Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1935, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtyebb ymt of pdbucrior 11m geor harau wedrmday evening april 3rd 193 1 jso par annum in atfrajrcs szjoo to usa tbe gnntlmnl hmh j k alocwb ulr cuullia tfnjcty nmpapar onlt ttirj tu 6undlrd tii nbfijr and uu 10m tu xbo4 for tcfoald 1144 twa buzwlir toloe b4 l c44 th ruefii for toroald 1 1 pu ojli w4 rvwnjar tad bull 4uba ltuiir im tua kii4r and uiu 43 pm iftr habur 1164 pm iuj md hiuant 141 m i and hwatf u eta uuvb o0burron 4 4 kllij cjb ja u ii tta ud k tu p til tlh u iu1 u4 m- u pja ll ul 10u bjg ujd u k dill bil tun uumtij cm1 i tatluxum auad as4 uau daja eastahh turaiju tlum bw fail mi a vomoh ntumm j 11u1vj vf new yellow label directory ie bov dui oaorstlowu aotarte offl oratory thlw bid ulll bi bsrfmshi if lahodoh awiaaw gnirhir rjiy rttta mm uortugr una ta leas ooat ula btfaat beaut pfaau u swimbubn8 4 blflbmom iinulk uhlhiia w i j vi ntout w mnjiunni ba uoaay to fjfiab tuapluu 14 ban ma uf bsukuvoh buoy cuu took laaaawcb at tee ba 14 tin i i bra s ao n tdm diam oordoa arajdao x elila bl hortb b vruv bw bo mmouk harold h uvrtbaettoauv aufidiae bnuntnon tttebfcaa at w a ttanox dab uaj ol osee uouias to kzeaat ttuualar arureooaa a m nielsen 1114 year tl tsaautt chboprbctor xray drutuu tbarapttt lag atleahal oom ow iwiilnwi blare aor4to9 houre tj im m rnul fkanaer rtu lea frank fetch ucenud bdonokbbb cw lk omuuh vm4 ul itilu ivoaint bifvlu ohlt4bhus uruqurgimn urs vou rwflm fhiihtnuw monumen ts pollock a ingham suujtton to oiur worth g4tu out x0j9 our worit ta omtimnod 0mury wbbibafcapfctabaab floral pcsifliis 4lbi huou bbabohbbu j farmer htlfk bt o oocrob mfwurait arveonm bv uduujmon ju uu uw tluuu tt vmunt no uuubflr ol the lfftfibtllm aa tky biudnau with th0 mvemment and o44ve uouay in htum xltvftn uam- bm of tha odtarla uauu who t nudiul dootori an thui barrad from immjtina feat ram the dedartmint of walara for uadloal atlaatiou slv an to patients in uulr praotlcaa wto a an hllaf ihexa u a noailbuty that thi altuatlon wiu bo ramadlad by an amendment to tha liaalihulve am murine tha attuitlon in thla way thou i rauaf would b at liberty to employ the aarrlw of thatr on jsielm even thouth be hannanad i m uwmakar aa wau brown label 33valb orange pekoe 40 vt lb have your eyes examined tulf ltaw ulullbt crdiaalf vtyo h4 to s47ft urfu- 1h mcuu to tfa v 6tw htkfttuvtvr you look up or down fat or out ttiiw lhuh mucwc ta prlu uwl t tuoj tb uu cvlm m or ckiutu tt pi ufc rrtc uiumba nil lmubj for um uu dflm u uv o w 1hu or autiph- o t walker ro onfoaorauat asfaauoart rulutf i tillltl bobafi cboo hfobb i uta v m itaf nli m a v waawr u ail eha la iti iln i attaima trr in n i i rtng rain -snow- shine we deliver blue coal when you tvanl ii john mcdonald queen street georgetown how at it dy o huntiwt whtm uulmu to ood u bio and eurcy buut dllhu to iiiaw oh harkn rtihi cry now u ttit uaun wtuly lonff of udder uiouiht uuj tvswr ung wlan biliiitf b5uu grow hu tod alrocjt oh lkfjko ho w cry thf ftfu of pnnw t oti w uht uk tutnruf tif wr oomiy nititrt i ob haiin ho cry oh happy tuii of uahud lust of luivr lops of chulfnlnj fear vmuang all our vll vat oti lira t ken slin cry otiutiu u wuti ttiy frar vt ttatur in tha uiutltutw cf thy coinpauioni rar i muoiu atwauui nwto cim vm hawjat okiity u kuj iut- cwtu la tfti oog vounj famoua toronto tturajhon iwlmbur muij to avoid um long arm of tha law waa airatfj tn toronto taat k ajvd ukn to luxiir hr ha u vantm on ctarga of road hoggin priuiin alnca tut fall oo auguu lltb