v the georgetown herald wed ncsday evening november nth 1934 buy w confidence the quality of every article purchased at silvers is guaranteed the price of every article at silver at any time u guaranteed to be lower than that obtainable anywhere we hive just obtained through a factory clear ing quite a number of ladies winter coau these coata are made of treebaik cloth ailk lined and trimmed with aealien and coon fur regular 1878 urie we are pfaairi thess to you at 1095 h silver where your dollar go farther ta phone 378 georgetown lubabbuabbbababbbaflababaaaaabababbbbabbb eillsl girls boys boys enroll now the nyal ouureis popalaihy contest scateea beautiful prizes see ihasa la our window coalett staru november 14 end xau eve btnca of txwvimf l cool epm to ill boj and ouu l or unojr a vous to b gtwo ud plusd in billtf boa okly it ua tfkb mma 0u to u tauetud in u how a eiui muiunt muit b reuuij uu u1 rsh 1m vou for reafetreuoa a evwy fain buru of hilr aukjiindlm tn 95 win a wuar watch ob a awrrcte evsoia at ones haccormaeks drug store we beijves oeobobfown attention please a u uu auulu u bwlu new useo eadio w are pfcfleo roger majestic victor stewart warner and stromberg carlson ta rf kadio sevic mil b w kw t w u bwtoa ex us about he eamoiis thc washes see our vacuum cleaners from 750 up vhj suauj uj wufcn utia la u fur ba i daymond bros oenebal uoroas dealee o bluu sll ttuala si i tts time to think ahout christmas and the friends on your gift lst your photograph is the most personal the most appreciated of all gifts avoid the worries of late hopping for distinctive gifts by sitting now for your portrait f a cripps photographer brampton browttfelrownkidok at th htw stillest oo bsiunuy nov 10th uh by kuv j n ucttsul annie jan pearl dauthur ol ur w w urownrtdg and th late lit browiuid of gworgslcrwu u it4fici thcnim otleus urowll of equlii oo04tat nalllnafad on islonday novwibat uth lui jam citru- topher cook yjlooauwon in oulph general hoipuaj on sunday november hui ifem w w thompson fcuala4bd of the late agnes lw ucott in hl lath yssr euchre gnd dance dsli hflu cnau vsiwr veuaui onwil is parish hall norval friday evening nov 23rd admission 2scenu nw blju hpmul rfihb lt si ddoau msuia dd a wnvti o xctow and oht of camaoa11 guaxlmx itailway kuuiuut blhiui iw ulj hatlvk vowm 6i donxu lluui on of tias uj of lie iu4u cjjidun railay build- re to link lssl and wtut psud swjr uidddly on lutuiday nwtil at au buaf 1c1 o ooi4 furt ta- ksiha tilr ivih c ubra rjj til aihtynrit bltjiuy on itirtji w uir donald tu lorn us tjoii4 inan uas blrthr of u t j j- hlh o of uj g4t roil ay builder of th united uiau 1u a ua tun of liuih 4vnd luun uann nalwtm uf uirngury broiund in 1u3 wua fijtnn far4lld in axum lur dotukl j us fifth child in larouf of ua of uiavi fuauy one lrouatr alf- tndr vancouver and on iintfr un alkn uaukattiirnn curvlv hla in 117 hir donald mankod taidy jfllrn tu with htej trfo tut paued avy ttat other aurviilnji tastijxt of fiu tmsfidm fasuly u a too donald camrron uann fur donald ta a mraibr of pt-otnl- nant jul and of ntv hi- andta cburcr- aiur a wrviw at fit andw prvirurun ohurrh torooto on dmday awmoon nov tin wuh in- talra to axton hr burial bu i in th family plot hr uif donald falntr moovr and a bro- uur arr burttd lallbartr rrr owtral j w buart of vanrauvrr ii lianna toroouj a j uttcjjtu toronto w a kinaijand toronto j y imtii toronto brott ortwn toronto it o o thonuon toronto o a ibvert toronto ool j ii uac- lan toronto obituary wuixut siuere an attwmad and rctpcctcd tl un ytn in tna penoa of wl uaaru paiud away at hi bom uwere on tueday nov fltli daicwmtd lid armed on ui town un cjimgua- oouiy near union befora retiring to it olen ii waa in hi tint year it u iuntved by hi if fornurly lanlla licaitiiur on dauantcr urv toutr of chalirnham and thrr aona txlnuta rvd of auandalc td- ward of ilochuur and aumd of to ronto- ilr fiharpe ai a membrr of th unllad oiiurcj and th funeral on thursday ajtrmoon tu conductad by sltav lis uadtlnnon of norval tn pallbarr vyd thomp- aon albert dcuon