Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 30, 1933, p. 2

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paaj2 c tim geortjetavn herald wed neajay evening auguat 3qlli 1933 f isfloes lor fall always unexcelled in value quality and service silvers in vite you to inspect their greatest array of fall and winter foot wear yet presented shoes that lead in the fash ion parade for fall and winter the styles you like at the guar anteed silver low prices lei lis supply your childrens school outfits ix aumoauam oootos in lovta tawaory of my llwm daughter wufelmin cook who dlad august rd 125 in ttttxury daily uatmghl in hit a- felwnt ujntm uuiimr h silver wtrin your tfeiuy gm ftw phone s7s georgctown obltuaky um ctottok cuchknck tfa f muni of the uu ux- grtse clrauw who died fas baku oh thunday aug nth in hr lath jr a held tutufday aiumooo from htr uu imfakom hv wu1uu bj nr pastor of hjmnr baptist church o tit conducud the wvu alud by mr hale of the baku bantu and rev iv llmard of oorvion the pubahr all reutivev laro rargnt k borland ii cni tor of tttaate tlkksi cnni tod ajtfaur 0nmij ol lumhicrt tod john d jcwjawaw of bmtuta in irfbufhu ttifida ul iu- jlidl cajaaia- ury oakvllle uuwd wa fortiw ly soliatwlh lulrd end ft slar of ur a il balrd isanuruon uum kfflftu and f w tod uw ute luvlna kuud of oaorgailown the funeral of uu uu luvtru bald lor pl on aug 14th from rie uu ncuw oti wnlryan stiwi when uu airvtce ae cooducuj b uv or howard fcmwd by k- ho- cmerun of btwauvli the pall ure v win cook al hume w ucnauy a iltrrttoa v kermmf and j h weill ttw wie manr beautiful floea uiiuiua from ibe huircft huuwi rat frvuda purk food store 16o2l rnrobakidpwtkr 17c i lb tin ctimo 23 16 oi tin harry homee double cream cuaurd powder 2e large bottle cold medal raapberry or slrawberry jam 39c kippered snacks per tin 8c comb honey well filled 28e new clover honey no ivi im me no 5 tin 49e pure lard in i lb cartont 9c 3 pk quaker com flawee 28e 4 cakee jumbo carbolic soap 2sc 4 cakea palmolive soap 2se cuauc cleaneer double action per tin be lemona per doi 29e orangea per doz 28c and 39c choice fresh frail aue veouwes a e farnell phone 78 we deliver tom blakelock3 picnic rfvur lh aumtou 61 u llilloo oounly lunml lad prail una jsossso wui u tuld u trawtfu- culcvul oo saturday september 9th 1033 mjttbtu f hepburn hon h nbuw hon duncan manball a uoaiur oroertai ol hi bm immm uuludln wniutat s is3su seuadld prum u1 b 1vn and a m itunuoal tout u auuim t all briiirhrliuliulhmlwmlhujaliixabihiuiirirfo pimu aewpt uiu u an lartlauoo ewryonj u wlcom bdmu hihmi u t kjm maaaua u l d a specials for thursday friday and saturday im o ldjl aj u luafftum atvutu bmk itfwjw soo am piiu 83 ldji uuk uacnmu lb pinkhama oosipound 100 oascata tahuu bdhf powdr 1 far is is os ixtji nilillad oil buedmana pow6r lavndr bhavtng cream lis onaa com salva lie cpum balu vavomi tooth pau m 1 lb iiocpital ootutn ba etfa vm kw iuaiy al ffaal kodak film far tit fcaiuay far rfetatfaitt aaly kaaak puaa and brtai tkaw ta v0 danns drug store phone 327 tim lda stow georgetown payment 011933 taxes flrtt paymenl tasea aw due and payable at ike waterworks building wednesday thursday and friday september 6th 7th and 8th dttdar th iak bylaw u hu been nvued to be jetal under taria nxlbysiw tatuw b par cent u added to ail uxm unpaid at ulirooi w tauijata o lopw cent cmiunded twtoe yeaily which to tin chars aaaltit the property auy emu or omlatlott in ta bui doea not wueve the taxpayw from payment or nil tax w g marshall collector coum avaowh litfcitflx an caftiud and fmtud iwdni of bttmjinuwn yor eeany mj in thr lro of coital o uiuiwd prd aay at hli hckda tn london on wdnmdy am jjrtt drimwt bora in huvaiuovn in law and aductud at til public tcftool 1u foilord ua futu in th oooprai im at btrwajltowti hw ut aadav root and appb biwiii 1u aw condurud a teuaral cum tn th vli as for many ytr about yar ago h fliiprwil of hu