Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 16, 1932, p. 4

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j fv page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 16th 1932 garden ffeshness always salada fresh from the garden body by fisher smart nev lsnes dlstinquish the new oldsmobile schoolboy howuebs or 1 gladiators are iron thins wnich give out heat 2 aristocrats are people who per form on the stage 3 a sextant is ar man who digs gravra 4 herruigb travel in the i shawls 5 the highes mountain in europe is blanc manse s the quut stream is composed of warm currants 7 cereals are stories which last several weeks 8 a centimetre is an insect with one hundred legs 9 a vacuum is the residence of a pope 10 barbarians are things used to moke bicycles run smoothly 11 an epigram is what we say af ter a mans rt about turn 13 mandolins are high oraneae of ficials 13 all babe means that you were somewhere else when you committed the crime a gkntukmar fcr featuring longer whtelbase roomier interiors ound proofed bodies ride regulator ffssl raoauss im cahaa j n oneill son raonk 11 gborgbtown the dependable oldsmobile hates to general motors broadcasts of games mn ctbb ckci or cfca at 9 pjn spring millinery you are cordially invited to inspect our showing of spring millinery in all tibe latest styles and colors misses claridge upstair herald block he does not toast or give offense he has a wealth of common tense be keeps his eyes on all his friends he yields but neves condescends he always has a gracious air he plays the game and plays it fair he speaks with pleasant voice and low he shuns all ostentatious show he lives wttnout a thought of gain he jrul not gossip or c he is considerate towards the weak he does not adulation seek he knows precisely what to say he scatters sunshine on the way he tries to do the best he can he is an ideal gentleman orermlle kleiser met truk to fokm a priest offered 33 cents to the boy who could tell him who was the great est man in history christopher columbus answered the italian boy george washington said the american lad st patrick- shouted the jewish youth the quarter is yours said the priest but why did you say st patrick right down in my heart i knew it was moses said the jewish tad but if pmnsmjprme rhei ft and once 114tun it wm the m little dnih dte of krttschcn thmt 000- querrd it in fact it marie tfafa suflrrrr feel ever so well i luive been taking kntscheti salu ikbiist of having pati in the iwck lurid nnd joint pains all over roc i frit tirrd going lrrd getting up i wiu in a very bod way i waa laid up for over a month and the doctor who attended me said i waa suftcnng from acute rtieuittauaaxi and adici me to take krusrhen salts in lrn than s months i wt ever so wrl i cant thank you enough for knisrhen wjts jg q the principle is thta 1 krutchen salts dnvc from your body u urio arid crystals which cause your psdn your pains ease knotted joint become looae aierwards the little dil dose of kruschen so lurau- intcs the liver and kidoeyi thsu your itvmu h kept dean mischievojs urlo and does not get the chance to accumulate free trial offer if yoa lwvawr tried txmckmtwr it bow m our mitxamm w have cfisarttatadl a sjrat manr aptcfcj xiant padkana wtach snaha it our for too to prorva oar mm for yo aak aoordntkcmtieuabaw giant ma tldaconaist- of oar recnlar 75c bottla tefeumr with a aersirate trial bottle snfsdmtltoaheat omweti open tlw trial bottwfirat pot it to thetestt sadtleamnotendkboawhaotdtjbat kntacltcn dots rfcyttiiac w csilmlttodo the regular bottle is ttill aa aood aa aaw tales it brntck voor dmcalac la aatbotited te return your 7sc lnimariiatehr and wuhoot q von haw tried lcrnachcd free at oar npawe what could be cabrera maattfiactnred by b grihufaa hmuhm ltd mamlwatai baa eatak it mi impact mecfmrmy 1 ltd tconio the old and the new the two models have bean show- ins at the chateu-de-raroe- say montreal recently in an exhibition of a century of loeomo- ttvas rihtistheforchester operated in 1838 to 1860 on the champlaln and st lawrence ftall- road bbtween st johns and la prairie quebec the first train to ran in canada left la the 2800 type canadian pacific railway locomotive a model of the great machine that draws modern pa- senser trains across the dominion cotapaijsonofthatwoiocomqotws fmatly ian than ths 46000 lbs of e cai wol brinz hoone the inunena dewalopmantin tha past 100 yaara the four driving wheels of the dorchester wrere 48 inehaj in height the sbx drrtinc wheels of the 2800 type locomotive are 76 inches in height engine and ten der weight of the dorchester waa just over 10000 lbs of the 2800 it is 848s0o lbs tractive force of the dorchester la not given but it must have been canadian padfls engine en gine and tender of both lotomo- thres had rmpecthrely eight wheels