Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 17, 1935, p. 4

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p4 tto georgetown herald wed tieajay evening april 17th 1935 brown label 33 valb orange pekoe 4 v lb castle trethewey spekl letter ea reaot amos barber co mentbar tofoala slock escbtbg 25 king street w toronto mioi a auoa cfht a mile round trip bargain fje from brampton and georgetown fed m ctta ftbruatttt samnia to bramtnon to following stations on dates shown tbi 0ehi ttsl obhawa port llwcclhkinr luluvul rnl rrlul aw ktnt4mi cuuboqu breckvlur lrsrott ifwrutflrf corowll ulhrtd unduy kscboro cmpba word aver nssiukm aluluuutwaiwtmwmjd utl rrl orulu uuund orvmohont urubrld lraauvlu north ujy wrry uoobj uootmiry all lm u m oalute hiui tiu msf mate my rwcuiw kjjjujhjjjj1 km twlk set april 27 to toronto i am- iuuw canadian national tlqt wosuy kasttc wlizm kati- ting hrom the world x think that evry reflects the blue that uned upon ttt wivh of oaliue i think that every bit of sky that holdi a hint of ahowr i like the iky that grieved abc oethmane in flower i wlttm eaiter sing unu lh world x ilk lo think tdm build new drrame in mttory of on who dnihu wer nvn- killed x like to tl ink that kinder word to weary folk aw said iwaujj christ tolled up calvary wtiit lud downwnt head i wood for sale croic hardwood banch and uapu at uu per cord ulxd wood uio wr ord lulls t20 per cord ft us w uu wtbkj new cu- pools ditches and drwlne to dig old cupocl eulame etc cleaned on short notice auo white washing and any other work don jihud william bo isa oeorrflown wul do houicluilnt and wash ing ear iloy nhphrd oofitovn ualn bt uouth good money in eggs again this fall e008 wul bring good price again this kail th uuan al shortage of gg during oc tober novamber and december may b even greater than usual this year krmember what hap pened tso yean ago th 4tu- ailoa today u aunoat txiuif ihj aama at it aa in th spring of ifru ed9 prlma low uany pcul- trymen wiling off lhair anilr lalng nocka othara planning lo rough them through till kail and a great many popl bujlng cheap chkka and fd- tng thftn low grada fwda tfca rwult aa it waj in 1u3 la al- mui iuj to b a ucrtx tn tha number of rgg produoad thu wau wtth prtru ruing ac cordingly karalghtcd poultry limpra ar rfcosnlilng thfa algna a pointing to antra proau thu wu and to make aura thy elll be in on that proflu they u9 buytog fim clau chicks and feeding thra u for early and heavy prod urt ion vou wlu find uraya xlr- pfoct chirk loally aultad to tha nd for fatt growing early maturing bird they are hatched from wo ggi 15- ounoa up to w and s3ouno per doaan xtralrofu pullcu bfgtn laying early and cow ing from uio cgsfri they in- htrtt tha abulty of their mother to lay via gga and plenty of them uany nock of uraya xtraproflr puueta aro laying 80 or bat tar at 6 mon th old coma in and talk chick with ua or gat a copy of our kw chlk bookkt and corulder it when you hava a few apart momenta at home it will pay you bray chick hatchery mora to bruupton ontario at 62 lo bed with rheoibatisn al gs worldnc again ro ihh ywm- wrilu a woman i hava bmri tick tn bd about thr monlha avery vtnur with neurtui us my hips and u- lu wliufrr x tlarud taking icnudrttx fiaiu and got ruef from tha tlru dot this winter i hava not bo in bod al all urid u- weurtlis 1 a hult of itnpurltlfj in ihc blood and it u lupuh bloodclr- culating all owr tha tyoeu and ting up tntlammatloa in tha tujj that tun tttow evxruclatlng palru- kruuhtn ualu can b aafely truiud to set thr mailer rlglit bcauu kruuhen contain jiut what natur nrds to pertuada vour tnlemal org ant back into a baallhy normal con anion the future ufe lmurulmlut lu umjf utksml ooldo ttxt i aa th rcaur- rctloq and tha ufa ha that u- ltevui in m though tw fcr uad et shall i uv john 11 15 luuiu paboaok luk 34 ml john 1 14 doc not htatan ugto that day whea tha aager heart can uy uurely uod u in till plax 1 lt u4i llito faca to face in tha lottlwfc of ilotr in lha ius u lha theory and ium voic bu ulkd to ma in tha suniu apple uu jua carman tt mww u 1 it was aarly in uva homing frhaa th omen vuilor to tha wpukhre ivcclvwl th ftnt hint of th mur- rrcum it u dilllfult not to bihav in immortality early in tha morning whan on view a glorious sunru mining wmi to b too good to c tru in th momuig lhar is the ucu of beginning a nas day each day u a utu lilt and it indj quite natural to think that a nas life may begin alter death a all aa a new day alter night it is in th burning suo that our ipuita ar mou reapon- ua to sugguuon from th bplru of uod vtwjuenuy our deareat intult- tona era roeled shortly alter awak ing thar la sound psychology in the practloa of havng quiet itnuu early in tha morning luteninj to ood in aucn hours there la a qual ity of spiritual ufa thai glvaa one a foretaste of what la meant by eternal lite the soul u