Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 24, 1934, p. 4

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pwt4 ttk georgetown herald wednesday evening january 24th 1934 sly ford uses voice highways of the continent 1 ana da tuucj a urjitfrtsat artor u lu mtu bh ljtwa v booii up vhwb wasttfrttad lui puuili wa lltnry rord kuiu idatl wsilv tt campbell iwaist cj th enadil ccoipasy tad oilf cekoai- r i ntd by tk vck hfaway cj lb whu ciif to loooq oj dtabf gubffal ui 41 uim to kui altuut l tw car for it ottjc uxjtup utg i s 000 saj of vu sw sad t4mlruf nww then 250 mujo trt 10 cuapu sad blpto th fctauuu ruromiiun lu lttfl oodj aurrvton a brajd by ik monhara lwtric tnunv lo ifwlng uado bcaciug mulu l c w uj rtndtr ng th vtmuar sad uibnjotwilr rvbitc advd bcafc kku apt tally iatsild la lb usgar ctetrc smooths the why on ironing day cut yomr uoblag wet 6 uj bse ueu y trnllr voa can do it with o km biiihft i vm ml do utw work too do it ik and btw tb ccbaaaa uatt irti irty me rj ktf rototy osaareto wtih cleaning wife wkub cam h esi who treiaj make end borne lu wo go foe dator taoter l us your couau aaremsr ua eeu room e ei ea tiu porch polnud r hath end forward sad hadrweal stroke gt tk iuu wrlnej proof nwlb th point u alcy hot tapd toupuu wucb t u e y fc boa wooed fcatteaa ond 4i and along wu absatafsby fj j a ua aofctij lunttl and guanalng nukal tw1 coixuam um9 amo ttovs couary ul t0owa 0 owtasjo ask your dealer ino i dtbt me tli vnagctc for mouths on end bow theyre settled la the city bat 111 let you ibobi beef joe i vult with theta evmty week by telephone there nothing like it to take the edge off a separatles t for 30 cents youru ubfbom bom 100 mile by miking u y one nil twiaa iot utloa si uf 6v pju saiumof miu la fiuat ol tunowf i to tux vovmo i b vry kind la mta folk i tunwtnlr uvy yount you i hot vry lon ho- and u ood pt4 you you wtlj h horn tltd ucm u iwy 1 and you way vino u cjt1 thin i thai itfdlru young fout uy ui very hind to al folk ttwtn u b btltuku thu with your high ind happy hop vou buy not evm rj- th puih ujt clilnid lhur fau iycuns umiiith i uin nor or yoo and a you nir your jwirwy ad 1 vou u nd iondzuu too lb wry kind to ttimr oik iuti gvntlr kd tnd drd ukr twvid upon th wtxtn art krturni in ttow of nd and hand 4nul rvxb to hold you up and lrru to crwr u dy yor klndru owvn to 4vr foot u iwv uion wy a shorteuangmgfc o cvfcfco tuiutt f w au t uhb aw iwlla- oe un m or ihr- two llu uutd ulllloo int aljirtpu r ihf i rid hofiir rt ur ur r k 0- utl th kniiuri hi i ul- frycfllf ttlj i ltii it llat sufb unto r uld k n in rntn pr inn rvfciii ipirar lnf- n d vrn ml 1 of irn rtallun rij fomm inlram n t lrlbitlflt h of dlvrtrnt naltan old rtiea n t flclr tn trttuh will r ti olbar i bur fir irff r in hlttory ff umnll ur oa 1m araumxl th prohlm an 4 ltsoiirv1 it at 1 nillih la hr bblursl unrujgf er lial trtulb n rth ararrtrs aed ai itralu ihmf ll i hi ir ov vrn mm i linkuiff la a d a uhd tti lr1lnr luruu hlna und japjn no t- lha i0 000 floo or qurtr i wamd trr ni p pulall o ka mm tin biiu r i nrmtfc and tk ish lr i- inrrralni arordlr to m iln rti rnanixd in th uimlaw huar 1 in aa th uiilroisc or hu tb imlt laak mr oulm wtd dwd wjtrro hi name lualf lnttlub world laocutk of 10 worda tbf luirdlas rompondaat who ulla ct ihl ajiirm rulraa thil hta obi artl rl lliwlf la witllrn in uiu- kag llh f aiplalna tut c k ojdm taa trld to do llv bu cln taueh tin to ikf dlacory of thp tmaltoai iunl4r of aonla with nhtrh crdn talk aid dlnufcl n la poulbl ii uvia an nccoant of th lis rirh ii mlm of h laoiuai may a mul nmr alupl aad trfca hcrom uonatarr ills work mkv it t itw that vita th rhanga ii la pniblr to gt form of i ngliab hkh may b uad far all normal purpn tbougti it u t datfirnj or pmdurldit tb qsar urd h vet- la hla utlln uf ik ralaa b iay l kit ouuidd itia ttfetta laatiaga la ud id only thr way w makf maotj a boat thlasa about