pag 2 the georgetown herald iwedlieaday evening january 25lh 1953 erwin goldhams meat market i 1 1 i 1 special prices for cash friday saturday lean mealy bed boasis 9c lb porter house beef roasts 15c lb round sfeak 2 lb for 25c lep of young pork 9c lb loins of young pork 9c lb- shoulders of young pork 7c lb sireaky side pork 7c lb pure pork sausage ioc lb pure lard 3 lb for 25c km uacatfxsnju oua wulum oo juuxxuf jaiuiary d l aanl udttbc id h tttb bkrrj wife el ttourt p uabilt ookxx ju oaonh6wd on saonday january hid ltt d6ri pfrtttasu oratd la far 1mb year beloved tlauihlr of ura barber otihi end th 114 wid oractt iw msokxiam hucotom id loving ukavy of our dar tiiothr annw prtod who pid away january jrftn ifcjl the u a link dtalb cannot uw lev and nmibibnnc uu forvtwr herbert usrt and pamlly ifcjdlure in w loving ttviidoiy of william albert vtooiuw who bu- td assy january yttk 1ui it 1 not uv eomltxx to tdiix tuat god u la hi in wbarft hary ciajaid ha- hudau all lb and w in twrtfjflvjo who tu um world u tlulu and ioaaly or tilled with hai and urtto wbin bmttj grow ary with thrlr ear sad iroulk and frtif and tin aw rti u do tut nip uut god is in i u t awd for thai fcawid fur ay wo toll coifi 4knk3 to u4 fud ihil high silnc ho answer ibm pray up hum w uuak uv miiu hauluh ttalat rta fctoufkd tb tiiava uutt dull th echo of earth uh-rfj- phone 1 we deliver and drown th sad brt moan 4 her to maafort i am with you auwa th faithful end uu true and i u1 caff iuh you nor togmlm you tb long hard journey through for jttua cbrtt i pttu help and khif hoc far but wty uv oof ltilit our oukw our swobsrd our coauoltf a fikrtour who b hew tfc ymily still atootw nomination mo omc homzfaxi os4 monday miakrt rw wak0 two tbu 4 uot uueh icurast hiblud in tdudidpai uutrt fay th rlliwi- of wmxd two od uobd4y oihi thj omu nd ftv tvwolrtjtoftj to ui tb vttiiity tbr oouda to town owrk iuau ftud uixi kfci dutrn rtvupiyta tu thu wm prtirflit u uw rdwtlny fciid too bd u tutdlnsikl for couxuiuor or wurd twa tbi idmiu uuht aothr int- uon vu hve to b hkt lb dil of hicb 01 b mnouwid uur w a canadiah ixouiw fcurxtf orciut th4 lfcd amoliuy to tb ciiia duu utkmi rid uuu niukal 9ic una uid itiwivlat of ocw thm- uy jia ub- ttw cuou oavr e tlmud iu vlprudviit ood ut- w iidiy 2nd vlorfpribaidjiitcoid uri i airuucd urt t oririm fioancuj bcwury oo ut- ci twftiuxer oo- mr w hifiy kkmumv codf un o aiboit j will c btyj j uuryliy bocul coowoor 0iaa fcijf h iuto tau vullor oubl u u rry th w kict of pou tfa com- a j oh111 eoedueud cva ueti utuuftfrrfaf w ooa j ixhtpbuda ooiii w raaf uihhmatini wrvwt by oimrt t ciom hornby at th umuaj bmufil of th chukh of kngiajvl uorby bid ut uv u h uoyd td- tb wlpu or tb pjv hu fcftwffu to 130 nd io raus for i- ooain iukf r w fou n a robinson live stock dealer awl batcher nerval uve stock trucking all load fully uuured phonei gectfitowa 101 is vatcn cep real repairs brtnj your witch hr for pair llv u ntam4 to yoo prtructuy rowd wi do i tboroub utid ab w do a 4klluul wftith ftipair oar tor la fujaud uh a r- rnty uui rit oa bon ihn word it u bud oa turn- drcdi of rplr lor mtteflm patrotu pvtr niiod of y4nl b4 walfnuaiur j iv jordan georgetown effective january lrt 1633 all our price on parts and accessories and labor are materially reduced in some caa a high a 30 here u one example ah 4 cyunder can grind valvee itvrlmftrtg refadng vawee and vth uab wkh aotdal equipment dean fibttulw dean caihunbu adjiut timlaf duck batterjr and ughb former price waa h00 now only 3so price