i page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 9th 1931 alibi ikes it you bawl about depression tlllv youre blue around tte gills if you grumble at your taxes and your food and fuel mils if your mug is sour and mournful and your dispositions shot it is ten to one youre beefing over troubles that are not not the fqjk who really suffer are the ones who yap and yowl for their jaws are clamped too firmly to be sending up a howl nut the chap who yells the loudest with a wild and railing eye is the guy who grabs depression fw a bard luck alibi yes a lot of men are needy and they ought to have our help but you arent likely to bud them to ymt ihhut the loudest yelp ten to one the noise is rising front a bunch but sllgbtty hit and are setting up a racket lest theyre asked to give a hit baltimore sun delicious orange recipes by betty barclay holiday franbvp serves uu estranges 9 mall grapefruit 1 cup white cherries 6 tablespoons lemon julge 2 cups powdered sugar bnbyettes and emrelettes peel oranges and grapefruit and separate sections removing all mem brane mix with cherries vtuch have been stoned sprinkle lemon juice and sugar over fruit rhill about an hour and add rubyettes and emrelettes the color note of the red and green garnishes may be further developed by serving fruit in double cocktail glasses with finely chopped green or red- tinted ice in outer glass ice is made in keless refrigerator from water to which vegetables coloring nas been added news and information for tike busy fanner with the coining of cold weather live stock has been stabled and laln better condition than usual ant in creased acreage of fall plowing is re ported froth the majority of counties fall wheat has an excellent top and should pass the winter in good condi tion a considerable quantity otheavy wellfinished poultry is being market ed and the volume will increase as the festive season approaches poultry grade most ol uie puwuy oeunt ottered on iue tuxrwei uus yens is oing grauea ai aouuroance wiyxi rfuvernmem sln- utas witn tne cls ua grace marx- eaoy tans anueu to the breast ol tne oird inere are two classes ol poultry auxfed rtlstinbimrierl by white iat and selected disungulsu- ed by yeljpw iat within uiese classes are tne grades muxfed a milkled a selected a selected b and selected c grading of the blrds- ln this manner enables the house holder to choose kwkx dressed poultry with great ease clean ap tne alenioase every hen house should be clean- ed before putting in the pullet crop a good thorough cleaning consists of removing the litter and all poultry nouse fixtures suh as mash hoppers drinking fountains and the like then hushing the waljs ceiling dropping boards and floor scraping loose any din that may have a tendency to stick after the house has been thor oughly cleaned it is ready for a coat of whitewash this will improve the appearance of your hen house make it much lighter for the birds and at the same time help to kill parasites adjusting the school to tub chdld orange saaee serves 6 orated rind 1 orange cup sugar a tablespoons cornstarch 23 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg 23 cup orange juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice nit grated orange rind sugar and oomstauch in saucepan mix well pour jjxiy on boiling water ana cook id nunutesr stirring constantly a then add butter pour mixture over wellbeaten egg re turn to saucepan stir constantly and cook 2 minutes add fruit juices beat well and cool gallon of whitewash clean comfortable quarters for the pullets go a long way towards increased pro duction during the winter months orange toast serves 6 k cup orange juice orated rind i orange v cup sugar 6 slices buttered toast mix orange juice rind spread on hot buttered toast and pot in hot oven or under broiler to brown and sugar a taralp clab in the course of a recent address mr john buchanan of the ojuo spoke of practical ways of keeping in close touch with agricul tural life and he related the experi ence of the klwanis club of quelph in forming a turnip club the ouelph district is noted for turn ins and grows 6000 to 8000 carloarw yearly eighteen boys were enrolled and each sponsored by an individual kliwanlan bach had an acre of land and was provided with seed and fertiliser when thinning tune came they held a turnip- thinning contest each boy to hoe his row until tne first boy fin ished while the turnips grew well this year for some reason it was not a good season for turnips when open ed up they wen soft in the centre and the buyers wouldnt take them as the result of the turnip club groups of