maami the georgetown herald wednesday june 12th in performance as in stijle the finest oakland ever built rl dutinctivs sppcsrsnce in bwuty sml individuality la thm the oiklsnd olympic series six obviously outstrips ill srlier oakland and thie i not ill owners will till you tkstin performance will si in style the olympic strut i the fines built liar this istesc olkliml lesvel nothing to bt desired in snip ud getaway beciui it if powered by 22 cubic inch engine equipped with such features si s urge hlghlyprfect3 carburetor including in icctknting pump snd gssoline pump instead of a vacuum tank but long with shunted action it often those other characteristics of a rally fina automobila unbroken smoothness snd tilanca undis turbed balinca and poite a ipecisl demonstration will revesl the idvinced type of performsncs which the new oiklsnd stx provides ttui u a demonitration which you should receive before buying any cir it or near oiklsnd price if you will com u or call for an appointment we will malt the aemonitration for you at any time oakland olympic jj series mooucr or general motors or canada limited j n a neil i son phonm 14 georgetown no kitchen work today 1 save health and strength serve shredded whea with alt the bran of the whole wheat with raffle or cream ttrwimfj wheat it a coerusletti watt bdandmimlcoiitalnintvtrrtootlbtatvaatii da ikaott wtth berrlm or other bolt tupotiruutuluachtadatt4ctmtakairprtm the bootery aav gfceggggj gg si g as 1 bvejbg efefpeatexj of jjpvvafkjsp wgpwrwavs ragf w next door to peat office high grade boots and shoes vvestsv narrow fitting ladies a gents hosiery work boot that wttl stand the strain hygrade repairing will f smith pbooe 147 main street georfetown norval garage am highway prompt service on repairing of all make of care we guarantee our work and our price are reasonable briljih american gasoline and autolene oua norman norton norval ont phone 327r32 branptoa june the month of so many weddings is here what would be more appreciated for a wedding gift than a beautiful ailver plated table piece cake plate salad bowls pie plate bread trays vegetable dish sandwich plate or a beautiful faour strike mantel dock made by seth thomat maker of the finest clocks on the market some might prefer a cabinet of knives fork and spoons call and inspect our goods a b w1llson kuft to hotel emegffcboa a nu ror tri oat laut yaw in ft radio uilt dr tftifh p dslley chief vetnnartn of uw angell uemorlal animal ilotp4tal in boston made a umaxbum aelentlfle ap- rl tor the cat and it waa publlahad our dumb animal dr dattey raid in part in our laat broadcast 1 raentloned ul fact that people either are w- xtremely fond of cau or cannot toler ate them we received many letter from thcee who were fond of them and a few from thoee who cannot tol erate them one of the utter letter contained a namphlet entitled the menace of the cat in reading throuhh thla namphlet we rind the cat u blamed ror upaelun haturev bird balance we alo read that the cat la unneceaaary u a rodent deatroyer becauae lit various kind of nom polaorvouji rat vlrua on the narfcet at the preaent do the wortf ettetuvely we have too much reapect for ute eat and know iu habit too well to ac cept any auch atatement that the cat alone upeeta the balance of nature ui- aofar as blrdi are coricemed it u bhamffully unfair to make auch a aweeplntf atatement about the cat and not include the bird of prey the owl hawki and thoae bird not teneralty elasaed on bird of prey auch a the crow jay and kurluit who eon tliiually dettroy the eg and young of ao many of our amollcr bird add to thla lut the aqutrrela anake akunk raccoon weaael and foktea and the apraylna of tree with arseni cal busttuclde and the reaurfaclria of our road with tarry divtawc the lnt may m little far fetched but only laat tumwer we had fully fifty little bird brought in durlrur one af ternoon victim of thl road dveatlna they lisht upon the apparently tandy lurfoce their little feet sink throuth into the tor and they are held prison re la their effort to free them aelve they become cnoat in coat- 4 of aand and tmr that cauua cr in death now i hope we have a better idea of what welly enter into the uptet- tlnat of nature bird balance divide the blame properly and we find that the cats thare is not so brest after all prom careful pewonal observa tions over a number of years i have found that these birds which utually fall victims to the cat are wmkllnfa or injured birds that never would be able to acsln take care of themselves under the exuttln condition nd if the cat dldnt appear on the oene to quickly end their suffering they would eventually die of thirst and star vation which do you think the more merciful f i really believe the cat is only doing what nature intended she ahotild in obeying the law that only the fit thai survive many of you who have mode a close study of cats know well enough that the mother eat eon be depended upon to dettroy the unfit of her own litter this fact alone shows that the eat rxmuetie more courage and food judgment in this