Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1937, p. 4

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j x plae 4 the georgetowarllermw wed iwadny rvcning august 18th 1937 enjoy tea at its best salada your eyes unliitu tw bnw imki aj sljala w m iium la iwdi kr fajnua is j jwfa oar mm aa b w ant utr u u jarf u ritlr kar a ta luw ay n caou 0- t walker ro c vu i koan otuia stou f vry halh or may iiill o wuw at ab av la anaaawa at present farm w commodity prices 7 tp roofing a costs less today than in 1935 k f ui wtl tw at mtatftuy li nikiinit la wy oi- ihu wttulae ivr tihw- umlnub ijmii a tlvm ruv u brtmlwllmiflam mll ktwlfeu tvr 1uiata la 1j m wam j f tuy u 1m it amumlk xj m7 iua imiu mtu wkwi cu w ukw cuu it tan mtc w hutty 1uu u h lumwallop wit qtu damt twi car u1 mm vwf uhmltd yajt ct4a ma itvfeuork c mm j htrfla two ih44 eaal writ im t t it u sf awtt lttvhkd mails lm1 ik fcfcd atinly mu ut nalliu a vim korw au l kaua hk a hll 1 1 j immawavmultlv ttb kll yltotn utizl w k wjmu cam mu mir iu tuy ty vuttue i yaurdj miy ty vuttue m ea brdttt mmi wv m vtfrov lvr m uavy nmrr laifill ualurlawd vi d wjuwr jaj autaj lur fr rol your auwk ik- hiljiiil t wy tm kamllliai lb uwkiau ma uulkbm ul k wnufarbuntat 3rut cml kuui wktk xuu kj1 vtlkma ed3ernstel products ju okekftgsuigkuay safe direct- economical lkave qeokgimwn islmiuluvl 1w tw t-t-a- tv kufcm- uojn 415 iwn j xu5im g5 pm 7a3 uiu su un 13jo ivm y 8 10 xix 11j3 us 815 iwn x lausun 11jm pjn s pm x 105 pm a dju rtppi sun and hoi x to rwtrojl dally i y to dcirolt sun and ial vacatiov to i us au blknsks raid gcrtaa bay tke cr lakr tfc qauti tlw hie chim ask for iuustrtatkd fouki ttcketj and inronnalkm at w h long phone 89 n vjk jworry ill neveii dim her beauty vfc va ob sap her vitality tiiamks to a fiato and ocfontific prep aration for all cases oi mnn- strual disordors and fominino hyqiono ulrr 4iook1ft this week mmccormacks drug store v rilonk u7 main stbxet gkoboetown clearing sale t of all summer millinery at reduced prices i misses clgtridge hlr block upui goirctq tkas canatla aik kkr icx tcoituituraj rruni ibr it umliilf nrkk at tnunau of forty ty uty ntw irwn vwirttuvrf u 1111 i in atldttkii muulcul lnn al om- lii- l eltk w af atv brim tumiitlrl itroiu luivuli bvii wtkla- ui cmr m i loril lrf liw uiu ihiriur l lh- tlmmnunl rh- route to tr non by dm train cututdn air ijilf will b- jlutllax uoivrum uoiturul wlluli l- ilrjhu lclhbrkliifvalirouver with ronmclumv to mwl i rtml 1 o itiniui uihtrtlimr inwuuii unl vaiicwufr lo bcalli- viui bo imobaulu of llw- iuilului til lb iurw 4 olhrr m laavwrntrr mrlrt mkh ai toronto lumllltttiwlndwr it wfni- llkl lluit lb lirxi dlruttut til bf ikbwhd lit tmrrntlult plll bv ui rmlri uiiil ihictftr emvtktmib whinl lrv lltiuiiuuirulitouiri rl itwuiimi iul lrtiamuliif l vuucuihr rtif mhmonlmalr mllran liw- tiuuiotu b loo tnlla nu dal it br uowivrr for k- innluj of rmjrtur rrvkf twi un routw m ilk- hli jmmralrj ork ulll lie rurrwi out lui tlkf vrtlit ol iir tin rout uinmul dw oj uouiiuiiis ha brn id v r tltoiouuhli ui it b lllf bfllfl ol uu lkiurtux itl o tfuiuiwrt ixihtl- thii aiudu hftj- of uu bo- 1 of uu lour traitctihiilaial aut m iinrd in morlh ahu tirj llil ciltjiltui mulf unijrv llu uorlcl tlirouuu t grows jiuit i ilfitriil in raiul lliot ibl l ri tr in llw tr iifor th uvvtotutunt ai triv cuoajla ab uivtn uie lojlomir ouull of iny lbr lifdults way bf raimthid in uar to obtain un mm of the a- imunatf llnw btvf n c ntr ui hie nliwfi tt up conraio w appro vour udnllvaj vjiivcouvrr i montrval wlimlpea 1oronlovaiamer l toruiuwuinl4hit q wn nlikicltmlna 1 tliuilrl kdmonuui winnlks edmonion i ulllax uonlreal tlw ilaff ol tlir railway roitsldpr it a matk of ronlwn- in the caim dlau national organuatloii lliat hk ulnlur of trmiukiort uh the en daisatkan of ihirluunent twmld liat kbcd tlu oiicratkux of ue truti- canada air unr in cliarue of the canadian katloial tosrtlvrr atlh ad mlnlarallve tlitrm oiricn of uu public ir uf