Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 7, 1937, p. 2

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page the georgetown herald wed iicwluy tlvemng july 7lu 1937 wnhau at bt ulchaels hospital tbcotoo on monday july ui 1037 to mr and mn c j ikmliarri s on- ttlubom in mkmuuam jmnntdv in lovutg memory of william cyrus kennedy wtu jj d wy july 5rd nws akvl while lie lies in peaceful sleep iu mmbry w sludl always keep badly miued by wife and framify personal there luu never been li newspaper printed that aatbjled vrybody llul thwrv u a very simple melhod byl u j wr main on uupl av edilch belter hrlfcra uan be pro doced uul un i ut for uhm wlto ub town council tkndubt w nkvv kandhyarjd askclu bv council council met tl h pm on tuewiay evening july lh m3lbr present aor olbbuiu lleeve uvi council iiim grlpiw cleave cougiui lull luyoil mid lrr ulnlulra re rwd and wmnnwsl communuiilton were read from holler iiufpectlon iiuuruiut co ur llobeu of liu above itmiuny uddrrwhl couiull w ur ii having on beludf f put firv itrltfiul uxked that liu uutl ttrutil be iwld luiiiiedluuly my llnirr vuuiuitti r on behuir ijoiiilnlon bed llou usked for jcribc la uiw lo lk an liullvkluitl interest id teeing uutv liny ut i atari local and personal hew not uul you ww expected to become a reporter when you becoam fe kubfcorlber but because the itavpttper ftjjftulw as um exponent ox all unit i good for your ootnmunlty uul became civic prid khoukf therefore lead you lo eitcour- juich mi inidauuon if you huve vtsltorx if yod liave beetl ill vbil ut u you are going onoiw your neigh bors are liira 10 be ltllemled in linou big about 1l ivu litem through your home lowu paper the herald kvtry little tletn of a local or peyoua nu- tu help juxt tint mucli u huike k ui1 beiter newxjmllwr and ifelului it to the editor teiulr very httui excrr lion on your parc thai u luw you can help ttudte your newtpati- tiuirv lnttrectinc atul you are uivilmi to ntkrt uolnc u at once ttuuik you i high school entrance results the following dandulatbh tor ui ulch school kntranoe at georgetown centre were admitted lo iuh acliooj oa their yeura work lilly barclay lawrcrtc fieaumont mewum- braulfard beatrice brul hou william clark dorothy clarke hot douglas cole elaine colllna walt y cook hon jack crawford laurence croat isabel dabaon reta doyle hon oeorve erry lion itasal qraham june oratiam uar- karet annie oraham john lisle lum valeria herbert uurul llewson jattes kelly albert kemhed ethel lane hon oordon lne lawrence maeketude liarion ulller hon uary paul roy irwk hon herbert reki maramret roamel leooa sejte belli ehoru hon sdwmrd btlccer hon uyrtie warren dwynneth wullams john wuaonj jean wood the fouowtne candidates were suc- ceaaful at the r kdna c baker iion prank car ter kussbeth ooffln rrank connely kdnk k cousins james doane wenda u haaellt grace porattr oeorjt ou- taer vrsnoes given ulldred l hsr- rtaon owndolyu hill uarcsret uc donau doris ullchelt grval psuer- aotx a hiiuedte hon t uurlel iftyisul jean thompson prsnca wlulesworth alex wright than wtupmcs medonau3s bakn buftnkd when struck by ufthtnlnjt lot prl- dy july and shout noon the fine urt bam of wilfred ucdonald 4lh line bqueslnc was totally destroywl hy are the unplemenl shed and tare were auo burned thirty five tons of hay a quantity of straw and kraln were burned with the bam the loss to ur mcdonald which is very heavy is partly covered by insurance royal guelph now mjiyinq another dawn kiuiol piynn kay puancis sat july 10 3 dy mountain music majitiia rave nnn nuiuai buy at lis ul kcvival monday at ii kja w c fields in orrv t wcd m julv 14 ia woman cbaie man umiau hopkins josl udrak cotiununiculloiu irrv ubu rvad from dfunlnuui 8od houm j j fuylor co cunuduui federation bt uuyoni uiul munlclimdltuvi owj we umi co irouu cwnerul lumpl uil iluv clrltllu ttioniitoan w a wluon hjul v w cleuve on lahulf ol the ljjiuftnx aiirultuml ioruti ajjtchl for tlif ukltal umtlt mr- modwcll siul ur huu murkett iui u kinl lui council lo put u 1rice ujround uie nr rullnu