vibrant through fellowship with ood and man feels that tie has a body but la a soul yimrtfcaa uj higgiahi t1 dduef in the rasurrecuon of jesus has not ben engineered or manu- facturad tha dudplaa did not x- poct it and tha women who came to cmbaim the body of jesus had no thought of it tim fact of tha empty tomb had to be explained the only eiplanatlon that satisfied was that the spirit of ohrut had bean too strong to b holden of death we in likamanncr hava to get soma ei planatlon adequate for the facts in stead of th crucuttlon of chrlsl putting an end to iii work ills full est spiritual power a never released until after calvary that power has endured and spread tn a way that la not to be canlalned by th mar memory of a dead oalllaaa preacher hymn exprata the bask christian faith up from the grave lie arc chrtu the xxrd la risen today ulaaslng and honor and glory and praise zjook ye saint th sight u glorious light of the world i tor- aver ever shining christ promised to be with ilia people always a prom- is that it la richly fulfilling and which it would b impoaslbu for ium to fulfil unless aa the living christ ii could have fellowship with ilia followers uarprt- sju dm tu it la a chilling experience to hava good news to tall wtdch t not be haved by thb who hear h th dis ciple wre lattwdulous whan th wotiten brought news of th ur- rectlon of jrkus it waa contrary to their hopri and it appeared contrary to eotrtmotutma tti words were aa 141 tiilea and th dhxlple frankly dlsbellevtwl thnt- let us think of the eleven ducipw as a jury usually a jury is cluuen having no precon ceived opinions upon the tnattrr in qiuitlon but the dlulpes in lead of bring prfdupard to believe in the rviunrcilon bcrf pridupiuyl lo lot 1 eart and yield to dfipalr br rauo tliry thought that thr cruci fixion had foirwr enilj the mlnutry of ci rut tlift duclplfs uere plain psactlral hardheaded men fiam mhctri ue mljht mpect lo gt com- mojiwi w aruarr as to matters of fact tiiry loon btramo aanttcluts i roclatming ttip m iructlon tliey felt the ipirltuil pre rncr of chrut urlch e all my in i the rntrr fa th it not a mji tr of ldoi much u of riprrxnct tk luuy lumi ii ii we foim out ft tikin about hi prople wean alircwt a much by tiat thry do ivl u as by hal thry say ulunco klvn mcrr lljtn content h may bring conviction chruf uld that if ood did nut june a place pre pared fur ills poplr would iar told hu dlulplr frankly he wai too truthful to dicjeve thrm about a matter of such major iroikntancf he mlahl lave wondered ithrr it would be worth ehuc to work for pecpl as he did to bu them a tplrltual life only far unity or forty he was faihlonlng pergonal- itu- dfttlimd to live on and on lie was beginning a proccu of education that could be uffun lo lire and that could not be completed or perfected in the brief span of human ara this fallh tn ood and in humanity fiws us from worry and frar if sc ran rrolfy get chruts point of view and tli ink of ounrhes as suittn her and developing to a higher quality of eternal llfr the prooru of due ipiine becoevs rry reatonable lndd when we find chrlit right about so many thing we are the more ready to trust ium when he affirms a confident belief in a future life tke urlag way 4 pallh in a future life drprndj upon our faith in ood if we btlicve that the power back of the unnerse is a leartwj blind force thrn we may uy farrwrll to a hope of existence after death if however we can be lieve with christ that this power working in the universe u friendly wue and benevolent as a father thrn we may dare to hope confidently that our spirits are ptwiou in his sight that we will be allowed lo finish the development upon which tru only give us an opportunity to start how may we know ood in such a way that this immortal hope will become a firm faith there is no better way hum just to try 10 rcaliie the con scious preunoe of ood a jrau did he lived every moment seeking the puthfrs will and enjoying the fathers presence he has taught us how to live in ihls wsy wrcrcby wo may have a ilnthand rspertenc of ood nature science literature all tell us something about the working of the laws of ood but christ had the secret of tru t in ood as a father and of unreservid surrender of our human uvea to do ills divine will this is the secret which when we discover and live it enables us to say from eiperlenoe that christ ts lha way ih truth and the life we come to ood through christ and when we know ood we have a spirit ual life within ua that u too strong to be overcome by death qaeatlsae fee pmrilia do you really wish to live after deatht 3 at which period of life are we most all vet how la christ the resurrection and the ufer 4 borne great sclent lit have been spiritualist whyt 8 how has christ taken away the fear of death f mail hmmi hwucu blase vrll lo satdf 8le blaurle buck suow email flood lttvlktf