the oparatloea do with tb iu and about lb dlrwtiona la whlrh tl ra orwrttlotia taa plax it may roadlly b tbtt a frli la cbuoy an laventloo of aa guac for rovrrlng with one alju aa nprailua and a thlec or a dlrclaa horn tlmta an oprpll o word a dl rartlon word aru a nam ar cotrd la thla way a la dmharb fat off hlp lid ilmal oparallona of phytlrs thr rlianl a or poaltloa er taotloaa muwii by puiha ant pulla affmtvd by thn body takao aa a bait may hi rmrrfd id edgllab by alaa i f th iwrwo oparatlob vorda la tba riaalr word ual ho loos lb iprta put doit ib our ejra ty taking th rrrb aa nuiratr aort of nord tt waa not poa- alblo to inak lb necoaaary word iui abort rnough for tt to b of may la lrat to tb talk of ibtaraaliaaal la rmi ago an 1 rvan now tbla u sot boaatbla la any languara other than teajllah thl form of eogllaa u tba kay laaguaga for ry oo baaauaa tba wmmob tandaary to chlaam aad laillah tnoro pclaly la it utaat aeaartran dvlopmta to gat th mora coatplri word forma brokaa dowo into tbalr almple nartj u alow ly bridging tba dmaloa and wat cast offucly fat woman iloae 28 ku in thr taodth io w4ca wrtu i w piudd to try j-u- ctun baju to rduo toy iht wnkh aj 123 ibi i kd uud bur thln but all to no avail mow i kno ltl kiniiciun bhu aw diiurtii in thrw vtk i iot lb- aod i fait fi yr younr x really uuat ay i ml a dlfltrctil wceomji i w do loat u ibd lo diu urs- ho b if you arv hf rlht taka oft half uainocnlul of acruwhaj hatij in glau of hot waiar bwow brakfait rvry morning thr will b no rapid or alarwpg lou of wtjnt but juit a ttady ovcxu of thit tuhbf tat frhkf u sa unhajthy a u u un- hlly cruixhi u a acbntlne bcd ij ala talnfral aalu found fn tha vtun of thow ktumpaa taat ium bru 4 by ajrirauom cf okr itaut ppw to frnllifi wuht ifti- wlnalp li t10 utt abow olnfl laka juprlo tat lftk hurct ul laka crw rf and lak ontario 44 t tjbova uwvt goats km miuiyims herald classified advertisements bring results chanou iv wfavtviwwtlit hiauhe uamwmtm to lt witij fa taa clo44r w4tmibatr abbay haa oftaa baa eallad a poaai la aton but that ar many paopla of dluratlan who ihtsb lu poatta quail 1 1 a am traatly mar tad by th lavtab idtroduetloa la mbiparatltaly rofant yaara of go much pobdaroua rormorlat aealptara now cooia th announrmant that th cornwall monument la to b r- uotad from th aav to anothar poaluob la th pracineta e tb ab- boy in eth ar word th corn wall aioaumint u lo u put lata th alslater lib many dsmortala aracted ta tb aishtaantb or uarlr blnataaatb aaatury th coraawali to on u man t haa llttl irpt it alio nowadaya t raoommand it it waa placed la tb abbay in 1774 to commauorat tb utloa of captain corn a wall on tou loo wham it now alanda it com putely hldaa tbv war uomorial cha pal which la noar th unknown war rior tomb and thoai who wish to ntr tba chapal muat squeb through an 18 inch opcnlnu 1b plao of th monumant thrw will b t d b flno arreen of wrougoi iran which will b inenrporatad h broata award and ahlald prantd by tba city or vardus to tba city of london in ltlo tbu woiro memorial ta a poadar- oua ploco of marbla it rapramata th dytnp horo alnklng into tbo arm of a rraoadler hla right hand praaa- lag hla mortal wound the grenadier la pointing out th ooddoaa of yuue hovorlng overhead aad in the back ground a m euro lag lligblauder is the great war thla modutaadl au to apeak cam ta llfi caoadlaa mtaliona on lealar bnglaod or franco dkpoalted tbelr color thara when the battel tone or rather what aaa left of thorn returned from tba ar l hoy wont again to the abbay and reclaimed the colore fo parpe- uatu thle a couplo of canadian colore ware pretantud a few years ago to tang for all time over wolfe a moan ocot lllioild uiuc production vhnuliing a yearly record under top rulue with the hlghut pro duction in milk over credited to a throoyuar old houtoln heifer la canada boo north star brvd owned and da v eloped by w j afilulay of