c 1937 page 4 the georgetown herow wcdne venin bunflmu in ins hhlwjs no uw harvevt days nr over but a thought will uh rtfntn of um rum the rwuu n hays k the mnatshlni- and the lain thk ww harry ab and im1 there was jimmy qui and kim and the do lhy barked tortlur 1 was their only way to stiig we wothed klul tolled urlh r beneath ft kcxtrihiiik i mi and we ul brntwui uu motuilliiht what our day wnrl w dope buu utetv was orlt f vwrkr ao m ill rolled up our jeer and wtufced and aiig togruicr willie bringing ul ul yl wav tber will be vw lumcu klut joaw woll t uvc ul kllow the blessing of the liartrt of the ucd uwl lliey did sow another yfur has coitl and un a golden cut upon uw uarfc hut thought of llul will still rrrnitn when h ulr uwrt bo 14 u tow some kind word along uxw crooked row and uw then with the uiorni ond uarric will nlms in jnuai b uaftlr 11l1 ulcrd it till lltfllt l tookilh id lilhfe tmniihlu cniiiu iw nr n riu in hip wkjrt i ill umd iii jrfr i ufl in tkth niii j t tillu c pro f mini- iwimtril it- tali t m 6l iirtimri kl usl tuwwt it and see if tbey will fclrow iv iras in uuijjrand sliadow to grow with piln and grief to make uils warld much brighter while bringing hi ui ilwiw jndy card tollentuw ontario totminehs kwltfmauv the valiawie of whokwale- trad has imm fairly well majnulned nomis- lent high ksmperatures affected sales of tell merchandls in the uil trade but twttwuhttundlntf this uie volume of rural sale u reported u be in tote of m year ago collection are fair to good industrial activity ue und tietw jnowlnj ftn cuiltll iliia bru ii tntfl nturnlnj ortlfrr tit tfw ul n l fvuiih wulnutvi for uw coin- i 1 ovum ml eucuojl bl hm l i rrr ronilmllfv how imfuilr rool fcmtltfr miu lwiv vhml lud dlnvd nioftt o 1 tittomi in hit- vllliiue linrtkuhural fttuimjiit- ll to mrtvl tir-flomr- ii klilt xilul mis ht liiliti j tin- ulwral imiiy ur the tuunli fur hi rldliiit of wrllliul oulli h ntrlaniatwm it o mrounu of lite t i trtct lilurul a- wlatlon iwkl ut tuclili ukevilw man nouinatcd c r candidate in iialton utww l klirlur inluuih fwctioi i it if tuts ilrvrup rd into h ihrr- tinrd mmii- t uiih 1 1 tiitry lnu ih- xu id if u 1- lulldnl- wllfmd j ut uf i li vlr fl county f imiu i i t ill orirlwii lu in i a mii liw tirti l- i it- nr i rwrtiii ol uw rirnt uia u n 1 1 s vlltaut lu i 0kwllt- on u it m mi lit ink vilt ii i r ii i ml jpkr uj iloti j wt th u i uo llnltn ij l r ti i ccy addrulnu iicriiu of j no liili l m k wowlttotul id hi hutor utid imjrinci n l iooikrauv cthumoitahh 1r ii r ion ui i bllurly u tlll the trt ill ui frcoiionilr ordrr 4n cuiiudi mil ilk political irtui wloch luflwmsli ur tat uu camluulr uuji mil i h f uvlra lii whlcli lir aiip iuli fiw hie jupiort o llw tlf1oi t itj has nnduncl that irofrj kin uordon iuortliwmt mmhrr ol tl c ch would jtprl u hallin fo i u ulclunl allorc ihjrt rllt man of lrl con ulurvirv counr c w ivwud at hw- nmtlm villi lum you just tbuyesteeringearl p llep rill sasx an uncn- insnraoce law next i tf the liberals arc returned a vote for libera candidate i a vote jor poempjojrmenf itttairmnee or a jfond yr in ikjnn w ndcnjih fiowntonvtjiu 4itu tlrjmito lias brn ttwwvluld itnl o hi canadian fasten er kt ajiiiu association tluuiah wlartoii lias lo bvruc tooma a brewery arliouse nnd luiuor itor illicit rilea are rtlll r- riel on in that lon and on brie peninsula over 1000 person hi r if ir loc with on rlceliooj th el lion miuht be td r body lo hold itwtnber uial am- lose h to qb hts opinou ol wily jit arr wlui jour we bi to brllfx tliat hi- 1 one lhlx is no reaon uj iwluir couhoul of common vtt are neople ulio cannot brar t croued iolllicmlly you muy j that ulteli hepburn l ih art tli cityrui only man in ontario rito lataber prw t v jtsadtlni company employees to du spas- aot ahtoluuly an odorless onion the chines is cultivated ty onportunluos in life may tuiv every hour of everv day of our exitence is a luue opportunity to improve yourself to the end that you may be better your neighbor hap pier and the world the vainer for your presence in it for a abort time csnapshbt cuil i its fair time bmbbi t lftttk cmmttry fair or but right ev u aldaafcow omn aamkaail4 apparttialuea uu irat tkiajc yoa aea if the animal be lac jdd baa any oaaaual mark lasa maaac to rt to a place aear the rlaje where these marking ahow np the baat la your bauer try too to avoid