f r 1 v pikge4 zu the georgetown herald wednesday evening lvay 1 3th i93l new d you fiffiiire it whatever you tell if its worth being told you can tell in three minutes or less the more that you spread it the weak er youve said it dont spread out your words or dl- we mean your paint cost heres an ad advertising paint at 49c a quart heres another featuring paint at 69c a quart heres still another at 100 a quart still they come at 125 a quart and higher which should you buy you get what you pay for and no morel the lower down you go in the price scale jthe less flie pe f u n the worse the appearance the harder the application and die greater the uncertainty good results three mnwtes its pleasant to hear your opinion per haps on something youve seen or youve heard three minutes are plenty you should not take twenty let somebody else have a word oo on for three minutes and tell what think you- might make it less onie or two although now and then you may need five or ten three minutes will usually dp anon novel tomato dishes we aeq famou line of paints and varnishes the comparative price of lowe brothers paint is 1 40 a quart a price at which both quality and economy are assured one quart of jowe brothers ptfird will go as far as two quarts of cheap and inferior paint it will hide betterlook better wear longer brush on easier and requires much less for a given job square foot c and hiding is the measure of economy in paint not the price per gallon if you think you need a quart of cheap paint buy just one pint of lowe brothers paint and prooe for yourself pur claim that lowe brothers paint is at once the cheapest and best paint you can buy cone pint of lome brother point will to as far a one quart of ii cheap and inferior pabd jj see ut before pabsung by betty barclay those whohave a liking for toma toes will relish the following novel tomato recipes the touch of sugar in each accentuates the flavor of the tomatoes andadds fullvalue to the dish v tomato jelly a tablespoons gelatin vfc cup bold water 34 cups canned tomatoes 1 tablespoon sugar celery salt and paprika soak gelatin in cold water add sugar celery salt and paprika to to matoes bring to boiling point add gelatin when- gelatin is dissolved strain pour into a wet mold and cool in refrigerator unmold on let tuce and serve with mayonnaise catoj kbtobt tomato savory cook two sliced onions with one- half cup diced breakfast bacon until both are well done but one over brown add two cups canned tomatoes two taspoons sugar celery salt ana pepper to taste cook gently for half an hour serve on buttered toast r h th0mps0nc0 phone m georgetown ir nii rjaxaxasx mkwrawamoawc jbkmc name- oaeoac for sale eggs chicks and pullets one half cheaper than ever before fare bred bollywood white leghorn bred from carefully selected stock of very high record we can assure you of highest quality possible eggs 500 per 100 any quantity chicks hatched in april h0o per 100 chicks hatched in may shoo per 100 chicks hatched in june 1000 per 100 pullets 8 weeks old can be obtained at mg reduced prices maple avenue poultry farm phone 248 opposite golf links georgetown ont j b wilson prop 3akakafogvxdaoakaayak bruntons garage prompt and expert service on all lands of cars worlonaiuliip guaranteed tires for sale gas on greases and auto accessories main street north phone 280 georgetown cream pees please place a generous helping of cream pie before a hungry male and you may be sure he will approve chocolate cream or coconut cream it m uttle difference to him chocolate cream pie 3 squares unsweetened chocolate cut in pieces 2 4 cups cold milk 4 tablespoons special cake flour sifted 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoon salt egg yolks slightly beaten 2 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 baked slnch pie shell 8 tablespoons sugar egg whites stiffly beaten add chocolate to milk and heat in double boiler when chocolate is melted beat with rotary egg beater 1 minute or until mixture is smooth and blended combine dour sugar and salt add to egg yolks pour small amount of chocolate mixture over egg mixture stirring vigorously return to double boner and cook un til thickened stirring constantly add butter and vanilla cool pour into pie shell and cover with meringue made by folding sugar into egg whites bake it in slow oven 300 degrees p 12 minutes or until delicate brown coconut cream pie 13 cup special cake flour sifted cup sugar teaspoon salt 2 cups milk scalded 2 egg yolks well beaten 1 cup coconut southern style 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 baked 8inch pie shell 4 tablespoons sugar 2 egg whites stiffly beaten u teaspoon vanilla combine flour sugar and salt add milk cook in double boiler until thickened stirring constantly pour small amount of mixture over egg yolks stirring vigorously return to double boiler and cook 10 minutes longer add coconut and vanilla oool and pour into pie shell fold sugar into egg whites add vanilla pile lightly on coconut filling bake in slow oven 300 degrees p 13 minutes or until delicate brown why some hots oo wbono if mahomet went to the mountain rj ff ha took it into his head to return to earth and if be came to canada there ie no doubt but that the prophet would cd to mount robaon for oris xnwatsv nn soil lowwpu nose mall ill iiak in thti nnarltin ttnrlrlr and for another mount robsoo