shippers seedsmen and others were brought together at the college and a lot of light was let into the matter of growing turnips andmsease germs a common prac- i uce is to add a pint of disinfectant- fact 0ltlt urge a percentage the supreme purpose of education in all its varied phases is not so much to preserve the bestof our intellectual inheritance or even to fill the minds of youth with a mass of infor however valuable this may prove 16 be in maturer years as it is to discover of the children that they may educate and develop the talents and anilities themselves and be able to adjust them selves to the social order there is no educa that is not selfeducation a person cannot get education in a school any more than he can get religion ln a church or cul ture in the best society there can be mass production of material pro ducts in a factory but mass produc tion does not apply to educational in stitutions the teacher must study tne child and teach him not lessons subjects or even books the acoitisi- uon of information plays a small part in the process the state can provide welltrained teachers palatial school buildings and elaborate equlpmerlt but somebody must study the child that he may be come interested acoujmttve and ac tive to grow physically mentally mor ally and spiritually it is the tan and privilege ipf parents and teachers by example and precept to inspire and stimulate this active cooperation on the part of the pupils and in their owti lives set before tnemtne highest ideals ln character and service we cannot alter the hereditary traits the child brings with him to the sehool if- an educationist could by some mys terious process impart special talents to an unpromising pupil his secret votud shortly make him a millionaire the pupils must be taken just as they are and the environment of home community and school so adjusted to meet their needs as to bring out thelr greaiest potentlatles and help them rwllxe their best possible selves james oabdhdtjse organizer ontario firemens association annual convention ln georgetown f july 1933 in ft orange ambrosia serves 6 ml cup powdered sugar u cup grated coconut peel and slice oranges cut slices into halves or quatrera arrange hi serving dishes sprinkle witn sugar and coconut or fratt cap dessert serves 6 1 cup orange pieces 1 cup diced pineapple 1 cup halved strawberries white grapes v4 cup powdered sugar 6 maraschino cherries combine fruits and sugar serve very cold in sherbert glasses with a marascnlno cherry forgamlsri california fotnaeuta salad serves 6 6 tablespoons cream cheese paprika 2 red pbxuentos peel oranges and separate into sec tions hake cheese into s balls and sprinkle with paprika cut n into long narrow strips place a cheese ban in center of each salad plate and arrange orange sections r out from it like the petals of a flower place strips of ntnuento between or ange unit inns pour french dressing over all embargo lifted the embargo on the importation of cattle from the old country has been removed so far as scotland is con cerned since there have been no out breaks of footandmouth disease in that country over a satisfactory period animals from scotland may now be imported providing that they are em barked at a port in scotland on a vessel sailing direct to canada with out touching an english port the feed accompanying the cattle for use en route must also have been grown and stored ln scotland the order perimts consideration of applications for the importation of cattle sheep other ruminants and swine from scotland bank of montbkal issue stttono statement tne bank of montreal which appeared ln our last issue is for toe fiscal year to oct 31st and shows total assets of ttmbvsss down from a2a8cb37 at the end of the ute wear of tnis amount available l amounted to kftv- 40508 equal to 5811 ot all mahm ties to tne public tnclndert in these hlquld aimlii are governsnent and other bonds and debentures to value of tzsevtsun the majority of whleh datum at early dates includ sd ba them are dominion and provin cial government securities amounting to mbdaa4m up from s1s1j07484 rniwan municipal securities and british foreign and colonial public securities of ss0mjm compared with 48447441 and railway and other bonds debentures and stocks 1105 421 up from 8074718 tne fcin of cash and deposit in central oold reserve total 83828 014 at which level they are equal to 1164 of public natalities just how well the business of the bank nas been maintained under less aouvt industrial conditions is in dicated by total current kmna in can ada of 82sllll86v compared with 2wm734a3 at the same