Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1931, p. 1

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v 4- ri nj the j- etown herald sixtyfifth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 1st 1931 150 per aiuiuoq in advance 200 to usa the georgetown herald j m moore rabushzr and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association canadian national electric railway r eastboond dally except sunday f 48 ium dally w tse m f dally 1148 nan daily 148 pm r daily except sundays asopjn r tauy 548 pjn dally 848 pjn 1 dally 11s pm in westbound iiv dally except sunday 8jw am dally lofll am dally 101 pjtt dally v 101 pjn dally 641 pjn daiy 901 pjn daily 1201 ajn fast freight same day delivery service r freight picked up at gnelph georgetown phone 13 cnr time table standard time gains east passenger 714 ua passenger 959 aon passenger and mall 1018 in passenger 239 pm passenger and mail 431 pm passenger soo pan- sundays going east passenger 139 pm passenger 413 pm f 5 spring is here it is time now o get your new spring outfit for easter we have one o the best and largest stocks of wearing apparel for ladies and men the very latest in fahiori and die best in qualify ewer offered to the people of georgetown and vicinity at the most reasonable prices we are making a special offering of ladies coats gains west passenger and mail passenger passenger and mail passenger passenger passenger sunday passenger sunday iis am 84 am 208 pm 402 pm- ita pm 1008 pm 1005 am 1008 pm going north going mall and passenger of the very lastest styles and best of materials ladies it will pay you to investigate these values here are a few specialsfor this week end childrens reefer coats specially for the spring at ladies house dresses matte or real heavy materials latest shades and styles just received a new line of silk dresses this week including silk prints crefe silk etc new styles from 495 we have a good selection of girls coats made of the best woollen tweeds at a good variety of boys suits made of the best materials 4piece suit at new s of-boya- caps nrwrnt nhnrrcs at boys short nickers sizes up to 28 irr at courage i pictured courage once as crimson- clad bearing the thrill of bugles in his name burning toward victory as some swift name i pictured courage as a slender 149 daring a dragon or a martyr glad upon his way to torture and to shame i pictured courage courting hurt and blame to prove the high conviction that he had and though deftiflw turning still to jest vy above the wound he covered in bis breast v but when i think of courage now i a braver woman who has thrown away the joys that make life beautiful to a servant in the house of leprosy fn well when cotlrago leaps to buglesl she must very quietly long day and day face the white death no human hand may stay serve the long anguish that she may not free this was the courage of the man who chose the path to calvary nor feared its close by theodkkla garrison 195 98c 675 850 59e central ontario bus lines ltd coaches going east 2j5 pm 5 1015 pm going west 1246 pjn 3 45 7 45 pjn daily except sun days and holidays b45 pm sunday and holidays only an bassa sis at bears stave 845 am directory uk boy dale oeargeurwn ontario ofllw ftng bidg mill st clajbknce bl wiggins solicitor notary roan osdoes oneill block oeorsretown telephone 1m john a tbohpson notary rckuc offices ion street phone ml and s mm oat sham ana bowyeb brampton ontario ortrt k b o h bowyer note a few specials m our footwear lane ladies pat strap shoe guaranteed quality at per pair new styles ladies kid romps at a real bargain in mens work boots made of good heavy leather and sole at 49c 175 275 250 2 m p dont forget we have a choice line of samples of madetoorder suits for men at most reasonable prices mens dress oxfords and boots from h silver phone 375 main st georgetown ontario legislature march 30th 1931 declaring the ontario hydro power commission is following the principle laid down by sir adam beck of pur chasing power outside the province hon j r cooke minister of power in the henry qoverrmseht in wind ing up the budget debate for the government made a spirited reply to hydro critics in a vote on the tweed amendment which criticised the government for not removing cer tain txatlnn the henry government had its budget approved by the over whelming vote of 81 m creation or an advisory board of three members which will establish a system of industrial school opera- tionoomparame to h b sys ln england is contained in leglsla- kknnnth bl langdon bantstw solicitor notary fahlse first mortgage money to offices main street south phonehjm sb j 1 paul dav bl t raul of health m 1 township to 4 and 7 to i dji homo ss office and bosinenne mill stress f a watson djs auub ttflu hours so s kxoapt thursday ii w l hkatsl udjb djx3 in lane- block one door north of oneills carriage factory jn to 4 pjn afiss lamb rbactical maternity nfcaws by day or week par particulars