Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 2, 1931, p. 4

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page 4 the georsfewn herald wednesday evening december 2nd 1931 tis ever so in childhoods hour at dawn of day no thought no care how sweet to play- the budding youth goes with toe t stream his hopes so fair how sweet to dream at noon of life in busy hive he turns his head to rosy ixest with head erect how sweet to strive at evo of life how sweet to rest the night draws nigh the shadows creep the end has come how sweet to sleep henry w shqrto let me be a gives ood let fhe be a giver and not one who only takes arid takes unceas ingly- ood let me give so that not just my own but others lives as well may richer be let me give out whatever i may hold of what material things life may v be heaping let rae give raiment shelter food or pw if these are- through thy bounty lj my keeping but greater than such fleeting trea sures may i gdve my faith andtiope and cheer fulness belief and dreams and joy and laughter gay some lonely soul to bless mary carolyn davles highest grade op govbrn- rservt 8ecubjtv w1ix at tkafct atjhis time it is confidently felt in high finan cial ancles that all the elements re quired tor success attend the current flotation of a loan for 160000000 by the dominion of canada through- the department of finance that u1 t money required by the government to carry on the affairs of the country without resort to outside markets will be provided by investors is not ques tioned as a sound investment in five and ten year 5 per cent bonds at attractive prices is one which in vestors win be glad to obtain itr is felt that it is only necessary to lay the facts before the country and that the rest will be attended ho confidence is returning throughout the country after passing through trying period of two years during which prices of both commodities anq securities sank to abnormally low levels there is serene conviction that the decline has run its course and that the tide already started wiu be running strongly in the other direc tion before a great while evidences of a turn in the tide of business tor the better with an ac companying return of confidence are to be found on every hand there has been an appreciable recovery in the prices of some commodities that in wheat is of paramount interest to canada at the present time when there is a heavy outflow to overseas markets this and a better distri bution at merchandise throughout the country has been indicated in a sub stantial recovery in the earndngs of the countrys two great transportation systems earnings for the first bwo weeks of november indicate tnat trade and commerce is undergoing improve ment when compared with the gross receipts for the corresponding periods of the two preceding months the figures show that the enormous de creases which have been shown for many- months past are now dwindl ing to almost nothing and unless all signs fail it will be but a short time before the railways will be running well ahead of the tonnage tbey carried in the past couple of years business people everywhere are in a better frame of mind and looting for ward to the resumption of business on a broader scale meantime the gov ernment must do some nnartrrtnat and it is to the interests of all concerned to see the flotation of this new inter nal loan result in a great success the extent to winch this is the case will be a measure of the publics con fidence and a successful outcome will be of inralmlahle benefit to the main tenance of canadas credit in the eyes of the world where it has stood pre eminent for many years during the past summer a large conversion loan was successfully car- txlsd out by the government to take care of maturities some of which originated in the great war period the present loan is entirely dttfferent in character inasmuch as it calls for the supply of new money for the run ning of the affairs of the country mo appeal could be made for this in the markets of the world owing to dis turbed international exchange condi tions it is up to canadian them selves to make good this amount and there is no one of the realm of fin ance who entertains any doubts about the outcome that there is a great reservoir of wealth in canada omy waiting to be tapped by an investment offering the very highest grade of security obtain able is indicated toy hnnw ud trust corporation returns which shows large sums held in trast for the public that these will be released in large volume seems unquestionable the re o confidence is the only thing economical dainties by betty barclay who said bread and prunes were humble foods they may be in some cases but either may well form the base of a dish that is fit for a king try the following and see how ples lng they are coconut bread pudolnf v4 cup sugar teaspoon salt 2 eggs slightly beaten 2 cups- mdlk scalded cup shredded coconut 2 tablespoons butter melted a teaspoon vanilla or teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup stale bread cut into hinch cubes combine sugar salt and eggs add milk gradually then coconut butter and vanilla of nutmeg place bread in greased baking dish four milk and egg mixture over it place dish in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven 1350 degrees p 45 to 60 minutes or until pudding is flmt ohill serves 6 prune souffle 23 cup sugar 4 jeaspoon salt 4 egg whites stiffly beater 1 can coconut southern style 1 cup cooked