imjoi myor aibbun hlkr conunu uuu r modi hl rt- iktrl w tin month of juiw uovtxi by vxr ttondtxl by lyonx uial tin clfrk he iiulrucud to notify the county council unit tfd will pro vkju the ucihuiry laiiu lo ttue u ft road from ur oth line lo die paper mill carried moved by crlppfi tcondd by arr tltut uitt iveaiurcr pay um fteller conunuidon um vum of wtais pay juiil accounts carried moved by parr wcoiuled by cripps that uie treakurr my uie pira brl- uade the usual train of m00 carried moved by cleave tecondud by co- uaan uuil e moke a grant of tsm to uie tquelnij auricullural society carried moved by cleave seconded by hall uuit uie lyeosurcr pay uie following accounts jas mccartney ato t 3m jos blair ttt xoo jno emmcrson at ww 3i0 wm chaplin sts 840 wm clisplln tm 10 jo ww cliaplln tts 1x00 pred erwln park 4m jas blair w w park 6 40 john cummins sli 3b c sucey sts sjm jack tost liark tic mj0 e c ttiomikfuui court lervlces june 33rd 3b wm ward court lervlce june 33rd 400 wm ward court services june 3aui e c thompson court servloes june 3ftth municipal road spraying and oiling co- sis 350im j schuts eta 23140 p c wlutmee tu 10ts bell tel plume co lual hydro electric 61us g it- mucksrt w pred hlnclslr town truck 1s40 speights garage are truck 335 georgetown herald printing t9 40 r ii ttiompfion t co 11 4fl j p held su 10 walker ts 11871 wm ward bailiff expenses 70 jas blair housing coram gjqo root eason housing oomm jack tost houslhg comm it w robb housing oomm 3ja o w drlnkwater housing coram 58so w o marshall stamps for tax and water bills etc 30 08 p b harrison postage exchange and freight 1176 a livingstone eta 5034 wm ingles sts 60x0 moved by hall seconded by cleave that we advertise for tenders for unuultarul for uie pork seating ca- iioclty 800 lenders to be in by july joth carried moved by iarr vconded by hall uial we do now adjourn carried too 4jj0 over 500 vetercpis at reujnion july 1st georgetown legion post 120 entertain veterans of 4lh 76th and 164th battalions at georgetown 800 excellent demonstration a rivkn at calp club mkctlng an attendance of approximately seventy live boys and men attended the uilrd meeting of the halloa calf clubs whlcli was lield on friday even ing lat at trafalgar on lindsay bro thers farm on uie fifth line of tra falgar ploodllghls had been erecteo for um occasion and under ideal condluona an excellent programme was run off under ute directions of the agricultural representative j e whltelock and presidents craig reld and george henderson an excellent d on jer sey type was handled by oswald war- man head- lierdsman of b il bull at son brampton following the judg ing contest an two splendid jersey clashes very able demonstrations on showmanship clipping trimming feel and throwing an animal were given by dub leaders addison woodley and gerald gratiam at the conclusion of the programme a vote of uianks was extended to uie hosts of the evening and uie demonstrators by pretjdent craig held tklirqone talks the watson 1auily heres dad is his turn now friday nights a amcial night- with the watsons promptly at eiglil iimi teu- puone h tinkles and ttolte hsrty voice eonjea imuuuuis over tlui wire tltea muneps auilute yauiistrrs ijuik disunee keeps us young say llwir randparenta if a uu clieiesl pleaaum we know of sulce ijte mfsom mnfy you huo utii jmd tomg uufajsre lie ulfmt way aeemjijr im lourl wtlh mt4ftoum rwev lives or friends tim low com mdl urprtse you r 0cr ww vruraiu of thr tlreat war we prttuul ul uw ri union of- tht 4ui 7bui aiul luui lutuluuu mill n uley were uu u of clorii lii u itlon of uu ilrlllhli rnipirt yrvui lauu iki 1j0 ul gihtrufuiwii on july ul if wul u iin ul d iy fur uie vti r mm old wmmulrt in urnu nui wlu hud hot wtli lurh nth r lute ui duij in ihc triiuhw uiul nuiny r irttiikcwtur of uif ua w n ivihutk i ed tin re wirt uul uniu uiul uhid 4mk wf miucvd iuu rus4t in ir luulur luil tuu old uudlen mt mho luul mt uyn rh outrr in tu ly yvitt uin jpki miook luinds un hkcldent pf hit trfiithr wji ituh- iuhuhj siul in uuy iund looking