t- pm 4 the georgetown herald weawsly i vmnfi septemlcr 30th l adc far salada brown label salam esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday qfjober 2nd and 3n in um ntrdnt if fcalrti planted by tied tlire wn oodly tie in uie xiatrtamc uxi tree of beauty uid ttelghl and kraee t aland in qdodcar before 1il lace ajade aiul hickory ah and ler qaa and beech and the lull rate tnej inwnbiu m uw uble pine twrl lwrrdn aim by uir rtwr line tree for um- butl to build and unf alaj uie ulw tree for a iuy in mmtf tree ui turn mx ltu in ty call and rariet uw biouiwl for 4 lord- iuoumii tre lur indlaae wl fire and dadr n lur uw comln builder irad wood for ibr bow ukf nwr and lje frail ttw el and uw rnajd of ltu daring xall h made urta of rvry jiraln ahd lru ipor the ue tf man im uw rudeii of arth thru la dm- roul yaild lud jlft her wi vrom uw bin to liy awr on th nwiiw a hill tor all to h ood planted a wjvw maph trae biivi carman special prizes horses bbaaje luab stepper by t a lllakelock u1m blnwr turnout iroad ut prian by l k pleck but parmer turnout uncle by it ckvr wj test lady driver by auunce paper uuls pauvery horsa in hutw lit by city service ou co gowks broj donation is fits road uordt bent general jpurpaw florae on ileui k beat agricultural hon on itelri by jolin irviruj puulo hmo 3rd by l ittrlll ta co hat donation no best heavy tem oci krouiuk including lvy drmtt kcrlcullurml ad tcuend ujnpae ui jw 3nd fvtfif no m 5rd doualloci no 10 5 w ut fcervod by fctruliuit or uurluht by w- bnaauu to be deducted off 1u1 urvice xo mdo ojoo una ijm it m wl silrlnc cult by wince a jvmdje by j a olul to bv deducted ofl mrvlca im 5 00 3 ato cattle 00 soo oo a oo 5 0o 3o0 6 oo 3 00 5 00 s o0 4 oo 00 a oo a oo a oo oo oo a 5 00 bet jersey vmitw bu ueiard bhortliora wmaie bvt uouuln fenihie iwj fcroul of diry cos conshtlng of otm knaiuns tttmi one t4yyroid heller uul one vjflu heucr to be ured by luii brd bull a frllvtrpbuftd thf0vwl croducutel ixj6 bowl donatrd by t tkatoo co ud valued at na auy family having von a t talon twin t a kdr in lta6 hot eiudul bct ktocf animal 3 years aud under by noely st illack toronto bku calf oion by boy or uir 0 for calf so lor kbowmansiup by dr kaul ui im 3ml by a ii krie co lu cilju donattoa no 4 ttso ucax veal cali lit tloa 2nd 35 lbs ftoyal thuple calf uou bfcii4rtd lloldcln ilclfcr born imux january ui lifi tldbllor to be hoy or k under lb years and resident of counter of hal ton sheep tlet pen of ptnwool clicp not lass than 4 shbrp 1 male and 3 fetoalos by j ucaumont uou ivji of long wool hhccii 1 nude 3 fctoalca by k y uarraclouuh hoo ptn of uip any brcd i male 3 female 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 aw 3 00 3 00 3 00 s 3 00 3 00 300 q miscellaneous ii bau fair dreued chicken by a livingstone 3 so uau pair urcd chlckx by umtr c ttuimpon s 00 ua pair drtbd cluckun bj timk ako 3 so ttcl pair drccd cldckcn by a l pameu 00 ilea pair lveul ctucktn by it il tlucuoon 5 00 btfl lalr diid chicken by howard may 6 00 ilea pair drtt5d chicken by n a nohuuon 00 uoupah- dreud hlcattt by uallon crtatatry ulllou 4 00 jirtj droiid clilckcn by w gray 3 so uett pair dad chicken by llarry itoberuon s 00 bct lvcscd cluckcn by w cl uinhiu 3 00 ucat drcud chicken hyja oranam 3 00 ttcat dreud clucken by prank oyked 3 00 lint dmed pair dock by a- it iclght 3 00 largos ikwa of preui lien eggs uuton cuamnlon uibcrlntion 1 