prunes seeded and finely chopped fold sugar and salt gradually into egg whites then fold in ooconut and prunef turn into greased baking dish bake n alow oven 300 degrees i 45 minutes or until arm in centre serve hot serves 8 lemon podding 1 cup milk 1 cup coffee cream 2 drops junket brand lemon yellow food color 3 tablespoons sugar 1 junket tablet 1 taeblespoon cold water v4 teaspoon lemon flavoring dissolve the junket tablet in cold water warm milk cream and sugar to lukewarm 110 degrees p not hot stirring constantly add the flavoring and the i ood color then the dissolved junket tablet sur briskly a few seconds then pour at once into individual dishes let stand- undis turbed until firm about 10 fninutes ohill and serve cakes and muffins the heat is over for a few months cakes muffins biscuits and pics are in order once again and the male roemfcers of the family are of course anticipating these favorites here are two new recipes that will surely please plantation marble cake 2 eggs 2 cups special cake floor sifted 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt v cup butter or other shortening l cup sugar 2 eggs well beaten l cup milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon to teaspoon each cloves and nutmeg 2 tablespoons molasses sift dour once measure add bak ing powder and salt and sift together three times cream butter thoroughly add sugar gradually and cream to gether until light and fluffy add eggs then flour alternately with milk a small amount at a time beat after each addition until smooth divide batter in two parts to one part add spices and molasses place light and dark mixtures alternately a table spoon at a time in greased pan 8 x 8x2 inches bake in moderate oven 350 degrees p 50 minutes or until done frost with boiled frosting de corate with raisins and halves of walnut meats t news and bifordatiari for th busy farmer the championship trophy at the royal winter pair for tjie best hall bushel of wheat held by the prairie provinces for many years back came to ontario this year the winner was dotiglas hart whose farm is located in east zona near woodstock he makes a specialty of seed grain and has been a successful exhibitor on a ykumber of optaslons winning the ea ton speclar off barley at woodstock pair this year champion potato grower simooe county won a place an the potato map of canada at the abyal winter pair when the championship- for the best bushel of potatoes was won by edmund maurice of tiny township the prise of 15 in cash and a gold watch suitably engraved is a much coveted honor and is al ways keenly contested heretofore it has been won by the maritimes the ontario victory shoukldo a great deal towards focussing public attention on ontario potatoes it is interesting to note that mr maurice is a compara tively recent convert to the value of growtag certified potatoes dp until two years ago his crop was of the nodescript variety through the local branch of be department of agri culture be was interested in potatoes of the better kind sunt now his dooleys have captured the premier prize for canada gndph winter fair cm december 7 to 10 the 48th an nual ontario provincial winter fair will be held in the city of guelnh prospects are that entries will exceed previous years there has always been a particularly strong snowing of horses beef cattle sheep swine and poultry at the guelph winter fair and this year will be no exception at few fairs is there as keen competition in classes for market fln the light horse show each evening will draw a capacity house coining at a time of year when the tall work is completed a record attendance should see the many entries and follow the judging this year thrills n6 fbolls on jphkigoter trips canadian national inaugurate wdaj cruises to winter sunshine aboard cargo carriers for passengers who have more time tbap money to spend beaching haunts of crusoe ontario at international ontario grain growers have for warded to the international grain and hay show at chicago more than one hundred entries of grain grass seeds and corn there were more entries for grain this year than in the record year of 1930 when ontario growers won a championship two r ohaxnplonshins and forty other prises the province is particularly well rep resented in the clover and grass seed classes there being 16 entries of red clover nine in soy beans eight in ausuce and seven in field beans duo to changes in the corn borer regulations ontario corn growers were able to exhibit com this year sonne 20 entries of com of exceptionally high quality were forwarded to chica go this year the resuusof judging in the grain classes wurbe watched with keen interest by ontario growers and exhibitors comfort without frills a longer voyage at lower cost that is the shortest way to describe novel frei ghtercruises just introduced by the canadian national steamships for the benefit of certain people who feel that the luxury and punctuality of modern liners has robbed tropical voyaging of all its romance and adventure the freighteroruises will be made by the canadian national steamers canadian pathfinder and canadian shlrmiaher sailing periodically from halifax for bermuda the british west indies and the french west indies in the regular course of their mission if taking cargo backhand forth between canada arid these winter paradises the two- freighters were built during the world war for the canadian government and werft later converted o carry about 30 