joseph lloar thoa andervon kdvanl toimttna and ocorv latll inurment took plaoi tn chalteoham ounaury baptist anniversary uuu1e cosusaxavrionki tnjov imutlkuno kutlfonu bv itxv uk u c uxillwaxl uxtckue mv dtttkl u- tokguajj os uonuav kvlnino anuiverfcary crvlo tw oeubrat- cd tn ovorgitown luntiu cturch on uunday tat wlvcu itcv dr 11 c bihjivu cl toronto occrtlary of kojvisa f- vab tlu xiiitiur ol uitf tuly ilia addreaiie re vuccod uiiily mteriiina and lilplrln at uu monvii wrvlou atur rud- uiii iroro uu- fcih cjiapuir of tit- uiltr uu ui4fctr cljc uj lua taxi uu 2iitl vcru- ol uu- ume chanter vu and i ud to uum all u any nun aill cuuu ufur ma kt nun deny lumxll and uiiu up lil citkj dally and ful mvl 05 ciiti uuiuij ux ue tticnj uf uu hjai ivuiarkji itc couijuikl uu lct uial a jji lu4 111 dot u ur j eviry folk of lua toiii oir a cto wheu ood tw u- u itua r mutt tauiy u in uu volun tary uccxaji of uiat ciot fcc i- 11 at bifuix and tiavu uat uuu cl ctuux pituiuc und pace iui uu lltflul ttasuid of utjui imu li lul vauiul wlju wliiujut cliriil lla- jjji4i our aoillciuls uiid l ever itid ajuj uiluiui to iwll uj caiiry our no- a ttc uj lullavvs 11lu3 ui- uuw llallay ul toronto mulf ia jit4t uddiljj to luu cjukuiu al iiv dauniuui w-rvlou- tu uau iuujij of miflatu dioa tii ukl uu jlu ajwl iliul vciui uc ul ilupur ol rsiul lpiau- u ur liijia-aju- lu uwiiur ulnj ni aw aal otucra lie dr luutd aiul itcv it- w luioiuy sliiiud at uu- iivwiiim wi- llcv ur humtt uw lhuutr alil14l at uou utvaua i tit aptclal mulc by uic f uuir uiius tuuiiuruliy ura aui iik1 huuj by uj uaiuuiunt uia w c uu4y ur uuar luiky uf tujuqlo ttr itciuil aiwl ui- cornrt uo by lis tiiiu all artdfd ui th cu- jjdiiiit of tnr wrvwa durlug uu oii ibiiulilul craajiuarmumii cre uu iujioj dkurauon ajjmjundlag llui ui liuuauy iicning the church a llllixl to uu- doura lun itcv dr 1l it nuihum uf wahmr juf uintui cjujui gate lu uiuiiralod utur uu auila ui land of advcnturt the uim uuxiftn on th cam a -cti- tcry biululuul and th lucturu lnunung and tnurucuv uuthigh- out tvtron prcunl enitrjed 1l hi ii lullcy oontrtbuld lao vocal flcclton durtna uw cvcninji- uhw uaruurtt cun road tho txrtpturc lu- min und ulu itrl uonuia inl in prucr a ivrany ou of uiank vmi tender- 1 luv dr uingham for hi very able and uiicrruiua addrtu un w y titnlui try capably fill- td the pu4ltkui uf clialrman dunna uu- v iuing 164b armutica anniversary 1 memorui service i citizen h coumiuoktartf ddatdu or fauxw hkkoti ttm 16u annutln annlvnary wai chtfrwd in ucrfleiown o sun day but wtun a but eathcrtna of ciuitn froto on and turroundlns couirfry aiiirfblnd at the cioupl to take part m ll annual mimorul uiiar ui dlnctlon of uarajiau ujjor o j dimming ui parad onntd at uie imbhc library and marclud to ttie cenotaph by way of uatn ulll water and uurlph ixrcu in limlowina oidrr lime lult- luooluji hand vcuram ol candian lalon ovar 100 iiruns undr coeiniand of cob ilron olflcarfc mid numbrra lore lunr rrulmrnt ladua aunliury canadian utflon tltr br tdtj council 0ucrk and mfmhrn vu uruad utty bnwu arnvinj ot ttw ctnutanr a hymn u tuna atompjild by uie hand iullotl by lcriiturr nadtna by hv ur luimliy aiid prar by juv mr ltcr wirutlu tuc4l tit th oainoupli by uajor oiblnjiu aiid h- dvadwuii fck fcjltuak irvvlntlil govrmmmt tun counrtl- wuminaumluary canadun utjkjn haltoii cluttr it ail uuul tiur llluia- crdjt lodaic a j i au fur ufuiwjf jim- kmcu lunuly i iu- cuuiui iumiiy- iuui uuiiil ouur srfaui eluuut luililu hw uiuuiti ol a hymn wid prujtr u luv w o o tlsonipuiu lio ad liir itunur lull a lultoua tui jmu lilalr in u o liatur lu- j campbell iu j coutin 1u- 11 wancl oodfiey week end meat lf 1 1i cz j s specials at ivai j 5 tocraa arcctal kxtu ihiul- fnjt rh sasst 22bsparerbs 2 ib 25 5 bologna by iv 1m lselb rumouluf headcbme istlb sausage lari cafclalja 2 lbs 2sc baab am bacon 29elb spdil chklc h flank of lamb lb beef shanks 7c tb stmtduar reads 19 6fgtutlu1lamb choice shoulder roasu of pork 14 elb fresh cut pork chops off the butt 19 elb hrclal vmh lrj hambdrg steak 2 lbs 19c