Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1936, p. 3

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-3- the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 29th 1936 pav 3 ri stasmable specials w a j i at brills j h40bbes- sum blouses pial t u9 tumtttitani uuc lle nllli a mill ad hajbiis mwd misses swagger suits 895 habihjr turing coats httvactiv- ylc oj75 wbbc 3iuk crepe hose 5 t c 49 pr 5 fthuiubjffins cotton hose kw 15c w- sdesiw lylos wlon hucfc fthy hrewii 249 jfr bfebns wop coats p til 1000 wkkssulits youn mniivo110 consrvaliye 1295 local news itand concert sunday night ajuhlter day sunday may 10th cural society concert may uh j i hegular idmunf of town oouo- jlil next tueaday tomorrow la tlw last day la make your incocne tax rtuna trout ashing season wu1 open friday to utuoc who have hot already roauueiwed uu year u jlr higher diaii but year a he lime table wwna into aoaoi urt u canadian malkmal rauway last tiuimlay bee corrected tabic on page unc i johnny kounroon of tcorghoam j thvtivlrd in ute program at lcej hoi- urin tutjrdert association banquet at 1 drlniwn lal week 1 ameethig of uteladw accucao ol die- cedar crest twf club j lead ot tl club house on thursday fapm5ui at 3pm juk ujf will be a big day in oeorfewtuait veterans runionx itlrerl csinhal kports mjdwalyj etc- auxtfr auspices canadian xffkv tim regular- meeting of oeo town wutnrtia instituta wl he held ml the luxate of mrs saxry bailey citarlo ttl tth wednesday may dance under club in ue arena priday night qood music cuh and lucky number priae go and have a food um and help support he ball team tiura tiujl couriesx would ap- pieclata if iiirmept would giv thexn jj hbofsb ttwuffid suits ood styles 45 i d brill co rgenv muj wvl ivu5tsu bbbcfflhelic georgetown wswk swtlsage in small callings iwjme iiwcd our own renderink tali fta eclipse bread floor q 24lkbag bwuzjjwlbevon peaches no swomcs tkjwato catsup ttttswml weilcs no size squat tin j5c 2 f 25c 31m for 25 m ttbswffluhult b size g tor 25 toex waaucan tomatojes 2 for 27e sjmorasium onpns 3 it- f 25 creaniery buller 24c lb j 8 mt sell for cash rdjbuck we deliver jl lue kianxsi of liwtr hw hired beipln order- uial taall may bo delhwed womt4ly xlolt knlxs oeorcelmra cnoral uociety cototrt in knox ctiurcli next tuesday- evenlnc will be fcnifcimtby other talent udvt in lhfaa bxuar tlratnilon hnd acton kntunln llytiarfv ttevina ttine with twtaato tuul liiimbrr of other w lau uutvcuy oeoravtowii wul kw- tnaln on fltaiulakd tune unlu juno 1 a 1b3 imllnt belonslnc bo the huck of air oeoteo sliown of mor tal laid lis anu ecfon aprg 12nd kn ue fealhered tliickeoa are hit- iuf a fau fimm iheae dayai uedal contest under auqakea of hie wctu wiu be h4d in the llanlut cliurch sunday school room on rvicuy etenuuf uay th clock siian- admruon adults uo at at atrauord uulcal affiilval lu eek atajier joe wuoox of iukou won 3rd pria- loa c lo ll jtios and under 3rd patzu mt vlo 31 years and under zxul linac in 31 year old duett- al wulail wehytertmu church llw wcwciis ublionairy society will told a pecla kneetlnaf on sunday evnuk may 3rd at phi ct- acrs hrvt a- l tootahh returned bofct- mciiary will idri lte tneetlnaf it at the ipeel uuocal peitival held in urtmpton lau amday acbxef fco- u and uuriel suphenod of uafce- iiou won cond pruw in the duett cocaikeuliun tttelr pictured appeared in saturday evening star ttw tocau hydro oowuiuwon are bus- arrtuikinc for the tataliauoti of the imtw ureet uchuntf on icabx and uu1 streets as ordered by thai town council when completed oeora- lowns biujneai section will be to none in reard to ulutnlnkuon lie 4iiidinr on the old radial mahanktneut and- throwing atones are ncponible for a number of broken windows hi the rear of the gregory ttteatre and other rtil tnere is koine to