Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1933, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wadnnjay evening september 27th 1933 fall shoes we have just received another urge shipment of fall shoe which now makes our stock complete the range include shoes to fit every foot at any price you desire we kuo tve ike extluiv agency for th style arch audcanleliver shoe inciurirmj in above we have a nice line of ladiev shoca in pumjtw ties and strap to ell at l98 d brill co georgetown coras mil aad mjin sb ptaoae 16 meats diredto f6d frea witbue prfh try our meats for economy d quality c 1 cvr r f vovno roum frestl brtmkofslbwofer i4il hlllyls centre cut 16c tb fresh picnic sfaoouers 1 2c lb fresh spareribs 3 lb for 25c beef boasts j 17efc pel rant 0c h it i i breakfast bacon young lamb legs 18c lb loins iselb frttt qurten 8c lb 2lklor3sc local news plrat ol october ni gkilwuy only twelve wkj till cilrwiiaa bt oreeory tritetr nv odv t on page a town council buy ting next tu- cuy wnlnw thanksaivlng day a wwk from n uonday fit ak- wx will hold thlr luxaar dec fctn new clowr honey at um fvllu apiaries urlng our own eocuiiw florae people a to choose pleas ure today uuuod of comfort tomor row belter fret your coal in early tlu fall u u u rurnorwi the pio is go ing up why we don t know wivn in need cf stove and fur naor pip- bad rpalrs phon 373 w j i llcouvrsy bhop on john bt- wulls ap-a- oeorwotovn uul wxk kkviw a urwi odr for hoavy from outef crvrfc yiakoo territory ttwy uy uuu uoary talka it e ctnm u iuni do much talking tn your own town if you spnnd it lw shrrv tour ubu will compriit the in- ur uituol ituiby lrsiue for this tii- iitct tny u auau rwjfua uulon and oouyhowd kwrybojy should rad th cl- tuy cd uoit ewoboity find us for iitfia tor uy u of gita aju co bulb buytr and wlwf uruiui a tyk ol florby qr- i arw now tnnatg olj binuu to ruitft ku a iw low prw hud umr bdt la thu bu llr a- 0 itouaon butctmad jhf rooriy ixuimu of lit loud uila tu norui tfaor th bru 1u tti laiv iuoa oooujkta bifid ptuvuu um iwjoci ld by tui uiu on 1a day lui bluixuy tblr onuujuiioiu rti u sio wot luj pommrnfd oo tb oko road wbrn computed ou wtu w kkvd trnprrwyftafnt tuul ijhr tp- pruihl by obo eatl ldd u puollc godtrrtlly ttw ladi a miliary to lh oaha- jh irf will lioid ft y to th uua icooou it ii krtdy bpt- ui lufmimvau aii kocierf admliiioo lie it lralon cmvalai toraorror nitu u a pa dr ii r atuma zai itrpic nuu 1u glw froort of uuf windior oonillod alt r vtoa mn inhlcd ac uiit only ftltwn famiirf bt on nliif tn itraiafxon nov tu mid by llw e w uo- ciulocn at oi town council nntf on tiondy vrfunj at a mftrnng ol cwnfwvlil too council oo uouuy it u cwdd4 to tulroduoe a bylaw x luxt vk nuwuua bbtrcby all ani oid to tlu community will hv to b pauirti ed it 1a um uu th man ho qutttm ft douu r quas hi u in loounti over our cubtcrtp- lion lm ua tdtjt to uj tbt many cl ttv good tadim ta thu oommunlty arw not reortvtng tn ftttmuoo tbay cwrv a fucju will b h14 in tu al bans partfj hall olta wllllama on friday opt aath u po oood pniiv and cupptr ailmuilort uc luld undtr ftiuplo of tb mm ol at ckor tnd be aibaba expexuusjt no longer 11 coaly ua cna oaro halve bold by danna lda iw3 btocc smoked picnic hams 12c lb l d a drug specials see our ida ad in wed sept 27th telegram for fulllia klmou ua i ivlb pitallv boap fr lt iclmiur toaui luu 11 tamosoe eouvtnff cream tso u tucut dnuhm orau com fllv ia io ol nuukn oil ts oastaru 14 lda cajt nub enoi prult bolt a llot water dottuv fife ida cold tsblfu danns i d a drug store phone 327 hone us your okdeils georgetown w duvr rvawptly will your car start easy with colder weather coming on is your car in shape for easy starting let ua change that heavy summer oil to a lighter grade nnd check over the ignition syatem and carburetor youll be agreeably surprised how much difference it makes to your car we have a special low cash price or this tuneup wtfc that even includes charging the battery enquire now speights garage phone 270w georgetown concrete work i lm twpuwd ta do ffftnprsts writ i sll kiadi pjthtiites