veal chops- 19c lb hit w c uraltr ltc i ortn ill- 1l luulcy inr 1 king iu- w kiaj lu j ll hxunedy utut c laiu inr w loud lu u llaum alt j uoore lu corpl a a ulno ugt 11 nallo in d ucktmi 1u w 1hllltp inr u 1l ulclghlhalbac ihc o jl uplrea fltluut o tluourvulo ite u uuwlcky tao nunutia aiknco uai obafned the uua iwi uiundwl by uuuur uu- lltit aiad iuriiu ik ruitluiuil unuiem and piacr by luv dr ituftard bruuaht uat urvlco lo a clou a great task u uwro anyuilhii uiat atlra uu iiurtjt of men and aocnrn a mucli uu aialu of children alo aro umdicayptid and uhcnna ujougu i own ladlrv lati llowung club m luult ol uirlr own and u uierui wliuh took uw onn of a chlckan aajtuic alio wouldnt long to dot butiqut aiu held at tho beauuful home of u prraldrnt lira ii bowling club ctkken banquet tlie annual mtvuns of th oeorvi- eliza htaut on sunday nov 4th dlaa btamtt widow of u lata charlu u llvlnu- atona and mouwr of lllia viola llv- ingiton paatrtd away at her horn tn erl pa docaawd waa born tn oorfctown oni th daughter of th late david burntl of tvuut line eaquailnj bh moved to erl ta- charlrt u uvlnsitona predoccauxl her by four years line la survived by a daufllitcr viola of erl and on brother chariot j otamtt of to ronto ilia livingston had bwn hi falling health for the paat few years but aruvv until thre week ago pun eral acrvlora ware held in erie wed neaday afternoon nov 7th vth in terment in erl oemelcry w w tuomtflon the ympathy of th community bob out to th family of lir and un william thompson who have been tvtoe bereaved tn th paat ten days on oct 31tt ura thompum paaaad away and on uunday nov 11th ur thompson died ouelph general hospital where he had gone for treatment deceased waa bom on lot 3 8th line esqueilnii in 1sj ii went to hund luvcr algoma in lis and waa one of the pioneers of that district residing then until 1011 in 1803 he was mar ried to agnea leo boou of erin who predeceased him on oct slat of thla year 1u b survived by two tons email and william both of george town alio ttx brother and on sla ter ilobert of webbwood prd and arthlngton of blind itlvwr charles of welland archibald of detroit joseph of uortlack bask and lira uovulc of mind luvcr in 1011 ur thomp son moved to ouelph where he resid ed one year from there to toronto for 6 years nerval 0 years and seven years ago came to georgetown where ha has since oonductod the uaple leaf dairy ur thompson was an honorable man of a genial disposi tion and made many friends since coming to georgetown wlu deeply re gret hu passing he wa a member ot the baptist church and the fun eral service on tuesday was conduct ed by ilev ur easur oxslhted by rev ur ilumlry of town and ilev wm ucdonald or oalt the pall bearers were thoouu dlakelock xl pp john otbbena arthur iteove e w cole a e kamell and john oneill there were numerous beau tiful floral tributes tho remain were interred in hlllnrtut cemetery nerval relatives who attended the funeral were three brothers charles wel land archibald detroit pred blind river george thompson nephew othawa ur and un orlerson and ulss grterson ura james bcott ur and urs james lcltoh ur geo bcott ur and ura earl bcott erin ur and urs fred west ur bart uullln ur lome u nil in urs car- nell acton ura uceachern water loo ur and urs e near toronto joauuung for them today modi uir and surgery and therapy in all is brunctvea ate able uxtoio much to mako nomml poople of oformed or physically sun- normal children uottwxs cam to lccutv such aid lauiers labour to keep their famllic and long for the lima when they can get together sulclcnlly large sur plus to have the child duabuuy our- reotrd but uu uxue u ajar oil and the bono ul and the conduion bo- comes permanent where is ute toluuon tn the but twenty qv or thirty years uervloe clubs hsve been arganl- tod with many objects in view but on main object companion jup songs a friendly meal together towu beautifying community kindliness club vuitlng with new friends made uvcu arc pleasant and profllablc thing but tho groat tok to which the ucrvlcc club are