Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1937, p. 2

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4 l mr page 2 the ccorgclown herald wed nesrluy evening i ebruary 24lh 1937 credit river on rampage in muiokiam uoulnhin lovln memory ray dmr uther aurel colluyi who er rmmbc by hi daughter ji may ooljjn i lu loiug memory of dear ibltxr all rod collins wlio isaswl owa wbrualry alii 1 033 swni lo itniniilrr him wtwonce was tie ami win though abftenl t jul as dear fiver reuieuilhred b son alfwl and jfamily uavi loving memory f oi beloed wilt- 4 cher- 1 twvu who entered into mi rvb list ibm tim- take- awy uie edgf of bi jut memory urn back everj leaf pver rememlered b husband utwl daughtrr ritackv lu loving memory or a bett tructy who died frep terrou 1b33 if u tike world belonga lu wr 14 give ii toll uiid more to tv him smile and ter his voir cull me mum once more jjtttlvy misled by- rather mouter totd urouierv ulna williams ly ixoodiu- hkaumntr and clukn woollen milxk acko j huftcr wtm lflool obmjary mrs uiix1am cuniflncium mrs william cunningham ww of halloo- oldel rwildenu died al her hxloir lout mile north of fcat uu- lat late saturday night feb 30th lit her fttud year cunningham who prior ui 1mm- marriage was mis jane it3toii hud uvl oh two neigh- borlnc a t touesing or almot w year lct husband with wnom tlie celebrated her diamond wedding hi 10o5 predeceacd her eight years igo blur was the daughter of the laic james ireton one of lullon- earliest pioneer etuers surviving are two sons john ii of oakvihv hobcrt at home and two daughters un a ucnair hornby and ub- jkit at home the funeral took lilaou trom iwr rildiiet on tuesday wrtli latertrtent in tcrireen ctme ury ullton joi1n llamtt deaui called anotlter of our old and rfciited riadnt lait week whi john ltavul pasd way at his lumne lieff on tufculay feb icth alter amoiui- ulnfe lvccl wi in hli wtth yar and wa borti at grmhtuil 0it lie cmtnc to georxe lown about i yean uo and had thaxge of the o t it and c4jl- ireiht 1mklh liefo for tnany ymnv he was an ivoikxrabltf man and a r cltlxcn esteemed by all who kiwr him his wife formerly caro line smith of east nliourt pre-de- ttditvi him in 1033 ttiey had oelc- bnul tlielr kind wedding annlver- lary togellr he is survived by one on and one daughter ur diace ledvlu of toronto and ult jeal leavltt of oeorsetown two brothenu w of exeur alexander of detroit auo survive in religion he was an anglican and the funeral tervlce on thursday last was conducted by uev woo tiwknpon llctor of 8t oearges church tlie pallbearersi were ed ucwhlrter root erwuv james wuaon oeo charters fred ucnally and hugh dickie the re mains were interred in oreenwood cemetery oeoraetown tliere were many beautiful floral tributes tram relative and friends tr luavy rain on tunday alur noun caused tle credit itlwr to over n w lu banks aitd cumi conulerabla damage at the ruvlclal iaxr ullt- nlant on uie credit aid at uw woollen uliu in uun william ttie river began to rue shortly af ter mldnlghl sunday aiul keju rldng uiilil about 10 ajn on uonday when ii wax belweeit a and s leel abovi normal toe lwer machine room boiler room and illinlng roonui at uie- lhler muu er hooded to a denui 4 ih or m irtctir and eonskietabw damage wax done to marhlner nd itork tjh- roadway abound llw ndttt was alo baily damaged at olen wiaiams ueaumortu wool len uul were closed down all day monday on account of the rtood which- inundated their jtock rooms aivd ran over tile roadway apiiroach ihg the milu tlie- ionlon of ttir mills were lh aooo but coi- urablf damairv was caused in the toekroom and to llw roa ttu oteri voollen ullls bolwr imue and took rooms were alw hooded but the main portloit of the mill eicahed the deluge these mill ulu had to he closed ajonday on account nf the nood and will suffer considerable damage to mock trayt etc ne noodwa at ita leak b 1u and 11 am on ajlonday aiwl ly receded from tlien on 0 tucaoay monilng uie hver wail almost back to normal and the etn- ployee at the nanr mills were all tuck tn work eleanhig up and ttetthtg ready to fctart uie macliinea again ihej exited to be running an usual by tills morning lloth tlie olen mills were running on tuesday morning w usual at lieaumonts coiuidtrablc damage done to the dam but not iunjclent to diirlve uiem of amiile water power to operate the mill at cheltenluun tlie river was re ported