Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 17, 1935, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening april i7lf 1935 pa 9 easter shoe sale 300 pairs at unusual savings quality ho every one of lhee 300 pair are well made ohoei theyre new the season itself and de signed in excellent taste here are exforda in walking and dreuy types opera pump one- strap pumps stepins and heels in every smart height the leathers run the full ranqe of popular types jtidtlun calfskin patent leathers suedes alligators and lixard- j he colors are navy bju black brown beifie blue and grey and the trims are done in all sorts of contrasts all sixes in both lengths and widths priced at 115 and up d brill co phone 167 georgetown immmm mmmm mmmmm a a um m a a a u a m a as h smoked hants half or wholm clb picnic hams i hut os 1 7e lb pure lard ocr osm mmtimg 2 lb lor 2se breakfast bacon machine ticj 27c lb boneless veal rolls isc lb front quarters of lamb 15c lb sweet clover butter new cheese 2e lb 18c lb celery bearts special 15c fresh spinach 1m reus uj buokzd fillets 17c finnan happies 14c lb buveuuiiairr salmon by u pu lbc push lake herrings 3 iu 20c shredded wheat 2 23c quakes corn flake 3 for 28c victobv cimmmiiiw jer s es ouves 7e ubbvh u m jar pok and beans 2 for 19c we sell for cash hone tt f qf tsfe 28w v om ouliv rsirirgaist sfjfbrsfc jy phone we deliver local news good stilday itul- iluttr nt buikuy ciriout aptxrlal leaf setnice 5c kui jubilee cu tost loo st cionton uy tt ilod what th merchant r of- fcriritf ou in their 4v1 in ll list- aid pleury ho 31 plw uuiftlii pric j n ohul bon oeoafe- toull an old tip lo fcooa ww you u1 lead ui eulrr parikr wlu an outfli from tsiuer dont mlu the lt4l ruchre in the ann ocrtto tuday aij wui load prw si ifcivvi w a fcill tow thcu annual u- uecrgett tea and tale of hatne- bina in the achocj rooca on lutimliy auli mil it oeor jf to n wuwnt iiuiuui fclii 04l a eurhre u th anna on turmlay anrii z2ns uttmtutm- lrlxy welcome a1mluoit isc 0uia to u uuvjic condition of ui utfry uter ou ue loan liall the rmgina of uie own bu will be du- coutlnued until nrcsfuury repair or 1 all organization uhlnj ta take tun in tit achi juu4lfc clrrallun juradc on ujy sui air rcqueaifsd lu notify the tnaitnun jowph oiuxitu 11a or tli caiuduui lata tun auuuvy wol hold a uu of bajuiiif and apron alio atumoon lea lie on liatujdjy april 201 ax j oclock in the urflon oonu uul bl it a ilucul uiipmrut of ifc up- lodjl tuiu for wlfr lia jau bo rolvd ttiew wlu will bd told at rxrept ton ally lptrtc ulnjiuij ai uuu mm i co wul it i prrion vtji took thr roplr of in cantata ouv to canary from knox pr4bytru cnurch rrtum thra to tlv cnolr litoajrun uui jtu iliu 0o- uwitt tn nona junior inuituta and prmxr w1 rntrrtain ui acton and lfilion bruncr of ui ajuoctauon in in nonal iaruii 1uj1 apru z3rd tn junior inituutr u1 provid w- frranmrnta a cuchr uiuitr lh auiplf cf hit utm will b hld in tn amu orantttoan on tundjgr april vht a brldj lamp and ooun blankat will b gnrn to lucky ucbat holdra admlulon 2tc 3t tli commit arc buiy romnlat irtf arrangmqu for hi klnja uig jubur oubralion in otorgjtown on uay cui all orflanuatloru and cltl- um gnrally art tmitd to wk pan tn tiit raonir parad tt tictulon of tli etlal of lh lot un uuon jacluon lluubure will loul a cltartng aal of bouuhold effects and midinc auo niwxo douol hoatf on ltaln bt acton wrd- ntday april 34th trrm caih 11 krr auctlcnr ptvonc u acton ttifre aaa a ood alirndanoe at in ilrtukah ttincr on friday night new ilartnony orel ra tuppllrd the muilr and dhrioi niiimrnl cr unid tli uinci6 of the prtr ftcie apot dajuv ljrjne wriaht and partnrr lucky numurr danc doru olay and itoy wrtoo all ovrr