Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1935, p. 4

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pi 4 i p i -j- j t tke goorsetown herald wednesday evening may 15th 193s srtat ir xm u to pelu dih bi jsjsflil mtfllavs fl tfcfcdiui lor th riw ol th soil popular srei cm 4il eauattuiag outside or u lor poftfc loom tup s-u- for halood flaar ftanjyoa wul9 lor wfuaau aateriar wslle sad rtllli for the most durable paint job at tnr lowest cost whs haolg pal th qumilui it am slow lll b too ima k lu m oaf uu how uj u luolt slur 4v oj servicer by this t by tmry odwr usrtaav uou pjiaf prodon s it gheuaf vslti nerfsfaiaefa they law the full tajj uuy lht ttf kit due will tun oajy i nll but luj wli iao usxtlavsaisaw looy po ptaw cwm bum hirfac own 14 better taw hou41s de sufu logyjf bmawa ol the gusraauvd puruy ol it lagf theee i so tdultirsuoas or tubuijuitoas to weak tha ida uj thoeua the ue ol the pilot martinsekqur m mt turn vumuu bufias richardsons hardware phone 25 georgetown modern efficient hanking service imm the outcomb of 117 years of successful banking operation the bank of montreal place at the disposal of its clients a modern efficient service in every department of domestic and foreign banking bank of montreal unbllilnj hit total assets in excess of s730 000008 geoighowa bnachi j b smith b tin if ontario citizens canacuyt 300000 on tanca ml supply t jsftql erhat news for householders 1 for a few weeks this spring a special reduced price for hamco coke is in meet order now and you will save 1 a ton 300000 tons of this highgrade dustless coke ore available at this lower price if you have never burned hamco coke you are taking no chances in seizing this economy opportunity thousands of families con sider hamco coke the finest furnace fuel on the market advantage of this reduced spring price sat a am co f7et tniu- lu id cclt lem iinnii buy from your local hamco dealer baptism auytmk ifttt ooldoj ttsct oo y ifcarvfor and teach all nation baptising tht in the nam of th pwthaa and of the italy ohost leason pasaok uauhev m ib jo act mm lb built a liou time laid it in th fllut 11 wrote a book its title now ortot i ruim a clly but hi naiar u not on any tabu iravn or wht rua cm btttr from duui or marbl uut u lock a child from out a wruhd cot wtu on lh itatf duhonor uuiit hav brought and trim hlm to tlw christian hop and truit in r boy to manhood irovn btvaur a light to truny ujuu mnd pfttid for human nd tbr sondroua lovr of th oantpo- tnt tli otv has tnu1tlplud ilk tlira at nlgnt wlni djknf drviimii tvry noblr m laua loair than a cjill tjion- i unufll i byaafciu m i qytdbou hav s faj valur a ilag it an tabura of a country and rtnf u ayubol of a taarrlme- ohrut lo- tltuud teo iymbolj th ufraauau of baptu and tha lord a buporr jem had hluuir t n baptli 1 at in joman riwr by john tha uapiut and tra rruony had bsmti full ol waanln for hlhi whro ajut lh runctui ha aa glvta hla faxe- 11 inuructioaa to hla dlacfplaa ha coeiaandad thai to urb or duiinl all nauona basud thaa to tha nam of tha tlht and of tha boa and of th iloly bobit it la a eurvtl to what tsutit ihli wawand haa bn obfl irhouih tt quaker and tha tuivalloa aray do not pt- cm tha rtla of bantua naarfar all othr r chruuana ha dona to ftob- ably on fourth of all tha wool u lnr oo aartr at thla bonunt hava r- clvd th tit of chruuan baptua i cium wula uxl i in th obttrvauori car of a train going through th uoeky mountain tvo taan ban to talk aa tha hour vora oo th ooavaraation turnad to klltfaw oo aa an canusji ohrut- ud and th othav baraly a nnmlnal ichruuan- kbfora thay raachad th out tha aamaat ohrutun had son hla chanea aequalntanfta ymc aaa catd oo a tu0r froni kr york into canada ona a talnlne gub and th othar a nrvachar frooi atnuland iwhao th trtomlnf panar vm rd th buiinam bian aurud to apaak to th otnuur in a ihort tto h wa uulnf hla problatba on ttn4 aant tnca flaahad th lht to hla aoul o qukaiy biay rasulu coua naa tha ltoly bolrlt haa bn worunf tn both haarta wiuip totas through th daaart on foot tv a hlab orftrtal raadinf in a chariot inataad of allowing dai niiruet to hold hl aloof h em profflptad to glu hla- tilt to th chariot aa th nhraaa really reada ii found thai hla halp waa naadad th thane uaatinj gav ptiulp an oooortunlty to do aom ipanonal avanfaluu ou a4 m tttim1i ath uany paonla hava had a aptruual rabtrth throuah raadlng a tin vara of acrlptur tha aurnrulnf fact la tha wld varljty of in vanaa which hava tarred tn thla way truth haa cob to awkinf mind from both tha oid and th kaw tvatimanta th slbl u a lloly botru book and thar la tn many of 1u pmiim a atrancaly bumni and oonvtnctna