Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 1, 1935, p. 2

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fa2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening may lit 1935 news from silvers v thin a relatively short time our new building will be completed thu will mean a complete reorganization of hock and a large increase of new merchandise for tke next few weeks we are going to clear many lines si a fraction of former prices in order to make way for new lines it will pay you to watch our windows and visit our store frequently in order that you may partake in these moneysaving values h silver wt you dohar goes faruw htone s7s georgetown news from the nyal drug store bduof aom enoulmd fist famous english rataed phyllosan fia uul taala hi aba ul ww4 aisaiita laaaa aw u h v ik lata j caalttty ul klk uhj smum nsw low micats lit ul iu mnlmigl wa carry a coairjlats atock ol clippa baby boupa and baby dasarvaa tha b um clapos ua ua gambv erciairaaaiy tucaar caraaul kuua eiada by llouyl mat at lb box bax-xaau- tuarafttss waupolas naw product for kciacaa lfoocyback us mhih os- anruuttba idaal antuapuo for ouu woundj bona auass mo ua jv iui kuu amclus vlnoua doraolo and cold cream soap uoldad a a jubus uadat apatlal ua caaa cullu boap i bare lor ua ersttncfttaul is aiotiitlalk protact your dottaa uoth omul lor cupboarda or for ma la vacuum claanar bpaclal fca pound t wa aarfy a aanjlili alack al oaaauas car lay all apriaiai cimmuare piotctui nooata eomao vatsaua rrfaw avb oca comroxa saa o wisfhh maecormaeks drug store wb dauvbi oeoauutowh watch our window boss wmtoixy icb causal arecma awn oowratrrioktjty this week banana hallow sundae 1 oc long georgetown custom hatching tat lmief badiftf etmbifl ulwulw spc 2c ma egg for baalutce ol uuon bkubator tec each friday mnttihg baby chicks wuto lafcatw trim iysarsjj llslay iiavtk ee uu after ma uih tlta rnkik llama beelia1 east a adolph sandusky qmh st ua let ue w kki faataurfon muawv ii jvetc georgetown postoffice an d custom bouse ofiinj approximately uo660 mstfc hs started on oeorgrtowns new pojlomf end cus tom house eh etthltte drawing el sfekfc u npaiucd above 1ne outlrut bu bo awaud id to j u uickinij ii boo lotai bulfrww ttat tiructufe fctuth ts to be of ruriaullaji sa end liaitcn with a clock to vea dlilid by j at walser us j o fclllott ekhluels u sting euk wi taroota ritchieorro od buiimsy ajifu mul usa at tv by ua wu uj cd v ouhalas uausivt luufl otto 4 90uhh damljlltw el ur and u d otio ol tkvuuaut u jotm aluiiuur wuilu abba ua oi ur and htm j bitaiisi omfgsxovn 01eo uiualitfcilat toroolo 0iajtl ibatpual on wediiidaj anru i 18u uoaircycls poum ooic r waixl lkuatur in bis tlst slt in heuobuji iruoqiks in lovlag mtiaory of eux dsult son and brouur yvdlu ilu- gtna ho dud usy lu ittt hrfrddtt w sit and think ol jou wban art alooa laumorr ts tha only xrtand ortcf can call 1u own ths tlosers plsxa upon your grave liay wither and dscay out our to or you to slwps b- taeath will nstr fada avay vr twnsm bared by uothar fsuhsr filsura and brother obituary b htnf uuilnsu assvoclsus and ciuhiij to ffcnaral uarnad with dp ragrat of uia death on tuesday morning april 33rd ol kvaratt a uatu who tuu eon- ductad a baking bualnsss in ununp ton for tha last ttnlva yamra ur uwu had baen to failing baalih alnoa january born at klnxxk u yaara ago ta was a son of john ik its ua- fora coming to brampton ha had bsan tn tha tvaklng buiines at rldgetovn and oun ton for soma years ha was a mfmber of tha board of inanagars of tha prcsbyurtan church tn uramp- ton and was associated with ttc uasonlo order tha oranga order and oolden star lodga xooj in pou- uca ha was a liberal besldsa hla widow formerly slabal oook he urvlvrd by two daughter and one son cora