phone 84r6 georgetown a a s chiropractic xra ace over yservige dominion star office boars monday wednesday at a to s and t to pjn other days and hoars by appolntnient ttnona lssw iriotstwri ltll tuesday end prtday 1 as aam frank petch ucknskd adotionkkb lor the oomntles at peel aat prompt servtoi cheltenham 36r3s aeorgetown slrs post office cheltenham k j iuskk ai7ctionesr anivbbax estatk u years ezperienee far aaetlan sale pltonk m acton nt c e mcclure auctioneer real estate merchandise and pmrm sates par terms phone kr 6 oeonptown ontario colmans trdckdra aat cabtt- a0b sbstvlob we sra prepared to do an oua of trucking and oattage no job too mall no job too big oourtaay and rrio aiarsatasd mwo jn raorssiosm oat or p o baa wt bruntons garage prompt and expert service on all kinds of cars workmanship guaranteed tires for sale gas ob greases and auto accessories mam street north phone 280 gaorgetow j sanford stewarttown plumbing tinsmitbing ihsmsies ckeerlijlj uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 one thimbleful- a days feed fo one chick juomk ov it one ttny tiumblefo all the feed a chick can put in its little crop in one day on this tiny bit it most live grow build bones build muscles start feath ers think of the job feed has to dot- they most depend on feed for so many things i they et them all fat purina chick startena mash or purina allmash startena chow 12 different ingredients in every thimbleful codliver oil dried buttermilk alfalfa sour granulated neat these and eight others are there i these 12 infrediemts think how carerany they arast be ndssd to make every thimhlefal auko purina startena and julmash startena chow are mixed over andinrcr again 940 tunes jest to be thonmhlyoa wtn find the tin care taken willi baby chick chow scratch toba rf sfrmaamy are ate weeks eld and with parma growesgrtnuah and parian inlarmerllste ben chow scratch rlo be fed from then oa until the pallets are laving at 14 weoku howulue feed a chick eats just oaa thlmbteml a day yet how unportant hi bow much dependt on- it the chicks very ufa u frowth what the pullets win do for yon swat fall and winter when efj are sere to ba worth food sanany to can afford to feed only tbe best paxina foamy chows startena is much cheaper 350 and 3j for sale by per baa phone 175 r g early georgetown tlon introduced by hon w martin minister of welfare wixich also pro vides power to search tax family his tory and background of all juveniles committed to any court in ontario a qualified psychiatrist is to be ap pointed to study every cbila strong opposition to the proposed abolition of the use of dogs in hunt ing was stressed before the game and pish committee in which several members spoke urging the oommittee to approve the policy of continuing use of dogs by hiiritsinen they argu ed that it is the wolves and not the dogs that are destroying the and said they would hesitate to enter the bush should dogs be arhsrwf a proposed amendment to the fish and game laws is to be introduced to safeguard the rights of both anglers and commercial fishermen which will make it unlawful for any one to pur chase sell or barter pickerel pike or jake trout except under authority of the commercial license complaints from anglers in the georgian bay dis trict were made that commercial fish ermen were depleting those waters a grant of s 000 000 tor develop ment work in northern ontario was approved by the house following a discussion of problems of that sec tion of the province by hon wm ptnlayson minister of lands and forests who intimated uut a syst of travailing auditors will be institut ed in connecion with continuing this work ttus auditor will tour the ten engineering districts to check all ex penditures made by the department over a period of eighteen years hon mr ptnlayson explained to tbe house there had been 50000000 spent in this development and there had been one charge proven of irregu larity in connection with these ex penditures two huge undertakings are provided for in tbe fund these are the building of the ferguson and transcanada highways while a route for the latter will require consider able study as to whether tbe northern route or the southerly shore route should be adopted premier henry in wrplalnlng an amendment to the highway traffic act dealt with the section on hitch hikers the section prohibits any one soliciting a 1ft while on the tra velled section of the mghany premier henry observed it is directed at the professional hitchhiker who is caus ing a menace on the highway by getting out on the road and practi cally forcing motorists to stop and five him a lift we seek to discourage tg in traffic and holding up that traffic and thereby creating a danger to motor ists travelling along the highway said premier henry who added quetph student complained it might prevent htm reaching his borne to visit his girl when he is traveling wthout funds premier henry added that it was not intended to