passengers pending the completion of che lady liner which now operate a regular canada- west indies passenger service sjnee the canadian pathfinder and her companion freighter are first and foremost carriers of cargoes- and since heir schedules are not to be a mattei if infallible punctuality those ships jvill each take passengers on 37day aulses at a cost which amounts to iialf the usual rate charged for i nponths cruise aboard regular passen er ships the rnools served will be iboat the same aa those served regu arly to officers and crew which neans that few better meals are to be found anywhere on land there is an element of robinson crusoe about those new voyages they urould appeal to people who- have nore time than money to spend on a winter voyage and who put a high premium on escape from what might e called the social requirements of regular cruise the places to be visited by each of the canadian na tional freighters on its several voyages from halifax are bermuda st kltts antigua guadeolupe martinique birthplace of napoloens josephine st lucia barbados called the little england of the tropics gernada trinidad whose adjoining island tobago is said to have been robin son cruscos scene of shipwreck and british guiana often called demerara bran basfbns cup special cake flour sifted teaspoons ng powder teaspoon salt well beaten 2 tablespoons sugar jcup milk 3 tablespoons butter melted 1 cup bran flakes sift flour once measure add bak ing powder and salt and sift again combine egg and sugar add flour alternately with milk a small amount at a time beat alter each addition untl smooth add butter and bran flakes pour into greased muffin pans filling- them 23 full bake in hot oven 450 degrees p 25 minutes 12 medlumsised muffins shipment of fine holstrtns a carload of purebred holstein cows and heifers along with a young herd sire has just been shipped by hal- ton county holstein breeders to w p chase warren rjc the pur chases being made from the herds of je h reatherstone freeman cecil inglehart bronte j w robinson tansley fred w hamilton dundas o lsshe peer freeman john bird georgetown thos bird georgetown j m wilson campbell vllle john h sheppard milton j o beu free- ontario barley for britain as a result of deliberations between the canadian high commissioner hon g howard ferguson and col- the hon t l kennedy minister of agriculture two cars of high quality ontario malting barley will shortly go forward to great britain these cars are being shipped as a trial shipment by the ontario mar keting board and if the quality meets the standards of the british malt houses and the price received is favor able the shipment will no doubt open up a new and extensive trade channel for ontario barley one car left montreal by a op jr boat to london on nov 28 the sec ond car left montreal oo the bead line boat dunnaff bead on nov 27 the results of these shipments will be watched with keen interest by bar ley growers and grain dealers here and tkere tanuun turn m numpet crop of potatoes this year with an offi cial prellminar intimate putting the total i9l ylold at 92558330 bushels froir 576200 acres as com pared with 80101660 bushels from 571300 acres in 183p canada is the pioneer in fish culture on this continent the first fry hutched rrorc artificially fertilized eggs in canada were produced in 18s8 and flsl culture was established as a dominion government bervlce n 1867 a quality has no substitute m8l fiessnm t gardens motbr to lcav jfathrles children axratt look- vt you pauao ft her bed tilde you kratofully j at her bed aide lo ad mire her nedle work bo expert haa ahe become tttttt she foe 16 sure table runner flhe ha made will win a prtke at thtffair back home back home words that brlnff ear aa she tells you how aha ionoa to ba there to look after har family once more annettes husband died of tubdr- ctnoala leavlno her to care for the children aa beat she could it waua not ions however before ahe too wm elalrned by- thfa die- ease when ahe wta aent to the to ronto hospital for consumptlvea with no sjreat prqspect at recovery here the careful retrimen the imlet the freah alf and patient riurslng are greatly helping- annette t vi the tp road back to al th such work oan only be continued with the aid of many nreneroua frienda will you pleae send a grift to mr a e amea 328 college st toronto wood no 1 hardwood beech and maple 5350 hardwood limbs and mixed wood 300 hardwood knots for fur nace 250 ralls 260 any quantity j a smith thone m 13 georgetown wood for sale new low pricks choice hardwood seech and maple 3 50 per single cord bails 250 hardwood limbs and rails 300 j bbandfqftd bex 400 phones s65j 283j britishers are seating canadian ergs this year wltb their break fast bacon estimates for 1931 place a figure of 20000 cases each of 30 dozen egga for export to great britain last year it was only 6600 cases the fur trade is still one of canadas big assets id 1667 furs to tbe value f 550000 rrancs were exported to france last year their value was placed at i it 187399 mostly to great britain and the united states r jnancjjromrjjorvblrrl frank jir be jn to turn a stark milton from whom the bull on tne tasp iwas purchased speights radios deforest crosley sparton silver marshall radio in a price range from 5950 to 45000 and one year guarantee let us give you a demonstration in your name and 90 day free servtoe oonion washers and utonkks norgb befbiokrator8 a product of deforest oraaley consolidated