pago 4 the geofgetown herald wodneeday october 16th 1929 the red rose tea guarantee means what it say if not satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money redrose r is good tet red rose orange pekoe l tr gooj we are selling pasteurized creamery butter yea every sjlareay nllu th georgetown creamery m saxe marnier agent ter mslelte chu mmlw can ul e two wheat we will truck hovo installed a large receiving seperator to take direct from thresher best prices w b browne co nerval hear muls nerval keow- full line ol fresh groceries al ways inslock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters temui cash georgetown plume 29 bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing 3urlrtallbfajjaefoa ououiovwuitli stadia aad car itllulh an uptodale auto lepair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phone 280 georgetown if one slips the call fails there ere uutm people to rwr telephone ull ii uy d ol thun makea mlatake the call tail it may ba tba operator tt may ba tha person calling it may ba the person called there an over ooa million local calla la oaurio and quebec awry day which feu lines busy wo answer ho oaa on tba una now elr wroof number these uncompleted calla in a serious mattar they maan two million mlnutaa a day waatad congestion ol trallle constant irritation s handicap to afflciaat service soma ol these cannot ba avoldad and soma el tbam ara dua to our own errors and many ol thus ara daa to lack ol cooperation by tha other two partle w ara constantly reducing oar own arrora and wa ara constantly arriving to give the but possible talapkona aarvlca at lowaat possible cost as part ol una effort wa ara now living publicity to common faolte in talaphooa naaga in tba hops that there may ba mutual endcsvoor to aacura and milnriln mailmnm alflclancy it takaa thraa people to complete s call ii ono it takaa thraa paopla to completi nukia s mlatake tha call alls i u etht men laoa ttrfioofioo tu year w eatend awl fasprove tale- pksa wwi is oatarto eeuf ojuoee forsters grocery generalnews the police of uut province are busy cheeking up speeder these days on the highway and as a result many euto- uu are rinding their way tnto court it is estimated uiat the election in ontario will cost the province ap proximately sisoooo it ccsls a lot of money to produce a political aim a wellknown naure in palermo and throughout traralaar wm oulllitahem passed away on wednesday in his slx- tyslslh year he had been poorly tor home time a line of id and costs for shooting without a license was recently imposed on uark bmllh ol tlurllnaton whose nun was cannsoaled deputy osine warden l lalikestrr was ilia complain ant un julia use humbiy on brut 10 was ranted u illviirce in 10 angeles tal from william anilley bimday wm iif hie evangelist in superior imrl hutiibiv did not nuilest the avium ihailee ttw nl llnmklyu plowed through nlnenilli imurw in lite rt imateiuv huer to watt a held of all mar salmmera fur a prise ol 3m0 ha tnttile tlie iluutns lit 3 sf43 tile aiyllhlshuu hi nova hnhu who u mvniltna a lew days in tvskvlms a ith ht mm o p worrell will cele brate llir mill anniversary u ills run- serratkui as liuluiti on tlie 14th but ills father rei canon worrell waa rector ot rt judes ohurcll oakvllla ilruntr anglican mission womens auxiliary has been organised with these tvrluvrs president mr a pat terson first vicepresident mr wil bur dray second vicepresident mrs tlerl lowe tressurer mr alex wil son secretary miss ada l rlag rourlccn year old a cow belong ing to tllwutr lllgflns of the town ship ol turuoarrv county ol huron ontario oanada it rsuma uui calvm all ol the babies ara heal thy and growing rapidly despite ths unusual aga of their mother there la a man from alaska hi montreal with 79000 muskrat skins lor sonu of which ha paid two dollars apiece and h cannot get rid ol them at it cents apleca the closed car which has done away wllit lurltocd coats in vlnter is blamed for tha stump d jacob el oakvllle waa fined ii by magistral davidson in haw to ronta poll court for reckless drlv ing with his arm around s girl according to police testimony seventytwo young pheasants wan liberated recently and distributed over helton county as this is not an open season the public is requested to co operate with the game warden in pro tecting the young birds the contractors have commenced grading the road between freeman and the dundai highway the hill st ed brutrwoode arm la being cut down and the work will we rushed to complauon as soon as p wlulam n wiley oookavule has s fouryear old peach tree growing in ms back yard from which he- picked three doaen fully matured peaehea this year he expected to have at least a bushel but the late spring frost damaged the bloom tha tree has grown from a pit which ha plant ed the peaehea are of good alae and have excellent flavor mr wiley hag named his fruit the cooksviue peach oakvui waterworks may be ehang ed so that tha supply initegd of be ing taken from lake ontario will find it source in tha hills at