Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 24, 1935, p. 4

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p4 tu gtocrton henul wdhdy evening apil 24th 1935 brown label 33 orange pekoe 40 v lb ifewtf youve juu had word ted haa woo that icfaounhlp and youre pleased ai hindi and ao u hi moth doac just cake it out in milling tell him be chip off the old block via long dltttfim una dliuar u ready uadet at trcuautuuta ii ey to tut tad row it taull for u uitl u cmc ynu cut ulk 100 mlus o so u a nut la ih mat pages ol your dirrtay rain -snow- shine we deliver blue coal t when you tvant it h john mcdonald queen street georgetown flu greatest depression which the world lias ever teen retarded only for two yeira in hydroe need for more and more power a needs wrturj up to 1020 compounded itself by ii per cent annually in bsmssw th needs of the future hydro engineers purchaied from suebec power which would hive provided only for an annual increase consumption of but 1 per cent ai the chart reveal the upward trend in consumption waa interrupted only for two ycare and waa again returned in 1932 it ontario doai not use power from quebec the province can only look to three sources for its future requtrcineiita niagars the hi lawrence hlver and steam the first two can only be further developed by huge capital expenditures running up to 200 for every single hone- dower produced further power from these sources can on y be obtained at a figure hlghir thah the iis per horsepower being paid to quebec ai for ateam power iu eoat makes it prohibitive aa a baalc source of sunajy for hydros increasing needs thal there la room for an averlncreaslng growth in consumption may be judged by the use of power in quebec where the annual per eapucooiuutptlou is ftsm kltowalt hours as against 1620 kwjt in oeurla xxmxmued o w hh tb spirit tsf tb ttowvrt and held ta faith th uy tj knr bird koa ol yre uvwl id tt houw- your w wr df unto the wt- da 0d of kl phlloaoph who bid you uy and lit more qiiluy fro dy to day tuul of your oul was tuned to trr4 koanm ttrrt of your itrart bel to lulv clianv and thrr vu not one dtfau la cu aay o sbtrnl r tli wordly gifts uf tarn tt uunu of a thlnlng glory won ttw pmiw tarttteo by hw fatrlul ol tlwy ho jujjv thr ojwi tluit aufni i uy siul kt iu ikr could lrui lioj irultlul ktiufdotu to the grreuvl klnj ittutnu unkiumrn rt tuhot iii by you oratl bfiuul tut coamuhi iuy rrr luu and hvt ltu mij uiiu h tlu trud lo tiril llu- ilhcr fnj uur 4tar ajwj luhtly rloj itw itrdty llua uj aiuuiul ult ujtxyi iu tud lit fuf alk llu ou ttuuurd ukiv ttlul- out ui uiltl imtiuibi u purpuu cf uur mind and uo trv viiy iirrw tuillfulj un kind ana uaid ftitn tritnga ou could not unarrttuui haujiu thilnj o tlrtf could uop jour gnunlng tutiid ialt tuixl uiioct vit ulnd uuulj aa th fajlh tlut catj your ay and ud you uirout uu ruiaa ct li nit wiii ttm fuixud il your sortd cl ytfchuy and ud you on to nt iha saltr talla 6nt ovr tu utnk th drutbood of yur patn and ult you cuan and talllnf onoe again iuw waa che fodt tn nib your tilth j btound wo ulua know lia uauty you hav found yei fault and uauty huu b twr twain o you bo nada tn farthw tur your uarit and uade lha cyew koow a01 your draama and ai your pamlona altaalng in lha dark afapolna sid your unlvuaa of w not your aiptrauonj far too hlhf uf ukaa but uul ua to cool and and yat tho faaia aonunow a capad your brow your faith etui captains ahlna bare 1 call now i our dutt la of tn aain mould you and t mortgage sale uhdcn and by vtrtu of tn powr of ui contained m a carutn mart- u which vul b produosd at lb urn of eal there vul b otfarad for sal by hoot j acarr auctionaar by public- auction on yuiubay hay tub iu al th hour of i o clock tn the after noon at th farm of wm oilman and huth oilman near oun wiuiaua ontario the following property aaaw- ly all and fuhoulaa that osrtain parcl or tract of land and pramusa aituatm lying and being tn th town ship of eiquuing in th oounty of halton and i of ontario and ulna oompoaad of nrsuy th cast hail of lot no m in th kb ooneaaaioa of aald towruhtp of esquealng and saoondly th weatuty hau of lot no aa in the qu conoaulon of aald township of etquaatng oontalnlna tn all iu acre mor or leas on th said farm