bualnau and iaovd to weau lorn whw ha n gatfad in farming for a tv yw uur qwwtag to london whrr ha hat atnoa raldd of lau yaaia ha had not ojoynd tha bu of haajth u- aldsd hia wti sho aa formawty taor toe jchnaton ha u aurvtvrd by uuw aona and oca dauxhtar ootdon llo aid rvwd and olara all of london anouatr dauahlar abbla dks aoma caaxa ago tua funaraj took dum on wlday to oiwiiwood 04bury oaorsmxovn and vaa altndd by sany rwuuwai and old frlfanda in thu comuunuy tha arvlot ms conduct ad by hw lfr ttoaapon of the unltad churth lorwovn umehouse ura uily and daugnua- jliwn who hava tiiatin vuitlng wuii lira lanofato- ttn ratumd noma uat and us lufk oiwn u axhlbiung thraa hofw at u canadian national e hlbiuua uiu yaaj w bopa ha brtngj bom soma good puaa with him lb vobuo annctatlon of tha prvfcbytarun oiurch held a vary aue oeaaful aocu cvaolng at tha hona of ura john kawton on thursday avn lug aug 11th a good muxirai pro ran waa much anjoyad by ail and uat but not laaat bountiful lunch aarvad by tna to dins tha heavy uuindattuirra which coppao o0 xhe vaoing did not grtatly dampru tno plaaaura of tha awning u avary cw iwjoloed in tha rain vhich waa groo ty naadad rav a ftrrphanaon and family re turned home laat wa from their trip through waetera ooiaxao and ara now snandlng a law day with friend tn roronto and vtcinhy in tna ahaartoe of li eurjltnuai uat sunday ur jotuwxi eupanncn dant of tne sunday bchool took chajp of tha atrrtoa in the uoiiad church uis o oil vuuad har bratfur tn toronto ua waak and attradad the irouseau trti of har nt ulaa uat garuita iwana ura alf and daughter ellaan raturned to toronto on sunday vening alur anending a couple of waaka wlu her mother ura jaa uc dowll the quia lookout club heid thatr morahly meeting on rvlday evening uat at the home of iflrmi ohw and jaan otvaa ulaa wuu prtoe gav a maw inurwung hutory of tha ufa of truth and uu ollm olven an tn atructiv uik on llov to eat a tahta puna ware made for holding a concert during tha uat weak in september the woman a znatltuu held an antique tea on saturday afternoon at tha home of ura wm oowdy uany ol the lodtee draaaed tn old t aa htoned ooatumea and brought antique artlclae tor dlaplay there war arti cle exhibited which ware anywhere from aeventy to one hundred yaexj old ura uenhau exhibited her flrat pair or ehoee and wore theae to tha tea an enjoyable by membere appelby rejr an inuraatmg anov ura johnaon and uue suther land a vtrr amuitng iktt taking fhotographa a very pleasant after noon waa finlahed os by lunch which whiw no ahogather antiquv waa vary callafylng ur and ura oao ululere of toledo are vldtlng ratativea and frlenda here thi wk ur j bwtndfehurit of ballfamfad vulted his couiln ura uarahall dur the put week r and urt bmathurst attended the wedding of their nleae ulu j bmathurst in acton on saturday uln deatla smethurst of stewart town visited her paivnu during the paat week uuter stanley troman of ouelph u apendlng a weak or two with his aunt ura arthur ittu iveaenutiort mejjala lolonw rifle bajdj bv uat c r thuu rrtuuudsarr amah uu at mutuctamtf ajiwk-ta- yiom of cawaa tlur waa a uve gmtikarrtnc at the wrk laat wnlng wwd the lorae hlhv lucullih band pw an u4- kai tdualcal pfotfrau and w tv artiud with the medau won hi uw couprutlon at wtucloo uuilcal fw uvaj la july mrutiweii omar dtg glna rwcwtvtng tha goid bdal ha wop m ccmneullbo at the um tuna ur c v tntala uf watarbso prsl dm ol aauuur uuslctana aooa- uon of canada alto frwtddrnt of lh uand coout conttalue of the can dlan hiumul fcamutaon waa the gura of the awning 1u sa tnuo- duted by ur k- wodia uualcaj crulc of the toronto khamilaa tie gnu and an 0ribd auwm 1 dnt of cur um ur thw ut t uu the tudal save a vry poluud sa that liouid be appncuurd by ch cuiictj fetfunrally lie spoke twaid tng the tfort and with ml ma n-c- ujy to carry on an ofganjjialton tha in lhi yvare had la to four con ulu and eiways in tha