Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1937, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 24th 19j7 page 3 local news lugular meeting of tiiwn coun il nexi 1 nelay nov 2ivd lenvou meeting joafeulav meet iii iuwkii i illurillaiyt uthl will rnfrftn luir at 7s0 uiarp will i hr- leal eliminate ux- aimilrali tluifmla nt itw uiril untr m 7 kl lleleree- are italic m kiuu clamy i iwit lulvd 11 k con r i tit lln ii mor rheatrr mi uii iial nigh krh tilth wihcrum at bjjo liver collect it l rorvt inii high ktxkil hit been unl lor lr halatvrr of thl week omtiiif u a number of the start tv inj 111 ii kll ie own mi mi h winy mar i i jwit ulrivrr main l north tiuurdmii will hold bii blvrlloii ih- ol funutuie oil viturduy kittlrti mil itinlcuuri hrxi i ne frank istrh aivriliicer it t rr uii women initilul wit ivtvld tlwtr reitur tiwitithh nvl litii ut u idri tmuu wii wedjva- dj mrcti syl at 111 tan ik janj w will w llir mil- t jvrakrr everybody ilituw il ile gvnlnl onurlo llu lnve- llr liltliluir vrral ivcw b j- ml illr eorrrlowil route limy are of tlvr ut j tlfliti ahd built in give the pi rot t rontlnrt jyxllil to the tra vlllil public llurr tvonves are wrecked by mung words uvan by strorui drink declared itev iml alutaher pni in on wuuii in ue ljovrie hi ul jnnns untied church al oakvllr on iuivoay nurnl lie sure and ive arclver wallace in til illustrated lecture a- fair vl two cities cotiuastuig ionlon aivd new york al uve irish uiptver the united church tueiay evenlng march iglh admlvoti 15 cenu it vrmluii ltrkuh ilc lll rrlr hplr unt lolh urlimlay oil kruly utar wi 1 11- arnvvtu wikcti euebrr 11i u tui roniiofmicino t jo com1 imuk ijhky immbrr tir itrlrcjitim ill t vrr body wrlooravr aiiml toil lr it kxtni tvr clatliik lr ti arm iturk iniu mnl tay lu and mil ioiim1 vwmu n1 ctwtrtw iu uclil lot 17 ctb unr vhiimiu unr did 13 oclork 3 htllrf ct of lvr loii wunr jtivl ly t rut md tjkinonji lujdd ihi uk l 1i in uw iklnw of roiututoit lvrnt otaji t j krir atktujfurr 1ltultr 30 aclotl dm- hmnilrfi of the caiwduiii 1 kuhi mid woman auxiliary rnktj h lttkivdl imhfatn in out ivloi tiatl on uoiulay tvmlrm oir lru 1 tunt u hit on by toronuv tfitt bltd ctuivuird ol vocal kiui irtslm- lni tal mutlr tail dantf jfrf cro iiatli in fiinuuiu etovral out kl loun u titx terrr iwvstritt 3 spareribs z lb lor 2c pork sausage m m 3 a t i lu uatatl tiiil 15c lb ilyukt auy oldrvt tlatalam corn peas ujarj fatality 10c movaitcii flour 5 2sc coffee or auid bajf 29c cimlpfa crtajhry butter prime rib roasts lb thick rib and shoulder roasts j4 jb rib boiling beef 1 j lb legs young lamb 2sc 1tc1 stewing lamb 2 25c bmjl coou oranges extra lar dox caufobkia grapefruit c for 7c spinach 2 19c dke pick of the vine heinz tomato ketchup uhabun hade 2 for 35c we sfl for cash phone j buck we 28w oeuiver tavm icai aauauac4 i w h kentner son two wav action on uu kid- tvey antlmptlc and invicoraunx nufnacans attack th catuut of jfuveu- ixuilum sciatica uitnbato uobbs drutf atotf and uaocomuujcs drue stare succeubr to jolui mcdonld euafe dealers in coal and coke we carry o full stock of all sizes hamco coke blue coal uid genuine scotch anthracite ready for prompt delivery at all times our new screening system insures you of clean well graded coal quality and scrvicc is our aim phones ott 12 res 211 georgetown hockey excursion to toronto montreal cartadteru v toronto maple leafs maple leaf gardens saturday march fitb 830 piu sttjj yvaia kaa ky biltmore hats umited will liav saclpl ci t 4ij 1 acu aj grtw notttlcktl ij ttoail tn on train kavln oiieltji 0 40 a acuui 10 07 am aiul