the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 27th 1934 v holiday you will want a new outfit or maybe just a new hat shoes hose or gloves as alwayi wet are prcpjrrd with a chatce election in all lines of wearing apparel nw good bite now arriving ajmoat daily and our values ase alway tlv beat to he hid d brill co phone 167 georgetown bucks meats ftfidl laetlfim with we pcfi our food vahes for this week end thick bib roasts 12c lb fresh bed liver 2nuorl9 rump roasts 15c lb sboucdhamssmsclb sliced fresh pork tenderloins 29c lb fresh spareribs 3 lb or 25c smoked rolls 5 to 6 n eadi 2 1 e lb frost qduteft m m of lamb stabler raut olveal 12dh we sell for cash phone g t m rgitr we 28w duuiv deljvf 26w m wrmmtmr deliver pure food store 2 large pkgs cbipso 3s 36 ox bottle heinz bulk sweet mixed pickle 43c 20 oz pkg teabiak 16c 16 oz homes double cream cuitard powder 28e vip or health and vigor per pkg 58e home grape punch bottle 26c montierrat lime juice bottle 39c 2 tint cold medal tinett selected kippered snack 18c 2 tall tin select keta salmon 23c 1 lb pk nuhit blend coffee 20c 6 pkg deluxe jelly powder 28c 2 x i lb pkg pure lard isc choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 78 we deliver hiil1lm1mhiiiluhbiwkllillhilulllllllihlililllialll save with safety at your rexall store vw mluiful blttf klul glowluf bultll englih type fruit saline u tin 39c milk of magneila yawpll hlbvm qu iiiaumuni bd lrf btlltt 29c you wus utrt uonnu klenzo bath sprays u ml ikmmr la your ftwa m 79r brine u your developing end printing priou auw b cbbw ur ulttk u whli cast uravic pais ruitxm dont suffer front sunburn uu gypsy cream a runlliif f ihloit wua shtduy relieve hta a wutdbatra soe vacalioo sesott uhen get yew tataaly af cusjuu phutjud uef stock u bef are yaej imm robbs drug store rtiu i w tttuwr ibi khiu bun o local news doaunkktt dmy toxt uaaday in tomt ravine have txtly im proved the ibid czoc schoou do for the tut boll- day ej priday boy wuiud to tut uwn durtngj uimmrr apply at uwmld ooo a bcww ta away oci iki t ihu oml4 tidtt w injund but the whkle wu badly htajd our fyfe and drum band to ptwe- luung for the big clfarauoa on july ixh- iirn tny cunot afcrirtay july and at bubuf club pltlfonb jclivb lulllm uift tutwu rs aa km uu by aubba cart utot pttotte m oaoryuovii the ruli tolrnf of brmiet 1 canadian lfioa will be bald ituitmljy ilobaft00 vejtitj u pm to u jib rorn ikhuii tblur uiu fesin fa uv lulb 1m4 tbiaday3iu mul 6i ll ujil eiuuv oivliu u 0uiloa dut mtiari lhu feijtl or buukftluid lul b u tlj ot una w m out9uwii 6a wxlcday uilq j tuluiiuy urooia 4d via cj tb ml up twld st uw bcuer a uj ovutv bauui ba wwiakmuy jaiy uhu 1 yt uu oiub tu tutv rnifiit tairo tum u u jua u uu1v14 dm brtl um frvu tifl u ft u4 crod uus all a4- d tlijutq u th tfrewrtdkl uiiu ulxh plbd by kiulft onau tii ijorr uuuft tbaoiti taasd will uud lbs ulf rihril u wuitoo 00 buildiy uu bod uki part la ik cum h cowuthkir ftwy tftw tua pwllkw to akur xu otfitui pvliay j w til wua itwa tnm a tli 6uuvuy fcaj iiilwi f tccai v cbuftii aa bo uy eaotofwd to towtitua tor 4m f beildal ltw v1 kssbb uu biitua wvitatd to l w pieiiut ftjunuod or til cavjfrfcj ttarr tru ft good u in suufcb uwb u tuid u th torn 0 u ud u uatou oium a drflilou uft tervtd ca um utvu la liu huilm tedlatua lb louo9lai prtw vlnxwn un ryvd oa ilia uua wtwdbr ura o aatwot vuil clnu gudrt pahy will b hild oa icftai ciuirtii uwa cwois- tofia oa itmdajr jun mk ttta uooj bov4 baiwj will wpoty uu uii lir lkuua bulittu tuiou aftoa uxw quutehu ud 0rfjv mh out quaiuu u1 ulu put tn ul pfojfkiil 8pcul riw bubcfw core ud owi uunlos tohm buiub cbjht moubj foa ai duu i-da- i3ru mora bafb dum jj ol iteauulnx agncuitunj r0 aqam will r bun auuw in john uv dooftlda biro 00 lx t llihy our oacmttwii oa urwiniutuy july iul hul a oriiuoj wu alr- soo floor