sault bto uurle brougbt further fame to nor alublm boo north utar bnuhnd hur uctatlorj period in the lib day dlvlalon with a production of iff 038 pounds of tallb eonuinlaa i i0s 76 poudda of butter waa ucwifr mad iu be ui klabatma qaadal mmf aku1 iter am pwautto ol wmi rju nova ruoila haa dlord a tiwaa r ultllalry ik rwliy bill imm aad urra roalnr it u ly lb learohtttob nt voata ttraat lo hy d row a li ta fir away vaawdrtr laland tba iwa tt haw b lj la ike little rombiatty of dovr th foata sa l8pat4 whbi ef aldtag a atbtag pvaullaa la aaaay ptam aloag tb of th rovtara it ta i w ta bwp raid aad tba mutt tw wkhh lay aa twpartaat a ret ta all parte tk cooatry l caplooae by bar tuwn tt ibtcttoe u ta have tk- goal take lb tier ef tk w kvb fwal goat wttl praeaa t aatro er tallb par day it 1 etlaat 4 aad tk totaj produrtlo aau be eaatdral la a amell vlluga th importation ha eot fca aa oftvlal art tb eommualty itaalf by rowiprat art ion brougkt ib tk anlaulj lftn la nbabr th at tldb la biag gnrlly raiiibd6d nrv drantwub in but tlfea may follow ault tts u wbae tk la duatown artlom of hal at job wa fara ua rr go la and tb reska b4r lb landing of tb rtvar ataaa tn waa rov rd with th aurafootad an 1 malnlalolaa bblmala poa- ubly pr unl roadltloaa will predura a rvlval of goat raribi th aad rlushir in th provlau tw brfdtrttoa 01b ulic rattlljc uhb sow atlrwoar apcwal ta ftakrtt v- u uo- wodaa tk aiaaa antroaoasy niae la tba puahatt family not oalv b df j k haa- krti dlrtor of tb aatrapayateal ob- artatory at vlctorte dc ea of th moat nilnaat eatroaaaiaf ta tb urltlah uraptr but hie toe 0 liar ry i lubtt ij faat eaaklag aaaa for tilmmlf 1b tb aaaae atuaa th aoa t aow prefaaaor of aatro- phyatc at harvard ualvarlty aad admiu that ba gau a math fan out of atudylng the atare ea la average roans man of bte yeare gate act of a babaji caaaa er priae baai just bow am paclallaiai la ike lltlm of aa atom taid dr ptaa- fcatt jr w are finding eat a ut of nw tblagb about atosu wblb a rw yaara ago war aa aleaaat t myaury w have reuad oat for laatanc that wheat as atem abaorbe radlauoa produce aa akaorptioa ua aad batom acttad it itfe- llm 1 of tb order of eaa ea hundredth mill loath part ef a abroad although thla period varlae dapaad lag upoa the eeier ef the radtatiea which th atom ha prvtaualy ab sorbed thla aacoad feat to w to the flalil ef aataae and u likely ta caua aomwhat of a etir to aatraa- emlcal clrclee d plaakett to a fndaax ef ta- raau dnjelty ua ef itll aad weat aver ta kyaaaa with taa de varalty unit daring tba war bawbwe ihii i wfak tin mae dlaaaasaa ptattaaw and gold sack aa taa quae ef ftbeka to opposed ta have warm wkaa aba vial ted kla bolaaaaa haw bea ukea ta ladoa by tveah paytar big gama bnatcr froat btlaaa be ba iuvm were tba aeuraae af tba quaaa of shehaa waajuu paytar fauad tba aaau aad treaa ur ta a eavera hlddaa ta tba aav- etplorad eauatry iso atllaa dae weat of addto ababa abyaaiala he le- tenda to orgaalae a maw egpadltlea to ga back aad gat what be left behind l oat war it la em af th eavarm from wbtob tba qaaea of bkaea draw bar great wealth payter tajd 111 atery of tba duoovery was at most aa faaclaating aa the geai tbomaelvea iparkltng through their natural rougbnaea am old arab ba said gave a ilrttlab atlalng eagtaear a map ta iffso whtoh the eagtaaar showed payter the two atea ba uld work ad out tbo direetieae aad dlacovrd th treasure there haa bean fraausatt mealvya in literature of the supposedly rub jawel aad natal mines in th abya- in ian area sir ii illdar haggard th writer laid tb plot o bvaral or hla book notably bbe and king ttolomnoa iii n as la the area wburv the legend loeatea thaaa valutt 0r ajnrkyj cmmadlam apple asgalaitoii by taa in the firtt two wacka of 1031 thp number or hoe graded la canada waa 114 003 as against 1wm1 in the eor- iwtpoudiay period or uit jaar an effort to balag made la nuay set ions of