time de posits bearing interest are s3932jia3 against 04077248 while total de posits are now reported at 680047 281 not so pkoftt ablk an aberdonlan had married five times and every one of ids wives brought htm a bit more money and after tne funeral of his fifth wife a liilglllir amid to turn icheer up sandy in tne midst of yotnf sorrow you must iwubhwmt that each of your wives brought you a lit tle of something- ah but replied the widower the tune i court em and marry em and pot em away theres nae safe inuoklo profit in it 8 as and as tne lv gordon was retting married butting day draw near ha to find that it was costing htm than h bargained for so he asked a crony what the mhnlrter char- gd for u at the oertsnpniv eds friend replied wed sanev after i v married x asked the mtnl- muchtmvl due volar thstr ohi be replied just what we think beojth sozjmunm mm a towne far too toerousald ba ana bonded mo tjetfc supsnw an djotawn bandy h was rlcbar overseas apple market with moderate transatlantic ship ments early in november the de mand for apples in the united king dom has been steady with prices slightly firmer reports andrew pulton ontario g representative mr pulton states that he has received some apples in recent shipments which were poorly packed and he points out that the snippers cannot expect to receive top prices he advises that greenings be packed with all sixes mixed in the one barrel baldwins from ontario are running to large sixes this season and are therefore more difficult to sell many of them are beautifully colored and mr pulton also refers to the excellent exhibit of ontario apples at the imperial fruit show m manches ter which was highly by everyone win bald conference hon thomas j kennedy has an nounced that with a view to develop ing new solutions to- general farm pro blems lowering farm taxes and secur ing better financial terms for the far mers he is calling at an early date a conference at queens park with representatives tram every county council in the older part of ontario notices have gone out to the clerks of all these councllstnvitlng suggestions on the proposed conference colonel kennedy points out that in every county council there is an agricultur al committee which with the coopera tion the department is ready to offer should be able to play an important part in bringing the farming industry back to the status it once enjoyed live stock jaairl winners the durham county team came off victorious in the intercounty live stock judging competition at the royal winter pair and were awarded the jeffrey bull memorial trophy the team from victoria county scored a close second in the final analysis the teams from tbe various counties of ontario were arranged as follows 1 durham 2 victoria 5 york peel 5 aalton lanark south slmcoe tie 8 elgin 9 ontario middlesex 11 waterloo 12 13 carleton 14 wentworth on 18 oxford 17 brant is is peterborough 20 duffi lincoln 32 sherbrooke que llngton 24 orey perth 27 proirtenfcc 28 n land 29 tvmlskawnlng wmoi 1 essex 39 north slmcoe ratal- is accidents and compensation during november there were 4j08 accidents reported ty the compensa tion board a decrease of 282 from the ruber reported ohuing october the ar accidents n 17 which is the lowest record for any month dur ing the mta year tne total benefits awarded amount ed to sswjgcljl atft0uls of tote being for oonxpensatlaa and 734ma2 tor medical aid aaoompared with tbtsmus awarded during october the total accjdents rep to date us year number 4xjm6 as compared with mjs73 for the same period test year and the total benefits awarded amount to sjt65u4 as against ttasszi for the cor period of una jan a man is never older than he feels bow this morning i feu ai fresh as a twoyrokl stent orweeuylbors ar of the pupils att secondary schools drop out at the end of the first and second years would indicate that these institutions are meeting thelr needs country parents continue to send their children to jobttaoauon schools and high scnoolstasbete tbe course of training is designed to pre- them for tne normal entrance and matriculation and then when the boys and girls wish to capitalise on their matriculation s and pro ceed to the university their parent frequently hold the schools respon sible for educating toera away from the farm if these young folk choose to remain in the country and if the parents of these children want them to remain in the country why not pro vide a course or training that would help them to live prosperous and hap py lives in the country in other words why not adjust the school to the needs of the child rather than ad