to be about 8 fett above nor mal during old night and flooded areetr aiul marooned tevral fami lies in the upper atorle of uielr liomefl weekly pubuker dmm at thorold minknr in town and mm ma mavor itimiiii rat in tl- munlrial busl ei ald mklal lllr of tlxrtjd for llw liail illly year jolm h iltoinpmmi lubluinr of ue ttimold iost aiwl former mayor died on fruuy rb dth hr wa eighty three r of mr tjwhthkoii wna born in wain fleet tnwiujdp wellaltd county of unlledtcmplie lovallt ltock in 10vi he putcllaxed uw iwt a weekly iii s8 ten yearn alter u wa fouoded v t the pu nfl two years he dl lexlkl il publication he wax mayor of hie town in 1kb and u member artd chairman tlwr tlthwtl ihiard for many er t bevuic hollng office in attvs munlclptil and trade boarti tn the town mr ttomini wa prthntneiit lp ute looiallng of tlie tiaplkl churrll there hii nlc predeceased jjm three veaia ago surviving are lour otlh und fhw daughten fuv j trtl- eat ttomikml ol helmont n v hev woo thomjiftoti ol leorgeun ont and clalencn a d aiwl t a ilkmui bt honk un c hullock georgetown defeats waterloo 4 2 in hectic hockey struggle speed and clever gouleeptng feature of a game packed with thrift and spdu about 800 fan wrtnea greatett game of seaion first game of jhaydown scorer for geometown solealu 3 riddall 1 for waterloo reifad arid koppeuer penalty cotly for viutor burrell referees good game lit uw upportnr lo turned out in mle if icy ra4a u chrr un- lean ufi u victory owillbull liy return game at krtchener thursday of kitchener mr w h htevcnn of oyen alu mr- 1 w hkks of utamlord 0il m c h woouiy of colbeck out and ttiiel at lome ttir fuoeral wai held on huivday uuenkouii irotn llie famll feuldetice roadan ormond htreet willi puhllc ijbt vice in live feaput church and buri al hi beautiful llluale4 lakevlew cemetery hev w o 0thomipu and jack atteiuled- the irvced ll george h and tit alban ervlce were oon ducted by hv mr hroan and ur curaou of ouelpli a arvalh a eiil from tlve paruh 1ialton j uni oils to stage dramatic erlfc at a recent meeting of the county executive of tlie junior farmers and junior institute members it yeas da cldad to conduct a dramatic series lor the wj dick trophy we un derstand from president walter tin horn that four clubs have enured the competition with ullton and kilbride juniors meeuns in live ull ton high school on tuuday march hul and norval and palermo on friday march 5th in the same liall iiueret appears to be very keen in lhls eres and it is anticipated that tliere will be a urge crowd i of sup porters on the two tvenlngi in ques tion a utile latter in the month uie winning dubs will meet for tlie cham pionship local council of womtn the regular meeting of the local council of women held in thf rest room of the tubllc library wa well attended plans were made to hold a bt patrick tea and sale of baking on saturday march 13th after routine bualnesa wan disposed of mrs- ii w kennedy of toronto gave a graphic account of the placed visited in england scotland and uie continent httj illustrated her des chpuons by pictures from her diary and exhibited preued herbs and loll age of trees taken from the many wonderful gardens visited and from where they grew wild mrs hayes live president in few well chofcen words expreaed uie thanks of tlie gathering- to urx ken nedy a cup of tea was served by mrs- hayes and urs whltmee asslted by mrs vannatler and mrs w f smith glen williams ui- calms and ml ccliole- at tuched to uie faith ml ion are con ducting iervicet in uie town liall starting on monday evening they 1 hold services each evening mencing at 8 o clock childrens ser vice at 70 o clock lor two weeks cairns and mlj ccholes who are well known to uie tnoct of our community residents are already at tracting good congregations theri two ladler conducted meetings in uie meuvodlit church at terra colta uu1 fall tlie torrential rain of quiulay lilay- ed liayjc wiui our village monday morning revealed uie river rben flood level roads iamroed with ice and many washouts had occurred uune roads being impaxsable houi woollen mllbv were silent jlil uy on monday becatve of uie flood but by tuesday morning uiey re ahle to resume operations ceoltktown vouno mth kirino iurmukk ln vocal conticst on friday evening at uie acton united church a group of young men under uie auspices of oeorge- iown united church young peoples union amaaed uie