the georgetown herald 1 seventieth year of publication jbe georstown herald wednesday evening october 14th 196 150 per annum in advance 200 to tjlsjt the georgetown herald j m mooka rwblkker 4 krfow itmbff i f uu canadian weekly newi wiper asuc4auon cn r tune table fcrrciiv kept rjtw ism utundatd iurkgrr 7 15 ftm iuucmnr and mull i 1030 um iusengr and mull g33 pin lujnget rmr fonuto i0o7 phi feiigrrs sunday- only 3pjyi aiseniprr and midi 8oajn iaetiiir 2u8 jmn ijlxrrrigvr bud uatl im pm qjrimtrr suiulay 1l13 pm daily jvsjiirrr leitcvpt uuudayi laiii am ftae ntk mali nlui iawurer bi5 am 4ng u-lfc- mall and jsenger cia itn till narjutw ua although hn livpi for iieventy year flu- world lie iwvrr knew lket by tieeelleaj doubt and fears he drudgl lib ufeume uiroujjh he hud no tmirpooe lavr tu telr tlu- profit of uie ithuril he lievt i learrlod uic namea if trrm or coirinumi garden ijn sum be never turned hbt eye above uie terming crwd til beud uu glory ol uu skies in sun and tnuuu aiuf rloud ii never ranted u plullett liarnr and aji w irudiftxj along to him all wrdi were made uuj tame of faultier arul of uuitf about llvn lowii lib wayjp knew kew rug and raiment fine bul lie could never jriffjjxi wblctl tree wcrtt elni iyi pine lie know uie jjemllu slreiuful of ptritw- t and i n- l uiat grind and turn but or the txhinue- growing udiiin lie tuul ml ulne to lean if uwy tjiould ask blm over there how wrtuj it in uu pring and were tile ojchartkl everywhere ackw with hjurnhig and were uie ma j bcarlet buy and kjueli lit uu tajl 3tmyd wotkler if be pent u day hi uit trneerial ball tdita a oorsi halton presbyter vp j tattm verna mclintoclc win 25 uailk 71i aw 05 ata 4 45 pw 700 pjrt ois pm wa 0s an 11j5 ajti li5 atai f 3i5 pjn 455 pin gis pin 105 pin a 1350 bin i dauy txeept saturday it hauirday only at saturday sundays and maiktay only kaothtn btanoaiu txatk itinerahtti planned to all point i canada unlled iiulra a uejtlco cttmdt xwmjt ueaj acl ilongii conkcttonajry aftbqw directory iaov oiijt tea ooaftft qrccary tbalm 14c mill i unnktu m lxnuikuj b kwmr muuy ifaub w c gkant hnur u cwbm5 oneul luoti ubou ol oeorgnlown je4tfiu 331 pa box 1m iiankv ukavooh lawucncc cook u mnl ooak bnwpukl tkkiilykl u ooof uour la icutpt ttuuxlty j k jackkon njo1 sucjir to uk late dr oollop open kvenlngs oymlajr dy uumlay cwl imi hionk shw gumuiktown a m mlelsen mui vcur af ipnuum ctunncloir xray otkmnnl limits j 5 1j ujh ch4 tlr4 irhmw lw f frank fetch i4csnbk0 auozvomkxm kvooapt hrrlci otlukuu m r w qa url monuments poutjock a ingham buxmun la okt a wohli gah oojf n r mr- h lumal our wohf lii oriii oomour commercial printing of all kinds we can give you satisfaction pe geonjelowaherxui a uoouman wlio wj playing tol paud to pull lis luutdkrrclilef out nf lib tocket and a mr of fabu keeul fell to uur uround ttwuut ar yours ur uild the caddie plckliuf uumi up theyre im tnte tald the soou hun tlieyre macules x udt uiem wl me uo ubmu canmi eat between ineals jiiiurance aaent now you can pay thl premium in quarterly installments and youll never mbi uwe wvwy injured paybitf yrcond premlumi i know now wliat ananuls did tar a livinr rr bukmtjaa omm aemmy ui am castro n ox stomach powder oai w4 ai acaeoavmackw bn buea vllowliltf li the ejort ttt itnluui tebytery which inet imi oct 0th continued tnnri iwi week inmwpt etuerniluf tiie levetllh meeting of oeiterul council which ttiet iii ottawa hu1 week wre ulveu by tuv o k n atklium ij a kir j m lwnyev ua uim iuv l clallaaltrr ita u o 11u nrcewilit of retaining thd matnlainljuf tall our tlololca cfjllen- greater co 0kr utiui leteen ute woinap ml- ion afy iorlely and uu federal hiljiiii ary rntfriuie tll rempoilxlbillty of lusmeit to r valuer lle uie tiuniai race alld tltt rotulouaee of u abjhto uplruual lowar w-tt- iomli of the lip purtant forpi tneiiuoned tliebe teports t whjs announced uiat itnv jotk ttryce jim u if wi appoint hi modexaur atkd rev jorvni a blfcco ma ai ovnemt