miniir nara booth i1iihmwwi ma 00 pratidemt i cliarm traaiiixy f brit ia wka iu by asia wa morua mauinad a eoaipoum fruiura ol tha talt u txtow tba kcaa whan ta waa tirucit by an auto al f oomar of lln acd quaan sta at noon today lu rtdlnj hu blcycla whan tha tuctdant oecunwt tha auto waa drtvas by ulaa fe uurui sahu ol torauo tfclitii rab r oa lrtday titamooo lait batwaao 1 and 0 clock thltvaa aetarad tha houa of tha ulfam armunot en john btru and ttola ft auali aura of raooay and ft quantity ol aatary tha uoavaa lnad ntranaa by out- ting a ecraao on a alda wtadov ohlal uarahajl u invatvutattaf and u u hopad tha guilty party or paruaa may b apprahandad faravau tift a iuwu u vaa hald at tha hear of tin raaa by tha udlaa of tha wotu in honor ol ura lvuh ftaa ura poulion both wry ftetlva mta- bara of tha soeiaty tha ftftamoon vaa apant tn a aoelal uma with eon laaia and mtulc soloa vara randar- ad by ura uakhmaat oun wuuaua un poultoo and luau by ura vannixmr and batty 8plht- at the baptitt pawnag 00 batui- day juna ted an addraaa and praa- antauoa eaa uada to ura a m with 00 bafaalf of tha buttbara and ftd hafaota of tha ofcurth rapraulng tha high aataaet to hlrh ura rmth wu hald asd our nttat at har aaparatloo from mm uu and ulaa uftry yrfth will aaand u aumibar in tha canadian wsttur fcban rvlti o to ouawa vajtf fjijlr hau sally a rally of tha kastam auoetatloa tha baptkt church vju vaa bald uooday night in the bapuu ohuk oaorftwown undar tr dlraouon of lojln bftlho chairman of tha rvuo- ahlp caoualmlon of tha union or riitwiuimi of oottttluloti problama- monuan lurmtworth waa tn ohara of tha anurtalnmtnt pffoirans and ura a lungabot of braiptan waa tha guaat apaakar tha fouovlnf atudanta undar ura a u howwd tuition in tinging vara auootiaful in paaalnf tha nldaujamar avtwlnallnra tta ftdjudleator waa dr t r oraeford organut and oholr maatar of kalon uamorlal ohureh toronto al of uia itowarda pupua wara auooaaaful aawnanury alnging honora doru baaaay primary alnging lat claaa honora ruth evana honora wluft prim intarnadtata atagtag honora ura k v sharwood paaa ura a n kdluan rujllnafad vauaj chant garjatt rarty a gardan party undar tha fttunloaa of tha wjl or tha unltad ohuroh balllnarad vul b hald on tha lawn of ur john w ftnov 7th una ka- quaalng on tuaaday july 10th at 8j0 pjn tha progranuua which will be given by ulu fearl nawton clo- cutlonlat toronto and tta goittuh blngera uiu wiylua uenna and john rvtrtmnrtafto pwoiuaa ft imra treat for 11 ttaftwhitunt booth on tha ground arimlulnn he and lie candmlana impratlag every weak finde aaauthlnff haw at iluuoavule park two blaee baara have been quite an attraction new boata have bun added to tha park and now uotorboat will toon ap pear on the lake tha inanagamaat report the gnateat june in tha hk- tory of the park and u nguy looks aa u oondltiotu are improving uoat of our patroni ataua the tnanater taeu to be in a better atate of mud and judging from the dicnlea already booked and the enqulrlee july trill be another reoovd breaker lait ftiday night three twotuad box of ehooo- talee vera giwti away in lucky anot danoej see ad in thla weak taaue of the utiuow ttmsqhals ur a l wrijaic of toron to we ft vuuor tn tou 10 baturday uayor jotnoti olbbona la altmliiw the hydro ctric ooowkion u ot- uh thla wk ul wbl uoctop of tbrooto ktmil tha umja wk vkiuag trimadi la rj6rfttoxn and oto wtliumt ura r u uoouvray and ur aj- twld uootivray tpou a ir dva uu la btayr and ooulagwood ux and ura j b uluw wre tn ouftazi on kvly f tfiting tha funml of the ula ux joo uaouky ur j urvmilit of tteoolo tvanicrlauoa coaidiilon ba a vuuor tn too one dy ulu w1 ur u j liidiaw of tu andrra offiuja and us and ui wubrt czjbwa of whitby wr bk tad vlil- lora u uua uuuua ill and ura auwn colaun aiund ad tha iimfn of ui ocimaui nwor urftkt amlrcm to lfcilie