audience and the adjudicator with uielr exceptional rendering or uie contest number open he gates of uie temple their voices blended together as one voice unity of tone was particularly noted sustained notes were main tamed in volume and pitch reets duly observed dlcuon and expression clearly defined the selection belnf memorlaed greatly enhanced uie de livery and attack the imperative uteme in largo tempo followed by uie animated movement and ending with the mawttfwi pompoo tinkle was execut ed will dramauc boldness a bright future is before uus group if held together and work continued snapshot guil i art and photograph hr la aw kmpu of tha innumarabla eprtunltua divert to tha own of a caxrtftra to aatufy hla faaunua for tha artutlc ajnrllat cau i do i caa t palat or w draw is often the complaint of puraunu wbo havo utroug fflqltnga fur tho artlutlc and the dnalra lo axpraia ill cm not all thoao pursoua roaltao that within i1h pabt fow yearn modern caruoraa and photograpbic materlalg havo odunod tlio door of artistic ok nrunsloq practically to everybody itarauha or tl a capaltlllly or today m improvod oqulpmutit to produce good pbotograpba uoday a wide ran go of debt- condition and bo- cauiio no groat difficulty ia mat la ruaiitirhig the tochnlquo of photog raphy tho dnalro to cxpruks artlutlc rotllnga by maailu of pictures u no louger lliltnd by tho rofuaal or ouo a brain to cooperate with a paint brush and by picture la not moaut mi rely photographic record of placm or people uaually liitareallug only to tliuiiu familiar with tbaui but picture ovokhig plaauuro for all who bahold thoin bocauao of their uulvoraal appnal to tho no u boa touotloiiu or imaghiallau with a camera in hlu baud r auuably good powttni of olibarvatlon are virtually all mr average man untvdu lo order lo aallufy hla daulra fur aruatlc dap renal on tbuiia pow era be tuay toiftrcuo by aetuctltig artistic plcturea froid tba tnaxbauai ibis supply already cohiportttd for httai by nature it u a matter of kmhjiug the plctura and rbttoairig tha bout vuwpolut from which to photo- graph it or ha may crate bt- utau urtutlc coin poult lot with tnov- abla ohicla aud with light ht la able to control in nuhsr enso bo may work with ibo samo art factors as doea tho artist of pnn or pencil tormu niauteg light and dark aroas intoroatlng hub rontor or lntercul lialance tend obtain artlutlc compo altlon on hla negative 1 ida anyon unsktllnd in drawing may do with i camera lint hn can go mill farttit r la un aatufaclion ot hlu artlatlc taatea if he will mauler thn tnrhlllque of produclug hla own prlnta id audi thing a aa ibu uih i n of tho typ of photographic papur nultahh to the nngatlvct tbu manlpulatlc t at light in thn printing procnuii th mauklag of portions of tho nujiallve and trlmnilug tho prlnta to lnprovi thn original compoalllon h u g till further opportunity for os r clklug hlu arllnllc lalonu keyp ou w lull tni you could druw or palnl if you like hut don t hn stopped by your inability to do no hualfu tho pohhlbllltlna of your caun ra appraluo from thn art i ml atandpolut rprodurtuins ol photo grapha in maxasliua an i t nwupj para lo to photographic i xhlhltu and obaurvo how mail pi tun it plase tbo a umi h me i ridlngly bo- cauaa of thulr beauty or arouae h umotlona or stlmulato tbu hnuglnu tloti theau aro thu purpoat i wt are told of all art unprhluu with ibeau purpuaea in vluw au what you can do with your own camera titer ari opportuiilllt a uvurywhtire u john van cjliiijklt umehouse tlie valentine pie sdluil under uie auspices of uie womenr aoetauon held at uie united church la t pri day was a splendid tuccets the ehurch was suitably decorated in red and white vlui cupkl dotted every where the program in charge ol uie pastor ilev o i stephenson was interesting and varied from betflnn lug to end ulj jean fijier delbhlcd uie audience with a most enjoyable ac count of tier trip to ottawa mrs j addy of olen williams sang feelingly two beauuiul solos rev a o foreman of alllnaad gave a most interesting address and local talent enuiuslaulcally applauded took part folloas solo by fred packer danny hoy humorous reading by mni a klrkpatiick vocal music by stephenson jlru recitation by alex wright baclielors dream double trio by high scliool ghu ladiea uiree part chorus enllued passing by after uie prosram sandwlclves pi and more pie was served by uie ladles bringing