be trouble for the boys when their names are handed ik to the duef- winners at the keuo catned in the baueaaaint of iloly cwits oburch on uondy nlsltt were ifurtey urs latuuo utrs uarrton atr lurtoar ur kvlaards uarlha- iciiey k cununins u mufcxtnx ur u- cata ti huhne u ctwuxunjea acrs aibbons ur collins o auuet nabert watujn on mo if highway 3 mlls a of acton will hold uriajf sale of fartn ilock tsaplem- entx hay and erain onkriday itay lu at one oclock terras tloiw tuld under caili over thai amount tnonlha credit will be give ofl fur- nliluiut approved wot uotes with c iwr annum added on ft- j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton personals hra j a wluoukhby of toronto baut been apondlnga lew day in town uufln the week atr and ux l w baxter have rauirucd nune alter apendlng um suiter in nanda u- j c uuu jtui0bku4iuntielv iiajlou and iee au la mm utenuui uuu tnue uke ike raid a pleaa- ant cad un julm appleb of baewarttowu lwaebratad her win ijirtbday iaat biie wax lne recipicul utanany tonxfatulauonx i rum relauvea and titenda jite llciald extendi xiu- ralubiuunx 41 1 k valeos lam 4 a llenney u jajnm mril j uladr kliv murplt atr yuun mri- 11 liurtey mia iioou atw kiii- a ooiliu aere tnllaknuumi on lkkdajr attend in4 pw lueim ol ue ute mr ttoueru lurmeriy ieorxetown afra vv o o ttkompam tr w v urauit atj sld atctceaaabo aii ii- oroav wr- hw uis mn s lvrwhuru of oeocrtpwvl mr wo junnaotx ueyaiuown itraaoh jukw cjkeodenniual ulaat prairie aau- auj ol norval aatened the annua uirmina the oaocoaan jutaukibot ute womal aojailiary at lbo fcfcot- ltaui hjlr catnediai tn luanltion lau week three- oar koaoiaol the olru auxiliary of 3 oeorje j dwro at- teitdcd theu ixoakaton wnttnowfiy eveninf banal catcat awauy may irat on account of a large number of people being turned away laa sun day evening fay pemuialoa of the of ller commanding the latrne ktioca 4lcouiah isaud wiu gi another concert in the oreory theakire sun day evening acay 3rd when the rnc talent will give the prraxn jim hunter of the toronto evening tvjw- grau will act ax chairman aasixting artisix trocn toronto will be art large aaxa ololat at bbniwou aarcadian -court- and bui cramptoti xykopnonisi at the taoyal alexander theatre tfae omoera of the regiment will be gueau of the band at uuarconcerc which u apon- ared by o slapleton moeiuktren will be admitted until 00 unlea ac- comikanlod by their parent ram tenabuitattaon fkpadllure jd national parka over ijboujwq lo provide better lranipoclauc lacuuiaa lu mining areaa moofioo mntam to nhneriea 4ooj00o kuioiinalkat uf railway croaalng logltl natio itarbuur project umxxouu new and old geological 4jauooo toupoed ahu were txjxofloo lot tuiu lu like province to cover u relief usoqjogrj m tower tlciuof ute canadian natkuual hau- vay in the current year projocu 4rted by the late government 3cv l04t laak alter v araaudayaatjal tlie puapuao of uicw apociad wt- i inialr- aue fruan lite dencit oe tic ca haduiuu i to look ut uu unemployment situation mo u uvat project would probabij iiave bqen proceeded with u good tpnea anyway but liie baic idoa 1 ia employ a malty pvaaona ax po- hlc and ui rcluabuilapi ue drought kuen arcam of the pntlrto ao far ai viat can be acndaaptuned wllb lne pjouoied exp i i uc trade ftgurw between ida aiul he uumed state are ndctr tjoauunf tbeas day because vrf uia agreement wbioh icauno into x- lecf uii jauury lat the oral three month ahuw a xuhxfantlal itahi m lrade both way with canadian pro duce gaung into- the united slataav at a- more tepid uicreaae than the luru tlowlnto onada to be precbe the eaporu to um united stales lor lbo ural quartet were valued at pearly m million doj uu a gain of nearly 14 million out urs ax compared wilq the orxt tire uvu of uoi import iran the united felalei were vadued