ul eurh ounr tin hurit run don tuhr furh lhv urude ftinned at tlw jiuui llaonu hid wiut niulc nunpllti by ute gforuiluvil piw bund mtul llw- lornu udobt bund of gorutomiv tu vrlurwiu tuuriiual li lu jrenouith itre wriuu wrv dtpohlted hy rep rwhiuuvew or ute lhre regtmuul uiul uie canadian iuion wliltfh r uiuler the coilimiuul of col jiinuvi uullknum tso and col o o brown president of gforgelown ivw i jo of uie crtjuullan legion pollowblg ui kcrvuv at uieceiui aph uie lutrade uroceld tu uu ivrk wlurv a i4undld urogram 01 sports luul been urrtuigdo on arrival at uu plk mayor aibbont on beluuf of uie ton council and clusetvi extended u iiesrty uelconic to uie ve it runs mw uielr friends tlur ontario cluuniiionsliip bicycle racos drew a large number o uie bet riders in oilario one record vai broken and uie wliole of lenioon a racing was of a very high order and enjoyed by all the prises at uie close of uie racing were presented to uie winners by col brown the winners were quarter mile lampard ifouung ramblers sum cowley mlmloo dal ton swift toronto maple leafs half mile championship a lesdbelur f strugnell gerard k l coleman hamilton maple leafs mile a leadbeller l coleman 1 lampard to mlleo a leadbeller i lampard l coleman five miles clismpionxlilp i lampard a lead beller j llalley routing ramblers novice class m mcgregor lumillon earl jukes houtlng ramblers j skinner porel hill cycle club ilelterskelur race j wilson gerard k fred ball oliawa h tuney warren cycle club girls race georgetown only mildred davklon mary cummins georgetown boys dick rlddall johnny emmerson the legion challenge cup was won by dick rlddall the winner or the winged wheelers challenge cup far i georgetown girls was miss miklred davidson the softball gome between bramp ton and mlmlco blris proved quite in teresung and waj v on by brampton girls wrestling bouts were an added at traction ted mcklnley toronto de featlng pete pernokis dclroil and ted mallard toronto winning from bert crolhall toronto the reunion was uound up with on amateur contra dance ohd fireworks in uie evening when a large crowd was present the prise ulnners in uie amateur contest were junior cujutr 1st eileen pickup oakvllle 3nd jean brown toronto 3rd elean or guy long branch 4ui nancy meredith toronto 5th joyce and jean brown toronto gui ross fetch union 7ui edlui kemshed george town senior cuuu 1st fred norris cheltenham 2nd grace porstrr georgetown 3rd roy johnston ash grovei t grcenlaugh hamilton 6th t warren georgetown 6th harry rlgby guelph miss j lcavttl was the callable accompanlst- the fbeworks were much appreci ated by uie large croud present and were handled by j f uccartnej and geo hall the dance in uu armorlcj dres a record crowd and excellent music was supplied by johnny waldons orchestra of auelph the wuincn in the lucky number draw were 1st a ttiompcon acton na btjb 2nd john j aibbens georgetown no 311 3rd mrs emlc kenssel hamilton no 787 4th w il young erin no 410 uli v mardan-jjrttnujtoii- ni 715 gui j goodie t georgetown no m this wtl the 3nd reunion of the lc4lh battalion and it was a grand success about iso former members came from the counties of halloa and duitcrin olo from toronto and hamilton the unit was commanded by lccal o o brown and wreaui was deposited at uie cenotaph among thoue from outof town were majors malum charabres kennedy and peacock captain linger and r bjx laulmcn ll col domvllle and others wired uielr regrets the next reunion will be held in orangcvllle in ittsa officers of uie 4th and 7clh italia lkuu who attended from outof town were llcol n m young toronto major g r rodgers bsrrie major george ballard kc hamilton major j m mcklnley toronto major j r biscoe thorold major ken uiunt uc toronto major chandler llc toronto major percy morion hamilton major walter hcott barrle captaui aiuley nls kara on the lake capt frank quinn uc flanullon lleul plant uc hamilton ueul callaghan toronto lieut f kllgour welland lieut ingaltfi mc niagara falls lieut thomas ridley colleoe capt per klm hamilton lieut t mcmillan