Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1931, p. 3

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ihtke georgetown herald wed nesday evening april 1 stt 1 93 1 pbga nearly an seek quality nearly all prink salada ll f th gardens st georges church services cms good friday 11 am mattins and sermon by mr arnold hartdavis of toronto 7 pm evensong and sermon by the rector jesus our lord is crucified i local news raster nekt sunday good friday this week schools close or easter holidays tomorrow this is aprffc 1st did anybody fool you secure your hotcross buns early at longs confectionery i dont forget st oeorges dinner on st georges day april 23rd can on w r irfmofc ma guest speaker we will write names on all eas ter eggs costing 25c or more make your choice early at longs confec- ulonery ladles auxiliary canadian legion sale of homemade baking on satur day next april 4th at 3 pjn in the legion rooms afternoon tea served the xadlea auxiliary of the cana dian legion would appreciate gifts of clothing etc for needy cases phone 181 or 103 r 8 and your gifts wtube collected- t a complete tine of easter novel- tie in choice confectionery awaits yol choice at w h longs brill co are offering some very choice wearing apparel for easter a full line of new spring goods of the lateststyles are offered to both ladles and gnts see advt in this issue i personals services on east sunday 6 am 7 am 8 am holy communion i i am holy communion choral and sermon by the rector 7 pnk evensong choral and sermon by the rector special easter mosic by the choir christ is risen alleluia erwingoldhams meat market choice sugar cured hams and bacon for easter special prices on all roasts for the week end erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown your car j 4 a4 m 129 v pontiac coupe this sturdy dependafek motor wltb famous plsher body displayed along side of new cars compares excellently with them 49500 1939 jbuick coupe no six this car is in excellent state of repair runs nke new 1000 mmmmmmmtmmmmwtmmnf- st v king georgetown rtbe auditors report which was re ceived and passed upon by halton county council showed that the coun mr e rigby of detroit was a vlsi tor in town during the week mr josjpli motherslll ol brampton was a visitor in town today mrs h m wetherald of windsor was a week end visitor lri town mrs j b mackenzie is spending the week with friends in toronto mr ronald mason of ouelph spent the week with mr john t arm strong miss margaret wuloughby of to ronto was a visitor in town during the week miss hardy of ouelph general hos pital nursing staff visited friends in town on monday mrs a e chaucer of llmehouse who has been visiting her parents mr and mrs j matthews of alloa ie- lurnedhome on monday mrs bumntervule mlsa eva sura- mervulev mr harry partn and mr eart buckher of toronto- spent sun day with mr and mrs a a reeve at a mixed bowling tournament held in lakeland florida mar 26th mrs john glbbens won third prise which as a beautiful crushed ice bowl and tongs stewarttown x there wis a good attendance at the softball club dance held in the hall here on march 24h considering the bad weather everybody present had a good time the martinram say orchestra supplied splendid music while jack mcoibbon performed the duties of floor manager to the entire satisfaction of all a delicious lunch was served during the evening it is to be hoped the club have better weather the night of their nekt dance mr ego and miss dorothy price won the lucky number prise new advertisements sjzt auratty cash wttk seed for sale alfalfa seed for sale ontario varie gated government grade no 1 earlys feed store stp milton without any overdraft and have small surplus to carry over into this year miss a m warne cor secretary of the canadian orenteu association will address a meeting and show slides on the work of orenfell labrador medical mission on tuesday april 21st further particulars later early to bed and early to rise cut the weeds and swat the flies mind your own business tell no lies dont get gay and deceive your wives pay your debts use enterprise and buy at home from those who advertise the remains of the late george e morrow who conducted a drug store in georgetown some 39 years ago were interred in greenwood cemetery on saturday afternoon last mr morrow passed away at his home in fergus on march 36th mr and mrs william thompson huntsvule announce toe engagement of their youngest daughter alice reta un toronto to mr oeorge harris only son of mr and mrs e a harris burlington the marriage to take place quietly in april cnox-pres- byterian church choir a play entit led the watched pot wih be given in the gregory theatre monday even ing april 20th the cast includes a group of actresses and actors often seen in hart house toronto produc tions tickets may be obtained from the choir plan at danns drug store april 9th ticket 47c plus sc tax a splendid concert the concert given by georgetown citizens band in the oregory theatre last sunday night was the best of the series and was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience the band is certainly making good progress and is deserving of the support of every citisen eacnre and ola time danee a euchre and old time dance un der the auspices of georgetown wo mens institute will be held in the arena georgetown op friday april 10th franks