ther u aald to b aracud a dwelling houi wttli aultabl farm buudlngs th ianda u1 b sold aubiaot to a reurv bid turma of sal 18 par cant of pur- chat money to b paid down tin of aal balanc in m days pot further particular and condi tions of aal paply to hajuiy w page rp cast uiock parliament butldlngs toronto out solicitor for th ifortface dated at toronto uiu 13th day of april 1035 it the holy scriptures artl aatk in ooludf text 0 how kw i thy law it u toy hwdtutiaa ail th tuy klaa 11 arf lfcuboh vaiulaoa ialat it vh 3 timothy 9 u iy iuiwumi u no bum buuw thltijt t it tike ctntl lo wk tli tjmtntf to nxi- llw brda and bid lltd ikwit and own lo rail tlu rton out otily a mlrflily whii nuxut iiftut of luw ui uiul a ttumiiilaln ktrratii umiiu wttl ilrvtu tj uiuhi uuiw ti llt tlu vtiluy ubidtii urtiw ti utily ihult rirvivliij uialli hut vakt llw trtv trua 4lwoug trli atul rxxm llui in fulr hrmy of ujlurr mi a lutjuay wtut rt kiujui nukf- trr fcky war x luiftlilkujiut wiu lo travel 11 ir ltis htuw tli4 liir ui iumj hut yet tuaii iluulu tlwrt u a ood kvna v orhowid tw iuj ou 1 b oiu ran mukr gnud amirouli lo itr ktiuty tit llw ulbl by an fkamtn hi kin tkf llu liilrudurtlon to tli ktntf jdimi irrlou nw wurd ujtir mujiu a kluxlkui uf umke tti lliblf u luh onr uutk it u a wluili lilxary uf urfii tu liibic u a iran- laiuui a rarryinjovfr oi uuuatit itom tuir uujuag to anotltfr ipmi wlijrjitp tm bn iivtjary to mak lur uatulatuilu uud tlu- itruyw atamalo atul urwk longuea tli irunuatton lluil w kprak uf u tt aulhortwd vrruon u tn ttulf a rrvund trrtlon a th transiaton ri le ring into th aultwulrfj vvrtlon fr iwvlud- it u caud th tioly uibw bcaut it b a thing t apart a aaxrad a book that run charcctar- uiu which uak it worthy to b w- rd andpruwl this utantum waa wrtttfa with a faith in ood- it ln- urpkta dwt wuiou tprune w aay aay u that it u i holy holm book p aalu la it in a osrtaln achool slu aiudy waa a pjcrlbd court iluy of lb oudant rbausd againu u a wu uaxhtr aad th atudy opuonal but gav mgfl6uon a to tot hart a of tiibl atudy hlcb awakanad sub in- urut that thar a aioot pwfaot atundano at th cumia u ueam dmikd uibla iniaad of raaulrad dial atudy h u waaonshl to study th itihl one u baa ba d cnorutratad to ua that th ulbl talpa us to uv artghu th huiupucaiioo tabl u not an a uracil n thing tn lualf but w diaoovar thai u u true and that tl la say uuful and by etuutartng it w hav llua luvlocuj ikui that u balpful la uk bunnar whan v and that th tooraj and apirttuai taw wt forth la th bihu are auuuntio and accural coco to rpact tn book and tn ttu be- com vary fond of it altar wading th dally newtnaptr wuh iu atone of enm and faaturtni of aporl it u a ioy to iiura to lb atamaj truth of ui ptaieaa and wophata ua ooe pel and yrlf tb ffcalmltt prtiad tn 6crtptur bon than fold or bonay our modern tartd aught b to say that lb tlibl u wo da- ughuul than cash or candy to peo ple who hav tnalght to dlara rj value uu la abundaauy tru uanl vwy ua tt bibl may b used a aa in atrumant to gt victory ovar am u quicken th conic uno and aharpans our moral perception it tail u ol many great and good paopl who hav been defeated by aln and tt indlcata to u th way in which thalr tempta tion ovrcama tham and tt way whereby thy might hav won vto- tory a young man who waa pualng through a uvere period of tampta- uon mad a practlc of mamorutmf a vera of acrlptur vary day and thinking u ovar wharvr b waiad it aald that ha raoslvad moral atrengui from th rcrae of acrlptura memorlad and pondered atnowladg of th uibl haa a gnat tnsuenc upon our thinking and indlrscuy nai a very great influano upon our peaking a uelaag uaait r 11 ther are aom friend of whom w peeddy unt bacaua thalr re- sourcae ar aoon aiplored and ax- hauited th rnandihlp of th dlbl la not of thle kind to mak a com panion of th uibl will b an explor ation alwaya brtiiglng forth treaiurea new and aid that who hav at lull ed the uibl moat carefully mak the biggeat discover of new truth ttmo thy had mad a start on bibl atudy thla book had horn auociattona for mm aa both hla mother and his grandmother had flnoouragad htm to atudy lha hebrew scripture it waa not enough however for timothy to be taught at horn aa a boy wul urged him to oonttnu to atudy