Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1937, p. 1

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herald sanuta yaw of puukatioa evanta jww 30th 1s1t s1s0 par a aaraaaaai suoaausa hlir of tha cnjl taata taua feiie agea bmk budget groceteria your dollar buys more here main street free delivery phooe 366 mmniwt l turwuel m i bklhdeye uul ui oirecrory legeoir balm iut strkisailir w c oban mew at itaridak ho d orayaaa m atato bl i1m uuou a uawa talehwil mm labtow v a witwx dxbjl auul oatc uou- to tiini ttimitiy 8 iumttm bju i r la lb tat or oettea amnkun eita vear af rvawuea fbjaaasvoiabatlog xjtay drttfrlaa taataaitt i ma m bjm thirlay him law frank fetch ikuus auonomsaa radio repairing 11 veare tqlilnii we specialize on this work j sanford son rawns oaoaarrown sew eliaifiisaimriilbmiahaahbimahbmbdiimaw picnic plates a to ilata sani fluh yv uu je- kt not oaa ajto oalv h p sauce 84 a tk 27c saaam aiaa 1q qcun or aoaa ovumr pastry flour y lb u 27c 24bg5 omomlf otlautv pitted dates 2 23c sugar 10lbs4c maxwell coff libbys catsup 12c it oa amrr picku is j 2 o jr hk cyaeakr pilchard 1s lafcfcamrv lawiaaataw aapm4l jelly powders 3jj14c cabmatvom w itt csusujt mm ltttu mam wmiu mirinrty lia u why m il hie wtwy cu him r utlw ims mir rr aa uauv krxlkill gat wf mil klfaj la ivc mmititi aaafcatm mm aiwaws atafuuv at mmir lu watv hi ph whmi iw watud u4 any we lo ui r naaiuhhx u 4v nintf maimaa- 1 fcw u kali katj rviu uf tkatw- llia uat- aid- twuf itw raabsa mh hu uuv m rulutiltttaaw fcrlhfm pv mow laf lar tapmam km tiataa uftat tltav f wawtrtj ik fcmrawt autitnf up i i hmiuitkt oti vrratmi laar evu k1w uw xi w ikiy ma tvtu hr kiaarr ki uwr p iw4 thaa ttif husvilf ikf ujm m uuaitm iumi kft- few rlni- ud hi uv rlimn rvr m nmiur buy -v- iwlul and kmy ihraitch all 4h day mrb or rmty fay play wan utat aw ta4iuj rjajs w hia uf wy uftiav of c lteyw ik- bf ouautt peas 3 25c giuettslye 2- 23c fnaa ah otd hnnlak fresh fruits and vegetables jour a taantttr i uw you ui ull u ih- mil uld brtetu youw fuiw l mhmi in uw ak uw eilwr ily wbm h had mow miii 1m u wu ebu utd ehrui uisudi ha had bxi in i ma hi hsm la cd bramu for u utui tw ymx ta thai llaw h hd hw u nur m otleiry ukl u fur ttttrth u ooehnm h wu ut l but wutud s job uld tttmu tela utod u liuu on doliu mmtuuiw la tvtum tiuud w invlud him to uwmtt tlumiona why did you bwm hotmr w ulud -wu- h hid -1h- wt nln of uj at bams aad dad daauil ma vry ug waw and it u hard aladdlaic aad i thought id uka my atmiiu away la uw two yam ha hu hwn u h ralhrt aadly duu it a tranimil h hu had alnkwl avary oaaubla klad at a job but hw nal yt aot oaa thai ha eauh tail alaady ha hu wariud on farau la tha iluaiiwr tlma aad la faeuvy aad odd ioba la tha wlalar ha waann bttahnf and laalala that thouh ha oftan u tivn a aual ha would rathar worit for it thara ara uumuanda in ilka poal- uon unfortuuauly not all o than luw thla yuat jaova btfdtf atlll with thalr ahlaa tu aad atlll hoawul thatfc thaw aw ttlchta uiay aa ml it la a traal u otttuafty wvm- who aluc u uiria usm wiib wluius u h4l too- maiutr of ih mali- twmioott odmpahy lfl uramtwiisrt tliad u hw heaw to uotuu damitu on uotviay jim sim my haid trl uaiufatratj ftom ftami4oll to waaiah bra h bm wir uvwf about a year at whiw hr r watfabto tvdvaiuaa tmd irt hmm laiahahorty th ttw tatrhaiajpr bultditttf was tieud on john mamual ituttumhlu typtamd uuatf tkf um kuattthu typ ubd an akrtmftaism lamttrah of m laiw ettiwirueuoti was ututartaktti ll wai laaadat aud prottfhmr fif tha maw hartaonv or- rhaatm waa a cuartar imubar of bruitoa liitt club baton m tha uaaoiue orew playad in uvff malmmital mtvid pwhnt ak in- uruciloti to koras of pioplf youivf and old tt futtafaj took plao to btampton oaoururv uat thuiway aftarnooa tnm tha botti of amott ueolur u ualo alrah uhjui con- 4arvaloa tmomajt tmomfflmim tttwtlm