respect than we hu mans do who point an accusing finger at her when she treats the unfit of bird world in a like manner i also heartily disagree with the statement made in thla pamphlet that the eat is unnecessary as a rodent de stroyer there is no method yet con ceived that will rid premises of these pests half so thoroughly and effect ively as to have a female eat take up her abode on the ptemlses continu ally we have people come to the hos pital to secure cats for this purpose after all other methods have been tried and failed some people object to the kittens that arrive twice a year but i can assure you that they will not cause you a hundredth part of the trouble and destruction that the same number of rat or mice would cause we are glad to hear dr dsiley views on this subject the belief held by many people that eats are wicked destructive creatures is always re gretted by those who know these fas cinating creatures at their best and to know any animal at its best one mutt get acquainted with 1l we odd the following testimonial to that of dr dailey osts ore playful whimsical amus ing affectionate they eon be fed cheaply so make an ideal poor mans pet their very presence dlscourates ro dents as we found one year when a family of rats settled themselves next door but did not venture through the wall as we hod m eat all est do not kill birds our does not neither birds nor squirrel oats con be left alone all day to ears for themselves and do not fret or get into serious mischief true they do not drive btirglars but they frequently drive away the blues she was only one of the casrable a enorus girt in the poluea and yet there was one a principal drawing thousands of dollars a week who had time to be kind to the little english dancer lonely in the strange land with only the company of her bis black greeneyed eat so it was that when the dancer bobble winthrop became 111 in boston and knew she was going to die she made a pitifully tragic little will dis posing of her meagre belonging end to the principal fannie brier she gave klkl his feline majesty uiss briee profoundly touched by the trust imposed upon her told of the bequest in her home where klkl has been installed as master of all he survey uiss briee added lie will have a home with the bricea for lifeail nine of them- good things to eat by betty barclay jklukd vkoktabut mace- doink im tokutobui nedlunlalam 11ml bmalaea i parfiat irawnflavorad latin 1 cup bollliur alralimd toenato jul mid ham pulp imumd from lo- matl fa tmipodn fcalt j cup mined moked vegetable car rou atrlns beaju peu aud celery waih tim remove a ihln allee from up and acoop out centre maee tomato cam upelde down on plat and wt in tool plam until ready to ful duaolve lemonflavored latin in boiling tomato julee add aalt ohul when illhtly thleluned fold in vc- lablee mil tomatoea with mlauir ontll until firm when ready to atrve cut each tomato uitovquartera uilng a anarp knife dipped in hot water ar range on crlap lettuce aarnbh with inayonnalae bervea eight nsurr coumk balabs kaeh of uieae pint oourae saladi la aorved on a bed of head lettuce and with rveneh dreutag or fruit french dreulng flaeaasle orange a orarrau salad ror each portion allow one alio of canned pineapple three aectiona grape fruit and onehalf orange banana and csarry salad for each portion allow onehalf or ange onehalf banana and aht red clierrleg grajuai tanliunsa f for each portion allow onehalf or ange onehalf cup cantaloupe ball or cube and alx white gnpea tomato auauout 3 tableepoon butter 3 tableapoona flour 3 eusa etnlned tomato or tomato aoup leatnnnn paprika i cup grated cheeea 1 cup eeuerkraut ifelt butter add flour and when brown add tomato stir until multure bolla add naenrhngi put over hot water a double boner la excellent for making all rareblta for eheeee need s low temperature beat in the grated eheeee and continue beating until the eheeee la thoroughly melted bur in the aauerkraut and when thoughly heated pour over trlenejaa of hot ml thla la s good lateeupper dlah ainy day goody oook aelad macaroni in bolung wa ter ib mlnutea drain rlnae add one minced onion aeaaon and pack hi ring form around large platter ileal one can aalmon pour into centre of mac aroni ring place thereon one allee of xl add flour to sreaae in pan make thick gravy with water or milk and pour over top n luward ftrgaeee prime mlnuter and minuter of education for ontario who u extending the co operation of the education depart ment in the campaign ror accident pre vention tpoiuored by the highway safety committee fatllt salad in obanok oom 3 aueee pineapple 13 marihsuuiowa onethird cup nut meat twothird cup white grape out orangee in two remove pulp carefully then pull out all membrane leaving orange cup out pineapple raarahmallowaand nut in email pie ce akin and peed the grope and nux all with orange pulp ful orange cup cover with cream iwyorjnslee am ger- nlih with grape and nut serve on lettuce nohtrr oobn itau inmm m cup com flake i 4 eupe graham flour a eupe white flour 1 tableepoon ahortenlng 3 cup milk u cup