otorkctown 1030 am urdtruluk- iiwul train will leave toronto 1230 uldnlifhl uaturxlay houiui ivln fur lvotti oueltiti ii 10 aclon 60c oeornrrtowii vbc itlulnii of s aiul under 13 yara imu lame mtpl ujf cbixloii hockey ticickiu will be on uile al canadian nultonal city ticket oww 01 wyiwlhaw iltrwt qim4ti iivtil sm rm uatlatha acalu l a cuiiadu i nituuikl aenti at acton tuuj iorcclown will obtain liockcy llckel lor tin ir jhlilkcl troni city vasjnijer aar 0lk canadian national personals irs if w krtuwxly of ttaronlo waa vllloi in uram on friday fclii itobrrt law and lrk of linm-tkuu- 4tnt flunday wltii frirrul harnllton mr llanild lldl of hatniluai ajcnt j- atk rrid at lw tvotn o rla cnouarr in loam uivs jacqurllim lulklr of ku- aauw- drs uool- l vbitinc with rr w k nodwrll air a l vjuiin wi taken ud or illy iii bet lvlday and hb cotadl lion at trtbent bf quitr mrtooa lii c it mydrr jf kltflirner kfmiit furady al lite hiaiw of hcf aalfnu m -teck- mr and ut a jf onell alsd hlldmi jujk- and jolui w luin day vulun wlui mr k urs j r o ntij al uk htldwlhlrr rxamliualiuna at ihr toioito conrrvauiry nf aausic ii traixti jenkiiiaon a luijl of ui kaalluwk ikava ttrr itaipany uravdf tbn exam amuiitf tbtir- iroru a u lata sec wk ltrimll llw tunrral of umt utr jolm lavlll wrrr alta l cajncron t mary ur- wrr otaylian toronlo mr ftiafccr t tofpolo mr j l ilamuri lrlnclkal of th hicli ulwwi bad tlar ilvxortun to lira id hu aiiklft kvliluj klayui bad minton last avriuillf 1 wuliw con- ilnrd u ht iwmw for lw uaya j kirk wood of tjallinafad will unload u cmt of hatuvcr 1m oats ml grorsrloai uatioir about aarch lidu 77r a bu hirl off cr hvone curorgc- loaii iu r 33 it kimx vrv be ouiik iooj4jr entertained ac- ian aaul itramiiton young lopla boclrum to k ikaung irty on uon- day evening p 3 t llw arena willi tike band bl ktttndanc after two hours beintf nenl lit idcaunf about eventyflve btembend adjourned to ue church where came weret jjayed and refreshments servtwl hhd broulht a tnou eiloyabl evening to a clou wllii uie natlonal anuienl axvictaltamral alaafcaaft turonto townxlul agrlcullurau so ciety iveld us annual bauuiuet in live oddrclloaa 1u1i qurettsvlll on ft by 16th hon duncan uajraludl and uls ucdcrmul of uu women it liulltute were tin gvmt tpeakera of uui eveninf alf uocracken lat vtceireldcnt w o browiuidg 2nd vice itwiaent and directora tvrcy uern 0o a wilson and 3- tnii ucjlean were amonc lhose nrea- enl high sdxoo board meetms ttpficuu ram un ucto mavok ibmoms aaimxshko board ajocotjnts tahhm3 knual huh1ncss ttve 1btt inaucural taeelln of cbeutscumm lllcb licltool lioard waw tselil on monday ovnunx iw1 metnberx itreoenl cliabmian dr watuai itary woo tlkkmiavn and ueuii v v orant it u ftkilb atad j u tunctiam tta board wau walled upon by live mayor joseph olbbonx who axked llvat uve county jrant to uvc aclaool be turned over tfitlve town uve ftanve lo be returnee to the hoard ai re guirvd and live wlvole to be returned by uvr eivd of the year in dotruf uvbi uve uoard would be axitln live council the mayor wlsived to thank tlie hoard for thu eo otkeauon arvd- aoaured them that uve council was always willin- to work ut harmony with them tlie mtnuutft of lrvloua roeetinc were read and adotvted the follow ink accounts wert ivrmnud hmrf c tvarapon 9 kdo kfckt ai- son icanada umited f 7t2 tne maemuun oocnivaiiy 2931 lurks ttlb ityrie 11 hydro oom trie warnes w 3j00 it ii tivomnum i co oai baouon duly fcrconded uvwj c- counts were paired moved aud ccotvded uvat the r- qiiru u uve high lelvool uoatd o iivai c- tq the town ourrent ac- couut 4ifj amount of their couuly