the provincial preaa ta popularise the canadian apple it to a worthy move haw irutt a a diet is rocom mended by the beat phyil clans and there to no fruit which to mora health producing- ami palatable than the apple horaover tt to a canadian prod net tad if ito ua were more general it would mean increaa- ed prosperity for the producer they are a source of natural fruit augajr and thua provide energy kataa raw between meals they satisfy the crav ing or bwouta the water eaatalnad in applea u in ito purest form they tond to promote proper ellmluton ba akin and framework provide bulk and the organic aaltg are dluretlo apple counteract a tendency to ocl dosto aa they leave mm alkaline ash a wollmaatleatad apple thui aid dl- tojitlon applea are a good touree of vltumlmt neceaaary to the body one is rue apple give 10ft eglorlei the applu la rofraablmg pooling atlmu latlnu and wholeaoma and may be oatun botwoon or with meals yboy may be obtained nearly all tb year round and becauia of tbatr food value thiil r on flavor their abund ance and popularity apple are just ly tormod the king- of trulte the cha new thu ib bpbbd bcluntlita at the trench acadewy or science have iicoeeded la perfect- iug u uiuvlug picture camera that to tin riutuat in tba world it take uiuviib at a ipaed of 1009 a aaeoud th marliliio was developed princl- n illy by prof a uajfuu of the col luki of prune j a glimpse of india ftwitl jkjw oi vrrid leam lulinytnu buhled iu fcotsl problawjat kd ta polllkal probletaa what dom ladw wtk ilk iodayr that is what i ud to woaew vbfi india rprud to rs aatk leg btoro tbaa a ubt or intefula- bbl repon er as utub or a puak ful u p to usk irrh ae u sdjournuaet uotloo in tb house 6 cuumoea uy nrtt donunaat lap la to ta r ltt rry pure i vult i ta be u an 109 mil away whrnewr i buy a railway tfekw tbvt bv r mrma t be sjiy ckaaa mlill 160 nip ote bbot 111 tn caijai mocyy tv dit frow ikimtay to iihl la 1 u ji ta fruit ixndoa la wsfsev vt t4iblou rae mak the trip w frq i oily and rbsmfully a bua t lr rata ran up to ijondoa i n uor lwttdarlflg u tu la htcir pt b lutlon 1 iiuvpmm with ur jindbl arod tk u rrkldg putu cf central lodt if wtrv r mb 11 tb hall at wl lb v hloppa it u ck kftd with ihohtlm auilmttrrs ii bed to dejlvnr sr it- uf j 1 1 1 irel add ruj rum kl tsrruft- wlodow ilk ur oladaton obi hli fjrojua journ a to uld lotltub v4 at moot pla thrtv old aoi ap4r to be a duia imm id fcteti tuu i trl la a avrtj of vivid put ua tt truth or fc dry taduit autkunt lo mry indian report hut b par root of lb inhabitants of india hm in vuu th toartit u euuhiy 4 to r hi rh dp bold that raiigtou ob- uranra tdll essh or th lodtaa mlad at frvery uatiuo tbr are spam rrbiaat roowis or llia- dua and uaslaou and aa saaeru drinking water thar u a eaprthius fra for upars aad they boe trt la the taaeilag urvu uy oa uawrit ib law tby have only to show tk tvrrlbl atrfe of tkalr duaa to be admliiad oa to a raueay platform without th arrlty ef a tlriitt thas ta thlrdcus carrtagia was tha roagiioa la ar greater thea la a tatli ruck thy may trawl ffs oa mi of ladta ta oaotaw ktvsrywbara thara ere bsfgars more parsutaat aad releatua than anywhere ela ta the world i have kaowm theej usd my bed room la a botal i bav beard ladaad ea awk abaat th ebaaslag kast that i aae aurprle- od to dad how completely as like th weat it ttui ramaiba la iaadsra canvaieac ladle ba liardly eaargad oat ef tba of tb lost taiury la lb atodsrm ty ed dalbt lor inuaaee espt la the viceroys pel or and lb commander la chief a ho us and safbap tap or four oth r bouse of gra cdnvuto tkar are no balhroeou ta tba tk term la used at boas to hire a teat to tad sad a baaard oua boelaea far h to preaably e list modal aad either taa driver ba forgottsa ta pot amy waur is th ad la tor or even aura aaaddsolng whea eaa to raahiag to eaua a trala i aa forgottaa that taa patrol taah u mpty of eaorw cfi4ritmally