just the child to the mould of the school it is obvious ln this age of a chang ing social order and the development of worldwide contacts that our youth should not cease to learn when they leave school even though the com pulsory school attendance age be raised to sixteen our schools rail in a large measure if they do not inspire young people to be learners in the great school of life until tbe curtain drops should provision not be made whereby these young people could continue to educate themselves one naturally thinks of the folk high schools of denmark where young peo ple from eighteen to twentyfive years of age attend institutions for six months of the year of their own ac cord simply to receive a cultural edu cation there are no diplomas certi flcates or even examinations unrar ies constitute an important feature of these institutions and inspirational addresses are delivered by experts to history science literature and world rel these young people are not the children of millionaires but simply average danish dtlxens who are am bitious for a cultural training that will better prepare them to enjoy prosperity and happiness of life we have no such high schools in canada and it is a question whether the youth of canada could be prevail ed on to enroll themselves to such if we had the utilitarian view of edu cation prevails in the western hemis phere we ooukc however extend the library faculties enjoyed by dues and towns to rural areas today where by young people and all adults could continue to educate themselves they should acquire the ability and habit to read as widely as possible ln the- great storehouse of english literature the time to bring the right books to the right people is when these children are enrolled in the elemen tary schools herein lies an oppor tunity to adjust our educational sys tem to the varying needs of the boys and girls so that ln their earliest years they may team to educate them selves educationists can never be jutisfwd with the product of the schools by trying to run all the cbud ren of all the people through the- same min at the same time they are all different as the creator intended them to be bkbmvda remains autoless r btyporsonsittve pedestrians who visit or hope some day u visit bermuda rejoice ln an item of news from thi lovely tropical colony the qujest of all british colonies bermuda has just completed a fine railway to carry passengers back and forth across its fair domain but ber muda will not weaken in its deter- minatoln to bar automobiles from dese crating the cnarms of nature the law stands horses and carriages and bicycles and numan feet remain the only forms of transportation in ber muda apart from the silent smootl- and smokeless railway bermuda is now only 38 hours dis tant from boston by canadian na tional liner and is the first port of call for various canadian national ships for the west indies from hali fax quality has no substitute r ecft jjromtw gardens wv children left alone in m llttl houjae in a back street two children ire awaltlnft mothers knd dads return are btnbt helped by a friendly oma titration but there can be no home for thorn until their prenta come back where are the parents for many months they ha been btrufrklink tor lost health and atrensth in th toronto hospital for consumptive they have tormented icreatly as many hundreds do from the qulti ness fresh air kindly n ursine and medical attention able to walk to the dining room for two meats a day now la lh rroud boast of the husband and ather pitt a short tlmo atro he could not b moved from hi bod a few months from now who knows he miy t back ajrala tak inr up the burden of the home such work an this hn- frrvnt ron omlc value lo the community as well as openlnc the only way from llltsery and dfapnlr to hundnon f tlis oonsumptlvw poor the honpltml greatly nefdx your help will you s lease send clft to mr a e mas jss oolleire st toronto notice to creditors parties having claims against the estate of george bennett sayres late of georgetown gentleman who died xa novernter aist 1931 are required la send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned solicitor before the second day or january 1932 after which date the assets will be distri buted among the parties entitled thereto as provided by section si shap 1 rjbo 1927 dated this second day of deoem- er ad 1931 sarah ann sayres and mary tfa sayres execu trices by n h farmer acton ontario their solicitor at wood no 1 hardwood beech and maple j3s0 hardwood limbs and mixed vood 3 0o hardwood knots for fur nace 1250 ralls tlbo any quantity jh smith phone m is