given free of cturga u mu rmuln suyumut ta this us rhonb ul s walker am m wood ho 1 hartwwhl bwii and kuol u00 lurdwood limba and ubttd wood illfl rail ulbo uy nuantoy s tn block ol birrtoood for qub lieatera tsm imom an tor wood delivered thi wood u alwaj dry u it u kpt uudat eote x at uatyal hmm m r u daam at oaaljh lildnu dane ryan auditorium oualph thankjjlvtni day mom oct dth k hutcnljon and nla owneatr 13 os a-tn- to sjo am admualon lie and 60c dancing ewry batunuy tb al cava uun amd bmcaa ucolur uroa of korval wul hold an auction al of choio llobuctn oowa and half n and lrcharon horaaa ftt lot 11 40 una wt oiln 14 mile cat ol nerval oa thursday oct sin wm j udunnry auc- uotjmt t daaiw al 4 rift a dancw wul b held tn oforsatown arena ytlday october 4th fat trota nowlty danom vauaaa quadruu aquarp dance and food um for all- lucky numbtr prtar a4uide auppllrd by hoottcr 0u yieca orclmut daftt injuo to 13 jo admwlon ue ilaar dr ajuu baa the otonretown woraana inautute extend ft cordial invitation to number of th aurroundtna womcoa imututaa and also to th ladla ol gaoniwtown and dutrtot to hear dr anna rot at the meuoa tn th library on ootobar 4th at 3 tuo tea u1 b served st dane al glaa wuuafiat an old tyme daiuw wul b held in tho town hftll oltn wluiama oo ri day oent 30th under th auiploaa of th olm cltrbv ballhau tvam uuilc by th dooaler club 0fslaot orcheatnv jack cain floor timnaaar danolnij 0 to 1 lunch urved admlalon ssc taaturtd 8hwr rylcnda of uli irn wulla who on saturday bream ura john gra ham tnidcrad her a ahower at the homo of ura joaeph uullholund tne ahower wu arnuised by ura o hlddali and part of the entertain ment took th form of ft mock wed dintr the principal ol which erc kuu finilth oaorg hlddali and joe wilcox artaa ralr a boeca notwllhalandlair unfavorabie weath- the poll fair held at aoton last tueaday and wodneaday was ft auo oeaa there wu ft large atundanoe at the performance in th arena tuctday night and on th ground wmneaday the txhlblu in all cloura wai sood and competition wen a laro number from oswoe- town attended the pair personals mr knnlay alwn ol nw york u vliltlns hi uotlstf ura j j a1w ui and ura j j tuonipoa apcnl ut it nd wlui tvlauv u whit by urn l- w dunn was at pwutboro oo lusdy auhvlinj the funaral of ufa ownlaft uf a wrlalr worth of toronto vuud at ui lukme of hi father hi u4jst vjrig4siitul loiat vk- ur artluir lyndall ur and ux howard vomeroy and iwpiew uonaid pru bundsy wiui ura w tyndall airs ada u lirln ojui dauhir ui- cjlf n oi llocnsaucr m v were wa ena vuitcrs at ura w jlunicra alia u w llooo r2iel ua will ue luialiw to rxiv tir trvnda rn- iy v ie rr oxiuj to a pvjj tc- b j a and um evujis and aon kinimou ill tcur and luaa uoio- uiy tlbft oi lofonte viuud with xlr and ui fc k- ychuxg oo tuusday uta j uticomb ol vort wullua una ura d tarl dool oi luo uor aua- ar vuuin ox ui louu- ti ur and ur w ii wiiiaon uj and ura il u ucleay and ttsuiy of von crodu ur twktrh- wuiwo of lorunlo and ur lluvy wuiwji uf utfar zu uko lua at w if wuwtta th ud tiu coew vbn ftt muu uvt cstucy in orovr to eui our gai try the amount ouu by wu lnditsduai tubtsrukr to tn lur- akl 1 fljii but in th ajarrjaii 11 ewan a tot ol numy wm you kindly lock at tb uhu on our papr and ifyou or la anvora pww u uj haw what u owing ua if but all at itait part ol u anyway vour kind attmtton to ihl butur will tw much apptvcutal ad iawsl bi aai ftirfl ul oo rylday uu when un ft w llobb of uvorgshown and ivr autt uu u aitko rre motoring from toronto to 0cu sound their car a forovd into the ditch by truck near uarrw uoth uuliu were tewrc- ty tnjurad utu ailkrn aufftred a brokan lbow and was otherwise se verely brulfcid while un ilobb had hrr tip and nose cut ncwaallating thrv atltchea afur reorlvtns medi cal attention at uarm they avra tas- rn to own bound hospital the car was ohoou oomnletrly vtveked and u u a mlracu how the ladlra facapm wui their uwa rwi liwd rmd at us4ara ralr announofment wu mod laat vwk by j c uhearrr agrkulural itrtire- acntallvc for ivtl county that the iwi ifoutctn herd comprulna a bred by local