bufbu u lortcuo ci ucciuy ukc ii ju luid uu uui rw- ejk4 ura v hutmn and utv a waliir ware la twacw uu i u uadiag the hiuh uimuy of tmurlu hi ttfu laaf fiiiiitjf of the oobfeo oiu cul tuirud to town uu wwk tltr trmg mjal ttuiua vuitloa tn ouina lnnlt umy fruoda ae tuud to t- hia jsae aald uua appkm la in kiatoa alufid ln tha enul rndfig cf the on tario itiurrtni ikuy xikii ta be tnf hald uua yjar at gmaa uhlmr- uty tod vul tadia lor tta uaitad jaiu arlut btrtbrtlaa- ilr tlaii qrui pmi uur of orion lcdae loxy ttundd orand lxde at toe king cdiiaid afoul to- iouo uu thursday and vwuy hi urww laforua ua thu tha orand uauar will vuu uorgtovn ixdja on oct uh nia rt rr and ura poulloa of tha balvmlua amy uva thla k for lhtr new tuid of ubor at laniina ont xxutcs thiir rudrnca ui oaorgtoen tor tha put lwl man the they base suda buds fivnda tu rgf4 thalr ral but un tru3i mcfmsd and happlntu tn thalr na haaaa thalr acofucra in oacrgatown eul be cap 1ow4uj and urut orv ha ffc urajcu fwf- a damoiutrauon of tha ualght furrow waa giwn tn ororgatowo uat fulurday awning ilina e wright ooourvfulva who lou an eucllon brt to allan honey lihtral puihed the winnar in a hulbarrofir duwn ualn birat from uia uunifipal building to knoa ctiurch on tha baxli of tha lour waa card with tha irucnpuon tory i lomt it u nvuary for otlal uaruiau to hold up tha tiauc at uain and uul uru to prawn 1 any w wring from the uralght fur row cauwfttaj illu amakaraary bouon praabyurun ofcurch cala- brtud u huh birthday on sunday uat tha urvloea tutng conducted by uev if u bannla of acton rev lv thomaa eakln principal of unas col- ue waa guau pnachcr they ahall dbtll tn tha eudarnaaa waa the uit of tha ant unnon dujvcrad by rav wllium janklna in itu to a until congtwatlon of bcou who atenenhu at tt foot of a rtvan im nina yaan ware needad to build tha church and ftrv fatar fvrguaon waa tha tint silniuar of tha dutrict to take ooa- plate charge of tha congregation ptaee hl eiase tha following pupua of ulu uat hawa ware auccctaful tn tha m titmlntttona conductad by tonauo oonmrvttory of uuaic junior piano uargartt cook jean ruddel prlai- ary piano lulen uuckburn uatty orant rtoranoe brandiord bona uary elur bona clemrtutry piano joanna fehortlll horu kvllar in troductory piano rgvt oole hona leoca saxa bona dorothy wehetar ut cuu honora theory grade ii tter- garat cook jaan huddall lu cuu honora kw iv maje ba nana led onrtd lining hie carawau aarvioae but sunday bafore urge oongwgailon both booming and ewanlflg hav lienry dunw d4d of k3ora united church at the evening aervice preached clo- auantjy from the test and finally brethren farewell remarking that there waa no pathoe tike thai of leavetaking lie tpoka hlchiy of hu aaaocuuona in uorft dr dickie ha bean the highly- auumad paitor of the 83or unltad church for the pau five yaara and u now being auperan- nuated lie will be on the eupply uu of mlnlaura in toronto caubrataj oauaa wiijraj ur and ura kobart whaaur teamed cltleana of oeorgetown for the pau eighteen yaara celebrated their klden wedding quietly at thalr hone re on uonday iaat with their imme diate reuuvaa and friend itx wheeler during- the greater part of hie life haa been an employee of the oh j and haa alao been a number of the oddfallowa or the pau ofty yeare ura wheeler waa born in ogdaruhurg kew york and came to the village of umahouie u yaara ago they were married at umahouae by the rev w o wallace they have one eon edward of stratford and a daughter beua at home they were the rectplenu of many hearty oon- gratuutiona from reutlvae and f rianda the member of park circle knox preabyurtan church tendered them a turprlee party and presented ura wheeler with a beautiful cake pute the herald extend congratu lation to ur and ura wheeler and beat wlihee for continued health and happtnaaa holiday cvkntfl at