amattractlve backrroaada aaca aa ultkoao iwlea wires or ahada amoaz the labomarahla picture noaaluilitlea at the fair yoa will sore ly want to take some action picture and a fair tan t complete without the thrill of horse raring whether they feature the veteran driver proudly seated la his sulky or the young daredavll jockey snap a picture of the start of the race aa the drivers or jockeys maneo rer their horaea to the harrier or i starting post and by all moans take your position at the turn of the track aa the horses dash perilously around the ctd tl jain hff ttntw slrekh- itauiemher this however if you da not have acamtra with a very fast shutter aa oie that wl operate at 100 of a becimdtor faster don t try to snap a rapidly moving ohject as it hisses directly across the lcr n of thersmrra or direct line f vision n our cbnnri of getting a good sharp plcium are niurh greater if yn cat h your aulijort at an angle el atout t5 diwrecfl it n alttays brttcr tu ila safe thin to lalti ehanrc bihi pi rliapn g t a bturnd plcturx iwd your tamer with 01m tods and bo ready for hint eventful da w ii n ou aru ijt to thit fair john am uilhiulc lets frti hoot th beaaa th i rmtwt tha woods and pie- tutm of the children and today think ajhettt picture maldac oppor- tuajtlea at the county fair lileastlinr is fair time and hj warer that miehty few of too have wvev given any thought to una aairu of tnapahoounj rigli non- aatly the couaty fair offers more noa- albllttua for snapshooting thai spat will permit tailing about caat yoa aeth harkara la front of the side show axtalllax la haaky loud voicea the bmrita of their shows theres the aldaehow hand with its battered laatnmsata letting forth load blaata of dlaoordant moalc the not so clean tooklas vendara of lolta trick gad gwta ballooaa and various other ihlag of qaeahowalil value javery one of thasa a aahjeot for good hassaa lataraat plctarea bat ufa look toward the asore aarloua aide of the fair i lie arhlhlta for laattaea uy making inislllgent use of your camersy yoa can take home with you not only picture of geaeral laiereat but f yoa are par ticularly in tares ted lkhfarm produrls yoa caa- snap record plr lures that atay lalsr prove laeaiuahle there la the judging of ciltlaaheep borsea and hogs for laatjace iftbe judring la doae in an open air ring you can snap ths pjcture of the winner of the blue rlbboa with auy canera tiox typo or fold ing la taking aacb plcturen ur any picture a fsr as that la nmixmed doat juat look in the bitl r and ann ttinf your bualneas your nelanimiijr may be a concientious lupporler fcarl row thats his buinev dont lose your temper and wave tlo bills around in your en t inula in the betting doeoit proe anythln- and because a man win not call your hand is no reason he uiould riianb his opinion you may hear many wild uate- ments made during the campujn this is no reaxon for getting hot un- uerth collar for nobody believe them anyway that neighbor of yours lt llkjy mighty decent fellow and nobody knows it any better than you lie lias likely helped you when yoj wrt aick and hell probably lend you anything he owns yea air lu might good fellow the only thing the matter with him jut now is that he la on the wrong tide of the poll tieal fence and perhaps quite bj conscientious as you in his ballets 8a dont fall out with him let him have his opinions and demand the came lime that you are granted the same privileges mental iioirttals there exuts a general misunder standing regarding the activities mental hospltau the idea perluts that such institution are maintained to provide for the shutting- up there in of those who are suffering from mental disease the mental hospital is thought of as a place where re straint is commonly practised and where freedom is almost unknown that such was the case in uve pftst merely means that in those oar mental diseases were not undercluud they were viewed as the result of heredity were considered as inevi table and incurable and in addition were looked upon in the light of disgrace a sthey supposedly indicated tome defect of an undesirable ture in the family we know now that mental disease is chiefly the result of faulty environ ment the child s surroundings hi earty training the development of his ufpotlonal life are the deter mining factors as to whether or not he secures mental health and avoids mental