altar a uncthy lilnai ttvoma ttvotsumxi ui of th ula um and ur john huhtar paaaad avav l tlw krl uaaaorta hoapiul on rm- day juiw imh it ux lp uf tl yars h waa bom and rauad l kaquaainit tovnahlp and was a tuaw- bar of 4k ikatkhaua anltin church hornby and in politic h wa ooibkarvaihw th lata ur uiintar u aurvlvad by lhr aons uir and ouflord al boa aid jack of kaiu- utg ttao dauchtara mm alas black of straiktptou and mrs- lovama whalay mma4aiu jw0 hulara olvia at hum and mrs john walk- traatatuj tha ula ur huntar waa wau luiown and highly raumtad by thoaa who knaw hhu tha lunar- al was hald froaa hla raaldwu lot ff cvdhcaailaii ft fcautflttjf town ahlp on monday juna 31 it with th mav tataoka morval ortelaunjj aaalaiad by mav hrullngar of atlmi tha pall baarara war nalfhbuura of th oaeaaaad thonuj duitlaa uaicom uemabb ward nrown arthur wuaou howard bnullay jamai ucltrida tha tlowar baarars war atandchlldran of tha daaaiwt intanttant took plac in ktriaji- atta church oaittmary hornby th funaraj which waa urly t- tandad inaludad friaoda from ouolpli omntavuia aeton and toronto imh maj amt r ar wmauutttat ciacuaw atloaa hmiash r klnc and waiii mm mu ara tha tal ua rood t4 tha uripad irliihir bas iv whielt u found in all p of canada to mmmt aataao thaaa baa uaa hlad ld on baajua pm 6am atod uar him iiti of wild and cmu vatad planla in athaaiama ua baatlaa ara about m aiartw of um inch ion yallow fat eaaaur wtth bwfc haad and thraa loo- biriaaa down ih back and thay haaka ihsat attack hhortly altar uw plana atspaar hmiait ha aou ttwy faad w praf- araaoa on tha uadar urfsiisj mi uw mm thaaa aa a raaum umsi jta fhtrtly with laj hauha crop and uw ftviaion of rwld inaaeta h uoati of uta aartcuituw would ba wu advtsad to watch tha punu tkmmiy for uw br tppaarant of tha tiii-inahrj- baaiw and uka eontrol taauraa at tmaa ttw punu aholild ba duatad with a tnlmtura of tawum aranau and gyp sum tund tilauari uatnif w part of uw calcium araut to m parts toy waithli of uta vytaum u uta ua- iw to obtain aypaum hydralad inw way ba wbauiutad alutoiaxh uua tnaurtal u not so good it tattda to dwarf tha planu and taaanorartly atunta utahr arowth tha punu khould ba uiorouchly eovarad with uw dust both on tha uppar and lowar auhaoas of uta laavaa ba nuiaa tha lnaacia faajd fat both ajlusltoiu to ba ntftmhtl duuunr fthould ba rftmawnfaj at uta flral awiaarana of uta hutlw for utaaa iiuacu work vary fast and much tlsmii- u oftan tiona bafora um srowar who u oftan on uta mfkirirt for thaw u awara of utatr prawnea thraa or four spulmuon a law day a tart srraartlitw to tha tavariiy of uu attack ara usually siinviant to luild tltt btvua in ehactl iawaaaal kur taflaaamj aaa ajabaaiesaj by mt j mawflaavaaal aftealoasm of taalaia aa- uam aad lalraaaa aad k llnl af ua aaal t adiiiiiaaat ikktoy l thai aaaa- ly a tutad wall aimaaai l baa wfa haw aaada bruaaal bwaaaw vavaaaaoa af ad wallwraua adiartliaaaaar as mliaaad w ik laaal iiiiiii u aa k to aaaay raddar af la apir la vaav la mar aad aw tha amaf a cmjl eakningh show urwakd tsknd h arou revenues ot lite iul-ul- diujw canadian national railway syueaa for the week ending june 7 1 wre om114 a eonpared with ujmiii for uie corresjtandlng prrlou of iftm an litcreale of 1341- tka yihllta i sent my llule boy for two pounds of immu and you only enl a itound and a half uy uawa are all rtahl madam llave you weighed your little boyt s picobac sailawiat lhm p0noh 83c ginger ale ctst t id ue coffte rd sic cwlli gm tip tea i m fiw 3c bakkum jjy dvl lad amau ta kuuf u uad ww a iluf a it la un tba uiaiaa tv lilij fw da tlw lintmi af a taaay aad lu a baw riani illrawya awl ha u4 um iiinnlim fai iba bauk party fllut back raj salmon 2 vi-lb- tla w daucloui caaja mallow xbiscuits prunes i 2 po- m pepper nv ka ouu i lji sardines 8 tu 27e vuiatv but mlcd pickles n- jo s3c ibuwi shdud olives