Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 25, 1934, p. 4

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pw4 tim georgetown herald weowday evening july 25th 1934 w just alioke luuid at mwttng with many that com mail w nod th md in greeting iv uuiy that bo by but w welconw through uw gateway our tvw old frwnd and tru tni bru wp up and strolglitway there open housa for ou old frvnd wipeopen hoot for you til wrfoo will b sparkling lat but a uffluiu thin kkit tn th vp lw darkling tii uu 1u of the win tn froth u for tlic many th win 1 for lu fw w kp th bwt you tftlirfl untouched ol any old frirndj the vary u for you tri fcainy caouut kpow oik trof only pm tti slraad whar si our worat sliow u tb wlarv- uik willi uiul but out lyyond uu taping din mr 11 cwar and uw and th old frvnd wr ktmig a sxtd calm far you o uaary it warmwu yo all oe ib typogiaplilcai errors ur oiub wry funny uid frwiumiy ittt by th figi vw ol the proof reader jut ut w udllrd witfq w rad u our umjwt clly dally an account oj wad dbaj which said the ufly sore large lnltul hid i4hrj to match ud aglika sjiy bride win orcuad of war tag urge mlilen- sojiwj hd uuadvrad and e lud iu to know lb eorrepidut lisd irnt irt lore muuaj liovver vr moi than unil ad whan itod to our own ojj a frtia yhlci bid gone u awry u m 14uwu4 to tell the okl hary rf th altardinner sprakrr who told that paiifc should be ilk soman tkjjt abort enough to br intereajuig but loo enough to cover ih subject but horror when we u it la bluk tad wtiu it fvsd tmrt tniufcd of lilrt- curtaon piraxr wltrton kcho aotkuold urwra if ptnfmthrt rm uoublo40 wtwn plhilnj ciitfllrfii or birda lkr a cloui fcjvl ocd aiillnga of corn nvl awl rub ui bird u with thu ttr ptn halbm wlu com ott rtjuy a tjoltk will luvp hoi if put oa a pik ol wuud paprr to cuus wlwt or pluih rub fcrudy with dajap tilt and thrn bruab it uilng nut bruih to rtttuw ftpou on ruga rub com tujth into nap tad lrt fauln for a cool of day wto bruihed th mm or mud pou will dliippraj- who pun fruit or rjubla put tilt la a unill cork and ot it in to th butt of your paring knlfr thu will iav your nnarrm a plnrh of ult addml to itrawtwr rth whn prfmrvlng u1 hrlp to re uln th oolor ad tpow kpt in th ca bos will bavfi halr caxtx auch u fruit pta or nut ctln frrah ind toft to dcorau carj or fruit uuda quickly ui larg aoft sum drop and with cclmon cut thrm in thin aliom th ilior will curl up liar uatra and dfuu cropjieport iklow will b found a ulf tynopcu of rtkjrtj rrlvj ei ui td ocsa of tli uank of uonuvij from it branxlwj under date of july lotb 0nrml crop or fewu- of aibr- t and ui northern aru of ftuks- uhiwan and uanlioba cootlnu to mll lavourobl prorri4 but th dry hot athr of uy pu wcli and lirabhopprrs bae cuid furtlwr drtrrlonulou 01 ilu uwjllwm sjia of luuudicun and uonuoba jlail oanuic hoa brn lptuku in limited arrai of tuilutuhron and albrrta in th province of qutofc crop oa a fc tulle prewnt a good appatajic and ttavc mponod vu to uiufftciory ucaihcr condition in ontario gn rrai raina duruij luc pau wfu have briufuud nil gram and root crop klthouui mat n u tydd in th koutlfctoni mtian of tht ro- vuk wluf pyluutkwi to dt tiai u4n ljifcil jiaij in lw uarluaa lnutfc grain utuj ruot ennw hav- uluiuood a tujl dry ail utl oiv uul in food cojulllkm but rain u iiwj4l lit uniuh coluinuu crop continu to iniur ural vcika oxlur t ualu foiii of caitjcall wvctuuu of uw itovuirt rtport that hood ur- uj crop of hay u 1ji prutpct cutl ltt la ffiirul t ut tlu lt r ru uwktu valu oiul lolu- 1u jutui