arranitemmlr ha bmhri made whereby 0y full rttourci ol the railway oraanlxation ul br uinl to raakr known uw day to ua developmenls in ths alrwmy vtxice and to make available to thai u1m plan to use its xpr and pjci raculticrs all pouibl information throuah the railways trarrjc and otlvei retmnnentauveft the kunlur oi tramnort dnrw u attuitkui of tht ilous of conudons to live fact th uwt wimmitle which considered the development of civil a latum within the united kingdom rcmmndea uiat for the development of alrllr- service across ensbind mllwmj co- operauon uvould be iouahu tlic ulnlter proceeded to give instance- in hlch the faculltn or the hixh way would be of great alue to ur airline ticket otacta faclltues lor uie solicitation of exjireir and paeimer business and many other olnts where ervlcea would be more or i parallel in any event said hon c d howe alter the consideration of ihee matters the government lia decided that lis asency for transpor tation the canadian national hall ways tvould be the means of organ ixlnx thli company just as it was il- as the means far operating sucii shipping as the government owned and the means of operating otlur government transportation facilities in discussing the transcanada air lines it is difficult to place too great emphasis upon the marked improre- menl that will accrue to the domln tan mail services as the result of this air line development no feature of the plan is more important in all arrangements including the staruiqf fame of the planes from important terminals the policy will be carried out that the malls must go thonmi in uu shortest possible lapsed time lireferably after the close of thtm-j- ness day in order to exjiedlue uu commerce of the country theimlul ter of transport lias pointed ou tnal the pilot must fly by night a well as iy day in fog and storm il well as in dear weather par that reason a radio beam must be provld ed between landing points which will keep the pilot on his course whethei or not lie has any visible contact with the around par tlamr t was inform ed when the transcanada air line bill was being considered that a can lul anolak of air mall revenue had been made hy the post office ckparr menu it wn anticipated tha wltn tlus reeular revriue th trim- can ada air operation would by the third year ia lor luell through the car riage of mail alone the inauguration of air iin xrvw across uie atlantic lias an importan rtlaqpnshlp ic tlic traiucanjuu air lines services after regular ervlcvt hae been established ml operated or a period joint operatm com- panj wll be rormed wh cl a l b- re- soruible for carrying en the rvlcrs- tlie joint operating company ill u incurtioratrd on the inslanct of three companies one nominated by jil goxrmmtm ct the united kingdom one by the government oj the irui free atale and one by tlve canadian socmmenu the comimny nominated by live cunadlan govenunent is uvr trans canada atr unev the capital ol hie joint company will be ub xrtbed aivd held as lo il b ihr unlied kingdom company ilmiefial airways i 31 by t lie- canaduiu comjiani trans canada air lliu and m by the irtsli fyer btau company tlie pan american airway will be trninted landing lecultie by uie govrnimriu ol canada uie irlji ilxe wale the united kingdom and newfouiulland and a ill partlcliuite in tlie service on uie basis or reciprocitj with uie joint company tlie unit ed 3latea governmvut alll in turn grant landing fucililie- 111 that conn to lo uie joint comiwnv compod uf uritisli irtsli and canadian inter eoa it ti understood uul ami bound uie planes all alit r rrovmng tlie north atlantic land at new loundland procred to montreal tai aluniatlve la is at shedtac nil and iiroceed lo ne york kastbouiia the order ol top a ill fl coure be reversed it is litiied that uu urvrv llmhls will establisli tin- entire feasibility ol a regular er lee lor mail and pa senerv tarhe months ol uu year across uie north atlantic diefi at 83 she defits rheumatism after suffering