the country thr ltoru club r carrying on thlf ork help ing that unfortunate flight hrra in our on community it vorka tn the 4am quiet manner a cut where dut how can they carry on without th aupport of th community aj a whole thl um lhy or giving u torn thing for our money entertainment 1 th apk of ut 11 aald and biep lively u ahow w will be glad to te two and a half hour of enjoy ment for a nominal admlulon fee which will go lo auut thove who need attention when it u ndd obtain your ticket early u good advice pure food store 2 1 lb pks pure lard 25c 98 lb maple leaf cream of the weitno patent bread flour 269 white rose health bran for household use per bag 18c 32 oz jar tip top pineapple jam 35c symingtons finest quality essence of coffee per bottle 14c 2 doz christies chocolate crinkles 13c mccormiclcs ovenkim scotch style oat cakes pkg 17c red river cereal per plcg 21e 2 tins tip top brand choice quality diced parsnips 19c choice quality mincemeat in bulk per lb 10c homes fresh peanut butter in bulk per lb 18c 2 tins cold bond brand choice quality green gage plums 19c large tube palmolive shave cream 23c 5 cakes lelys hardwater soap 23c princess soap flakes for every household washing purpose 18c dutch sets vegetable and flower seeds choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell saeug nminirr all th laten tn urtetta and at raw for spring and euur wear call and tm our dliplay and get our pric litiui clartdge herald block oeorg- town caaeeei at ctuaa a concert will b held tn union preebyterlan church on thunday apru llth ur vrank kltu of lirampton wtu glv hu uiuitrated lactur korth of u tvrr ootta junior instltuta will preunt thlr play playing th oawe bpactal miule program at s admlulon 3ac and 10c it will rooms has grandest hole to dat your favoiiu actor a well a our and th ouiar fellow ha turned again to th rural american cn tor on of the moat human mirthful and flavortom film in ywra all of which u juit another way of aaytng that wul uoftn li with ua one mora thl ttm in th till rol of roa puma tha county chairman th gregory theatre oaorgetown saturday april 30th will koger appear u the flrat ing boa of amoll town who klioea all the bablea capture all th vote and bring together two ettranged young lovers xn a ocrap however he too hot to handle t there 1 rare humor and pungency tn thl icrren portrait a notable addi tion to the roger gallery of recent hit fie it saturday night personals lv ft if- wlckru of torodto hi a viuuw in town on tudy ua jau alun of toronto was a viuuv in town ovr the xk rmd itrv w if douu and un dougus of ui rrluant opshit satur day witli frtnd in to-m- ut and un moraian lbadran and daughter of toronto vuiud irund in town during th k ur and lira w if llil of brant- ford ur and ufa- oonj burwu of lumuton oit and ur t b ifujj jr of oouertch ere flunday vultora at the home of ur and ur y u 11u1 king bt among ilioe fifeui out of tou who attended uw funeral cf lh ute lira krlc a allan on uordiy tr hr jamt alun luaford ulu vera alun lynn uiu urv hh gfo iuttttiy uarue itmd uu ur c a- wirtorocto dr and ur- o if lloutua and uu jian howa vn flound ur uriaid luiur ulu tkr- ber ur flnderuk a- yraut uu kuil- ytaaft colonel and ur- jam andirwui un- tofanor utile ur and un oforve ug toronto ur und ur- a y tudvn ur vnnk vmis ur keith lumuion uu kdna ivliuon uu dorothy ufuilc ik ttoral ulu lulen jurtjjy ulu tenore quult uu u anorton uu jor kulur uu alice wnlllairr ulu dot cwlwr uiu a- vkkera for mer rltumttr in wtutiy itaipiul toronto ur and ura j a wll- loucntiy ur n ucdonald ur and un a uuout ur isuddro to ronto lliv luwn tkuimui ur url um a v ituixand uu ii un chosn ur wm fix oakvilu hh rand coccbir an icllsnt program