year 1 so ubt euujmj of nortlurn hny applca by 11 w ulnlon 3 00 beta buihl of koruiema cpy applet by adwla lurrop 3 00 tiul bulbel of iixvyti apnlc by iluma currie 3 00 xul bulkel of mortlicrn hay applos by david criduon 3 00 licat buuci of uclnioh itod by peddler pojpte do nation no 31 00 una inulkfcl of barley open to boy grain club 3 00 boa dupuy of grain in uieaf not les uian 3 lieavoi iliv to be not uz tlian c iuciks 3 00 bct ilusjiel of barley open to members of pield crx4 competition la luit valued at 20c 3rul tldrt valu- ed at li0 3rd pullover valued at tljoo by 1l bilver 3 00 1 so beit hand bound uluaf to be bound day of fair by u williamson 3 oo beat bushel of red clover by u ivltil 3 00 bet j bushel of alslke by lel gecd house 3 00 beej busltel of iweet clover by h d ualter llomby 3 00 baby bhow by inductor n uullirie lo gold tsoo snd taiu uablc under ib monuu 5 00 piddleru contco old time fuldlen 3 00 baa 1 doatn brown bixuiu 1 years subscription to bramptoa oonservalor 1 so ttmi 1 doaen wlule biscuits 1 years subscription to biampton oonservatoe- 1 so but a lb fruit cake and 4 dotten cooklos to ha ttvfeetaoed by lutney by wu cause btreatsvlile prlae 30 pounds of ikany mt loaf of homemade bru by ouelph ouintlers tfamatlan no 11 4 60 oouecuon homemade baking 8 variolic by oucrx oudph dahiufi no 3 60 oouecuon of paitry by j d ucartliur oo ouelpu 4i no it 3 00 ux lamcli aiitahui for working bum by ucdonalda bakery acton hirewl lickeifi 1 u collectloa of homomadit baking done by uuy in qu6fclng eonsbung of 1 layer cake 1 pie doa tea uuculta u doa laru doa oooku by a a ora co ouelpli donation no 4 3 so beit 3 lnavefc of homemade bread by a uvlngslona 1 00 beat lb iba of butter in print by 11 c uoclur dona tloa mo is 3 00 beat 3 lba butter in lb prints by il d wamoi 3 00 beat 3 piaa 1 apiile 1 lemon and 1 pumpkin by c w barbev 3 u lb palls of lard value 1 0 beat 3 doera laru 1 doa butter and 1 doa fruit by a aualpli friend sootis donation 3 00 beu collection of vegetables 1st by cole uroa guelpli donation no uooda tioo and by a k wrigld goods donation no 14 value 1j 3 00 largeat family on the urounu at julwm tuand at 330 pju ut premium liam lwllts abbatolrw duoa uoi no it 3nd aucna uuclph goods donalion no 7 s 00 mlgltant teatliui crtmtbl for lau vek in ueptember by u uaxa to be added to prioa of cream 3 00 best draaed cioofte cash b dr f il wauuu 5 w uyj u kaoorv a beat loaf homemade bread ooigton herald 1 year 1 so a largest doaea freall aggs oaofgoiowil heald 1 yr a best and hcaut 1 lb butler ueorgtoil herald 1 yar a beat busliel tahle ruruipu 1 yar g beat dtvtssod young oo4te luit lej ukan 13 lba cash 4 00 beat pair dreud chicken by haddeu u bakery m beat 1mir lvtttaml cldckeno by il carter naryal b m beat busliel northern fly apijea by find tnatapmai 3 w heat ux freali buttot ul oll by krwiu oolhaam koaai of hnef valued at 3tt heal pair cbicaana by chaa dawaud aftuum 4 oo beu 10 lb uoticy bw u nlii ac tori 3 m beat 10 lba hotwyj hi comb 6 enumcted by jamea fisher 3 o0 1 oo 1 00 1 100 m 300 y oc4ukutt 1m1j 1 ib 1 w si the macedonian call huiimi 1ti o h ull uluu ijjn 1 a a ait id u luxiuil ib jl lliuihktxftlliit ul iil uimii imkit hm lu 1u 1 ti 1 1 j- lllt lit ihwalll i j uiv mlf i tual ull r if t 1 1 r mi iuiiihr w j wlui t tmtliol is 1r 0m ttu mi u1 bl m ihliitf by unut luux iwik uku- ui ltd cl ikjuu l u 1- uld lu llji pn ll ulll hrxl ill u