eva and jun all tn uramp- ton and one grandchild llazlne the funeral which was attended tn a body by oddfellows was held from his late home ulfahath st a u nerval cemetery thursday after noonooiiervator aabon coaks strlckan by heart croubla whan ha had ntumw from tha butlneu see tlon of tha town after doing taft hopping aaron ooatca agd w died at his home tn urampton on satur day afternoon ur ooataa had been almost a lifelong resident of unmp ton going aa child from tha twon- ahtp of ohlnguaoouty in which ha was born lie was for mora than fifty pears an employee of tha da cits te lle was a member of onus united church and a oontenrauv surviv ing arc his widow and thrae uugh- tert urs herbert uauey urampton vanka autchenar motofcya ofecm kiua oombtale cowasil 1umjjiytlb kttn ikww bv asulcat tuvcm wkjjlk om dtnrv bmriu ib cum wltilie auufbtay alotorcytl ooimlavbto sdirafd uo- hif vj of the oantral polioa garasa auuslnsd fatal laluftm on wfiaineidiy april hfh tn a i- witn a motor truck at it neresatiinn of f w w vut tit- ua dud loronto oenaral hfhim four nourt aftar adrajusnoa iua accident iaptyna4 at 41u ociock- uciiauer as tiding wtau on ming ttc on patrol duty ila was nulled trom bis fn and t on his head on tinorttitestt cuib at aing tu and vutr ut lti skull bs fractured and he did cot kgaun coo irliiiini oolng to work at four oclock uc- uaiur was aujgnad to duty during a funeral- ua was burning to hie pa- uol wucu tha afcldem happened cuicf uoostatue draper ojpuly chief oonitsbla kisru chisf inspec tor oorge ouihrla an uncle of the motorcyue officer inspector otuiise ureenftood and a brother datecuva itobert ucifaster tvafe at his bedald aheo ha pahwl away coergad with manslaughur lx connection with tha fatality ts d ward iliu li lladcood ave ha bu the driver of the motor truck pro perty of lifted lions ooraus thm ave 1u11 was tet at tooo deceased was bom in olen wuuams si yzan ago a son of the lata uobert licifjutcr wto died last pabruary lie vas educated at georgetown high school and ass a young man highly esteemed by all who knew him lie had been on tha motorcycle pouou force of toronto for tha past seven years and proved himself a vary ef ficient ofneer he is survived by to brothers 8 j ucuaiux ttc oommlisioiier and detective robert ucuasur of toron to olio one tuter lire peace of hamilton the funeral took place on cat unlay afternoon coming by motor from to ronto to olcn wuuams cemetery sfany old achoolmstes and friends of deceased and family gathered at tha ccmotcry to pay their last respects tha remains airlved about 430 and were escorted to tha grave by over fllty comradm of the motorcycle po lice force the service at the grave was conducted by jlev ur faster of tha qeptlst church the floral tri butes were vary beautiful tibiesw you build to paint mer b a eedal usam4eiiour twoowt lot the mujfosa fha ol tna most popular eti ittf all t imlllafj fh of to eunwe powh vuitr lor soitb uoora aufa tie hmhux4yb vataui for baldwood iiooh mtuawas numauw ffu i satwubibla buatlor wtlb sad euiaji usb the best in the beginning it fry in the end i thiie it neither raving nor utlisctlan la palot that doewc lut thu g why it pays lo me minln- scoour paint producu for all your pilntlno you are sure of s good looking job to begin with tod one that readers lbs longest service into the bargain martlasenour 100 pure palm is the moit utl factory and economical paint for your house urior became it li absolutely pure it is guaranteed to contain only pure white lead pure oxide of aloe pure united nil and pure turpentine drier there u no adulteration to weaken the flint and shorten the ue of the paint dkaltu airoat tha fouowtns u ifca report of oc munlcabla duaaau by tna ifx4jl to oaorgetown ooard of health for april 