oa au ekr can in proaettion speights garage brake specialists phone 270w mmmmmmmmmmmmmm gea ofangeman elact ottean tha folkwlia haw b- ifiun of uonsbr nbtrld hayal borut ofeaptw wonhidrui ompaniaa in ooot- mand oaiue vat xmmaduu patt camp tn ocefoaioa trrtatu wood leumlknl ooup in oommaad jo all br oomp chaplain l w dans oomp berth tho b aiwoa oomp twaiumr jr anvfoee oomp bli- knlsbt iknld at anna- yvanols janklttioa oomp rtm ukinitiiifui dobhu oomp sooood tactunr h uooar- oomp wit oonduetalc buthan- oobui soooud oonduotorr buht ooup iiulaa llaraldd a uwu oomp tuaun atorton th followlna an tba ehe jrlajj d or onu and crown tuu no wi for iuj wjpeir kl joa iu11 br ujftair kt jankmica ivr io lw dana ohaplala sir kt ohuw uavia kubtrar air kt thoi b alwna rnosjllwuuaralr athlft- cahnay lolturuilr ku w mutoa y n j smith and r b mmmtawr kta h dob- isslvanssvy v hut rvitrir kt ttaw bll oommltthuanal b j- uotlpvou mm very uauthty t nsuriu t haw jubdieaara iuumula aront you wbtakulnw tani la the poattion or uy mlodj obituary ainnan oauhjua iuoltajd arabata a llknon rmldant of riim1na totnublp pata- d away at hu lau tmunr tn hor val oat on ikuuur jao uui in ku mil war air ofahau cam to oaoaoa rroa oartul rn htuo a vty young man and ud for uta analar pan of hla ufa in iba mortal dlatitot lla aa ivtca eaairtad hla bm tfa balos anala avunnn bo pradacaaaad hlaa lqtynlna yaara asa iua jawvirt vlfa who tuta aa foraurty umlaa uartad trtira chudrao of tha firtl unloa alao aur in john a and waa t of nam chrlatophar at of lliirnnrton ana urt k a thompmn and ura a b arnau oaoraatoam ui orabaja esa a mamhar of at faula angllran church at korraj vhafa tha funara tanloa nnndiirtad by tha llactar rav ttr boyd aa tuld zotamant waa mada in lulkiaal oamatary korral yha paubaartra vara uaam oao uardonivi oalnlllat j u auanon 1 a pair halom y uuboula uwvlua john laulad and a adaaa ulllon itactora wardan un ttnanelal oommltfaa ahhiir wu aon wiiuaa chuboia john u bo- hlnaon uara tiinaall sidataaa aobart orr uatfc boa- atll kmast hint o oraanwood oronui and choir laadar uua 8 lvaln stewarttown ul ruby ttfnnuit ho t to tha toronto otoar uopuij untirgot furthatr ocxrfttioa lut rhurdiy uid u txvfnulng u u u cab b ts- th oimngtauo bald a wry ajoy thl una la lh tosruhip hmu um bml ui w hull okhmil un- pajtna tha rautlc vrybody had good uta ulw hltafh thniihon of toroatft pttu th sk aad at har hoca tm ura john bt ura yruy tod ura lully wr- to lualltoo on wd ni4y tltaoattn th ooucruoii of iujbhop liroufthall th flu hu bwn tlug pruy in th ttualf alonzo a woaoen another llialoag reajovnt of 11- quaalna toviuhlp waa ciiid hom oo uotvuy vhrn alotuo a wprdeo paused away at th tastily hom tu iot u ucood un juit a count oi aaail aaotth of aftoo ur wotdiul bu tawa la frt4uuy failinf health tor th put lav yearn and lor tor moo tha tn baao cnnfliud to hi bad it vai avniythxa yaan of aa ifytni wontao au a aoo of th lit john and jantt wordaa and waa barn on th wrden hoanjitaad th firm upon which h tnant bla laal daya au hi hi h ha antnt la thl dutrtct whesa h h caoyd th iw- apot and rfivrm of varyonl a man of qultt htiryutiiim but of rp tniagrtty h bald taouts and virtu abov uw ilmal thlngi of r world hi grsatau intarut u hi church afflltitaoo u waa a hauler daacon of th acton luntiat church raraly tadaad waa h abwit from th tervloea of tb church whan health paumltud and ha waa alaunrn and loyal tn th tuppoti of all th work connactad with tha churtah ui f tax will irwvii ba muiaa from th ehurch hom ilia