a most delightful evening to a liappy close on saturday afternoon a delightful recital tea wa- erved by uie wo- mens insulute at uie home of mrs wm oowdy when four examination pupils ployed for uie entertainment of uie guests uisses doris mltcliell ethel franklin isobel and norma stephenson contributed uie music while readings were given by helen uooowan and muriel stephenson appreclauon was shown to mrs oowdy for her kindness in giving uili opportunity to the girls and for all her work in teaching a hearty vote of uianks was also given to the girls uiemselvec much regret is felt uuu ulsa norma stephenson was unable to try lier examination with uie others on tues day owing to uie influensju tli darkest liour is only co mln utes long people who go after nouilng sner- illy get what they go after new adv1rtuwents far bale quantity of seed oats apply walter lauxon utewarttown plione oeorgetown m r s3 it ulualiatt wanud woman wlui babe nine monuis old wishes position as housekeeper apply at herald office sawdwfri for kale a quantity of sawdust and a num ber of new wlieelbarrows tor ale edw logai victoria t college view phone 1s5 oeorgelown t rcttt frame house on ontario st eight rooms light and ater also garage john w armstrong po uox 15 phone issw if on monday feb 22nd a pocket knife i tog handle tuo worn wades valued a keepsake finder plea leave at herald office up weed far sale choice dry maple 13 00 per ingle oord i ft cord cut into toe wood tsoo apply hoy slhtphfcrd george town range fr hate uucces- range nearly new bum- coal or wood will sell cheap or ex ctuiiitie for quebec stove m jiaupt man phone 37 qeoruetown li vw kate forced to sacrlllce 3 good yorkahlr ows due in a month 1 pig iso lbs 15 pulleu starting lo lay quantity of haled oat straw and mixed hay the above have positively got to no thu week so hurry no reaoiiabie offer refused also any two out of five tu tested springers apply to h w llndsey norval station lot 16 clilng lwjuet4ng townllne hy u mac m ollvry riw urge 4 crowd the local junior outfit llate drawn this rieikrww on latl rught u witliee a liecuc oclecv muggu- belweeti twti exeal teatn ui llw junior oil a playdown- waler- itkt a lad gtorretoan theie aav lltllf if iiy to cliooie betwen tbe- rom alvd allhough uie aftor n co mlnljte baruvloughl tuaaj a 4 i lor cjrtngrtim n it might have gone eiuier way i it i tru lh4 the two waterurtf goal- were o a luck variety but tlr ctaiiit 04 uie same aul the way hie litor went about it uie de rved the- weuks that wept ill tlvelr favor lacked wiui a hundred thrllt and spilu liurd mtoollng and tpecucubkr wiirk by ttie rival goal tender ui trugglt itctween ihemj two leam aumed a wild pace at utoe wit terrific lped ttie kpeed was so da xilng that it kep4- uie crowd in a cotr tlbt upriwr aa nrst one unej uwu uie other would swoop in bh uie two citadel- ttie tide fcwuvhg from one trui lo uie other for uie three peri ods but uie wumers aha tied up ui the bet jquad wlven uiey put on uie fluuhhig toucliess and gained two ex ira goals wlui which to go lo water loo on thursday night ttie game was cleanly contested wlui no penalties being nccsary un til uie uilrd period and uiee were for minor offences however in pots it was a rough andtumble game and the fans seem to like a bit of this thrown in in fact uie game dls played everything uie fan wanted clever tlckliandllng smart combina tions tat timet aluhough thu could be improved on 4peed and plenty of goals tor tlie home team ttie initial period got under way wlui weller trying out uie visiting goodie wlui a shot from uw blue line oeorgrlown look uie edge of this fratne and kept uie rubber flying at soehner in one style however itelbel secured a puck behind the local net at about six minutes and slid an l w nivw fritr- to tart off uie scoring for waterloo georgetown were not long in uelng uil up when solofcki received a pas from weller in front of uie waterloo net and mode the twine bulge behind oehner as the crowd cheered him to tlie echo ttie balance of the period saw some good hockey but alter twenty minutes uie score remained waterloo 1 georgetown 1 burrows in uie georgetown no was outstanding in the second period when waterloo pressed hard and held the balance of power he stopped some almost impossible shots when uie visitors would break through uie defence tliere was no scoring and uils period ended wlui uie score