Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1933, p. 4

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pw4 the georgetown herald wetf needay evening- january 25th 1933 oomqimtt auxxjr cooqim mitt uy kirtjti to all fc iilw within the 11 ww1 your trmrou hh arid will would endure that hrndiw ettllt lnllu ft dec nht itfet to t6ijvwv4 uttoivt btklght oocqur uli before you try othetv frmlule to ftpy aud before your battle wod critlcbe defeat of noo moc uttifcw ou dlspltf tui yoar ua bad bbu diea- cabi 11 ld ihths jou my iwlp e broth- aa hie vy fumub biai with strength uaknowo wnk uj fortify year on uut vhilt ttlf u fetul jupivxa ttrouwrfeoed u bat ft d a b- cooper to tubjaj w th ituwocmjum ovrokd i wwd tbjgracy inyvoud ttfth piofckni trud w ilv production by wahtiwy body eik wh the world u eoevig to with oat machine producing lod tusuee tueny thou cctlt bofm- lio v nail u 18 ud to biu oud without hiriilwy th tl hu f u lbt th 6ld cocriklg to brtur ufih g7ur ufoipttrtty bw uwri with bjj our twhjwieffy 0r- rkdwiln thl country u only podtitd ib per eot burl thin rould b w4 have coaauifled pr 4t erf citf production export ng 10 per wot by arthur terubiu recipes that please y kwtty bmrcby cxtautf rtrrt s cud bttttr 1 tup boiling 1 cup dour x er 4 fut butter fa waur tilf pi ovw fir until bhd add kind bout at one ud ur britjoy until lis mixture- lk th tide of th pan rtiaoir fro 6r c6l idd tyrjuly bettlnet tub thoroughly intd the taixtttr brop w pboblili onto ft butu4d bb two lnb apart- uake to a koi bbout u tnfaiuim usui aral ad ww oxj- wufa ft 4hftn laili cut ftfid 6u vtth fcbipoid imm utf ttiy w f v tih 4 to i taurahlxm ctmrrim if dr cdnuiw rnth jak ud to tatu kmpulf rthr urt- add tnu- rf truui- bmw vry cold to todt- tajj ttiff ftavtb tewyjlt ith tarftitiva ehrry u drd iutkamkutrr mou vik j 6 poinkdd ttuqd hui eat bii tiikfc iuj4 mlt tod mw omr k- 06r viib uosi um rf buad mam u ftweti kut 6at thu at pfiamt afid fvu uj aad ub wiui tkrl ksit to eo rautukf pa hi ft plat ef uid uk oa hour to ft ssawtu on twrt thkao uw uuu un sour- oamui kh kon fcu5 last trmrrr ctf 4 cup otaoiri uk j tlibyn wo0 du cup u pi cup dlmd urtwlr mtlallghunbuick and better miles tcup e co of that lottovtof dlead mdu ptpm kt73attu twtu charrwa ranhi- ttha loupc bi icimkok cjuut rt i dap orma juli 3 tfcbuaqoocu ltln wtop boak 5 uiiiuu4 aod uoutfy or hot ur add j cup uiikr duaolvvd to i eup bolitojf itr v eup orui iulu cuol uix 13 uuhjaucnft cot into ltb v cup tj tat ktloa whl ilmtto taiidw uoa wbeo fciituii btoj to ol- bat uiiiu hufiy rou to cah puw4 ftnd butnhaiilo ad laitly i cup mtiimuni ti4u bnixta ultf utli bottptp ol pliw foral wuli tulfc cf lidyoflen cut om kuiftd tfid ko toouab hlv of udyfid- t4 to sttml up ftromus 4ge ol form tw cut midi toxli um boltci ol th pau alo s4 udyi ihxkf to hmlf th mini lay a pur4 or iua udyancen uu wr with rwl ijlllln uiw to lmbo ow might or uutu lfuirwihly cbl bl tutai tum oi ipruij fdrm two ifdy to wnr dream u dltd uh ftdduioiul bippmj ckua and orangf hibidu tb bv uelftauittikk elifat u ab exuplloaftl dollr vftloa for bad reuoaii its loar lower blfr vlib dutlnctlra vl0siribj sjlla it b fubr koivftft veeil- ulloa sifety guu ebiaa cojiiotuj la rubier autoeutia oatib afitaeulia skotk ahuub ftsj euurr otkr fetar uul cikajiiw motohtu bclp4l jteitla it ton very little more per moaik tkan analur cam on the cm ac bias abj tohsta mere filcletialiuivbaiak pfmj fthllily t give kot aj hstuf mils uakee ll traly ccoaeaileel as well ft lalbfrla motor car invemweec whay h fce yocj ut tui auoaoub siyr udiulb oaul u nmi larwy umj cumdua aotwbu uol provtdtt hlnu- tloa wucb you uj ftad vhuu to tiitnitaj your ftnt or fttftd reupoa or copy v s v king ocoiuwffown cuinek hitetcu in c4riual cnuia there 1 lou oov ua way ol gtun tilujjitd wuu cn ctiuvw cjldhlor tkk bouuboul axoordtnly a chow aid