of tong and ramie a giitn tn th orory theatre on flunday earning lut uuh effort su put forth by th mtminn of the oorgtukto pipe lund to pre- tent a pirating entertainment and no doubt uk capacity crosd in atten dance will agree that ui program shlch luted for appmelmouly two hour a aril orth a good adml- ui alex oiesart ppeuaor of th lland opeied lite program with a wleclion on lne pipea ur jo young ably ocroai panind lh aolout of th earning who rwcehd loud applauie ttiry appeared a fallow lir w ii ouiram niagara pall h v ur prank uxjcenna brampton ur wm voung vloltnut ur john kmnurum llpanuli guitar uarch ment urother hawaiian dut ua- ter joe wucou com4uf one of the falure of th evnlng u a novelty number piy4 by pipe- uajor ale oteaart and ur uill voung on tre biylpe and vtoiin re- ipectueiy ur llarold uoclure vrry capably octrd a chairman for th etenlngi performance whlcfi wa brought to a clow by the pinnnnc of au artltu on lh ilase and the alngtng of the wa tonal anthrm glen williams the mpaihy of olrn mldmt u ntrndrd lo the family of the late william llarultome who paued away in alabama lost week and was laid to rrtt in the oun cemetery on tu- day we are nlraicd to report that our ctuxeru on th tick lut ore all ahow- ing tlgn of improvement ur oeorge beaumont and ton drock were vultor in the olen on flunday ur and ur wm klrby and fami ly ipcnl ourwjay with relatives tn ac ton un llndley beaumont ha return ed home after apendlng a holiday with her daughter gome of our young lad had a vary narrow eacapa from being killed oa thursday evening when the cor tn which they were riding suddenly left the road and trained into a telephone pole no on wa hurt but the car t a complete wreck there wo o urge crowd it the town hall on thursday rvenlng- th oceaiion being a mucellaneou thower for our popular young bridetobe uu fcurgarei ucnally bh waa th recipient of a urg number of hand tome and moat useful gift from well wuhera th hall waa very pwuuy decorated with bell etc and lime- hou friend lupplied the muiio for dancing dmehouse the lultoa county uutlcol pwtlvt al held in bur ling too thursday prl- day and luturday of uu m dr a ur number of parent and friend to enjoy tli coidpstltloa tn th 49 cuum in uiu yun ur program competition wu keen uier wing a winy 34 eutnet in vom of the cluici tlie key note wa thy do not bsrat each oilier but pace cti oflier to perfection- lunerhue urliool wa again real tuomiiiul tlie children took kwn uitereu and prefomuvd faithfully under un ooudy patunt and able direction th 3 part choir of 10 voioe tere ucceuful in bringing liome flrl nonon a beautiful cup donated by ur p w teuplln of uurungtou in addjtlon to thl t ctuldirn rompted in a number o itur liolo duflte and ihano lutf and tlie following erc uedal win ners wilfred joiiiilcji cioid lome korton tlihrr- hi cllu 0 uure luepjienlcn luucr cut 10 tiiur t lu i j luibel utrpiunwsd tujvr cixu ii helen ucoowan ililwer cliu 17 brorue fut 10 uiuhoua auo claim ion of th tumor on by hie high uciiool gtru a both or lunetiouu giru- korma litephen- mjn i hutrr in elu ii and llronje in clan u and ww price oold in clou jiand oold in cliix crtlf- bsuua t ikunor were uardd by th adjudlcalork to tlue ucceuful tn uaiulnff 10 point or otrr ot thaw th folio ing namea sere auicceuf ul hobby uoin 71 preddie 1l0i 70 in cuj i audrey ivartrun 73 lorene luuell ii tn clou 4 luitura cou- ten 73 fililrley witght 74 in cuu lillian johruon 74 orate darman 77 in uui g oootny jojinxon 71 in cui ii ilrlen ueredltr 10 ui clue 14 helen dew r un 73 in clou 10 iaii rvk wurm s rather coouhi the hiring ftrr of activity tn folk oardentng houiecuaning and fann ing in a few raxre got under ay hut uonday tueuliiy