industries tabes batterys and bveparrs to all makes of radios t j spei georgetown preparlns ta turkey giowei axe now beginning to finish or fatten their birds for the christmas boudevrs it is custom ary to begin the process of preparing the luscious turkeys for the nations festive dinner table by feeding them small amounts of grain which gradu ally are increased until the birds are on full feed due to the large supply of wheat available this grain should be used to advantage in tie fattening ration wheat has nearly the same fattening qualities avs corn but does not produce the rwh yellow color of neeh that yellow com does it is lmsurtant however tbsvt all grains be free from mnldlnrsn and they should be fed in hoppers to counteract certain diseases that cause heavy loss do not confine turkeys for fattening es pecially if tbey have been run on a range for range birds cannot stand confinement sow alfalfm this is the year to sow alfalfa stated mr w r reek in announc ing the pains of the ontario standing field crop committee to promote the use of l freely next spring on taiio had a good crop this year of arxalf and red clover seed and it is exspeoted that both of these will be reasonable in price next spring al- slke jnay be included also aa mgn tariffs discourage export mr reek says as a soil builder pasture and hay producer alfalfa stands supreme at rldjgetown we practise seeding all graincrops to alfalfa or mixture of alfalfa and other legjunoes even for plowing down avasfa opens up the soil and adds nitrates and other plant foods to a value worth much more than the price of seed it also lm- kves the mechanical condition of the soil tor the production of beans n fall wheat and other erops as a hay crop alfalfa outyields all others both in quantity and quality it was the only crop to remain green for pasture during recent very dry years in western ontario grain traffic handled by the canadian pacific for october last shows a considerable increase over jhat carried for october 1930 a total or 17921 cars was loaded last montb from the pra rle provinces as compared with a total of 13673 cars iq october 1990 idle since the first week of oe- tober the mill of the british empire steel plant at sydney ns la again in operation giving full tlmo employment of sly days a week to upwards of 200 men they are rolling soft atel for a num ber of orders recently placed with the company with a trail mileage of 7101 miles to his credit and having to date seen 424 moose 69 cariboo and 494 deer in new brunswick e u pope o boston mass la back in the new brunswick for ests on bis 17th hunting trip in 9 seasons he will spend sev eral weeks on this trip nat cornfoot colorful golf pro at the canadian pacific langara course vancouver for the past five and a half years sailed by the empress of russia recently for toklo where he will act as golf instructor at the fuji sbokai club course this organisation operates ahuge indoor layout in addition to its outdoors links mortgage sale under and by vjrttje of the powers of sale contained in ft certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered or sale by j a elliott auctioneer at public auction on monday december j4th 1931 at the hour of two oclock in the after noon at the farm of messrs william macbeth and gordon fry b r no a georgetown ontario the following property namely all and singular that certain par cel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being the easterly 75 acres of the east half of lot num ber 16 in the 8th concession town ship of esquesing county of ralton and more particularly described in a mortgage from william macbeth and oordon pry to the agricultural de velopment board dated the 50th day or may 1838 and registered in the registry office for the registry divi sion of the county of haltoa as num ber 13748 on the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildingn the lands will be sold is subject to a reserve bid terms of sale ten per cent ofj the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days wor further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harry w paoe east block parliament bldgs toronto ontario solicitor for the mortgagees dated at toronto this ssrd day of november 1931 3t i t j s best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed orders taken for ranges appliances of all kinds ssii ss town hall grades for tarnlps market grades for turnips have been in fores for some years and with recent amendments specify the re quirements ror oanadra no 1 smalt i medium medium and large the small grade includes turnips two to four inches in diameter that are shapely and free from damage the term shapely is tsakeon to mean reasonably regular to outline arid with a length not more than one and a half times the diameter defects that are ruled against are freexlng injuries water core soft rot dry rot worms grubs and growth cnacka if any of these are present in small percentage they must be such as can be removed n tbe ordinary process of paring major john w slfton one of the proprietors of the manitoba free press winnipeg seated at his writing desl in his private residence at toronto recently pulled a lever which through the medium of canadian pacific tele graphs transmission wires set in motion the new ten unit speed press lust erected in tbe free press offices at n cost of 1300000 the new prnss has a rated maxi mum capacity of more than 100- 000 fortypage papers per hour twelve hundred