brothar bamual dlad la oorsuwn juu four yara wo oo brothar john in avrffua and hi tlatar ulu uargarat at bom ntni in to moum hla loaa and rtwr hla mamory to the th aympwhy of all la tb funeral waa bald on wdndiy ai- tamooa with rvlc at th biptlat church conducted by a formar paator rv ur ucalpln of biamntod a- autetf by bv o l pool 1ld th pallbeamr war umw jaa uoln- toih wto wordan o w auurray r l davidavaa o ttnham and john aluo mtarment waa mada irftrsir- vuw ocmetary aotooy prua baliinafad th january maatlnt of th wo man aiaoflattnn of th tjauaa church waa bald at tb bom of ura j w bnow on tuaeday inn with a roaauamdanc tb uvouoaal ax- trcua wr taken by th prceldeal un o beewun who pr4iid la bar iiauui eapabl uannar rian war mad for aom new aeuvtui in 1jj and th traturr reoort ahowad a wardens elected fcoalmaiotf w ualtow amd mtcvtuocu tu at tb flrtt icaigjort of tejljuad ooud- ty oounai tid tuby w h uobu- aod jiaww of oakvlh waa alast waidato of alaltod by ritrti for th yar lat- at tb tlrt tjtunjf of pi county oouucu oa tiihday e w ucut- loch uy of lirsanton u alacud waiida of hrl earln ur and ura r- w hull f th fuiunil of th lutara titter ua a e- coahlin at atwood oot ea tuwiday january 17th atb uaoy frisdda of ux d w liuiafai will ta plaad to know that h k makln- uiiacuo raoy fiotti a aumk of fdry ill w w uaoheaorta tainy frltna will b torry to baio that h u aufawrlflji irocd kad auaa of p- w wub him a fcynitir rorry local hunter culta to bav ma a laufa tlsabi wou iq th it portlob ul atrlu tovaahlp and to rulaj- wit thary claim lb taiatui u aite urt and til heath acd uoo haw twt j i wllfuj id muiaaf tkaa ikruab to try their 4klu lib the gun ur ad ura audi oawts 1 twaud their ftaldo iriddio at their lute calitkad lake od january i lib- atudldgi r two dauahtwi ura j tmf of catotna ut aipd ora- ham of liatobvtu and uir oaa amwrr end john of ciwlteohaia and utlflll ouatlbmu of caldod laka tiwr ar tityjwo gnjuktoudim cod four great fcrabdfiuaatia- a li iod tmdbt of tfta ton ujp taud aay atlwr bom to itiiuburf oi wirtffirfiy jeauary llth llittd th rob of uaram lauvw bilorid dauibur of the ul douaald and uary uikw bb b aurvid by th iliura uary and liau at boiae ura 00- dft kaal oarafraaa two teouwra hu amo toehlp vtcf of wtodlp-ajjo- iialtoh aamusvlyvmal kocxarrv at tha annual mahlaa hjd at ull ton ut wk th italton county aacrlfultural 6otim auctad th fol loln ooamn lkl pnetovnt dartd ltahly heleon towiuhlp pktideot a kt woodsy trafaiaar uutj tvt vbiaat m ttyr uutod amodd vwtakldflt dr o h- u- loa ullua aeujylrpaurvr a u uiftihh iwiutoa tikluor j u- rjanyaa and o k ciuw twtof hattaaawya liwiuijp w kt bli- look kdar kllistoat wiulasa atetd kaboa toviuhip u w toiatii o ta uell oeort atiwtf d tlaruy kjaulflf towuehlp edwin lurroo a hi illd l w cihuhola trat-j- gar toetuhlp a humer d r vord w k uflcraady w tuvd w u heou uihon a h waldl w maculr o k ttuabptoa w soua- fiald f accs talxal joaaoh y duga ho eomaeted famine tn ottawa undar th firm nam of hatioaal cratnt 7rtfim abutau waa formally onmmutad for trial in that city laat wa on i char- of oanmtmc fund stkh ha beta claoad tn hi hand by cuanta th firm carried on a bill rolactint aaanty and u u atatad that taor than laow ha been plac ed in it hand turn of which waa eradiud ur th tiimu th auoont tnvohwd in th am tnigai laid agalnit th aenitad amount to or uu lumral of lb plamtla ara phyalclana cpccow wtiy january ih vudty tureet radio tltctl atory trrtiit charu bkkiortl and uld chiod ur oontidy torehy mlchtcap