rorric lieut robu home forest caiitaln appleton wired hb regrcb from london england capl w lingers from montreal and caitt mc donald from toronto ah uie above list or olllctn v1ui one cxcepluui were wounded tux wule promoied from the ntnkv rhjwqetachmcnt numbered over uiree tiundrrd aiul all rrcally upiirecutusd uie iiusptult lj accorded ttiem ai d the courtevy or uie uajor und munlciwl offlccn tttc local urunrh ol uie legion under haf uilsplce uiul direction tl t held day uiul n uhion as held mudc ccry rlfurt to give ute public a iirogram of stort uial xmld satis iy everyone and are urate tul lor uie large attendance at uu lurk during uie attrnioon and evrnlim tlur visit ing veterans and uu tr amlllc ci joyed uu day as gursts ul the legion did uie car oanen appreciate hav ing uielr wuutjiields cleuned wlui an oily mopy hie legion is graletul to ctuef marsliall con- table kmmrr jifi and i provincial otncer oliver rur uielr friendly cooiierauon sgt mayor jeffrie or the 7cui losl u gold traded iircfu latum cane will uie iliuler please eavc olnce imprint iimil flngrr lurhili lut joi willirn of th 7clh wuj uu blgtt t nuni m lurutle or any ui rvv l- a u luuno nmwrr h wu- 14mu1 vml weuer i curloiiutaiul plure wri nltndut uiul ttul of tu turvuhi uwji u mhivntir whlil wu lilouut on lir iiumt llw bnv llu iktllk ktephf lw nlgld ri at tm a4 rua lgla vry vrttl aily six asv suwasv stewarttown ur ami ilr will lnh uul ami bain ikth i wuterffcril jpenl july 1st u tluir luuiu hrr mr uiul mrhj prank jenkliuon uiul jh hrbit ol ul ik-tmp- mus fran it jtmkluuitnl ttionio vlitrd mr u jiiikiiuum or uu luilldsy ml joy kdjur n lurttod to iwr lionu in lvlt rboro on flutuluy alu r uiung for iotiu urtu ullh mru j j murruy ur und ur- p 11 luuj of toronto iknt uufvk eiul clthvjjin uarj ifailj un j a rmcy l in truukh nt itiullng uu rpiierai of her i ut r in ur- tlwuius llamuu tftilk anptllvtjn sport by tl uie uoguvrmy mer beauty exieiui for mil from rxr imeiitul parnut udtlrth uf uu city ulqvm hurler uolrj in umt aliyi pttipvr of uu- rill aiul uiwiu jf tyiutdii mut uu united butuw uiul hit ur imoii u lortuiuite in vultlng ham rastrsalx taksn a hliskufn hlov slut ids out bring uu nul rut government w iwiiu uki rt to the chateau ashgrove on tucday aflerivoon june 30u1 tlur pupll with uieir humluirs pre luld a iilciilc and urvell la tluir twdur uu lisle nelll st u a no 3 ruiuejng after some in cresting gamefi and race coiulucled by uus marian dick and joy rud dell a short program vas nlven tlu fallowing short iiddrvs was read by uis marlon miller wliile miss fran ces wriggleaworth presented uu nclll llh a beautiful sliver gravy boat and trny following is uil address read dear miss nelll it uu lui real regret uuit karruxl jou ere leaving us you tune been a aood comrade wlui us uell as a kind cfflclent teaclier alwavs impartial and just in your treatment or all ttie four years you luive spent wlui us lisve been vry pleasant and profitable one our memories of your sincere eameat ef forts will be liappy ones and your place in our scliool life liard to mil as a token of our love and respect we ask you lo accept oils biil may lis presence and use on your table rsmlnd you of your former grateful ajpus ul asltgrove school signed on behalf ol uie asligrove scliool f margaret alexander ward brownridge betty ruddell donald ismond lighl rcireshmenl and a lemon drink mere enjoyed by all p balunafad mrs o cotton mr bennett shar uu and un j homroon of qall vulted sunday wtlh miss annie shor- till mr and mrs w kirk of toronto were sunday visitors with mr john mckectuiie mis- audrej hllu of toronto is pending tier holidays wlui friends here ur joeiili soier t recovering from injuries reoilved when knocked down by a car la4 tliursday near palter- iiim service slbtian mr j p klrkwood is building an addluon lo hl mill mrv w lunlui of delrolt is visit ing wlui licr sloer mrs wm wylie mrs b vannatler and her fattier rev mr waddeli have returned after siiendlng a monui in iirtland maine rev a o w foreman and fami ly lll leave uils vnk