ladto frea ih fr npiim a wall oa the india point ef view baa haaa reaelotlonu ed also the war but tha aid bath ground still remalna bupardf tally india looks vary bach the una as 1b th last cnturr that is why it te aaeb a faactnatlag alar to b ta at the moment we ar all la at th death ef aa pocb aad what to more we or all coosctous af it tba laadaa hewe- chroatcla worj4w tomqkot ttchctl amstralto ha 0 0ar cls hoav aved ullea la tagim australia baa tb longest fane is th world it to 1 llff mil in length aad to hnowm aa the no 1 lubblt pence ef western australia alto gether the rabbit fence or western australia alone agtsad i oil mile aad cost over 11710 000 to erect they ore constantly patrol ld by boundary rider thara to another great fanes asp erating new booth wale from booth australia it soaettmee happeaa that gnat rata fail oo tb aid ef th fence where there ar no rabbits while a great drought eilata oo the othr std toco a vast algratua begins a vast boat hundreds upon bun dreds of thousand of rabbit are ea tb move and that te wbsre the all foot fence topped with barbed wire romoe tn along one side of tb fence the ground t alive with racing rodent aaebing a way through into tb country where not a rahkll to to be seen up and down they rush till tn son kills tbaaa they die in bqb dreds every mlaute emaciated by a hundred mile trek famished fai water the fence balks and the an bills them they die at the oo of th feoe btlll other arrive ta battalion la divisions in army corps a though there was no end to tb stream they dl oa tb top of thsli dead comrade until there la a swath of dead rabbits to set dwp aad a yard vide aire tt ng prbapa for fifty miles yet in spite of this tarrldc ouato rata thw rabbit population of austra ua remains a muoac or uvury uos give birth to from four to oovsa rab hits every olo woibii and her daughter wbeo they nro nlno wook old tualo to bretd with llkv rvnular- lly urouubt and the grtat tncos keop them from over runutuu me whole eontlnoat lu- wrut ttatra the blbboat wrlsi watch m th world has been complied by a cliaus do- von da watch arm lb watch 110 times larger than b dlnary one wolgb 11 pounds llubtn basking up the jewels or tbu uov muat of iba watch coat s60 oiuna commercial printing bbjep newh 1tehb tha large number of cattle m sc4 and ataugntored in canada provida a ready supply of hide for uu cana dian leather tnduatrles which have long been eatsjbluued on a conildar able scale the highest point in the adpsladi lan range of mountain in canada is tablo top mountaiu in the oaape peninsula 6 400 ft above seatowel the highest point of tha laurcnuan highlands in ontario to tiptop u11l 3j1m feet above sealevel which ua near the western shore o tamta buperlor bine great bear lake u only ml feet above seatovel and iu greatast depth u fathoms t4fl0 oet the bottom of the lake at that point must ba below sealevel in gross value of product the ouugraerinir uul meatuacklng indus try which to dependent chiefly ea animal husbandry for us ttuuruis his during recent war bun one of the most lhiportanl single manulac- turlntf mduftuiai la canada all kinds of commercial printing turned out promptly and efficiently at the office of the georgetown herald your home printer and publisher is prepared to fill any of your printing require merits and is a local industry deserving your patronage georgetown herald georgetown ontario there is no profit from goods on the shelf goods on the shelf are as the nonworking stall fed horse every sale you have made has been to a person who knew that you had the article they wanted the more people who know what you have in stock the greater your sales will be let us tell every home in the georgetown district of the goods and services you offer our readers are your prospects the georgetown herald phone 8 mihiilmrtbrtlbfthuaatihmartk

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