diifuta hlrh bi nurrnaliy utrr lo urciljij uituji pa uic mkmiab spealu um trua ooldcn ttoct what th lord salth unto til that wul 1 apaak ulna 23 14 lkimow rajsaok 1 kin 2 1ic cuard m o lord that x may or rorak th right or do th wrona aaauut ftiiptatlon uok tor uronat and round u tpwad thy thlurln rare wuiiom t ut wut4 war 14 tli word that com down to uj from owr twnty flv hundred yar ago concrmlna th hutory of lartl la that once- thry continued lor thi ear without war batwwn ttytia and lual tte p4 wa jut an iftw- ludj uvn wait it u td that uwr hat tn fight thouioad j in th l4 thri uiouaahd ycai tbc wuld u rarely if wr whouy t from ar in mitral aouctru durlnj tioa prrnt vor uirr tu bro war ko uonrr waj th orsat war hniui d tlian tome nation bmn to pr piv for ui nt bar and th p- pjtatlona ore going on raor fvruh ly now than at any pvkwj ud inini wjl infartabd laodnu of liiur lulmol atfola glw kurop uuwr tuo hah ixoi ma at in atond uitf uroik and much mor t4ony la ottawa keep lcttcn i urw cw lu awh j lwi lw a cow lla uwiunjjp lou id ooiy mofd u tli cjuu ol u uro i uvul 1 of coftftpoadfiw ort pajru nrat ii ii iia dath ud to ihouuivia tj utur rvliny vrara ago u minitob tow wit luluj by auouu swanud b swdih unmtgrant lwiii followd td ulin swnuni iatm w- onurd uj bwiium vroir l4a rlu utur lo ottwa a w djy uur oiuwj r pltfd swanon wtoi aala otufci 4arrrd- sujuum rplml to fct li vrot rv cuy for vk imura va ur uw sttjlnion ur of uutrt tuvl r pltra vtlwd irvrril i undrd pound and wmv v yrira jtiff um cow uja tilird tfw fu ulj fil iruk lli mo huliu pul an nj to tlhr tortrs poel4c bui u tlta djv oijuj lu tiuud 4ry pn of hit una- m hy ut ou awasjf u ktow a la vxluuw in vrion o 1- u4 u tti utlaulf ipojluy or rtiry ltuv truwi o a ourn uinr dpjd curaj ocj lhr rplv ou nj tfjky t h- luu coolalo eojhmoa oi uuitt and nul loaa of rplu- ottv 1u1 rid uu y ult ft or wool wiutout iioj- iikxjui i li lii ttualy old orlou o tlouinda oj uluft witidjlltta cuoitiutmumi k cundluuil urauu contlntuu to b s male uuujaclory ufcwka ui tb upi ortjun uoamra ar work sv livrrtti sy i3 rtuinl rrrolcauy for ul uw of ra fashiif ciu aii bljlrf rllrld i mnr dpnd upon th chiutlan bootlegging bibles of outw d4j4 te bv of ikb u dbl aljbouoh iur lrvr 10 t rfli9 wty tf cotarw djjy waxud lvwua ftvy jabn dror will you draaat il la taxrcin rw ua audi 1 iikl ii wont uk al haa 1 inul w two rulnly rltd o ly id iotd u bnon dr tw knto tl4p yi rut ii m ooa ts mi in daddy dr you ill t u ruut as m nn id a jiffy tuuimy ugd fwir reltbrtomly latt lla uiilii aad tdj falli umit s u off whb yu aubtajvm uiid ktp blill dar or i ct t ho it tfcr itow wftj ait aaiu l 14 uboi uuiitu jlo bjulrta nk 1111 it wbmi xir tdurtt alt hru u od lt hill lut up yax urui co tb rllw uiw j 4 t u htp aiiu lalf a au jt puf tt wur olbw on ej mi i ultlag fc m bv boj wli d- iu na by rrlez ff uk lui etih 1 ttiiiu cd bui your fcfcirtt ur t i laro bed u4 uw put lb rvt t our hotb oa iut fvur ut 1b itvv sot tbat ur tufr you t lr tii lug urognj uk a worm- ow if jtu ibot kt aiill lutiup pun ni ut tbat itilu uiki uf wi ill lv to orvj hid iliil 14 11 dl tjrwtf i ctuluit tlo u la 1 iunl luu tu 111 ii x have unuaual jam on hand by betty banuy donx b coaunt to hv only th mora eonunod jama and llk siond away for utay u add a fw unuauol comhlnouona that hn airvd will uj out u all mtlqfu rvport dul iiatoi and ottwr root cropa ounllnuv 10 fchew kiruiig growth itiupbsmca urr pknjilul ptvuiu- of onlarw cutting ol on miuiiuujy 1147 t crop of fall ijiti ha lomautujd and uiillr atraft u