i bud our ajr to booehoa cidu shldi ilur dildtag 6banh4i uito bajvfa torn timmt at rtabt an- gtu into um wancno hit hy gouu aioot hi3 the wry t5i bdvahu ol w4uui the houuooat lifon lutojdib or chitf boatmin ut ui and to that way ould be abu to apptoani to an uiuonm- wl otlhaod oaantr ahlen ah chow uu was tht oa atutud for dotn houmboftt buatoru with any aort of toofulxry aatlafacuoa altrr uvral fruitlj trlala we cam upon ft boat of allurlnf apparn lytna baaldj cn of th bridi tba loe- dah of ths craft a amalj wiry mao ml trave apmaranrr wtlh bvxu- tarh and goal tutonuhtogly napolon h ttiln waa atarullnjt hi tht bow apparently wrapped in pro found thought told ah ctiow laur uiat he had un mm oominj half a mill away w ihrrrfor had no dlmjuity kavwr in roualns tilaj from hu browu jjudr wllh tht r- ult that th boat itogrlhrr with th trvlot of four boaunrn who rr to lurnuh their own mi waa ntif rd for one eaonth and the prto inciudina up or cuauhaw for all wi forty dollanl uo oo the audn minlr8 with two frying- pan one ufttoana clwt on baddlflj nu fortyfour hundiee of ortvooa ad certaln baaa of provuloru purcnaaid by ah ohowwr puurd u ute gang nank hove up tht anchor and a the eivat of the moaning tide floated awy up eoocftow crlt for parts un known hapoleon no other name tolled thr houuboata towdah ho vh and hi two una one large and one aeuil atood fn the bow araed with long ha polaa to prtwnt any poaalble tntruiaon or brtdgvwmll or paaalni river craft- rveiing a alight though luster undulation of the boat at though u wf balog propeued by an oar tn tht item i looked aroun4 the id of the cabin toward the raar deck to ate who the fourth oaruan tolght be at the long oar in the back atood two women t yvouarred it 1 true but tadlapuuhly woeoenl doalued vaa avidtntly a generic term tn ka- nouoaa vocabularyt taier in the day i ventured a mild proteat to ah chow on tula peculiar bvabeinung not that i objertm parucularly but old run have got wife hav got cuughter explained ah otto everybody live houwboat what cab dot but the old man aald vour boat- men didnt bet with wrlnktod bror ah chow began to count uplifted finger old man he bqataan big aon he one lltty aon he one boatman he heei- uud and bte eye roved troubled to mine vat i eaoouraged hiding aoue tmueewerit which titty aon had pro duced that tnakea three boahnen old man aay continued ah oho reeohitely two lady aha make one boatman pvom bayond shanghai by harold spaakmau istewg end loforrdutboa far the osy fgarner one of the boat eictdftokoi oot pltmit fodoml pouhry fnvtoi bw mtlwd hi cot ym gij u ft wfhhlf 6 batcberybk0 to hb11 um the othtf day wbn it wae amrt- cd to aupport of the drml rouc oi ltauhnv appronl thai the ouuuiid tog reofi tahy ititfliiquaiii jl be identified uta the noiiey e the publle are drtrtaftdrte tppbwd thfck maifhery approvmj to bor enuring lie fourth yr d operauod and u u doing ft lot toward the build ing up of quality and value to poultry hocke on canadian f armi- tw uda ftftaee atithoritl tlito thl on aurft good feed u tt u not tvo ktode of abuae are to seed too uuch add tq let the aurpuu ucusiu- uto to the taia it ahuld not ht foiouea thai tu u uatrl wir if tht eoa art oeouragsd to irato lhiilee with auae u the i rvphut ol grain and hay they will not bt galtlng efiougzi nuirknte t uauln their bodlee tad ft nfouue flow of tollk mutihlp the gtoe hould be t d on top of tht lla eo hat h wltl be eaua fbv and thea ttot 6io ulagt than wlu lt eun radliy if here u e aurplue u u l to clean ihu oat of tht unr dally j the roouiiud buid tmatber to the iftt part of januiry uadr tt polu for uv ttotk to get plenty of aubdau eirc regularly and tn h0t d irtiu gtnetady apaklng all claaa if uoik are to good condition rtti uoooln county come tht wpjrt that ginin and sum hay are being led to the avtragt urn herd than to ha peat thue