famvro lukd won aec- ond placir tn the county herd dose at th wraerti pair london ox ford stood tint animals were loaned lor rihlbuion by j u prorr and w j knurr huitonvlu t o dolton and it a oouon urompton jatnra uckane chellrnhom and ohas turanaata lunrigrove corkgruuik- tlons ar to b extended to the well known farmrra for havlni alack cap able ol bringing this distinction to the county tnwtm cucu4 u uutaa one of the hotteat and most keenly canuhced elections ever held in bill ion took place on uonday when the electors voted to elect two public uchool truusvs in the coat word and one in the uouth ward to nil vacan cies caused by realisations of p w oooke and w it allan and ura josephine oowland the result of the otc was as follows east ward it- j dumfteld 120 w it allan m ma jar l- ty for humfield 43 j w ctntelon 130 ura oowland 44 majority for caiuelan 44 south ward 2 ulddle- ton 1m w k uccready 144 majori ty for ulddleton 3d the three elect ed trustees were previously appointed to fill vacoxicle and were unseated by judge uunro owmb wtllu ulss iren u wcus daughter of ur and ur a v wu1u of toronto was united in marruff to john il oraham son ol ur and ura il 11 araham ol oleo williams on oalur- day bept 33rd the wedding took nlaoe in be jamas church ouelph the rector rev p k woae ottclat- tng ttkt bride was attlrd in a dress ol sand and brown crap with turban of brown velvet brown ahoe and acoeosorle to match and carried bouquet ol illy ol the valley the bride woe attended by ulia lillian errtngton who was attired in a royaj blue knitted suit wllh turban to match and carried a bouquet of white iaruatlana itr edward p roue of clmirft acted as beat man after short motor tour th happy couple will reside tn georgetown the brides going away dress wo a sand suit with dark brown fur pastas cawmell wis la vletatu at th llrttlsh columbia provincial pair held lost week al victoria the only eastern live stock oama from the campbell parma of moffat ontario once again this famous herd of flhoru horns added to their previous success by taking both male and female grand championships in the female section itoyai prtricraa the winning twoyear old took her ninth championship while mayflower lth was made re- cerve champion as at previous shows mystic ulnstrcl again took champion ship honors in the male section tha campbell herd took eleven first out of a possible fifteen besides eight sec onds and six thirds the largest other exhibitor was 1ijui the prtnoe of wale with a herd from his alberta ranch prom victoria the tlamphell herd go to seattle washington and from there will begin the tenday trip across continent to the home farm these cattle have been shotting since june 30 and this is the first time in the last number of years that on eastern exhibitor has travelled as far west as the canadian coast and the state of washington pair oet two year in polios court before uazutrate elliott at acton on monday joe 1u11 and prod warreiuboth of hamilton were sentenced to twopears less ft day each in the reformatory at ouelph they were found guilty of stealing copper wire from the old radial line that operated between toronto and cludlph others suspected in the same theft have not been apprehended thanks to band oantaln poulton wishes to publicly thank the omeera and members ol the lome rifles hand for their magnani mous action in putpanlng their pro poned sunday eienlng concert they uin be presenting their program on sunday oct 8th instead ol oct 1st thh action was token out of consid eration for the visit of the st cath arines salvation army band on bun- day next will not celebrate although the centennial of bramp ton occurs next year bomoldent wuh that of toronto the town council uonday night decided to take no ac tion to commemorate the event the matter wu brought up by mayor j a ueck but tn view or the- fool that a celebration or 1u incorporation held ten yearn ago proved a failure the town father hastulted under present conditions to approve of any com mitment try the way of stpendittir uararls birthday party the tuesday meeting of the sons of