trail i ai received uxx to be return ed tu required and all by the end of uve year carried it was duly moved arui kecoivded uutt mlt muriel ttvoraiiot be re- ukkaaed at the labae salary lo th evd of june- carried ax uil was uve annual kneeling tor tlve election of officer uve chairman vacated uve clialr and ue vecretary tvrooeeded with tlve meeting dr p it- wauoh was reaoolnied clvalrman of the board lor 1937 kiwi mr it u poults vicechairman irodcrty committee mr 11- 11- poults itcv woo ttvomikuvn aivd mr j h llinkham jlunnly committee dr f ft wat- jam mr w v orant and mr c tt dy foot- mr waller t kyans was reap pointed ucretary mr i h llarrixon treasurer un preure truant officer and ur j evans janitor tlve meeting adjourned lo meet uve kecoivd monday ill march church news scfiaiiare teat j aalil wnu lalaa i viva uv way tk trwut aj ik life a aaau eaaaeua wavla the katlaer aat by ae jf- 14 sl ceerrsyvi cawreh ilev woo ttvoxnpkon hector third ourulay in nt holy com munion a am sun day school 10 am matins 11 auad rev v h was will be the preach er kt 11 am lenten service on thursday even ing at 120 kt alaj cswawek olea wuuaami tturd bunday in lent sunday school a pm evensong 3 pja len ten service on wednesday evening at 8 o clock fclaua ckwreh rev k o bakter minister 100 am sunday school v ua evening service the arrest of suicide a welcome to all h alton mtcmsytathy musical contest on frlday evening feb 19th the first round in the jfulcau contest of the young pepws unions of llalion ivettbylery of uve united church was held at acton hi uve united church nine car loads of the r people of georgetown united church attended uve conlet and succeeded in carrying off 0ve firsts i out oi the eight po- slhle entries ttve compeuuon was not nearly u keen as last year a number of the union falling to malu any entries- the honor all went to acton and georgetown miss ruth olbaon oi acton came first in the girls olo wlui miss ruth evans one mark lower tlve boys toko and uve mens duet had only one entry each and were won by default by the acton society similarly uve piano solo uve boys chorus and live orchestra number were uncontested georgetown winn ing in all uuree by default xri the girls duet and uve girls chorus both societies entered but the georgetown young people were given first plavee very high pralwwas given by uve adjudicator miss hill of gueldh to a number of uve elections notably uve duel by uues ft- tcvans and ft gltyen to uve boys civorus lo uve glru civorus and to uve solos by miss gibson atul mus vkn- ttve work of uve adjudicator miss mil was greauy appreciated her criticism always kindly gave much information and many helpful tug- ficfitlons to thoe taking part- the final contest between uve win ners in uve north of the presbytery and those of uve south is expected to take place at uie young peoples spring rally kk pavfavayteraaw clawrel juv norman mmm of norvaj will have charge of uve morning and evening service in kivos presbyterian church on sunday next peb 2th uuuj ckaaftak rev p c overend a mlnuter i am subject tlve divine reme dy second of uve series of le emvons on uve subject new laonpa for old 7 p4n subject gods tvencjvermen second in uie series on unwanted blessings 10 mxa sunday school and bible cutfaea wltfluouding hallmlunt tlva pireslde hour hsj become ft eature of sunday evening services hi many cimrclvea and provldea oppor tunity for social intercourse tor uve exchange of ideas mid or the ubt- cujulons of quetlans secular and re- liavoua following the inuuectuiu ivaruon of ttve program refreahmenu are frequenlly provide thu was