homily cataajxia btihj- ia saturday january th mil at y pjd tulrr luiildg btory of tti-d- tratu taiiaht va rfcbt hebe m b trty ttaiyid uaurwd olli coaady tm for ta wowltua rst ooc fiamrww4pto wu quautrr tua and vvua jan si and iml 1 didnerwen ulahta ltiiffmfiil ca lamity ccawdy lirama atarrbiai ckom aiiiva cocaedy oaadld oaaa ra ulfky umim cwtood homlty kiiiuy ho 5 at v uof wark to ccftjlwt tb u ab ait few did nrar churotnews uaw w a o oaattiaod kuetor tvihh saaauy after tb ltaay ty coaamualoa i av huadey tvhool lit ova uatlnali a itvoaooaj tdm aailaav cirim oka waai fiauirthouikuy afi th epavkany sunday ikhool i pvau eviuuaj 1 pa tjjrvkar a uaai at cotgetowa aad itwtwaiber th annual keeling baat uonday nicht jan aoth rt a h rrtth vtieti ura rvul vaiiut us uamjy choir leader bunday school 19 ajd tmbuo or ahtp it am and v pm vounf lio- pis union uonday t pat- ui tier vtc nlaht annual octal and knitim taaetlu thunder wtb at t- hm galwauea araty oaa ptderaen and ueut j hook sunday nest biauuy achool at 10 a a itoutuaa areting 11 am sun day school and bibl elau at t dm salvation taeeimg trt 1 pia tueeday tw ktoio league ladle meeting weafneeday pu publl meeting- ah welfiobw silvers speci a4iaaiawaaaaa for january clearance tun pure wool pullover rollneck and vneck reg 250 for jjjg mena underwear heavy reece combination oft- metti ribud wool uiufcrwear ahirt arid dwrtw 90 girla winter weight combination aire up to 32 jo- boy plain rubber apecud s9a boy hightop leather boole 1 2 in lope special 249 mm a heavy work bool made of the beat urue 250 a new line ol lsgfes silk dresses in uteu uylee te our daaplay at price to auk yyhod silver phoneys maiast georgetowh caete cfkaw rr r w wumvy mlaltlar ur m laird choir leader- 10 am sun day school and uibl clitnea 11 ajd uomlnaf wofthlp tlwrmon and hytan for junlora the uinuter will begin a aeriee of aeriaoo on th u of lb haw t tament iubirt tn lfmy of jmua t pjtt lasefilng iamb- antheta by th cbolr donh forcet to bring th numbera of your faroru hymna let ua reioac and be glad at thee eerstw au ax wal queer thing xataetlae gt tato print because human beta all make t eay an wrtarta mow and thm a nwtpabr reporter wruea copy canleaiiy- 11 ar a few of th beat bat tn auch arron tooth uv wlf man httrud tb feet wanted bi aity uuet be apectatu until after olirtatmaa toptiad aale peopl wanud uau or ftautii ho other fid an- piy- danns cough balsam trail storage sil raty cr3uki cbxcw broruitklw aid all fctf aloai tol uaw v fwiaija it act dlrvctly upon th aualnatlnt organs of th body thu ajaiid th ayttea to throw cfcf th wont oouah or oold it rontain no narcotise and may aafely be gta to tbiifciii mbw low wjcit 25c and soc danns drug store phone s georgetown fred bray says tub hoki wbo uxiu uonnr ih rocltafi au moss bo aomm ay aaauajart ha aaatty aai traaataaaaaa avaay yaa aw 1irl ltllf taaaaaaiaa ui aar dataila u aaau a a uaaaraty mfcrfiilary baak haay aai u vauar uuui aulav butcuutv a u far taaaa aaj raafc la aa laatr i hi t vaan uiralituaf yaafa t1iirib ul aaaaaatlaa taaaaa lab iaaua oaltaa aaa aaaay at any af aav t llinanba if yaaa aaa m arap an ar waaia tw fraa aaliuf aaj ailntaif lia ika kaltlv tufclian ku1r taat latafa aa tka uoatav bray chick hatcheries t cuivbcen ave st cayttabikall oiry i hefilcry oggiiia rt 0me nlo balance to basin in yaar bma dle- laiu w a wallacs diss whiu beino tajtmh to bocyoet taken auddenly ul while bat driven by bar daughter to attend raohhloa in cowriunflt uoue laat rvtttay afternoon ura uargarat