uonry lb woodernd if our cuawca apnruud ihvlr effort and hours of hrd ubor niffamry to arffceiluh such h roud ite hud ntntcted to hmid a harwljarkl in cwirgihovn and iu it vaj not tilt to oak such an aacetknl muauaj irganiutkin to pey mi a putlorm men u that in thaf park ait ttfy tun worui ur uuffu you io not tj utat y etajuuxtma today aji i lgu typ9 of tuwa and mxnbera of by j uuid bkoma bratue tw con uu uuptrv bandi and proaou b4 mt njukclaay whle the infiitsme ol uiaiic on pwoa u n imjhu t oud bke to tm tha uta coow lwn rry child touid haa a thor txjgn cxxirv to vsimr oorswown tii an exedknt band thai can be ipially improved by twtier tjpoot lr your bandunen know you eoprvcl air thtm said tha intakfr olw them cw support thry haw camd their pine and vrvc it they drw doubla credit for their achievement having thus far financed uiemalve wltlkout a grant wluat oouncuown tak your tupport next war think of your uand the following members who took part tn tha cotuptuion at waueloo were then proud wtta uautuul tllvcr medau oandmaiur a il perrott llandamn albert simeon lunrtaaian chaa wuuon il lma slmann ilandiman kanntth wton uandman joaeoh carter ilaruitmap iteubaa kftft lurntimui wufrad oh lie nd art an m- ii ttvomnaon uandaman cyni brandford iiauwwruin hoy king luinrtatrian lloy urajley itanrtibun itoy korton lundemon lurvcy king ltjrhitw ix hjddad lundeman thoa eaaon uandaman omar dlggtna bgt a o lurbart- funrtaman john tihepherd lundimap e h uagloughlan lundmaan itarry lule uandiman lurold whaaler lumuman walur dggin- liinihm waldo dlgguu lundaman edward uanlngall dandoman o blaputon the program rendered waa aa f ol iowa the uapu lrvj dand uarchriainuub band trombone solo tha trumpeter omtr dtggina fhrrturi rhsmnlm tlirvrt oomet solo schubert serenad job wuoox teat plant cjix hand o canada band i m uarch cove satv lh king ur j young acoompanitd the aolo- lata on tha plana at the conclusion of the programme ur thlcle and ur and ura wod- aon were entertained to luncheon gt the golden oau cafe by the oom- county counol at tha uu umlng of county council tha flnanc coouol4 in their rvport tvfoanmandaid ttut uw foucravitw t be adoplad for vw purvoa of wrvybxg a rati foe- ue our- mt financial yr admlnutraaon of jluiuw 7660 oc uuotluikfoua oranu fcgooo uunlc pal uownumu 30000 ihibuc bchoou 605 oo heletry omoe iuow wintiaa arte tiooo llutnltal acounta 4ikj0 6u drbiuurre tyj tjjuaqo inirrt iboooa huh ucluuu iva ulllw county uuildlna 1100 00 uuuranor taia thvuum oouru 0 00 ljlarfarlljtnackil auuufau lliljj hou j wdr froou ooedon llauu ituibu uouuh aiioan uiuou owl aj isjiiin 6600 00 irovlncul itlifcavb ous30d whla drive soul field dy the bona of st oaorgai uai club of st oaorgat anglican church held a vhlst diiv on friday to raise fundi to give tha sunday school children a free field day winners la the whlit drive were ura a comber ura w iteap ura a itennw v uorrlaon r llawea and j davldvon the field day waa held in the park on saturday and the winner la tha ranee wart aa ouowa ulaa adam a clan boy ilulle col lier jlmmle parmer guu deity paul if fihapherd rubin eajona daiboya o perry t comber il ucnanvb elata boys d sat- gent o wgiter j thoiatwons cuaa o jamaa d bandenub ulat waston a elm jennie parmer dmtlnge claaa u jamea a tha six amount to be rall by a levy of ej uuu on the eaiualld j t a by uw wtu uun u levy and cotwt rauai aa fellow from the tnuiilciiiaillfaas lluruntami lma garujn 1 1 tm ta ulkon llwja oakvlhv 3m4au kvqikfllw yitnv huogsweya ia4uau kfwr ejkajm truiawar 14j0i is tmsu 31 the leslie reunion tr iliverslde paik ouetph eat the location of anouier of liir tiappy satciruarrs of tu lwja clan on tiiturday august 4h thry came from many part of the pro vine vldely separated a toronto hamilton brampton ingervoll acton ouelph oeorgttoen nonal and b uary tke reointlon rommllta met a1 guwu aa i hey arrived and enrol lw their name one hundred and seven ty five