dedicated tho real rroton for their exiitcnoc and tho compcumg motive which keens lhrm going la child welfare tnc sad mother the desperate father yesterday are gloriously happy day they look at their children haying normally with normal child- ncn and aoy wlui wet eyes slay uie dear uod bless the ocrvtoe clubs uuch a club exists in our town it is known a the gtxugeiown lions club it b port ol on international organization of hundreds of thous and meeling for a club dinner on the first and third monday evenings in the ucglbbon house the mem ber alng their songs smoke their pipes discuss their business and consider how they can help more children and how they can get to- uethcr the money to do it ttie club only a few ycun old but already nan a splendid record of service ren dered here are same facts concern ing work accomplished they hava cnulnmrcd clinics at the qoorgvtown and olrn williams pub lic thools ascertaining the condition and nwd of the pupils a to toeui cyos and tonsils with the faithful assistance of tho school nurse they have followed up the reports twklng to have the corrections made at tho expeui of the parents but bearing ui cvpenu themselves when parents have been unable to do so they have undertaken in some caea larg- r oivrralloru which have made nor tnul and selfrosiwcttng children of home who were afflicted in ways which affected uielr relations wltli other children the lions have fin anced some operations and treatment of considerable proportions and aro ul present carrying on a woik which 1- taxing their resource very heavily all transportation of children to finest quality beef i porterhouse roasts lfe lb round steak roasts ibc lb prime rib roasts boacu ral rolled 18c lb bruit or pul boiling beef 9c lb shoulder roasts 12c tb meaty pot rosts 12c lb rump roasts 13c lb short rib roasts 14c lb try our bf for suafactloa cooking apples g ql bilh 20c c00d cabbage pv kd 8c cooking onions 10 it 19c cumiin urg spanish onions at 2 lb- fc ike fresh haddock fillets 18c lb ascolcb ilyla kippers p pir isc i red salmon by uw piece isc cenuv cuu and like 18c york brand mincemeat 2 lb choa 2sc fi phone 27 wm king proaipl delivery sbbbbbhmhabssbbttbhbmhhbbbsbbmmmhllflbassbbh cuavr uunday evening at 640 o clock the ladles a1ui ura dr pdul ur as their guest sat down to attractively arranged tb after which all participated in bridge and euchre the buitnej meeting following was conducted by the president un 1l c cleave ttrxn the executive officers aero unanimously reelected lyesldcnt urs il o cleave viotprwldenl uu haxrl harri son tlcctrtoa ur j j qtbbona comeiiors uoclal commltlew ur j kauer and urs w o ucdowcll pruf committee- ulss uay langan ur q uckriulc to be assisted by mr j kaiser pre ntailon of prtxes for club ocotch double acre made to the winner plrst prlso ura w o ucdowcll skip and ura j p iv id runners up urs 8 uckenrj udp and mrs w deans consolauon uus hasel lurruon skip and urv r erwln runner up ura j kennedy skip and urs b oroat special eon- solution urs j kauer skip and ulss j leavllt pint prize for bridge for th even ing was awarded to ulu laura bcott while ufa w deans carried off th honors tn euchre the wcretarys financial report proved most encouraging indicating a year of progress a vote of thank to the hastes and club president una h o cleave extended for her hospitality in pro viding io enjoyable an evening and aeknowtrdglng her abb leadership which brought to a close a moat suc cessful season after which cars were provided by mrs h lullco urs b uckcnile and urs j koimlt to transport members to their various liomca trail rangers lou wednesday evening a very successful discussion mfunj was held in the church with gordon alooti taking charg oordon ha just re- ccnuy rvtumed to laad th group and hop that with th help of alan law ha can load the group to greater heights ot achievements than last year after welcoming several new man- ben into the group all mnbr en tered into a hearty disci tti ion it was decided that c should carry along somewhat th tarn una as last year