acute pmxn for yean ttluunitttbaii tlr i ultafkrl tbl oil lud in 1131 aiul krudiiiallj u front hrr lilm it otltrr lat ot li uxh llu j tarll ui la krurlifii uall and mi w jii llw lullomliiu lltr in tier inii hn writing i have liinvrrd ltwi rlitutiuhn uwre iwi at llrt i ml unit pin tn both armi i roiill not tbip lu imin ii grf on aiul l uhwll crept down tn thf iik ol my liinr next ll irfclud hi knm uiwl mikii uhkrh muul nve uim tu lpl- lur it loiiu wtuwl a iru ml rwtmfiitu n i i nu in tuki kriiriun ili l him hey dq m nuin uood thun anv nhu r mtdiniu llnlintik or oliiuiiitil 1 v i uwd tin l my v riiiu tholuh i an in my wu yur din ii flu- uhi uiul ulfim of rlu i mullaji art- idtfii ruind bv il ihi it of nethlie luiinletl uric avitl cri lul ui the muult autl uiit krualu n luills i titillate your llv r uiul lldne u liettlthy r6iilur actum aiul a- i i t item u ict rkl rl hit pfi- urw acul whuh 1 rtspktilly the rail- your u if e ring the pcftce of religion in nation life intatmatiomal i miimtu xanay s4iu4i tjrmm atactau si 1947 tolmn tucr ule 4x1 l uie iu ikui xlio coj i life uird i u 9 ih ibaclk 1bodu iqttl mrs drooks called up uie butcher before lie went out send me a quarters worui ol steak she sakl and im not a ivome just tell uiem lo poke it through ui keyhole mr i tell iou am utmun produces a lot or rhniigei nelglibor whatn that got to do with the case mr younghuihand wh fur in stance in one jiort year 1 have bet n clianged from a sighing later to u loving sire teaclier un geograili lev on now ran anyone tell me where e find mangoes t knowuig lltue ibiy yes mks wherever woman got rmih ulord thy wialuu wnlu l atk nwiiu lor muy the mind bt humbled a a know ibae nvore la t tlie larger vlooii urnu the childlike heart and our depr lovoaledlc llulkr seal impart kbetu- r b oakley auttxk 1 s ior three lliouuuvd years live he bn w people have contributtd to tiu higher uie of mankind and retained itieir national identity uwuigh xal ured uuikt- many ruulons one tx phniauonof ihu hloorlc fact ls tint l unique nation was organized a- ihcocrury and ood was given nrsl lilacc a- a band of wandering urlbe jui lutvlng e aliped from titmuli i slavery uiey irwcud a tabeniatle tonsicrated u uie worslilp of clod rvwx wfre behiivd dangers wate in front uiey liad a iourney to nuikt and a country to conquer but mose tell ll to be vital lo the life ol uu nation thai their religious falui ik given xmt outward expression tile liiojile aire jioor enough but uiey waw willingly lor uns high imrpoa- ootnplauil are omsumes made an to live cost of religion but uie cost l reiatnely mall compared with cvcrrl amiucnenl and indulgences and re ngion iirompl to rfcnenuty in all good causes the tieople who have gave sacrihcially to erect the great cathe drals of kurope may not have doni all they should other l but uiey did leave u heritage of beauty and reverence which has eonunued to ul rica tlie plruual uie of many nations uaruda 9 1 god may be worshiped anywliere but exjwrrienci lias taught the vatuc of sacred aasocia lions cane plate i om day one book may come to lum holy meanings for us a cliurch ui which one has been taught from inlancy received into cliurch mem bcisnip married and taken uie acra- meiu come to have a sancuty alto gether its own there are at least tati y live uiouand church build ings in canada borne of them ure vrty iilaln and uniireteniious but they uu are twined around the in- tervsu ana allectvons of at least a few peode to ahom uie orshlp ear ned on ailhin has been a gateway of heaven there is always uve dangir that n lljious worship may become sfop reckless driving 0 4 k- it you drive recklessly and have not made up your mind to stop it you are going to find yourself in serious trouble soon the department of highways is determined to put reckless drivers off the road and keep them off if you need your car in business stop and think for a minute what would happen if you had your driving license cancelled you might lose your