uuton if they can find enough water a flna gravitation system supplying plenty ol pressure and pure water can ba obtained the plan waa considered long ago bat lake ontario being at oakvulee front door tha water was drawn from there maxwell smith burlington has issu ed a supreme oourt wru agaljut the t h es b railroad for momodama- gea for injuries received the time ol the aocident datea back to last janu ary when a t h a b train want over the mountain after the track had been carried away by a washout job printing promptly and neatly executed at the herald office nne otwm bsokoom wntow with tha imataef of the weather whtm windows u mtarsily left open it twet nieiiiiy to refer jjmln to the need for freeh avir all the year round the tnereaad amount of icstneeb that pocur in winter u due to a urn extent to our living and kleeplnat us rwettteated rooma and to a laett of freeh air the hours which we spend in bed mcurlntf the reat which our bodies re quire ahould alao be hours spent in the froah sir u they are we will se cure better teat and feel knot freshed when rialns time potass in addition wv will derive all the other benefits which fresh air br1ns to us the only way in which this out be tlmte is to keep the bed room window otmm kumelentiy to allow for ft gentle- movement of sir throughout the room during the hours of tueeil jrust how wide tlie ooehlng heeds to be depends uku tlie temperature and the wind tliere are very cold njghbj with ft wind when lite knuliett opening per mit of a flow of sir which is quite buwcuit the cool sir from outside in gentle motion u the best sir in wltleh to sleep it sltouul also be nmeittbered thsfc llu btdclothlfig must be so srrwng su to lurovlde for uifflclen wvmth but iwl too wwu bedwh gn4 ilsv clotltina ivhouiti niwsjni be ase4 auwordlng to the twflrture not the lime or year this la freqiwmuy for hottfth tmtrticularly in tardto ln- fanu who s so often nmde uttoom- forubte by too much clothing in ueh eases ute ehlid does hot rest twoperly and possibly kicks off the otothlng with the result that the body ly mi undul the idea of the open bedroom wln dow began with the earliest teach ings as to the value of fresh air bt the imreventlon of tubewulotl we now know that fresh air is one of bedroom window open questions concerning health ad dressed to tha canadian medical as sociation 1st college street toronto will be answered personally by letter girtrctw tut urns to be able to select the best pullets for production purposes it is import ant to have tha young chicks hhed at time of the year which will allow them under proper management to make a steady vigorous uniform growth it has been found at nappan that the april hatched chickens ara of more uniform ejuallty by the middle of september than those of hay this period of time of six to six and one half months gives the birds a chance to have alae vigor body capacity and egg type however at present there has not been s successful method worked out of selecting high and low producing pullets before they commence laying but all birds of low vitality crow headed alow maturing and off type individuals as well aa those with breed dlsfwellflcstlnni ara culled out ah individual whose body la deep as measured from front to keel to the centre of the back gradually tap ering flat sides wedge shape back ol good breadth carrying its width to the base of the tall good width throughout the pelvic region and wide full breast is one that possesses both capacity and egg type along with the proper body conformation the type and shape of the head has a vary important part in selecting good lay era the pullet to select la one that has s head that is clean out of medium length and depth wide and hat tha width increasing uniformly from tha attachment ol the beak to a point directly behind the eye the eye should be large bright and prominent and tha face smooth and lean with akin fine in texture by selecting birds showing a com bination of ths above character ww have found at nappan that wa are able to pick a large percentage of the pullet that prove to be good lay ers u il jenkins dominion cxperl mental farm nappan n a acton the workmen have eommensed tha work of remodelling the new store on mill street for mr e j hassard next to the post once acton girl wound up their success ful year with a clean triumph over the milton nine at muton last satur day the game waa very fast and well played chief mepherson received a request this week for information of the whereabout of alexander j mclean who waa born in prlnoe rdward is- land the young man ha a consider able amount of money due him if hi can be located in the next two mon tha on monday night thieves broke in to kanney bros shoe store on mill street and stole goods to the value ot ms or eio they gained entrance by prying open a rear cellar window and the goods were stolen from tha base ment of the store tha entire community waa indeed hocked on tuesday evening by the sudden death of dr j u belt the doctor had been in his office aa usual that