1us dlnhthana a bearlat avvar 1 ohlokanpox 0 oarauuj uaailaa 0 uumpa 1 infantile panujala a typhoid rwer 0 whooplngooush x oarebroplnal uanlnslua 0 tow4 council jeniunfl uambv sat-afrotmt- tt troww albrrosta council oal tn special milaa oo tuday evening with uayor oubooa in the chair ue cisaia and onun- cuiors davis arr bmkbum bmiih and bpaubt prtint rvmryivu davis rpportsd on the matter ol repairs to the lund sis and u was agreed to leave the mailer tn the bands of the syoperty coni- fflthfa it was dscldad lo lay the aldewaut ifydev gauaga ocdiauderahle uma was spent by disnih the iiusmbera of council budget on motion of uptight d ckv tha bylaw to appoint an auditor for the year 19u aa read the nscaesary number of times and passed hiring jenkins j llardy of toronu at salary of ido per annum councu adjounvsd obituary hsul latba c jeu1vn after an ulncxa of several duration lira iaut chrtstina ooode- now ltd wlllard avrnua toronto vitdow of the late luchard u jermyn pasted aaay at a race uoepllal on tuesday mornlna april 33rd- ura jermyn was tha sscond daughter of tha lau l w ooodenow and ura ooodenow life- time rcsldenta ol oeorgetown when tney were greatly esteemed cuiscns and hcnoird mem bers ol the uaptlai church in the year lutj the deceasrd became the wife of the late jl u jermyn of acton here they resided for tome years and then moved to niagara falls ontario a here tn 1m1 ur jermyn pasted away leaving a family of fn kathleen now of uontraal slanha and howard a of toronto airs o w uoflat of fiagnlaw ulchl- gsn and a beautiful daughter male died in childhood one sister ultm ella ooodrnow en p r musician dlrd in 1604 and liu lusle ooodenow end ur a 1l ooodenow aiilcr and brother reside tn toronlov the funeral service at the home on thursday was to have been conducted by dr j jordan jones ol intrkdale uaptut church ol which deceased wss for many years a member but owing to the death of dr jones fsther at uontraal rev 1l o priest a former pastor had charge the remains were taken to the family plot in greenwood cemetery georgetown a fond and affectionate mother ol a family of rare devotion ura jermyn will be greatly tiilased tn the home tn the church and by many a and sympathetic friends 5 special weekend mf f 1t g 9 c s prices at al z extra special s boiling beef lfe tl extra speoaiv- caaau vmuv rw katu shooum o pork 15 extra special wellington brand creamery batter 2 ib ssc mllltliif cwi breakfast bacon machine sliced 29c tb cboiu roaab tj vl wila aaj willi a 17e lb ring bologna 18c tb uasb taal btaaj siaolted cottage rolls 28c lb shotimw roaau of young linb 18e tb stkaau rincsau bacao i tb cellopliane pkg 20c choice legs of lamb 23c lb slewing lamb 2 lb 28c uiu cih f wcnic hams 19c lb k qaawy im sliuu cottage rolls 20c lb fresh haddock fillets 17c lb choice thick smoked fillets 18c tb fresh caught lake trout for friday freak saw cabbage spinach and carrots potatoes 2 peck 28c sweet mixed hckles large jar 28e miracle whip salad dressing 21e brookfield loaf cheese 28c lb guest brand assarted jelly powders 6 for 23c s phone 27 wm icing pap deuvery taaaaabbabbbbbbbabflbbbbaaabbbbbbaaaababbbabababbaabbaaabaanal concrete work i am prepexid to do concreia wotk ol all kind ataimates givea frt of chart u yu r4ulf anything ta tnie tine hwhw wl- walks ocorg st oeotjetown itfl u waw wamtku ro uamkhje watatlmw hv wrttav local rural route available for re liable man belcyeen 33 and ts hand ling welkins aamous my bpray stock and ahhiltry tonics spices ktn- tracts lfer1l heaps etc oar nsnlfd crdlt furnished apply la- medisuly the j r watklna com pany am uasson st unntfeel que t wood for sale choice hardwood usple and luech mixed soft wood- uost raasonahla prices apply jack tost phone ulw oeorgetown tf wood for