oesrgetawa wood for sale nkw low mucks choice hardwood beech and maple n0 per tingle cord balls txso hardwood limbo and rails 3jm i bkandfobdf box 4m pturm msj xmj a k colman geneva tracking service tart general trucking at all garbage removed weekly at rates harwood 350 single mixed rails l60 single cord asd wood and lowest cord treasurer ontario firemens assoc annual convention in georgetown in july ism mother of fira looks for early rel hotpfol for sick children f coixbgb 8 toronto bfsliarecart centra toronto cconatry rmntth ttusttetown december 103 oear icr suitor las year tha hospital for oleic children toronto through the gener- qstty oi frlanda in every line of dubllcjt was enablea to impress upon tu parent of ontario that any crippled or ailing child was squally sntttlad to tbe unexcelled serrtoe tor which this hofpitu is world famous i was also mentioned that u the gxcit kids as the institution xfwxjttoaately called ware to look after mors yotuabstara it would ned mar money or their maintenanoa what happened in 1031 was taut mora children came no the hospital hit also about ho 000 leas money to maintain them i spare you the ttatletlca but 1 cannot altar the tact that tf the hospital for sick ghildren wrs not a provincial charity its debts would not q as twidensosne those under which it seems fated co enter 1932 tne hospital immediate neigbbor- nood toronto and york county nas leapt up qlose to its average subscrip tion per patient but outside that area there uai been a sad drop what should be doner the hospltsal tor sick children is not a local oonoern its aim a thst on ontario youngster snail go bendl- anpad through life either because at set ormlty or tuenee rbat- cannot he acoosnpllshed witn a cashboa full ut vedr yet that is the position today and it is not one which can nvertsstlngiy continue bo in- ttdl- kor will you not invoke your readers to lend us a helping hand hot one yt them 1 venture could cars to aer the sick rddn with a mortgage over their heads vslthcully yours ravufo k robkrtsom qluutman of the board ol trustee- mortgage sale under and by v1ktub of tbe powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage whsoh vrll be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by x a etuett aarti at mjnuo auction on monday dbckjtmk utft 131 at tne boor of two oclock in tne after noon at the farm of messrs william macbeth and gordon fry r b no 2 oeorgctowr ontario the following p namely all and fwngnlar that certain par cel or tract of land and preanises situate lying and being the easterly 75 acres at tbe east half of lot dum ber it in tne th oorjceasuffl town ship of baquesing county of walton and more particularly described in a mortgage from william uacbetn and gordon fry to the agricultural de velopment board dated tne sotn day of may ims and registered ba the registry ofice tor the registry divi sion of the oounty of walton as num ber 13748 on the aald farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm nulldtngs the lands win be sold la subject to a a dollar goes a long long way provided one knows how ana where to spend it and perhaps this is why so many canadian dollars are going just as far as they can right out to victoria b c this winter this is so because many canadians who formerly went south for the winter months have discovered that there are attractions right at home which compare favorably with anything that is offered south ot the inter national frontier and at a value of one hundred cents in the dollar people are watching their money and their own homelands these days it is fashionable to spend the winter in oneb own land over in england its being done for the cream of fashionable society headed by h r h the duke of connaught has decided that mo ney spent at home is a patnotic manner nere in r domestic loan has just be suc cessfully financed the wheat situ ation and other things are heralded as harbingers of better things and mr and mrs canadian are in vestigating the family prospects for the winter ot 19s1s2 tbe result is that they find that one perfectly good canadian dollar remains so in canada whereas tt gets dipped of some 15 perfectly rood cents elsewhere the answer b simple- the picture shows the beautiful inner harbor of victoria b c as viewed from the provin cial parliament buildings with the canadian padne railways pala tial empress hotel on the right and below a golfer playing the mth at the oak bay course both scenes might have been taken down south when ona onljr tt tha atrala of ralalna five children on limited anelal naourcra la a burden which would tax bt woman alnnahh