job but what is jiour job compared to the death crippling or injuring of a good citizen reckless drivers are criminals going along our highways breaking laws maiming and killing defenseless people our laws are adequate and fair obey them and you will keep out of trouble break them and take the consequences you cannot say you have not been warned stop speeding stop cutting in stop passing on hills stop taking chances of any kind if you must drive slower than the average traffic keep well to the right side of the highway or use the side roads do not block other traffic r ontario motorists will cooperate to put rocklcfifl drivers whore they belong hera in what to do when you bco a motorist driving in a manner danjforoun to tha public tako his number mako a careful note of the actual umo and place and when you reach your destination write to tho motor vehicles branch department of highways toronto giving full details we do not invito reports of minor infringements of tho traffic laws you are requested to use sound judgment we will deal adequately with offender ontario dhartment of highways motor vvjucum branch the project is mooted tliat uirn jwuld be i council ol church uirouai which the churches could net to elhtr he aj u rn the purtlviug and susuiiiiln pmrr al irevent this is to make worship true andbeauuful uiat lis reality will alwoy be felt true worship takes ume but many busy people nnd turn for it and claim uiat they do more and better work because regulaily uiey keep uielr tryst with ood chmi could teach on a hilludc or ittkethore but he olo want to uie synagog ic and lo uie temple conscious as he aas cohunuall of the fauier- pres ence he did not neglect the fathers houc savaeuuea u 41 life falls very naturally into three divisions tlie first has to do with our necev4uc food raiment and shel ter fuch of our time and uiougit is devoted lo ecunng uie necessities of life secondly nearly every ois lias ilace lor a few luxuries omc books furniture a garden travel music and art life ls enriched by what these luxunes bring to us a third iilace must be lound for what we call our sancuues uie worshl ol ood the dlscijiluie ol conscience the pmciit- of the iueence ol chrut peoiile are to be pitied who spe id their whole strengui in pursuit ol the necessities and luxuries or hie anil have no ume for the sanctities for uie experience- of uie soul and the values of uie inner life most ol u give first iilace to uie necesslllrc and luxuries and only marginal time or uwiuyht to llles sancttllev chri- 1 rcicrsod uii pro vd ure he gave llrst place to the sanctities aiul tno lucnssltles and luxuries uerr optfui a and incidental he teaches us lu etk first uie kingdom ol ood and to find lifes higlwst satlslartion in lellou jii wiui ood vxaetirnre u ic why is it tliat religion is not a vital power in uie lives or mai ikopler ho has it liappened llim illble church and worstit mean so little to them no one deliberately ts out to allow modem life lo be eome pagan but by little insincerei ues killing indulgences growing m tllftemice we net out ol the a ay of going to church praying meditating nr letting ood have llrst joace in our uioughu tlils lianpens not alone to wayward people biuj have juner hud any religious expenence bul alsu to those alio luave been most can- fully i rained in religious rtle- tit human will may easily become sla it ji jaxes lonstanl eltort and dlarlplitiiv to uit the mind up anywhere near o uu level or uie mind of christ a uimmi awy to begin is by ur gitaludr mule wllh iieivcll aiul iiaper hetulre uie uiluiis for which you are uiajik lul to ood soon you will begin lo leel that ood lias done much for you foruiiin you many time given vo i undeserved cliancec and never cast von of in anger oratltutle a ill proniu the desire to vrve ood bet in aimi uiat demrr till in all nma abllty leail roan to ainw definite op- imriunlly ol makbig a choice conrl oujy eking to do the will ol ood dally vxierlence or ood s iireanrr