wal- uo wl of rev dr w a wallaoa paator amarltua of luoor straet xjnlt ad ohurch and forttvatly of oaw town waa taken ul and tued when be- iug taken to a tlootorw aaa th late ura wallaoa with bar daughter ula bele ltxldlaw laft their hom e braamara oavdana and met two ladie whom thy drov to the ckvwnmat houea a tha ear ntarad th abound ur wal- lao oomplaltaed of not feeihif wall and atked her daughter to drive bar around rotadal hhkrtg th air would make her foal better whan being dhvett ahe and ulta laldlaw tioppad th car and aekad uenvam uallnon of 1w vaughan road a4tr ah could find a phyalclan uallnh otferad to drlv tha ear to a ctoctora omm wttll ulu laldlaw wahd in tha back teat of the car with har mother they drov to th otto of dr william soou tuoor at bhertourae bt what ura wallaoa waa protouiicd daad coroner dr o r iuh aanounoed death waa from haarit dteeaas tha aaughtar of a f amur tha for mer uargawrt oalma waa bom near harruum and educated ln local aehoola in 1915 ah married rav dr walbioe a haaeoond huaband b butvtvai with thn cblldran of her ftrat warria aalat taaldlaw bo was with her mother at tine tha of lur death ura thomu ctnoll bi nya- kll and walter uudlav la ohema- lnua ho ura kt k snider of port houe la i lutfchubn tvsmmy can you tall m on of tha lite of eowhldar veaalrit keen lhww tdcatbr hau aujbautt r laallutfts auddenly atrtekan in th mldit of houaehold dull on uonday mom- lag january urd annl llortop wtf of robert v uouaaur olan william auocumbad within an hour to paraly tic atroka eh wa th daughtar of th late jamee and blaaneth llortop raaldcnt of olen wiulama alao flora at launoeiton cornwall aialand th came to canada in 1stj with her mother and other metnbara of tha family upon on of th aalltn veaaala of that day to join th father who had engaged in th milling builnaaa at btcwarttown in lafll ahe bacam the wlf of robert p ucuaatar and ha atnoe raalded upon their farm on the credit river juit outald th northern boundary of tha town of georgetown she waa a member of aaortatown baptlit ohurch being a woman devotedly attached to her horn and family aha veered from a life of public and aoclal activity to ward on of homely virtu for the mote part ahe waa content to make her attendance at eervlcea in tho ehurch her aolo aoclal appearance she we the poiieieor of an exceed ingly kind and aympathetle heart and aeemed happleet when rendering aer- vloe to aomeone bealdea her huaband there remain to moum her patting three torn samuel j fihalrman of the toronto transportation commu- aln robert and edward of the to ronto police department and one daughter ura john peace hamilton i three brothere richard llortop in england jamee llortop at port perry ontario and william llortop in to ronto and on auter catharine llor top at olen wullama the tuner waa conducted this afternoon at the family rftjdence by the rev a h prlth pastor of greorgetown dentist ohurch and was attended by many prominent men and women from to ronto and other outalde point in addition to a great hou of neighbor and friend from the eommuntty and relative from a dlatanoe uany beautiful flower paid tribute to th memory of the deceased the pall bearers were uetara william behenlc leonard uarohment walter peek arthur reave cordon uullin and john miter rnterment took place at olen william cemetery alur th buitnaea had posed of ura w ucbnery gas very helpful paper on th inttuano of the bom in which ah atvirnil th niwuhy of tralalg la obaduoea enuitammaot being pfoeldad la tb