stanley pahic kjun dancing every friday and saturday sunday band concert by acton oiuaada band uonday july 3nd hlg holiday dance jack ramsay orcheetra notice to creditors of the eitau ef albut hescditfl ufa ef the vulage ef i liwahamr to the ceemty af ualuo irarwae- de all persons having claim again at the aetata of the above named al bert jjereduh who died on or about the uth day of june 18m at the village of lunehouae are reauliwl to tend to the undanlinad aollclior on or befow the th day of july ibm full narueulara of their claim and any aeourltlee they may hold tfcere- fow and take rjotioe that after the vmt day of july nut the feucutore will proceed to dutrlbute the aald ea- ute having regard only to the claim of which they then ahall have notice and that they will not be liable to any person of wboea claim they will not then have received notice for the at- aet ao distributed datcd at oaowetown thu mud day of june lwt kettmetixu lanodon bolkuor for whjiam howard maere- dith and ohaiiaa edgar ucredllh the glen wnjjams ut l j horton clbraud har btruday on bsuutuy uu ha br kta una ilve dauchtcr and uhtn itmld thlidjrt eoavyd u h- wy birthday grixtlna and pirfcmu lot- toacd by a cwliciou aujxr au- urlu uv ura o umraun of dco- daw uanuobei umuj with her ut ooors brautootu a titter ur brauiiuat and ton and daughter of toronto and har bother kiud of liaaetcbe wvre alio pwm ur rwr atwnt uu vk ej the htae of hr patriitj in uoiloa ulu calhariiu alkn and ulu ud line lwry of toronto lptnt the wk rnd wub ur and ura o aluu ur jtk horton of lumilton wa hotoe uu k ur and ura omw aumkat aoti and diualuer of toronto tprflt sun day wuh ur and ura l uaautiuint ur w hai u improvtng- niuly frotu ly accident of ttvo waka ago ut w uchjruts gu tank wjv brcajn opvn city buntuy ttiuiuag 1 l thuw n chaxrd and w un- cwntrui tirlr hoeiue numtrfr acuwi ut and urs o ijouui apnt the iwi nd at ui liotne of ur loutb twtviu ur and un wooda acton on wdnmday but a ufe faulk truik drtwn by jotm oitjq of uramton tumad coaipiilv yw on lirawui bill in ih oun the driwr tutm4 vuh a ulgttly lnutd kaw ltfll diaiv aa dona to in truck but ilwrv a ccnutvraua milk wot lo ul our lyfe and drum land are buy p art lilng for uv u1d of july parfida under he uuutitp of lir urt urctbvnj ur liontagu ucrrytuy u tvcr uig tiuwly frijoi hi ini ulneaa xl 1uuj uejia 1 iuu young muler uitnud ui thr unit- td couktt on sunday evening wa a muu itupirlng and helpful play tha manntr of living the cifvtt of the btranier fraen oauiee entering in to ilir llwe of the prop vividly tortrd by tii mttnber of the cane the member of norfolk ut u nl led cliurch ouelph ho were r- taniue for tru drama ere lo be congralulatad upon ttutr euuent ortt md the effort nrary to pro- ducr tkti a wonderful play we wuh hem every aucc tn the future and fvl sure that in our own meenory we tl dvruh for a long time the ttory of thr hict young llulr scout news on wcdnaaday rvertlng tha new nairol met for a ahort time to chooa a namr for themtehfe and for the election of ofneera all unanlmotuly oted o call themaeue the uooae patrol slih facout j harlow a patrol leader and bvout o armurong aa utrol iecond uo neat rtiday awn ing at the wml annual parent a night the uaate patrol will omclally he re- cojnlwd aa part of the ut oaorge- uwn troop and may the tumcultua vhkh arue to bniet a newly foraad patrol aerve only aa a ulmulant to ury tlte uoote on to further ttferta prenl auo were the teven tvcrultj who rr paucd in their tenderfoot teat by the ucouur and the troop leader in preparation for thttr entry into the brotrrhood of ikout on prtday evening on friday everung at the regular wtvkly troop meeting our two month patrol coenprtttloo came to a cloae and all hough the foxtb rallied vali antly far a final aland the ueavera were lctortou with a comfortable lead durtaj the