and wedne- day put djimprr on again ilut cheer hit rant lut- keep uonday rrnlng april x2nd open for dick the amairur bordener lecture in the united churcfi th aaemlll will again be octlv foe a fee day the ume co truck u buiy liaullng more loga to be mad into lumber the aster ha held up real sell tm ear and u available for unlet any time ulu lluel uertnall of georgetown tu i vullor at uanliall a few daya latl week ueaira it u and will uartholl apent a few hour in th village sun day plumbina tinsmilhing hoi air healing eayglrounhirifl dealer fee new i4ra 111 aj rlvaaee f lmcgilvray til oaarguww town aurkior wanted application will b received by th oeorgatown town council for an auditor to audit lh 1035 book of th town of georgetown including tu collector kolla tax bill and collection treasurer hooka watcrwortu department llouataf commiulon hydro ktktrio oommuiion public bchool noard high school board cemetery board- publlo library board interim statement uaklng si oovemmenl report town book to b checked quarterly state toiary application to be ent to the undersigned by april soih p b ieaiuusok clerk watch our window ro wtauv ice caam immu and oowrgenowmy chocolate marshmallow sundae 1 oe lonps confectionery sz hintons jewellery and cift shop special lor easier china egg cups dmnul 2 for se china tea sets 195 25 276 30 derby color engliili tea set umur iitjs iw 895 watches special 500 1050 1500 new advertisements no- to 1 uu lot uu si stv bu- lul ajy n rktr h 1 attack f la t i f rheumatism lumbago sciatica w uvuacav4 tsiui rtltf i ram pain j m tka uow ilma ihy bill man cummj d iuhmiim lhy bill ik hlooj ai urtc um nj ohr lmiuiiini kkkb uiaaa lk ylsn euul causa ttuum icm lomhijo bahauk a iiuui of uuaiacath old a vou ka tm cmjit iijw rumacaps rheumatic capsules liberty ifuuetf owt l wo- 3 government kundard- d- if u r 9 oorvatown wjoc urh hctbfn college view and fcaa 00 owaii bltk purs conulnlng a autrj of money inodtr pi re turn lo thl ofika or hex u jou of- not u iruli cobhurs and pooley potato for tale ouo 4 et and gander apply ttoy uurt hon ui r l gfogetovu t tfug far hale 1ra ligjdy ho 1 oritdirt alfalfa ouo no 3 timothy wa 1 for eurily all 16j4 crop jctn alexander u h 1 oeorgctown- up vut baruy oac t3 cot and o ac 31 barley mixed trunser oau and velvet barley mlvedi a quantity of millet apply j a ucuon trorgtton lot odic or hion ctiriirnham w r 31 hn v umi waiitevj will buy rorue injund cattle te injured anlmau muu t iwuffd lib mrdiatety aa meat muu t tn prfct condition alio trailer or traluf ctuual wand vanattrr ro arm lhum 64 r xi oorgflown uan wawttd to ilandlb watatin- xv trav local rural rout available for re liable man utawn 35 and 49 hand ling woiklna rmou rly tlproy luock and ioullry tonic bplcee ick- iracu uadlctnre hoape lc cor needed credit fumuhad apply lm- maduuly th j it welkin com tuny 31t7 utuop bl uontnal qua tt nolk9 to do owtun all peraona in the uunlclpallty of oeorgftoert who on a dog miut te- cur a tag for um on or before uy lat afttr trat dju any dog found without a tag sill be detroyd or the owner fined tag may be ae- cured from lh town clerk or chuf uarihall at by ondcn op council fob easter holidays very special mmmi ml ballantynes knitted suits new styles new shades new arrivals b 900 iiijsq 17js0 dresses martha washington dresses cotton taffeta mercerised striped goods best prints 149 190 278 a lovely range of house dresses at wc silk hosiery ladies silk hose heavy service or cliiffon at 69e 69c 78c 100 12s ladies sillc crepe hose special at gse navy blue silk hose 1j kid ties navy blue kid slippers and ties gloves a large assortment of ladies kid gloves imported at 190 simplicity palterns 18c agtots for langlevs