th scripture making it a tilelong habit ilany eon and daughur prise th uiblaa atudlad by their par ent th page worn and thumb- marked by atudy for half a century school children see toronto broke her leg againsta stair vvkuat hmped by rkeumajlirri to yrarb aiio wrlt a woman i wa iulfrrlii2 with itwubullurt in tti liiv uiut wtu walking uiwiaira uimi uy juu kurkl wy rtaht foot atialiiu ttw kulrk aiul bruke uy wtf juii lultu tlkr kii i ttut in houl- 1 iai fim- lour uumidu aiul wluri i cam out uuiiitun- lulwd in to iry scrua- dun ujiu i jul lo and now i lum- iiu trace ol rhrumauad 1 auld tud u- ulirout uiy dally duw j i kruumn wliwh 1 takr vtty fiom- 1 1 a halt a irajpumilul in varus tfr unt p ii ttu ik tjl lu krulwn uuniuou mm tin r aiul kultu- la liralthy njuur aruun uaaui tmtn lo i4 rid ut ttw iicu urc lick ttlucli u uu cuui uf rlw uquiw- pjln wlw u mtoimu uiu ami got stui iu 04tuuii of micou- pouild crvtjal iru it j no duuu ahuul tliou acl uiki tuliu gulug too i or iikht a bumdrti bvl wllrr cull bo it mi in a roufilo uf lumjra aul uie wily it uiu lu uo 11m n u lo tlirow it uttuy but llu bibl will rtward dally iludy tjr altn yar cm u yal llf is it a tuivrrt til a church tn a ouulon iaitd itutw uftfty hu llltuc hg tajj il kietlwi turn in ttm ucv uliftrtir he rrd u tnjjt u one ul llw uuja lu tttikti ttic itiurf tuliw ua 11 u plu- 1uu1 for rruroo aiul uxitctlon an ftiu a for uacluiui and inurucuoo lu ruhteouuuu jt it not a fair- biailicr friend alwaya aayuig wtvkhh uiuigk tt uibl tail ua that un la tui and olien jt uuu ouxulvaa ax alnnrrv it dad hot rbuk for ui aak of rbuking but tor ui uk of reformation a uml of charexur t th ability to take trial cum or rabuk wiuiout anger urtr- lag help from tt truui tn th trtu- cum or rbuk it la a leu of endur ance and eirangtb of mind thar u a along phrai much in vogue at preant iu couldn l tak u it u uud cf profruioual piayra at game and frquauy of polluciana the faihu approach to ui uibl u to i64k ujp irom it willing to tak re proof aa u a ininuation iniuad of geutng angry at it plain speaking ul u uv live of such rtghteouanau and spirituality that w aball find encouragemant and auvagth qmubaj far nura laa i which version of th bibl do you uelrr a if you were going to uv on a d- aert island for a year would you uk a lublr t what fault ha th oibl helped you to overcome have you graduated from dbl study f s do you read th qlbl far dlsclplln i li a comlortr group of student from pater- boro ontario echoote view ing toronto from the lofty balcony or th iloyal york hotel with tlia dank of commorca in the back- round dr a j llndill of relor- iro normal bcliool la acting aa buliln this group waa part of a laruo parly of muilcnlm on on ctlurotliiiiiil nno ilny tour of tor onto ortnnliid by the canadian iullmoltulluuy iho mall 4i liu- flr praising tb canadian rad io enterprise in conducting theao to ura aaldt th railway are all th tlmo evporlmentlng to increaao profit able traffic returns in lha elnule day all bkpofuo trip thoy luivo a plan which ahould bihwoi in every way to the trovolltnu pub- un uliotlior thoy are ndulta or rblldrcn and ta rnnunubly pro fitable to th railway custom hatching ttw i but ituuta wf huaulw ul tub vtutf mttnlnt baby chicks b o whu utluuni fhu i rur ombhdlsuy itodl iburtmtj klnla buih mir vht umby md uumum ktmk tat wiipuxitu nnwmui adolph sandusky qwu uiailil uu w uumrton hun mill im l bray chicks reputing 19348 successes ip aanubody forgot to put th lid on your brooder stove on th evening of a cold day in january and neat morning you found to in the water fountains what would you expect to happen to your flack of wek- old chlckat john dev king oat had that esperttnc with his early- hatched bray whit rghorna thla year ana h only toil four ana only one ha dlrd sine i it haa nearly all hla broilers aold and out of 303 chick haa relied ho ftn pullet a even a nock aa you could want to ta they weigh just about th even 3 lb pblrd at lit watka old i another early bird who bought early hatched chick this year waa 11mu rlddell a neigh bor of ur dew lie bought 307 qray tarred hocks hatched january 0th and haa lott only 3 chick ilia broiler are all aold and he ha raised 1w aplrndid pullet for hi own lay ing nock actually