liti itug 141 1u1 pu tirtii vuuhiu t y e trainer gives his team kruschen daily iot itruil tetut uir u- 10 l hi or footballer fuiji- uimuii luiiir ocifcvca3i vxoivvvyw s si of owe r tj r corona remington w i holh- l mm y br rr ala iln rd if 1 brought m frund of tlt al m- u- i ko y vaealuai i talld ka taitxb mixvui yna mtfl dal 11m1 jwn traxy t in jmi i know iml lv4mkly railr hv ui all vmr itrlxa 141 ll dkat fall in ut 1 vr hlrady invllrd br hhl lit arrrivtrd hr trik llvf mil in f till fond atd wltb aly a vb tt nbc rthild bafdly kaa llnw to cl 1lr am hack arv uylng vwriiah iwxf 4 i bra wummhwh lb hrmt half of i in aftrr ad carilae tit tufcl kalf ib iloovt i ii mil kk 1ia ua wilton baj ftnul vatl lag tba mtr aha tk it tmt la b r baabatml kad ifcat tl waa arl u tba aaia ape aartj by if al ways aa i rvefcaaj ibta la aaea loa- mrnai bttla tnho4y hes ta4 ur uuaaa dropped bla be aird 4 bl kanda alf an ku avralla gwaaa w ii bav t li kr mti taolur w tiraumy a pirtly ulv lltl km or chart woumnt tkp ui utth ar uwlr wkht kb doealt mr 11 wwt btu4- artre prftbably ob i baw a4 r aai to hnx an aetrvaa la th bauaa ava fy oom tby had dhwd la taf bf rata lira wlwi put brart nd l lnti br plabk for tit vltut mm ruead iba ahlnlng 44 hmuw fntm rrva 1 v4btr rb put up rrb whv rarlaliui la tba toladaa and puaivt atoai tkat oold taeapt tba ill ap- rlta of aa alciir vh at ut tlu- day cam for tb arrival a hh- ili kara aba ttat ml br bt jrw aod araat dowa t tba fctatteai wltb lr baaawad lo aaat tkaaa altaaat to aftka had aaan bin cbartm u i aara4ced bar in an aalhualtisllr hue taa tnnud aaj latrdurd th girl aew hint uotb udg 4a ilaaat nnuthrra ha aald abj tbaa dadl curf hi um wlueal lkj aa tb ovmuiv uttu ogam ataadlaa bealda twr but md anal aa cbckd th imi ulk t frl aorry fer bar probably a drn fal uttu vaknp aad i bt aba u hh jlhraaa too aba tbeugbt aa klia r- praaaed bar natural eardiallty a i grud tb girl with a e dlgnlly th trip f in r wait ratbar ulul llaaal wan uacamfartau charts w wratetkaa ur wlbn waull in npj tkgta br ida wlf parkapa urn ull aoat waji tba uaai mlarabl t l vo latr naal wfi ao apphri 1 ttva a ay ultkf thing and pralri the aappar a axtravagaatlv tltw tn wuaui mrltad llltl la apll at twr wlf w artora aav veb a hmsl life tba glri said and ua always uhi frat una ebeap botl to ainjlur kooa hotttcoked meal la 11 le a hit ftf bvjj to at 1 afttr aorpr lira u ilium wl jbfii airuit aad aiartrd euarlng avruv ll dlthaa afr wttaoil vnt to the fn ni parctt taaajoaa aadcbriaanj ilm i wabdarvd wu la ba lrk jan out of tba kltrbm window ur winm wateb4l taaaa agrly rtiariailrhhhl diwn m aa old fuiildilnwn lui and lit a tigarwla iiuj aat im-hh- hju but bar rmnanllrally hm lm utuetf algbad wttb rlle aad wa bark t bar watk at ufct u araa over tbay wnt ewav hut a rk later jlra wumui iwarix xjlard wbao aba tavnivnl a wlr tam rfcarlrai raadlng hbk1 aaj i wre marrtj jhlw aoarajng wa lav ju t ii mil 1 fdw fa4 ur wil uf ih iim gatdeai and abawrd blta th awsiit hua taarvtel kr ilea uarrbsl an arltmril i knaw what wauhl luiiitn ah abbl w awair b uwnlwd 1 wis l bard on you but alia a uwfst lit ii ihek la tb h4i of tli llrwi raiw a uur poatuark iah ra i uf iuar ura wtbvus 111 ran hakrl has wlrd me lwr latxtlbwi of uarrylag your wui t rl nrxl unaday at tvim 1 wn ilivu ifulu grwvvxl at the id if 111 v rv clrl uanrylag an arttvr and 1 triiil niiwlf kirk air it then uy huslminl wait luirt an