dead locked the nightcap proved to be trie most exciting of uu game when waterloo went into uie lead on a fluke goal uiat even surprised uie aoorcr tlie puck hit uie goalkeeper want up in uie air and came down behind him in uie net tills set the pace at a new high and tuddall evened it up again wlut solrak and weller get- una uie assists as uie ice was not in as good condition at one end of tlie arena as uie other tlie teams changed ends at half tune and georgetown went into uie lead when cotey ol waterloo drew a penalty for tripping at the faceoff soloutl got hj- second counter when lie beat uie vliiina goalie mn a perfect shot while waterloo were suu playing man short itlddoll passed to soloski who made uie score 43 tor george town stockford then drew a penal ty aiwl the locals were hard pruaed wlien waterloo put into the kama uieir best efforts but tailed to score sanderson and gross started to mix it up somewhat and uiey wre ban- ulied but uie bong wmi and uie core remained georgetown 4 weterv loo a at uie end of uie name event player on uie georgetown team turned tn his best pertormanc of uie year they had to as water loo gave uie fans ample demonstra tion of their ability burrows was never better sanderson and wright took out their men in fine style and sanderson made some dangerous rushes stockford played brilllanuy at centre and liad the crowd behind him when he backchecked like fiend and had uie visitors almost checked to a stoduu in uie open ing period luddjdts shooting ey re turned for uils uo and lie hat many cliances to score while welter who patrolled uie left boards was one of uie fatest skaters on uie ice and packed a powerful shot soloskl was splendid as relief man and piloted his team in many brilliant plays grabbing off uiree of uie evenings goals archibald began and hu imer were effecuve at all tims wlui began always a tlireat to uie lied and white bob ooldham the youn ber member of uie squad did him self proud while georgetown were lilsylng shorthanded koppcser was uie pick of uie waterloo team and only uie stellar goal keeping of burrows kept hlu off uie core sheet for more uian ont tally cotey at centre never tired in hl efforts while decker on ttie de fence tianded out some nlde body clieck- we pick uurtowk sokukl and kop poster a- uie uiree tar players of the game as uils wa- uie art game of the round uie return game will be play- id on kitchener ice at uie kluliener auditorium on thursday night rhe boys have come through great and have done uiemelves and the town proud let a- many as can accomp any uie team to kitchener should georgetown win thu play off and tlvelr diances wre never bet ter the next round will start uie be winning ol next week so watch lo powers ttie team lined up a folio- george town goal burrows de fenc claudersoii and wright centre slocklurd wlnga hlddal and weller subi ilekan archibald hulmer so lotjcl goldliam waterloo goal soejiner defence decktr and karats centre cotey wlngi nalws and kapposser uu heer solomon lulbel wilkin gro ub goalie iiarley hi ere j burrell brampton i in- am i oat in sport correspondence 1m feb jt 1ltj look utobgh our junior team might go phxrec thlt venr manager wrey lllackburn lia- uwt uerlmi butuh of txy aiwi u will mi be uirtmiah uielr urk of try- im jrould i1k- meet lirlr lrliml fax llmr day night a two lftal lrd itould carry th ttsutt lon imh to vkuiry but we are i wit muviii ay indlctloni h- jhl waterloo fam can auo turn it unudd trie geirgetoap team wui tlie round i record tnd would be lxpvrlrtl for uve ruxt tpniri if ytm iwie not livm tlte irm the supiyirt you kould jike lo have uhrti them bfc mi tuilid lor tlw pext gamrv ur bettet till folio ur tram lo kllruelejr inurulas tilght 25 reward molaiw wul k nu by ike tad-a- llovuh thy corn kalvc lr omy tuicv mtuwt ram witb lu jlfwj kmrw bel hh aw9run tar cornh oat cakx- ohjhrh li 4e imwulac ototi ruea al with flrac aaolealual rw bate d marcraaarkii ikvwg u ui urr wmaiwattetl ui uils district to tell high class milling issue one wlui good coiuiectlon iweferred although xiieriekice not neccasary high eat remuneration tawitv invkhrfcnrh lu- w klai hl icaat tli penalties received b uie wat erloo team um hlahl jiould carry a moral for ute 0orutowti club i game are not woo n uw priialty box ju t pet nut and play tlie game may on ute ice and you will provi u bigger u1 lo jour team we never know when uie