st ocorue took the form of a sur prise birthday party for their preal dent ur p ucnolly ur uonaily u a punctual man so several ladles in- eluding those of his own household were commissioned to hold 1dm in conversation until the club members arrived he grew more and more 111 at ease as th hour for the opening of the meeting in the club room draw near pinolly the hector wife was reduced to tho expedient of holding a fake conversation over uie telephone with ur thompson who apparently said he would drive right over and got them out at last the cohorts ar rived tn good strength and all the funny business wu explained vtr thompson had been deputed to pre sent a pair of brushes from the club and did so reading a rhymed address written tn humourous vein yet with a strong undertone of appreciation and affection from th ban to their president mr uckally replied very suitably and happily assuring the club of his pleasure in having them and his appreciation of the surprise party and their gift an hour wai spent in songs and stories and an other hour ax bridge mrs mcnnlty and ulss lena served delicious re freshments the rector thanked uya ucnolly in the name of the club and the evefiinv closed with auld lang byt attd abbse wtth lie correspondence 0ortlown spt 34th ifcu editor ol tb owjrgsttown usmld dr mr whu uitrring u ur wulpott lut rviday avaolnot i was hnriirul by sarvwul atototamia mod by turn la ti oouru ol lua addrva ilia vindictive attack on ur draper chlel conslabu of us toronto oe yj jj dftii of uorloud i beuarw were uaralhrf for in th first pise wiiy did ur phljpott need to do his soapbox oratory stunts at all uukly it 1 not tlu usual tiling in tlus country for politician to go out on to th ftttw- comers and parks to tddfu mantlngs l no from th out side u appeared that ur piulpou dsulbetktsly deoad th pouo and dar ed them to atop htm and chief drap er l not th kind ol man to let any one g4 avy with that as wry- ott t obarw u- was th chid coa- ittius tuatvd est that bwjkd thr comntunia disluibauka tn torooto so riau ly and h may have uji tu ixjrioa as rtasrda dorund 1 be- 1 h nod a criminal record and n mt into that bank with th sole jha of robbing it and would prob ably haw plu2gd the cashier or aiiona elw who odposnd hua if he uj boa siiod to rmut why did lartdvarw any puy or for uwt t6u jfr hy was hi mentioned at allr in anothrv pan of hi odds ur phllpott bald and we aw golne to trsd wun ituaua ajuoo who ho rod too twrturd rliaws anlcus on iu tour of russia probably haw on idea that it is a land of milk and lhataft that utalla and lls ctvtrd liape made a marwuou wuvmi of the r enr plan and that russia to day it uw tnaj wondvrful oauntry tn use wo id liut as a matter of fact t is wry fajr from it ur idwe ws inrrvly token by u hand and slwwn exhibit si exhibit b lc etc not- trred and fawnnl on until his head ttrtliwl srvrrol time loo lorg for his tiat given a good drink of vouka ttten cam a- ay and wrote on in prd article on what a cwsll coun try russia was that kind ol stuff may be alright for tight raiding and a good laugh but to gl down to uncuunentau and what really is hsp- pprung tn russia one must go dper than that when th peasants ol the ukraine wru to relative m saskatchewan that they ore starving eating groat and fighting over the garbage to keep body and soul together when a writ- rr travel aooo miles through russia unknown to uobcow and see and hears things never meant to reach the outside world when a man who has lived tn russia for four years arils of what h knot in a promln- m magaxtne when oil these people rll ou practically the same thing then you may believe it and what thry imply is this that the whol vratc and woof and frabrtc ol the aoviiturtnt is uvxrapetent and rotten to the core that red terror ilalks throushout the land that might is right and the gosrnmrnt rulw by tear alone that many a poor peas ant lift his gase for the last time to the glory ol th rising sun as he fsces a tile of soldiers with levelled rifle bccaujlr he dared to curs the oovcm- rcuit in someone s hearing or held back a bushel or two