band u bight and au iu umiti trwkl wttfe ef right t oh ut u haar ba death agony th wall of feaothar for uo beat- krd ona and on tt bd oraoafld th vrficanad bin of iu sua who fouod bar wbn u fuu iu4 drd lh daku id- oomcci xwaa uilur i only fcrintaart yr afur lb amilic lh wotd has heard lh war drum baimt aatn warfare ta th orlani has bao bad nouh but ta raent month etace orat isrt- tain ifvflitivpdj ha bad la fac lh poaiibilily of tasodard bacbanlmd war- far thi tkauol ft about lb ovrtfadb of jatuaauid and th capurlty of judah cannot b itudwl baaraly a an hutorfcmj fact of lantya eniuria ago lbouab lh yaar bag be uj ahmw stand out tn hiatory tfaie study oi aa aa- cknt war bid u think or th pafaon- al asuountsr of ft kr wttb th facta of ritnifbbrfi burulad and thirty fiv in a military trcsa judari as wak a kthiopia tb umbrw paopu wf oo saafia to lw aafaty of uabybm but tiaratw of thai aalu- lary fifcrnti kesemathadasaar at- tackad tham tfake h baan spprov- ad tntsrnatlonal pobey tn th past th cynical ruw is hwry avpiaaiad that they who hav tb power should sau what lby can with th fc-u- tng up of th laagu of nation bow- vv it was hopad lhat a ik phlloa- ophy would domtnau and that juauo would dacld rather than tore pa u t a f amln tn ancunt warf ar or blofkad tn aodaro warfar is an us- plhiani subject of lnssakatlon whan th w wa at u baichl jantsalam molhars au thatr owa tiatilii whfi th sjfcy mj ja during lh oraat war th- ef childran atarmd to daath thar is an ancunt n that an army asarcha upon iu h but a b- alaaad farttaob buffah borrots b- caua thar u no omortunlty to for- ag whan th walls of jarusalam btokan down th defatwurs wr glad of th opportunity to run lh gamut of th spaar of th tfsmy rathar than to fac survalioa any longar king ad by nkght through ft saerat xlt- buds harrow- tng farts naad to b recalled in order that p eonscune tgslrwf tt cruslllaa of warfar may b awaknd and wilr oratty t 1 kvan ctvuuad man to not vary far from barbarism war nliiwe prbml- tlv baus aiaawntal pssiion and to- atlnetlv faara thar hav bean oe- of btghriadnaas for tb dafatad tj as for whan th vlctorlou north in th uaiud btau ut th df aaud boutharurs uk thatr horaa horn thi hoar- aver was in a civil war and tt was a cas of chivalry among fallow tiuaao of lb on nation tn chief troubu of th versaius pc traaty was that in a maasur tt wa vtndlctlv th weanons used war mor refined than ancient warfare but vn man date and tvparauons and antda of nnnupstton cad inflict mental eruat- tiaa aven yt ther 1 amon many a spirit of vfocuctrveneas towards their rormar opponent thar u littw gallantry in inflict tng saver iyhi upon a defeated fo whan th ohal- rtians pursusd king fhsaiari mad him a prisoner killed hi con bete his eye and then blinded bias sym pathy at one u transferred from th chaldaan to th captlv king th fact that modern arml fight with poison cass twmjkhtwa gum jyj bomhtng plan doe not meaa that vindiotlv moods ar not chariahed or that human natur ts not thjfrm by coluctlv cruelty daatrwetual 01 twentyon hat ago a nng writing on this them might have described the detructlon of jerusab as primitive barbarlsm but anyon who has seen xtheims oathadral standing as a shall or who ha seen vpres rased to th ground or ha urn the injury to the cathedral bl nervals paris must admit that mod em man tn warfar la vary uk his forefather tb destruction of the tempi in jerusalem fifcirvitm bitter feeling amongst th jews who regard ed it as an act of sacrilaf bat wben waru hold human live ohaanly sacred architeetur will not lone be reverenced slany people haw calm ly read at the breakfast tabu of sev enteen thousand wihtnp being ktlled in one day but what boatu cry ther would be should a iwwmkiw plana damage the vatican that time- honored ohrlstlan ahrtnel suvary 11 lb in apiu of all our defenot force warfare bears heavily upon individual people the judean wer carried in to captivity in babylon and those who were left were virtually irlrmisfliin1 because the land had been overrun by hostue soldiery we read of th mil lion who were exiled or ottthanad during the war and the figures are ao large that they become almost mean ingless to us the eonsclane of the world crle out how long u war to remain a permanent feature of civilised society b the christian gospel of a kingdom of right and truth upon earth to be only a vein dream world courts and neaoe trea ties mandate and aanrhnng ar in adequate because they do not das with the root problem of fer tuu and greed war is an effect of wrong national life and wrong inter national relatlonahlpa war is an ad mission that christ ethic are thought to be rtnproticable yet if the world is ever to be freed of war it mutt be by the spreading- of the ptrit of jesue christ qamlliri far iftlirasalm 1 is the league of nations faluna or suooeedlttgt s oompare the policies of japan and italy 9 why hag neaoe education not been mnre effective 4 mow much glory u there in mec- hanlsm warfarer o is war the disease or a symptom of ft porae disease 4 must be wiling tired of me you never call me yea u other men do abat do tbeyr

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