break will conie tlie band at uie liockey matche adds some y t to the game re the biplue of ttockey wlien the businesmen go lo town on thun oay afternoon ttie teamr o the north and souui tldt of main ul hve each won a game a the tilt tomorrow should be a swanky affair acton won uie intermediate b group tlue in uit ojfa last night by defeating guelnlt 3 to o it war tlie fourth game between uiee two teams uie uilrtl won by arlon hav ing been proteaed by ouelph marao kcxard and llndy were uie goal- getters acton liave left no doubt as to who were th brttev betweet uiese two teams we suu think georgetown could hate put up just as good a fight for tlie ulie as ouelpli but its r now and congratulations are in order for actnu the annual meeting of uie george town haeball club will be held on thursday march 4th in uie dining room of uie meglbbon hous at 8 ptai fieryone interested in baseball georgetown are requested to at tend and hear the report of hvt years actlviues and elect officers tor it start in early to be a ha ball fan don t mui uil meeung atuluatsal saa news u kag 4 gils tauummp again iat acton tf to nearly one hundred and fifty ttud- enl turned out la t wednesday af ternoon to see our crimon and blue quad defeat uie acton high school by the decllie core of 6 to 5 al uiough uie winning margin was ra ther lopsided our acton rtval made a much better sliolnc tl an the score would indicate acton started uie scoring whan after nine minutes of uie first period williams took a pass from paplneau and lipped uie puck behind turk broda ttirve minutes later goldhara took the puck at hl own blue line stick handled his way past uie whole acton team and banged it into uie not to tie he score in uie second period our team wept on a scoring pre and scored uuma goals inside of eight minute ac ton scored uielr lone tally of the period with only on minute to go georgetown banged two more coun ters in tlie third period to make uie final score 6 to 3 acton supplied uielr own referee but suu uilnk they could win wlui a good official the lines ups were as fallows acton goal u wright deftru j dunn j holme wings b footut cools centre williams subs van- gootan cooney bauer paplneau georgrjlowp goal jordan defense n barber b goldliam wings w latimer w boyle centre i rylvas ter subs d beiumont j louth f cleave ltelere j jones acton first period acton wnuaws tpapinu gjlja goldliam second period gjib joldham beaumont gjibjouth igoldham qjiit beaumont sylvester acton paplneau williams tlurd period ojiil uuniliy ooldham t gjis laumer lcnolu paplneau bauer iciimarr n hl ilw uarttotu atkd cunadiens met in r uml nnt la tlmi- day atkd ihf caliadleiu emerged wlui a uire- utml lead llie game was played on jit ur and hie maroo ihrealen lo uvttmme ttih big lead when they jixel lu uie secood gam ol tin ay dubl bill ttie rtluiial leaders new york american and the toronto eaf hooked up hi a thriller and only after u hard battle did uie leau on a- wv ikietly goal by jackjubn turn back uve lilibderk tlwte two tram are dai hut a beet in ttile uerk and uve american- are bringing over a lull contingent of aupportenl uils ttiurs by lor uie renewal of the wrlea tlie americatis liave their eye uut twaiuuj cup and their game on ruarday will tie ute tons m uie americans are defeateil it will mean llmlnalion fur tlierti bo that thu lame xa one of uie moat important of uie year to viiictu ue irulih play the prea- ton midguts in iteoion prior to uie girl katrfe rivulelte and an ataed calk team on friday the maroons play ui httubunf kitchener ami ion and gait are asking lor games tiie suiidiitg of the teams to dat in uie stanley cup playdowns f w l t ptfl canadiekia s a 0 1 s leant 110 0 3 maroons 3 13 0 3 americana i o 1 q 0 oameat thursday 7 jo pjn aroeri- calltl v leals matooju snt cpliadlen- hefrre bailey aiid clancy alban tttr kdlbir rftfruwn heruld rarbrurwii mt iv mr iiimt you iiiut mi llv itaikry itory 1 int iou the ouier iut ut ttaik- yoti ilil like aimlhrr uy uv ij inuimlurlumi i nditlil iihium iwir leadei thai xluth or mui i lit iii tieart of llif nttil country h rr lalul nwitrn live hi thn rillr- and have larse t-vtlr- in ttie rountr worked by tenant farmer and otar rppiei wtio are largely colored and hvt in j very irlmltlvt mutniei wiui uch kitowledur ol nrh motlrril ideajt iu ttirtli rimilrol and the like llealdr- eotttmi and mni und riikldrni llvey ralw a