of cheat so that his lamlly might hove enough to eat that 1 the real conditicns in the fanning districts of russia today and why doe the cop want to have truck or trade wuh a country who have their paid hireling ol des truction all through this country try ing their beat to promote a bloody re volution no doubt they would uk to trade but while they are holding out one hand in friendship they are knlfelna us tn th back with the other mr woodswortha speech was good and the policlea aims and aspirations of the oop are splendid but unless thry can assure th people of ontario that the oop is entirely free from the sinister hand of oommunlsm lhetr caus is doomed- thinking you for the space x am yours truly p p bahan scout news last week th first meeting since camp was successfully conducted by ucoutcr o davis and r piresttne a fuf the porgram opened sharp at seven thirty with flag break and ft special pocket irupectlon thi speci al event was very utereaung as some of the boy possession consisted of fcuch useful articles a broken knives chestnuts odd keys etc tb beat example ol a model pocket kit vu displayed by boout il crawford pi ills collection contained sees strtna match pocket diary a lad pencil and five cento pollowtng this came fifteen minutes of corner work where tenderfoot tests were reviewed mm came several game tn which the eoea- pctltlon was very heated between the two patrola th lost often minute of the evening waa spent around an indoor camp fire which added a soouty atmosphere to th meeting bangs were sung and interesting talks were given by th soouter and the a bji at run fifteen the meeting came to a close with the lowering of the flag and the boout dismissed af ter having enjoyed most successful rneeung on sunday afternoon the court ol honour held the first autumn sitting at the home of boout j harlasr pit- where it was decided to hold an out door bunfeed next thursday a pro gram ol outdoor gamea and festivities iu take place since camp the troop which formerly constated of three patrola has been reorganised and now contains two full patrols the poxes under j harlow ana the beav er under il crawford both leaders are showing a lively interest in their work and the troop itself displays every sign of real scouting actlvltls on sunday th day of the veteran parade the scouts were permitted to perform a community good turn when they assisted the officers by running messages and passing out programs even the soouter wo dratted in as traffic officer and he enjoyed thirty minute of thrills which should last lum a life time a tn the two preceding years the 1st georgetown troop wishes to state that ft christmas toy shop will be operated by the scout again this sea son therefor although it may seem a trifle early pkase remember us and when you are tempted to toss away wme old toy or trinket think of the many unfortunate boy and girls who could use it and save it for the scouts who will be making their colls shortly relief coxtudihe report polkwine fa the teport ol ow- town omtrai relief oomrrritt tar ittssl as p m by ehaimai ur a uaclohna at the ffiillrt hold on burxuy lot ladloi and aeaxncr tne oeorawtown owtral ueiwf conxxilua sppotxawl in iotofact 143 on behalf ol tb otrmiiinstion represented at thi tr tirsf be hr- t present ft hrport of th post war v hrport of thtr wotfc with to during the work ha bfu carrud on or ganlted oa it was last yr 1 din houmlnst and h of transirnt was admlnluerd by w o uaraholl your comrnlttsa fsosf that e oe a debt ol frrmtttijd to ur marshall for the tmclnl quiet way tn which h ho carried out hi work it k s di task but a hm bnn don with sympathy and toot- m iu1u krt twoi rtw ftsrvfjd idukl eat toomja wrf servad tti uutabxr of trosawfiu rsjesh fron 10 in th low- doom toll to th tiifad biantb x th lundiinif of vsuran fwinje and umjjatenta wu in th bnds of th 0owaoti svoheh ol the cana dian lotion and has ba crrid uf wtth ocsmpkt tilwrtna to th commit u4 hat a stoaw eonaplalnt tsos uwn isrstwterod du the wu which tpak volurws for oi tastju mijanijfttwi of thu dimcult task by uraar a o rotvy rd arm