the georgetown henu wednesday evening decanter 19th 1954 page 5 v i ies d brill co ptrtoe 167 cor mill miwsu guffvtowa aoi fc aa it ttfinr t s fr c a m m m m a miriam f fcod bucks meats a7 alerrt gariatmas to ait out gustomers and itriends mad way we reatlad yea that imj ualaes u sat at setee u ripitiial real eavtoxe are eeatriause t the afa tftaeiee ef yew cbhmmuj dlaatt young geese i u ii ik hill chickens and ducks at loweit market prices baby beef milk fed and choice quality a boast will njbmiiu sabs treat sausage meat jzxojls 2 lb 26e mincemeat ubbys 2 lb 23c shorleiungjelislli 1 1c ib we w for cash phone c i 121 taflaf we 28 w myj kvk deliver never too many prices from 25c to 150 we have a whole new slock of last minutes special ly purchased mcltturs in the erancleil varuriy of color and patterns ard mile rial youve ever seen theyre all new fresh ties in the present sea sons smartest patterns tweed effects permian designs diagonals spots checks dots diamonds and circles also a urge stock of mens socks in attractive colore and prices local news utrry cnrutms to you only four hvore ihopptaff days till clirultn vrtday l th j4iortfct day truth year coniiiiunlty cututnae tr hl- utdy afternoon at 4 pw united chuich uundav ftchool chruiiiui fnltrtttnuml wdnlay tonuh d ember is h ut 7jd it ilov do- jour suit look to xmmt itavf it cleaned and pd by it tttocuord itionr 331 oore bt th c mmunlty ctultma tree was very kindly dotiaud by mr john uluvr of uuirri corner 1th line ur oolar dtzsltu wat to- morrow tor st johns and will lall on thrlday for ih old country our public and lugti schools will eioai on lrtday for the tttrurjaias 1oudaye and ropn asaln on wd nday jan 2nd rwitftjibfr the tvent of the u- uu ynrmftrna uab and bupoer krt v- dm 11 a tr and battw than vr chtuuiia upclals lbs- uapu leaf tutt palmt uread tlour in king haai bit uuwilur lawoa bbahlom u11u up w thank uv wuua drtr 61 r r no- bum or s booth of houy and bilulod joit tlfd frocd fcos band ocly b fv- afcopoinj diy wtl why not da your rvwinifij abetv ptna at outt- h you u uir ouw suiaa th uf for ikuf thr lion club draw for lurka bhc ind rhlfketu ulll ulkt pur at ihi loan lull tills wdnkljy vrtt- ing at im protfwd far coeuaunttv chrtatmita r and child lfn tt annual mtwtns of iltaqimin ajrrtfulturaj bortety vul b lfld in th wiaimpal buudlnj oor8twn on riturday jn 1th at 3 pm df kuutnland vtli b in hi 6f lr uiin 6t oojcura wt-dn- day and sauurdy afumooni from 1w to s odock for winter bontha hp a lady anonptna tn oortonj th othr day told tha rduor that ii rould grt bmur tauh for ui mony frora our local mrrthanu than tn th city or elurbh ind bud hrr knov prclurun bunday bctooi ru hold tntr annual ohrutmaa n- trtalnmnt on krtday dpc 1ui tva wrd from to yis oood kfo- rtam by th crdmnw comofeoctnc at s o clock aharp admlulon 14 and loe ktbody 4lcaa to our latton hh turaday ba te ohrutjbia will all havtnff na iuu for th turald kindly haw tun in our ottos on uonday auo will all advruar puaw hand tn thatr advta aa aily u poaiibl italy crou church chrutuaa traa for th iudrti waa hld uu rmday rrijht uvnty n chlmron tr prtain and rcltrd gitti frojri santa clau bupnr aa irfd and a good projtaua of redtatlona aonsa wloa rtr rnjovvl by all prifthit lci no 33 hrli t rtr mchcp in thr arrna hit prlday nlaht tlipr n fcr or lurkt lumber dra rnt to tit howr of tn folkwrtnj numbrr ikt ko iso 2nd no jw srd ko olfl 4th no su ftui no 151 eth no 130t coruoiitlon hoa 35 and vn den t forctt a uxy uvor can be mad oru with parkca uvtiion llobba drus- slot personals mrs a uooinnla of ha rrtunukd hom afur t- a eounl of with qswxx frunda ua doru ouiy of twocio tpant th wk and with b aiw and anuulmothar at tr honw oo qurti tit ur k- l orory uany friaswu la town cr pkad to aw him fchl to b around again uat wak aiur in rtotnt ixidnl ur and ur j it luuco and uua vloich wtuar ar atundlna th fun ciul of uwlr aunt ufa w v wcb- ler at oakood today we arr plcwd to riart that dv jovdi ufandjvw who u takcaa to torunto oeneraj llonltal ut wwk for tr2taunt la rf itng faor- ably iluoid cl nv cuortpf currt lvputy mv l wuiiin uau t l l4ll laltoy dud w o aihplb and oo cuhw at unod th wardens ixntaat st uur- linjton itix nrkuy have your eyes examined