and oonttnue paper gathering as a means of financing our dub new sweaters aro to b purchased this year and towards the end of th win ter th group will attend a hockey match at th uaple leaf garden a minstrel show will also b staged near the end of th winter tabl tennis will provide indoor amusrmetu during the winter mon ths and both individual and t competition are to be carried this year several more eufgeetlan were presented and will be brought into consideration later it looks like a year of real work and activity la in store for this seasons band of boys work forwarders ur rumley during the course of the meetings spoke a few word to the gioup and hla inspiring talk was much apprecuued next week aides wul be rechoten at a regular meet ing in the armouries fefjepuonie ulw r r repairs y u unite la ua ta aaa tojtew raar g2ikatlaaw u tun if the aauflf hone u huah lindsay ff on 1mb wa bttldio tt queen st k singer sewing madjae agent j h jordan kxmsv 9 watchmaker jeweller phone 11 labaaaaauaaaaaaaaauw dont waili uivo ywr bu saa ramu tut la iksas far laur wmlbor b repairs to all makes b grates waterfront and j callings b b stove ami nibnaoe pipes elbows g s new idea hjbnace8 and- emhee stoveg u b f l mcgilvray 8 raaas l oul waaaaabrt cd free by the lions and their friends and this item has been an important one in the lives of busy men the norratlon of the actual ser vice rendered by uie lion might be expanded in great detail but their wish would only be that a general idea might be given to the public nor would details be demrable either from uu point of view of the child ren or the parents these deeds of lervlce to the child ren are so awfully important that the wonder is that service clubs are of such recent growth the work they do cannot but appeal deeply to any one who can count himself a human being glvo the children a chance is uie aim of such oiubv particularly of the georgetown lions club they want the people of- george town to know whnt they have done and ure doing not that they may tiave pralu for doing whnt brings its own satisfaction but uiat they may do more they work hard and on going to continue their hard work what they ask u that everyone whose heart borrows for unfortunate little ones should take an interest in uio work they are doing and bock up any activity they may undertake whothcr frolic concert uieatre- night or whatever tt mny be direct con tributions are not aked for nearly every dollar taken is ipent on uie children and the work la not finish ed bo they want the good will and tho cooperation of he people of georgetown and uiey do not lieettate to ask it for- their work is a oreat tusk temperance round table conference on tuesday evening november 6th a numtvr of interested citizens met in the baptist b a room far a round table conference sponsored by the w otu following a short devotional period conducted by capt howells of tho salvation army and rev it w humlcy pastor of the united church the chairman dr k it- watson ex plained the purpose of the gathering and reviewed briefly the present situ atton with nuard to temperance mr w t evans was asked to ac hccrctary of the meeting end ur b da v foot to conduct the confer- ire period tic interest of the audience was evidenced by the goodly proportion both of men and women who contri buted to the dlbcuvlon borne of the points dealt with were 1 the danger to uie human body by the use ot bevcrago alcohol the little brother in tho family of narcotic drtib 3 tho fallacy of the idea thnt promotion of liquor kocs to help balance budgets is sound flnan clng 3 the effect of law as an edu cator of youui 4 the connection be tween coroporoto evil corporate pun ishment and corporate rosporulbity utrong resentment was evidenced ngalnt a situation which denied the opportunity to the citizen of the province of expressing themuilve by means of a referendum on the ques tion of liquor sale and tho following resoltitlan was paed unanimously that letters of protest from this meeting bo forwarded to uui premier or ontario and to the coiwitueney