at just uer a miluou douarx iu that itmirt pel md a gain of iuxt over million ibe uicreauex are parlacu- larly notable in cattle checoe lum ber whiskey and hah which wert icttding item contained lh aiaa treaty billton hev j a and mrs nell alien vlxluyl with fraendx ml hornby last wee mr and mr w j hui or cilen wuuamx visited mr and lira j u wrute on sunday- mis e ii uowoj has returned ikome from a delbjlitf uj trip to cali fornia where ahe xjattnt the winter ad overheated brooder coat tbn uvea of 311 baby chkjtx purdhaaod uw day bcrure by wtan linbortaon member of meuon towiuhip councu palermos oldest revidenx mrs c lawrence relebrated lier hlnety- aecohd birthday an hundxy many latlvek and fricimli from toronto hamilton oakvllbr aiul huriinstuti tlte district atuund lalenno railed to alkower 1mt wiui gtrlx flow er and good wuhex mr iaarete4 lue alooe and la allll abwto do all twr uynl iouxick mayor vvorgv it harris- editor of thf oaaftte tjurttnainn wa bi luwn monday ajiernooii and favored the champion with a friendly call we- ttrt thf hlx father klgln harrix publuher of the aiurllngtoo oaxeue haa beer ill tpt twmi uine mr llarris many frfends tn ualum county hope he ail have an eariv nd romiiltta rvcovery cliamnlon weekend specials new advertisements rarmet4 requiring help pleas ap ply to tteuaf commission tleorge- lown 3t uajlton rouoc cojuatt avucnmaorrs cuamoked magxtrau ucuveeri uke over the county police work at toronto how ute police workin hallon being look td after in the lower end of the county by magistrate douglas david ton of mew toronto and in the up per part by magistral o l j c bun of ksramnton mexsom townsair klas tmjtm caku in dank as an indication of better umex j ivttll mebon township clerk ttltvl that melxon township how hax rah hi the bank wmountinx- to about w060 whereav a year ago at lhia um they had- lm uian lto the township treojuirer reported that tax touectioau wr very good this year lirobabhr due to the bugv cropfl ob tained by most farmers but year he antidpatttb that at least wmtto tax arrears wiu be collected this year and aled that the township financially vas in particularly tliaite at the present time good pancake sr 1 a anckc uipper will be held in tixc former methodist church ballui- afd on friday evejdng mayto un- der uie auspices ol the w a- of tit united church lrogram orous oneact plays and music bup- per from fi to pn- adtnltsion 3sc and 10c it asaried us crwl tlie retnalas of the late nabert u scotl for many yeaurs a respected hidcut of oeorgetowa before his re- atoval to toronlo wlio died hi st jophs hotpiul turonto oa april xstlu were interred in greenwood oeimxery here on tucday afternoaa urs scott formerly klutsbeth teeter and uiter of uiu naucy teeter znuyelown predeceased ivr huihand uuiir ra ago 2 uii bordens eagle brand slamtjteitta condensed milk 35c i w m 111 iucfi pluffo shortening m llfj lyltpft doniftic or eiigifirst si 1 2sc i4tpfsj doniftic or eapifirst sliorteninc 25c 717iiiliulnaiii wter glasjj for piostrvinf tags 25c irliuttjjur vnrk bniwl- swwt clierltini 25c 8rc nrinjilsons jrrsy hranc pure cocoa ic witt m hin york lirand choice cjuality putnplcirt 10c lpttinvorli lintnd clioicp rjuality tomato juice 10c ifrrrili lfwihiritrip swetnrd cocoamit ptr lb 19c ifiih vjdllil- linllid cnliforiipi giant s- ripe olives tin 3sc mirixtihiirliirs riiiiat fickled walnuts 35e qxiuucr ihrruli fal bacon in piece per hi 21c kt iftiucotlupe rolls in piece t lli 19c lri uutile 0 cordial 85c qiainltlle oxo cordial 35c lwaiiiauri boot and tomip seed dutch seu and iwultiplr onion vegetjje and flutw seed owm 11rresh fruit and vegetables farnell we deljver ar4m4aia kally at cwu wullaau don i mu the lroteatanl itally uu- ur auuofts loii and ivtji in llw loan hau ulen wuuams on ithmday apru 30ui at 1 pju