jlktary of tlfe tjiutul churcii tit faitadu mr j m oei la pd itv d ii gallagher ii a- hd were aikilnled tihlreaenurlw of uw porelm mii jimuiry oommllue for haltoti itt bylery in hamilton confarrhce itev ii f n atkinson da 01 curlhj acted a cltalrmati hi puce uf lley a u trwbi ba uhuuit wlio vu absent lhrouvh ns oji recorrunekdauoit of um evaiuic 11am khd socuu afrvlctj oomraltuxj of whlcli liev if s uvrin of ivatal kat u convenor a teriea o meettnr were kuuseatad u be held in tlut ivrobytery in twt pir futurtr in co operation with uve interdenomltut tlon fcvamteuaalion campaitrn ivm peranoe national gcrvioe oommunlty bervke uwl tlui value of uie chri uan churcli will be probable tlieroe for dlvouislon tli llellilous ediwrauonal commit tec brought in a fine report of fall activities a conference for uutulay hci ool teicliers up u live junior krade will be lield in lowville tnurwlay oct liui 5 pin tlie leadership training gclioa for tlie northeni area will be held at oeotiretown be tclnplntf oct- ioth at a pin ilev c overeiul ma ur a uucureii and mr walter t kvaru of georttetown attended the itrrjy trry ole ol ul nrxl in imimtrtunee to tlte 1 jratwwi f it the farm iill vhlch i ul 1 ik- fur itiiwieu friiiu llkt ly uire of nui tandiutiui atj tlir prouclkr hm a ule- wl u h may t lukei uj uifitfuard tile purity of the aafrr ii lirt ulirf dutalnu or urilhiitf uh ii to piotert it frun tliw entrance of u oirfaee water ilto well nulmiai u rood c ver of cojkmu- uni or wood if the well bi d i it mtimiul lx flttetj with a kwlvaiuavl iron pitte ieachin uj die bottom rart lahij lak it tlnt tbr lowtr end of the lfp- u ifnlieinly mwleiti to tle rc alui hihl tia lop of uit pija l maled tu the rvrf otiier wlj -oract- kaur may uice 4own outuldc 4lt ute 1np uw welt if tluwell k jjuno w und wide ou waltt of uic well i lioutd be tnailn ini lervioui ut ah udejuau depth tn or- twelve feet t the uoial driuh tr tommindcd forhe bnpervlou wall hlch ruay bit of conrretv luwldlrl clay or csmentrt tile ilie wall jjkkiui bo ctaitlnued upwdtdi one foot bcvn die m rfaee of tte urouitd hy thb meph- iurjnce nur mil t filter thloutfti u dcub of ten or tweue fet of barth before it can ciller lie well and if the earth l in a rueouublv dean condition the walef thu- be come purl fled purlin r afeuuard ure ule uirfuuj of tie area immediately iirroundbu uw well fencing to prevent lite ap proacji of aiiltnal am refraining rom u4ntf fertllucer wltliln tlie vicl pity it kew tboimy wliai l a tynonym ui earner ajted a synonym tald tuouny wlely is a word yoa uj wiven you can t pell the otlwr one jujlu youte local fcartjt in no country in uw world lia rew 4iaiwr deviloiunent readied cucli a fte a it nas in ull country people are liardly coulpped to live in a modern community until they read uioro4mhy ecry lue of u uood local ntrwyiaper in fact uiat is the way uiey conserve ulr incomes by learn iru of cood opportunitle to buy tacrduuwii riiey become familiar aith public movenvinl and entertain menk and are able to enjoy many ihirupt that they wtuld ot hear about until they liad happened if they were rt informed by live local paper they are tlvrreby able to purtake to uie roll of uielr oonunuiuty life where with out pelt a newiapcr thorouuhry covering tlielr field tlvey are on uve ojie ide of the current of its life bojw4 avoavmavv iw av ftotkvv used and famous for quality throughout the world a british product lsily kindled 1 2 eas1 3 longer burning 4 heven heat 5 uniform qualtry 6 no clinkers 7 high carbon content a less cost 1per season 9 less furnace 10 less ash ttur coal u properly screened and come to you in suitaue uxe for your stove ja or furnace try x ton and be convinced order iron your local dealer carrolls jellies foods t 19 patties tea i twakal tvafonn pkiza in akkou it ac ii ibssa tonttst cth rululutlili to ml vrnia mc unto u i t main trif t oeor n whk i uy v ii the mihjtt mi hum louii wu 1 ct d a eutid krts winner from