orchestra w sin clair floor manager lucky number prise for d cards bjo to 10 jo dancing 11 jo to h admission 47c plus 3c tax lores native dies dr tnomas procl proctor hall aged 72 physician scientist and educationist diet at his homo in vancouver bo march 2fth from heart disease he had resided here for twentysix years dr hall was bom in hornby halton county out and was educated there and at woodstock college where he taught for five years after gradua tion ontabio reel estate transfer mr m mckerrat has purchased a frame cottage on albert st from mr f cook of toronto mr vj c bessey has purchased mr w cunninghams farm mr jos gibbons has purchased from mr c j russell ids property on charles st the above transfers were mode through e a benharo a sort real estate and insurance agents gregory theatre block georgetown gregory theatre wednesday april 1 princess and plumber starring charles farrell comedyblgger and better chap ter 10 the indians are coming friday april 3 see america thirst comedy drama with harry langdon story 7 the leather pushers krazy kay cartoon apache kid saturday april 4th matoee at 3 pjn on hiavenly nlghv oo-exarr- ing with john boles he gbhen-volc- ed goldenhaired idol of wo con tlnents evelyn lays til her first talk- big picture qotoedy hollywood theme song fox movietone news tuesday and wednesday april 7 and 8 once a sinner starring dorothy mackaw chapter 11 the indians are coming comedy give me ac tion oonu joan craw ford hells angels far cow it does not pay a motorist to bump a bovine on the highway flank fetch was plaintiff in to action against boot a- thomson claiming damages from the latter for the death of one of tils cows thompson was motoring when hi was confronted with a herd of cattle on the highway ha turned to the left side of the road to pass the trailing animals and one cow jumped in front of his car the animal was badly injured and had to be destroyed thomson declared that it was li for him to avoid strik ing the animal but judge justin to division court accident would had he been in car judgment gff for ima fanner held mat toe have happened oontro of his hwe of nialn- onatabragopton a vamjt from acton oafm there was a large gathering at kaos fis mean on fowmfe 1 f oww quartette blano sojp him j- qrr chorus aula bfcfna mmon dust mm jjowlgj her sir mm spoke briefly be social hour follow ed after which- the staging of auld lang ayne brought a pleasant even ing to a ctoss just sparrowt another swlsxlle is being worked in other parts of ontario a man who sells many birds they are worth ten dollars but the owner will cil was able to meet all obligations accept one dollar down and the re j i j mjjjhje when the birds have proven their ability to sing with its first bath jthe bird loses its beautiful yel low and turns into a common spar row seaforth 3un a beaanral service on friday evening march 27u1 a beautiful service was held in the unit ed church the minister gave an ad dress onjhe roeanlrig of the office of elder and the duty of the session after which mr l m bennett was ordained to office of elder and re ceived as a member of session the minister then read the names of those being received into membership of the church those answering the necessary questions were admitted 20 were received and uheir names added to the roll after this the minister concluded his address on the duty of the congregation to the ewersof ses sion and to the new members and the duty of the elders to the members of- the congregation there was a large attendance communion service was held on sunday morning die church being filled to capacity com erin miss florence mcdowell spent the weekend with mr and mrs hunter and mrs mcdowell at nerval mrs mcdowell has returned home after having spent several weeks with her daughter mfrs hunter and mr hunter at norval john wesley may of erin formerly of mono mills passed away in lord dufferin hospital orangevllle on sunday march 18th in his 71st year death was due to pneumonia follow ing a paralytic stroke in the death on friday march 20 at orion of may elisabeth plnkney beloved wife of the late john mc- eachem the grim reaper left a sad home from whksi the father and mo ther were removed by death within twenty days friends here received the distress- sing news from skntsguard bask ad vising that mr and mrs richard fines and their son austin were the victims of a serious loss by fire on the evening of march 10th when then- home and entire contents was total ly oonsumed by are of an unknown origin their dog was looked in the house and perished in the flames advocate mr george t woods received seri ous head injuries while at work at the plant of beardmore leathers ltd in the harness division yesterday morning and i is in the hospital in ouelph with his life hanging in the balance at a moerttoe of the executive of the acton branch no 187 canadian legion mr j m mcdonald manager of beardmore leathers itmttfd kind ly donated for the use of the legion here the magnificent club rooms at the old rink reeve mason went to toronto on friday last and on saturday bad an operation performed on his left wrist which has been troubling him for the past year or more it was found that a bone had been splintered and was causing the infection the operation was successful and it is anticipated he will be able to return home the latter part of the veek