their growth and development hav been ao rapid and complete that at uk weeks old they weigh aa much a 3 lb 10 oa apiece i chicks that live and grow like these will lay and pay they will make good body weight at b months old and will have the body capacity and atamlna to begin laying early and keep on laying when egga are worth the moat money it paya to buy qray a chick come in and talk chick with ui or get a copy of our yne chick booklet and consider it when you have a few spare moment at home bray chick hatchery phone its brampton ontario vdr lb mlb year la this duirfal w are gelling and erecting for caauuri ileal freda aveaiati baatfy braa deed vftm and the dependable nlhnnplay cowfch oabus voh uoutnino oontkol per muftey work ulk a gilbert sinclair omttlhnt mum ui1 from a staff of seven to six thousand strong from uu due a carportfe sjuuj tu villain cf ui ugusmit uw gftfjiiuuf ulairalm it ef4cj its doort o uoadir rjoiitie 31 sa w ffuuu hmhum auabitjwiwfli kb u diuud to lf a toft- oihuimbiakcjuouiiliuiflli utysara acruewt wj luuluui fvt ta ti drl uiujii w on ihf jjij ai aufuit hit ti fuu taa i rjym of l gunk of uuaihai w tppauutd ttrff r tt ailutr ut anouaruw a pf4 nlut atkl uconj tiltrr vumxif uirrviij it- coum uik e tatund fcccikhptf and e potftf thnr mw tonuinufd th otiiaji udt wlo uw moiiru u jjijrfim on s pul tir ia uuml thimjjj urf amy dwai uat kiv fouoaj it ftui of uoniiul ui aww mminaj fffen io prottj a bukuij wrva ajacy jfum u eu4 tl hjjhhmjt cl oiudj diljfai2j tkr cwiiuul uiff el uma bi sjoo lo 61o0 tofiut unwg the fixu ihijot w0 uuttt nihidmf from ut to u aj ovaruas bank of montreal ittaiunild iair head offlcb uo nts eal uodiin irilciint iankino ilivlcg luooraaufit iii vr litujj o g bcwoclil tt sttfh iliaieyf u kbmeu wu john t year old wa atudlng hla first clua in gaography th teacher aikad who can deacrlb th thap of th worldf john held up hla hand and tb teacher ruponded with yea john you tell ua all about th ship ol tb world i ills answer had a confident rtg- slnr he had no leas an authority than hla father daddy aaya th world 1 tn damn bad shape h ere an dtk ere ucoi f a gajeolgb r- caatly retlrad aachtarytraaaarcr canadian paclfie altaamahlp ha been elected president of the do minion of canada iline aaaocta tloa at the annual milng of tb aaaoctatlon bald raeaeuy auo- oaading llcol r a crowe of tb utautry of katloeal zafie d b tboraaoa who haa bean appointed aaalataat auperlotaa dent canadian pacific railway emlth viu waa prior to hit fromoilon chief clerk la the ol io of tb vicepresident and general manager of th railway at moot real on leavtng to take up ble new appolnlmant be waa presented with a gold atandard railroad watch and a purse of money by hla fellowwork ere lo the office just iso years ago tb first daly actllod in napane and a few nlahta ago bt dosceodaota elarjarle and john daly celebrat ed the momentous occasion at a aapper dance at the iloyal york haul toronto this make tb alitb generation of th daly fam ily continuously resident in can- fllgtytwo calta at european port will be made by the five rtt- praea raavar claea cargo ateam- ere of the canadian issclflo flnet thle aummar according to th season ecbedule rooently laauod by canadian pacific hioamshlps crossing will take nine and a half daye in each direction and will touch at londaa antwerp and hamburg an appeal to the press to mould publlo opinion id support of isr- ger grants for medical research particularly into the cause and control of cancer wa voiced by u governor ilruoe of ontario at the iloyal york hotel recently at the banquet whtcb wound up the seventh annual convention of the canadian weekly rjewepapor association ootarloh3uabee divi sion ski lag and bearhunting were combined at the ilate camp uetagama recently when two woman eklcrs of toronto accom panied by a photographer routed a bear out of hu den and stood near while the animal was shot by a movie camera tbe orient with he mystery and it allure its brilliant colors and picturesque scones will form tbe inspiration for the deem arts 1111 biggest event of tho spring season to be hold th week after uasler at the canadian pacific iloyal york hotel toronto tho blatorlo theme for the bnll u the seat festival nt flamarcand held 1401 