tin nuniy tlw tuaiui of t ji cut red fnun alt tiuip of cn tral und weriern ontario ip u iciuxti childitjtk kmty coup j tv t qtly umtl by 6jtral ontario llu tun unit d ml- vmiu jtunuk k true town uk ir hii l uul ii y iar- of uc tit uviju uitul deal oi aunmciuu lion tor hit liu lary rllort and wu isi it iuil iiiuiu uutl lur many lri ut and uitjuliitttiwe intromit wui uil town aihi dijjru1 ajioald fiave an pppfutuiy u ruol uie jupu i lnhbij cojiiikiuoii u l with ju tnuthie prd ip ivtr aocomplljujuni uu ii lorv thul we rtprudot lienr- undcr llu product ul ilu mdjp uu i luoiilkc in ii th uy my lom lgfcii cond lirui winner in thl arroa cadh y conut my uom xjwn oaojftottlown u vcniu mcluitbck nutloa umoiu tlui iuil tin uw tt jkiii nt ouiial of ui cnxiil itivlr touiy t lowii luc a vtjry uctiy loca ikui it coven ix unite um or plll uiui vuiiij ooorueloun ts kiluatod uu iquiujilp of kju4hi uu in uian luuiu juulfyiiui uu uuvd uf lull 1 pico ueortptowil luu ujl ttl tructlvu rccjkmial district witn 1mu1uu- uuixkiu ujid uivnt and tall juuli niuphi itlvu bordvriutf the trutl 4or many years uie vicinity cooructown on uie credit itlver wu uie lavounu lui d tn lied man however in the year 1620 their peace lul ubodt ilil truplcd upon by uie lirt prmaikfciit white hitlers ueorgc kennedy and lil brotlieni when oeonfi kennedy coine tu hungry ilallow a uie oju of wlutt u uutoau of ucoruitown wiu called ul built tin- flru uiumul on uie cred 1l itivir ut uu- foot of mill irvct- in 1m3j wlwcn the itarbcr brotlur wll ham jamo joitpli and itobert cutol to oeoricii in ai it wa uien called they built a woollen mill ijo- cr hi lhi3 utcy ct ux a paper plant whlcli is today oiu of tlie larittt cm liloyeirc ol labour and one of corue- inan kroleit lliuutrici liitht ytarr prior to uie time fclee trlclty uil transmitted from nuuara falu to uuffalo ul iaib l lec uriel ly ruul been lruiumltled oier a dluuce of taxi irtlle in caruula by a resident of oearaetowii jolut jt uarber he lrajljiiltuml one hundred tuurc power from a dam to lit mill jolui it ilarner ulu wiu the eoond uu of jami uorber vtlio came to oeorip town in juj7 later bocaivu ilie repro ciilalivt of uit county of llalton in uie ontario letfljatur in 1u77 cicorlelown va claimed to bt ilie lariat manufacturing centn in uic county of ilajuxi ttierjj arc now tuo coauiitf milu a well n uie liajmjr mill tlnc niuj- export larjte ly to ioreujn countries anotlier lm portant indutry la tliut of smith at uojic uho arc inanufaclurvn of clcc trico delce- und tliu factory i- uic lartct tmjdojtr of labour hi george uiwil tlu products are in doouuiu throufiluhit uic dominion and alo lunjel exported in georgetown t j luatcd the uominlon rfd iiouc alilcli l ouroted by w ijradky it dot a very lure mail order buinc in ixlh planu und hrubs of variou kind the day foot hoe factory an old concern l well knowii for it high cla lumbermen uuiea and ki boot etc tlic ilurley kay comj- an manufacturers knit una mac 1 lines amontf uie factories located in ocoruetown more reoenuy are ilrill ilofjery m11l wlicrc coarse lu6e are manuiacturrxi and the georgetown clay itoducu company when rm brick- arc monufactofed it mufht be of interest to know uiat timotliy eaton founder of uie talon oomjiany umllod and hl brw- tlier jarno- worked for a number of ymra hi uie employ of james younjr u dry tfooil mercluuit in oeoruclown it wo- about lsg uiat uie first iritn lraielud on uie rait whlcli iia uiroukh oeorecldwn and at uiat umt oeorcetown ul an important rail way junction today traln are iy ia frequent as there ore other meana of tranjiortatlon a very convenient and comfortable mode of travelling t by uic arrow bus line wliich ru uirouah aareeuwi trie arrow bus depot l altuatod in w ii longs con feclionery tare ond reitaurant in uie itoe block built 111 laa by dt w j itoe mr longs uone lia- lately been lite ip x churcli hi oeurvelowu waj ihlllt ul 1b4u 11 e tkhmlhttioii iftov iadily and hi luau gfkrii