arira ttra1f i 1 ift 1 a why uar lauklng urli a fu atuvut il tbr arr good nifn vbn arv artnru ufct ilk tlt f ewm wtauu who ar artrvaara tvfci uf ituauir of lb aluatlna duwnd tu w uitt i uildat hlu laughing i guwa tbayl h bah braua tky r la tw aaasa kind j vtork i watu la tt you auoa aud uu 4ullly wy wtw win vry irdlally sn1ia ll hmvtufhh- hwi aftr all iwfti tlf funiir- latufit hra uiimw ta bar batimfed llirw i wa itmtktnt ilitwu oa llaal fw imlug a tit klak- and it kvw- ioi kjrurb aba ihal uir tbatua w iltiliig ti vry wu mirk hv ur mu ami half iirt of lb air kr w1 rui 1 uumly ulkg aa uka i hat atluu- l taiu ulgbl u habl au it l tba rich la bar tb hunwna of tba wk t rker tu falut o upufl la talaaa jt lu in lluv iw- hihl j tut tuiaim uu y otk- iiii iar 11 u i ain j aim 4 u thuhl ui of u tt at oimi il u u- id ruu vih11 in ut uu tuuii tw obi liwi wyi uii liut r itj ul rimilitlt iu ulitl hi i iltk41y bll impulr lil l uiumi 1mi uod g u uiu t- ill lltlluj ulc imc1i hini 4uul kiu tiiurll ubotit tu- lujauu alul kf 1 live uuluu v r hi huil mv uiffuilt tht ui im ill t uuiil lu wj lurbulovaa llu- ul imilu h vmrd tu a u au an hltil lw amtilli to ini litio intloiiki kil hloilrd ui jl jtulllv his -twm- to iplrttutl ivm- unit iw hulul kiiuliiu tvnl uhoui uuvrt li uhvd lht wl bl a puu uul tuiti h u- lrl uml uu tod ltil huh lis lull 111 uu pull clinjiul hvan iui much li ii ulut luuuuc tr otl fumh lu od t uldaimt ii- 11 d ltu kit dm ll ll 141 f 1 11 n ih itrfulal uti u u luka v ui d iii knjmiitd 1m iiuii ii- mu tub ii ljmll hmtniiiitf 1 r i yu unj inuii uiuh r im iuk u ii nuuiit l kuii ilit- t ll lb livrr uiitl kuinm 1 lut d krulttii alth all lu i iit t u- und ulo 1 ku uta ly uiimhu uv jwhatt iwluut lur u ot livw id ialll irlhuiimtiiu utui hrmilb j jj ctuuxl alurtir a mm- llllli tuil 1 til kilbti illulp ui fciit ilk- inttuui r l lu ltiil uoiluim lll irh u tl r u4lv dulli- utf kultj ttiui txwit on- utt i i v imott- aitivih utut hl tinn 4j1ulu1 umiituu wuili peluvn umt piuiji iiui ii ipii x llw lu tlth crop report uuh uw old mid nnu iiab- tluouglumit ty unirtiu m suueeduuki cau v ihiul uac himself u lkopu al ly an ahni the- niolj jmiiiii lo liloit uurbilid- on hariuiua und 1 jui u- juplttr and uiicurj paul n ivol ul into biutli i unk and ltu man mjthoihi li mi rtnwuiiy a rioa famu a ivoy he oui not xk a iirt whlion ol umiw r odv- sjj trlllill 0 hrun hiclor achilb- uiui tlu a node n iwir- lar on tin nninu pum ol hwlj troy lu fell hi allli luke alio arou the lilnl copel and uw book of acl- al phllippl a ftoiiian cjony paul did not digr to write of uu fomout battle in which brutu aawl ciua1uk uark anlliouj aui ocluvlu aerc participants iaiil axui ljdla and uu ialur to tlui chrltlaii tilth wlwn lu reached uom his 1hi ra inuke imi hvutuin of itomulu- or ucoiu nr uw j wolf or uir liber paid aas busy arliuilng oncimiii u runaway slave and oldrp f ulc inicloruui guard l ainr his kpert paul lusd lamrd from uu cxamiu of cluiu lo ghw lumelf to ierliic peo pie 1 him uui call of need iu a call from ood 1l luul conu lo ih astounding conclusion uiat uie uorld was a vast pbice for aiuch e aa rtispoiuiblc lit olloaixl an oiton islnng teacher alio taught uml ecr man l uu twlghbor of every ouver man au opra air meetlug 11 13 roman hltoo vt an important nlacc to batue or phillmu bul tiim ft pauls blograplier ull ol mi ojan air luser hmtirm piuuppl bj ilu nirrklc t haui dai tmdenlly ljuc v m