makes religion a growing aiul not a diminishing experience iikrrh and nauan u u i canada iher ls no stale rhurh uaikin has no ay or speaking s unit religmujy jews unman callmillcs and lnitesunl even do nut lurludi uie whola nation as many have no proleued rellgtoiu amuallua puer rellklnn in the uie of uu ninlon as a whole through the intlueavt ol individuals and groups ihgloiria had a prolound effect ugion govern- menu bilslness education and ucial life in canada it mu at 11 be thai in the futun this influence am be come deeiier and stronger old forms will give ay to ne vocabularies will clianyi ivrecedenls ulll be maiu but uie reality of the law und loe ol ood will ibid clearer rxprrsston and more ready ofaedjcnre moses had many dlscouraenunts leading a horde of undlsciptlucd fulloaers m a aildernes bul he did maki real tu uiem uie alll of god fhough peo ple with un exjurtenct ol ood s had ing such as xluseo had can deliver in twenueui century from the jilutlls of iiaganlan seeuuirism materialism and mechanism revhal means a re- dlcover of iltrnul truuis and valui qevlans far dlstttsslau 1 l i hi clu r h alauy asking lor money j what should worship do lor us 3 xjfluui and ptndliil we i iy a h our iiwv r wliy is religion too prop ssionullcedr 5 ho inr l cuiada a christian nu lion do vou it membt r uu all or a ho iv hen a ktl a hat hi had dmc wt h his wau- answered lart aent ior liquor juiri lor wtirnt u aiul i sp lit uu n hxihsjily uce dated at oeorgetnan ontario thl lqui di of aucuj 1037 dalf and hknnvtt oeorgeloa n ont solicitor for uu- aid fredericl 3i hurdlng and jolin w harding llttn i wtuildu t ra h a c my own brotlur well nl ouin you kn lamily b hi r than i do leek lor ia xutr lu it agalivm iiht don t harden vour against nu he tliat s not by heart you that m rlgun ttt caa notice to creditors in the matter of the laute of john w htltmnc late ef lite twnxhlp of tsanesing fvaunly of llalto entleman lleceased notlcl- is htrtbv llien hat u person liaviim anv claim ordairuuuls uualnst the ifttr john llardl u who dietl on oi aho it llu litth aa of march ij37 at llu wild touiuhip of kjjiuuu are rtquirrd to 4iid til po i prepaid or to deliver to uu un derslgned solicitors hi n in lor rrrd erlrk hartllng and jqhn w llurdln executors uf uie iji t will an i tt li meut of john w llardliik h i li mail deceased their name uiul uldn aiul lull puruculitr in wnum ol their claim and suiimwii nr their account and tin uuluie ol uie cuntles ii any held by them and takf no icj tint ufti r the lath day ol iarpiimbtr ij3t llu ld kxecutor alll pnweetl lo distribute the a4u ol ul tltl dec lwi auuilit the uroil oituleil tliinio having regunl unly to tin i luun ol whlri they iiall tht n luin hud nutlet i lul that llu suld f xii utors will nut b- liable lor the suld assul or uuy pait lluretil to uny permioi wiuse claim utry slull not uien have rercived liq- notice to creditors in ue matter at tbe estate wf tiiom- s tiiomfson lllnteil ute wf ute twwnshlp af cxineinc auitv f uallati trnufmia uereauard notice is hereby given that an persons tuini any claims or demand aitllsl the late tliomaj thompsmi huhter alio died mv or about the ibui of june id37 at the said town ship or fsquesliuj are required to send by post prepaid or deliver lo int undtrslgued iallcuor herein lo julin joseph hunter and lsaac w hunter executor of uu la i will and te lament ol tlioma rimmpsun hunter i ntleman deceaed llu ir names nnd addresses mid full pai-n- culars m writing or uielr claims and itnlemrn s of their aceouill- and ui tiatun of the ecuriiies ll ony held by uiem and take n6ticf uiat after the lilh day of beptember 1037 uie sal i executors will proceixl lo dtslrtbati the asat of uie aild deceased umoin uie iitrmis ettuued thereto having regard only to uie claims of alii n thv iiall iluii iuiit had noucc and that uu said executors will not u liublt for llu said assels or any pan thereof to any iicron of ahou clainn thev shall not uun 1 ave recelvl no lice