for a manllis liulklays tlie annual sunday scliool picnic was field wednesday in stanley iurk erin ttie ball games and sports mere enjoyed by all many alo made uuc of the boating lacllllkv tlie attendance at uie strawberry fesuial friday night was not as large as il might have been due to uie erytmlstanfwetwtauiw aeniendi programme of vocal and instrumental olos and readings were given after which all partook of strawberries cream and otlver good utlngs sup plied by the members of uie wa of uu untied church si i ur in lohoktown not ut hititiy irutk uuo griruelown uj one ol tile txot tin k ball town in thl ktrt or onluru whut hui hup i x lied to uil tlie hvhebull fun thul uu uttruduhrc ut u uiui bus tukt p kiull u hiuldiu slump liu groru tou busabull club imv reolved sub imwir iiip4trl thu mmmui thul 11 ttuuht to put mmtrt iiiiw lo liiihif hi llub huv ii iiimki hum ujih yiur bellev ikip r limn lum wuuxi but ii f ut leiuluiire- iihs droppd ui u munt linf il is pultluu the biim ikutl rlub ut u tutl too liiullhy nnundul iullou w uuinoi wiy ihjlniti lyi vun uu uki ujiitu will tu pluyid in tv uh hits xtledula u beltig r uud ii it wllell uu lutiitt uhim in u umu puiu out uiul utvt uieui your wlude luurtcl huiiurl cli4irubn ihu bthitm uil till u mix in live leiuillt will till tx cplkui of mil ton uul their turn will sur iy ruil hex l wltul tuorv couul tun iuk for litm l wiilt iii tlui ptuy- titti ttirlp ytuir team turn utit to um leauui ddhuj il in viry duliearl n til if to u boyu lo huve- to pluy ui i hipts bentlui can uuy oouiit on you being ul uielr next itajne iiuslllk mrru rhutll llerkat thh yrau lllirllniilon louvid lure luit wednei day night feul tht local bull leu hi vuk forel to lukr llulr urnt beating at lluv liaiiuvljif thu teuiii aiul their fourth iok or uie seummi tlu rscoiv vut 4 to i the chrysler seettliyl to bi just a hlue off rolour in uiu uume aiul the bum nee of harry wood on uu uum made a marked dltfirenre while burllnuton pltyed our tluir luwls ihoriw pltclied excellt nt ball for the vl iton while ucmsnu s orterllluh wr potty allowing burlington a lrlph and qu two bore hlk georyetown vos a has been the trouble all season weak on uie bat acton defeated uie league leading milton team on saturday by an 8 1 score thl is uie first defeat uie mlllonltes have suffered this year norm morton was back on the hurllnj staff for acton and lias proved a lower of strengul to uie tuthyers clemen li and exard vcre on uie mound for milton george to n baseball team are play ing in acton tonight good luck boys the home team is sclwdulcd to bo to burlington an saturday brampton has dropped out of uie ha ton county ixague lullsburg defeated brampton 5 in an exhibition baseball uume week end stop uie press news at a meeting in milton last night it was decided to tlnlui the baseball schedule as is af ter which home and home names will be played midget bakebaix makes bow to motulow night wlui jimmy fowler of the toronto maile leal hockey club as umpire georgetowns midget baseball league will moke i la initial appearance on uie iandlot jn georgetown park to morrow tljorsday night at 7 o clock the league is composed of teams re- liresentlng uie teams of the american national and international leagues and will fealare all uie outstanding players at trus oiienlng uarnr uie glen team known as uie national austar illl meet uie american all- slan mayor gibbons will throw uie first ball to oulclally open uu series aiul tlu ganil will be preceded by a parade of all uie young pro in uni form led by uie band ghe midget baseball the i ilpport you guvi midget hockey and soon you will hav e teams in georgetown caiwble of taking uielr place wlui the better clubs in ontario s siiort held terra cotta mr r j slruigir who pent few weeks ith iriciuls in acton and limcluiuc lias relumed nomc agahi a liumblt from hen look in the ports ui georgetown on dominion day and all report u very enjoyable lime a lanc conungent of boy scouts arrived lure form toronto op satur day afternoon and arc camiilng o ur w j ruuedgcs