and twenty wheels a further indication of ths vast spread in operation values be the old and the new ts seen in the figures of the latest and most powerful canadian pacific engine he 8000 type capable of pulhngs freight train of 160 cars or over mile in length jack frostsking of architects jack irost nrtusvs gnsttst artdirteeti completed yet another urn of jboatbaftamthsmabt e csnadlsa paeue btil- k ntrtuiic into ptw e the opening of tbe before neat event wwo vertical streams of water then more jrasa cot busy and bout tbe connecting well of sieflms trsnav ruwnt lovblockb batwees the two pfflsrsaad 2nijnhe neutlitqneot ice from whchthe inlsi of ths cararral were sands ofl 0basdaaaetjhstjs4tedsutss8now sad ice contests ofsu ktais winter loh indudlns ths al ssmtlm clam- yo rnalft up the sp profoi pionships ivssat nicol stenndsabdhocksyentlras ctedtnrtherflwsenosdtthoaj shut as carnival qoewfor 1s83 fswmiirstiwsapsrwsoa eetbmorsaslkwmlasei ontario legislature toronto marsh 11 1932 tn the first division of the present vfinn the henry government was sustained by the overwhelming ma jority of 7619 in adopting the speech rora the throne the division took place on the ajnenebnene of premier henry moved to the amendment of w e n sinclair opposition leader the henry amendment pledging trie house to adhere to hydro principles of power at oost and expressing entire support for the efficiency and integrity of the hydro oomnussloners mr sinclair e amendment railing for fury ther investigation into the 12s000 payment of r o stteezy to john alrd jr on the beauharnots contract and enquiry into seven specific hydro purchase contracts was lost on the same majority prior to the vote being taken the three leadere premier henry mr sinclair and harry nixon progres sive leader finished the debate on tbe throne speech which has been practical ty entirely devoted to argu ment on hydro premier henry per sonally answered the major criticism by the cspposltlon particularly from dt o a ntcqulbban juberal whip snowing that dr mequlbbanls state ments were based on inaccurate in formation hi 1 aiming power pur- orfcaeo sales of offpeak power and obher hvciro contracts ahsolunely false charged premier henry of tbe mpqulbban statements on hydro when dr mcquihbon snateathmt there is sufficient capacity at niagara and that not one horse power purchased under the contracts made by hydro with quebec produc era was necessary that statement is absolutely false premier henry quoted statistical data and analytical reports showing the opposition criticism being far from one marfe this statement said pre- mler henry was read in tine interests of accuracy tbe facts secured from tbe hydro commission or mcquib- ban had said that the peak demand on the niagara system was 867963 hp and that the three plants at niagara bad a point capacity of 930 000 hp consequently there wss no need to en ter into outside contracts tf this were true and it is not said preenler henry it would put hydro under a very serious indict merit dr mcquiboan has entirely overlooked the power demand on tbtj oatlneau simply 319000 hjp jand his failure to add that in put him hope- ksssly out of court for instead of the peak dimand being 887963 op it actually was 1086563 h4 instead of the capacity at the three niagara plants being 930000 ht- he went on as stated by tne liberal critic tne actual capacity was 873890 h p to meet a peak demand of lr 963 hp if ontario was permitted to use an the water she is permitted to divert under treaty it would he far short of the volume required to keep the niagara plants working to capacity 11 the time he observed to keep the plants continuously at capacity would require a steady diversion of 43000 coble feet per second but under the treaty only 3400 cubic feet per sec ond was possible i venture to say that if statements such as the hon member mequib- ban baa made on the floor of the house were made outside of it respect ing any fhranflal or commercial enter prise declared premier henry be would hardly escape court proceed- tnga i call upon die members of the house to reassert tiielr approval their confidence in hydro said premier henry i ask tbe members to seri ously coswrhtbt what it means to op pose tne amendment to the ament- ment tt will not only mean the en dorsement of this house but of the vast majority of people in ttw pro vince tinder tbe municipal act several changes were introduced by hon win fmlaysoirj minister of lends and forests chief among them being on temporary borrowings by municipali ties reduction in legal limit of per diem fees of elected representatives of townships villages counties and cities of under 100000 and provisions that tbe bonds of municipal treasurers be from recognised guarantee trust com panies these arnrrrtmrptg follow the select c of the