Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1931, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald fedneaday evening april ist 1931 v canada must win world chaitipionshipi world champiodfalp to i9ss will bwonb tmmmm who vwcocnli that u eloaneat and beat quality weed with tba nflwt ctrrul cultivation are asaamiui to tho production of exhibition grain whlu it la ncoffnird that tbm tbtaga houl apply to th wbou rrttp ar ooncrantratlon uon m uaall plot la tba plan for aocnrtnc exhibit a am pit if ancb a plot is aubjrrtvd to axtra preparation with mom care probably than it l poutntw to dot to the who crop area f n4 town to the vary rbolfaat at it will not onr provide food quality foondaatlcna lock for next prfnca reading trafcjr wfaaaiaar ample for aihtfaltloa at grtain exhibition rotna uuiv 2f fo alxk 6 1958 srsaa- 200000 in cosh prize rim fct prta hrnah wai m ma stjwtra a aartavi m lam f n rm far i an at aara i 19 tar m bn at aaaa ndil hun 2 ate ap nftaraj jktabio j a carroll vvh in- tokbc tm uataat tmpt of jurt- nova scotia w v lmfftav oou- at traio nw bulxmwicit 6 c hma mpt- w uanltoaa m c klevcfuv j bmtuff oouiubua ol tw rtaiotctoa qomktmkmr victoria psotcs kdwabd bland j w otttta dapvtv ulstaatar af aokdtra qrttmton 8askatchkwan ft h ttoar ds acrtcdltnra bralna albexta i on daj at airt- cvttur rowonton aartcainn f atrtonhwm oai jaf ajrrte t spring millinery ready our new spring styles are now has nothing been ever so smart and attractive offered before call early and get your choice of the many beautiful creations for spring wear misses claridge herald block upstairs april hail gentle nurse of opening buds and flowers thy weeping skies we love thy bajmy breath a thousand jtappy fancies whlspereth visions of may shine through thy kindly showers dreams of white blossoming trees and leafy bowers the woods awake from nature s seem ing death winter is past and gone their fra grance salth while gleeful birds salute the balmy hours fair tender blossoms smile brown leaves between pale lierwort and bloodroots statn- less white the shad bush rears its illumes of snowy sheen the thrilling bluebird lashes azure light athwart the urate just touched with tender greeny and robins flute their carols of de- light agnes maule macnar ftews and information for the busy farmer farmers in sandy districts artr now engaged in plowing frost left the ground early this spring owing to the aridity of the soil in many sec tions it is now in good condition for tx orklng and early seeding of oats and barley is expected as a result h ere an d th ew in 1930 a total uf 972480 cjfns of vepetableij exclusive of soups were packed id canada ah in- ctcte of 3h6382 rang or- 64 8 per cent oyer rbe 1929 park r how he goes to ktaket cow testing in peel interest in cowtesting work in peel county 1s keen results for 1930 of the peel county cow testing association were presented at a re cent meeting the twenty best cows averaged 12 5s7 pounds of milk and 445 pounds of butterfat whereas brie twenty poorest cows only averaged i 5267 pounds of milk and 210 pounds of butterfat rt is felt that the cull ing of low producers would allevlale the surplus milk problem in toronto over 100 cows were entered during february in the cow testing work which brings the total number being tested monthly for milk and butterf at production to nearly 900 cows at bramptop a tarmer near ortula has a grand idea for selling hay he builds the bales in i hollow square on a large sleigh puts a box stove with a long stovepipe the centre and drives- in to town at market he sits comfort ably in his hay hangar and drinks coffee wiuifjrospectlve customers says he tpuk to my customers over a warm fire and a cup of coffee it loosens my tongue juid their pockets exchange n lower rates on cars maple the annual harvest of mi par and maple syrup is now well under wiy uast year total cash value or these products in canada ta 5 2s8620 most of it comes from th province o que bec jflfa crowed railway ccntly fer on t ion- way to moot river six lusty cockerels on the platform at nanalmo re- it was their first trans- 50day journey from van- counter island to tal south afrli uool river na- in figures drawn from the pro vincial government statistics it appears that motor accidents at level crossing faring 1930 total only 1 0451 per nl of all auto mobile accidents occurring toth province of quebec ia that year vanish tug ereatn as a material to improve the complexion of grain kernels will not be tolerat ed in competitive classes of the worlds grain exhlbiton and cori ference to be held at rexina in 1932 tho canadian seed growers association annomces about- rbe- ane tari wbeat- barvestlnc will becha at the cana dian govern nrterat experimental farm at ottawa in rreenhoasea these have been built to complete two years research work la on year and as a result we are two years ahead in our work aaid i h newman dominion cereallst recently fie british market for barley steps to secure markers for ontario barley in britain are being taken by hon t ix kennedy in conjunction with federal authorities recent to- vpfttigatfons have shown that british brewers and maltenr annually pur chase about 21 million bushels of barley from california this bdrley ls especially suited for making beer a variety of bright hard sixrowed barley developed at the o a x is now being grown here and is equajsy as good ontario farmers could dnce 100 million bushels of this ley every year if there was a mar ket for it california barley has been bringing 76 certs a bushel on uie english grain exchanges while cost of shipping is is 40 cents a bushel on tario could ship at about the same cost califbrnla farmers have been receiving 536 cents for their barley at san francisco while ontario farmers receive less than 40 cents british brewing interests are reported to be willing to give the ontario product a trial but wart to be assured of a- sufficiently steady supply