beuuuful flats no known by uie scouts as mali boo meaning meado also an sunday alicrnoon rev ur thamion gave a very fine address lo uie boyv tlurre was a large turnout from the sur rounduig community we klndlv et come uie scouu and lrust they may liave a very enjoyable unuv our tone quartles are all doing a rushing buoness hayinit js no solug on in full blast und is u bumper crop in uiu v lcinlty ulv annie puckering stient a tea days vllh friends in lnglewoad mr and mrs k uariui ol glen wulianu luive moved into mr wm duv ut amis hour on main st we welcome them to our midst we were pleased to nou recently tlial mr j tokea an old terra cotla boy was united in uie holy bond of matrimony we auli him uiul his wile a very tiappy life we undertsund uial mls flvher of uie itcolch block lias been eugaeed a teurlver or the ui tine jcliool we wlji her ucck m her pedauogical dulu- here a number i ram here attended uie toneiut reunion tveld at monltcello near grand velley on ttiurday july 1st uiul report a very liappy ume inn nil a koiuletul upllul of u urtttl domln tu hiitiiui ur kptii for tl ion our unit 1m ituf limited we wanted to ui 11 t iiiokl litilmurtallt plat of llltt rrid m or tour we weill flrkvl ui purlutmeiit hill wrliamnit hill ith iu imnu use stone structure win rv tin iuwh tif caiiudu are s t torth u kiluuud in tlu luurt of uiu uieut mttropolu rjilerihu uu lur lluiiiuil lliilldliuih one u strut k by uu lumliie of uu pluit tht huge pll luri uiul kkllltl musuipry you urt i nut by uutlul uuulf who turlv uu i urtuithl ol pli ujure lu dlrerlliig you to pin cj of intirivl in uie building uu wtrltm umuoiu utwi tuiilulnliikl i the hutory of uu vuruiux roonu tuihiuuus 1 tr xuklni two elevulor unu uit hihu of xtaltw ve uri ditwtly muler the hugv tlorg in uu kur i1ier prorh uu- fwer you i u l u imiuirumir vltvot tlu ttiurt lkty of ottuvvu und um hull which lit uimh tlu oltuwu itfvir iti qiu tut pmvlhm blilu isulv ftwer i loculed uu uttnoriul cluonbtr t iiuwiifl hutnorlul to her vur dfud nthi i vuilwl tin louu umbut utn not hiipresmsl or ii u otiturio miuxuui in piiroiilo cull boast a nnuli wider huvuirual uapuy we uuu trim ovir uu hrulgt co hull befotv imivluu li tlu iviiiluu or ianlr uliort ut had pluiiiutl vultuiit with trirtuls lunfitwij u vtry btfcy hivii with u ivopirhrtlcunif ijoti uiul u lurut 10 ir ul irudi biliig ui tlu niuiiiituuhvuy lo caluilukr whllt in renin w be tug inurtsted iitilti u um iiuhuhi fly l itltio of the mi rcury mr vli u hls will wpilpped pi salurduy ut decided ut relgrti hoint- by way o north buy a uu ji tutu uould in pructlcully tht utn 1 lu drive ulunu uu oltuua riv r il ranvinri unyont why the aintrijii lourlls chouj ontario lor tlui- va culluilki tin whole rouutry ui 1 doltid witujukt und nvi r thui is hi so piuclfli mnoiiu uu liill and vit irln fun st ttit lovely jimi bi acl f of lnost ui uil lukui and ulo ulon j the ditau t river or uu tmrui luive not been mvuutxl by ueek erul pit us lire onkn mui us ui stood 011 the bank of prtnch lukt wlui not a home of a single soul uluiln iniltv we could not help but think uuit uil part of canada was urely god own country renfrew to north bay a distance of nearly two hundred miles mere are very few farms and in fact very few setuers wlui the odd hasnlt scattered here and uvere i with the excepuon of pembroke and matuwa throughout uie valley indians and pioneers of uie north who live prin c pally by fishing and hunting and work uiey may receive on the high way seem lo he quite contented in their small log cahlns along the ay when you look at these cabins some 01 which are no more than shacks and compare them with the beauuful liomei of southern ontario one u impressed by uie old adage that one half of the world doesnt know how the otter half uvea you may ask the condluon of the lughway between ottawa and north spending the night in north bay you leave the pavement but a better gravel road could not be found any one deslrlous of making uus trip will find uils highway a pleasure to travel spending the night in nolrh bay wc