a lrnup of aonwji met at uie jdc ol uw nvvr for aorjuu puj alkl hl felloa travellers went to this nwtllg blkl ikoke lo uu liand ful of peopl gathred uicre chris- uanlty lias become tar loo mudi an in doors religion christ did much of ida icacliing in ui open iaci catliedraw hrc beautiful but often utrti arw mow pcopb in uu street and ul uw imitks one canadian mliiwer iu a country inatt llough lie has a lately u cliurcli preacli in linhls hu i4iminer jrvlcfc under uie lxt on uw churdi uwn and people came from far ami near instead of coins into ccond uui lu find- hl uirse t preaching ojkior lujutj in uu utiuiicr admittedly uie canadian climate dlcourafii outdoor larvurlilna bul mucli nwire could bi tlonc tho l being done l a yll uiat mvi pnvcehuib jiould be aorltfxj utth tridenl xoice pltrdusil in on unnatural key uit turns lutcnen oaay tlie duirm of ui jtuhumi cuce l as attniitie oul doojx as in winn people do hoi co to church uie diurch mut go u uu- people wkat hameae4t 14 13 al that open air prayer meeun lolas life a-a- cluinged we cannot pen4trau er far into uch myster ies of uw oul hut at do know u lew uibigfl lyilla 03- eamlua for light urpght up or a liujuk- jie luul fouiul someuiing higher in th jewlji lallh ttwvucti 4ic vru a busuir- a oman lie worjipped cod and oh- rt6d uu jcwuli sabhaili wlien paul poka her heart was warmed eluj detected muru ikiar and spirt tual relity her luar ao opened not hwrl li nea idea- but in uie inner citadel of her life ju unada a urrender to cod in ohrt l slic a bapidtcd along utth her luuetioll and slie- iirauiuled paul and lit com pinions to be bucals in lur honit wluit l conersiont tliere l iu fuanula to fit all enperlcncca but mr of uie eienilals are a comic tloa of lo and uulll a ne lruiip of truth 1 iuj- of dependence upon ood an act ol comniuirunt to uod and a treat mjtuuc tuiru to lei chrta ruv uie lilt from uiunn tiil uuwr iungc lmnfonn oulaard tenduct a cluuiurd jvcrjiii lliu in grace rauter tjuiu by lu lh doc rlghl bccause lu uunis lo not be uile lie lia u lydia couvrfilou auoij traitjamicd twr liome tba lbaivbj 18 31 iuu a a puwur uiui u manl plrtt of ind iiendenc iu not coulwu to build ulion the loutulation- of otlurta tu ougtil to brtak neu ground peter aud the ouier apottliv rould mlnlaer to tlu j but iaul with iiij lulie comiany of lulver lunuxi v the unreached qenul aoild how miilj urid unuoruiy dc iiomtiiallaual lhulrlw twmme ului wc rem mber tlmi lli n ufe more luopbi puuide uu churrluv- uuui n uiem and ufim u uilnk uf uw mil lions in india china and africa alio h iut een iward uc uowl lit elytlxlng l unrthlnu lefi tluuj lum oruble wlun chrlit itrtai atmmu ioji ho only airtiajl lum 11 ohijrd ilu itpwad af clirtjiaul rf in the pat nineteen truturlet t a nunaoi to read hut uu rjutlhiut of tlui lariilleui oeiitury l perhanc greater uuin ever hfort ouiuuunlai sitk lo ruu uw aorld ko doivt vaxlsm will chrlmlam hvr lunmal ivaiutel lan and axwld wkb 111l uul win tp axirw lor chrtit tlui l uie u u in uu- cria- of aorbl affalra eery chrwvtiau may be one of lods agenta 1t give tluj gimwl to ouien a must lue ll oun-eli- paul lisd the urge to gh lo other wtial iw luul found for hlmelf oatslba fr pw 1 wluil controlj my life s do tni- 1 or dlstrual our vl mu4 1 3 uuuild ku hove nuur oun air iurradlulgt a wlutt did totlia 1 cuuvrion rx iterieiuv mean to liw u art- chrullahji vu tali aonary as ctaiununlaut tli