lai j- 11c walnuts 17e oaad tliad 219 iu skita al oiaaad i uu a iiaiij j- 6c i salt suuk k e mustard i tu 14c uab jelly maker hd 14 fa jmi jhy certo laau 85c j ju rubbers oasmi 5c wd 95c i supeh suds free glau boar wk kttufti nw allwheat 2 pf 25 ouakcr gooj white corn no 2 ti 9 aylacr ckoic tomatoes 3 no 9 tiat 25 rrolls ctmgjlt paajatwiadl cocoa uw iu 25c ma 1 si- cwv cvaadwaifal milk 3 lu 25c caabll pork ad beans ttat tu 9c caju caaud spaghetti 10aj tu qc i marhmallow ilk rvuaa 23c vkfjton kmmav comrcttylfvh aniounraniaiu has baan uada of uw awards in tlw anson buck and katurah ailtald buck uaoafttial compaiillon tills cmi tut was ouan to tradat thraa and tour of halion tsblic school and ihraa prlaas to tha olal valua of tan dollarsitiomt waro off- rrad by mrs colin a casirabau ob1t of wlnnlpag in mimnry of liar paranta tha purpoia of uw competition was to sumulau prtda and lntara4 in ota hutorie nsima of lu ckhinty es2fnt delivery gs wwiwl ta axamlnlna cowwlttao rc4vd fortyflva aaaayi twanty schools balnt rtirasantal tha aaaaya throuahout war nmsldarad avomlant both u to lriforaauot niharad and tnlaraat utown in uta sublaet msllar it was rvotad uiai sonia oitaan eotaalaukta mul particular maution of tha una lilg up of haltona hlatohe hamaa wiui uw ufa of lord luauon it la hoped that it tnay ba iwhsihw for ltra caapbau to praaani tha ivisaa in parson in uw naar futura tha ulnars war as fallows ored four taddy stlctr oaargatown public bchoolaraila pour baeond prla mabsi davlaa palarmo lublto school orada thraa ton prim only bob paaran aeton ihihue school iloivourabla uantlon was 8 ran tad to th rollowlni orad four bcatrtc brill os waltar cook ciaorsatown dora jfansau acton usrsarat lasby aeton ra chel uullln dublin atsquaalna ho jstnaa n wood psjcritto orada thri dorothy boawall pina urov itrafalaar no li chrltuna dick- rruon kaiwainar no mary ntcol acton cttor kb4xt b will ba round a brief lywapam of uugraphli raporia raoalvad a lit maod oova of uw bank of montnal ffajaaa 14 waaatajaebbat aarnotalla th fnurl rovla- hat waalhar hu aaiaad httdd wwlh o grala cratb at ragieaa what aaoaalura vwaaraaa bra aiwajuaht but thaw at lama aiwai in whkh rata kt uraaauy aaadad tha task ea adaaual rajafajl ta daia ha raault- ad la ikdarloaalloa of aaaaa at oaa- uaj aad wart oaabral aaaaalahawaa aad ovar a bug nah al ajbatu croua la aouthara aaaba ai uaor aoaaa laaaet eauaaa la raoartad la other aaiu of canada both kmat aad waautaavy ralaa hav baaat baa aaal aad growth hu bawa ratkld aj though eroaa ara aull ananwlial baek- ward la quebao aaaaaaeta oa th whole ar favourable la ontario grata and roota ar dolag wall aad eauttui of a aaavy hay eroa hu b- gua lath yarn ha proviaoa raia hu ao dolayad oaa thai la a law l aalrllitg la not yat oaat- t but grawtag eroti ar bmv graaauuf aalkdaalaruy la brumah oolmahla grain aad root eroa ar la proatbdag watdtlloa but aaavy rala hav ao aarloualy flgtr aarly aurawbarrlaa that aauoh of th crap la amiable for iaaa ealy owaakl qaialrl ab tharar erlad th farmer ta ida aaw aaaa fraah rrow tha elty hav y f ad th horaaa aad elueky tin air wu th tjaeaibl raoly and what hav you fad iheta oat vn tha fanaar hay air mav tha dudta mtaa lit wall thay hadnt whan 1 left but thay war talking about il- a oerraeuaa a aaall hoy who had juat baan raaeuad from a lak wu tha eenira of a aympathaue crowd but how did you coat to fall int aaked a daar old lady i d-dldat- aobbad th boy i ceaat to bah faith -oradarn- aald th nagro praochar you hav eota to pray fo raln bredern d foundation of raugton am faith whar u yo faith r you cone to nray fo rala and ary on of you brlnga hla umbraua- obm wiluaaja aiaa if ian tr air anibaiiaa aad waauly the thuted camrea oara trjyai our tbthv aary la ba aa amiwh taaaae draw ska a eawe war p in m waa tha ikwaaht of mvmag wait ar tmamb aaj ihaaavwi