afternoon and had bean in hit normal health about ave oclock ha called lila physician on the rsifejwne to come to tha home naitt si he was feeling very ill mr bell was attending the meeting ol the tojjjt thai afternoon shortly after ths arrival of dr neuson dr bell explr- sd aufferlng iron sever heartat- tacll tree press auction sale of choics okadb itoultklm tiattu the undersigned has received instruc tions from a hsjsesek jr in sell by public auction at lot it sixth con west chlnguaeousy h mile from nona ontt station on monday octobkbt aihl iks at one oclock the following hortsxs one mare s yrs ho good in all harness oattfjbajolstetn oow calf at side holsteln oow calf at side part ayr shire oow calf at side holsteln oow calf at side part holsteln and jersey oow calf at side holsteln oow calf at side black cow part jersey due dee asth holsteln oow due march jut milking well holsteln cow due april trd milking well holsteln heifer due april 7th holsteln heifer due may btn holsteln heifer due may ii holsteln heifer due may list sum heifer due msy nth stein heifer calves 4 months holsteln heifers 1 yr um steer yr old the above cattle have not bought up for speculation but were all raised on tha farm from a pure bred aire and high producing dams pnrd touring ear in good running condition box for u ton rvwd truck and other ford parts a horse power fairbanks morse aaa engine in case of stormy weather sale will go en under cover terms sums of 13000 and under cash over that amount ten months credit will be given on approved bankable paper e per annum oft for cash w a wilson bctoh a oluevnk olerk auctioneers ooenprismg iso aeree being w half lot s con s nw half lot 8 eon s 70 aeree dear so acre reedy to clear jo acres bush mostly hardwood bam eomso shed 00x14 with stabling pet pen joxla frame house rune rooms good cellar two good wells cistern d la sandy ksun good wheat and clover farm oood orchard saaall fruit rural telephone hydro within two iota oka to gravel road two schools and church for particular apply on premiss xtn to meeting mather reggie was jrdeal of being fiancees mother pardon ma madam he said but your fee seems strangely famttkur have we not met beforer he triad to emu affably while be spoks yes waa the grim reply i am ths woman who stood up before you for half an hour in e bus the other day while you sat reading a paper mx may ii ni u tha ok 4 insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness svondm and moatoaokh eukklht and mold hpeelal hale tm aatssswule li t the fa f kersey rtma wwlll georgetown georgetown elevator agent for the grain pool market for all grain flour and feeding stuffs chick feed and laying mash at lowest prices alex l noble phone 14jj ontario the way it weeks tms a man who la not very old either says he est remember when 1 the whole family plied lata a lumber wagon on sunday and drove several miles to church- 3 the open buggy arrived and three crowded into it and oft to church s the top buggy came sad two drove snugly to chunbi i they have a motor ear now and no one goes to ejsureh matt 1 awhtatflm it parlla- wttl mr asnlaeal el atarrlafe notice la hereby given that noats edmund appleyard of ths townshhj of sauealng in the county of hal- ton in tha frovmoe of ontario farm er will apply to ths parliament of canada at ths next smlm thereof lor s btn ol annulment of the marri age between himself and his arifa place housewife en ths ground of nonconaumimuloii datad this asth day ol september ajx lax h n farlskr acton oot ffft for ths askl cbedit auction sale of daibv tatbd horses sheep and mos the undersigned has received lnstrue lions from cateuskeu slew to aell by auction on the premises lot 4 7th line erin township lwa oowsbouieln cow i in ej at foot holatein oow 1 yr call at foot holsteln oow i yr call at toot hol steln cow 3 yrs calf at foot how stein cow 3 yre call at loot hol- sleln oow 3 m calf at foot hol steln cow 3 yrs calf at foot holsteln oow 4 yr full flow of milk holsteln oow s yr in tull now of milk hol steln cow s yrs in full flow of milk hft oow s yrs supposed to fresh en nov mb holsteln oow i jra sun- to freshen nov 141 iwataw 1 yr suppoeed to freshen nov 11th holsteln jow 10 yra supposed to freshen nov soth bed oow it yrs supposed to freshen deo 0th holsteln cow a yra supposed to freshen dec uth holsteln cow nippoud te freshen jan 1mb ib cow i yra brad june soth durham oow 7 yra bred august uth durham cow 11 yra bred august 31st fat heifer 5 heifers 1 year old 10 calves s to 10 months old all of these cows ara good and have been raised on the farm cnottocsum clyde mara 3 yra clyde oakling 3 yra clyde filly i yr sheep pure bred shropshire ram 3 yra old pios sow and 10 pigs 3 weeks old the above stock will positively be sold aa owner la giving up one tarn tj3uib- veal onlvea and sums of tl0j and under cash over that amount 13 months credit on approved joint notes or per cent oft for cash andr j lindsay clerk w f oray frank petch at auctioneer mark every grave nothing 1 more lasting or more spnroprlate to