urong oeo alaou aikd 3 u kcslly to whom th ukank ol thw eoiomau- tee and community ore du the adralnutrmtlon ol rllf to rxsddent fasouua uiwr thn vetvmns as put into uu hands ol th wo- rvas institute vprentotlvr urt d livingston th amount uf urn nevy tact aood judgoent and lov etendnd by tur tn this wotfc cannot be ulmatsd and coula newr be paid for your oomatitw twb that ura ljv ingwton snould be spatially bwallen- ed for hrr inagnlffawnt ocwts on be half ol th dutrcd riopi ol our town our thank are esticdd to the firm organisations and lndtvlduais who symlii to ansrousiy to appeal last hotwmber that we hate bn able to cajry oa wuhout fwewlr- lag any grant from the municipality we wish to spaclaily thank mr lurrl- on our erdcinnt treasurer for his work and th large nussber of men who helped ua canvas th town last nov ember th lion club tn coopera tion with ur aory put on spect- sj theatre night which brought tn over um of vifcnfitlii fruh cannsd goods etc your oosunlttam also cooperated with the womans institute tn their ohrlslmss lumpw crrorc itut bttng dubuhud on thit account 34 pjiu1ub participated in this tpeclal feature bpeclol mention should also b made of an effort orgbnlsd by dr watson and corried out by th young peoples crgonlsations of tlu suptut and unlud church these young people went to th town hall in th evenlnga with soup and other food but with th special idea of espeesstng a friendly inter in the transient trie tuxls boy da of th called church supplied wading matter testa- merits etc and coibd around on sun day morning to tnvtt any who car ed to attend church many took ad vantage of the opportunity th treoaurera report reveal the fact that 4m03 49 wo expended tn direct relief during th year special mention should be made ol th work dona by messrs d wilson and e ucwhlrter in trying to get tvrry able bodied person who was on relief last winter tntereeted in pro ducing garden stuff a nusfcer ol people took advantage ol the seed given those who did not avail them selves ol th opportunity hovw been noted and will be dealt with accord ingly 11 application i mad for relief it should also be noted that while our relief work in iu1s3 vas carried out on money subscribed by a few organisations and companlea between 300 and 300 lndrvkfuol contributed to the ljjm fund th canvas for fund was mode jointly by th lotion and central relief oommlit opening meeting of yps portyfre young people attended the opening meeting of th young iyopiv botiety of th united caurcb tn th sunday school room oa uonday evening sept jath all report ft piendid time and high hope are held by members of the society for a very successful year vork- th president isabel sfcdermtd occupied the chair th m opsnod with ft fifteen minut worship service arranged by uadelin erwtn call to worship response burnt prayer followed by prayer by ur rumley and th lord prayer hymn x tor a thousand tongue to sing- iknpture milk 1 13 lxsrioo btockford paperoowortars prank whit- mee ifymn saviour hi a shepherd lead us at th close ol th worship servtae the president extended a wvloom to the new member and ejrpreeeed the hop of th executive that our local society would do its full share tn mak ing i334 the beat year yet in young peoples work a short busi ness period followed after which the following programme wo announced vocal duet ruth and jim evans rrading ilasel prase r short playthe alphabet tragedy sing bong led by itr rumley oamea led by clarence kennedy and jim evan after th game lunch was served and a very enjoyable social hour spent hilda erwtn ruth evan and evelyn btockford were in charge ol the lunch arrangement the tneetlngr rinsed with the singing ol ooodtught ladle and the beiiodlctlan next uonday evening oct 3nd the programme will be under th direc tion ol th otttoenktup committee rev ur eyre ol aahgrove will ad dress the meeting ilia subject will be how public opinion t created and when we should stand against public ofuruon bigger and better bargains mens furnishings mens jumbo knit coot sweaters sand brown heather at 0240 mens fancy allwool pullovers ls6 