mr john if- dean and two sons james and charles and mr thorn ton smyth of penetangulshene mr charles r dean royal oak michi gan mr and mrs russell falus mr and mrs john monroe mr howard craine miss margaret cralne and miss rutty clark of toronto were here on saturday attending the fun eral of the iste mrs thomas smyth they were entertained here by mr and mrs william j oould bower avenue wans friends of the family for many years free press terracotta the halton brick oo are busy shipping brick again and it is hoped that they will be able to resume opera tions shortly mr jas davidson of olenwllllams was a pleasant caller in our hamlet last week our local quarries here are all gett ing busy and are increasing staff which goes to help out the unemployed mr ana mrs r clark of toronto have moved into mrs k icama house jn main st we welcome them as citizens mr j l orainjo we understand has opened a new quarrle on the moun tain and is getting out some nice stone mr wra kent and mr hale of toronto former residents of this place spent the week end with terra ootta friends mr and mrs hayward and family spent sunday wrtrt friends in ouelph we are peuued to learn that our diphtheruvvpatlent has fully recovered and that there are no more cases in our village it is ruinored tlvtt a new train will be put on the qna here this week- scheduled to run from toronto to colllngwood this wt be very handy for the travelling public daughtm finds oct the young wife was worried when mothers weakly letter failed to arrive finally after several days she tele phoned home dad answered no nothing serious mother had hurt her hand slightly and couldnt write how it relieved her daughters feel ings to know everything was all right i miss ella cbulson of muton who was one of the 400 guests at the euchre and dance given by the mountain union womens institute in the town ball xure on tuesday night had the misfortune to trip and fall down one of trie stairs dislocating her right shoulder and breaking two ribsv halton county spring assises opened at the court tuuse here on monday before justice qarrow with basil w essery of toronto acting as crown counsel there was one criminal case on the list- the king vji walter riesy walter hjes of oakviue- chanted with manslaughter in connection with the death of eigtuvyearold prances rummy of oeucvule alleged to have been killed by rlesys car on dec 8th 1930 while site was playing on the street in front of her home was found not guilty by the jury after is min utes deliberation riesy did not go into the witness box and there- were no witnesses called for the defence the prislbiier had been held in jail here since ills arrest at the time of toe accident champion batehmg eggs from bredtolay plymouth rocks in any quantity mrs w a mc- dure phone m r 5 georgetown 3t far sale alfalfa seed government graded no itttppvy to a n stark phone 99 r 22 georgetown 2t wanted 2 rooms for married couple with view to housekeeping no children write to boa 25 or phone 331 itp for sale childs collapsible gocart is good as new price reasonable phone ss8w georgetown- ltp nr sale set of orchestra trap drums almost new price reasonable apply to wil fred preston box 300 olenwiluams phone s f 23 at s pamttrurand papering prompt service and flrstcuts manahlp in painting and paperhang- tng prion riasonahle win h cole man phone 253 tf fior sale white blossom sweet clover gov ernment tested no 1 germination 99 350 a bushel cash c elcutts ac ton phone lie r 2 lot 24 con 3 ltp acton auction sale under and by vtrture of the powers of sale contained in a certain inden ture of mortgage dated the 23rd day of may 1022 and made between james mathewson wallace as mortgagor and william sklrrow as motrgagee and assigned by the said wuuam skirrow to florence i wright by indenture of assignment o mortgage bearing date the 22nd day of september 1924 which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on saturday use second dat of icat 1931 at tale hour o twelve oclock noon at the meclboaa btotel at corner main and mill streets georgetown ontario by frank petcta auctioneer use fol lowing property namely part of the west luu of lot ntnnbsr 23 in the gtti concession of the town ship of fsywsbng and more partiou- larlv described as fallows comrnenc- tltelr at ttu joutbtrty tog of the said hah lot thence north westerly along the easterly limit of the allowance for road between the eighth and ninth concessions fifteen chains and five links more or less to a post planted in the centre of the westerly limit of the said hall lot thence northeaster- ly along a hn running through the centre of said half lot two chains and thirty links to a post thence easter ly six chains and fifteen links to a post planted at the distance of four chains and seven links from he east erly limit of the said road allowance in between tbe eighth and ninth can ons thence still easterly ten chains and forty three links more or less to a post planted hi ho south erly limit of said tmm v thenon- south wetter along the southerly limit of mo said half jot ten chains aqd ofty seven unfa to the place of begrnnltsfv tkrm8 ttil premises will be of fered for tabs tree from encumbrances subject tor a reserved bid ten per sent 10 of the purchase monies will be paid to the vendors solicitors at the time of the sals and the bal ance within thirty days nhereafter