dattsd at oeorvetoan on arm uils 10th day ui augusl 1037 dalf and ufnnett oeorgetoan on solictor lor the ijiid john jojjiii and isaac w hunter snapshot cuil sermon to vacationers notice to creditors in the matter af the koale of u l tktt millir bris uie ot the village af morva caanty of lultun aenlteman ueeeaved j nciici- ls twnjy given that alt prsons huvlnu anv claims or d iiiuuds uvulnt the late walter mill r uraln alio dleil oil or about the 20 ji of july 1037 at the said county m halton an required lo m nd by po- prepaid or lo tlellver u the muli r jgiuxl 4iliritors hen in fur arthur r lira in und m cluy wlloil i xeriilo of the last will uiul ivsumeni i walhr miller uruiu utnllemuii ti oeasei uu ir names and addn s4- mil tull iurtleulurs in urltlnt or th ir claims and statements or their ai counts uiul tin nutun or uu securl ues ir uny lit id b them and takf notici that alter llu isul diy of stptenibcr 1037 the suld rxitutnr will proci4i to di trlbuti uu a 4 is or tin 4i ui deciutd umdti tle irrotis cntlurrt thereto having n huntouh lo tht clulm of ahl h thev jjmll then have hud notlci unl tha- uie aid executor will not ik- uabu for the aild url or anv liurt hit reoi to anv peraui oi ahose cli m un y hull not tht n hale reeelvetl no lire da1d at oeonttloan ont irlo uil 10th lay til augil t 1037 daij and hhnnfrti leorueloaii out sauirllars lor uie said arthur v at uraln and u ouy wilson th photooraphar fairly cloa took car to focua on tha child not on th distant tcan exposure 1too aacond at fa an a fair day peruina jmt pnalax nor h aa told of noticeable fealura aa an army blanket n r any more eonglotaara llona of mtanltiglebb comnoaitlon shot at random for noood pictorial nason sui h pleturei r aa you know produela or no ambition lo in ilfl th beat out or tho poialbllt- lt i of ix raon a caim ra tho film tn us si and of himself as a photo raiitn r in it rm of entertaining eye-da- llrliunk tmotlontttlrrlnkanil nhoto- kruiililcally exrelleiit plelurea thesa imihaibulllen are unlimited and on ra allonn w h ih r y atj tar ib orsan tiuutntaln take river vn the nralrleur the deert thn npbor- lunliltti for ni i plcturrx are un limited mke up your mind thta linn to ihlnk behire ynu ahoot speelal aupnlleatlon it you hava in mt uwl a cilnr nkcrlrealyanr tuu to two or thrw of different lyjrn or at hunt one avtrage flllar tu h a tho ks and experiment wuh tbeiii ikfure you atari filter in lur in cluuun ulhitiiclly cut uiroukti hue c mbat too irlght ra- fliviiuni fniin water or at a aand i iko ih ftly placed eoaim lit a on mi lady h aee deftly uned fltrni n haure luauly i iu u thvm rprlshl and dellghtad thii yoar when you go on your varallun re lve to come back with bitter una nidi tit t than ynu old a year ago determine to take mure rari with your h n ttni v r tliulla r npieda and your f einhut lieeld that be fore ynu take a plrturi youvwlll klt ttuiurht lo the light conditions w lietht r uie day in hni dull or vnry dull wliethi r a midday tuni li uhlnhiic from a char ky or tho leim in it itio tarly niornhik or lato aflur- noon nun wli tlur tht light lu in en ated hy n ifei 1 1 uh from xjian en of watt r or naiitl a in iher your iul- jeel li in avirage hatle or tlei p i hade wlxethtr uuih r any of tht n nmdlllonn yovi are phot irraphlnk nearby tihjerts or a dl tout net ne say yuu alll eonnhler thine thlnra tarh time and fin fully adjust your eann ra in fit them mako up yuur bilhd lltal you will ihlnk a i no about the eouimiliuin or tarli iiutur tlutt it shall havi nu rlt beeaune nf mi pictorial qualllhn and that in t ieh hci tu hiidu lug huuuu or otht r lu ini uuro ttlioll lui at rj telllni iiilrtil iwiure that you will bring hack fnim thlyearti varutlnu no in tn iml d tin un jilclurtt nor unlirn ptuull or tlvi i iukiitml on t m r ilc turt a blurred by rutin ra m mo mora at thou 11 relax plot urea of ll0 haure iwauty 1 ou will iwahri with tlio mmti john van qulldar

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