honey s teaapoonaful baking powder mix melted ihorterung with honey add to one egg beaten ugnily then odd milk stir in the dry ingredient which have been thoroughly muted hake in wellgreaaed muflln tin for thirty minute will make s3 mumns day the legbuature ha not declared that theae are holiday but only that where holldaya are mentioned in uie atatute theae ahall in interpreting them be deemed holidays so in ilrlel luw in the eaae where there la no ex- pree stipulation a judge if he i a good lawyer ought to aik what are the implied term of thla contract of hiring did the parties contemplate when making it the neceuary dally work of an ontario farm if they did it ought to be held that on the ocald holiday usually observed the hired man on the farm ought to perform as an obligation of his contract the work of necessity auch a milking and the cere end reeding of animal when dispute arise about these matters they are trm by the county judge in the division courts and decisions are often given on other principle which or unfavorable to the employer it is therefore well in all esses to mention holiday in the contract that wul be belter than an appeal later to the law in period when laborers are in fact the master formers sun hot point electric ranges with hispeed elements 8800 up hot point electric water heaters for 30 gal tanks 1800 up c g e radiolas housewiring edison mazda lamps toasters irons vacuum cleaners percolators h h darling phone 199 murdock st georgetown nianiiaau an iiiiiihii iii mhhhjiii urn inntvm1 we are selling pasteurized creamery butter at 39c saca every sjtavaay wgw georgetown creamery co m saxe manager ageals far heieue cream seaeratera con as see ska ii tuiniiininiinii in i iiii your summer home can look twice as attractive simply cover the walls and ctulap with smooth tightfitting sheets of gynmc fireproof walltaird then decorate gyprocwulslaotosfce it cooler on hoc days warmer on cold night if ireprooi for sale by the georgetown lumber c ln georgetown ont j b mckenzie georgetown ont abkambas bam ham in thin allow s tablespoons vinegar iu teaspoon sugar paprika lit teaspoons mustard oook thin alios of ham in hot fry ing pan until slightly browned re move to hot platter to the fat in the pan add the vinegar auger paprika and mustard well mixed when robt lure i thoroughly heated pour over ham and serve at once rom out about an inch thick 1 nmetlmee preferred to the thin allot and klkl purred contentedly oat courier is your money earning 10 with safety plus profit possibilities iv jam would like to oetare portkular af a eoaapany wius a eaev llnikv monthly dlvi deetd reeord for use past 9 years ml to and saau tkeeoapoa below british international gaoiaunts ooumrrtv sm bay 8traw4 tareesu caufobnia mock diice ls pounds flank ateak tm eupe soft crumbs cup chopped prunes lets t teaspoon aalt 14 teaspoon pepper 1 t ismon jules small pieces of suet pound steak brown quickly on both sides in a hot flying pan lata other in gredients and place in center of steak roll and tie lay pieces of suet over the top plus in a roasting pan cover with hot water bake far one hour thicken liquid far gravy savcbbjtavt and oabbot 3 eupe sauerkraut s medlumanad carrots h cup unbroksxi smsush walnut hoi vee i cup cream dressing after washing and scraping carrots run through the ooarae knife of food chopper oomhlne with sauerkraut add cream dressing decorate with the walnut halve fabm holidays a mhsrrther eased the vexed ques tion what are the holiday which a hired man on the form may elahnt we are advised that where there 1 in the contract of lilrmf no ipmitlftn about holldaya sunday is the only holiday which the hired man may claim with certainty and as to that he may only claim that part of the day which remains after work of neceasltr under the lords day am nave been dan the i-t- parliament is sold to have no jurisdiction to isgj lal u to the holidays of isborerstex- cent where a in the sue of the lords day act u declares work a crime the provincial legislature has jurisdiction and seem to have au thorised labor day only as a legal holiday but that i subject to the obligation implied m matt ease to do on that day works of necessity a wethecghrovlyej7oood friday the queetvs sad king birth days nommlon day andohrletma dntbhattohal pibsb boabd lutrno ill bsavsa mau iuu uomassi what no insulation a adam i could nor rent a non- iiuuiated home today this house is be ing completely insulated wtthtentest agents who know what the public de mands state that insulation is absolutely neceuary to secure tenants and to iccep tiem satisfied tentestinsuutlng build- ing board provides the full measure of insulation many homes already built are beingi-e- modelled with tentest at slight extra cost tentest makes houses proof against outside heat and cold prevents draughts and dampness and retains furnace beat to the tune of 3 j saving in fuel bills you who plan to buy build or remodel should inform yourself about this vital question write for tentest aud tht most wcudtrful adveuturt in tht warld mailed free on request