interfere with such cases hon t u kennedy minister of agriculture expressed pleasure at the decision of the british government in not changing the cattle freight regu lations which would have made ex port of cattle from canada more ex pensive to the shipper it will encourage the export of cattle to knglaral si ontario cahfe exporters were much perturbed over the situation as an increase m the space per head would have made ex port almost prohibitive said col kennedy annual report for 1930 of the pro vincial police department tabled by hon w h price attontmyoeneral shows increased activity ha the num ber of prosecutions throughout the province although this is explained by the additional number of motor cycle patrol officers added to the de partment total prosecutions under acts was 14592 n increase of 1 406 over the pervious year while prosecutions under the criminal code exclusive of the liquor control act numbered s070 an increase of 1386 commenting on the enforcement of the liquor control act maj mrat vtctrjr wttluunsr comrntadonerof police observes that one of the chief difficulties is the home brew beer problem and the influx of american alcohol ttoere were 6ir prosecu tions for violations of the act in hlch 5550 were convictions 595 dismissals and 1130 committals value of beer and spirits seised was 06618 there were 86 automobiles coraqscated under the act and seven motor trucks valued at 33600 major crime in cluded 31 cases of murder being one lees than in ibm 17 of manfrtaiightw as compared with 38 in the previous year while suicides totalled 8 the same number as in ibs britains princes are kept busy ukk the prince of wales his brothers also havij a host of formal dctlig to keep them well employed the visit of the prince of wales to south america in company with jus youngest brother prince george calls attenflonto the fact that there are four brothers in the royal family com ments clair price in the ny tunes afagaslnei the kings younger sons the dukeu york the duke of oiou- oesier and prince george are tn the somewhat anomalous position of all younger sons w royalty but neverthe less they bring distinct and clearcut personalities to the various formal duties that devolve upon them she declares the duke of york who la now 35 is the only married man among them and the most serious of them all the dukeobc gloucester who is 30 is the tallest the most athletic and the most reserved the only one of the four who looks as old as he is re marks miss price prince george who is 28v looks most uke the king excepting for his height his resemb lance to his father is almost start ling prince george went to the battle ship iron duke in 1931 as a midship man with the intention of becoming a sailor prince he got on well in the navy taking his navigation gunnery and torpedo certificates and acquiring enough french to become an interpre ter in the atlantic fleet his progress was not due to his royal status for princes practically cease to be princes when they enter the navy the navy nicknamed him p q ry liked him but his troublewas seasickness and eventually it proved to be due to a constitutional weakness which seju obliges htm to limit himself to the simplest and pl of foods eaten sparingly seasickness is by no means exclusively a landlubbers ailment admirals as well as generals suffer from it and the king himself in this respect has never been a good sailor prince george was on the china sta tion when he was compelled by medl- ral advice to give up the navy and- inqulsltlve small boy ttaddy if our doctor doesnt treat pig cures thebacon come home he was then posted to the foreign office to begin a new car- eerbut his weakness has played havoc with that also ever since prince george returned from china the prince of wales has taken an especial interest in him the two brothers went to spain in 1937 and they are now in south america together their companionship prompted by tbe natural tenderness of an elder brother for a younger who has had a stroke of bad luck has pro bably been furthered by the fact that the duke of york has a family of his own to look after and the duke of gloucester has always been selfcon talned the prince of wales has crowded i greater variety of experience into his thirtysix years than most men ac quire in a lifetime and prince george outlook has been largely restricted to the navy and its set yet the two have much in common tbey fry together they hunt together they are seen at house parties together they have sum mered together on the prince of wales s canadian ranch the duke of gloucester likes horses better than airplanes and the duke of york al though he earned his wings before he married does not care much for fly ing now that he has a wife and two small daughters but the prince of wales and prince george are both pilots who can handle their own ma chines who in fact learned flying in the same blue moth bus they are both motorists who can talk machines and