to meet their needs automobile owners will pay lower insurance this year outlining the result of the government s investiga tion of insurance rates in the legisla ture yesterday hon w h price at torney general announced insurance companies had agreed on a general reduction in rates on private passen ger cars there will be an increase in the rfltes payable by owners of commercial cars and fleets of cars the reduction in rates is the result of an investigation by mr justice prank e kodgina sitting as- a royal com mission over a period of nearly two years and will mean a saving- to the automobile owners of the province of 1 approximately 500000 during the corning year fr the college bltles carol had always been a home- r and at college lonesomeness affected her work she couldnt seem to study and despaired of passing her examinations wisely her mother thought of telephoning her ever so often and keeping her cheered up it saved the day and carol passed tn easy fashion a proved investment widower l widow bl basinets deal i see by the paper that f with nine children married with seven children that wasnt marriage that was a merger t tell them through the herald what you have to sell it will pay you installation by the canadian pa cific telegraphs of a new tele graph carrier system between to ronto and windsor increasing telegraph facilities by ten two- way channels has recently been put in operation it also pro vide windsor and walkervilla with a direct circuit to montreal over the new carrier system lafarine alatory was made when members of the british royal academy were commissioned to decorate the interior of the em press of britain 4260 ton giant of th canadlaa pacific auantit fleet which wffl make her maldea voyage from england to quebec nt may next sir john lavery sir charles allom frank brangwyn w heath robinson and edmond dulac were some of the artists addressing the combined boars of trade and empire clubs of to ronto recently e- w realty chair man and president of the cana dian pacific railway pointed out that the total tax bill of kta rail way from tnchrpormtlon to 19x9 had seen 105113944 while the total value of ube ertgraa gov ernment contribution to the rail way in cash land sum completed sections had been 9 11 uw the strathmore supply farm operated by the canadian pacific railway woa the first five places in all canada for highest milk production is 1939 for 4yearold cows three yesjrotds took first and third places and 2yearolds took first four places in the ma ture class the farm took second highest milk record the figures were issued by the livestock branch of the dominion depart ment of agriculture t24 charles and you are absolutely sure that you love me irene heavensl do you trunk rd be sitting here leturag you bore me like this if i didntt governor generals arrival bey qeamy seed as never before in the history of farming should care be exerciqdjui the purchase of seeds for planting this spring is the advice of one well- known authority who adds that it is doubly important to make sure that purchases have been governmeru- tested as a result of last years dro and the reduced supply of high quality tock he warasnagadsst b bargain seeds where price alone is the only description given because reliable seedsmen do not ap prove of advertisements where seeds are offered at stipulated prices with out any indication as to their quality or origin it would actually be chea per to buy the best the market af fords than to take the poorest as a gift he concludes washing wanted laundry called for and delivered any part o town work done at rea sonable prices domestic washing at special rates apply to lkb sing p o box ssi geacgatawn town of georgetown notice or registration bylaw notice is hereby given that a law no 90a was passed by of potato and seed sbow the potato and seed show held at 8helbume recently proved a very successful and instructive event tru classes were filled with good quality products with dooley potatoes and alaska oats an outstanding feature a program of lectures was given ttae speakers including prof w j squrr- reu of oac and mr j a carroll director of the departments crops and markets branch the latter em phagized the success of grading ol farm products tn canada the quali ty of eggs potatoes and nogs had un doubtedly been improved canadians were now eating 30 dozens of eggs per capita while england eats only 11 dozen per capita barley vs corn recent declines in the prices of farm products have been far more serious in grains than in live stock and this decline has been greater pro portionately in barley than in wheat this situation presents an opportunity to farmers feeders and poultrymen who have been accustomed to depend upon imported corn barley for gen eral ieeding ls equal to corn in value tn spite of this fact there was im ported into canada during three months last fall 3280000 bushels of com while there was available h storage eleyators 30000000 bushels of highquail canadian barley selling at less than half the price of trie imported feed scores of experiments in canada have demonstrated the value of bar ley as a carbohydrate feed barley is particularly suitable for producing an excellent quality of ba con and may form uie bulk of tne ration for hogs in addition it can be profitably fed to dairy oattla beef cattle and poultry it is pointed out by an authority that the extensive use of barley for feeding purposes will not only im prove the economic position of trje dominion but will also result in low ered production easts to farmer and poultryman w a ross of the vlneland sta tion recommends that if the present spell of fine weather continues oil spraying should be comrnenced in pear orchards immediately or at least as soon as it is possible to get on tne land with a spray machine no oil spraying should be done if the tem- peatureu near at or below freezing veterans attend motor show a grrip nt n men whn have seen in