urn will in itunul ti bru vih1 iu l iuruliu vnairi ilii it uu lltnul olllv of um lunk ol k4mi in 1 inliii iu lpulu- t in ul iliii hum tltntu itout iti i i uir 1 tmwiu- u im iut lualb i imth ly i in il in ilu mm lh ru liliilil i til 1 rit if albwrtu llit 1 ruiu- 1 11 rally art hkh und tumllu iikmi uuursit- wluil lu liaheikrd to lha uuuit not all v nondi well um am you told nw u fry uum lumf tut aiul wlvau i cleaned uwm out llu-it- wiwn mutli lefa- 11m unthury htlutau- of ilu- ihxiuu hmi hurra u o malutlc plan tin hi at yield if uu- walrw ln iiut- ut jlcbooooo iuljml which rmtwit- vllh uii uctiul ylclil 11 sfr ul au mm ikk imuju i iii qut l rntu i 1 in rulli nt lwul und lur itnu i iruii4lkliu uttdi r 4itlsiuctory cu h tuut- iii onlirlo iluar iu imh tmiitllriiil ui im mrrt rmil uiut itubl r rts uiul late niil in th alirt llmi prov tnri- while imfuvnuruhl ai alluv ha dhtyed luirvttaing eon dituuu teilerally cojillnu salbiar lory in urltkh columbbi uoiui liu and uruin crow twi be 11 lmrltnl iaftly anil vith ilu- ekcrplkm of u inutfu uiul luifw whlrli ur brio avt rug live laic croai art prottrrsj ini atl farlortly onurio bowing of fall ahrit near cotnputlon and wlure mh early lia gtvrmuuicd wu a normal lleld of good tioality a heat was uirrlied hjinivg gralp yield wre brlw aver age oaing u unfavounibw wealliar whlla ripening rteld peas ar lhrta and uw pack of dm canning variety iun about vs ptr cent of normal pwld ooni ims rrorntly made good mroath and a uilisfactory yield of fodder is mndicaud silo ithuig is ivocrdlug taet com and tomatoes are bring dtdlvervd to canneries it lair volume tlu una cutting of alfalfa anil fdlghlly under average in yield u- of good quality aiwl siored under favourable- condltlona 0c ceeding crops were lurhi early trull vtl3 below average owujg lo drought bul late varieties of apples peached ears are ausfactory ueodows liave made a remarkable recovery and tall pftlurag is excellent lurvitu inii of tobacco u troceedlng aluiough delated b recent rains uiat liav caujxl nea urowui tit it m fcftitit carefully wlcctod colec treencd ms exactly ikc nckt tu- ilhats wty i larnct ulowct coke is beme vtulprpod by ihouaik ol kaukolturs ikrougfioui oniinoc thts all cans lian lilowvf ftaa crtates an intense meanly near ray la regulate in lurnaccs txiuippcd witn a lorod tlralijthi llccaul o its ijal mw arj suiwrtor truajuyhamco buckuhiji coke lh rccommerulcd y the rnakcr ol spcntxr lloilert ue tlic imju particularly incc it caves you dollars every month fuel blowe furnace hamco tola wj ut spencer boilers hamco coke ou ui georgetown by john mcdonala estmte j b mmdcenzw son rltdue ai arfon rajivoun officer of tba caaa- duii pacific rallaoy and lr jtibu a macdiinald lrim uinuter of fanada arrird at ilcvelloko r- cently and held a aerus of hl- tris niceilniri- among them vrr fkuiald a pmtlb oeorga sleplien james j hill au llori- n and sliaui hue y names asto- cliled for tba pad half ctury with tlio enrnitrueilon of caaadag first transcontinental railway tho party acluauy comprud a rrmp of film players pnrtrayuir tho hi tnrlc etiaractena in ht ten1 board room acmueaea of tlio gresi bavrier caunwmt itrili h plcluro dcpldmr tba mtrenuiua railway cousiructloa daya fitly years aja raytj cena laraxen pn tii world a ehmpiuu tiller wntinii of the iltjiff sprllirs lloiel nkuraa at tho franua reirl la tba hoc- klea tlial cours of luuff la evcryuilnr you aald