house ap pointed last session to deal with re vision cst the municipal act presided over by hon mr fmlayson another amendment provides tbe new right of farmers daughters shall not i that they will be counted in calculat ing the population of counties for the purpose of deciding the representa tion of county councils authority was also asked in a bui introduced by hon mr pmlayson to hah a orjesnbeion to be known as the orand river o va com mission for me purpose of investiga ting and re upon the carrying out of works whereby the orand river and its tributaries may be controlled in time of flood and conserved to more effectively afford a sufficient supply of water for various municipal p ihls move is due to the financial es that have accrued to residents and m of the orand rtver basin caused through frequent floods and tbe inadequate supply of water during drought seasons any mnnl- olpauty affected by the situation may appoint a onmmlssloner and five or more fhay petition tor incorporation to undertake tbe investigation deemed necessary try tbe government this area cowers some 1600 square miles affectlns tne counties of orey duffer- in welllnsrton perth waterloo hal- ton oxford brant wentworth nor folk and hamimanfl royal assent was given hurriedly to the rneesuxe of hon w h price at- tomeyoeneral providing for a modi fled moratorium on osortgages sir wmiam mnlock admintstrabor and chief justice of the province visited the leflrlslathre chamber and gave the legmarwin formal endorsation thus placing it en the statutes as law third reading was given a few minutes prior to tne royal assent hon wm plntajeon minister of lands and forests speaking to his ml appropriating 5000000 for northern development indicated the govern ment will institute a very much re duced p for tills work during the oreeent year operations on the buscanada highway construction were reviewed hon mr plnlayson ex presslne tile view that it was a matter of great satisfaction that in the em- ploymerrrt of some 40000 men during five to six months wore in these camps not one major crime arose and but one major accident occurred the major item of work this year is a new bridge on the htgsiway at eagle- hart work on the transcanada hig is not ukely to be completed for tfflsny years be utweiveu since april 1912- when money votes wen flrst made to northern ontario the government has spent 153800963 said hon bar plnlayson while rnnetyflve per cent of this total was spent on roads and bridges other items ex pended last year wen purchase of cattle ia901 seed and brain 10434 settlers loan accounts s131jbs and for creameries and sraln elevators 1100 rstabllslrment of a butters govern ing board is contained in a bill in treduoed by fred o loobrlen oori- servattve brootontoronto similar to the medical and dental professional control is sought aiahealth measure to oonsbft sanitary conditions and to bar physically unfit barters from serv ing tne pubuo hoar leopold- afaeaulay minister of highways introduced amendments to highway traffic act compelling motor cars be equipped with lights which on roads outside towns and cities will illuminate the roadwsqr for a distance of 200 feet provision is also made to prevent trucks travelling on the high ways at a distance closer to each other than 100 feet arid also cutting the lengths of trucktrains from 05 to b0 feet ff george barr director of datrylnsi ontarlo department of agriculture in formed a subcommittee on dairying that the farmers of ontario had lost 551520 last year through producing second grade cream in butter manu facture last year there were 76- 004 813 pounds of outter produced 13 000 000 pounds less than in 1930 the loss was 3 cents e pound less for second grade cream mr barr sug gested that some means be taken to urge the farmer to produce first grade cream urging that be be compelled to keep clean and proper farms and dairy irnplernents a period of depression has not caused citizens of canscbi to lose con fidence in the future but to prepare for it in ways that- are courageous and farsighted the vital need for the future of canada with opportuni ties unsurpassed is that her citizen ship should be of the best and cor this an essential condition is the good school backed up by the opdfearing home every jman has a burden of his own to bear and that is the burden of overcoming bis own faults and im perfections tf he does that he will have cause for rejoicing and having overcome himself be will be better able to help another to overcome unless we do help ourselves no one can really help us the help offered by another will be of no use to us unless we put forth our own efforts in this great struggle of life bad news for him i simply cannot stand the sound of an automobile born why not some months ago my chauffeur stole my car and