uu voung saa pocxling north oo highway ho 11 tn ft htfaniylvanu car and cruitad into a toronto botorut nr tlrsdiord- tha cctdnt aa tnwatigatad by traffic ottotr a andiva than auuiled at uradiort and a lumson luufd voung tn tna taanttirta hid ntunvwj to 4huladalpfitti bara ha and hli u ar rauding and tha pro- vtntlal pouca var unaua to law hira tba ctu aj callad tn uarrta polkw court wvrl ubh laat fall unit anally a artauu u uauad for tha arrut of tha faooua astiriuar lajt wlt voung rvturoad to tb- ronu and aa pickad up aar quatn wik by provtulaj trafi ocbot a a hiuuxd and tmaiadlaialy taluo to hima tha accuwd aprwarad bafora uagu trata jttt on tha waiw aftamoon and pkadakl gniuty to a charga of road hofgtng dflng wotigiit to court on a sarrant waa a aartoua eiu- tar but hia orthlp who had urfn conjlnad to hia had for aoma vaaka on account of tnbuania raaiahiad to tha famous wtmawr thia la tha ftrtt una i haa aax on tha banch for owr two aka and i am not going to aurt off by landing oaorga young to gaol a fin of 110 plm iiiju coua aa impoud by tha court voung who ta only m yaara of aga and loolu tn tha but of haalth told court ohulala ha haa coqm back to canada to train for tha coating aahl bltion awim 1u waa not taitlajud trtth condituma acrou tha una and by com ing back to canada ha nopad to ba back on hia ftat again aooo it ax pacu to train with johnny waikar and will join hia camp aoraa tima to july ekcotraomo fall rnl8 thira will ba no raductlon tn tha granti aatandad by tha provlnctaj govtmmcnt to agricultural fairs and toclatlaa thla yaar dajplla obugatloni to raduca axpandlturaa tn tha danart- mrat or agricultura at laaat uoojaon hon duncan uarahall ootartoa minuur of agrlcultura aaya that la good new for tha annual govcmmant grant la a wry naoauary llam in tha rvmlpu without which u u not ilka- ly tha majority of imall falra could oparata wlruikjl ii dehhett buptiirmrntlng formal medical bul latlna of a favorable nature lwud uu k ootjfrvtf mreabrra of parliament at ottawa rvlvd tha nra rrora mtnutfrtal ctrcua that wmirr it n luruwtt tvralth la ao improved that hia attendance at ilia jubil caubratlona tn london in uay la now auurrd georfwtowrt hocly puyat win hit hoiw ymid cair mutvurow won inteanavbonu ktkcoontviom in tuotoouafulc kxuiuv quality of work produced by kivd crtppa vfuknovn oaorgatown intrr- nudlata tockfy plar and uraaiptan photagraphar aon tnurnatlonai ra cognition ut kk two of hia thra prinla aubmltted balng on dlaplay at tha aacond annual cahlbltlon of pro faeailoful ptiotography bring held at itochcatar by tha lvpanmant of holographic technology of tha itoch attar athcnaaum and axchanlca xn- tttute only io other nun from canada uaa bauer jr ltrauhamou quabkr and ft ii omlih amhanu nova ucotla arrc- almllurly honoured tha firit of the two prinla la cn- ullm kipreaalon and plcturca a child of thrae years aa a aubjact for character atudy it haa manlloua poulbuitlea tre aecond u a portrait of w w price llotrdale avenue urampton etery feature u rr produc ed with remarkable fidelity and tha ok haa drawn favourable comment from every proliionul aauaclate of hi crlppa who tiaa vlutm hia atudio- thouianda of prtnu from every krt of canada united fuatea and gland were aubmltted and of the vaat number only 1u went placed on exhibition tha iiothar oountry la rrpratentad by one tha douglaa uudioa tn laqndon tha exhibition at devler 1u11 llochaatrr opened on march 1 and concludad lait week the two winn ing phot oar apha will be on duplay in tro window of cripp oludio uramp ton too miaby fhen u