irreut ntatiy hou wliirli un almost wild until 1m g kllllntf unw lii uw winter 111 tri lb tell uiu fbry lu un word of ue lnid onrr ijhi wli told u to m a tirro a knd me for une un i tu work nnd i akd hint imiw many rtiildnn he hid lii dldiv t answar me uw rirt unje ti i ut wlut ou lioinw foiritlnu them up he aahl vas uh ami i think 1 leven 1 kald 1 thought t itwnue twelve aiouitd in re th- j tin r ila well kuh lie said voti rotint vm while i 001111 im li ht- nti uiem oft i nd bue ouuwb dun uem twelve he got uie land ticcau- rhildrrtl are an asxei wkiere h rn m w cultlvatel and th 10 to the llrltl soon s tliej ur blk enoiiub to vuul a ivoe in uie day of uie deep utttrekui the ataild be upilllet tiled uws- iui1d uu- uogan ol jlw uiree vi pear ixid family in ttir- jlrld mimi fml under ttw utnl here l jihiiiirr uiat i won 1 vouch tor jj yuti tetler not luibhmi u a hiaii lolloliig a trail througli a iinnni over in ala bo ma ho it tits i to a bik twg ileviuitiig a iniull n irrn baby lie wa ji jftrjt tsl tliul ive huiiled on mill 1 rame liegrt 11 4 ua- ng all ir hid i nr under lite ittilrh i n wa bu v al jirnruiiiiif told the driuurul llory the mil turned reprnurhluhv lo in i ld oui man i done iin in uu luktn ou ill le yiur ooth for iliu tin ury truly m rflei prltlt curuno oil account of the rnlld weather ihilmerklon curling club were forced la postpone their annual spell until next monday march 1st ah trie are kindly anked to confirm uie new date march 1st foe uielr en try wu j fred edward phone lw secretarytreasurer of th 01ub community auctions ale at tlie sflli ol j h beattie iot it 1 mil line wtj toronto tpwiudilp weajay marck 3rd 1937 al 13 o clock ivoon comtulnn of utr- 4stue juc lli p biw lir 1 impl metll el wtni ci li w a rujiuju auruoner igrjlory theatre friday fdbrxtary 26 the mat who lived twice atntttaeat draaaa since hr jkyu ud mr hyde oaniag tlt4i heluniy 04o ji05 000 110 13m is 00 333 11 w aeton halunarald t yoftk road i ttie balllnafod liockey team flnui ed it 0011 last ttiurulay evening by playing a tic game wlut york iload uie prosent holders of uie itumley cup in o doing uiey failed to qualify lor the playoff being nos ed out by rockwood a team which ttiey defeated uu previous wek by a aiti of nine to one the team played ten game during uie eaosn one of uiem an cxhllil- tion game winning four with uiree game tied and oonti uiree- a cnd table iierformance when tlie difficul ties of assembling a utdely mattered rural team are considered tlie team liloyed with few iienaltle and wlui no injuries save one early seaon etiarley horse and none of uu gamei uere marred by an demonstrations of 111 temper or bad siiortsmailjilp tlie forward line ol chaplin mc pherson and varey wo the tasut in the league and scored over thirty goal while the defene work of fed sliortlll and george cliaplln was very effective bill uarsliall on uie sec ond line turned in ome line gamea as did lorusso and qleipi go w land though the utter was ud pariugly owing to his youui in goal lonie wlca1 wa a towr of rtrengui and wa succbsjul hi winning two jiut oul fred ca tie playing centre oil the alternating ihw made tine con- trihulioi to ihtt tuccr of tlie team as did the wright hrothars uwiugh ulnrss prevented uiatu from tukht iart in uve lost two tnsmes ttie team was maaiaged by y w uiiortlll whorte services pi a i eautilj ug uie team and btliorwud usslsuii were utyen wluiout sunt and in ull me urc and this rvlc- u fully ai- lureclated by all comiected wlui the club in closing oungratulauoiui are ex- teuded u the strcrwtarv of the club mr mailaiu and j kirk wood and rlfu news nerval deeau hamlhari on wednesday last february 17ui uve norval lune club motored to hamilton and defeated uve hamilton tans by a margin of un points both teams shooting remarkably well tlie norval team making an average scorn of mj per man out of a tioxutde sctve of 100 points the soorea nor- val 92 hamilton 073 the ilamillon team will visit uie norval range for a return match on friday feb 36th an excluruf cop test is expected at monday nights club shoot no less than live men tied tor first place in the gold button contest in the jvoot off mr f johnson was pro- nunced ui winner wiui a perfect score in tlie monuily aggregate tor feb ruary mr k mcklnpey was uie wui ner these monuily aggregates are on a handicap basis ofekinney receiv ing three points on each score uius on