oihovs stranded oa way amove ui bvl tmj kj tu mjt wuii lf ht ovty jkmm ani4jjt jmtuurhhjuliullm jjo fcllk lou owall ha truck drlvan who in open up iprinrj novioalion along canada blgbwaya and byways but ju4 as asxilinrj ag any saiior8 yara a tha fafj gomsi of tbaaa man can tall about tola lua com of s i walsh of th bluebird orchflxdsv for esajapl dfy- loj uaich now low and flood h tarud out for sault cl uaru from kawoasil ontario a trip of mora than 600 haiaraous mils flftyau barra la of opplaa war on tha platform of big uapla laof haavy duty mb if ixl f tnpf truck yet tha powarful twotonnar ood tha fpoda all th way in appl pi iryu ha didnt alop for avo a minor ad- luatmant ha didnt add any oil to the ctaidoaw it didnt nad it k got aioiptioaol mllaoow to tha gallon of oagolin drop in at our ahowtooms today gt th facti about mapl lsof haavy duty truck facta which prove thai breaking raccrdj ilka tnakincj proflu lb all in lha ufa of a uapla leaf truck owner low dslivarad prloee and eaty guac tarma chevholetdmaple leaf trucks daymond motors phone 60 roney block georgetown step lively may 2nd and 3rd msm tit scw shims assatxvo c lkhtand the day alow cfaantn ttar hre tha dawn onion he mltrfitef guarding tha hilltop kftam cffliiu etching tha iky touafit tha tomb tn tha garden eta burden of daath on it floor irfglinflt out oka an ahar wsni in inn f it door boahtooi eateh light of the uonilfigt yaftaa tw sea tha light turalnsj their tlep toward tha samton afldtn ful fuulumant of night dawn and again down tha agea tha buluoni lift ayaa to aaa vortivtnau wruten with croaeae when tha aun tnlnea behind oil vary i clara hood rugel tat twtsvldstf uatarliie twke hj i uv juiuoe wuaon of montreal has sentenced a man who pleaded guilty to criminal negllgenc tn connection with a fatal automobile accident to twelve month at hard labor ana ordafilfcim to post a bond of hoo to keep tha peace for another twelve month or serve an additional year in prison tha accused had been charg ed with manslaughter but tha charge waa reduced whan ha made tha atata- meni that at tha time hi car killed a btan ha was ao drunk ha did not know what had happened lion t it ucquasten minister of highway slated raosbtty that on reason for tha shocking increase of motor fatali ties to ontario waa the failure of many juriea to realim their respon- alblilue and to carry out their duties if all ontario jutiee will take courage mm or justice wilsons action then should be a substantial reduction of motor fatalitla in this province uall attnplr edltos pok tell in a moant editorial the stratford eugoonlfarald refer to a dispatch savvllca tn vienna raided a printing romoe and there found a use with nans of stf communist all of whom vem promptly arrested ita a fact if proprietor or editors started tell ing all they knew than would be a heap of people tn trouble a news paper office and especially that of a country weekly u something in the natun of an enlarged confessional to it ooua ail tho petty complaint and major grievance of mankind and of ten of womenklryt too all tha ahort- eohihi of private individuals ai well aj thoaa of rich men poor men beg- mrtnen doctor lawyer merchant chief and then town counciljora township munciuor county couclllor and members of parliament wouldnt know thetnselva if they saw the pic ture that wen painted of them tn tha ttftwipaper oxncee not even for a uotnent could an editor open up not eveii to collect back wbecrlptloni and when they pas up that otwohunlty the world mutt know that lie secrets an safe in the hand or the news paperman his lordship wish you would oult driving from the hack seat her ladyship i will wheni you quit cooking from the dibiniooru rh t higher speeds but loncer wear tmjgeb 2 mileage of new g equal to 40000 times around the world g3 it naw but to jaany tsv bw old that bawd en a conmivallv annual bilbao w con tohly ay gj hm already hav travailed met than a bit lion wiim on canadian can thlt tabw g3 rjfri1tly out of th wpmlmtntal too it b wowtil goodyoai onglnmn produced g3 lo hmi th ttfalni and ian of modem traffic condition it malntalnd ih head pattern after th leveret driving tettt vw olven a nr ita performance tetulted la the oreatett tale in goodyeari hbtoty ooodviar miami oood wsar cat wauu alwayi careful in th lection of maletlali and parh prefer g3 lo any other tire at equipment on their lafeit nodeli it it a worthy running mat for th modern car a tread that wlthtjandt the aerc grinding wear of todayt fatter itaitt higher tpeedt quieter ttopt g3 hat entrtijeep groovet cloieiet diamond wider riding rib go lo a goodyear dealer and compare g3 with th tlret you are now utlng youll uhrjertrand at one why it far ouhellt any olher tlr oiukujdauilieklvsbitvyjinvepvtmmt goodyears g meets every modern traffic emergency goouvear asllweather

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