wrr pirwm alur an es ofueni picnic d nncr and a social hour of getting ooquatn rd the after noon iporu were participated tn which winners r aa follows children s rane joan leiu and crace alexander uos under 10 kseoj 11 le lloy urarthur leslie pool dirts under 10 fcthel ujle jean lulte etelyn uuu hove unavr 10 hugh ixslir and herb dolton ouu under is alacna olbton k ucarthur lloya under is el wood johnson ben utile ooidon leule otrls ver 16 e jo luon aurna olblon lelyn wrrtn womins race ua e jeasop ur c allan ura p dick throwing slipper ura oeo leslie uanraret ucoonald ladlee tying mens four in hand race ur and ura roy johnson young men race leeile jeuup uoyd leaue prank jeaup uarried mens race 4loa allan charlea allan prank lealle pu plate raoe ur and ura alea andrr ura dick and ur lealle ur and ura utile threading needle ur and ur leonard leaue baatball between the hu been and pick una waa won by the ibu baena at the dose of the sporta ur thoa laull of ingersoll called the paopi to attention and elected omorra for the neat year aa follows pretldant joel lealle of acton vice prealdent thoa lrjle of in ganoll secretary treasurer t l leslie of georgetown it waa decided to meet two year hence at such puoe aa the oroccr shall choose then a few speechee wenr made by rev w ucalplne robert leslie norval rev charlea leslie of elgin county joel lealle and charteri buwart of lumllloa the oldest gentltman on the ground waa ur robert leaue of narva and tha oldaat couple was ur and ura joel lrtue of acton thanks were expressed to tha e eouttrr for the happy srrangement of the day baseball a new baseball league hae been formed to finish off the eeaeon with teams from georgetown acton fer gus and hlusburg the fans wul still have a chance to see aome food games before the enow cornea u all these team play good ball and there will be a allver cup for the winner the local team will play two gamea at home ihla wock one tomorrow night thursday with acton and the other on saturday afternoon with fergus acton and oeorgotown al ways put up a good game ao dont mtu it to morrow night the gamo urts al sift pm sharp following u the oomnleu schedule aug afrprbua at hulaburg aug 2oeorctown at anton aug so luliabuni at fergus aug 31 acton at oeorgetowh sept 3 fergua at georgetown 3 huliburs at aoton kh oeorgetown at iilus- ulss coulters rlsn f lebaa p uu brandfords cuta j sander son x sanderson urt davu clan d ucnally liu thomson a otaai d sargent h walker ur j carter claaa b walker ur ucnally cuua d riddall il hoara bible clau urt dltciuvld kelue uaynartl teachnra rare u deerlng n uay- nard relay race joe hall jr it eaton 11 ucnally ii hurley uens clib raoe ii watklna o baraent the men s club lupplled the child ren with loo cream and ohooouu bare rpiccory iieat8e bept sattt burg sept sept sept 6 aetom tt fergus 18 lullsburg at ororgeiown 18 fertile at acton bepl 3ooortfetown at fergua bept 55 acton u hulburfr i oihis hkat hurtbku bay the blakra aeorgetown olrli boftball tem played ae soda team at lumber bay on monday evening and defeated their opponenta by t 0 the guu have a good word thle acasott havlftf only lost one tame friday bepcmber lit 8auors luck the roniuic of a happy-go- lucky gob and o girl who u down on lier luck but up ton her wuwcracklng with bally euets and jamaa dunn comedy hitch hiker cartoon mud doctor fou newa baturday beptimutr 3 mattnee at 3 the nutumoel a mad merry ro- mauce of a ahyster and a girl detec tive tarring midge evan and lee tracy novelty motorcycle mania melody waiter rhe name la faml lar monday sepk i labor day epeclal matinee j at 3 standard time double ftuw i bill too busy to workt comtylyl drama with wul rotfen ooldvn weat zone ory story wlui oeoffke oorlen tuesday and wednaiday rapt 6th and th adorable mualcal wlth janet oaynor aaucy pert irreelstlble and a now leading man henry aarat comedy ac aviw novelty putfu and uuatlam dlnnorware coming aod