uie rour shoots hla total scota was 403 including the uandloaps next monui his handicap will be reduced to one iwlnt each score mr frank huuer was runner up wlui score of situ wiui same handicap a mckln ney hie scores or monday nlghta shoos are as follows ii nurse 60 f llust le m f johnson m e ucklnney u ii w hall vi w rohlnon vt dr stevenson vt w wilson vt q il hall m w lisk m w o browne 03 unit0 ci i urc 11 cucoakcait the hamilton conference lay as oclallon of uie united church of canada are sponsoring a seriat of tour broadcasts over ckoc hamilton on tuesday evenings during maxell from b to u30 nja tlie dates sub jects and speakers are as follow- tuesday march 3 t1ia spiritual ctiallenge ftev d o c ptdteon bloor st united church toronto tuday march othe ouillenge of iece and war jflev kr knitit crosjey hunter first united church hamilton tuesday uarch 18 the chjolenge of social and economic conditions from a faruvra viewpoint james t gibson ba farmer near cale donia tuesday march 33 ttw cluulenge of communism a uaclaren ba georgetown scoreis of groups of laymen will be meeting in home throughout he conference which stretchea from tobermory to niagara falls to listen to ui broadcasts arid discuss uie questions raised plan to take advantage of these broadcasts by inviting a few rrterul to meet in your home to hear anu discuss uiese questions toronto township official s dead y w mtcrk- roaj htlu4 u m vera well known in pel county t w mccracken 51 toronto townill p died on sunday he was born in meodowvale 11b liad served as rood superintendent of toronto townslilp for uie past m yeara and also lield uie otncea of relief oowrnlssloner and water comriusaionr he was a mem ber of uie preabyterlan diurch a ma son orangeman and member of uie loj and uve orotto he was conservative in politics surviving are tils motlier his wife mrs dorouiy mccracken one son james two sis urt mm james tilt and mrs t ttiompson brampton and four bro uiers williams in saskatchewan and jams howard and hussell at tiome tlie funeral took iilace on puosday w iui interment in churchvllle cenve ury ami of than w fo- ute many klndnese am m pauiy extended to us by frtendi and neighbors in our sad bereavement by tlw death of our baloved fauier wc liereby convey our very sincere uiauk- chare and jessie leavitt comedy pppry sjiii novelties starn of tomorrow tox news rernininc invasion scrappy i trail r slurdy frtjry 27 tarzan escapes breatb laklkiy kww jwnjl advrulnre uarriruf johmny vvrrojuvr aad maiarecu o saluvan cartoon garden gaieties chapter 6 plash gordon 1 midrch 2wd3- the dancing mrate ikta tttthrly in leehnleeur ktarrlug sum iwna comedy ladies love hats novelties l ishermnns luc it vitnphone topnotchers coming tlaeeaora gees vvlu saaart eeuiedy oamruig irene ftmitu wjit our windoiv y ice catsam btccials and cwncikuini djurtbmahow sondae 13c 2 for 25c longs conleelioneryss pure foodstore no 2 tall tin lynn valley golden bantam corn 10c no 2 tall tin glenrose brand peas slu 4 10c 1 lb carton we1x1ngton brand pure lard 14c hi fyz tin byrnes chocoalte malted tood drink 45c 16 oz jar monarch brand raspberry jam 15c 16 oz jar breakfast marmalade orange lemon and grapefruit 15c 10 oz jar ideal brand sweet relisli 10c 10 or jar ideal brand sweet mixed pickles 10c large bottle clarks tomato catsup 14c 4 oz bottle p d sauce 10c choice breakfast bacon in piece lb 21c peamealed back bacon in piece lb 27c sweet pickle cottage roll in piece lb 17c fresh bolorna in piece lb 12vic 2 tins panshlne cleanser 17c 5 cokes lady godiva toilet soap 23c 2 pkgs sunnet soap dye 25c zum aluminum cleaner pkg sc choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 7s we deliver r custom hatching all electric incubator automatically controlled temperature humidity and ventilation eggs for hatching leghorn and barred rock day old crock from good laying strain phone 348 georgetown i saiasi 1 k m a waclaren son l the royal 7 heatre guelph calling you get out the car buggy or bicycle and drive over continuous showing saturday vm 11 ku mkl hhow m 15 t t w lkkoi it1ot tu anita khiisl 1 the green light a itkuiv vou u n vv11 hoiuikt 1t1 grkat i i playing sat mon tue uruury 31th uavch 1 t ulul 3iui 30c up ta c pj satckikav 38c alur 6 tktat now hjivino nlat mu rsoti rahki lily tmwi jus ckl nimin wall vault iki muk s matoofsioeltl t

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