sale choice usple hardwood and oedar halls at right prices orders isft at a humes or at my home phone uw promptly attended to a- ltvtnobtokk wood for sale otolra lurdvood baach and uanla at uoo per cord ltuad vood s3s0 orr cord ralla sxao par cord j suundrou rkaaa ui aa tuj oaarftlam tovmstttp of esjhuit norval richardsons hardware phone 25 georgetown savjubacelbrtlioo parade monday may h all those desirous of partici pating in tha parade will as semble on tha grounds ol the high school promptly at 9 p m as th parade must move on at 31ft colonel o o borwn will be isarsnau the route ol march will be from tha high botoal along auelph st to the uonument down ualn st to tna presby- tertad ohorch thence to thu park by church oharlee and paotory su the order of parade will be pteg bearer uayor olbbotu and judge uunro town council eiguaslng township oounell lome lllftee pine dand lome lufle sooulah oeorgetown ptre brigade oeorgetown publlo bohoal oeorgetcwn high school agaquealng tbemshlp schools aaorgatown oommunlty choral society scottish brass lome rlflae band drench iso canidlan legioa women aunljlary canadian legion oeorgetown troop boy scouts other details and care in ease aff basf bmb41ea ibe jlaufm ctaientmune will to hiu u ue artttev johnsom buootg a vobftlbie 1w at noitval uplk club the attendance at the range for biweekly shoots has been ery good and a marked improvement on the younger shot u very nrniwama new member ur il walker won the handicap prize with a plus ol three points making his aoore total 100 the scores for the week ending lion- day april suh are as lollowa k johnson 100 u walker w u nurae w o drown m y uustlsr m w robinson w t uowden m o il hall u w patey ft k lea 03 c starrett 03 w wilton w tha norval junior parmers enler- talned tha ullton and acton branch ol the association on tuesday at the parish hall the porgram and dance was cnjoytvl by all the hall was packed to the doors church news beeibtsre tea truly oad la geed te leresl even to socb as are al m titan haastr pa tji l hl oeergea chare itev w o a thompson jtector holy communion bvol sunday school 10 sun lloly com m union li ajil kvensong 7 pio empire thanksgiv tag for king george v and tecond sun day after ifaster all loyal people should assemble in the churches on slay 6th to return thanks for our kings twentyfive year occupancy of the throne st ajbabe chareh gua wuriama hoyal thajikiglvlng and second sunday alter easter sunday school 3 pm evensong 1 pm let everyone be in church on this glorious a mil versa ty itakltaby noyics notice u hereby given that all resi dents of tha township of fussing are required forthwith to clean their ceuara drains yards pig styes water closets and other liilding and prem ises m remove all dirt filth man ura or other substanopa which may endanger the public health and to lave same computed by the lain ol uay next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a benaral in- all residents are earnestly recueat- ed to keep their premises oonsianuj clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no pig stye u to be erected within 60 ft of any dwelling house road street or lane j banpord sanitary inspector bcjueslng april 31th 1915 st the public health baalist church rev o b caster pastor bettnoo subject for next sunday honour uw king united chureh rev r w huntley minister thanksgiving for the kings silver jubilee 10 am sunday school and bible classes 11 ajn uoralng wor ship our faith teaches to fear ood and honor the king today tha christian church throughout lut british empire otters ttianksglvuig to ood fwpur oracloiu twerelgn khig oeorge v t pan evening cexvlce o canada his pu lnthe emiiliu spmlal muslo by the choir autre wejome ur norman lalrda eholr l4er ood uvg the kitt