home and that high ideals b tr trpt bafor th numbera of the easi ly by tb parents this wa tallowed by a raadlog oetur th inking nnderad by ura o thomnaon in which waa point out that our miitft b largaty in fluenced by th kind of raadlog w eboos and in turn this la xpmaead in words and daeda a very tiwirtng lunch was aervad by th commute in charg and alter a aoclal urn to gether ih meeting adjourned to meet at ura d vanatura for the wbruary meeting acton osoera for acton fall pair associ ation for th year 1bu have been elected as follows president j ramahaw pint vloepnaldentrj p robertioa second vk- president v d ruulay director w k oraham o a dllls w j patureon b il ijlndiay o w uurray j a uann w o uoffat l o johnston j e pearan wtn llortop j u uriwnald d uc- dougall l i uullin w r norton j j btewart w j aklns oaorg sotnarvllu r l davidson if bym- on o uckaown d d waldl bupertntandent of th plaid a j krr superintendent of th uau c woodhall among th frlnds from a distance who attended the funeral of th late a a warden yesterday were ur and ura if campbell toronto rev ur prlth georgetown ura pur smith and ura gordon hayward toronto ulu uarjory davidson daughter of ur j a davidson underwent an op eration for appndlcltla week at ouelph hospital she is mk favorable promts toward iwoovary and friend wui hop to toe her home- in a few dayapree preaa milton ur and ura robert aalbralth uu ton announce tha engasjemeat of their daughur ethel aukunay to ur prank pranltun of tlufotiburii the marriage to take place early in pebruary stanley curry garageman tost- vlue charged with having uauor not acquired on hla individual permit ap peared before police uaglatralas ue- hveen on uonday was found guilty and fined 100 and coats the charg was laid by provincial constable geo cockman of uluon then are many case of flu in town and numerous families have been aulferlng during the past week generally tha type is not eevew and a tew day tn bed affords relief at the annual meeting or tha hal- ton county protective aasoclatlon held tn uluon the secretary kported the association to be in a ttotimhlng condition financially and ntberflise during 1651 the only loss of uilmals was three ewas belonging to prank pordj farmer of trafalgar towtuhlp the association paid ur pord two- thirds the value of the stolen sheep officer elected for ibm are a fol lows pkaldent w h uooready u1i- ton vlcrjpwildent w or oicnienta milton ikeeretaryaaurer bwbert mush ji- uutottrohamplon u have you heard the news hwataaahamganw dodge de soto and plymouth are now solo by j n oneill son georgetown a here it some new we believe will pleaae everyonewho hear it the appointment of this capable firm to handle dodge desoto and plymouth snle is now an nounced you ore cordially invited to visit thi es tablishment and see the new cars and trucks on display drive one of these sensational dodge desoto or plymouth cars yourself then later on when you want a new car you will know the advan tages of patented floating power hy draulic brakes and the many other much- diacuaaed dodge desoto and plymouth features service to all local car and truck owner will be given special attention it i planned to reduce cost by putting the most modern timesaving equipment in the hand of experienced mechanic ser vice charge therefore will be surprising ly reasonable come in as soon as you can and see for yourself what remarkable values this new dodge desoto and plymouth dealer ha to offer you dodge six dodge eight desoto plymouth dodge trucks