mens sox mens allwool socks pr for 2s mens allwool socks heavy 3se pr boys allwool golf sox 38e mens pyjamas 3 to 23 boys pyjamas heavy flannelette 100 combinations mens fall weight merino corolxnatiotis site 40 42- 66c turnbulls heavy combinations all size 14s0 mens merino shirts double back and front turo- bulls js0 overalls mens denim bj overalls 118 mens pant overalls 110 mens heavy blue shirts 68e mens police braces sse mens ruyorl attd silk tu isc simplicity patterns i be mcbean co phone 64 georgrttown saawsawj sfcsaswasssswstessjawaasssasas church news twst far tu w por we shall all stand before th judeuwnt tat of otirisa bo timti every on ol us shall glv qonoupt of himsfu to odd horn h 10 u hi oaerfva cftsvsjs rev woo thofnpwsn luctor sialaenth bundoy ajar triouy holy communion tl bundoy uohool 10 esa holy com- mnrdon ii am ewnaong t pm rev n boyd will b th preacher at evensong bi aije cfcvtli oja wiaaswj liixiaanth bundoy after trinity sunday school 3 pm- cvsrvwin i pa conflrmatian ciasa on wednea- day evening at t pm hukaluei arsy nundoy oct 1st 11 svm ceewsona comer 1 pm acton 1 pjn town hail tlks st oaihartne bond will be taking charge ol thi aerrlo and at 41ft pjn will render aacred ooncert at poala cmaecfs karval ilsrvest ilom service will be held on sunday oct 1st 11 am llory communion tj0 evenina prayer th rector wtu have charge ol th morn ing urvto the preacher at the evaning sxrrto will be rv w o o thompwjn ol oeorvetown 84 jukfta fttmortiaew there will b no service on sunday next owing to th uorveat trsonkaglv- lag scrvloa at be pauls korvoi lftkej cavji rev r w rumley minister 10 am sunday school and iubl cuaih 11 svm llorning worship oondueted by rev o l btsphansoo ila umttwm united church t pm evening sr- vio ontario crusade of m6rdhtp and peuowshlp bubjeet th ab soluteness ol jesus principle uusle by th chair ux harmon laird choir leader all or walooea kjtx ffeikylulin ctusftat bundoy oct 1st at 10 am bun- day bchool and fithl rlitwfi at 11 tu momlrur aarvtc th sacrament ol th lord a supper will be csboaffved at t pjn evening worship on pvt- day bept 3ath at a pio pi-om- munlon service will be held all ear- vice will be eorkduoted by the pastor rev dr a l howard cftisb and nirtil rvssfcyteriasi carckes the bseroment ol the lord fluppsr wtu be observed in union presbyterian church on sunday oct 1st at it ftja ond at norvol presbytertsn church the same day at s pjn preparatory service will be held in union and norvol ohurche cm thursday and prtdoy eventngo the 38th and 30th lnt respectt very rustlt cbbbstb rev a n prllh pastor ura r paul organist sunday echoed 10 tun the first ol a series on the life of bt paul public worship and preach ing service 11 am and t pm the communion of th lords supper at the evening service the young peoples union reopns on uonday oct 3nd pjn the communion plan will be used bub- iect ood talks with a servant uald llagar loader ur albert korth rev o r duncan ua bd educational secretary of ucuaster university will be anniversary preach er in the baptist church in novem ber new mval1sements all awiou alimhsiiiiay woew lab ktesog 44ruirjr cjj wtifc ajjjet ballinafad ur and urs llogarth and family of pcrgu were visiting relatives her an sunday uloa iterdrnan of toronto is tho guait of un p ulnnle tho many friends of ura duncan rvrgufioa are very pleased to leant that she ii making a very satisfactory recovery since her operation at the oeneral hospital ouelpb tho rally day service in the unit ed church proved a very intcreaing one the children taking their part in a most efficient way tlie ugwsu ed stories being given by marguerite kentner oeorglna paster and alma uoenery ulss hordman brought a brief massage to the children which was followed by an address by rev ur altken the funeral of the late mis uo- dure took place from the family residence on tuesday afternoon to olen williams cemetery the sym pathy of the wlvole community goes out to the family in their bereave ment rev and mrs o altken attended the funeral of their cousin the late ura a k dulane at peiineraoon on uonday last