Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 9, 1929, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 9th 1929 t georges curcf 77tf ainibersarp aerfaice sunday october 13th 1829 s ajr holy communion 11 am mstlns and sermon by tha van archdeacon a v beovll m a rector of bl georges church aualllh 1 m evensong and tmmon by tha itev om w lebba rector of bl lukes church burlneton and rural deen of ilaltofl daatlary bpaclal ullsle by tha choir all weleome monday october 14th 1829 special service of thanksgiving in the church tha whole bar yta will ba taken by tha cathedral choir of ifarnllion 0 voices un der uia leadership of capt ii a stares una bu tha organist will be miss a ambraae organist at christs church calhadral hamil ton and tha special speaker will ba tha very hev u w 8 brouc hall ma dd rector of the cathedral and dean of niagara the choir will render appropriate musts including suthems aoloa by the boya and adulta a cordial invitation la extended to all have your eyes examined o t walked dosc eyesight spedafist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday air every month if you need eye service you need the beat consult dr walker stewarltown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks obanoka bamanab uhow am msb wkott df mason i m bennett phone 82r21 georgetown stewarttown no ft ring tons saturday treat turkish delight a lovely treat not an ordinary candy but the very beet made the quality eounti saturday treat 3c ah weekend chocolates get a pound of theae chocolates every week you will be delighted with the quality of them jellies caramela and cream centrea week end chocolate ssav we alwsvs haw a wise as sortment of the anw jlunfe candy to ehooss from something tor svery different tsst and always fresh arthur norrington maiti 3t phone 8 why you should answer promptly y the tlmeuua woman flalshss her band si hrldfa and reseats the talepbone the party canine will have givea op the tardy brtdge- nlsyer will be told sorry thsrss no one on the una now lladam both el them win ba annoyed ths person eslhag and the pereon called both of them have watted lima bemember it take three to complete call there are ever one million local cshs in ontario irritation a handicap to naslnats some el them are enavoidsble and eome el them are onr ewa error bat many el them are ml take made by the person caning or the pereon celled it takes three people to complete a call we ere eeettaauy atrlrlne to reoace ear own errors we are now polsbng sat some of the common errors in telephone uate beeaass ear aim la to provide the beat possible telephone ear vice and in telephone service cooperation la anawer promptly when year telephone rim if n la not conveniently located la your home eon- ask as sbest it and when yea make a celt wait a raaesaahls time before amai ftp saa csaslnt a mo ens en the una aew eteheaalm new ssa anas fieleeaiacwtl sseaaaetuliyia legs mere iimthfitofim local news autumn and telling leaves politicians are way these days a slrl aeldora allowa her noae to become a ahlnlnf example read the new time table of the arrow bus una in thla lame oeoreetown hockey team are setting in shape for the coming sea ramses shop now open for re pairs in the ueaseyharrls building just thla week fettltv clover honey in your own containers 10s per pound it a line new brick chimney is being erected st the bciler houses of the provincial paper mills there has been several changes in uie can nat sdectrie rly time labte see it on page 1 the hon howard pergueott will apeak in oeoreetown date of this meeting will be announced ister honeys rectory shoe store for good boots snd shoes j roney the only factory shoe store in the oounty have you paid your taxes the collector tsya there are s number who hsve overlooked this important duty dr behoua expert will be at smiths bootery on wednesday oct oth he wui be there all day and in tlta evening oeorge devla of toronto charged willi vagrancy was sentenced to one month in the hslton county jail by police magistrate barr mr 3 b mirkensle has purchased the bell property on church street he will remrdal the present building making two modern houses out of ims canadians mutt butter their toast on both sides according to a depart ment report for ibs the per capita consumption of butter was 3gll pounds two indian youths is snd 14 years old who had escaped from the industrial indian school st brentford were found in burlington by constable dunham the old age pensions board for helton county has hsd several busy sessions there hsve been 103 socap- tances in the county for old age pen sions snd 35 refusal the usual hot supper will be strv ed and good programme given st the snnlverssry tea in knox presbytsrlsn church on monday evening october 31st particulars nest week big preparations re being miss for the annual ladles night of helton chapter tunc on friday oct 35th gilbert watson in person snd his orchestra of radio feme will furnish ths muslo during the dinner and for the denes a meeting of the old age pen slon board for helton met at ths court house milton hut week to consider apnueetlons received we understand twenty were granted and s number held over for further eon- slderstlon at oooktvule pair last week x x festherson won 1st snd snd for best type of bsson hog and w o brown- ridge won lit for best pk st the show this beauty hss only received one blue ribbon since