lauj uen beutllul cb lerluv ai a result ol uh cliujch ijjlioji tnukiin iul iu w ilvt dul v tf tilt priiuiiaj dt iiomli latum f x-n- wnt uualt cliool and a collene in oeorkelow n tarlj ui but tl ie l now u luhlu ichool wbleh wo boik li 1b10 ami haj u tu f live tu h i in uu la- t few yturi ui lh r wituf ha br n ai 1- uj tht t tu l tn uvid of mily fiv tiaelter fhute uit iw w eithl uiub s un uu injbla school lurt llt bblh xjuto imjiuiuiu wa ricied in 188 but ule uhd opijiixj tu 1itcuml year ii twu lortrtl of iia ihiplu uchool with m f clark a- pnncutfu and f- ixiiitiuun u1 iuutarit llu ipt-l- utn in teoryclown m optnid in 1840 bv j ihji nmitrr lit wa ulj tfie unit wi trruutor of tleoitelowm hie ijtw inil omcw wilicji kil rmiitltxl in december luii t of cut luuii und l t modern bululliuf itu ilr t churtnred bank hi uur oouuly of itulttm wu uie uahk of ibvrnlltoii ho named im bank of commctpe lucatel in oeoryvtowit whlcli nui otkciitxi in lini itui baiik of montreal batabluiuxl n braiidi in o curve town later file farmers hi ue lairroulullitif district bring uwlr dairy uroducu to this town whar uitre time locaiwd two creameries and a dalo ttus far men are very progreiijve unci uio apt in uie vicinity of ceoruetown b very fertile rtut lartnen do not tngagti pi any special brapcli of ugrjcullure but ijeclaibse ul mlxed farming georgetown has tevoral points of llileret lo tlie traveller a very vaju cble imbllc library l locatud lii ocoruetown situated on tlie oulkirc of georgu town t a beaulifu golf course ool fcrs from uic surrounding clues and towns oome lo ploy on this private owned golf course ttirec large porul urrounded by cdar trees greatly add lo uu beauty und hntartt of tlu urk tlure are numbers of hilt and valley which make 1l a very uitablc place for winter port uch a- kling toboeganlng and now oioeuig tlie ponds froaeii in tlie winter piovuu excellent outofdoor skating a alo do uie credit itlver in 1b79 uu- lirst skaung rink was built but today georgetown liaji large arena which l one of tlui finu in tlie sunroundhig dltrlct hockey l a very iwiuilar port in uil town there are junior and intermediate team and ocortetown loyally sup ports both teams- keen inlerel t au taken in uie georgetown baseball league about uie j ear 1s3s tlie gregory ttieatre uil buill oeorgelown l well supplied wlui excellent restaurant- and hoieu georgetown has an excellent water supply in lftoe uie water sy tern wi oorutructed which brought epring water to georgetown from a ultanoe of five miles at uie prent time georgetown ha- a population of about twenty five hundred it l vry desirable u- a re 4ucntutl town due to it- close jiroxl mlty to uie larger clli which are cuuly readied by mean of laved highway coming to georgetown rupture specialist willi years of uperience will be at the mcaibbon oue all day arid evening u- thursday october 15th m demoiutrate ids meuukl of treating bupture tlil meuwid iul been approved by a number of medical men uiroughout canada a- behig a vul advancecnent over all former meuiotl iu wl rtrret lw oat cwmiuum 1uu oeuw luk oiuult your doctor after ulng our treatment if lie claim you jill liave a bupture your money will be refunded j thompsons appliances aik at the motkl kilt uk tuomibon wiixoucimv coanuimi remodelled ami l a very attractlve ami ultdat deiol ii ttmmt v vauu aylmer soup 104- ayuttt dlklowt pork d beans ox tin 13io tin 7c 5c pu w stalim u sauce vk sardines 13c tender peas ai slw tomatoes jolden beans n r sunlight -j- 5t lux soap 8 u11 mints pepper wmde corns ftehovatwlth castor oil r cy vuk ui ithy oorajh aiul rtdiy kkra a hw iuiuli tjuj kukf kin tiiiii ijb la t 1 1 fuitj lld up ixdul anti or -llu- cubtajiui purw etur oil cailiir aj tuliwr aulully r wl ur f ctwij houkni4aa iwai uiy dl twuu la puki4 3sc luttu bavc ubtou surjf pru ulunu faukty if goun uinti tail tu rwov aav mti or cliu robbs drag slore okoitfjk a kueay tlie london life inunuioe comj- un ha- announced