gkohge a- wilson pile up savings by shopping at carrolls taa mara aaj aaoaa wba aiiii ara tornkkg la catfalf a ut aa eulitaarlua lyiltn el gvatary atoaaa taul la kjwtly canadian x apricots riw rtavoaws wuth amtuh nhlrr uiului prunes 3 ytnbcb aiutv unta c4juu nhmt l0mmj1d biitiim camadiam cholcga bul imcial plums crhwiala mirahrribuaw pmnkfokd ttadaf iwaat white n 2t25 2nb2 jce tint m9 20 iv nb2 thtt ttu jar tin biscuits corn riauiviwaivi ww peetlb addad utlllllmf3 connor nbriniriu inrwuiosaiea sardines s 6 2s beans jjrb io hpb sauce osjs 27 pig rolls sss 2 27 3m1nute oatflakes lor mo1 iw nbrlwcciublhg pkaimlhbwt cleanser oxyool tuwjiubiu balvc cilletts lye ciibtair comfort soap ki valur s ban 18c steel wool ramotea crime pbg oc calay toll i ttoap 5 xoc hawes floor wax mbllh ii caitolls lilrhteda stwiib iiv your locality leftuce 2 lor isc lemoiis 21c doz grapelmll s lor 25c oranges 25e 35e 40c doz main st phone 367 georgetown acton or and ura t albert lfoore and lira percy iloblnaon and ulu doro thy lfoore called en lira if p uoora on saturday while enrouta to toronto from a holiday petit in florida friend here will aymnathlaa with lira john il ittuhman in tha death of her brother ur jamea uclennan at pfltrolla on lionday ur and lira fjeuhman have been in patrolla thia week attending tha funeral ur w j imtterton who haa con ducted a meat ahop in acton for tha poat twelve ycara haa dupoaad of hli famine to ur s fuk who haa been a realdent of acton for the pat year ur pat tenon reocntiy purchaiad a biulncu in ouelph and will davota hia time to that but will continue to aide in acton for tha preatmt ur and ura thoa ilabton and family were indeed aadly bereft tail week when their only daughter edna paued aauy at the home ualn 6u after an lllnru of acveral vecka dura tlon uhe waa in her fourteenth year pellow puplla of tha achool and friend of the family were grieved to learn of the paulng of thla young life ohe waa bom in oxford village in england and came to canada with her parent when eight ycara of aga ucaldca the bereft parent there re main three broihera harold john and thomaa all at roma palling to rally after an operation for appendicitis lloyd l coopr vic torla road ouelph a former rcaldant of acton paxtrd away in tha general iloipltal there yesterday morning he waa atrtclten tut wednetday and un derwent tha operation on saturday hia death waa sudden and waa unex peeled by hia family the late air cooper waa bom at lullaburg but had lived in ouelph district for the past seventeen year he waa thlrtyaeven ycara or age and waa a ton of ur and ura k cooper victoria rd ouelph free pre erin ur george thompson 6th una erin mat with a painful accident re cently from a fall which rcaulied in broken rlba liu many friend wish him a speedy recovery tha young ladles community club met at tha home of ura b wlddia cataract recently there were twen ty ladle present tha ladlea quilted one quilt it waa decided to give thla quilt to the tint young lady who t married in the community ur and ura norman nixon of scotaguard book relumed to erin uit week by motor and also had a car of aattlera effect ahlpped which waa accompanied by austin island they have leased the farm lot uw eon it and have taken poieulon we join with the cltluru in welcom ing them back to the community exllabbl henry bregman ohrutt- lan jew who conduct the house of scekera after truth at 145 major bt toronto brought a fresh intereat to service lait sunday at the church of christ and cedarvalo sunday school a good audience in the evening list ened to hi detailed