ans vllalltr fn um caa of 15 mrm n npne too atrona from early at factory worm th h- forluriatlrrhowar aha was sent to the luahoka rfoaplta r conaiiiaptlvta whin tha h 22sp ji took her in suid with kindly ear tun than like a ralnfrmbened oowtr itran ha reapondad to the carafufir plan ned treatment anitiaamadb aplen- la agriymklnc fortsrd7o t ujfte when ah aiaar return to ar flmtasa aoeh eaaas but mmlvad tat oui vk chattel mortgage sale tjndsr and by virtuk ot the lowers of sale contained ln a certain chattel mortgaie made by william c cunningham to qeorglna b thomn- i widow deceased which will be produced at the time of sale there jill be offered for sale by frank fetch aaetioner at public auction on saturday december mth 131 at the hour of two oclock in the af ernoon on the farm of william c curncngham c lessee of oeorgetown being the wu jf lot is ln the clghth concession of the townsrxlp of ksquesing the fol- owthg chattels namely or858 1 tray sire stallion regi- ed 1 brown gelding heavy cattlb dark jersey cow fresh fawn jersey cow fresh fawn jersey heifer fresh dark jersey heifer fresh yellow jersey heifer due time of sale ergfajertq jersey cow due in search registered jersey belfer eighteen mon ths darkheifer eighteen months jersey bull 1 yr old bull calf impijsmkntb bain wagon good as new heavy wagon good truck 3 pair of sloop sleighs grain drill spring tooth cultivator- disk set harrows wagon box hayrack gravel box fteury plow root pulper set seal woo pounds wheel barrow set learn harness pair single lines hayfork ana 130 feet rape ml h ladder 3 hay knives a number of fence posts a quantity of lumber forks shovels rakes hoes crowbars whlfflerees neckyokes etc ton numerous to men- tlon a quantity of bay also a quan tity of potatoes the aald chattel wutbe sold subject to a reserve bid tsrlfs are cash but arrangements can be made by purchaser giving pfonssory novetwlth endorsers which meet with the approval of tbe execu tors of the said oeorgina avthoinn- son widow rv ceased for further paalculars and condi tions of sale apvb-tb- frank fktoh cahby dais aucuoneer barrister and boudtor oeorgetown ontarki terms of sals ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harry w pack east block parbament bkbm toronto o solicitor for the acorugagees dated at toronto this 13rd day of november 1931 3t reduced prices for fall send ye i ladies coats mens srjm overcoats mens and boys sorts and overcoats made to measure guaranteed to fit mens 8utt8 rressed as to fee clsaai 1 ad raaalrwd sim 50c a rose open evening tailor no shovklltnq equirkd standard anthracite scranton coal in a0 sixes autogtwtically screened and lmufed t coal wood belect lump for dootsle and thnawilng rmrrmans ih- lng and oannel ooal m tact 1 carry errerythlng to be found m any uptodate ooal and worst yard 4 john mcdonald it pays to advertise progressive easiness men advertise in the herald raonb la asxnroinf for georgetown merchants only theres no need for a fence around georgetown 4 you cant put a fence around georgetown to keep georgetown people from shopping elsewhere neither can you prevent them from buying from mail order houses none the less it isnt by any means the hardest task to get georgetowns folk to shop and buy in your stores rts a task to be sure but one in which yourhelp will go a long way 3 people buy where they are trained to buy educate them to buy in georgetown and theyll alwa3 buy there and buying education is very largely a matter of advertising 3 advertising thats the solution i your own advertising and that of the manufacturers whose goods you strive to sell both in your local home newspaper should prove effective in keeping georgetowns business in georgetown and georgetowns dol lars in georgetown j where is easy the manufacturers advertising is concerned your task fl when their salesmen come to sell you goods talk up george town to them talk it up with enthusiasm make them realize hov important georgetown is to you in turnover how important it is to their companies in more sales j talk up georgetown so that these salesmen will pass the good word on to their sales managers who decide aavhere advertising ap propriations are to be spent q with the advertising of more national manufacturers in your local newspaper georgetown and the surrounding country people will find it easier to shop in your stores youll find it easier to keep them corning to your stores and there wont be any need for a fen3 around georgetown you need the aulvertismg aid of the manufactarera whose goods you stock wget t r y l h newspaper the georgetown herald a m e h s i m y wzvimw