tulysr lenua unllk ordinary irclw nnffaf an ta ttyw untet tn aocurot to th wry da whaiwvsr you look up or down in or out tiliycr ltmui ih ravduud in price and are aold tho same price all over canada so gi them from ui si well tulyer lenwe or the aamo prixw as any one ta toronto or ouelph o t walker ro oetmunitt bvioirt ancttutr biiiiiim biiii toaara duo vtomm owmhh u mm wnn m i miy mwia ot fm aav 0 t wuui al kta itb la biiaulm ani laa ri n t rr inri in iiiriiinnir hbbiialliblbil s hlnlons jewellery gill shop wrtiwn s a ipmtal twin ef mlhm cabinet tf oanatlua keaxere c5 lute- g wftfe will be sifftt sway oa ohrulitue eve to the eae wbeae m saws le drswa freai a auud bos pa ewy uttwaaaer of nade fretu be ta any amount will stew eeaseu bsaj pue it ba ibe box va cau rt btutdretu ef cewjwhi one wllh eaeb pafabaae bbtart early and continue often m tueojunb in oiptfl eaou week b 5 s dolls buggies tea sets telephones etc for curls trucks trains cars guns blocks etc for boys baaj c sesiay nwu uy prrmualon of tha otct eoa- manduur the lorn riflae saatttth band will rjy a conotrt la the on oy thaatre on sunday eantnf time urd coaunenclna- at fc- spactal chxutaiae mmic by the band i other talent rahlaai flaafaj ifjetbaf at the eloalnf raunj for the year of the brownie of st oeorgea otuikh a epactal f aatur was the f aiwwau of the pack to joyoe roberta who has tone to live tn hamilton the ftfterooon was eo up to vasue after which rtfreahmenu were eerv- ad by the drown owl and the tawny owl a presentation of very pretty cup and saucer e made to joyce lira thompson tn pmaenunr the btft said that joyce had been credit to til oeorgeli pack and she hoped that she would soon find tunelf ta brownie work in hamilton the rack gave three chstra for joyce raweeaafst basaar the ladiee autiliary to canadian lesion held ft very auoeeaaful bazaar in lower lesion kooms last saturday a lovely quilt was drawn for and lira a taylor held the lucky number a pound of butter made up in flower and donated by ura jones bramp ton was woo by uus r ktoretaves thaw tn chare ware needlework ura harlow and ura d lladley baklnf ura james and ura b arm- strons tea urt blah and ura al- oott ash pond ura arieve and ura b green umehouse wood kasuia bra hat bo oc ipyuxj t bjarfl ftbout ukd duiull uui put etfc thow ould days make u u ink wlitlir ui wood and oou uiiv p ird tlul enough to krp jltfk rvou out umk ut uu aloru quaitw u vrry uck at pitfru but a lume it vlu koon ptclt up jutelu for uu 4uie of th uftiioved ui k- uaruuul arat a couels of djt uu kuk fcltli fithkla ui ueorgetown ut and un- ft itoimw and cbil drro vuiud ur and ur itij uu ituxuuy th unu4 church sunday bohool ronorn u raid on uonday evening uc 17ih thrnr aa a iokrulid at tendance to joourg the chudreo and lhr who voitld o prvpar the good proiam one of the inurt tnj fruurr of the prxagiau a ur di tnbutlon of dlplocoa tor urfert attendance durtna the ywj- ft was ry sraufytnc and uuptrtna to aee io many rccne uilr diplomas af ter u ptxaram tunta apjarod and dmributrd blfta candy and orxae lo nfaily everyone item unavoidably crowded out of thia luu will appear neat make her happy trmiiki christmas frigidaire uead oae c3uuau oater you iu tmtt ovcttobb bw u avae dollar asd caftte la tb laasily poilat book lain fal of milite s lui of hul liu u tke umltv tkuihtiumtt aa- ciatraie oe onb the cbrutaasj frijutln ynuve kearj boar tfteipeeilvaly fiifidiirv opjram bn mutk ftvofuy it uvf la load asd u bill how buhti eaalrr u malea aval bliaolna vltii i uuby and we the gkriu our ilaowtooai a fhaldilr foe yourwtf lra iht easy ftay delivery ckriuauaev ussvj u esasevj a ainitsu motois valui thi ef that ftlvlf viai aftii via9 j n 0ivcill son dealess phone ii oeokfjetown communliy cfvufanaa tre saturday arttsroooo bntt tdmc sttod wul be chudirau aa ta oanrawtowrl and all thudraa kx tmiud to be the erct le aponsorwl by the lions club and the tr vtu be ereetad at th ttt of uala avnd uui buwta at 4 pu hants clauia aooompaaled by the band and wrjtj will pmr- ad froa the towa hall to the tre whete the hlldrn wiu be with eanalaai sad e-n- a ptiu will be aven fcr the comic ooctuxoe ta the parade new advertisements wmu lloute wanud with oaownlaavaa apply at lurald omot it