oompanloni leal eaekujt i undewtjnd youve got your dl- voroe uandy did you art any ali mony from 1 your huabandt no ura jcmee but he done give me a finbcuus wfewnw church news betfatswe text far tue week all scripture u given by inspira tion of ood and u profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in rtghteouxnraa that the man of ood may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good worka 3 tim 3 10 it standard time day night bl oaargea cfcarelt rev w o o thompson rector twelfth sunday er ter trinity holy oommunibn i am sunday bchool 10 ajn holy com munloo 11 ajn evensong 7 pin oo back on batur- bl alkajfa cttareh glee william twelfth sunday after trinity 6un- day bchool 3 pm evensong i pjn bervlcea on standard time baptui cbonh regular aervlces will be resumed on sunday sunday school 10 am pub lic worship 11 am and 7 pm tn charge of pastor a n frith obatuary bsc v kaccllolou retarding the dath of dr thomas ucculloujii of ciiatvworui brouier of urt w a wluon uotl lown uu 0ru bound bun tlaiae iia the lol lowing v thouaa uccullougl cliau wortiis nverd and popular pliywcian for toil y years luu pivud uway mm death came on monday fouowmg on uliuu eioeidlng owr a period oi yiria during which time 1 had 1j able to be up and about from tme to tune lb lau and fatal liiiwi vu of abuui wo worlu duration tlu ue of uocullougu iad prax tlctd liu vmuiaa tn chauwortii irom ute time of lua graduation and he bo known uuuukjuxjt the ur tmujli 3 count y in the hlgruxt c uum ai u tt44un a trudid and u kanua nun lit paiaiuw tenia not utwiiaftud will br sinujly ijietud ui i- tluiaiutjiy lie u ut hu 1u vr ix lat4 ut uccujoush bin uwv in llajon t aunty luar cuorlowu on bfptiqbir iotii ifci ion or u uu lloaii and uly a urcullougit lt ncaiv lu rurty nluraikm at bftioal uttkl so lfl tli luie towtuiifp of lwquriuitf and at ilrampton high hciwoi iu taugl i uiujoi iuaj liuru tor a roupte u yr and enitrtd trmiiy colfr tuicuiut and gnulu at4i with the daiiirf of 1j cu lu 1uj he loot patgt44aitr woik fit uj- lloal cujk of pmyiclam ut lllnbuiu ucotuiu itltovi ur practujd 1qi tutor month at datluo tuvj uvrn moval to ctiaiark wlteie lie wo in active practlcw f cr aliao 1 forty years in iwj tu tonltauted influx uta and from uut tune until hi daih ive liad not lwn rnulj uod tvalth and had prattle- wry hule jvw that tima he oa manwd u biunbr lbjr9 to uu uartlta a btw- djuahur of the late wulum llnae of cimusgtli ttwrr aere to chll dreti born t hugh ii uocuuough publuhrr of the wo burn itrvlrw weytkim baik and vera who died in tnlanry la i w0 llr u survivfd by hie wife and ton thrrtr grandchildren ilelh jean and jacqueline of wry burn uiu thf siitera ur it utanrt and ur w a wluon oeorgetaan and liu l a uccul lough ototn bound and one brother allan ucculiough of taroma waah rvcrasal a a preuryurtan tn rriuioi but went to the unlied church hen the union was etfected in 13 and as a uheral in politic he ma a public spirited and highly rttrcmed cttlien and was tntenieiy in ureted in the welfare of tho people of chsttworth and aurrounding com m unit u iu urwd the village a it iteeve for one ar and was uedlcal ooorr of health for the vll lag and uie township of sullivan until he gat up the practice of lu t rofetalon in fraternal clrctsa he waa a mem brr by amllallon of north star lodge no 133 af and am but hi mother lodge is roman eagle no 6 cdln burgh scotland one of the olee if atonic lodgea in existent prlend and former pauenu from all owr the surrounding dutrlct a aril ai many friend and relallvrt from a distance gathered here on thursday afternoon to pay a last tn but to dr thomas ucculuh ho paiieo a ay on monday a servloe wa held at hia ute real dencc et 3 jo pm and afterword lhe corua left for oroenwood ormrrry owen bound the remain being laid to rest in the mausoleum there there were a great number of reutivra and frlrnd present at the hou and many cars followed the remains