uve custom in the united church btvel- bounvr at recent meeting on a landing vote it was decided that uve tiu were tvot necessary ttvcre was uune dliappolntmcnt and one sug- geitlon thai a live cent collection be taken and uve gum received expended in uie purclutse of norles for poor little children who go lo bed ivungry and cold a wise suggesuon one would say it will be interriung lo watch uve effect uve change will have upon uve attendance at uve meeungs which recalls uve story of a dear old priest wtvo to induce in dians to attend mass fcave uvem a small portion oi tohaoco when leav ing uve church tlve attendance he came so regular uigt h wais felt ufa to discontinue uve lobgcoo irvduoa- menl this was uov t1v ivwt sunday iv indians wr present to uve priests enquiry u to uvf cauae uve chief retailed tobacco ttnlalied hallelujah flnlslved it u hurphslng to wlvgt extent people are inhuervoad by a promise of something to eat or dhuk but it was awy to se jolm 4 m uurllngtun oaette to our subscribers s march is uve etvd of our financial year we are asking all that hi arrears for uve herald lo kuvdly remit us uve amount due our lists have been cor rected to date aiul a look at your labrl will tell you uve date u which your subscription li paid we are mailing out a number oi subscrlpuoii ooounls bad i wvek and would afpfficl ate a prompt reanuiuia it w a4ubly newsmjy that all arvaara dim ua fm uubacvlvv- lkvus bt uajld brfore uve fttvd of makli w u uushk you for your kind 0rallurl j m mocahm klbllalvtr ckoluasorown boys entst com- rxrron allkxrcno ttur to tu1c ktatuh hugh lindsay and gordon alcott liave entered uve maytag ulesmans compeutlon for ontario tills annual contest is based on the business turn over of the maytag salesmen for the monuls of march and april and is open only to towns of a population of 2560 and under the ten hlgheat in point of business transactions during trvnse two months will be uve gueats of uve mgytag washing machine co an al expense trip through uve states in may sales include maytag wkslilng machines radios and tcet- vtaalora won dkstatc at uuuklclt kfta on monday evening last ft goodly number of uve members of st oeor- gek ayja visited h umber bay yja- wlven ft debate took place be tween uvese two branches uesurs paul barber and leslie cuurk- rcpreswvung st qeorges up iveld uve afnrmauve side of uve sub ject fteolved uiat success in life depends more upon opportunity uvan ability tlve judges gave uvelr de cision in favor of the anirmauve side this is uve second debate george town repretientauves have engaged in oils season a few weeks ago uvey lost out by a small margin to bramp ton aypa st oeorges will debate again in march wlui a team from eluver lake- view islington or brampton maatath s valakls in cllusvcl by rttsvaciiino two hutmonu aftk aaaaaamfaa duivoas feb 33 ftev d george clark 06 of thorold oldest mlnister o uve united church in ontario made a pilgrimage to dundas sunday to celebrate ids conversion fcughly yars ago saturday as youui ftpivrentlced to a dundas build tug contractor he was converted at uie old methodist church here sun day to celebrate uils spiritual anni versary ive j occupied uve pulpit of uie church now ot pauls in ihe morning aiul preached a vigorous lermon and in the afternoon addmu ed the sunday fccivool of which ive is uve oldeu surviving tnembec coming to dundas from kngland wlui his fauver in lim lw was ap vrntlced to a dundas bricklayer who luvd uve contract to build uve new wtaueyan church young clark as slsted in uve brick making and ive liv ed lay uve bricks in uve church which was