rfductog the coat- of fwding to a conilorahle eaini la uneoto alo piodueuoa of milk l b- iig u bulnmned ibere le gru- 4nt lendenry lord ding cul louetiag and low- producing oo tn many herd which are aupplylng milk for city cr town uade ru ifuroa oouoty eoput aed of a fairly jood deaiind fut pouluy wuh pthm nm for bttt quality mukfd birda tht aid eeathar had raulbd in the heaving of clovrrt to many dltrkta at ft rteult of acardty l feed tn oltuerry county uve etotk le aoaul what thinner than utua aa thla time i of ytar and on a great many farue hay and urav will bt about all ueed up in another few waeka down to uda county a tb taaling program haa uen under ay with aucfcty uorw than half the county now completed and ahowlng lea than 1 pet cent re actor advice from renfrew uiee that good quality hay la finding pbu- ly of demand at gisfio par ton baled and delivered fuofrew aleo baa an rtojlltnt aupply of regwered and ho 1 wd of practically all varleuea oaej daky c kellta a ration for a cow in milk thai euppuaa about fifteen pounda of pa and oat hay per day and eruh4 ealt and barley one pound to ch three pounda of mlik le abodt tfh ration if root are fed to mflwt if no root art availaut bran ahouid bt addd at the rait of one pound to thr of the mixed grain if the a- vaiiable aupaly of bay le umlt44 to tailed hay o timothy u vuld be naohaary to add ft protein aupnle- ment to the grain ration tbla may be oucake meal cottonseed tneal gluten feed or nah meej u to 169 pound for oach pound of croah ed grain depending upon the protein analytre of th tuppumrnt avaluhig decide golf prize on roof of world thu prion of wale trophy one of golfdome moat totted poaieialom bavjuat been daolded on ih epet4jularltnkji of tb banff borlngg oolt coaraav a mil above level in tba haart of uta xsabadlah uoeklea ttu yaar the trophy went ovor ftaaa to an eaglleitiaan down from oxford unlver- alty a uawoouar to the ranki of ehamplotu who wade the lonx trip a week ahead of play lie la w a buna bedfordablra oolf ciib bdord tar- tandj who u aeeat- abaklng handa with the rtittner- up aordou luaowtuuuna uowneu oolf club talxmry one time alberto champion vr blme von th ftnal four up and throe to puy and iu hs sf y r tbompaob genial pro or the banff oourae who 1a aaan aiandlno uotwooa tba pair a large gallary followed the winy the urowater cup ohauplotiahlp was dpolcleil at the aama hue over tba banff bprlnga rourso i wag a woman ehamploniihlp aud waa takua by ur l p dewolf right la plioioirainn or ver non o who defeated mlaa jean mcmillan of oalgary aha iu n clow tight that wan only dooiaol on the llih bole by one up leyout nbowm the two champlorut baluu cotu ratu- lated by their oppouabut uud tho lrlncfl or uuloa cnipwiththllanjbprlflgttllcclln tho baokgrounil onaeieauee i need of tht ft the need of the hour to the fruit and vegetable industry of ontario u organuatlon of the grower and co operation between the grower iobbar and afaippera of thla provtooe aald w a homeraet cnalrman oourto uarkcttog noaid at the vruii and vegetaue jobura coovantlon the diaordariy martetlng of theet pro- dueu cj carried on laat ana win was dott to chaoa one ouiaundlng u- aaple of what could be don bow rfer wae axpleioad to the convention by ur atkln prealdenl of the south kjtx group of oooparatlvea enkh handle their marheflng throuab one central organttatian at frrtfti in the faefritngeftfl dlatrlet thete art four cooperative or oo-opera- ihe aaaociatlone of growera which have erected central packing plant and which combine tone through ft central organimtfton for the norpaee of aeeurtng orderly dletribctlon the bart of thee nrganlieitfru were vary auceaaaful laat year their entire output being aald at good prtou and jobber were enlhuaiajtlo tn their prala of thle work some time ago the ontario grower llarbei council offered to eooperate