to oio bound at the cemetery me frvnd acre found waiting to pay their last tribute to the dwrasrd a urge n tmber of floral tributes wf re a silent tcatlmony to the high esteem tn which deceased has been held hundred of old frlenda paid thrlr rrspecu during the days tne body was ijlna at his liomc the honorary pallbearer were old fiieruls of the dceaed ueasra if w horton jaa uinorgan o w coulna a o chtsholm w j uc- nsbb and a ucoullvray the pall bearers were matara btep- hen john and william orwroe of chaieworth wm brecae and wm norton of owm sound and ur wu dam wluon of georgetown rev croslky krug of rjhaleworth uniud church of which the uu dr mccullough was a faithful member had charge of the service iu waa aatlsud by rev john ucklnnon of chftilry a personal friend of the uu dr mccullough and a former mini ate at chatsworth rev mr mckinnon paid a high tri- buu to the uu dr uccuuoujh uy- ing stress on the work deceased had done for the community to the con duct of his professional duties and calling attention to the high eatceen in which deceased waa held by all who knew him rev ur krug in hi remark aut td the confidence of the christian should be the confidence of the paalm- 1st when he said when i am awake i am still with thee ipaalm 139 va 18 then fact the unknown with out frar and triumph beflcare the mystery of life and death it u sad to lose one who puyed hu part wall but because he lived aj ha did our 1 the greater challenge m the midst of sadnru let there be a deep sense or joy and rejoicing in the face of an unbroken spiritual fellowship in closing rev ur krug quoted tenny son s crossing the bar balralua anuy cant and ura poulton sunday sept 3rd 11 am kht orowsona corner 3 pm eijtt sunday bchool t pm salvation meet ing boys and glrlst do not forget yjl on tuesday nlghte at 7 p4n hotted chare rev r w rumley mlnleur 10 a m sunday school and bible cusece hum morning worship sermon and hymn for junior congregation t pm evening service choir at the ccr- vlooe mr narman laird chair leader ah announcement tor particular people norms barber shop kaa kwts 4aud buli ii u i rauuue ublrfa iumhu jka im atotefllvu asilbu all duum fr urthttu ladies and gents haircut 20e children c vol it wrnivici atrxu into now is the time to have your car cleaned and sinumized 1 buo repairs to all makes ol cars pricer v ty rrnftonubt washing and greasing gasoline oil and accessories squires service station jtxm3s5 guelphsl georgetown ispecial stoik htuutln sale wuu ouj mu a a yu special prtu 4 00 have your eyes examined dv o t walker dosc eyeeigkt stccutliat bramptca ka wttf u al baaaa oew itaea cijuw ute of ft saay oaasait o y walstest at ida aeaee to kamtvh alf gue are redaead to amae arc you satisfied to do without bathroom conveniences and without uptodate kitchen facilities or other modern requirements that running water in your home will irutgntly make available to you phcei have never been lower for canadian- made enieo quality bathroom equipment and duro automatic pujnplog sy items tleee al tat unhw laey aaj ci4 c tslut as uuhij wlo g kuf lwf tslut as uwalfaug ulk g thuaa ouae eewe autlm aalast tawat 8275 the duropcul rumplna sytcmtll canidlan made hivlnjcacapa rlly of 250 etiu per hour complete with jo gal calvanued tank 25 or 60 cycle 110 volt motor cotta only 9000 write or free llluitrated booklet oa ralhroom tqulpment or riumblna supplies haiy time pamcnta both on pumpa and qathroom futures may be arranged for sale by g r muckart plumbing tinsmithing electric wiring radio anil service hecla fumacea and gurney boilera empire brass mfg col1mited leadoa toronto wlaajptg vaacoawr ta do you always keep both hands on the wheel both eyes on the road remember 8733 persons were killed qr injured in ontario in 1932 because of careless drivjtng motor vehicles branch ontario department of highways a laotwm macauurv tlflalaaar

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