owing to the anniveraary services at tho whit churoh on bundoy there will be uo service tn the united church llaaaekmber wanted housekeeper wonted at once apply to it w kunmerman comer factory and edith st ooorgetown it work wanted young girl wishes poaltlon as mother a helper pond of ohiktren apply box jl herald office up ye hani house to rent corner of church and charles bt apply to ura a adam or ur j w kennedy 3tp work wanted oordwood cut into stove wood by the cord at reasonable price roy ulsepherd georgetown tf house far bale seven room house at paper uul wotier and eleotrlo light small or chard and about 3 acre of land apply to ura a collins br box 4m oorgeiowri sip t kent two 6 roomed house on ohurch st water inside immediate poaeae- alon apply j w kennedy phone 183 georgetown it pamlutre fr bale b piece tunintf room suite oak 1 braea bed complete gtiaronteed ctoan l liall rack to be eold cheap apply htone 374 after ant oclock st wood fob 8ajle potty norcsj four foot dry mania lapply to rsoot ooh rmllmafsv mgi wefe told i on ol pulw uany thanks for four locjutriss ssw us for real chick nest spring tb wtidwood poultry parm ooeatcwn ofitarta ltp dtolna rooa suit i bubmu cd- board jeslwh oaju and lulwafotsi olhsr articlu apply jo wti ooiuce view or sua 1w o0teuwit vw male s et4 t rootnad house osow trt lotrio lisiit hard and toft nu tn- slde wul dasoorou to suit tnoovt or allow on iwot for ootn ii ranted 44 one rssjaritsitiw rwnt to ronoble tan ant write un e oatracifar oranse- vul oct it ke nim tinftfa ebscoma ood taatiig t diet oto fem4 ontila owlanso waa elamiwd 6b abort beclee akwj vbjat- and atfttbat ek ckvje- a k colmam caofldtal tatdcxzwo uavscat oefsafal troeade u oil tiaoae usl gtrteji ninl rriitj to robat hiohs us wood for sale cota ilimoca hurt ood uapu t um per eord utd weed per cord hon tu per eod jl ftmm aw aw tu b bailey electric wiring and repairs pboo 232 gwirgsloswi cu tmi9 cousom free 50 u i e i to vlctlau ef indigestions umkm wiswy nnq uh nisiiih i i umliwisti ubuw w uaf ef i ttsi s uiwirvki itub l ik l4nilih ulihtl t i btoualtto sv f amelmi tsa- ebu lia hsv i him au tp us i i tkt aatity a wmutj al ku 4fijsv tie to m i ttoualka i s nuilslsa i su e mfu t cuilin ay t iutu ei u w i hill usm tht mkh iilill ul wj iustahtlv tse u i ttjlls- ur inairsi svev sl ihwwt bl tuii tou kutl vms lis iiltsa 444 imafcsto i iw mufij wus smelciarw stoyalka to0av fr lr 1u i i si it ut uee ty mif sbmosvwow i tat a4 tumh as mt kunkuns jihantna 4rmei i oftly t ton cuuotiur l bhimo thlt couoa4 j l w atobb demcgia auction sale dairy cowh uoob and 91hzp the undefatgned ho reoeived to- structiano from ur jelua a ubm see to sell by public auction at lot 14 8th line esqihwine township 1 mile south ol oenroetown om wednebday october alja u1s at 130 oclook the following hoiuieh draft horse 10 yro old wagon mare fl yro old 1ioos yorkshlro sow with uiter of i five weeks old yorkshire sow wtth litter of 10 two weeks old yctloohtra bow wtth litter of is two weeks old cattlk itolstoln cow fresh tn full flow holstein cow fresh in full flow holstein cow in full now due dec 4th llalstelh cow in full flow due in jan jersey cow in full now due nov 11 holstein cow 4n full now due jon 30 holstein cow tn full flow due tn uoroh holstein cow in full flow due in peb xtolstein cow in full sow due dec 10 hoi- stein cow due oct 35th jersey cow due in january ilojetaln cow fresh calf at foot llolstejn heifer lyeoh calf at foot ilaatfeln cow due oct llh port jersey cow due nov 10 holstein heifer due nov is 8 hoi stein heifers 3 yre old jersey heifer due on deo 1st 4 iscusteln heifers 1 year old 3 itoktetn heifers 0 nuns old rtf ilolateln bull 3 ym aid those oattie have all been roseed on the form and have paseed the toe t10 teat 6iieep 10 good braedlnff ewag 1 ram luudbr 3000 ft of good pins lumber in various lengths terms cash or term may he arranged with rehable parties ivieitivrfy no reoerve aa the proprie tor la reducing hie stock on account of ilmeo tn the rkmlly w a wtlbon vftetj mckipwey clerk v

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