speeds and coachwork to then- hearts content both dance although the prince of wales is perhaps che fonder of danc ing prince george is taller more slender and not so restlessly on the move out he is easily the best dancer in tbe royal family when he wants to be incognito he won a dance com petition at cannes a year or two ago prince georges musical tastes are perhaps a little more serious than his brothers the prince of wales per forms on the drum and nkelele in preference to any other instrument but prince george is a rood pianist provided he is at a house party where he knows everybody well he used to be very fond of the russian ballet and could be found in a frontrow stall night after night whenever the rus sians visited london as his rooms in buckingham palace attest he has a good eye for color and is fond of pictures both movie and watercolor he has a wide acquaint ance among threatre people tn lon don and he can make a fair speech when he has to although at the age of 38 he obviously does not enjoy speetminaklng not only is he mod est but he has hardly yet emerged from the shyness which used to af flict all the brothers he is the only one of the four who has ever been robbed his car was stolen in the street one night but was returned undamaged a few days later it probably was stolen in ignorance of its owners identity for it is an un written law m kngland that members of the royal family are exempt from robbery the prince of wales saw much of south america on a previous visit but until the present tour everything below panama was new to prince the duke of gloucester the kings third son who is a cavalry officer in the tenth hussars and is making the army his career has recently returned from abyssinia where he represented the king at the emperors coronation he also represented the king at the vndulng of princess astxtd of sweden to prince leopold of belgium and has theref begun to assume his share in the btate events abroad in which the kings sons customarily deputise for him he is a member of the privy council which enjoys nowadays an extremely august but purely formal existence he is a knight of the gar ter the oldest and most ulsstrous or der of knighthood anywhere e and has his oaken stall in its fine chapel at windsor he is a member of the jockey club which shares with the royal yacht- squadron at coves the distinction of being the most ex clusive olub in the world he is one not far behind him it is hardly less typical of the duke of gloucester that he goes with the prince of wales to the annual dinner of the farmers union in the old corn exchange at melton mowbray these are jiie farmers whose devotrion to the sport makes the melton mowbray country the best hunting country in the world the menu at their dinners s always a sound english menu roast mutton red currant jelly mash- id potatoes and brussels sprouts the dress is always varied dinner clothes rough tweeds pullovers whipcords leather leggings readymade ties the prince of wales unless he happens to be abroad is always tn the old oak armchair al the head of the table aijd despite the no smoking no tices on the- walls the port is always followed by pentletnen you may smoke having entirely shaken off his ner vousness before ap auldenoe the duke of gloucester is now a very good speaker the toast of the royal fami ly at the royal academy s annual dinners sometimes falls to hlxn and so do presidencies of agricultural shows openings of charitable institutions in the east end of london and attend ances at levees and hunt balls his duties involve him in a great number of dinners at which he displays royal tys own gift for appearing to be in tensely interested in the conversation of dowagers generals and statesmen he is a good dancer he likes the movies he smiles upon autograph- hunters but never under any circum stances obliges them the duke of york who has not fig ured much in the news since the birth of his second daughter but year is not only the most serious ol the king s sons but also is the only married one and apparentrfae married lady elisabeth rowes- lyon in 1933 and their two daughters the little princesses elizabeth and margaret are among the most popu lar of british royalties the present line of succession passes through the prince of wales and the duke of york and thence through the duke of yorks daughters the kings second son stands therefore no considerable distance from the throne as a re sult he has carried out more royal duties than any other of the brothers excepting the prince of wales him self attendance at the rvmaamur expression of thought to you if nobody smiled and nobody cheered and nobody helped us along if each every minute looked after him self and good things all went to the strong if nobod cored just a little for you and nobody thought about me and we all stood alone in the battle of life what a dreary old workl it would be life is sweet just because of the friends we have made and the