t present ntlve in parliament against the present liquor law and urging thnt meavuro be taken to curtail the mile of beer and wine and that a plebiscite be granted to tho people of ontario tho secretary was olw bust noted to umd a letter to our local municipal council voicing tho protest of the meeting against acceptance by our town of nny share in ute provinces liquor profits the offer of which was felt to be in effect a bribe to pro- moto tho salo of alcoholic beveragee ttie formation or a local temper ance organization waa decided upon oeoeoetown centttal helie committee canvaatt for th past three years the ciuanns of georgetown have in suecasjiv campaigns furnished enough fund to enable the relief ctoenmlu to dis charge its ressorulbuuy to all those who were unfortunate enough to be unemployed during th winter the committee 1 now entering us fourth year of operation it t some what dirncult to esumate what the re quirements will be for the next twelve months but our objective is to raise fluwoo to secure this fund a canvass- will be made or the town on uonday tuesday and wednesday nov lftth to jlst 1034 we hope everyone will re ceive the canvassers who call sym pathetically and make as generous a contribution as possible to the funds the matter ot dispensing relief la a very delicate and dirncult theatre friday november 16tb hollywood party buj m um la wttkaj aiau uiif ltsnl uj hirar jlaum denmi las yui lei imri aa4 hitler ll todds and kelly comedy babes in the goods scenic tibet foa news saturday nov 17th tarzan and his mate lui kauir uluf uurtilic1 imuj t ua 11 tului wfcmaw r u tuiruf jduiar wilmmmlur aaj kuarwa liaaulima pepper pol stolen melody chopler 7 the wolf dog atallsi al i tuesday and wednesday november 20 and 21 the world moves on turttaf erutbai t tai m catti vital vituals in technicolor cartoon alladin and his wonderful lamp 1 one to ad minister without advantage being taken by on or two who are unde serving but your chairman would make the assertion that there has been as little abuse of reluc in georgetown a in any other munici pality in onlarto georgetown central r c will canvass for funds for 1634 36 on monday tuesday and wednesday nov 19th 20th and 21st fifty volunteer canvassers will cover every home in town picnic receive ihem as sympathetically and generously is possible a maclaren s harrison mrs j b mackenzie chairman treasurer secretary norval the annual bazaar sale of work homemade baking and afternoon tea of st pauls wa norval wul be held tn uie parish hall on friday nov iflui at s oclock it card of thanks the family of the ute wm sharp desire to thank their friends and iwlghbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tribute dur ing their recent bereavement it is beeping a two carat atone on tome girls finger that keeps many boys now on the rtntorie and a nominating committee waa ap pointed to report at a meeting to be held in uie near future these wiounds heal ill which men do give thehivoi bfczdteniro wife as her husband prepared to retire dear is everything shut up for the night husband muttering that de pends on you everything else is attack the cause of rheumatism ba trt3 by las tk cause l t tastrtlwly cueuum i blood ol uil siu ami otbtr impuiuui which twuft svblfm year tiihr tadsy ruaaacaps bheumatic cafsuus robb drug store ihone 16 ocrgtewa automobile requirements tor colder weather knight engine heaters 495 to 1000 hot water heaters 805 to 2100 special owlns to ik ulc iichluui for uiu ibaur w sr effmlaff uu hiwctil fur s wmk emmcoheater at 1205 regular price 1595 ford a manifold heaters at 245 each pyrene skid grip emergency chains ford star durant chevrolet 65c each heavy rubber felt lined floor mats 240 each tail light reflectors 25c to 65c windshield defrosters 65c to 350 eveready prestone glycerol and alcohol anilfreeze from 05e per gal up having just installed a new glass grinding machine we are now prepared to fit all sires window and door glau price from 105 up installed speights garage phone 270w nights 270j or 231 georgetown