ofvtned late g lie decided tp uudy lor tlie mini stry kul came baek ui duivdax a row loam uur fur hu- trial aoruvun atvd in ttia wfpi ordained as a minjter uf pv faiadlan meuaodut otmrcli the cvrvmoity look pucj bs uve uullouvg h va4 halved to edassuuol during his long ministry mr clerk was kuuoived at ttarrua milton go4reyown felon and hannah suwat churcheai kuwlluan and ouurr cenlrea i1u don rev w d clark u uve united ohurcii mhtloer at avun muu lu uve oufvlph preabytery tu- runul tvlegnuod chances hkr sbots hve tlmts a day suffevd for 20 year witt rbriroaiiarn try aivd picture the life ub woman led aa evenly yeara charuxtng iver aivoes leveabj umes a day in a vain endeavor to attain some relief irom live rheumatic pains uval werj con- stanuy troubling iver ttven imajrine iver joy when slve found thai krus dien wax driving away uve theuma liun thl la what uve write -r- ivaw been using krusctven halts lor four years por twenty years pre viously i lvad huhered wiui my feet ocnetimes clvartghig my slvoea five times a tly and iretiuenlly sluhuy luvout any as uve tali was so ureal now i cat wear ute kame ivalr of shoes all ly wlui comfort 1 can not 4ieak too highly of kruachen ialu knly llvor who bad been in wtutant pain willi uvelr feet for yean can realise wliat tt is lo be irea mrs p a il is depcits of ftkeea uric add lodging betwren uve jolnlx wlvlcli art irrquently lhe suse oc rheumatism krvjclveii salts contain two ingredl- witv iwodlum atvd louuiunv which r eorctivn mlvenu of uric acl 4 j tlse ottawa spolaft4kl by wtlfld eggleatpn otlawii pebruary u uivderlylng uve quebec opit6llkvn to the modest increases in the defence esumates in the fear that it u uve uru step to ward war toward participation in lore bin conflict toward txvnscripuon quebec ivajt not forgotten 19jt uve re ivrofouivd diiiuvecnpr uve turn tvnti are taking the more imper- turble prenclicafvadbiiu realbw uiat all carvada u doing u tar is td put our liny drfeivce machltve into work ing order atvd obtaining a few mod em fighting plane which could daui or there and make tome resis- lance against an invader but one remember that uve prervch- catuullan members like uve bvgllsh npeak for their conutuents an well ai for uvemselves the fact uiat so many prench canadians loyal liber als on every other lsue should feel impelled to rise in uve house and differ wiui uie government suggests uiat uve apprehension in prertch can ada behind the icerves is much keen er than most of us realise ail skaviea f oflalarl ttve government tvas managed so far to give out a ring of complete sincerity in ils declaration that uve additional 13 000000 being voted is purely for uve defense of canada sfini possible invaders that not a cent is for any other purpose that canada has no commitments either empire or foreign that no expedi tionary forces are contemplated you can find in the house of commons evry sliade of popular reac tion to canadas prepavratlons the ccp group stands out boldly against few of the liberals privately feel that even in doing as much as it lias live party has tacrificed principle to expediency and political opportun ism tivere are many more uve great bulk of uve liberal party and some of uve conservauves who feel uiat uie action taken by uve govern ment represents uve very least with in reason uiat could be done under uve circumstances that much as we hale war nd love peace we ought to have our eastern and western toasts equipped willi a little modem fight ing equipment we are told thai canada s expenditure on armaments is about uve lowest per capita in the world wlui uve possible