things which in common we share we want to live on not because of ourselves but because of the people who care tt b giving and doing for somebody else on thatall itfes splendor rtti and the joy of this world when youve summed it y all up is round in the mating of friends c a ward easter day and if christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain to the keenly logical mind of st paul the validity of christian doctrine depended upon resurrection of which easter the coronation in 1933 the serbian royal wedding tn 1933 and the more recent italian and norwegian royal weddings have all fallen to him and at one time there was talk of sending him to south africa as governorgeneral he went through the battle of jut land in the couingwood like prince george he was intended for a sailor prince his navy career however was cut short by a serious illness and he went from the navy into the air orce to earn his wings as a pilot he is not the best of horsemen although he used to hunt a good deal but he is a good shot and he brought hone an impressive bag of lion pelts and buf- xalo heads from kenya in 1925 he has not as good an eye as his father but the king is one of the halfdosen best amateur shots in the country the duke of york plays tennis left- handed swims well and plays better than average cricket but he is best known by reason of his interest in civics houslnfc work ers welfare and the relations between capital and labor subjects whuch he studied at trinity cambridge where he lived with the duke of gloucester business summary the freedom gow also he is high steward or kings lynn the difke is the complete product or eton the hussars and polo the best horseman among the kings sons one of the most popular dinner guests of the london season and a sportsman who has not only shot his own lions but has also eaten them it was- in tanganyuka m november 1b38 that he watched his lion carved and put oyer the grill he sampled one of its chops at first somewhat uneasily but eventually pronouncing it tetter than the best veal ba had ever tasted he is also the best cricketer la the royal 4saub7 ahhouab the duke of york is the following business summary was handed out by the bank of mon treal under date of march 23rd ontario retail trade at country points has been further slowed up by bad roads and by curtailment of purchase by farmers who fed keenly the continu ed recession in prlceaof livestock de partmental stores in the larger cen tres continue to feature pricecutting sales to the disadvantage of the smaller merchants wholesalers re port volume is under that of last year collections are slow to fair automo bile and accessory plants while sea sonally increasing production are operating approximately 40 under the level of last year due in part to the newly adopted policy of spread ing production more evenly tnrough out the year manufacturers of fur niture are fairly well engaged with orders and enquiries are coming in a little more freely the steel indus try continues to improve slowly tan ners report increased sales following a stronger hide market boot and shoe manufacturers report improve ment with volume equal to tnat of last year rubber footwear 1st slow knitting hosiery and woollen mills generally are busy lumber is mov ing slowly at about 50 of last years level packers report domestic trade quiet with no export demand prairie provinces trade generally continues dull al though there is a slight improvement in some staple lines buying is largely on a handtomouth basis collec tions for current business are satisfac tory but are slow in old accounts cash wheat on the 20th instant clos ed at 57 vt cents between 1st august 1930 and 13th march 1931 269 450000 bus- wheat were delivered by farmers as compared with 316731 000 bus in the corresponding period of the pre vious year supplies of cattle have been quite- heav and s bu densome for the present state of trade choice steers are 6 as compared with 10 a year ago select bacon hogs are 650 with 1 per head premium as against 1125 and the same premium last year building permits issued in winnipeg for the first two months of this year amount to 711 000 as com pared with 1 126900 for the corres ponding period in 1930 during feb ruary 1640 cars of coal were ship ped from the drumheller held as compared with 2 770 cars in february of last year it is estimated there are 75211 tractors in operation in the prairie provinces day is the universal commemoration jesus had shown to those who heard him a new way of life and his words had sunk deep in their hearts but if he had died like other men and had left to his disciples only a mem ory he might not be today even one of many teachers for the spirit which animated his biographers would have been jacking nor would st paul himself who never saw him in the flesh have become the greatest single human influence in the founding of jus church easter day is thus the greatest festival of the christian