disease mental hygiene now considered a part of preventive- medicine and is based upon the un derstanding that mental health can be attained just as can phytlnl health by proper care during the early development years if mental disease does develop and the patient comes under the care of a mental hospital he receives treat usenl there are curative methods for menial disease just as there are for physical disease uodera medl cine does not neglect the mental health at the expense of the phynical uodern medicine treats mental dis ease and the mental hospital is institution wliere curative methods are applied with the reeult that return to normal health s secured in a large number of cases as in other gelds of medlcne u preferable to prevent mental dis ease rather than a wit its appeal ance und attempt to cure il the fulmc or mental hygiene is tull of promise and its development will go far to wards making life happier then no reason for mlsconcentions con- eemlnf mental disease and the iork of mental hospitals a better pubir understanding will help to secure even better facilities for those suffcrli from emntalv disease husband treading newspaper ac count of an incident at travelling menagerie i with a hoarte roar ilw lion sprang at the trainer and pan demonium broke loose wire what queer narnos they yivc ttnimab to be sure judae your wife complains that you never work how about it sam flam dat woman s eragy ask tur aliat ah was doin de second tueua v of august last year shoe ilcrchant iluuneu i vi quiet that we iiad better have a spec ial sale store manager all right what shall it be i alio merchant well take uial tliw of t shoes and mark them doun ffrom tlo to sfi5 vote for low itjorifjins i enbura brought down 1 fytlro rates tavtng comufncn- mtoojooo vote to keep hydvo from bctog idaoed up with costly power from the quebec rywer barons vote for the m huiit m to cotttinuo llepburn ba already uncovered a treasure ol 28 millions hiddea away in inheritance taxes on undervalued estates vote to continue the hunt -aib-sibbw-sft-bsms-ass-s-sss-a-aas-s-s-s- vote liberal and keep the old henry gang out ttsall right to let earl rowe kid himself that he is steering and running the conservatives but the electors dont want to let mr rowe kid them into believing that he is leading a new clean thoroughly purged conservative party the same old henry jjang is managing the rowe boat the old henry gang think that they were beaten by some mistake in 1934 on wednesday october 6th show them that it was no mistake but that you were in deadly earnest when you voted them out and that you want them even less today vote your approval off lower auto fees hepbura has cv 5 off the cost of motor license fccljvote liberal and sliow your approval hepburns social proves he is d v his deeds mr hepburn has shown vote for lower taxes hepburns desire to help the taxpayer was shown by the onemill special subsidy he made to muruapaliucs to be passed on to the taxpayer hep burn is the taxpayers prorta friend he his the interests of the masses at heart his government has assumed the full cost of mothers allowances a mother with one child is now entitled to an allow ance a right denied her by the former con servative government under mr hepburn the government as- eglslation a man with a heart sumed the municipalities share of old age pensions it established pensions for the blind it abolished students examination fees it cancelled the amusement tax so that people are no longer penalued for enjoying themselves at theatres concerts and games hepburn benefits labour vote for debt reduction hepburn by sound financing and good government reduced ontarios public debt by 33 million dollars last year vote for further reductions hepburn has shown true friendship for the worlungman with advanced labour legislation minimum wages for men as well as women an industrial stan- dards act providing codes by agreement be tween employees and employers and already improving conditions for 75000 workers and the creation of the industry and labour board another evidence of mr hepburns friend ship for labour is his promise if reelected to enact legislation to provide unemploy ment insurance and mr hepburn makes good on bis promises vote for courageo aiaiiht hepburn has not been afraid to stand up against the lewis crowd the que bec power barons the financial