to celebrate tbe kmjwror tamerlanoe conquest of indln ifualcal and literary england aavf ibe england of the great cat hours is will bo vlalted thla summer by a parly under the leadership or lir alfred white head organist of christ church cathedral montreal itinerary of be tour which will tako about a month haa boon arranged by auy tombs ltd in conjunction with tbe canadian pacific titoam- eblps had tbe aamo research bean put into other industries as haa been employed tn the automobile busl- uosg you would not bear ao much today about the blgb coat of liv ing said col wank chappall or general motors ltd e posting at a lunch at uu lord kauoii uotal hull y 1 gwaawaly castle trelhewcy special lttr oa rsquui amos barber co mmbr toronto stock esulaftc 25 king street w toronto uambtr fartsar john r mvniftfal cibant fob yoww bands col y rnur hunter lib toron to bt patrick ha a bill befor th ontario legislature to provide support for band tn ontario munlclpaliuea tlie measure propoaes trat munclpal counciia on rerript of a petition from 10 per cfnt of the ratepayer qualified to vote on money bills shall order a vote at the following municipal elec tion to decide whether a tea shall b levied for aupport of a band if tb question carnee th bill provide th council must levy th tax oct hun ter said often municipal oouneua through an economy policy may can cel auppirt of a bnnd and destroy re tail of yrara of with it it la thr not a provincial slatut decreeing hat library board miy enforce col lection of a grunt of fifty cent per head of population and how many library boards rccehe such munificent granut am prior crorplci qisnapsuot cuili the candid camera it le th unuaual eawdld pletura that attract alt- tfea m photography what vj i itr just thla it le on of the moat fascinating brancbee of amalour photography and fur- tbormoro le fast becoming one of tho roost papular sport with tho who wlab to glorify their snapshot collections with unusual outof the- ordinary typo of picture for eicltoiiiunt candid photog ruphy is a llrst toualn to big game hunting or dotpsoa rlahlng but you nod not po to thu wilds of tho congo nor off the coast or florida to stalk your quarry you will rind plenty of malarial to shoot right in your old homo town you may still say wall what fa this candid photography can did photography la nothing more nor iobb than tuklng pictures of puoplo whan tliy urn unaware that tbuy are about to bo shot go there- fore you catch thorn in natural un- posod positions with natural expres sions it might ho cullod intimate photographyinformal snapshots tho caaonco of candid photog raphy la action out picture of poo- plo dolug thing buch pictures should he tokon aa cloao to tho sub ject as possible for we are usually featuring people id thla type or photography and they ahould be predominating in tho picture whon wo speak or snapping peo ple in action or doing aomolblng it does not necessarily mean that tbe person should be actually ott tba move au uauiual picture or a person asleep may mak a treat candid camera picture he la doing aomsthlng doat think for one minute that candid photography meana that you go around just shooting id a hitend miss fashion any all yearold child can do that if you want to really unjoy the thrills that come with can did photography you will want to give it considerable thought the modem miniature camera has bean the loading factor in the development and popularity of can did photography first ol all its also makes it less conspicuous than the camera using- a su u or larger film ita ready for action on a mo ments notice for with tbe majority or makes tho preaalng or a button opens tbe camera ready for quick focusing whure when and how you take your candid anapshots depends at- most entirely on your equipment if you are to be a real dyed in thewool candid anapabootor you will shoot under conditions aa la and not aa you make them thoro are many things to consider- in thla faaclnatlng bobby or candid photography and it takes practfea and patlouce if you want to get the fulleat enjoymont out of it next week we will discuss personal and mechanical requirement for tba candid enthusiast j johrj van owldsttt

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