with the gcou n7 ti piauailaiil flafflarhtirnt tlutt lord baatboroaga hal lmoana hfcl 1 jtoominandar tn cmef at halifax waara ha will bw swore at the historic b jsbbona knr4 commante ottha canadlaa padtte unar dnebessof bedford wm grtomuareoaibaaac tlia layout ahowa aasuha aademuliitlako howa lord babmoughlad n tho former it of grist btlinmua auboaa oau oftha most popular kdtoig0 torn maw kuan csaahlaa asaaattacaflath more uian 300 years service general motors of canada and original mclaughlin carriage v the- general motors automobile show in toronto last week all were factory men and together were responsible for the workmanship of the oeneral motors cars on dis play it was a rare thrill they had therefore m witnessing products of ihelr handiwork in completely finish ed form for presentation to the publk amid the decorative showroom setting and listening to che comments of praise and admiration from the crowds- colonel frank chappell fac tory manager headed the party which included among the oldest john gib son who has spent 44 years with the company and sam gummow wno boasts 33 years continuous service by- the murdctpatrjouncuo1 tne corporation of the town of georgetown on the 3rd day of march 1831 to borrow the sum of eight thousand five hundred dollars 8600x0 upon debentures to pay for permanent improvements to the public school consisting of the erection of a new class room and new lavatories and that such bylaw was registered in the registry office in milton for halton county on the 5th day of march 1931 any notice to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereaf ter dated and first published this 11th day of march 1031 46 3t f l heath clerk queen street shoe hospital we do not sell shoes our business fls rebuudlng and repairing and we always repair any shoes that come tn providing they are worth repairing we dont turn any tricky jobs away everything in the une of boots and shoes are accepted and it we cant repair them no body else can you can have your shoes repaired any way you want them but we always advice the best according to the make and style of the shoes we can compete for workmanship with any shoe repair plant in canada we we have had over 35 years shoe manufacturing experience and speci alize tn dress shpes sewn cement ed or nailed half or whole soles note we always pick out all old stitches from the welt of sewn work cobbled re- tour shoes are rebuilt all but prices reduced the same you are invited to give us lot iuallty j a ballantine box546 phone 300 georgetown ont monuments pollock a ingham gait ont designs on reqaeat inspect uui wuik iu oi cemetery in performance comfort and reliability definitely advanced in style perfonaence and value the new oldsmobile offcit rvtryihirig yott colild ask ol a fine car al substantially lower prices this latest oldsmodiht incorporates not only those fundamentals which have proved their superiorities over years ol dependable service but many additional features such as the syncromesh transmission a new ouict second gear downdraft carburetion and insulated fisher bodies visit our showroom today and drive oldsmobile leans the advantages of the general motors owner service policy and of the gmac general motors own easy financing plan down with n a w silent syncro- mesh transmission permits smooth siltat jfiift from first to second to high and back to second automatic manifold heat control warmi up engine quickly and gives it improved performance at all speeds new easy startino starter when engaged auto matically opens throttle to proper i priced rtarfjng position from general draft carrjuretor nonflood choke tjivei increased power higher speed faster acceleration and greater smoothness insulated fisher rodies are warmer in winter cooler in summer and exceptionally quiet new quiet second gear assures smooth swift acceleration rivalling high gear performance in quietness 51 0 8 5 t lielory motors value oldsmobile j n oneill son georgetown ontario tune in friday night on canada on parade wood good body beech and maple wood t375 single cord mixed wood and rails at 300 single cord j h smith phone 84 r 13 oecrpmown if need money must you get some ready cash quickly then use kelly aiken the collection specialists of owen sound orangevflle geetph they get results no collection no charge hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds e e4 office town hall client just acquitted on burglary charge well goodtjye 111 drop in on you some time ajkwyei the day all rlgnt time please trartrrake ittn father isnt that young man ratti er fast daughter yes daddy but i dorf l think heu get away 7 n now murphy wraat about carrying some more bricks murphy i ains feelln well guv nor rm tremblin all over forentan weu then get busy with the sieve farmer very angrily whavre comlnl home with your milk pall em pty fer didnt the old cow give any thing his sonyep nine quarts and lack- i i g no 8bovpu4no required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes autoniaiicajly screened and loaded select lump lor domestic and threshing purposes smith ing and oannel coal in fact i cany everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 gaogajtown carrolts spring cleaning t camits on ode- noaabrwiva cleanser tunis washing soda 2 uc tswa nsrwf jabrlseavsrtsi mattvcubne tar loe s u brooms j 3w ammonia s bgs s sljtatl gawfrlfu lf rousii stow polish 2 27 super suds 3 13e 35e lux p ft g whist naphtha soap worlds largest seller bars ttmlli lhsawtma beais3 lisnl1 a m nv vm tmato ijicb3 2 25 sscfcw vijhr guia hi corn 3 w ay vlii sjiih onlc qli tomatoes r mr sfomi aij q qmlilr staaump lav 31 cmron oat ua34 cmfl 0n tin i 111 milmi q olives 27 ouvk122 jketohijpaiy 50lm g ha ifsjlhl clitis m ml il 1 1 kht essst ess 3- f b carf pacsi1ett1s potatoes per pit fillett of haddie per lb main street lettucb oranges small per dox 15c 18c georgetown r7 t ffl irrr 4

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