ring ontario needs a courageous premier in times like these vote for lower interest rates hepburn takes liquor out off politics vote for more suiumne butlgets hepburns last budget with its ninc- mitboa surplus and its tax reduction accomplishments has become popu- lary known as the sunshine budget vote for a continuation of these sun- shine budgets hepburns proposed board of three a judge a liberal a conservative is the sanest soundest most constructive plan for removing liquor from politics that his yet been devised in respect to beverage rooms the hepburn government stands for the principle of local option it is up to the municipality to decide for itself whether it wishes to be wet or dry thats british fair play hepburn prevented the sale of liquor in restaurants on us record of successful administration during its first term in office the hepburn government deserves to be returned to power deserves the support and the vote of all fairminded people do your part to assure ontario a contin uance of good government for another term by voting for the hepburn candidate in your riding vote liberal lnaa j by taa oaatarta hfcaral jusi tlaslsa hlcckssfvl potato stokaoe with uie approach or another stif- uac eason iiroducers should now iltan for ui ucceiv4ul morlng of the crop 1uccea in the storage of any plant protluct more particularly uie pouto i tlcnerlent upon uie care exercia in browing tumeting and storing flie crdji accortdlngi 11 will be ctjr uiat ui keeping quality of potato is governed to a rofuodcablc exten by preuorage practlcev invetlgatlons have revealed list tlv wastage ol stored poiatoe- can usually be traced to bad practice during digging and storage operations potatoes intended lux murage shoud be dug only when uiey are fully mi- ture to reduce mechanical injun tliev dutccr should be run at a modr ate speed wiui uie point deep enouch so that a sufficient layer of soil moves over the elevator to act as a cushion with certain tyjr of diggers in jiakcr bars should be wrapped with pieces of rubber hose preshly dug tubers jiould be left for an hou or more on uie surface of the ground to iiroroote uie drying and loosenlnp of adhering sill pickers should be in truded to leave tubers showlnc any deca in the field and warned again t lulchlng potatoes into baskets or em ptying basket into barrels from any cxuimderable height every can- jiould be used to avoid bruising in loading the product- in uie field unu in unloading at uie wareioue or cel lar the utmost care sliould be taken in the storage building to avoid rough handling of crated barrel or 1 bags and uhtier no condition should walking on the tilled tubers be al lowed if time allows and if the ma chinery is available it is a good prac tice to run the potatoes over the grader and to remove any blemlsl cd tubers prior to filling uie bins before use uie warehouse or stomje cellar sliould be thoroughly cleaned and siirayed wiui a solution of pounds of copper supliat in 40 gal lons of water during uie first few weeks of storage uie storagehouse sliould be well ventilated in order to carry off the moisture from the i weaung tubers a lemiierature be lt ren 3fi and 0 degrees fahrenheit hould be maintained during uie tor- age season touch and tttain coujdk arthur crawford 3a of campbell tlle escaned injury monday mors- ing when his truck was in cnllluon with a cnr motor train on a croty ing oner mile south of milton the impact hurled uie large truck owned by uie king calcium products of canada against a fence i didnt hear any whistle of uie train what ever cram ford aid nor did i see uie train until i was within 100 feet of the tracks according to provin cial officer a j oliver of milton uie truck skidded 15 feet a hen uie brakes were applied have you renewed vour herald a rrayar may every soul that wkh mine de it the sughteat contact get therefrom some good some lltue grace ana kindly thought one aspiration yet unfelt one bit of courage par the darkening sky one gleans of faith to brace the tiiickening ubrof life one glimpse of brighter sky byod uie gathering aits to make this life worth while and heaven a heritage t provincial elections next wednes day october fth rr comme printing i we are at your service with quality printing prompt service lowest possible prices come in and let us fill your printing requirements t the georgetown humid t