uic appointment of george o emery a- a member of uuir ordinary branch in georgetown acton and milton he wul be a- -o- lui mr gordon butler ouelph who u district supervlor mr emery l u known for ht liarticlpfltlon in yjjc work ince lie wl jcrclary of the yjj ca in quellui for everol years and later in st rhnrruu mr etneo iul- luid everal i ars life in unuice experience in toronto and u aril qualified for hl new reioil ibilltla he will have the backing of one of canada oldest and lroiige l financial huulutlona lhe london life lue been built on a carttfully laid foundatlon which lm carried it uoce fully tlirouh every liliae u uit couutr economic lit lorj dure 17 it t a jiurcly carut dlan comtiarij and uie largest life tu u railed coropaiij conllnlng it- buk ne to uie dominion of canada mr emery addrw 1- acton onl wide interet oentrd in an unua uully lovely wedding in st lul churcli bloor btreot on saturday af wrpooii when kathleen arnold daughter of mr and mrs fcdward d uooderliam became the bride of john wclllngtott wllloughfay um of ur and mrs j jl wuloughby itiglit llev bishop r j iteobon cnducted uie cerefnony and the organic of uie churcli mr viyv1 hmaer played uie wedding manic mrs harry uod ikcu during uie signing of uie re- blter sang a canaduen camp hywin written by miss mary l kd gar tlie cliurcli was attractively de corated wiui pastel had of autumn flowers prom ui altar to the back of uie church every other pew wu- marked wiui a dooer of uie fall flowers tlie bride who was a debu tuita of two years ago was given in marriage by iier fatlier xur bridal robe was of sllvec heme a long court lralii came from her slituidrs of matclung bune lhifcd with white satin and edged on ute under side wiui a border of fine satin ruchlng iter veil of wlille tulle luul a border of fine llvtr braid and fell from u lialo iieoddrfes of jlver leaver a iliort face veil was also worn and lie car ricj a large bouquet of lllyof uie- v alley mi jane lumbers wo- moid of jionor und uie brldeniaul- were mrs l 11 oooderham mrs herbert magulre lister of the groom ml audrey oooderluun and mi betty ahe urn soil ui couul- of uie bruie tile urulesmoid- were in dlrectoire gsiwn- in twotone clililon of peri winkle blue und bleu clel whlk uie nmid ol luinor was in a imhgr gown of uie bleu del and leriwinkle blua ihcu mart lllue- halo liats were in matcliing two- tone chiffon and the carried arm bouquet af blue del iililnium- tlu june luule a- uutr dreas mr e u gooderluun bro- uicr of tlie or uie wa- uie groom- man and uie uliere were mr allan walawrlghl mr herbert magulre mr cliarie- lowndea and mr bert rum wuloughby brouier of tlie groom- a repetition followed at the itosedale liome of uie brides par ent- where a urge marquee luul been erected in um garden here uie mouier of uw bride received uie sio giwsts wiui uie bridal party wearing a graceful gown of purple valvet wlui beaded sleeves and short wlute rmlne cape her hat was of matchhig vel ct and she wore corsage of violets mrs wuiouglihy mouier of the groom also received and chose a be coming go n of sapplute blue velvet with matching tut and corsage of orvhuu- later uie jouple left bj motor far a wedding trl4 to montrwul and new york lor travelling the bride donnd a smart french blue wool dr wlui cape trimmed wlui blue fox liat of uie anu material and grey ucciorur oil their re turn mr and mr- willouglibv will live on avenue itoad subscribe for vour palter and get uie local week lionu town news each vttttytttttttt bananas 19c doz s free delivery phone 357 sweel potatoes kiut kjhdkeni 3 lb loc cabbage 1rai git irie head 8c each cranmberries kuu uullly 21c lb suaiili turrup imported grapes twkay lcuei lie lklkuly sw potatoes no 1 orturl 27c pk celery large stalk ut criv sc each onions uj akj bry io lbs 13e graperruit orange etc carrolls limited ntw dal sttn foft fisuckhn down by uie atlantic rourut tbe- fresli water lakor and rivera and ulong uur pacific jiorcs