bort th grout la of good umiw uprtnj tirat t lrajlum cut u and on at rag crop u indifoxtd barlry ana ou orr filling ulufocloruy and gtvr promu of a normal ywld itouj ab tfiithrr ho cauud a furthrr unpotrmrnt in com itoou art show inj good growth lion rat lag of a light hay crop u undrr ay laaur agr oluiough unprord by rrornt rainfall ttul rruirra mont mouturr orthiird tliow lmprormrnt uul vlnra uir prwrtuaig itn fruit ullng out aatlilactoruy tobacco contlnura to max aatulactory growth and topping ha commrnml in norfolk county a roruudrrtbl arra ho brrn damogrd by hail uoat of tti umgj auiui on th ataga by nqurtt arr ut tlw rwjutl of tli alngr edith why did ell brik the en gauemrnt janlcr it waj 10 unlrmlworthy hi found tw a engaged to four othrr guu and h had only told trr of to lawyar vou ty your huahand ti a flnuhcr what dora rw nnlaht wluni weu juit now hr a an uhlhg hi third trrra in prlaon wood for sale chok llardwood daacb and uau at 13 m pr cord uutad wood t par cord holla 3m par card j sftanrou i tuj oaargtwv woot for sale cholo uanla 1 lord wood and oadar rolu at rujbt prtoca orders ult u a hum a or at my horn pbooa ui promptly ttbrndad to a uvim08t0wb oawfauwa oaiarla aaawbi8iibaaahhhbbiibaab8abbaabbbbbbbbh8 s whcti your radio needs attention rhu rtaatmb- uut you h fully ij s radio scrvica engiar arallaua locally hugh lindsay minliw rdio manufactunt scniea aad oeiil radio srvke mens aueeutioa j hum ui ottoaonowh m hbilbiibabbbbbbbbbbbbababbbbbbbbbbbabbabir better heat less attention lowest cojt bluelreoar john mcdonald queen street georgetown uisiamgas ranges mat aad buratlwb own on- ujhl lotuntiyu hljlauiiiulhsutu4l v m bud ol ejmjblu eubottb umom i cab ll tmt4im l wumiliuluui j 10jtbmluitlluufctl fcrllat u hum vbar ask your local dialer this coleman hamf stove co ltd totottto i ontaauo tttiio chuich than upon tli lu tjutloru tli clirtulan tn ui hav enough tnflurnu collectively to not ar if and hm uuy unit to do 11 a ckasajcj aumw ft a colonel wno lud don touca r- cruiurg during ui war uatad brfor an budlrncr cl4npord largtly of r tumrd fculdirra that tf nor brok out again hr ould oppot cnllulns a axtiwly a h ld prrvlouilv ncour- agrd rnlutlng 1lu ulrmrhl calwd fcrlh iw protrtt it and th rrtum d mrn knrw shot war u if all th mrn hlltcd tn th lau ar wr lo march down th atrvat toty abrtaiu it would lak about four month for ihrm all to pax without halting onor that 1 th mult in lota of llwa lo nodru warfar juit bifor hi doih the commandvr of th ca corp wrou on ol th ctrongtat ap- prola for procv rcr writun air ar thur currl knrw wnat war did to ran in th trench and auo what it ha don for loldlrri tinea th war a qurationalr int out to on hundivd thouaand mlnuura ahowd a moikad awing in tntlmtit agalnat war it may b that in fulur th church will rfuu to bkat war a book auch u cry ilatoo ahoa that th profu mom animate th munition mokarf and tn futur man wul demand to know all th fact about th cauw of a aar brfor thry wul flock to th colon lo add million to tha prlvat fortunei of munition makara thl la no alackrnlng of palrlotum recognition that patrtotlam ahown by working for peace cten bat i ter than by dying in war too many propl have brn prompted lo rarnrat thinking by vulta to th thrln of thr uriknown toldlrrt in different land to b atamivdad hurrudly into ivnothrr war aa t ptwflial to apeak the truth u on of tr greouu teat of courage it 1 to ravy lo omit cumtlal fact or to hade an emphatu yet th man whoa name aland out in history ore that who hv been frariru and