exception of a couple of south american eountries- uakulej pvwuy wu in view of the extreme delicacy oi uve issue in view of uve phobia against war service in quebec and uve pacifism and indifference in some ouver parts of canada it tuust be admitted uiat on uve whole uve mac- kenxle king government lias handled uve matter well mackenxle kings own personal record on belutlf of peace and goodwill uve world over is sutricienuy notable that uve re is uve mi of suspicion of jlngoluc manoeuvres tivere is noca cliauvl- nistlc mind in uve cabinet they are men of peace including uve mlnlter of national defence just uve ame while tlve present delicate issue 1ms been uefoualed wiui a minimum of ipodtlon or friction tt is not wllra- tult to forree what a atorm could blow up in quebec and on uve prairies if it sliouid seem to uve government expedient some time later to vols more war estimates alaait n break meantime the party ranks stand al most wluvout a break it is true uiat uve wording or uve want of confi dence motion was such as to con fuse uie issue slightly if it liad been a straight negative of uve de fence approiuiatlons it would prob ubly liave caught a few more suppor- rs a number of liberals feel xulu- eunuy strong about it to vote igalru1 uie individual estimates themselves wlven uvey come up but not enough lo support a vote which if it carried would uirow the present government out and bring along a general elec tion relief is in sight for uie financial ly embarrassed provinces in uve west wlui uve hope of a long runje adjust ment of some matters uiat havi been growing more uruauliactory for a long lime a royal commuslon u to examine uie taxing powers of uie provinces and uvelr social omlgauonv at lire ent uiere appears to be a urious dl parity between uiem the cure niai be to enlarge uetr taxing ivowers or perhaps to transfer uurve of uvelr re spansibllltles some people are gett ing ivearuly sick of commissions clclm uve country is over run wlui uiem the present government hasn t lovt fatui in uve inquiry of eminent and impartial auuvonitles into uve problems of uve day meantime uvere is every indication uiat cash grants or increases of tub sidles or loans are to be made to uvose provuvcec incapable of mom ing along furuver wluioul help al berta is complaining uiat there ha been discrimination ottawa deniu it abaui iv baluna9ad plllulk wa cv kmii turoor being ki ktmy mab hr aaattlng kxhkj h lb ibj lwn ilk tavaio wtw ralrbra nana wilts tlaar bald stvmanl v hardly looksml up wkec lb fi mt ihs- iwwr inn capve o lh- ida frdor auk nnllral ly omvaoiidty he stskkft still tv tor- ivn ibouchl lot ttf bin llpe fin vunlng ii wltb brwm truubu be haul phdami hlmsseir t ti thai qunllitn r itrtilarly i i we l ulalrd tp a rullr rtamtaale il fcrla van if ihey amy y lbt taaua lbrydulf lby aay ao you ikat l to tavaan lby did ooea i iv kad aakvd the quest loo aa buny laaek that now curly lurkbead beal a bo v ibw bwali he tucbaattly- r tvealetf htlll luv tor j a rj drawllrtsr vulee awertl who laid fllilr don blinked a kurpriae b4 looked tio golly hj blond i urn had tveee brouabt op lu ihbil tilmvja wore rtufcab ha had a earrlar aw act aa a aol dr abd her bins ayaa wvr gaalbg an into spec as k wallxl tr bu ordar iu triad asalh vhia gola le do wbtl yuu rrow 6p tttlak up aitaw tool qoaatlotia order ploaae w 0eb iwvn turnf a ha wo rod la volubtarlly wloa iini kumdeolly chavlroed he tlnulf bla hlbcb 111 idleilrv wlvrii be klabod t lh wallrwi line l tliue abi vtlll keemed to be i u ling ail by thing hbd huotw but iii hi list irft a itrnrr oua up uml hurried out tu kartra