hav learned ba breala la laal iwar yaaaa aa ww hare wartad- tamhar wiut ae ma daiaiiiagawaid aaarjtll la eraaa wberh aaaai b ui ilii of the uvkag ratnet aad the knaalag la wf ofarwa aa ba ba w bailee wau hw irled to aatp wi to ba ihelhmga whaah be af oad and that wwafcf un aa to a aaw knal aad uaaiui ob hi la aaevle af our kfaebar vea here aha gbiilnl the great tkawawt wf toe aad biillwiliii watab we all i gala- la ao auae aaaaad to the warfct w hap aad way that the arai mi lag aad taaah- um af at maay aoaa lak aavat aad ua frwaa he aaaa la the uvea af aaaa aad mi tlm wwubt ale ba to veaee war bmaarlalaal far ta help w hav la fraat aire ml i h ii i aad faatoty to eao- trweatla af thalr taleat to help a to to many wave aa token af th aatoaat to which you are held aad wkduag you aad u ooda ww aeatlau la ohrlal- rvta iliiawgtt bt dufer- aat mmmiuilllan bur twayef u thai oad aaabvaaak yai aad ywura a great fijrtl ration aad blinlag to taaai waaaa you abay labour aaaaiart we aek you to in mm uua af thaa yu oav bin joa ucjaaoeaay traaaurer wjaa mary af th with a taaaa th ad- wu read by bibal of the oorarragalbwi by mra j addy olaa wuuaat june itth ihr ida uary whaalar olaa wlllkuai oalaha daar bury though for iwaillnir w hav kaowa your inlanrlad daaartura froat a ua a the tuaa awwoaehaa we are deeply iwartoui of a great kaa you hav waanl a great deal la our church aad la aaeh of ua lleraooally your awaal dlguldad ohrbdhih aplru hu laaptrad u bad hu endeared you la ua all we greatly atwraelau your avarniilary life your regular vooal flnf bt th choir your valuable aarvloaa u orgaalal la th sunday aehatd aad ariataiu orgaalal la tha church aarvkwa of worahul alwaya wullng whaa beaded u iwaibwal teacher la uta auaday aehool u a member aad halpar la th young rwopkre aoewy aad u a halutr lu all our galharlnaa you hav bean atoet ua- aeliwh moat teneroui la all your re- latioa to ua aad our cmiirch and w want you la know that we an greatly laureetad hi your waller w rejoice with you bow in your proapaou aad hanttln gad all tola la wlaalng you aad your ftaaoe la your futur ufa ooda rlchau blaaa- tuga- we ar glad you will be living bear ua aad hop you will return oftan is viau aad help ua hi aaail token of our alncara lovi ahd arauludat wa wuli you u jjjj wlh tut b t signed oa behalf of tha ohukb lira bobl blyth woauuta aatoe ura j addy choir dorothy wagauff v t a root wyth sunday school o i wardtanann paator both ui reelpeau vaey faallngly thanked tha doaora for thalr vary hanrunm glf ta after the praaanulloiu a dellckui lunch wu aarvad by tha ladlee and an enjoyable hour apant in uclal talercourer oaabual oualomer la lh a padlgrea dogf- daalar pedlgreaf why u uiu log could talk ha wouktnt apeak u eltlier of ual outractad mother oh daar what ahall i do with bahyr young son didnt wa get a boob of tnitruetlona with it mother- f potatoes rw 7j a dry nice size oranges uweel laiqr rilee ua lltedoz lettuce nlaa utae rbraa tbad 5c each tomatoes u4 hi ass m g piatissua vwaaa iqclk bananas fatal ftavar osuia vatlsw nlaa i- 21c doz new bectg cabbat cucumber oa sale cangqu5 a griaf trlcfcan y michamd h vilkihsom rrtta ra laartoa iraawrtam bad baa- waaad rt aa war wide wtth ataaaawaaaa aaf ba wa rdnalag hla uar ftirli iih aw lactob auv aiawataaawarataaei to ba wmbiag a could thwak al an aaladm i awtoaaatbar orawavb id aav aa wi udjwau baa waa wtth a auw paaaa atolvja baecaya i out an madl autrya aarourt aatt jaaaaaawaag bwarhad wm mta lapealed itabj alrauaa eaak thta aal rawaad hla leg yhrw baaaa aaa rla ywu uat ntigim tu awtta warh taa abd atart worbv- aaj aar wak barclay waad wara pusiaiw taacw aia aaath a to ta iiaalry abt your ha h aaataft tllfual ttgl rrit bobblna fdtfstr htrrvssaai um he wwaj i you not yo the rwcuev pttmie by b airily yab i with tbo rdie pvihtte by bealim m karcuy that nlabt bt urn jtow