unoompromulng in a deputation be fore a provincial cablret in canada a mlnhler apoke plain facu frarleaaly ivople aald tfat h vol rude and dla oourteoua and injudlclou but yeara afterward the premier who wo at tacked aald that thl wry man at the only member of th deputation who blncertty h reapecled any man with truth on hi aide haa on armor plat ed ahlcld thtn may be temporary opposition but in the long run truth and the man who stand for truth will win reaped ulralah waa un popular with jchoaophat because uila frarlra prophet interfered with the smooth workings of court intrigue but in th uau of the dayi ulcaloh waa right and jhoaophat waa wrong over and owf it ha occurred in canadian life that a man who ha been ridiculed and oppoud haa after quarter of a cantury commanded almost unltertal rotptct and affaotion cbareb aaj but 1111 llow may the ohnatlan church best influence th aut for goodt as- aurrdly not by th church going into politics as an orguilxatlon but rather by enunciating principle and winning support for ih principle by re buking actual cast of wrongdoing by lending to parliament christian men who wilt take thru religion into pub lic lift- by uptoldlng th man who f llcw high standards and by loner- lug a iplrltual life that will purify the nation th electors have a re- rpcmlblltty as aell aa those who aro elected the church u a factor in uod government as aell a a party cr a cabinet instead of taytna thai politics are politics christian men and women may act upon the four th at politic may be kept clean and may send their beit men to parlia ment to follow out thl faith to be lieve trat politic must necessarily bo corrupt that the animating motive haa to be patonig and that th public must be cajoled u ahr atheus there la no nd why itandarxu in politic may not be juit as high a in education or scientific rasearch or in religious work itself it is mon skying that any nation racalv the government it deserves llifh minded cttuens in urn will select high minded men to govern them if thy will but overcom the enielow divorce betmeen religion and politic th inner vale 13 ii ulcaloh heard two vote one from ulthout and otic from within lie obeyod the vole from within the voice from without wot that of the king a mraunger a roan who knew the world who would not be fuuy nbout scruple man who had found that in dealing with those tn power honey 4 as better than vinegar thl messenger was a man who knaw the world and tniated to the play of selfish motives but his aords of world ly prudence made on appeal of mlcalah instead ulcolah listened to what ooda eptrlt told him to do there was no atruggle about it miction waa in the habit of hearing and obeying ooda spirit md was in wardly armed long befor thl actual temptation cam to him allcalah did not feel that ha himself wa speak ing at all it waa ooda bplrlt spew ing through rim if first of all wo tay to ood apeak lord or thy aorvont heareth the words we speak to men will not be rush insincere or cowardly the pretence of ood wtli make ua speak truth and lie not qaefcuna fw tsewlm 1 what have wars dona for canadian nationality 3 ghould pacifists be paoive or ag- greajlvef 3 llow many honest minded people get their menage hoard todoyt 4 what la the attitude ot your churcn towards politic 6 how may we develop honesty and courage in apeecht lies burled here one william bold departed from this life because ha- went out in the cold attired- like lii wife marriage u a lottery with very few prutea of course it u the beat man never get the