powar it phulp had had um choiot ha mltf hava btfun by tauinr of tha hliioria jaaua tnif of asplainlng a paaaan from xuiah but it waa thla old tail- amant acrlptur that awakanad th mind ol tha tthlopun kmdanly ha rail that thara muat b aoua aaqual a natmn chuf who bad baan ivan thoid ttatamaat cama aiklnir for tha othar book 11 fait that tha old taatamast waa tncomplat and that th alory darwandad a aafluaj phillip waa wall noub aoqualntad with tha book of ualah to tt abl to ful in th blankaofth atory with tha hutoiical facta wwmlna ohrut atvaiy chrtoun ahould b abb to uaa th uibl aa a tool to eoauttunlrata faith a boottuh jud son too plou laavlnf church artr haarlnt a acrmon aajd of tha mlnlatar itiat man know hla bualnau i aa con vtnead ttat ood u lova and that i mutt uva tn lova tha goal of taachlni and praaehlnt la conviction aatotf cmiwua h- altar tha praaehlnt of a almpla goapaj urmon tha momant tha ban- eoictlon waa pronounoad a manly young man waikad down tha alal qulcjoy and tald to tha mlnlatar 1 am a conseloua hrpoertta you muat help m or i muit itop working in thla church that quick daemon 14 to a naw atari tn the ohiuuan ufa ona of tha mark of axacutlv ability la the powar to uakt awlft aura final dmliiona onoa tha ethiopian waa convinced ha did not procraatuiata ha wanted lo ba bapilaed at onoa and u loon aa water waa available tha rlta m performed it la a ohrletlan tragedy tnat there hia been ao much bitter controvaray over tre method of parformlng the rlta of baptum efficacy doe not depend upon the manner of the ru upon the ein cerity ol purpose of that participat ing the underlying principle la pub lic profaijton of alaxlpleehlp aftf ceaveetuaa what if a roman catholic theologian ut lered thla wla aaylng better no con vcralon if no nurture that la if a new convert la left atone without the aupport of further teaching and fill otvanlp there 1 grave danger of lapa ing ww people are atrong enough to be lolllary aecret or allent ohrlallana the aplfilual life ta atrengthened by aharlng th ethiopian had been in- tructed and baptliod but really hla tattle had only begun he did not rave the advantage of philip a com- panlonahlp very long but ha made a good ttart and when he waa left alone he went en hla way rejoicing the sueatlon haa been often aaked did tha ifclopian win hla driven uu attend ant before h reached home did hit religion become a hatuehold affair the church exlata to give fellowship tavtfuu who need be encourmgement of aplrltuaj comratlaiblp tha out- rd rita la merely to mark the en trance to a brotherhood or fellowihlp in which the buur life of the aoui may be cultivated oa far diaewaaleal la baptising aa important aa teach ingt how may we use apare time for bible atudyf which chaptera in the bible are your favorite what la your etrongeet conviction doe religion invariably produce radiancy at a recent meeting in nova scotia of the potato marketing hoard mem bers of the retail trade mentioned egg grading which waa introduced in vas by the dominion department of agriculture aa an example of what could be axcompllahed in aundardlx- ltig a product thla la of particular intereat became tome of the member who paid the mgheat tribute to egg grading had prevfoualy been proaeout- ed for violation of the regulatlonx the boye and gula dont atop to think uiat the beat preaeut they get when they are graduated la a nlgn school education j patwotism th following way by wir uld ol horvaj a tuovnt at harglown high ttcluul will be read with inur- ra by mny of our fcubhertbarra itrtotust la a gtamouroua but nrpiulve tate a tldd ahroud for avarice and various atrocltua ivr- hiw thu i ucrn onunctatlon al low w to rkputn i liiv no deiiiv to mlnlmue or durredl the cku of liioc wlio gave llwir iwalth ujid live in tt jr of ibm u in un bttrtupt lo throw oft a fotiun olte nor do i n nomiff all lovr lor mj country i kn u and odmlrt it twkauu- ol lut natural bau ly uisuj it i tny liomc war can only urtroy a nation phulcally and nnaiiclully incirtue in duaw and frtmr lolloa tn h akr it u twntul to hold owi rutlan illy fcuh iiurt uiid piuu- a un- llmint hlc onr lijr- touatd cm titauy or ijurr wr air nou a a rul in judurd njuimt our rwulilxir why aho ild ur tr uiliaoiilic to urd union luitlftut wr air at pit tut iulng ttu flrat inotallrruni on hit vv roi olrrtd lulrlo urn tlitb tuirrmnl may br mri by a tupj fcllloiu archtnu of broua you may juuly uui fre we to tubmlt lo orrmany during orvtit wurt no but it a not tre ordinary cwrmant tu olim to control u it a group of an to rrtlo irrtom 1m by kaurr wuhrlm svalou fur aralih and iwurr thry uajcd upon ltw patriot ic mind of hrlr mbwt