would not likely go so mahomet changes aa ndracnloasas the moving of mountains have come to paaa in the world since mahomets day however and the im butch inmreaatdby intpressed aconfede which carried him comfortably to ua d and a half nuffion tourists from the united state found oat last year greater imrs of traveller are leariung every sunmrtht one of the srat rf them b meant jtobsan this year tta canadian natioaal hallway have organized several personally con ducted tour of canadians d their own country two of them will leave montreal and tomato in july undo th g u suui wcfc qualified men a ca adams ba of granby que martin kerr ba or hamilton and a e bryson of toronto beginning with a great lakes trip the tourists wul see as much of ths west aa can be packed into thru weeks they wul cross the prairies visit the foothills and the rockies spending a tuna in jasper national p and will see mount robson they wul go from vancouver to prince rupert by canadian national ausiaaaja along the placid fjorded insida iwaarst and wut turn east along th skeena through the fascinating land of totem pole the feat of ths tourswill leave montreal on july 10 and toronto the in every province in the dominion conditions have been favorable for spring farming operations and substan tial progress in some districts well a- head of average has been made in the preparation of the land and the seed ing of the principal crops xn the prairie provinces steady u has been made in agricultural operations and wheat seeding is now 50 to s5 completed with work in manitoba far thest advanced the acreage seeded to this cereal is estimated to be about 15 less than last year very utile coarse grains have aa yet been sown there is sufficient moisture for ger- mlnattsnla the northern areas but moivrain is needed in the south the reserve is very low soil drifting has been severe especially in bask in quebec province a large amount of ploughing was done last autumn and recent much needed rain has re sulted in prepatory work being wen under way in ontario farm land has seldom been in better condition with the resultthat all spring work kv well advanced in the marattme provinces and likewise in british columbia con ditions have also been favorable and seeding in the latter province is about 85 completed details follow provinces ontario the season m practically all districts of the province is 10 to 14 days in ad vance of the average very little winter killing of fall wheat is reported and the sowing of spring grains ts practically completed in the earlier districts with the blade above ground a larger acreage of potatoes to being planned and indication are that the production of field corn will also be increased although canning corn win be reduced meadows and pastures have wintered well and there is now sufficient moisture in the ground to promote rapid growth under favour able conditions prospects for fruit are good at the moment tobacco plants have not yet- been set out but it is expected a larger acreage will be planted noice of registration of bylaw notkxris hereby given that bylaw no s1a was passed by the municipal council of the corporation of george town on the 7th day of april 1s31 authorising the issue of debentures to jthe amount of 1200040 for the fol lowing purpose to provide for the consolidation of the floating debt of the town of georgetown and that the said bylaw was registered in the registry office for the county of hal- ton to icuton on the mmd day of april 1931 any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three mootris after the first publication of oils notice and cannot be made thereafter dated this lath day of april 1931 p l heath clerk st corporation of georgetown warning fishing and trespassing prohibited any person fishing or trespassing on the following properties west half lot 18 eon 7 east hall lot 19 con bast half lot it con 8 in too town ship of ksgueomg wfll be prosecuted brant tc8hino oujbi lessees of btreams and pond are courrfwifc slow you can speed them up by sending your list to kely sc aikeii the collection specialists orangevtixb and ocaxph and remember no collection up charge kstahwiihed 1890 no sbovelunq rkdirkd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smith ing and cannel coal in fact i cany everything to be foundv in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 georttotrn wood good body beech and maple wood 375 single cord mixed wood and rails at ts00 single cord j h smith phone m r 13 o tf qlleen street shfte hospital i z 1 we cater to the one and dress shoe trade also to people who are particular about their feet our prices have all boejtregulated and you wul and them correct both for best material and work manship on ooodyear weh shoes all old stleies are picked from the welt and sewn again in the same holes as sewing inside of the stltch- jng either damages loosens or breaks the tnseam thla is very import- v sharpened 10e we ahn have golf stands you have a utan invitation to vlsh this shop any old time v j a ballantine box 546 georgetown ontario phone 300 fat orders taken for ranges an1- appliances of all kinds office toliali i tu an opposttttnity to holders of early scaturing canadian government bonds to extend the term of their investment in the premier security in canada w g 8uby m chicago joarnal of cssnaaerce the duty of one ge toward another is to