watd um ta cut lo at iom w lo ft- o j laaond lhoae 6s r k 06tv- town it t at aje pure bird ootker bpaihilaw j alnanow 1th uoe c4uealns orgetom ft l j ltp c4taa iv- clkolr balutas and ipruoe u- at irlcce to tult your pociuat booavokatui iarhiff i hone 330 oeorfiahova lip ye kuwt pour rooma in lne ihock poae ion jan lu apply to urn v tun culr muuie see oorsaiom up waated a quaauty of manure wanted apply to a barrnetl lluuonvtue hiona uraaiptoo 110 r ii ii ye kt t roomed touu on john st naar ouelph bt oontrnlencee eood gar on apply to it c dayfoot phone 17j oortiawn u uj out the i tft for mother u tltauy uroa elactrtc weher for as low as m0a5 iucnardons hardware ovorgetom open evening- it re sals pure jtrtey milk duvred any- wtsre ta oeortetoem tor 10c ft quart also strictly trh ess for tale- apply to owsar larch uiin dc north oeorown boa us ltp axis folt balk sintle rord sxu or two eord for mm so par hundr at the fao mm uilvrwl a uvnlifttone ption 5w oeorgetown itp tttndeats wat bootsa tvnovra will be rtvelved by the ua- dcruned up until s pa saturday dr 33nd for booth privufais at the oeorgetown arena for teaon lam5 a yotft uotary ortaaua aaj clwu leadv wealed knoa preabyterun ohurch oonr town rmjulree an orgaalit and erotr leader otntly or aeparately appli cations to be tn by deo slat apoly to hush black lut b ulltoa oot 3t ye p bill j mia expert poultry man with many eare aanerisao u prepared to dress all kinds of poultry also to advtse how to assure heavy crs production tn cold weather lugheu rrfrrenoes- uax luuptaaa pxx box u oeorfe- town itp ye ktsed apartment at baptist charth par aoaase apply to w y phone t oeorgetown ye ataas oas half of double house oa uur- dook st poensiioo deo 1st apply telephone w r is oeorfstova tf browns bakery very merry christmas to all aoaiaiiaabbbbai n h brown pluwe202 georgetown js our christmas gift a recondltioneil guaranteed vacuum cleaner free with ike purchase of any merchandise as listed below value 6950 aytt lb aw umiebr saj haje8tio ouat vttlttr enjoy tiik news of me woud daymond bros hostess servador refrigerators th old dalus oalhluj huiullr pally astojutb dmuar auuaiauf vubtiny bnakmr pub botuu pw imtth liberal sveab ousbsntee iiekuetfoallv sealed quietneatt vibsationlehg fbictionlkbh troublerree daymond bros your choice of btkohbukocaklbon utewab1twabnm viotoa djtorebtcitoaalev fhilco badiob thor washers kelvinator refrigerators moffat ranges car batteries heaters defrosters antifreeze daymond bros phone m usla hi aeobuetown qvebxo bt east uuelm1 4 come to the iftstorj for the holiday season we have secured a large variety of linens including bridge sets linen damask table cloths runners etc pillowslips a lovely range of mackua pillow slip 140 to 180 appenzell pillow cases at 189 hand embroidered pillow slip 140 table covers 36 x ib madeira table covera lt0 madeira table napkins 6 or 86e 50 50 unen table cloth 78c 54 it 54 linen table cloth 100 54 x 70 linen table cloth 128 a large assortment of double damask table cloths 478 to 1080 unen towels grass unen hand emb guest towels 80c each linen damask towels 80c and 78c turkish towels plain aad fancy turkish towels at ise to 88c each hosiery ladies full fashioned silk hose at 49c 80c 78c 100 to 180 ladiesj fullfashioned crepe hose 100 ladies silk and wool and cotton hose 29c suk lisle hose at 48c handkerchiefs ladies fancy handkerchiefs 3 to a box 20c to 78c ladies fancy handkerchiefs 18e to 60c gloves ladies and muse gloves aoey and plain wool at soe lo boe ladies buede ulovcs 35c to oc ladies kid bid gauntlets 180 mutu uiacy wool mitt 80c to 7c silk underwear laches and misses cflrrusa silk vesu 38e to 180 ladies bloomers pantksa 49c to 1js0 misses rayon silk cnmhimlinns 78e silk sets 100 to 238 mens ties a lovely range of maaa silk rayon end silk lies 2se to 78e mens fancy oepa ties 66e a large aasortfiieat of mena pull over and coat sweaters 198 to xs0 boys pullover wool sweaters at 78e to 1js0 mens eiderdown bath robes 2s8 mens fancy shirt sc 10 180 mens forsyth fancy shirts at 149 and 178 mens fancy sox all wool or silk and wool 38c to 78e agents for langlevs cleaners and dyts a very merry christmas to all mcbean co phone 64 georgetown jdsb mtthlon sroffet idoofi