story of hi life training ministry as rabbi and teach er conversion to christ and hi christian ministry on behalf of hli fellowjew advocato he gave ura hoon indignantly i wonder why ura oabbletoti doeant mind her own bualneasr her husband tha reason la tha ahe has no mind and another la thai aha ha no business she has no busl- mcis to mind if site hod any mind to mind it and no mind to mind hef buslneaa if ahe had any builneu ta thi window tajumked allglitl va it ralwd slowly upward iter wa iba awhini of a fcijb aa tb djrk bjurv iij olrf lb tjit 14 wjlki 00 up to tu nw th kiubati hear to ib ef ibv balltiay gluatly u ulki ilmvalog rh oaly aouad la tt wlwu dark lnnjt waa that ftf tav bllln elib tha irurglar fclftlj 0yo ibt ball uta amall it ef bis itgti diiixliig ta iba floor la frt ef blui if luraad lelo tha dlaleg rooui aad ul lis apet irel rarwully about- it titaw to tw upoa a ckiaa eu- tka a poustw fcjdaubla walalag swift lr to tk ulur ti ua polud out a log drawer fa aaari baasaet ba bad tha allfw rilj uts aat pack- balufud that ba kad doe a faad algbie taurb ba uft tka ivaua by ila aaa lodo u aad tabkivl v hub ba rarafuuy ebu uaiaj klaa tkaa ba vaikad rauly aa ftm tl a froong baa aa4 i m ui u i table u ea tt tka otmali twaarate la tka bea erol aj uaa larart oa pah at 1w dty tkavir fatva lakad aagw la tt alaa ugat t yaotb taolrauj vlti a fafcj tka tall ttaa wilt sjraya tvalr a aa joi eatarad- nu tut tua wka a4 eisaa la jaaar yaa da yj taw alv vaaa liy dad eoj urt r aid maa4a klaea dad 14 bud us tuaa issoai lik a faikar ta taa oaali ha aaat loait ub aaiuk twit avs a crat goyl- fura- taa 1h afu tu ul hi la war a1 ya brtas alaa evar jtsauyt w eoal4 tall um about ua aw uat yav dad a daai w gt to tall waibady yoa baw ywutl had wmu ba glad t jlaimy boik walkad hv aad plaead hu kaad eo mad uartlav abaal aw red shitted quickly ok aalla jfataar halla had yv acr jfgil wbaa t taucbad yao waa eiiag aaesakadyr wall aa at wartly tk aldar tua aaasaead tta a pia taa fuia h9f bactar uy r tka uar haw i aleaya waa unj f blab acraag uka that hav 4aa f baae wtlh bta jlaisyr he tlaaka bad r at the gtrl frtaad with m tonight aad aha deal ilka a ta twak tl oasa aa a u our tabla i baaa tajlla bar abt ya aa aha wamta ta saaat yau tar i will jlaaajr red uekag at tha m- jane ka ful4l waaat orwty bat esta tha gtri rrunad hk gaaa arly jiaaairi oat baaa talliag aa that joora alauac uka a rathar ta htsa aw jlajaiy alwaya aaala ilk that ue aat jiaaaiya father waa juat pal tkata au i kla4 u kaaoa say aye aa aa id 4 jos la malta aara ha it tka way hia fatkar wealed uaa jtsasay laaaad aeraaa tha tabla had jaa aa sa a4a ta ft saar- rtad pretty aaaa ue taabr luduawadptaaaal thata tha way far yaaag klda ta 4a ua i uw bag brajae aaaugh i fuaaa wtvaa ya ajaaalo data fit je u aaaa aa gat rwe koa rd dellara star ta tha baak jlsaaay rplud va gt almeat aatangb far tha rural tura aaw bat j aat aa havla a bedayasaea iura bad arad kaahuy but ajot it gata ta uka qutbt a whlu ta tare tw oavdrad aa yaor say jlsa- aiyr oh isa warring taa taa gtl lo- t amp tad wait thata flba bad aald taah jlnajy aald broodty ahee a maid for soma aigaiuta uptowa flha werka for tha uaaoaa thay got a wall house on third aiaou you maati that big brick one lhat sate way back freaj tha atrcatr had akad looking rathar start tad taa that a tha otvi jaa aald the uaean hat baas away for a eoupla of weak but thayy coral eg hark pratty aooa i aaatildnt have gon away tad laft tha houaa alntta hat i hsvaat aaaa jluaty far aa awful tang tlava i gnaaa it wtll ba all right though kurt jimmy