entering the show circuit that being at oeoreetown pah ibm personal items sites somervule of hamilton is visit ing friends in town mr snd mrs duncan campbell of moffat visited friends in town on bun- day mfss mary ross of maxwell is spending week with mr snd mrs oeo devts mr snd mrs oeorge lswrenee snd msfl of toronto spent sunday at mrs stiilstftliiwssi la os an entertainment under the aus pices of ths joju no 7 will be held in ths town hall aienwullams on tuesday oct imh a spicy program will be given by local talent finishing with comedy sketch the mock harriers corns early snd avoid ths rush proceeds in aid of the jjoi no 7 admission adults mc child ren 15c ths bsne sf itranslsgitli the united church choir are busy preparing s musical comedy entitled the bell of bamstapsole this operetta is ss btnsflclsl as s sea voy- sge the tang of tha see runs through the whole play the bells of barn- supoole with its catchy music haunt ing melodies snd humorous situations bids fair to nut rival us predecessor the oypsy tlovsr rendered by the choir two years sgo it is evpsntsd that this operetta win be rendered in the gregory theatre snmetlms in nov ember watch for further particu lars gregery theatre wednesday oct pthe ahost talks all talking comedy drams na s ths firsts of panama all talk tag comedy the right bed friday and saturday october 11 sac 13 ths ifiytwg pool all tslkuv and tinging with al jolson snd utt dsvey lee movietone vsudevule listen lady regular prises wednesday oct lath drsg ar slide starring richard barthebbssi snd lua lee ma ths firsts ei mrs tuck of halsteln is spending few days with her brother mr r i creelman mr snd mrs kuttsee ross snd miss sadie of toronto spent sunday with mr ralph ross dr snd mrs watson miss laird snd mr w olssa left last week to spend a few dsys in muskokn mr prances thompson who is at tending the oac auelph spent the week end st his home bete misses maude mcdonald snd jean msckentle were the guests of miss msrgsrei dickie at loora over the week end mr snd mrs wui colmsn of buna- id and mr snd mrs jsmes oolmsn or toronto were week end visitors with mrs b oolmsn mr p rots from msxwell mr n acbeeon from proton mr fred davis of toronto spent the week snd st ths home of mr oeo davis mr snd mrs j diaoa snd son thomas of wsllaceburg visited for few days st the home of mr and mrs 1l- perry georgetown mrs h j fox hss returned from guelph general hotpltsl snd is spend ing a few dsys in town before return ing to her home in oansnooue mrs t p grieve snd mrs k b young were in niagara palls i week attending ths snnusl convention of the lsdies auxiliary of ths osna- dlsn legion mr snd mrs oeorge lake snd son lsurence of timmlns snd mr snd mrs caster btuupf of samba w visitors with mr and mrs a jl feller utt week mr bam mahrentle has returned after spending several months in ths dnited states snd canada atudlag the lumber butuwss with a number of the urge arms between chicago snd the coast furs with a reputation page 3 for over thirty years the name lafontaine has been connected with the manufactur ing of fine furs lafontaines fur store creators of fur fashions satisfaction guaranteed est i89s manufacturing furriers guelph mmbtmsatrnmaaahnasmtammbtm a grand closing hew be tee ou a teacher in s high school not very fsr from hers put the following ques tion on s paper in s history sxsmlna- tlon if alexander the ores wen living today what do you suppose his opinion would be of women suffrage and ths lktuor control act among ths several sniwers ons very interest ing one was received it wss if alex- snder the great were living today he would be too old to be interested in either wins or wsmenl tfcrewa match nearly cast lhe a burning match thrown from buggy by a farmer at grimsby last week nearly caused ths death of an eyesrold boy prsnklln bsrrlek ths boy wss sitting on ths sdgs of ths aldswslk snd wss wearing sn open- necked blouse ths match fell from the farmers hand tale ths boya blouss ths blouss burst into fismss snd young friends sndssvored to put out ths blase ths boy wss badly burned ths name of ths farmer hss not yet been ascertained tha police sre looking for ths match tosaer far pslkere death a coroners jury inquiring at oak- vule on monday night into ths death of oharlee edward rjurhsm of toron to returned a verdict ss follows we sre of ths opinion that ohss b dur ham earns to his death from injuries received in an sjitomobue anftwunt on the morning of september 8 in a ear driven by his son fred durham st sn excessive rats of spssd eystf durham is out on hall on a chares of manslaughter be will appear shortly in county court at oakvuls edwsrd walkar who wss injured in ths wreck u still la st joseph has pits trams omcsr lemon who in vestigated ths accident after ths crash testified thst walker had been intoxicated novelty dance at edgewood eden mills saturday october 12th last of die season balloons paper hats horns etc big time everybody welcome elliotts orchestra bert davitboo floor manager feldmens- wyndham street guelph good furs at moderate prices our furs are manufactured in our own workshop this assures you of quality garments and they may be pur chased through thia means at a saving sm oar shouting of new fall furtrimmed coats hats dresses walter georwwtouin all talking comedy bk panama palooks cvjiiung sunny boy dsvey lee a msaleal treat muskt lovers in georgetown and dis trict will