evening game and knot tying competition the post walked off with the majority of point but etvn the reaulu of the pau two monlhi were totalled up the reeulu lood draera 840 to poaea ul there for hf beavera will remun cuatodlan of tha honour bale id for the neit two month but wtth two opponenu to compete with inatead of on they will certainly need to be cotutanuy on thtlr tore tn order to hold the pevclou aiileld in thalr comer the high apot of the program wu the tnveuitur ceremony which wa con ducted by ucoutmaater r plreatlne aatlated by troop laader a keen during the oaraenony seoul o ou- mer w boyle o webiur and o oanton of the beaver patrol and boout a lurley o tanwell and ucjjlvtn of the poa patrol took the scout proouw and ware officially made member of the scout brother- hood the lax oeorgetown troop la proud to we loom theaa seven scouu into our midat and the offloera feel aasurrd that thai former recruit now that they have taken the promue wul b prepared to line up to the scout law 10 the beat of thalr ability tte boout population of oeorgetown 1 ueaduy bicreaalng and the entry of the xiao patrol on prlday evening will lignify that there are seventeen knlgh of the bare kneee at work in the community quietly and eon- atantly carrying out their dally good turn and thereby making the world j tut a little better place to live tn cakd op tuan1u un p knlht and family wuh to convey their heartfelt thank to thalr many frtenda for the great klndnaaa fehown to them in their late bereave ment of a beloved f uaband and father also for the lovely floral trtbutea cakd op tuanhb ur and un charlae vint and fami ly hereby convey their aincere thank to friend and neighbor for thetr many lundnee and aympalhy ex tended to them on the oecaiion of tte death of their uncle the late wuuaa piu oui tome r are you aure hu aleep- ing poidcr will make me aleepr drugnut poaitive air in fact we give an alarm clock with every pack age llttu ethel uother are you the neareat reuuv ive got her uother ye dear and your father la the cloaeat wiurb it all aboutt ruthin to the offloe nuihln out to eat kuahln back an mahtn noma down the ruthln ureet ruahln up an ruarin down rutrln in an out say what a all the ruahtn fert what it all about t ruihbv after money ruihln after fame ollmbln pmhln ahovln it a a diary game btcppti on each other a heela let me by look outl say whatl all the nuhuy fart wliit it all about what the me of ruahln t let u loaf a while watch em push an run an grab we u jtut alt an tulle as they acramble down the road oally we will ihout bay what all the ruihln ferr what it all about lleav he ekleb bargaut yewve beeat valtbtg far twaddle famous hop aired govern metit approved clilcka while they but leghorn tflso per 100 barred rocki wrlto rook wvandouea tvso i week chick 9e mora 10 day 3c a aeek 4c pullet j o twaddle box u pttona snf pwrmtia out tkmdcau rogi bbxouplo f nwkltrn tenders addrcud to the undnlertd and an tidr for drmutng omkvlue out will be re- clvd until u acuck h- aua 4w twmy jwry 3l 1 tvndcre will not be eooudcrd un- le made 00 the forme eutphd by the dwparuxiat and in accoedan with the condltlona ii forth theran oobbtnwl atclfvlloo and lortd of tvndar can be obtabwd on appuca- lioa to the undervlcned auo at the oot0 of the dutrict tntar equity buudiaa tvonto out tvndrre uuu include the towing of the plant lo and from the work the driae and other plant which urw intendtd to be amplowd on thla work ahall haw bnd duly rnuuhd in canada on xx before the thirty- tlru day of tcmakmt lud or ahall iiave bj ccbnurucud and ruud ut cnadft since the aaid data fcach undrf feauu be th by ft urtinvd hi oa a charufwj uoik hi canada md pyjbu to uw oedr of the liooouibu the uinluer of public wotkj oqual to ft per cm of the ttaount of the undr or btarer lionda of the doulnlon of canada or