cuaner etui dyer mcbean co pwg4 we dwlivw gcoe re bal iruh cobbler and dooley poutoe ioc per 60- lb- bog apply herald ofdc sif tender wul b recalled by th un- denlgned up to uaf isth tor re-de- rorattng korval united church par- aonage of 0 room 3 bedroom living room dining rooei and den- all old paper wuit b removed floor and oodsork painted upstair down alalia vamuhed work to be comput- m by jun 36th ur j o ue laughiln nerval it vv kale etrab berry aanaragu and new berry plant in choke vortetlm truh cobbler potato grown rvosi pltl certified ceed all prloe awoeditlg to quantity if ifunur rwl t vr sal double recleaned and graded ojlo 31 aeed barley ode and h vr buhl liberty tiulleu oat govt groaod k4 and 3 rent per lb rncy euatity ho i aulk ited clover alfalfa timothy at attractive prwo ofete may be phoned at our espfrusj wil- ham com tt bona bead uerchaju mreetatule ool wj jjc hi tittcit sfciel as oiihiufaluig arouu 6uj lb morning olut oppetlt awiltn aad call fe goldealviid oacnn aad egg tk ideal luhir uraift eggs is bsaiaim s1u1 bacon hg i 1s cottage rolls th doimrr is tlic rraton for th raira favour in thia fine tatty kaon m 17c dominion peas choice quality no i slev ssr r1chmello coffee 19 a- 35 early morning coffee 13 at23 pineapple singapore sned 217 heinz vinegar cutrult will 216ot fe lioniii 40 surprise soap 5 bw 23 princess soap flakes 15 hot buns 25 prlawoaa fruits candy easter est chocolate hauraanas mayooaalm natltoaa coco yib toe each se 8j4ox jar 23 hlb pkp 33t picnic piddea sweet mixed 2oz tin 2s6 bajfiltla pachs no 2 q tin is rpesti tipuits extra special grapefruit good sir 6 for 2s ttiei sptclal valuta effective until wed n tid y nlgtit april 24th dominion stores owiiiil imixiiiv thiintt phone 78 wedeuver aalti speights garage phone 279w day or night spring is here here are just a batteries 495 795 11 plate heavy duty uattebjeb i tuonfjia ouaraau our low price u plate heavy duty bahteh1e8 13 moaih nuawhiaa 4 woiuy aaver oi 11 plate heavy duty battem1eb u wobiju cioraiitm end all ym bllry tnubua now with thu hutw ballery take ear tf ajftr ajkdttmunt aneb u bai water luaferi radio aaai- uiitf clttv uihters ot b u mad bt emiviaamdl 1295 spark plugs haoshm bjmrtt ting casstjtlsu sua a 0 to at every esr umub eartlej la tuek si slj uaui dasiue slsw sm susrsjilem sbsslsuly ou yssr bel el i say slw mm get of t si m1s our accessory store for motorists invites you to come few of the bargains we offer at money motor oil s quarts seeled cine imperui rolartus ou ns better oa at a sh our lew orleeiier ceu eaesee aus heeled uervelube and keeled hobji ou in i quart eeae tires 1 tires bssee dees uel penult us to uei our full use or tires we se esrty la slsek over 20 different ejus m s its tlree si low ssvuetl v vbuck ownebs we eloek all suee imk ures aud tubea ss u 11 vruek vlroe freeu kim up auo a lew tread ueed tlree vibe beta1b hitu wuue ihey uet eeeh i uquid boldeit lie and see our stock of car accessories saving prices whiz cleaner and polish brlfbteu up the eld car wltb one of our w1uz top dreaelua qtf aad touebup k1u st 03c or nee ibe whiz auto beauly vwuu leleuer sad pelleb la t as sepejute tuu st 5roc wuiz poueauv cleuuwspeelally prepared or uus work aqm radflush fan belts 9ce bpeut for ataovivbu may save yea dollars later oa ousas stub radjalsre audjieepe theai eleau 10c else paa bells tvt ears i up we sloek asfekeu lor sll brakes of care vslvee aele shafts clateh recluse ktesruts ceeuteeuuir slide melon atlas els just call and see us at your service anytime anywhere we operate the best equipped garage in georgetown vicinity and our prices are right phone 270w day or night and j

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