to every way pnaalble with other dutrtcta forming almller orgmnltatloiu for the tame purnoae the ontario arower uarket council i at preeant adeavortot to give laaderahlp toward organtalng the niagara dutrtct for almllar nurpoaee tn lftjj jobbere and ahlpper aseem- bled l the convention from au over canada offered to aiaut aueh crganl- aatlona and give their aotlve aupport finally ur bomereat aald h le auggmted thai au the tttatrlcto of the niagara rvnlnaule ahould orgacda to pack end grade uniformly and do all of their marketing through a cen tral dlatrtbutlng organbmtlon which they would aupnort vlgoroualy bailee oale tntereat in hullneee oat continue to grow in ontario aooardlnrio apeak- ere at the recent meeting of the ks- partmenlej union at ouetph knqiur- lee from all over the province came into the authority at ouelph dur ing the peat twelve montrta though they decline to recommend huueee oat for general purpoiee member of the held huabandry staff of the on tario agricultural college agree that thu grain producea an eicellent feed for young live atock and poultry m reosnt year more and more farmer particularly dairymen and poultry keeper are making practice of grow ing e few acrea of the nulla oat just for the chicken end calve lacking the objectionable and aome- tlmee dangeroua hull thee oat can b fed aafely either whole or ground and remarkable gain are reported rr com year group of heidi- mand county farmer under the direc tion of u d uehlanbacker of cayuga liave been developing ft apeclal selec tion of liberty iluilee oau the eed wa originally amured from the kx parlmeutal rartn authorltlat at ot tawa and gradually spread over aeverel farm around cayuga aa a reault of creful cleaning the aeed each year brought up to the higher government trade in normal year the ubetty hulua in luldlmand hu bean found to exceed the yield of ordinary oat return up to 40 bua per acre weigh ing cloae to bo lb to the buahel be ing reported whan it i conildered that the ordinary oat u nude up of m per cent hull and thl hull ha a feeding value only oaual to etrew u11 more weight muat be given the argu ment for the hullo during the peat beaton the oet crop tn weetern oar tarlo we one of the poorest in year and the liberty hull along with the other verteuea uitfered a reault ute expeeuuon of the hullei grower in haktlmand to produoe ft large eed aupply heve no been ful filled though there will be earn iur- plu over loo tulrouenta arrow b u s lines reduced fares to all points effecttve wednesday february 1st 1933 frequent daily service tickets and information at longs confectionery georgetown telephone 89 h ere an dth ore th decreet to frclfbt ear loading shlcb bcga to tm baa coauoued olmoit uqiatarvuriedly- la 1w1 up to tb od of lb flrat week of dcubr t64i lea freicbt car had beta luadm oe all canadian uuai than for be aamo period of tho prcvlou year durln i ho aome period of thl year 37ic uea car vrr loaded lbaa iu 1331 to ddclln to nae- aeagtr bulao be bees rla- tiialy tho tituk tb raauliant ef fect upa rallvay aarnloga ha beonaturullydldtroua r tb flrai tto rnoliha of 1911 ihaadlan lcinc tiuft rrvrnut dacltoed ft1 per cint r com par ad with that of 11 jo for the firtt tan month of thla year now cloelag tber wa a further dec i la of is per tot tbw decline coi tluuc and there ccruinly ap pear to bt do cvklrnc lo eight that for midy yvura t all aer than totlrely eliuiinaird and ui earnings back ofaero lh aire in 1a c w llritiy kctbalr- man and pmijwu ctnnttuo ra- eiflc itallwa iu hl uuov ol 1111 la lb vanguard of tie nlntn vacatloa traffic to i be buuih see nj tba orient lh n- adlaa iaciflc liner kinpreie of japan cleared tb narrows at vancouver january it with a 111 of tit peaaiiagort recent pymnt by qreat brit ain of i955w0oo war debt laatal menu remind oldtimora of the war day when i8floooooo