bride rl eevival of ojuhmx lij i in th j monirl cli m l wji walo crufuln of u auji j la force to lb vu nj if row qnutil ikiiury tj h uuuua uuiwuiy iaocury i vaaoylu oiiluunirv la counjlno la sovul ruua u uj pirtmrullua lua utilally tfrod iil ijiik tbr ufal u rrvtval of nojiro tiaua la cow i i 13 rluf uuug tle puor mutants ol th rti lie wr luiv 10 buuiug th uible into the uuntrv bul w a tucceedina- ctj mda quoud oluj tgua issued by du offlmltur lor lcivnn ihjt while in 1917 liar tir iu0 0u vaa- oilual olritiuaa the riuiclvr tud ooo to exoooxco by iw oo th tionamu tlje it lornue dupuln taul the reowdy lav duuua cotnrruuon uy la ih hsod of other qovframeata lit whole remedy is to out ova kind kt aald so lono a w buy uusslaa prodoctsl so long lll rlluij de- uberauly try to uput oarkita tb capiulut nattoa a ikenuelwa provld- too russia tth the ueapon it uul oalnsl them if they ever stopped buy ina frora russlfcllhln sis mnnil lb who lytum woolj ia 10 pie pioattr auto fluaafaxfarcr wum a ntf waa puw i caue caeaaurxul fuld alroasder wlnton sr nlonaer auto bjobll enanufacturr ho dud at orve- land ohio recently known aa th trtt moo who ever aunuiactured aa autoeoobue to ul commercially it be- aaa the euoufscturr ol rooior iai la tow after rstabluhlnd th wlntoa liurycu coapany to 1bq0 long btfoer tb xu rvtt deaaud lb part automobtlea weir to play la modern life win ion uas bulldlna can in a blue cleveland factory and hu fbii uutofbobut waa running on th streets ol that city as early ifto by 1001 when the inlant industry was hl oenerally confined to one lunoers and rwoluiigtrs accord ng to the nuav ber of cylinders mr v into had built aa eljtitylindr racing r the pioneer waa xicn in gfanoeroouth otund and ent t clevrlind in iftu a aupertntendenl ol the i hoe mi iron woeka ahogtkw wroar idea abaut cv waelai ibr eaaub it jma i4f 1 eb a ov1l ef a mu kr 1l i lw luel tluit 1 1- wuu t l hwuau t il itliij krf uirr lb lrad willi a bit arv the laieuilx cf pat hub tr wb uh tn j til mt a tuarwua 1 hgl t xit of lb rw bnek ttxtv 1 1 ibrj hare betocd upuo iw i r iodji axo wtu a ue eve t ng but otwv anj lb tratb eao die aaj tl baa roos about a 11 b sure to d tlrooab aea i cah a id the f rntto af ulariu tkai wi ut bat a real fcalbaaatk fcie- 1 r r ihr rsfeoioa eoohsblv if in an lullte bit ef eantag witb au ltil n or itoleac bef rataer uf t tie persuaajt waolag i tk beai ictortao trailitloa 7b taae te arrylof a bu iet t te4ada wblcb rt beeo we fwl sure teaud aa alp i fec aad ibal pal nil it caf 1 acrawl la eaetly ideallflad ea a aa- n t to bla lady jfrbrv h bakiht l remarked tu in elnskag t4 tw tru nuin had a rift peeotor u i i ll rrhro9 whtrb miifa weal llrr u k nnei or aa iis fit lawaia i i iutmitrll turprlt and ckught botr family and gueata itcta aw two hint vll worui isklug glaaa ftsauf la uklng cryitslllatd ginger 4 cup tl iba ptpad fruit to i cup dlad cryalalllaad glner 1 1 cup i kba sugar 1 buttle fruit pectin to prepare fruit pwu core and crush coaipieuly or grind obi pound fully iip poa ekc about pound cryuailikrd glngvr aiaauue sugar and piwlrwj fruit tightly pachad into large kettw ado ginger mix well and being to a full lulmj boj ovsr hottjt rir utir tcjuuiitly ufu arid wbiu uiling itoj tijd t nuiuiu utaari liooj f i an stir in botunl fruit pct ttwn iu- and sjlim by turn fuy juu 3 mtnuu to cocl slightly 10 prrvwit tloung fruit lour quickly wruhiji hoi ium al taum ualu about 11 uuu4 huld ounce each llitfc product may take a wfk tyih a usuabl st blaikwevy aaj fr ja- a cup il uui pirp4icd fruit