ummemorata ths memory of loved ones who have gone oefore than beautiful gran ite well carved with our present eoulpment and racultlea no plant la belts prepared to offer better values or a better stcjt to choose from than can be secured at our plant you owe it to yoursslf to ssa our slock and get quotations en monuuenu barker or oera- er stones before placing an or der anywhere wanted now nsuemsti in hsltao county during pell and winter month to aeu fruit trees itlowerlng shruba ate oood pay exclusive territory whole a part time arrarigement a 600acre nurtery we own and operate a modern wall equipped nursery and supply our cus tomers with ths best in quality and variety bell hardy canadiangrown nursery stock and you will he suc cessful our agency is valuable es tablished 3 year pelham nursery co toronto 3 ontario j sanf0rd stewarttown plumblngtinsmllbino tssaulei ukwtafly clva itooemru georgetown rr no 2 i v dont pity poor young men pity poor ow men grvalf heekh and erieagtb vsjt young peeslo who ere poor cbcsau sot be en object of aity itasher skcokl veen then do pea yonrasv saw to be la thle position sees day do pan wee your wife tneaator mot kf pas eaa heea all then provide aear for an laeeaae lor auber or bach of you waste pear aaralag puw per mit it leble peamfa to buy sutiateatlil yaesaeekaa bs a cea4iderarjen las mley write warn lot eaakuad h llmter confederation jaw oi rottotrro at aerasr leeai ageal oaeegetawa cjvbdit auction sale bosses cattle and hoi tha ucbralgned has received lnatrus- from j lcurk la sell by suction on his premleee lot 14 6th una west chlnguaeousy near norval station cuul on ftutjav qotomui uth its at one oclock ths following houses agri pair bay mares 6 and 7 yr old matched black mars b d 3 yr old eligible bay mare 3 f old h d eligible brood man yr old clyde eligible colt 4 tons clyde eligible brood mare 3 yra o p bred to mcneill bay horse ib yra good worker bay pony 3 yr bay horse 3 yr old agri cjattlk holstelnsoow yra purs bred springing eligible cow t yra pure brad springing eligible heller 3 yrs rag due to calve heifer lit yrs rag due at time of sale bull ib ma rag bull 13 mos rag bull ii mos rag bull mo rag grade hfllxtelnscow 6 yra dua oct hth oow 8 yra calf at foot oow 4 yrs due time of sale oow 7 yra due oct soth heller 3 yrs calf at aide heifer 3m yrs due tuns of ale oow 3 yrs dua nov 3rd oow t yrs due nov 10th oow s yra due nov sth oow 7 yrs due nov 11th oow b yra due nov soth oow i yr due nov 0tb cow s yra due in dee oow 7 yrs due in jan oow 7 yra due feb bth oow yr dua feb tth oow 5 yra due feb utlf oow 3 yra due march 1st oow 7 yra due march isth oow yra dua march 16th oow 7 yr due april and jerseys- oow yra rag due jan mod cow s yra rag calf by side yrs reg calf by side heifer 3 its rag calf by aide heifer j 14 yra rag calf by side heifer 3 yr due oct 1ba heifer 3h yr due oct soth heifer 3 yrs reg due nov 1st heifer 3 yrs reg due nov bth bull 13 mo eligible bull 13 mo registered bull b mo eligible bull calf 3u mo eligible oow g yr eligible due nov tth oow 3 yr due oct soth oow 6 yra due oct uth oow b yrs calf at foot heller 3 yr due oct 33rd i heifer 13 mo due feb sbth 3 heifer so mos dua april 3rd 3 heifer 3 yra dua jan sth heifer calf 10 mo eligible heifer calf ii mos rag heifer calf u mo heifer calf 13 mo heifer calf 3 mo ayrshire orades oow 7 yra dua dec 10th oow yrs due oct sbth oow b yrs due nov soth oow 8 yrs fresh oow t yr due dec 10th oow 7 yr due dec uth heifer 3 yra dua dec 30th heifer 3u yr dua feb 10th heller 3 yr due feb ib heifer 3 yr due march 1st register ed ayrshire bull ib mo ayrshire bull call b mo eligible qrade fsnorthorna oow 7 yr due dec uth oow 3 yra due dec uth oow 3 yra due dec uth oow 7 yr dua march 1st bull u mos eligible ib holsteln grade heifer not bred ii jereery grade heifer not bred 7 ayr shire grade heifer not brad pios yorkshire bow due in dec 10 pan 3 mo yorkshire sow and liar there will alao ba sold a quantity of lumber and chatuea asieefrg to the late j l bui te m8 and under cash over that amount ii months credit on proved joint note discount for lb w a wilson hugh smith p hjie- enery clerk petch ohayna w a t assail w f any t a dolscm auctioneers prevail aa am order pissed befsea april u adm mtmtunrjtit works j nichol phone us galvanized siding tor omms watt attractive to look at t saliva easy to at est eve eld walla tub building pep wend dry windparoot cbolcaof brick hoekdset and clapboard pattaraa galvantzbd catonglbs jutksbwlaaaard fnoflovseowrooall saey to ley qmtk lel taessatawsta bexpsorfvavibia get prices from your tinsmith or carpenter service for all small and moderate sized accounts is well as luge ones are welcomed by the bank of montreal the service of this bank is adapted to all and the quality of that service is the same wherever and whenever it is rendered bank of montreal eatnbllsheri tslt total assets in bxcbi or f900fio0ft0o d wilson branch manafer vat 7 carrolls where qatallty it e wgh m meet ere iw n teas t 49c er s7c er tvsc main street georgetown