atlvertlalhsr akbey xv him nther tblnad lu think about thvit week w u buay one dttu chalks li i h v si 1 na hie nrw eohtrnt alttvvai alaglehahdetl thl- 11 w1 hla an sui ntutli thai b veb i tired bear lle dewdrot again mill love mer be ibqulrel her tv wr hloof iitar4l lie fer to our kintwwr of lant week dint turner wax t ltru hnib hut be wan the laat tn limit it to hive all hla iveat quelhuisi ruined by e t tlbg virfect mbsmtfa waa indeahl ft eataxtropbe he abaled a dat tr w darir ht ibe old pavlllloo one blrlt she dabrel divinely ur babve wan llbjrvrhe srl aoa abe told htm to tiber quetttlon abe returned only baffling bnawer iler btueeyad kuitee wan ilwai rr away fow bvore weki of that aort ef thing and don turner found hlmlf kit piling lowing lulrrat in hla work he only 1 mted toinaiird to the friendly wlaecrarklrtg boura with the girl who knew u ibe labxwera obe bight he called at her hnuw he foub4 ber parenti to h 04 txuu lnbd but u btle rk tiding the rather wan a t ball lurdy old ik ing who nearly erushrd iwina band in a mend ly grip th umber ui lovely sad charming in be eon fort m hie parlor lllancha playel the ptann for htu her white bbgrs strayed resllesaly over ibe keys striking up a bvftlody in hla heart the blue eyes wr allll drakay and far away afttr that avanlng don was aunk la a trance dan turner wbo bad bonated ibat ive wa free white and twenty elxht aftar a dance on hla nxt dale they drove far out in ibe country and parked tbe freak clean sawll of lha rrullful hrlb waa in ibe air full hvooo going about ua night watch mans bualiveas stopped lo watch ivna aa be proposed don told iver all ida hopa arid plana blanche listened quietly hut calil nollt- ing he tmra that hhe uould re fuse and tried lo nveel her eye raltt be talked aud again she llatved na before in desperation he burst out tunt you think i ii ever aiamint to auy thlttj olbily and tw late he re- bvemhered tbat had beb one or hla favorite question in the old daa she turned toward him milling i don t ft bow youve kept from ll for ao long thrllng but i 11 help siva held out a alltu while lis ad aa he slipped ibe ring mi her ringer ill nu tea later he whispered lotvk bve in the ayea aweet and lell rve you love me har laughter was like ihe tinkling of bells i can t look you in the eyea darling juki now mr ncullal tells ma to start wearing gluaws touiorro be- cauae ovy eyea hive been rrosed itut i love you i 11 ivll you he tlghtvned hla arms about ber meditated and gave voire o bla ibouxbta there wit only one au- 8er lo that wasnt llterer she lauched again as alie kjased blta- onty du tnawer aaavaaicaa fadklaee svty tlie aruerican enlkltire aoclaty waa founded in ihtth for the atudy of folk lore in gaoeral and in vartlcular for the collection and publication of tht folllorf or nortb anwrlca ll baa huh large v to lift folklore aludha tut of the mere antiquarian ulage and lo make ibaiu a valuable s miliary la anthropological and etlinoorral i uvea tlgounna sasit fifl dafyiag y niaillan tureatry uniclala are al laniplliitf to find 7vr turelop atniltia of blatk ualnul irwta that will aland wlultir teiuperiiiiir of 0 drgrv n 1m- low aero with u vtw to planting ihtu in tliw ottawa river tb1i3 in oniarie and ju imi hve ivroject la balug g ti a lid d liv the two reapactwe irov in re lnierentwl special bargains for one weeli only toweling 18 lo 20 all purr linrii lowliu 30c und j2c spcml pnee 25c yd 16 and 17 timcy luirn rowclmg heavy 30c for 2sc yd ih i irivy brown linin toweling 22 yd 16 brown and white linrn i owrhn 21c yd 23 rr-d- whil md blue all linen check towel k x 27c yd 4 check imeii