arose early sunday morning a go to callander lo see the dumne quints there was an exceptionally large crowd on liand on uus partlcu bur sunday morning and everyone was delighted when uie ume see canada s sweeuiearts thev are really utue kweeuiearts too as one american tourist put it every b t as pretty as uielr pictures callander u a much busier place uion when we were uiere last summer and ac- lualiy luuidreds of people lined up for the 030 showing of the famous five we then conunued an tlve last lap of our journey which takes you through uie uuskoka district on luriob 1 ummrr piaygrounds arriving home lu uie early evening amewhal tired but much happier after visiting some of uu beauty snots of our owu provtiicc sport fans are interested in uie ad vancc ncu- we are able to brtnuthim regarding uie 1040 olympic rum1 in japan here is a further bulletin the 70ui esuon of uu jaitanej diet appropriated 400 000 yen roughly 83000 000 to subsidise the xulu niympif- nnmpi irtnre sato takii a man ulio enters- uie prise fight liawa member of uie house pppeers tiig rihil vlui uie idea of lulung some president of the organising com ml t lee of uie xuui olympiad and baron kellchl kuboto general secre tary t will be uie first time in the 40 year history of ulc event uiat uie olymtiic garner liave bclii held in asia georgetown goiter cnt to oakvllle losl saturday aiul lost to uie club 34 to 14 tlvey were cnti rained at u dinner in uie clubhouse a tllasant holiday last ueek uul uc enjoyed a very lileasuni holiday motor trip and on returning uiought uie readers of tljia column might be uiunstedi enough ut uie places wc visited to read a sltort account of our trip after gelling your herald lo uie street by 3 pjn losl wednesday june i3rd ue managed to teur ourselves away from uie daily rouunc long enough to take ui some ol uie beaut 1 ful ctiicrs of canada s northutnd for uioe utiu liave never taken uie ottawa valley trip tram uie city of ottawa uirough to nortli bay wc mighl ay uial wods fall lo doscrlbe uie beauty of uie north country leav lug georgelou n arouiul four o clock ue look ute much travelled hlghuay route through oshaua bclle- ulu and iioints col from thu du lrlct dovli to belleville ur might say uial uie couniry looked much uie same in lis lovellwj green fields of cxlra good quality uheat and ouier herald hugh lindsay liad a busy day and matte a good lob of handling ute amauur contest in the evenlm one of ute lmlli boys sal on a block of ice or an hour ue left an lions club uektlnf tlw lions club met for uielr july meeting at oedsrcresi club house u here u pleasant meal was enjoyed ului uie ne lion chief ii j held maun ui uie chair alter rouune buuurcvs liad been transacted chief lleldmaiiii addressed uie club in very ontimuue terms calling upon every one lo put ills very best into the club welfare he ulen called out chairman of committer individually out 111 ust tlie duties of each and re- reived tlve assurance of each one that he would do his best- tlte evening closed wttlf uie sing ing of tlve maple leaf frovlnrkal firemen s convention will lie lield here uus tnonui here is what the world 1ah for today ouier chap so liard he will stay down while an official counts ten must be in good physical condluon but so must uie man wlio goes forth to do a hard days work but uie world does not pay uie man who does a hard days work a great deal of money he is apt to net just enough to iwy his way and if he is careful he may liave a utile left over but not much tlie world will pay money to uie men who tio in far fighting wc noticed uils list of prize fights for this season together with uve eslt mated itulc recetins in each coe neslfil vs pastor las angeles sco 000 h lewis vs fttore philadelphia 35 000 braddock vs louis chicago tsoo 000 purr u ncurl london tl0 00 lynich vs kane london ifioooo leuls v guner ihtuburgh tio 000 itav v m on laner neu york 8300 000 steele vs mclamln los angclee looooo ambers v uontanes new york 1b0 000 schmrltng s louls new york 1000 000 neslell baer lor angeles 150 000 