juice of 1 umou 7 rupa kuar 1 botti fruit pctw to pteure truu crush 0iroagtu tr gruuj ubout i quart fully rue uack unlet lr tndium fuuy ripe i im-jppb- uui tivou wry fuu or grind u 1 4 lirusl knife tf foad crwiipir oiimbin irjfu uroaurr ugar ullu urge kettle add uiuuo jllcm and ptparad fruit nitny uu uu cup ftlth wgjrr u neca uit wli und truig u a full ruloig tn i over ikotuat nrr btu corutanll ulurr and hur boiling lkiu tiaid l mli ute llsovoe root fire and uu in fruit pectux ttrii stir and ixten b turns for just minute to ixj slifiuly to present hoaiing fru 1 lour quickly paraffin hot mm at owr llakra about 10 glara b tluld ounce each to double life span wukta very skort tlaa uaa may uw to veae that nun ulll luue reached an 0 nan of 140 yrr b the year 2000 la the belief ol i roleuw cjeoraea voronoff eminent i rench tavjiit hr bel evra 1 y that time scientists will have conquered disease to laroe estent and that the only cjuse ol death then tll be irom old hoc and allure ol d 1 ferenl parta ol the lotl 1 anticipate that enormous progress ulll be nude in nud cine and il my prevision come true the world will be a aweb happier putr to live tn it says virtually every contagious dis ease will have been suppressed through vaccination and tuberculosis that ter rible scourge u tilth hitherto we hav failed to destroy will no longer ealat riygun wtll have nude thl possible ufa tw csaaaa aa to tb world above tik hrfaea f lb abre there are maay tttla of parasltea so too ibeea arw laiy trculurea in tb cvreuna nkltfc 4 a lr rid through ufa ilatlt aerba n rnoently eocruaed fcba bun lre1a of pojp wbleb ftauat u iu kin nod wbtcb th pace fiat la otv i w to abak lo tak fchlaah uh thruat luatf into h cataay of ta ktdonea wucb are ana with a r mil labia battery 0 tuajls eaua r 1 hrrvce ore tiro a wkd baetb by 1 r b fish aa th mb baa a hell vttlrli la ut trrltatf1 by tw mint lla it lle la peaceful muiuj from il attnka ef fish which imia better 1 ti 1 i mix op with tb baaaeaaawav mil the ansa a regard iw lav truner la aot known 44 all aboard palmerston wingham orangeville london uitowell kincardine owen sound windsor end inurnfetiial valnli detroit port huron reasonable fares it septal kaaltt 1 tablet for junket 1 tahleapoon cold aaier 1 pnt milk i ublrspoon tugor 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring to duo junket uoke junket oc corduig to dlractlon on circular in luckag bt asay to chul when ready to larva add 3 or 1 ubleapoorui of chocolate tauce lo each dish to make chocolate sauce lata 3 tblrapoon cocoa and cup sugar thoroughly with cup of milk add tng very tiosly at fliat to a not o make lump cook over a slow ttaro fur 10 minuua let cool goal drt wkaas in the vuit lul i lemrt of aau the 11 i ni i the pour ui are eapad far ir nation juki aa ibay were la tb 1 m r t rn la khan that great eii it j rr of all asia at lefrw- i nt iii rxbla atreama bava la be r ti aid aoao of than ar too tii 1 r awlft to be forded in audi ima nrrlr are used tk eatiet ef il hleh cold deserts la ef tb rao iriin hrced quite dlatlaet fraaa tb lr 1 id 1 ry native to low maeth af fi nn derrla the draanadary haa bat 11c luinp and the dactralb easal tv a haaey coat of oal eaabue ii 1 ilartrlab camel to sfoaabud t rigors f hie envlronmeei tin ul red creek waters beeaaaa lookad lib blood aad ukfav acoolc wast ruaaud ibbucal stories ol the nligusa sent upon the lidyptunv etpeclally truil in v hkb lit rlvera wtrr turned to blood were recalled with awe by the residents of merrill la western saginaw county