mi3 helen hlelfi and i played it axalnst two rue i 1 at the lotel and wa wero baten wllh a bure ruery it may eem funnr to bear wr iln- ply couldut voejy ou mlmla on jlie prame the aceoery waa am ply too much tba find 19x7 world erulaa to net out frtiu new ork will b tho 1 anadlou pacific liner fau- pnia if nntaln which ill sail january 9 fur a visits of 115 da 11 rovermr 30 w miles and atnlitnr 3 iu rtt iu s3 udfnt riunlrles minp lbei roun trie ara ialestlnr cyit ttudl cejloa milay archlpelaro tho phlllpplntmi hlaa japan hawaii and back to new ork via all- fornla the lanaiaa canal gad havana canada 1 f tn i ex mplrte raml furiajiillufd lreuidillourd train put it f r the t auadlan iaeiflc itallaay pitu in 1 porallon with four ualts lu differeat parts uf tho luuiilnloo haa ba placed on in petlui at a number ot kumui irtiwi tli country and baa arouicd blrb piale and eutbu ala111 on ihe part of on bundreda of thou-jjid- of anadlant who jijw umq it in miatreal alnna co000 auilaiiim acnt tbnuikh it in tho f tur da a it 3- on in- pe- ticm at the winder aitilon and h iniii uiteit t was lll1plaej o yi1l uu1 maktluo geuirie married a wi uiat ends a lot of lollti into a tt utter but a local young couple a ho entered ilu bonds of matrimony luul real excite- mrtvt on uuur wedding day tlu voung man l an actuary wlvo recent ly gave up hi poutlon in toronto in accept a better one in tlu imt eit he eivected to take up lit new du tks following uw honeymoon bu a uidden emeraency required hu r vlcei for hl new employer on hl aedding day ii aa diw in uve ul trict for uie rvice at 4 pm but lu couujnot get oil axirk und uie ctre many liad lo be puttioned untu s ivm tlve hujtuid tobe liad lo uep 011 uie t ar to cet uiere alu r alllco luiur and lu tramiied an uu acciler- aior o liard uiat lie burned out w rod and came to a landtill in smi lord ileutvx re liujil uminon evl by iduuie tru came racing to uu rvtcue ilut auaiji tt aa a ca- of uie more hatr the- le- 4ieed for uie ecoiufcar alj ami on uie blink puialh a ulird car uclrtl up tlu hurry in boy f nend aiul ru jud him loaard tlu- hrulca lumv- it aas now tf race again t tlnu to itt uie groom into lu ilad clouie- helon 10 urn a it u illis al t p rf win a acddiu ceremony alter uiat lumr ul uu ta rortunaiily tliey madi it raruary kews aruu- streetsville fair saturday oct lo i special fcalure inclutnnf auudcur muxicij conteai to laice plce 01 uae grourvrk condcntrvine fat 3 oclock tcntrj tfvc only adnu aon lo live grounds prizes soo 300 4200 u cu ilr crukluj fluje aauc bi w dance in loojf hall at night tax included 2 qclutia afndeni atvl c4d tvuie admi ion to dance 35c v ouf 1vii ntrcnill lflle utxk end 1 siaxtxtujc andrf w preatlenl 1- a maas secretary ju1 how uie aire georce not 0 aell old hoy uie liad quuvy gtt4i how mam t uiat jtu cot now qusnapsuot cuil snapshots rtloh the air new advertisements 14 fcuvaabu for any corn or callous ailucu can i not us removed by the new cauuu i lloydti tuyuolatku coun liialvfc in 3 to i day tht ntw alve detiliuaca oorai and calloute wilh the litu ajyplicaxion call your urugui today and order a iar of ull twonuejuhjl vialvl callousc ol long uaiuluu will require uighuy longer treaurwul lor aic at aiac- coiuiackis filtoo jtojik if a hero d tin w nils w 111 ihi lp im raluiq lrflae u ttr- nii and lvrln it 1 ml real tnd qutttcc 1 ti 1 luuittnuia and t al iar 1 rinu minimi mirlu d 1 tin dt h 41i