uunicipautv op geoeoetown cluiatu are bnantiil to ceeagjy wiut the patlio ussjui aee notice is hereby given that all resi dent of oeorgetown are required forthwith to clean their oallare drains arts pig styes water closets out- juudlnis und other premise and re move therefrom all dirt manure and other subslancee which may endanger the public health and to have same completed by the lath day of uay neat on which day the unitary in spector will commence a general in spection and further take notice that the section of the publlo health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween the 15th day of uay and the 15th day ol november except tn pen at least 70 feet from any dwelling and ao feet from any street or lane with roars kept clean from all aundlng water and regularly cleansed will be bluntly enforced all cltlaan are earnestly requested to keep their premises con clean and thoroughly disinfected joseph omuokfl uayor of the uunlolpauty ol oeorge town april wih tela uhhmhunuhutfhtfhhihf s see us for btultcwd s frost wood machinal for spring j plows harrows s cultivators drills u aavs aaa loht wheel s saku waoon saw hot and s lira low safes aaraura arias la yaar uarraws rsr aaartwuair uaw bafts m las rath m jn onciiisod g phone 14 georgetown 5 tatbbabbbmbbaaaalbbabst gplco theatre friday may 3 the man who radainmd hk head ataxf aaarfaj uwm avaau ttattim jaaa hihsjii a nr- atwtu comedy council on da fence fox news cartoon scrappy a art gallery saturday may 4 have a heart ahauoas sua raa faad faa aaa oaau oarrtas jaaa raiaar aaj jaraaa raaa comedy opened by mistake chapter 7 young eagles kauaaa as i aaa monday may sib the house ol rrrflauhlu aaa af taa tsu sltuia at las raar alartlaf oaarg arska oddity taking care of the baby cartoon hey hey fever tuesday and wednesday may 7 and 8 we live again aaascai traai yabaaya alarrtaa aaaa btaa aaa swavta stuaa comedy show kids mickey mouse dog nappera baabbaaaabbbambbaaaabbabbbbbaabbaabbbbbj save with safety at your re3call store haxitieala var irria aaj klasfaa sjaaraara sus nuaajs fa uw traaii ua icmjuv mna cavaraia isa sus uooh olow kail rslaib lltaii aa cast this trcxks hotau rwa liksar ataaa bask ua kalraaa taaut faata ua trhvixoaav tarclaaua aa a ffisinj faala tu tuu kataa aaasy auiaaiam mihikjil oil ua ilst dcvexortno aaa huntino rilsu lart aalara s aaa kaak aaat cay al 11 aaa nuk s s t rahrfial fela mrt iis t nabklu ouitaa utttk uvea mtxa ua as c can w blab hal ituaj a ius sn vaaa aiaau ue ha tnii oaoeaxicg uo sus amuare r ritaaataua cat luaaalraa uka aaa late afcat yaa aai isa ujs robbs drug store fiionb uw daum tlia baxsa iuw obobnafowh bbbbbabbabaabbbababbbbbbaaabbaaaabbaabbt speights garage phone 2tow day or night spring needs tor every motorist willi auto beauty twihs ctaaaar rallab aas wax ssa wu1z auto top rilttv tubs ua whu pousiiino clotiih aja bubbeb patciona kits lie boldeb oats fob leaky badiatobo mr ua ua bad rlush elaaaa taa aula aai raautar saa asa taa healed rolabdje s l caaa lu sealed alabvelube ahd siobrl oh in quabt cans fan belts n carry ii dlsanal ataaa rvaai saa battebiesll plau irau sajs aa tail u0iit8 iraw a w tbuck h1bkor8 asaalal sa tbuck plabe8 u tbuck bevleotob8 aj ttbes all sized in 8to0k wb bell tub atlas hbb auarontaad both in canada and v 8 for ons yaar on adjustment basil alaa hureblahtic tela lira aaadi ua lalradaauaa ta taa aislarias wa stock s dlfterasl aba car bad traak ttra stay w just phone 279w day or night lar say ilaaa el ouasa banu aaj ttrr mnslaliyns walabrs toc peev cent a mile bargain fares may 0k5s oeoroktown cnr stations in maritime provinces may 10 nd 11 to ottawa 5jh hottaj sa7ss heuha nm hum tuuuaiuiuijmmiasma aisi lujui v canadian national

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