rev uorritt kdman lqfcolher with grand ixulge othcers will be the apcakers an invitation lias been bent to mr t ulakelock m1mv fdr lulton ba- viline lum to be pretnat to dejeaid lite lfgujalio regardhuf keparate iclipoli for wldcli he voud- hefrsh- menu and dancing alter the meet- uvff silver coueclion at the door it cbxru num uisw the charter nlflhl dajoce under the auuuoes of the lions club held in the arena but friday night provwd u tnou enjoyable oocatksi for all prevent mew harmony orchutra provided excellent musitt during the evtniiig and a splendid prognsu of acioltallc dahciruj vocal and huxru- menlal nujiic was praattad by dun- llrld siorik and mus audre hoorne of toronto ttie oonuaitue id cjiarse are harold c uodure v ii w hrook jt licata and w h- uuut- atmikr ktacaas warhiiigs have been iuuad agaliuu umn claiming- to be agiau of the on tario tcovernmnt wlto bre operatlnai un advtmtlong racket utybig that lwy ran obtain tighu for advertisers to uf ute iuuad and pltotos of the ulniw quintuiims bi the fcdwtls- 1u hon david crou labor welfare uiinuler saya the government ha ho trriil lollcluiue advertuing turup with tlu- famous hahua- taiilnaia firms are warned to liave ndrdacs willi mn who purihirt to he able to cure righix all negotiations must b huukf directly through the lrovbs- cuu hovertuxbent of the board of uaauaaw cakur ov than at h i wult kitkcerely to thank friends fur ihelr kind expreftsksl of sympathy and fut tit beautiful noral ofrerlrags in my reotstl bereaveokent ht losn toy dear wife mary auoa kwjboda csafafwl ontaxao bus line lmairow scdnncx for 1936 at the annual meeting of central ckntario uus linea held in toronto mr jul m payne wax elected presi dent and general manager and mr u j rymes director and secretary oa as superintendent both qtet otocers ana weu known in iheuoeu of traniportauon and have an intimate knowledge of all tlie requirements of nrrn high standard motor coach iervice in ism when mr payne w associated wiui central ordario uu uxuti limftml the oompany- had in oiierauon nine warh4 which oper ated aixvoximately toomo miles today refecting the ouhsulent e- pamion policy of the company it t ttiniaud that in lfes a fleet ol udrtythree vehicles will operate over ljsojboo miles in ontario alone regu- burly serving thouuuub of visitor and roadenls of ontario iiluixrauve of the uemendous popularity and the incrtaied service of arrow coa they carried on the veliicke more than 300600 pai- cngrs in isjs mew modem equip ment plus tlt came uiperlatlve tr- vice oomforc- courtesy and tafely qnther peove the arrow kor your oonvexnence the drivers of arrow ooaclic have by supervision training and experience established for themselves most enviable reputation of safety consideration and courtesy t the- entir organbmtlon guardx tins repu tation seadoutty every huj ts sincere in ids tforts to provide motor coach service in ontario hr ill meet public demand and public approval- this company deserves your patronage announcement is made of thre new emended arrow coach services for ute convenience of centra and western ontario residents and others commeauing may 31 jtrrow augurales two dally round trips between london wingham walker- ton and hanover in addition ure will be cne round trip per day be tween toronto ouelph paumersiou clitfoid walkarton hanoveo and kincardine and one round trip dally between toronto ouelph palmer- ston clifford walkerton and ilan- oer i arrow coach summer routes to ontarios finest and mos popular playgrounds become effective on june 3oth and bring the gt summer va- cauonlands of hruce isnlnuoa geor gian hay and muskoka to the very doorsteps of tiapiy houdavmakers of ceattral ontario heguiar servioes are openaud to owen sound making connection with uie iteamers to oeorguua hsy korth sliare and