to utf ocmuiny thr rrauli waa aar like mn in ttw trfnere tuflrrlng dying for thr cotflou cauw of a fw lairthrr ou may aik iug arr tuylng for our victor ihr ornnan ser ovffaled tha prlrr of our vlr tory waa lndfd 9r think of uir lkd uwt th auhvrlng thr dft ruc tion or man and hi work tra trrai- endoua debt inruntd ho on on the ort war both aid imt dpr- ion and turmoil atlll wrack the world bray chick hatchery j anaoubces lower prices at the new low price for uf and june bray a early- maturing chlcka again offer you one ol the beat chick value you can get alter tha first of uay it coal much leae to pro duce baby chlcka than it dor earlier tn the spring ao nat urally they can be aold for much leas th bray chick you buy tn uay and june are eiaxtly tha tarn aa thot oud have got ten two month ago- they are hatched from egg drawn from tha aame breeding flocks the chlcka are graded according to egg aire before tra egga go into th incubators and they are hatched in nactly tha same way it stand to reason that they tu perform in the tame way aa early hatched chlcka and they hava the advantage of warmer weather right at the start with ordinary goad management and feeding our xtra profit put- 1u wul brgtn laying at five month oid and th cockerels will make hcavlerthan average market chickens tn the a1l the new price apply to all mink breeds and to fiexed pullets a well com into th hatchery and get a copy of our new price list we bellev you will be pirauntly surprised when you see thaae reduction if you are interested tn started chicks we have a lim ited supply of 1 0uy old and lweeksold chlcka available they are nicely started and the price are reasonable bray chick hatchery phone tu brampton ontario aa a ruu of tt- kach nation tn an attempt to outstrip th other in che armuament race yw and building evprues are curtailed to fumuit mtourc for th construction of death machines and the uablu- rallon of our tifteme un such a ulr uaxll zaharorf fumuhed aruinatwcl to botli ermlca during tiw war in to doing r ac- cumulatrd a wealth j la solo re- orml mixlau tltlta and otlwr iuprr- lluout onumrnu for hi urvicea the soldier who dud ur has wounded in ttu slimy trench u lianourcd wltl a cold uon munument ocorat- rd on certain cccauciu unit wnathi of fracrant floltr tw fuk at tuau w dally tic empty ctmir hear no lunarr ttie luv- ing voices orphans long for their lfcidur atlrn ulu erc not snared to ituild ifi1 ijuar their chlkli r atijuauly vu ttutf u ujnwtliltig about a mjltlwr lomcltlng about hi j h iju trjjt nukxs prop tlitll uu uuir l oartltd coins oihrts but it in nun b r a rtinimift with j hit- mcr 1111 thrlr b jl mj vaulu aid uji ttu in tll ily liu l op i loiumu lor xaniplr ubcrluid 1110 000 000 during tlu woild wur to rurry on the ulructur cauu- yrt trtry unnot or will nut inuvldr 110 000 001 tu ronnirqct rommoduus dwellings for the 33 000 dvsthute fufllllea in tlutt lair clly in the former instance thrir aa music tugt euhilaratlng xntrount in tie latter the color u drub ttw stnvti are no longer in gala dies but nulling alth bad odor du- fje ami vtry pluse of sonlldnru tliu tirujtglc for evlilence foe hrjlih and light impeded by war and 1 ailr urku lullkxia of dot lar u miunded by the world at larg for armnamentk for the benefit of ikrpttc i shall quote a few figures to affirm my mat count germany is at pr sent manufacturing thirty fight ing planes per day for her aerial navy ruhty percent ol tier population ti forced into militaristic training you may embrace the opinion thai w must hate an army and navy to protect our right- you realise that tt u us who right the war it ha previously been stated thai a few creator start them yet it 1 im possible foe them to fight th war themselves they bind us into fight ing by arousing our national fideli ty another war u inevldable we are quite submuilte waiting passively un til w must plod again through muddy trenches rush upon our fellow man dseenbowrll thot whom ood made in his image ii we continue to live under this code war will never die but humanity probably will our so lution la we must learn to think tn- albly rrallxe the detriments ol war and staunch ily refuse to sen in any so called patriotic armlea there is a further argument for the cause of peace ood did not with draw his commandment and justify killing tn battle if dcrd that thou ahalt not kill although tt clergy and the church gave thetr aup port in the war ood old not you cant make war without men women and orators and my countrlaa right or wrong boys and radio broad casters and editorial writer and car toonists and farmer and machine worker it need the acceptance of millions upon