give it a fair start ia an interesting une in an advertisement of an encyclopaedia what is a good start for an intelli gent youth to be trained in good behavior which in itself ts education and in fact education is the very foun dation of every good start in life money does not compare with it in the long run to give a youth a ba chelor of arts degree does not cover his education it helps thats all there are other things just as im portant among them education in ttie value of money by this we do not mean planting the seed of selfishness and avrloe in his mind they seem to grow wild without cultivation in men but it is fine education for boy to know just how much work and self denial are necessary jio earn and save a dollar a perfect education for a young man includes such things as indust ry courtesy truthfulness honesty selfreliance desire to learn good ha bits and truth about economies and saving and their results in the long run of his life tney are all taught in a business experience either as an employee or a proprietor not one of them is featured in any college cur riculum that we have seen with most fathenwhey are classed as inci dentals to be picked up by experi ence and observation yet they are immensely important one generation owes it to another to train it in all these qualities in the home and when a boy gets his home education by the time he is 15 or 18 he starts under most advantageous conditions no matter whether his family is rich or poor behavior is vital to any generation if it is good there need be no fear for the boys future if bad he is un der a handicap that usually destroys all hope for his ultimate success as a man the rich man who thinks that puitlhg his sons through the univer sity is going to help the faults they have picked up through their boyish years because of neglect or softness or the unwillingness of himself to give them the fundamental home education referred to above is due for a great disappointment lack of firmness sndioying giiklanrf isnevor madfcud for in college indeed the faults that grow in home llfegenerally be- oome stronger with liberal education such as a university course yields without commenting further on the duty of the parental generation we can sum it up briefly in one para graph it is to educate their chud- rch in the common virtues while the home influence is dominant the tendlnces of the children are all on the i surface then is the time to correct them if wrong and strengthen and es tablish them if right the generation that does not do this is likely wtoen old to have many sorrows because of the behavior of those they brought into the world and neglected when neglect was fatal to their future government of the domtnion of canada 1931 conversion loan taw rwaascw tf am rttmimhu cmmmjm efm t beum ef the mm d frjeoete e their k hum i issmes im the jmomwimg tmrmu mmd m the j te tbm azfards to holder of bonds -f- for conversion n interest payment and taxfree privilege for thai life ro in the h and the op tt the term of tje investment at 4f per annum j wtak loan 9 bonds maturing 1st octo ber fji houen of these bonds have the privileaw of gfay jjsto bonds ntaturiiig 1st november 1956 hearing interest from 1st april 1931 the first coupon wfll be for six months tmxfrmm interest at the rate of 3 per anmun paw- able 1st october 1931 the second coupon will be for seven monthv fanci at the rate of ayi per nmun payable 1st may 1932 thereafter to maturity i wul be payable httivearly at 4xperi rjbnewal loan ty bonds maturing 1st november 158 holders of these bonds have the privilege of rwrhanging into bonds ma turing 1st november 1957 bearing 4 y interest payable halfyearly froaa 1st may 1931 there will also be sttached to these bonds three adputmentconpons payable respectively on 1st november 1991 and 1st may and november 1932 for additional interest at the rate of 1 per nerxwr loan yi bonds maturing 1st november 1933 holder of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into boods maturing 1st november 1958 bearing 4yi i payable halfyearly from 1st may 1931 the first five interest coupons being those to and inciadiag 1st november 1933 will be tmxfree there will also be attached to these bonds five tmxfrmm adjustmentcoupoos payable respectively on 1st november 1931 and 1st may and novem ber 1932 and 1933 for additional interest artfaa rase of 1 per annum victory loan 5 yt bonds maturing 1st november 1934 holders of these bonds have the privilege of exchanging into bond mamring 1st november 1939 bearing 4h interest pay- able halfyearly from 1st may 1931 thews will also be attached to these bonds seven adyotrmeot-coo- pons payable respectively on 1st november 1931 and 1st may and november 1932 1933 and 1934 c ste m m aw thm tmrmu af thejm mre mvitmd im tmtml 230000000 the monster mf ke the right tm mr e thh ememmmt mt his discren smhsrriptimms milt ha re mete rmceifes hsmwet my my m im canada mi mmy chartered baammmdmy rmemgm cemadiem bemef dealers mud stmek bro frame lias mtoy he et timed m jmrmts omd rafirt d the mguiai fiesfmttmi tmttimiqg fmmpltte details ef the learn affb- rmtilmi edb met he mmttd em jerma ether thorn these priated hf the kjeafs premier the smmscr lists a tbafe mftlmfem mm 11th may 1931 mod miu ceeee mm er- hmfmre 23rd man 193u athedietimmejthamimisermfpimtnre dnaktmxnt of ftnanos ottawa 11th may 1931 i c- tori- si