manllihn- iiixiwj qod- erlch and usmu lite entrance to the staie of mvhlgan and hortham michigan points connections may be made also for niagara wus huf- ndo and new york as wu as for detroit and chicago for the conveni ence ot those who wish to vacation hi or l u these larger centres w uam timothy seed also shorthorn bull 13 months old passed uie t 1l tea a m stark town ihone w r m it auction saue 30 tb tested knd bw tested dairy cows and heifers ww be sold by ihiulc aucilon on katusjuav may btk 1km on lot x oon 7 markluun mujusckm r- o ute following property brloning to if h ibtkney am kun all cows wu to retesf 1 houleln grade 7 yeari fresh mar 10th s 3 holstein grade b yrs fmji by lime- of aet -j- 3 itokiein grade 8 yrs- freeji h march 15 4 holsteln grade c yrs due may b s holsteln grade yrs tresh march- sout aolstein grade c yrs- due may covvun h per fret ion ccwi i lb cold mrdn coltee- y aylitvev milct whole beets rolyflorfioor polialr i lux litrr swe j lifrlinoy soup gold medial jrlly powdrr cliipao hirjtc size cxyifvu- soiip 4 cur with wjuui rng or cold soap penrrwriitc scwip p at cjsonp lifebuoy soiip pure castuvsojiip r rbd rqsw tea yi tp aladu teal i jrf- 21c 18e 19c 39c 2u 6 for 2sc 19c p 6 for 23c 7 for 25c 7 for 2sc 4 lor iflc sfor 2sc 2sc 2sc j agenls for lancxe clegaaers nal xyerm iiitji iinaii i i iiirr m mcbean co store will be closed thursday afternoon at 1230 phone 64 we deljver otriowri yrs fresh cuiaras wlto want men for raking uwnx etc are reoueied so raotify iielief oommiasion phone is hiaaaier sake prame house wish two acres of land for sale wiu seu cheap 4or h apply mrs a claims sr box iss oakvlue hp ked graaa tw saw no 1 alslke timothy mixture aoi abuke wltw per 100 lbs ojlc mo 31 regbtered hariey toe per bushel oac ho 11 seed hariey govern ment grade 1 soc per bushel john alexander lot 11 con quehig oeorgetown u h 3 ilp martluv washington asparagus hoots 3 years old at tsoo per thous and hull hros h h 3 norval ihtoive 373 r 31 uramptou ilp maawery artleaa iw ksle sidway cream carriage 1 basal netle 1 steel bed drop sides ah otlter articles all as good as new apply to uox c at herald offlos ad onc ftp lw kale heatty xroner slightly ined reas onable for casll terms to repon sible party apply hok m herald ocice hp oai victoria street apply miss pugh or p georgetown oeorgetowu- o box 435 lip iw sum hrick house jun main street six rooms bath and furnace wired for electric range garage possession may 1st apply j w kennedy u quantity of cltolce seed peas for sale at tl00 im bushel also red clover aiul timothy seed- apply ilagers hros lot 1 con 9 krin intone r 31 georgetown r r 1 glen williams 3 tiw omwwrspulsjrkt lly wilfrid rgkhtton otuwa apru 3 a rich variety of sublets came to the fore during uu- week mister sage- ui wheat hoard untied ftutos trade hgures utimau totaumg nearly tlsbooooo or utuaployment aiwl ute canadiati mauonal harbour hoards and the amionumetat of arthur h imrvls of montreal as the oludrman of the maitcnal kxaployment f were among the more nturating itrms vlr progress was made al though li both house and commutee oulbuipg and lajkfcml jockaytng continue toxact heavy toll of valu able uaw -atod- aoerjry thar gorernmeot proposes to kpend tl34tjt3 in give the sum to the dollar on ajiecial expenditure fet the hcal yrr wider besan on the qrat of this month thu oover- lowtng uccas among others water consfarrauon and uon on pralraas ujaiga the fol- notice to dog owners any person who owns or itarbors a dag- sliall procure a tag on or before ute lit of may 141 persons railing to secure tags will be sutnmoned to court tags may be ttad from the town clerk or the un- dersigmd w a maii3halj4 colwtor yrors feh is 7 holsthn grade april sui g houteln grade april uji b hrindie cow 8 yr trnji april 3 10 ayrslura krade