millions- we will not accept war our generation made th world war a new generation can eboiur war if there ta blood upon the clean page of tha futur tt will b our blood it ilea within our hands whether or not we spin tha ink of existence upon those chaptera ol his tory yet to happen w must and will i hone rid our mind and the world of war pasture th broad acras of life and drink it cooling water without fear of being preyed upon by war one tiiikd op vol childften dooiixot being of a cheerful turn of mind we have tried to leave to insurance companies the somber task ol chart ing life overwhelming ruuarda ona particular hazard however haa in creased so steadily that we can hardly be held a spoilsport for calling tha attention of llui parents to tha fact that thetr children according to the is test estimate stand on chano in three of meeting death or lerloua in- jury from that deathuk convenience the motor car take a room contain ing tire children ona of them la destined to be killed or badly hurt by a car before he haa completed hla nor mal ufa span statistically the motor car la llfea ugliest joke its toll make war aaem like a aprlng outing the new yorker qtesnapsuot cuil dont overlook tho importance of birthday pictures peal delay taking the naw baby statue and the watch kut grow tftrouen menutiy anapehet thereafter j ik tbaaa modern timea th rather la lucky if be u permitted to hi newly bora hair tor aavaral daye af ter sir stork haa delivered hi pack age unlaia it i through tha heavy glaaa or a wall guarded window or loor in the hospital after few daye lawevar when nurua and doctor lucldo ha 1 not a common carrier of arm that might attack th baby tad retard ita growth b ahould by ill means eierclae hla authority aa a fatbor and demand permlaalon to eboot the baby with a cemar of course every month 1 usually considered a birthday in a baby life until be la a year old thereafter regular yarly birthday are in ordsr at leaet a picture a month should be made of the new boarder and after the flret twelvo month you had better keep your camera loaded with aim at ail time for you can never tall whan your baby la going to take hie flret cautious faltering step and what an event in your life not ht it apparently means nothing to th baby he simply step out in a mat- terof fact but careful manner and you got all excited lot out a couple of whoops gasp laugh and aearo th infant so thoroughly that he alia down and has to do it all over again tho chaucea are that you will not be prepared for that flret step or it ou would happen to be holding tha camera in your hand you may in your excitement even turn tt in the wrong direction and get an out of- focua picture of your own midsec tion but dnn t ni lis this moment or moment tha neat thna hare yoor camera sad yourealf ready for ac tion there nvr seams to be bongh of thaae baby picture to go around for thar r grandmother aunts coualu and fries da in distant eltlae who are alway looking forward to f receiving a enapahot of th newly- arrived commander ol tn infan try before yon can realli whet the days month and year have gon your child t starting to school th baby has grown up and before yoo hava a chine to wonder how be will turn out you ay wondering what tlm b will com horn to turn in there alway th tnt tint tor everything and thla applle to then- sand of event in a baby ufa thar is tha flret tlm fa dlaoov he he ta and fmmhuiery de cide in hla own llltl mind thai they are aomathlng good to eat iii srwt emtle and than that great mo meat when he reach oat with hi chubby little arm and aayit blah which at one fntarpftd fay th parent to wean dadome or ifou mle sometimes depending en who la head of tha toushom bo nuke thi tlaby ptctur pr- paredneie week and load youycau oraareadyforaction youdohthav to wait until you aea th white ef tholr oyee a a certain military man once said but shoot tho minute they perform on of their fa ncl ii a tin if emu lug little baby trlcki brown label 33 valb orange pekoe 4 v lb rtevtt ipring it in the alt and your i bough turn to flirting and ail your tackle if la order its only a matter of minute to round up ft few kindred spirit via long dluaoce whether u sodiloebiuloeucoeuscu th uleehoa aulta thee quieter aj rasur see the tisi of rue i the feoai page of your directory you can uas i0crsaue ot so or u i idle a ceats rain -snow- ur sliine we deliver blue coal when you want it john mcdonald queen street georgetown it ii7 n a nnni spring mfllinery y all the latest in taffetta and straw for immediate wear herald block taxas misses claridge georgetown iiiimihw

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