addad cheerfully hfll ba all rtght what could hap- pao anyway 1 i suppose if thay fooad eat you left the bouse yead ha trad wouldat your bad asked yea jan ana wared ajmply aa red centlboad if yea got trad ya weutdat ba able ta gat mar ried far a laag tlai blthar that er youj hat ta g without tbla bare honaymoea aa yau wast that a lot dont your you hat aha daaal jimmy an awered for her bat ufa forget the nl house nothlna golo to happao to it ilit i aal acowllog thoughtfully into hia glasa aa tha two young people miked on soon ha eicaeed hlmaalf and left tha raataurant for a aarond time that olgbt the kllrlien window of the big brick house third avenue waa raised and a dark figure climbed la the man qniikl reached tha dining room and liumltwl tha silver carefully hear mr nicpa approaching tha front af the hntiae h ran back ta tha kitchen iiinlusl throng th window aad lew- td it carefully behind blu that pl tuuttarad ta hlaiaair us ha walked rapidly away i what gat for havla tea uaay ivtaav what is a cord of woodt the government in legislation of which notice u given today set out to define it ofilclally there hav been complaints of loads being commonly sold u a cord thus cheating the consumer on the other hand it ts claimed farmer often sell to big pulp companies loads of wood exceeding a eord for which they get only the price of a cord the compan ies making money out of the eitcasa aa defined tn the new act the cord of wood or other eubaunca shall contain 134 cubic feet being four and seven hundred and forty ulna hun dred and nlnitynlntha 4 tiojjoo cubic yards awarding to tha domin ion aundahi yard r ha thompson co spring hardware johnsons 610 coat floor finish i brcquibtsnorlub i bino ob pousiiino or u drttv pfticceoe bi gold cross pure paint 68e jt dcw paint age jt rvulobum rrulbvgtsu awl notxalu erlairmti mureico bnd alataitlrt castle floor wax 28c lb chan floor wax 80e lb hawes floor gloss 69c pl no 2 galv tub 23 scroaa lop 88c galvo pails 23c dairy pails s3c w 2 for 88c flaat rj fr yaar law aj tfnfi bemv rmou va wmitofra uxenue rtoob rouattut tttth tactt ojvg pound tin cv johnsons wax ahwhrmiv watt aptcr see oor slack ef bwe bvolbers h s palais st waa evaal j willy t aad runulura oa tlooe woojob4i iodi forsse ik plumbing heating tinsmrrhing and electric wiring r h thompson co phone 48 georgetown style quality and price latest in topcoats from 9 bitd up i oure aure to like theae fresh new model every ounce of their light weight ia full of quality and etyle and the price is mirnculouily low sparkling style and rich colorful patterne woven checks mixtures tweeds diagonal weaves and herringbones many models d brill co phone 167 georgetown in the expansion of canadas foreign trade canadian tobacco haa eatabiuhed a market in sierra leone hrillsh wast africa where it enters under an imperial preference of eight cents per pound- canada supplied so per cent of the total wheat import into japan aus tralia m par cent and the united btatea 39 per cent canada u also chief ekporter of lead to japan aa well aa being a leading source of lum ber piu atsmaitsini and alne dried apple rings constitute practi cally the only type of dried treefruit shipped from canada to the urlusb market a the available supply of cajutdlan flov for the 1034 aeowm sold well in northern ireland particularly during the month of october at tha same time the proa blate ooyemment wag in the market for flax seed auppuea from canada but could not obuhs them except from northern ireland siirea

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