t yrx due in mtf il ayrshire grade 6 yr- frsli by time oa sale 13 holiiairt grade s yrc due in may 13 liobtean grade 5 ram freoh by time of salt 14 houtebi gnd 5 years freali bi time of sale 14lolstelnjertey crade 7 years due hi may 16vliolsleul erade c yearn rresh by ume of sale if houubi grud 7 years due in august 15 itlue heifer 5 years frji by sale 1 hlue heifer 3 yrs frreji apr 1c 30 ayrshirejersey jprade 3 years fresh by ume of sale 31 ayrshire grade 5 yrs fresh by ume o sale 4 s3 hoistein grade g years fresh april uli 33 jersey grade 8 yrs fresh by sale 34 holsuin grade s years fresh by ume of sale 35 jfouuln brade itelfer 3 jvars freli april 10th m holsuin grade atted due in aug 37 3folsteln grade 4 years fresh april 13th 3rilfjrolvlebijersey grade 7 years fresh march isl 39 hlue heifer 3 yrs due in july 30 pure t0nd holsleln heifer 3 yrs due may 1st sole to commence at one oclock lun no reserve tfiftm3 cash pftknticr aj prentick auctioneers 5 save with safety at your rexall store kg tootitf rasti specials for this weekend hli31atokpu 1c qt isc milk f ujwk iu ol tee mu1 kllk iniiwiriml from nulla c fcjvtu llnltli kjoi u dw- kclkfc midi be cunt ltl iruxs rvr rick ra m sum asrikxn svc vodb vutargnnies a s a 1i m fclwy hp t ila kobbs jdrug store ms raonc 1 bdir nie y1i stotut rnmfjlqwi a chrysler plymojtharsl fargo trwcks rjgck electric gilson snowbird electric washers and refrigerators ccm bicycles see the new model on dknuy easy tuus a ul um kfflrt l u- klcycks km b ok speights garage phone 279w agency for pfh frigidatr service guelpli i i cows for sale a cak load ot rikisil aillttcits am1 klrlmckkls graclr hobein anl ayrjiirvi gov- frtuswnt tuburcular and blood tested our prices will suit you and we will arrange ror uieir delivery apjtly to mawuw uaul eakom lot 7 tui lino west chuliiar uy two lots north of hutonvllte piuhw uramjtlon 331 r s3 if swuts jetiy lowdei lusiius aiwiried fuvors aybntr faacy jumbo peas tku vwi u bur lor ael ikk u uulj pineapple 1l31 ay4af ounce j cherries x classic n cleanser peachc tuu ckax si3e busitar 14oa mu wadswa pfc tomato ottv 2 arcttafeub- tiruajdiig sum cartage i am now rixtwcnd- to- do- wwvfrig and- gieraw cartage of all kinds prompt service at a ieasonahe prieej rvank c whitmee lnone 34 i geoagetown l tf aylmuer wk wawtad wiu appreciate an opportunity to do any kind of house renairuvg and decorating also garden work of all kinds apply to t jj kason arletu st georgetown tf watsted j mew ofisspools ditches and drahu to dig old eesspools cisterns etc cleaned on short notice also white washing and hoy other work done uauiroom oulnts complete installed at lowest prices james williams liox iso oeorgetown concrete work am- prepared to do concrete work of all kinds kcsumates given free of cvarge if you iwqiure anyuong in this line phone 331 or write uox i3i s walker oeoraw gc oeorge- lown ip u wood for sauk cltoli maple hardwood and cedar luils l tight prices orders left at a humes or at my pome plume sow itiomptly attended to a uvlnoinromii wood for sale choice hardwood mapw and yuawh mlaed soft wood- moat raasonable prieea apply jack iw phone 33w oooirgeioaru vi wood for sale um klr cxwd wunl arf tl0 imr curd kultajw-tm- conl j uatnuroko j ginger snaps 10 cora hkk ckakc no 4 sfe m mo 1 m ko 2 wlofc ktnd fb4jk ttowhtsteirs cokwks oiocolt coco 1 s peas ay faacy corn catsup u aybw 12oatwis cniu sauce x infant f x 1 soups oury outleu with uic atphragu cbw 04dr 1v pmtlil ayuuesc assosttatd simhllu soap 10 46 hulk sow cawiauss aylmerwax beans 2x3 cluiife lulvcs twa at33 wxtflla krccial oranges s9c tko hw feuuiptf iulrr orasgcs 39c am swcarwalty leaf ao weiners slfv dominion wjo itl lb meats 29c sugar is grape nuts 2pks 3s domino bo lui baking powder lf

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