michigan a they looked at the walir of luaver creek which ctuiiqed trom crystal clearness to a scarlet hue chemuts tcussured the towiulolk that the creeks waters had not turned lo blood but these same chemists ailed ul their laboratory esrtunatlons to add to this reassurance a definite capuaauoo of th cause of the stream carrala shad for almoal two mil leaver creek was no as blood chrmlila irom th luglaaw water plant and from the dow chemical co plant at midland cam skeptically to see lor them wives u pres sed tbtlr omaiement an carrlrd away bottlea hlud with water for laboratory rumination the straioe color of the water was accompanied hy u highly un pleasant odor and residents near the creek assert they observed many dead ash in the stream within a lew hours alter the reddish hue made it appear ance pi chemist believed but hive not yvt proved to their own satisfaction that the reddish color of the water viiu caused by algae u tort of ptnnt growth that tometlmea occura in water the individ ual plant being so small thai 11 usually con be seta only through a microscope manvua boj qoaficla rlnio tr with i in am or luiaay porpwblark awd m w u i lie la t iw of tb moat baaar tiful unl ahowy bird of th hack 1 unt tin rvuion of the united scale ii rtiitia estifita from autalta anal tl tin ur the arctic barraaa to the nrld nglna of the boatiiwaa4 tb i inl i miuii tamad and frti4uy 1 n frl 11 ii ti rma with western ranch 1 1 n ul1ti uih la thickly settled arr tttnirel reulnna h le eemtaldaeaj a rl u- ht liecauait of its habit of li vi urliijr 1 ril amall chjeken aad duvklloga and froll tbv titciifi on hot davh uivl rauiaj llaksa about quart cups powdered sugar l cup orange julo cup lamoo juloe t cup baavy cream 3 cupe chopped burnt almond 1 teaspoon vanilla duiolva u cup sugar la fruit juice turn into chllded mold or can of tee rrram freearr whip cream add re ma tning sugar almond and vanilla puur over nrtl mliture aaal tightly pack in equal part of lot and salt foe 3 houra- oeasvja half hu4 iarva 41 i to amali orange lcttuot u cup gratad coconut vt cup grated carrot iare orange and cut in thin slice cut slice in halvta on kfttuoecov fird salad plat arrang a cird of orange silo being gentroua with fruit borlnkl with grated coconut and grated carrot betve al onoe wuh mayonnaise into shlch 11 u much orange julo has been thorougf ly blended tickets and information longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown cetral ontario bos lbes limited n a robinson live slock dealer and buleher nerval uvestooctruciang all loijj fully liuurad phone guim 101 is irrtrr nrtttrrrrrrr- tcrrrratii- 1 1 1 inl- summer millinery all straw hats soc and 100 nilljiir- misses claridge herald block uptub bbbbbbiibbbbababababbbbmbbabbbbbabbbbabababbbbbbaaaababbabbbl m the mailer 9raa hmtl vfruun pludtera have aaaav t nil the hoeret of growing scedlaaa urnrnilt and bulk anpphaa are aaw 1 1 inning to b esportod a ran uaa 1 1 vwiiuq discovered the eocral erlgln- ith ills hind cam la contact with 11 truiifnili nxvt nnd a amall tree irt int frni the imlalna prodotwd lull aiiilhaa bt0m fruit ftootb frluin umui ra prrlmrntw aad r 1111 1 ihut atnillor fnilt could be pre tliiuil only umlt r special condition torpcnoerl to jo torpedoes are 10 bt utrlpped from the united fitalca navy a loooo ton cruisers because they are a menace t life end equipment und are imprac tlcable on thl unit of fighting craft according to the recent news despatch es secretary of nuvy claud buanaon will order removal of the dangerous