the candun national itallway coninany and lu franuiiirnt ckn- panice uxocidilloflauy mvmtiud a 10 prlnuiil and tnuir by the do- mhiiatv of cande or ue jo- men- lionad bond and a certltud chjw it ivquirvd to make up an odd amount in no uw thail the acurlty dcoit u ua than tiww lly order n dfcojajtdtnil ifcmtftary pprtfiurit of public wotk ottaaa june u ifcm new uvoltlsejuekrs par bale large weu uuulatd a lb ice box belo to k t uontgoinrry can be wn al okeul oaruge prior ii j 00 u pauare u seal 300 acre pauure farm running water 10th line knauealng known aa cuncy farm apply to k a benham ai hon phone 14 oeorgetown tf waaiaj ekperwnced young oman caiuble cf caring for email child part tune apply box p herald otnce george town hew cwpaota ditchae and dralng to dig old waa pool cuursu ate cland od ahort notice auo white- waahlng and any other work doeav jaaewilllaua boa iu better mercfaafee at lower prices week end specials 10 lb granulated sugar for 00c 10 lb brown sugar for 60 33 oz sour mixed pickle 35c for 25c wettona soda 2 km 2sc bull dob malt extract 100 blue ribbon malt j1j50 oxford orange pekoe tea per lb 4sc nugget shoe poltili 10c nugget white kid cleamr 21e swt pickled onion 3u gold mui coffee per lb 48c quaker oat with china 29c oirutiea soda 10e 8 oclock marmalade simplicily pattern ikc atetib for lfajgleyt deaiiert and dyne we deliver mcbean co phone 04 georgetown fclga piuug ajd all kind of ahow card and cartooning at reaaonable price- apply lo fcrol alcott box 111 utorguovn at cabtaob amd tblc8do prompt unric punillure movj itaibag removed wcklyjohn par- turr uuetph ut itioo u or jm pe tuie ae seal hi room frame houae freildy cleaned end decoraled centrally locat ed wltb bam and with or without to or three acrra of land running waur and electric ughta immediate paauan por particuur apply to kenneth u ingdon boucitor for the litale of william aahenhuru it titteft few pejiifiri tvnder will be received for paint ing all outald wooden work cava- rough and conductor pip of the oeorgetown high school the tame lo have iwo coat and only the bau of lead paint to be used tvnder to be tn hand of baovtary by july ut walur t evan secretary m ye kvt the two hle of cva tde on uurdocai nc atuot iiwinim ludy to cotts apr lal anty oaa- town w wood for sale oholoe hardwood unle and abtws miwl toft wood uu i jjnrhlr price apply jack toi hue baiw tf wood for sale chelae uapu hafdood and osdar ran at rfeht prloh ordre ua at a ituaifca or at my bone ponw aw peomptly tlterfkud to a uvwoktoif wciod for sale ohoue uardwood ru and wa- at mm pr eord uuad wood fti w par eord ttalie klm pr ccwd j ikilajaroalb baronston jerseys hrd sfe baronston draconian no ss2a ctus a yawu de vj uire dearvedaat bold for 1000 daaa faedeara gilarilue oold uedal 10j10 lb milk 31 iba fat bold for 1m rrarg fflrrtllirrr tf lilafa oafw paaay af oaalaro bold for tusooo oraaj daaa xaaaaa ttattan draeaaua j bold for tmom balu deaeaeje uaauraua af sold for gtt000 otferd carrie la otarle cu kuiya katte oraaj uleeparward bin of bundard of oakland- bold for eu00o craadfui bihie bletkjay oreatlag i barok8tok jersey heju u ft amau herd but conuln two orand champtan cow of tke royal wlnur pair one orand champion cow of the canadian national exhibition on oold uedal cow and one bllver lledtl oow every cow has a record op pi3lpoittfak02 tte herd u oovemment accredited for tjx the lurd la oovrmment teated for oofuageoua abortion bull calves from the above sire from 12800 up bsed hcdiuta fob sjux telephone 82 ring 14 georgetown d k mason owner satisfactory n r ri service frequently uter of the condened advertiument in the herald marvel at the reulte achieved the coit i imall theae null ad- vertitement are universally read and often accompluh reiult ia value far beyond the cott of an inurtion tbe georgetown herald phone 8 i i hi