for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to harris js keaqkirs 26 adelaide street west tronto 3t souortora or florence i wright smd foe sale alfalfa seed government graded no 1 13 per bushej wt fsmchdr phone 96 r si georgetown it fasr sale modern home on ouelph st all conveniences electric hot and cold water furnace laundry tuba septic tank barge sou no reasonable biter refused f allatt phone 127j ltp sosl far sale a quantity of alfalfa no 1 certi ficate no 4011114 12jm per bushel also a quantity of goose wheat 90c bus t barfcy norval phone 74 r 6 2tp seed grain a quantity of seed oats at 50c per bushel and barley at 65c per bushel good clean seed mrs geo faulk ner norval station phone 62 r 11 georgetown st mcbe co i ii m 1 m i j s ts bigger and better bargains peter pan dresses a large assortment of the latest peter pan dresses new styles new colors price 200 and 5 large sizes- dark colors 230 j house dresses ladies chamfery house dresses sizes 36 to 4 t ladies dark print dresses fast colors ahort sleeves at 1 150 a large assortment of house dresses fast colors at r 6 85c 100 epd 15 hosiery ladies pure silk hose new colors substandard i5o iwy ioo pure silk hose first quality 75c and 85c reduced to 49c ladies silk and wool hose 60c arid 75c only 49c special u agents for langieys cleaners and dyers mcbean co georgetown ontario steve far sale quebec style cook stove good newra uaxup pip ami g two steel beds owner leaving shortly and no longer deeds them woohings phone s4sw ltp wood far saks maple and ash ft wood s10jm per cord foot wood m single cord try our special s500 load also kindling j o murray phone m r s2 georgetown aanrung and deearaung painting and decorating done at reasonable prices satisfaction guaran teed no job too large no job too small r j wiggins phone ssi georgetown ltp tf concrete work i am prepared to do concret of all kinds- estimates given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone s21 s walker georgetown jtp tf special at the new bauber shop on water st saturday april 4th to all children under 12 years a free haircut f c gamer barter to the public i am prepared to do all kinds of gardening and lawn work at a rea sonable price if you nesd anything in this line i shall give prompt and satisfactory sorvtce walter parsons factory eji georgetown 2t to kent bouse to rent in that desirable resi dential dbtrlot of oeorge street where you are close to downtown and highway but aunty from noise house has six rooms with all conveniences it was completely remodeled last year it has many builtin convenl- es which require less furniture for particulars apply to j b macken- sle 4s son phone 3sw georgetown st georgetown ftsh close to rink shone 163 all kinds of fresh and smoked fish daily fresh fried nth and chip dinners and sup- pen we have changed our method of frying and adopted an odo one come hi and saotiple a meal or take it home with you it wood for sale choice hardwood per single cord ss7s mnted wood and ralls ssjm ralls and hardwood tsjs ha sms j btbandford phone 98sj or issj pessw pure food store ipkgs de luxe jelly powder 25c 2 lb guplptji creamery butter 67c 3 large cans pens 25c 3 pkfi satchel brand dried peas 21c 2 tina aylmer vegetable or tomato soup 23c 2 tins sliced pineapple 28c 2 lb jar good morning marrnalndo 39c ch c fle e lb 23e- 2 lb choiee dutch qnipn sets 29c lemons per drtai 19c 3 pk lwsoap flajkat 29c 2 tlni snap hand cleaner 27c choice fresh fruit and vegetables at right prices ae farnell phone 75 we deliver mtmrnmrnm pi j ui baby catca vxcftangmd for 0of grain ofall kind many rarrnert are loaded up with grata havi no money but desire to obtain some wellbred ducks we will give you a fair price for your gram tn chicks or young pullets our british columbia c whits leghorn chicks are unsurpassed oome and see for yourself liaised from oioodtested h bred tobt c lffl w also do custom hatching at 0 cents per chick tray holds 200 oet m touch with us waxdwood fou1trt farm sb qeargetewn out baby chicks baby chicks from uptostandard a c wane anathema and o a c barred recks bred especially for the htehlt production of large alaed eggs at the least passible cost leghorn prices balance of march 16c each ax rock priees s c per chick more than leghorn prices custom hatohtoo in lota of 12 dosen or more rates from shc down to 2c per egg set we would advia ordering early as usual the best dates are being quickly taken up our prices are- original hot oom- jpetltlve and are based on a fair irv ing to both eustocner and ourselves wrke j suiaisky sods rjutannia rornltry farms rir na rusaj oat important notic rednelionin return third class rates to british ports 12900 rffecttve on sailings march 2nd to april 30th and august 1st to october 15th return portion valid on any sailing within two years of eastbound departure apply to walter t evans for further particulars and information on sailings agent for all ocean steamship lines reduced rates for automobile insurance we guarantee you protection and service telephone for states h r mimms telephone 114 oneill block georgetown manufacturing battery service gterling batteries charging repairing rebuilding new batteries 750 up j g wilson shop at ashgrove georgetown ont r h thompson co for dependable hardware phone 46 georgetown i siasa5

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