theres a feeling of decided ofitimlm among uose in the canadian ftjilug hidu- try over uie effort of uie department of ttjierie- to incretue uie national eonumption of canoduiri llji aocordinu to one auuioiity tlie uilng- for which the indutry and the fthermen liaye advocated for years are coming to pav por uutance tooooo lu- been appropiated by uie govenunent to increase tlie demand for canadian fldierler product- tliere i- a 300 000 loan fund voted tor uie a itanoe of needy maritime n4icmien in renew in boat and gear and there l a move afoot for oclal improvement that will briiu more bencliu to the men wlui go down to uic eo it look- like a new deal all round for uie canadian nhennan and his lndutry if uie ad vert ling now be ing luunclud by the government l succerful in 1u objective uiose in ajdng circles claim uiat the can adlan fljiuig indutry will receive on miietu- uiat will cnd it forward to new and pro-perou- ba1 and in uil uie first lo benefit will be uie flherman liimelf according to uie canadian filierman a journal de voted to uie indutry the welfare of canada- fljierman l rccognuakl by all in the uidltrj u of jirbnary ita- iiortante with uie increoed popu larilj of fili and lreater cein-ump- llan of it by uielr fellow cltiaeiis uic fljiermen of canada are looking forward to an era of better condition al d mare pro peril tlmn liav been hi 11- for joars- 4 sjek ctnauiln trixs van ciuusrxiavride in addition to upiiluig her own need- canada i- an important source of chri-trria- tree- for uie unitud states and a- uual at 4hu time of uui year representatlvca from ouui ot the 4dtmauonal boundary have vlsl ted canada particularly eastern canada to contract for uppllcs to be delivered jiortly before christmas nolwiuitanduig uie lncreoed ate of potted treeo and rouicr ootly artlfl clal plan- ui uie eotcrn united fctale- uie regular sconnal demand for trees cut ui tluj lirovlnces of nova scotia new ltrunw ick and quebic lia- jioun a decided increa- iluruii the pa 1 two eason over for- rrcr years in 1933 shlpmcill total led 373 ct2 tree valued at t3c4135v hi 1q3j the figures were 1s30 4u tremf with u ulue or ursoaa ci re tma tree- from eotrni can ada und a market pi rnot of uie luri riue- of the ko teni united stuu uiat maj be readied witliout irohlblue freight cluirgc- tlie tree- dimaiid range in height down from li feet uie mot common uim buiil from c to 10 fed one new york cl uln uire luu luted il re- qutreimi t- u- behig for trew from 7 0 feet in height packed in bundled of three and c to 7 feet hi lielglit pjrkwi m bundle- of four uie trees to be fully branched doubleneedle balam wlvtillt ucllumons to till pacific coasy itasldcnl if t4eni catuulu will liave an opiiorlunitj tht fall and winter of travelling 10 milder climate by round trip excurjoru in effect on uie canadian natlonut and canadian iaciflc ilauuaj- from station 111 uie eut to iocflc coot muil uiul ouier ceutnos tu uu wwt uccontlng tu c luddell clialrman canadian ios rnger aclaltun llite detuna uatu will include vancouvtr and vic loria itc w utile omikune and ta coma waii inirtiaiui orvgon san pranclco oakland oun diego und lo- angela ui california u- well ai to point in idaho and arlaoiia flcklt will be on aile daily com mencliig immediately and up i and including may hui 113 jtir uvw eitcursioil three cla u r fare- will be available tlie north ihiciflc coat imueclod from uie xvire cold to uu gnat mountain rangi t jar bj jtar ut tructliig un ever incnahig iiuuiber of vulon win are upuhn to avoid uu rlgon of wlnur in up ij i upd who doshw tu participate ui ouui ir well vltle whlcli an imiriuill ojdj uiu mer port umiui hi uie dominion while uie uitrarlhul f calif tirnla and ullur exaiiilrie u wliich uu u larw appj arw wll knmni to ull wlio luile travi 11 1 elr ivelj hi uu w t tubsd ir itiddill llii own i know not when pi whit loud run or wlul tin blue hill- are hut man run liuv uu un fur frund and for iu- kuide a star