year for which that other great festival christ mas is only a preparation m the early church every sunday recalled the resurrection but it was soon felt wat an event of such lremen- dous consequence demanded a special anniversary and the season was flxed mainly on the authority of st peter there are no real difficulties in its celebration as a movable feast cer tainly no implication that it has no historic significance questions of this sort are of little value in view of the practice of the church from the very beginning that is a witness to the reality of the resurrection which could not be impeached though the gospels had never been written the hope of immortality persisted in mankind long before the christian era to think of a hereafter is one of the deepest of human instincts but only the fact that jesus rose from the dead could transmute ex pectation into belief many have sought to dispute the reality of this fact but the testimony is too plain to be disregarded there is no other explanation for the persistence of the faith in a world hostile to it no other theory that makes the growth of the church plausible nor has easter day ever been secularized a christmas has sometimes been thert is something in thoinuman consoiou ness which makes even the unbelleve half believe composition had am before jehtre was a business depression in 1857 lasting 12 months there was a business depression in of the tew rnert living whocomblnellbw fasting 8 months the freedom of edinburgh and olas- 3there was a business depress ion in 1873 lasting 30 months there was a business depression in 1884 lasting 33 months there was a business depression in 1887 lasting 10 months there was a business depression in 1893 lasting 33 montns there was a business depression in 1903 lasting as months there was a business depression in 1907 lastmg 13 months there was a business depression in 1814 itpg 8 mouths there was a business depression in 193123 lasting 14 motnhs au at tnom came to an end eoospt this one it wm too at georgetown high school miss edith bulllvant was awarded the highest marks in her class for the following composition my choice op a profession prom early childhood i have har boured a very strong desire to be come at sometime a teacher dur ing my p b career this am bition never left me though i was undecided as to what course i should pursue before one year of my high school career had elapsed i made my decision which i am sure i shall always retain i should be a teacher of languages this course a i have no doubt is difficult and requires hard studying to make a success of it but the fact that i may become such a teacher despite the hard ship previously mentioned urges me on when you are striving for some goal such as this school life becomes much more interesting and pleasant and you appreciate more the fact that your parents are working hard to send you to school next i shall attempt to explain to you my reasons for this choice judg ing from my ability in subjects apart from languages i feel that i could not make a success of myself other wise latin and french are my favorite subjects though i could still improve in them though i have a great love for- english parti cularly english literature there la much more room for improvement in that particular subject i hope that with the years i may develop a keener ability for english it is my contention that if you like a subject and are faithful to your school work there is every possibility that you will make a success in it in later years then too i consider that when parents are working hard to send their child to school it is the duty ol the children to usury inelr falhi in them by working hard and be coming a teacher i hope to give my parents a chance to be proud of me within themselves and not to be list ed in the class which makes no pro gress in this world i do not wish to be dependent on anyone else for a living when i be come a teacher and i have every hope that i will i shall be able to repay my parents for their goodness in sending me to school sacrificing everything m doing so i may sometime have the oppor tunity of visiting france if i run teaching french at that time i shall thus be able to learn much more and knowing some trench will have a much more rileasant visit it is well to have a knowledge of sudh things as french latin and ir snsilah jtacaturs should be more widely read than it is when i pursue it far enough to teach it i shall meet with some works which i otherwise might have missed i hope to cultivate in the minds of others a genuine love for english lit erature of course i have another ideal ih life but i have the strongest desire to accomplish much before attaining that thus to become a capable tea cher of languages is the highest pin nacle of glory which i can hope to attain how are you weil thank you h6w do you find days by adreruirinc business these i t r l

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