enjoy a musical treat monday night october 14th ths re nowned choir of ohrtata church cathedral hamilton are putting on special service of thanksgiving tn st georges church st s oclock to which the public sre invited ths ebon- is under the dleungulahed leadership of ospt hsrry stares muslo baa and will sing snthsms snd spproprlsts mutlc several of ths choir boys srs gold msdsllsts of ths toronto exhibi tion snd they will sing solos in addi tion to solos by ths adult members of ths choir the snoompsnlmsnts will in ths capable hands of miss at ambrose ostnsdrsl organist for over ao years kajsyssle ceases sad atreese ths concert and athoms under the siiapviss of ths dnited church hostel held tn ths dnlled church on monday evening proved s most en joyable occasion for ths urge gsther- lng present ths program wss ren dered by the following talent ida edna arscis toronto soprano h frith toronto ohsraetsr ntsrtainsr j b tetaert toronto scotch violin ist wm king toronto aekensxur oddfellows ojib acton olen r uuo was is gi owo in ausnd- us ths stsndlng to dsts won lest i j j 1 1 kcjlo e amia a on friday evening october 4th ths hslton snd peel glrlls indoor league wss organised ths lssgus is to con sist of two teams from brampton snd ons each from milton and george town it wss decided to play hams and boms gsmss with brsmpton play ing their horns gsmss tn ths george town arena mr d memtyre scted as chairman it was decided to held meeting in ths arena on wednes day at g pm to draw up a aeeile ths following officers wars elected president mr a mcflnlgsn vicepresident mies rets tost sectress mlaa pride quartet composed of miss hsrrlson mrs a black mr r ross snd mr a black with miss m ms- donald at sbnomnsnut mr mso- lsrsn gave s snort address outlining the work dons by ths hostel at ths dote of the program refreshments in the sunday school room and a pleasant hour wss spent on saturday tn victoria college chapel was solemn i wd ths marriage of msbel daughter of mr snd mrs j t msrchment of glenwllusms and mr karl o domm son of mr and mrs v domm of ayton by ths rev gordon rteenim eousln of ths groom ths wedding music wss played by miss msrths msrchment sister of ths bride snd mrs j p webb tang ths bride wss given in marriage by bar brother and she wars a psrlod gown of rots taffeta with bouquet of but terfly rests and ulyofthevsllsy a reception was held st ths king ed ward hotel snd istsr mr snd mrs domm left for s motor trip to mon treal and ths states ths bride travel ling in s hunters green broadcloth cost with fur trimming snd hat to match they will live et 30 ranlelgh avenue on thstr return five radio stsuoas wui carry to sll parts of ths province ths sdilrsss of ths nonourebla w b m sinclair ths ontsrio liberal leader which will be delivered st ths great liberal rally in ths armouries st oshswa on ths evening of wednesday october mm thomas hayes was sentenced to nine months st guelph jail farm by polios magistrate mehveen st osk- vllle monday sftsrnaon of utt week on conviction of steeling gas from thomas shea of trafalgar ths eats had been remanded eight days in or der thst hayes record aught be starched it wss revealed that he hsd hsd two previous convictions for theft rhcea wlcattra to ftrma- sbcbi tor toils- n e saattlssk nouoe u hereby given that thomas edmund appleyard of ths township of siifisrtit m the county of hel ton tn ths province of ontario parav will apply to ths parliament of ads at ths next stanon thstwaf for a bill of sifflwrniarit of the ment als between himself and his wtta margaret may appleyard foraurly margaret may mcdonald of ths ssms plaos housewife en ths ground of dated this smb ear of fttptsrnbsr ajx ltd h a pabmbb aetna oat swiemjy for ths aftu ves new fall goods just arrived for ladies men boys and girls j we carry a full line of the very latest i in clothing for the whole family i and our prices are the low est possible for the splendid quality of goods we are offer ing see our fau and winter coats for ladies and men the very latest in boots and 9 shoes 9 i i call and see our new fall stock g whether you buy or not g brill co j plhmiel67 georgetown 1 oawbakjwhawai bigger and better bargains groceries aylmer pumpkin 2 for 18c aylmer green pea soup 3 for 2se aylmer tomatoe catsup 6o puffed raisins 2 for 24c seedless raisins 2 for 99 tillsona health bran 19c pearl white soap 10 for 38c p ot g soap 10 for jgc westons cream sodas lb pkg tgc carnation milk small size 4 for 2ac christies ginger snaps 2 lbs for 23c snap hand cleaner 13c kellog g pep 2 for 23e black or mixed tea with cup and saucer ase chipso 21c princess soap flakes me domestic shortening 17c black ceylon tea per lb 40c peanut butter small size 9e pure malt vinegar jjle granulated sugar 10 lbs for jsbe brown sugar 10 lbs for j18c 12 dozen wire clothes pins for 3se cbean co 1 georgetown i tihl livingstones bakery specials for friday and saturday buns and rous 15c doz quality bread 10c d livingstone phone ss geoffetown chrysler service at georgetown i have made arrangement with mrabrunton to give service to all chrysler cars at hi garage on main st north georgetown work guaranteed and prices reasonable h a coxe acton ontario chrysler repreuntatrve for ting district the bootery hew lo have fcc fa ikp nf ta- jf y tvwhsauw mtlt hshtu w mur mom wed 0a 9th w f smith phone 147 gawfttown

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