mtmt amxymn he braxd h tf bhg to ereeai you outter th buai- mmm be almoat done it too oe- eauea you vrast bignr than baarolay mad you hit um bratty hard th itapera played it up aad female ra dio cam ugart to yu about what a brute you wane that why you loot um atoraveta oontratt and mrojay boi it and um trtaw fan are atlll yauini lilian told wwasdity u that barclaytt gone aer w4u look lor aonveon ale they kmrw im mill unpopular lot if youre mvtrt thay woat- you apn tw hitting barclay fitdnt yout ltieian imhad at memory of that bumlliatlng m o m a t kofeody utotight i bioaht it and 1 didnt it didnt help any it will now rrijf iraaned tor- ward and tapped luoien on the kne hmlma kid im your man agar and iu get you that contract with b a a a ta u you do what i tall you tonight the ntkawil hoek ue to giving barclay a matorial walt youre going to king the end of the trail fcvry radio la um country will b tuned in th an- iiouiaoar will play it up big aad iu be with bjrewater with a cov traet ui my tookt rady to alga him up when youre through lticib y grw thoughtful aad and a ray of light cam into hit fao h began then l pooa ilk before thay think im b04 wrlouat suppoa thay put up a yeut you will b aerlouii make your aatf aeriousi give am a few una about how griavad you ar aad then com up with that aong make it touching riartrndlrtg at um uk that folk wont consider any thing xpt that its a tribut from on great radio atar to another i tail you boy its your or ehano to stag a comeback sitting at a labia la th robin- hood club that night rrttt brodeu watched th group of man aad wom an at a larger table naar by aad knew for um aral tlm a faint doubt itacludad in that kroup was alarcua brewater of um brewater coamatle th great mans had was ultad to on sld thar waa a aad bleak look in his face frits know that h was grwvlng not um passing of th graauy4oved kfahyn barclay but uw sudden ajvling of a aourc of lacom sad mftfig asies promoter for brewster oos- ermtlca aa unnatural hush hung over um great room of th rottahood club at th tar and a radio loud speaker was saying and now ladu aad genueman w bring you an old favorita on who is dpty affected by th auddn dernis of tb widely- loved afelvyn barclay lucian auddanly began to sing th room was till liatanlng they listened but there wss contempt and distrust on uvslr faces on and oa went um aong low and vibrant aad for all um world sung by a una who heart was heavy lucian was half way through um acond ataaia whan aorneuung hap pened his voice faltered caught broke if gulped hasiutad want on f alt red again and abruptly atopped frits sat very still he looked about the room he saw guests changing glanoes he ssw them look st one anouvar and ahake their heads heard um thunderous roar of applause la tar in tuciena room frits flashed the contract signd h said on live dotted line for three years boy you did itl it was grand superb marvelous ahowmsjtfchipt why when your voice broke on thai second stoma it was um on thing that swung uvoae listening dames in your favor they wouldawt have believed you were sincere 11 youd finished it a man they 8 ured who wis so griefstricken ha couldnt sing a simple song like that well he must be all right why it wasnt that tuclen said it wasnt that i couldnt go on in that second stanio i havent sung that song for a long time and and i forgot the words a uttuc boy floavs pok ims dear god they iay my dog is usad he had uve ioltett uiue heaul he was so sooil hed alwaya do moat snythlnjf i tula him to kind ood soowumo hrd chase a cat he wasnl often bad like uuu and if i called him hack he cam the minute that i said hts name lhease ood if he ftli racared up there wont you please let him slaep somewtwrr near vuu olt luease take car of him d i love him st i his ruune u ttm o i-

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