colonies of screened bees and their accom panying quoens from tbe province or alberta to china waa tbe unique feature of the canadian export trade to the orient and of the shipments aboard the empress of russia recently the euro pean and american bee produces nearly twice aa much honey as lu asiatic brother that baa been ex- nlnlied hv th rhini since the tuna of confucius 7991 a boot who had worn the same jut t for fifteen yearn decided with heavy heartto 1my a sew one going into- the only hat shop in his nelsditofaood he said well here r an again nurse your wile baa just given birth t4 triplets bxowij rooah thats wfaat comes of her- worldnr to tbe recorders afflos sportsman is recov j philip had a pleasant life at ool- l playing football tennis and air the porta that youth lotta then his fatisr died and philip had to rat a lob lib work wai hard and confining there was hue time for play in trie freah at a frold and a bad poasb raaultad in a one pall of illness whieh anally at him to th muikoka hospital for canaumpuvts it has been an uphill loutntr but h wphpeed madleal attention kindly nuralnsr rest and rood food art remaking this ybnns canadian into aaturay siraupportlns man one more i htava brained b pounds philip sajrs proudly end f am fust about rtarht aamln i wu bejglad to get back to work anf alp mc- reduced prices for fall send tour clothes to be cleaned pressed and repaired ladies coats mkn8 suits overcoats i mens and boys suits and overcoats made to measure ouaranteed to flt hens suits pressed 50c a rose open evenings tailob ijane block mlmmmmmmmmmjummmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmm iverytbing u triplicate hudson dont you find it hard to meet expeiisbsr ramsey hardl man alive i mntjt expenses everytlme i turn a- round i h no shovelling required standard amilracite scranton coal in all size autornatically screened and loaded coal iwood select lump for domestic and threatung purposes smith ing and oannel goal in fact t carry everything to be toujad in any uptodate ooal ana wood yard john- mcdonald v y phonevlt obowjetown pioneers mee after half gervittlkf half a century tea long way to look back and when charlie shaw right met tom wilson in the grounds of he banff springs hotel last autumn it was an occasion for both of them tom is a wellknown character at the famous rocky mountain resort hd is the bole survivor of the canadian pacifies first exploration party of 1881 and was the first white man to bee lake louise shaw who makes his home rn keremos bc is the bole survivor of the aurvey party under c e terry ce which loratad the line acrosk the alberta prairies the pair mot for the onlifl lives till 1931 in 1883 when tom was working under mnjor a b rogers after whom kogera pass is named and charlie was with sir banford flemings memorable ex pedition through the kicking horse pass what this gallant pair of veterans must have had to say to each other when they reanved their acquaintance from the days when they tolled over mann- tnin and plain blazing the way for the great steel girdle which now binds the provinces of the domi nion together down to the present day is history their cheery de- termination has been and is rne in theirj reflected in the story of the worlds greatest transportation system the mantle of responsibility has passed from mountstephes to van and shaugpsessyl to the broad shoulders of ewbeatty chairman and dent of the system acasrs- pioweiifcfiits but the spirit which seat tosa aad charlie across hundreds of nanaa of unexplored t u ara- ehanged for the exxeueat luaau that none better can be f esmd subscribe for the herald for georgetown merchants only th eres f fence a no need ror a round georgetown fj you cant put a fence around georgetown to keep georgetown people from shopping elsewhere neither can you prevent them fiom buying from mail order houses 1 none the less it isnt by any means the hardest task to gel georgetowns folk to shop and buy in yoor stores its a task to he sure but one in which your help will go a long way 4 people buy where they are trained to huy educate them to buy in georgetown and theyll always buy there and buying education is very largely a matter of advertising j advertising i thats the solution i your own advertising and that of the manufacturers whose goods you strive to sell both in your local home newspaper should prove effective in keeping georgetown s business in georgetown and georgetowns dol lars in georgetown j where ia easy the manufacturers advertising is concerned your task via i j when their salesmen come to sell you goods talk up george town to them talk it up with enthusiasm make them realize how importanrgeorgetown is to you in turnover how important it is o their companies in more sales j talk up georgetown so that these salesmen will pass the good word on to their sales managers who decide where advertising ap propriations are to be spent j with the advertising of more national manufacturers in your local nejvspaper georgetown and the surrounding country people will find it easier to shop in your stores y e to keep them coming to your stores and there wont be any need for a fence around georgetown 1 you need the advertising aid of the mamufarturers whose goods yogs stock urge their salesmen to reoottunendj your local laorae newspaper the georgetown heralct i ji 1 yjifwrvt uifc jfcr lzijeiita- ljffiim sis j vv7 ty agisia 3to twjlm ii

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