lowehn 35c for broapcloth 36 tlriliii hrriadeloth plain colors wools i az lialli 2 ply shepherds wool j q i m jlilli 4 ply ralveiia mgcritik 9c o sirnplicity paltrrn 15c 2qtv 2sc agcnu for langleys deaners and dyers mcbean co 27c yd 12 yd phone 64 we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store a4m rrm mu tbw auf ul w ajla bll iw css specials for ttweek jontcsx hriluutlaut ik ii m bottu rcrtroma fsr bt tumus s 5 eckjutlhsb kazou bijuk ls 6 stokjt habv valc iv iontujl haxll kowutk se lavcnueic miav1no brfwl sse iiu fsagkant kodvbus tsr 5fc ixjxiu wax sag ifmwviwcj cocoanut oil iso strxyrs isg miavino ijotiom 33 luyr watck smrttsjcs riltek sus v ru jwy vip i avwiacw 1 ymr txm1 dn robbs drug store riloni m ta- pjiar th hsntstjr stout oawkosttowm siblas radio repairilvg 12 years experience wfe specialize on this work j sanlord son phone georgetown 34w uu maud young client ryiday iui fiiervda in toronto mr u culp luvd uve mufartupc to cut lib fool badly lau week h ie quired over twenty rlltcles to clo tilt wound mr and mrs alex mckay v lulled sunday wlui mr w m mckay in ilramplon tlie regular meeting of the w a was held at uie manse tlve preal- dent mrs a starrlt in uie clialr there was a good alteivdance at the meeting and ttve devotional exercises wrre taken by mr it mokrvery and un v w stvoruu alalia were made to-hive- pot luck upper some time ui mareli after live business part of uve meeting reading vcre ulven by ura it mcknery and mrs wiley a piano duet by alma mcknery and mm u vannatter und a vocal duet by alrx roremxn and mrs j kirk wood itefreslimenbi were erved ai uie close of the meeting head it or not sauerkraut made of turnips instead uf cabbage is be coming popular lu uia oaarit ooni- muoltua tuu2a cotta our merchants reivort doing a ruii ing trade at ivresenu mr it j stringer made a buslnea trip to urampuui la i week some of our local quarry men have commenced operation tripping ftvr tone and predict a good burines in the tone irade uils spring a number oi our ctuxeru lutve been laid up wiui uie tiu but we are idea ed to learn uiat all are oonvaliaclng mrs oscar luwiueud ul loiou fcivent uia week end with mr and ur a mcdonald and family ur w h hunter one of our en tenvrwug farmer of tlve ui line t havlnu uie electric light in- lulled we ure ileaed to learn tlutl mr nohert mocauley wlvo ha tveeii rrl oil ly ul t now able to in- urouiul again up ilusell kldd of ljclod cnt a few week wijjl her parenls mr and mr c icam of thli iilace our new relief omcir mr hall was making uvnvf businesi calls hi our village la i week mr w a lyoiu l tioldlng u clear- ing uilc on lh 4lh hive chclten ham on ttiurktlay afternoon mar l mr and mrs lyons lnteivd bvovbig to sramploii we are sorry to learn of their aamovai from our bsudsl dominion tua vjm m tnuib i- ruy im uautm kulv riu peas 10 coffee rldillo r- 27 early morale 19 aufnuliah sultaha raisins 2 23 cxauort oaxwur marmalade 25 tomato soup 3 as- 25 kraft loaf cheese 27 rolled oats 5 23 klm tta hwdik 16 u t tio owl 6iv witt cosm i 14 2 li is luhhiiis s h 2 11 3ci a i tlrs saluoh iu iui i 4 su4 cub q4y kachll lb i ix ll ick i r cum 4 lsi is n kwk r sum an i is uatchu llu is cim mulv prunes ovaltine dates cooking figs 38 s 19 u 58 i s5 3 is fattakmnf ahuls tie bkt vood cookers lhjtu uttih fc a keaat crmiosv large srina ii s iba isc ire li und crtm thuniis lu mild waited luiuuauil x lbs- 1st choice ivtrawbeny tnauukls lc tus la lo ivtl clmus uretn llrtfcjgs 3 far lv imitatoks sir pk oood cooke n dominion have you renewed your subscription

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