eloped with my wife and every time i hear a born toot i think he is bringing her backt something like a 000 officers and 40000 men of the british mercantile marine are unemployed consult p e robinson optombtbxst and eyesight speciau8t at denns dragr store wednesday attune from a to 0 all repairs win receive prompt attention eyes examined glasses rttted make your appointment with mr dean a rose tauvob opposite cnem spring win be here soon start by having your clothes looking clean and neat for very small oust remodeling iiinaslng and suits and spring ooata cleaned and pressed slm trousers pressed end refreshed he baby chicks s c white lkobornb ojlc wrmstim rocks prom stock bred for the high est standard in production egs size and colour body size and uniformity and disease free vitality from eggs averaging at least 34 ounces to tbe dozen and no egg weighing less than 33 ounces to the dosen ohickpriogn beers last half of march and all april 14o each may 12c each i a april 13v4o each may 0th to end loo each started ohhjhl8 3hc per chick per week more than above prices custom hatohdja prom 3c an egg in lots of iso or less to 2o an egg in lots of 1000 or more it vtll bo wen to place your order early business with us is stil good phone cfeeaavule 4 r u ar write britannia poultry farm j sandosky k sots b b no qmmlit e firubmnotng iun w- vincs i iamsw u it aty sew of paw nnfr swvw jw ate c twkwfwfs bm ew gwtmt sprins clean 13 sale eribasj ri0 fl dx mptmg p mood maasawto help sbtts a rfcawnugh jo m work at 3i wrhw adwi liiitiinsg wimtaaawi ikp y rj aeed b oil co canvltf amd btty yew wyplln at f e cmmt1 a kaspby a sncawbebstv jam 2 40- i 57 mahje leap cafiam biscuits pound 23 sfiol v8cmt ep cohota salmon 2 viib 25 sjwi ia ciji gn4 qwittfy ssswwmlsmisswlf mmmtumtmmmmm brooms 25 cleanser 211 aptoat rwsiwaanw assl snbbk pagsoaps t8 a tbe at opens sac tsnaa sal awwsv oxydol i skg 19 s a ssf- ssa floor wax 48 special llo asswsvwswbwsswssmam ammonia pks 5 wisshilslhii usisiufn milk 3 i 47 casaollsowfl coffee g 33 39 45 swsswisaaaiiaaa3swbwaawawssiaw s o s 14c and 23c nimiii bmt ct q tomatoes 215 oatrakes pks 9ced s4c gnawvlk peas 2 1 15 corn 52 425 nugget shoe pomi 2 tins 23c faufcy soap 5 calcic qmutm nnt- alsetss cut rock candy lemons per doz main street 2 lb 25c 23c grapefruit headxettuce 4 for 19c 2 for 15c phone 357 georgetown one wax out toronto everdust rssesnapera estrrlsd 33 aoud pages from 1 d i stores one day recently doe store used seven pages in seen paper uhe other used 18 toeetch of the other t papers the stocts were erowslea neither the votum of the advertising nor tbe crowd ha the stores all ed depression sluwmgti some of the prices did what net profit was snade on tne enuinjous bttsness un iwieer enjoyed tonowtng ths mawwrl srnver- uslng attaok b a hustness secret bat both stores have a well earned reputa tion not only or good mercbanonstng methods but or basmsss lodgezbent and it may be mmimil that they have not gone in tor snetz eartsnsne adw- tismg simply to peat the newsprirat in dustry on its est nor even to sispinsi the hospital that is the chief twne- aotary of one of the newspapers cap able department store eareeuttves bnd that jifoism makes more and sot less advertising desirable connler check books get your supply of counter check books at the herald oficfe for georgetown merchants only t the new way to buy coal blue coal let thexolor be your guide no shovelling required autornatically screened and loaded standard anaracite in au sixes select lump smithing and cannel john mcdonald raome uw aboaporowm turning slow sales into swift turnover 4j youve got to put forth every effort to keep georgetown and district folks corning to your stores and buying in your stores v 4 advertising in die herald can help accomplish that aim not only your own advertising but the advertising of the manufacturers whose goods you stock as well 4 you cannot get the adver merely by wishing for it you ve alize how necessary it is to you if fully support of these manufacturers ot to makethe manufacturers re- du are to sell their goods success- 4 and you can make the manufacturers realize it by selling their salesmen who- call on you on georgetown by interesting them in georgetown as an outlet for your merchandise by interesting them in your local home newspaper aa the means to more sales of your merchandise in georgetown and district this is an opportunity you merchants of georgetowns that you should make the most of one that may mean all the difference be tween slow infrequent sales and quick profitable turnover you need the advertising aid of the manufac turers whose goods you stock urge their their salesmen to recommend your local home newspaper the georgetown herald 8j sqk -w- 7wwhr rg5gabue

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