in gold wa eh loped by canadian pact fie ttspreaj from aala to england via canada end wa carried aeroat the dora in too on a apeclal can adlao racifjo train having abao- luu rightofway the train trav ailed without hchta and was pro tected by acore of armed guarde dark and uncertain on the out look may appear to the casual ob server i suu think thul in thla wider field the year tuttooi been without important duwlopmenia leading towards trad stabilisa tion and encouragement d w ueatty ico chairman and ireil dent canadun pacific hallway to bl review or lut through lotelllgeat education the eeonomlo and aoclal futility of war will eventually be recog nised i tb view or air norman angell iirluib economlei and d ta pe her of war hlusiona ii sailed recently by canadian pacific liner uontrose after flectur lour lo tba united bute of tb 4048811 pounds of can nad nlneappl consumed la can ada bet ween april 1 and novem ber so 1931 all but 1eibm i be came from countries wltbin the empire nearly half tb tot be ing from tb blralt beltlamenta illiteracy la canada la near th vanlabuig point according to tb last cenaua in 1031 u54 percent or the population of canada over five year of age could either read or write student enrolled la canadian arbool in 1u1 number ed 1341t4t tb canadian paelfls naltway company tax bill for th year waa almoat alx million dollari bringing it total contribution to- canada tax collection sine in corporation to about iieooopm h w baatty kc chairman and prealdent canadian pacific hallway in bl review of lblt advertise in the herald ii pays you to think by eaton r waile shawnee okuhoma wil jiiw did you follow my td- vloa tn buy two tlra ol trouurt with your tuw ml nwi lood tdu but when i bum to think it ovr x nallud thftt two pau of uoujm would kmp tup toti too twutb william linton andnw editor of the leed england mercuiy ay sometinea when i liaten to windy talk about marketing plana i want to bt up and remind the speak er that market are simply people some of the ex pert get entangled in foreet of formula they ought to make it their job to get right through to the people thote who make good are ihortdghted if they look upon their good a old when they have de- potited them in the warehouae of a wholesaler or upon the helve of a retailer no article i truly aold until it ha reached the hand of the man or woman who ac tually intend to uteit the manufacturer in order to sell the right people the right article at the right price at the right time mutt not leave hi marketing to the haphaxard channel by which o many excellent commodltle to day reach the consumer marketing muit advance tep by tep with making the method employed mutt tell more good at let coit to informed customer who demand them the modem factor in thl builnet which a- lone can secure the cooperation of distributor can find market can inform customer and can reduce the coat of the whole operation i advertising the united state wo the first country to discover that selling is made easier by the creation of pull from the customer than by the exclusive use of push from the manufacturer one of the effects of the advance of popular education has been to make the reading of newspaper a universal habit this in turn ha built up the very large aggregate tale of newspaper today and has placed at the disposal of advertisers the most economi cal producer bf pull so far discovered market i tay are only people and news paper advertising i demonstrably the most certain and economical and the simplest method of placing a sales message before the people as an englishman i take off my bat to those american who have led the way in sales publicity we in britain are benefitting by their example we try to get right through to the people mmmimtmmmmi uiv ixrf ffctwsaaikjisipjec

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