adamick v tolles detroit 133000 iateele vs opiitoll ijuii fraiictxo 140000 armslronu sarron los angeles 30 000 and uiat makes u total of 12140 raiil und sardens but from uiere qoo uhleh uill be paid to the 36 men lo kingston uie country prewnted u who iriiclpate in uie ring and uiat more barren state ului oonidcrablt wmm i ikl employ i 1jo men waste land rocky in place- or poor u jrur wj rbch 1000 luuture land good furm wert feu and rur betueen from nupanee lo iclngston aiul as uie duit of rvtnlng i railing uils pan ol our jounuy apiteared uu- leul uiv lung ol all wc did luit take time to look up point- of intere i un uie first day ol our irlp as iteulnr uos our objec tlve but at gave uie geiurul motors plant at oshuwa uie oiut over we arrived at kliniton about 11 o clock and decided 10 stay uiere for uie night no uol at uie penllenl ary but at a hotel ho ever bright and early thursday morning we en quired of uie first ital foot wlut hap pened to be uve chief uie way to purtsraouui contrary to advance rr- ports as to tlve ue of utu ut i tlu lion it is our oiuuion uiat the gwlph ite- lonnatory l equally a large and iortsmouui cannot boast uie brauu- fu launs and rowers aluiouuh it is auo- a ll kept ilace and so to ottawa uie caiiltsl of our fair dora uuon on arrtviili at ottawa via uie high ay route which lake you riant into uie main business action of uie city one cannot help but admire live beautiful boulevards wlui uielr no era shrub and well kepi hiwua aloiitf ulc ludeau canal uiu array ul sum ilkalttl klport ttie folluullig ls the reuurt of nvm munirauli dlrf-u-e- by ute uoh to oeorgcluuu hoard of luaui for june 1b37 diphtheria 0 scarlet pevir 1 chicken ihx 0 ueaslr 1 german ueoslea 0 mump 0 infantile puralysls 0 typluud fever 0 w lumping cough 0 oerebro spinal ueilumitl 0 irliluvmlo cjird u thanks mrs david boyd and family wish ut txpre uielr lncere uianka uielr friendfc and neighbors for the many kliuiiirsses and symitalliy exlended to them during uielr recent ad bereavenuiit uie death of a lav lug husband and fatlier david abnrr boyd crry the a tre friday july 9 girl on the fr6nt page tmpy trjsaker flruutj uarvirtg luwwl ltau umi dlaris tlaarl oirn ly lakmuj lip cmmc tok nrw sinjr i iii lpuif u ndi voiih mickty motiki jtitifiiumif d iy saturtlay july 10 personal jpropeilty basrj ui the vtaa bit vlsh hi rswwt e uavilng jkvbrr tayur atuj jjh il4rlw ctrlihin stinlci it 1 r asur mtinicat spriltlt in 1 lrrc ctlitf nmifjy lty an you ikit cluiplrr 1 ko irinu vi i si siturdi m umee only msuimtr at 3 u m tutwtay ant wtdnesriay july 13 and 14 dancing lady muvieal uilli urk lutlr juan f niufurd lrsiwhsl taiw sod i- red uulr c run ljm n t pay irlure money cartoon acrolial d tughter fomisf sileni harvlerv- watch our window m wmaaxv m cajcaar mcuu and ooxnonohni banana royal sundae 1 3c 2 lor 25c longs conleclioncrss pure food store 2 tins eagle brand sweetened condensed milk 5 ox bottle oxo cordial 2 small pkgs beefex cubes 2 x 1 lb pkgs pure lard 3sc 33 17c 27c 5c 10 a tin clarks fancy tomato juice large pkg quick quaker oats with chmaware 29c 1 pkos buoakciusp corn flkks slf 1c o tin iqu1 ukual wnestt quality custajid pownoi ut ja vex will makf onf gal fxckllfnt javtj wattr lir choice hjikakfaht uacon b ulp ulcf lb 51c ieauealeo uack i1acon lbs uu uu i lb iv sweet pickle coitace iioll bi iii nlr lb si- pilesll uoloona lbs ibr ulirt lb lsr pftesil noileu ham inuhliu llmli lb 43e two4none bug killer and poubv blight preventive 12 lb bag 35c 25 lb bag 65c whiz fl1 fluk liii kalkl u ttf it u ik choice mtsii ntuit and vkoetablcs a e farnell i phone 7s we deliver expert watch repairs by j h jordan agent for singer sewing machines repairs to all makes georgetown phone 11 lane block savings wairtlyousee how the new fftlgidaire with the metermiser cuts current cost even in hottest weather when many other refrigerators are far from thrifty cu i- 5it tic ncc- 5uprmrfmumt with the metermiser h c mcclure hdme furnishings store phone 54 georgetown

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