firojoctllcs and accompanying gear rom eight cmuur this month at newport neas va it la stated tho action will bring to a nend an in- tense quarrel within the navy over the practicability of the torpedo on tht- heevy cruiser one group urged tho projectiles be retained they were an other weapon for use against tho in ertly in fighting at close quatrere the officers argued destroyers it was explained wul continue to retain torpedo equipment at will light mil- sera which are far more mobile than the heavier craft aeolj wailed day ivor ilu ah ull itud ua gaining in ivrhmi cilnlns la hmwledga in r ivlna oiirai hi a our week our hiirr nndlngh und our influence vrv tin unl without growth and mil ruvument la a iliy lost a day ihtui inn that will iirnka ao raturaa to ui in thi jiura to coma qrll cavoiit in predicament romans i had a phrase for it in boston one day there was a dliplay of shirt and ties which em braced a variety of color far exceed ing a turner landscape when the sun is red and gold every color in the rainbow waa represented and some colors which were a true revelation on a huge yellow card waa iiuertbed the single wordwllitenr 1 ho a young married farmer ol south line brant who while ti a cattle beast across the river to lib furm decided to carry his clnthra in one hand and lead the heller with the other btiddcnly stepped into a deep hole in the stream and in order to swim out had to abandon hi gar ment in the swirling waters iteach- ing shore in his birthday suit he locat ed tn vain for hts erstwhile atttra and being anally obliged to abandon the runt he had the unpleasant proa- iect in view of havlnu to make the threequarter mile bike to his home under saturdays mill sun with noth ing to over hla humiustlcu but the naked truth fortunately thetv were not many leplng trmt about but one or two who did lump him were convinced that an advance guard from the nudist colony had arrived or that a stray doukhobor was out in the open in true fornix and left him to carry on without molestatlen walkertoa herald and time mutresa mary look at this flgum or venus its covered with dust uary well ma am that a better than uo oovertn tl all v caveat emptor menmnrr let the buyer be ware tltia wnint uard as n bit of balm to ease the ancient conscience nor yrt wni it piacardex in the booths and atnlu of the market plnce it wan a piece of everyday knowledge born of dearbouaht experi ence a hopkeeper knew little about the aource of h merchandise thin tunic he bought from a trader who taid it came from byzantium so he told it at the inteat byznntmn style the trader told him the dye wet pure tynan it wouldnt fade so he told it at tynan dyed but the buyer knew the reaponiibthty wat hit own if he nuaacd wron or his judgment wat poor it was his hard luck today fortunately there are safer guides than the blanket warntns to let your eyes be your market thete guides are the newspaper advertisement i in thu newspaper they are a catalogue of the best val ues in town- signed by responsible firms if the goods are not all that is claimed for them their sponsors would need to beware tor no business can thrive on a one time aate or on dissatisfied customers a signed advertisement is in a way like a pro mibsory note the advertiser hus made a statement and affixed his signature as a sign of good faith so read the advertisements before you start out on n buyingtrip make thit a daily habit and see how much you save in time in temper in money in thoe- jeather f

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