valuut 1 iilhd litmi iju tu tn ihe a u inu lmpr4- td lliitiii uir tin i remit r v 1 1 itiwi v ii inn 1111 and ii v mini 1 r f jib i iiiim r 1 u jlp ipny i 11 ul nit r la au ito- 11 turn t n iliillr 1 f il 1 u iu iual in i te 4 tlu v 1 inaii it 1 ltu iliil nun 11 lie lliil ft 11 111 b ti ed ha flit t uy if uu- ip ii mnter in x pi iiih r ul t f pari tfi rilti i01 1 tin tap i a tu durum dm pa 1 1 win 1 l 4ui at ju 11 hill- 11 willy ou t 1 fit aautwj iuu aud w uit concrete work 1 am iircpajvd lo do concrete work of all kinds lituualc given lk of charge if j 00 require any thing in uiu line jiione 331 or uril llox i2i i walker ocorg sl georg- toap iu tf wood for sale choice luudaood uaple and ilech mixed kolt wood uou reasooabie prlcea apply jack tol phone 3alw eorghomn u when you uy w waaf vtfay afaov tiaa c vay aat kaya a tuaiutat to ptv ut pi hi i wh 1 1 ll ut a iir 1 pait id wood for salfc clioloc uaple llardaood and cedar halts at right prioe orders left at a humes or al my liome plum ssw prompuy autiwled ta a uvintyom- wood for sale cluuce ueecli ubd maple at ul angle cord mixed lladj uiq per card uiled wood 5 per cord j kklanljrxiau hum 0c w lalj trucking cartage au llnds 0 liaullim doiie uiorouth ly and rtasoiiably aiake air 1 ra nitu thi thrill 11 do uul u1j an -o- nally dnl t d cmawra 10 uam i it li rratilih fnutt alrplan- an nllnary camera will k lulerlaj liulurea hjtbl ibrouih tba wladaw ahlcb you uw k itiruurb as yvui by ad tuikt jtvu a picture atory uf jrxwir trip lhal lux 1 i uf rtui dvcr pauai imi m vividly i4kr a rw p t ibi alr mirt ih t tf uiardlnr y ur planr d th 11 mil d v 11 lui ryfa4ibul mbiuu i 1 co pl3w 1 iraielii ih 1 m dl ailllb arth hi i d iu b i lntaiac ti ir 1 d u 1 siir tin m 1 i 1 1 au vi 1 i i 1 ninir jih luone 341 wldlmee h ih 1 i 13 id i 1 111 ar aa4icuud fa acidify aad tv u laaa v g astronox stomach 00wdi a ij hale al mfr kuwtf maa 1x1 i id b- radi repairs l itotf h 1 1 m k t la rh tw th ml hugh lindsay i m itl 41 lr 1 1 ml i 1 ut u lib jin llllh llthwf w ll t t tid r mualh r tup i- 1 1 im- u j up uul 1 iui 11 tn- utldi with bore cameras on a elar day al iu iu 3 tui fv ii yimi art hirtunate enmigh lo be ayinx wi a brilliant day when tbra are croup of thoae ucbl cottony i ciuudj aud are klldlnk abiae wll a bow tbi m make aaap- akota wfcun you paua ovr rlfta ibrouxh which ike udcpfl can ba a to include a whet 1 of tb njut a ui 1 hi pictant aluivn adda rx alimu und nliaucts tin- fisvjiuk of b i it id ntlga ibn plrturu at in ro i imviuii boen madfl from tba air 1 di uiin uir rritunt a color 6 tw brlp iu liriurinr ht clouda aud tuttils in iht dktant laudacapa 1- r tr uup upeumca alll the a be r1iij ihafclu of t be openluc de- imudmc uuai lb depth of tba color il ilur yu tun u4v plnurc lhirb tbt ruv in ib attiduuj qii rt u 1- iall 1 1 mc f i nlar au ot en mi icial idjni 1j lept cuau wn i d i 1 ira jiuir rami ra oa tbj aiuj u i ue ur uuy part uf tba i lane 4 nee ere mirbt vlbrattim aill au- 1 ibo jjiarpiii of tbi pi lurt vi- dim 1 tbiwa arnuut tb rjr f hi e lil tt lultnv ul tx id iu u ini ai ith bjt wbvvh lm lar mi ihe aim aud blur tho pie- lud dm l ttwct to lain puaiy of 6u1 tuirauva- uu 1 lu jnulilute ao pr3- v klne as 10 8 nd youtu lr twit of am itiualtt vn and belph b a 1 iwutie uuax peclrdly liiltrhllnr picture nieaallp- pliik by u uealti ytvu ilk jhi vjfujlijikjl iums ll n orvr meet your friends at georgetown fajr saturday