page 4 trie georgetown herald wed nesday january 9th 1929 more cupa to the pound more flavor in the cup more tang to the taste thats what makes red rose tea so popular every package guaranteed redrose tea red rose orange pekoe wttragood radio supplies installation and repair hot point range toasters iron heaters etc house wiring priced quoted on request phone 199 h h darling murdockst georgetown m choicest flour msmmbwamasafmss and all kinds ol feed al reasonable prices try ua with your next order georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey georgetown hooocfsjooao3ejeoj college view garage an uptodale auto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed 11m1h ta all malta af cam oos oils onim eta raull aul oa battaolm wislmasi a brunton college view phoae 336 georgetown rahhkd rkyomd ttib veil when clod call iwinw th dtmr nn whom w luvr to dwell with him in inflect sec above we enhnot feci that he hi loosed uw whlc fih bound our human heart on earth no i mud comfort in lite thouaht that they may be my riiardun annels kfnliib watch ui me pot fciettne when my heart and i need cheer the loved one teem to liover very nar f almost tetx tlw touch of each dear liaiid upon my own to lielp me imrenund x mill am their and they are mine een thaimh tltey dwell in heaven x on earth be lay no broken ilea but just a veil between my earthly vulon and that world un- a little time to wait white loved one there new oha ftuuu the folknrlntf u an interpretation of some of the ne rulea of uw ontario hockey fcnoelatton tot thlfl i in reamrd to the booff soma refe were tux quite clear u to whether the puck could be over the blue line and recovered by the aatne player from the defendtnir nrea it ha been pointed out by the o h a official that the defendtntf alav faiust roover the puck after kick inside the blue line before car- ryln it over otherwise the play will be called back ail ofaide play must be started and finished behind the blue line by the defendln team all offld play called inside uts blue line must result ui a faceoff at the blue line the oha will deal strictly with mailing tactic ihu year when team begin rawlna the puck in their own defensive area the puck will be faced off ten feet to ute aide of their net another important interpretation 1 that when an attacking hlayer make an offside near the opoosinu team net the puck u to be fcd keep tender watch oer me till i jrtay off halfway between the net and the j aide of the rink and mtw feet from tlielr perfect peace- and oodi most tn0 uml llm lurfect love known unto those him above who dwell with selected lord dbwakk emouamh sjsssassaa i hydroelcctric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds e vw w w rw office town hall if tha offense u mada by tha defendere in front of tha nat tha puck will ba faced off directly in front of uta nat tan fact from tha goat line thla rula slao applied whan goalkeepers on uu puck loaflnlf otfilda wul bring panaltlai i if a playar persists in it tha referee lord dewar a bachalar and ona of ware eautlanad about tha rula permit- uia llldiutrial lender of england la i una ona playar to akata a teammate wall known in tha british lalaa for onulda if tha playar orfalda u only hla humoroui and witty remarks on n raw fmt in front tha othar playar ufa and marriage ila racantly gaveteen akata him ontlda aa lone aa oie to tha evanlng nawa of london aoma playar ahaad doaa not touch tha puck of liu favorite sayings they are re- unui ha haa bean skated orulde produced below trlpa are to ba retarded as aeel lire u made up or trials with an dental if the offending player get occasional conviction hla stick on tha puck if ha la in such to some mothers life is juit one a position that ha cannot reach the dam stocking after another puck but upsets the puckearrler he every man has a black and white has earned a penalty haver leap side of ufa ln over their opponenta stick must moat men are believers in heredity run the danger of a fall in until tha son makes a fool of himself where tha othar playar la seen to lift man reaps what ha sow unless he his stick with the evident intention be an amateur gardener of tripping tha hurdling player than a fourthfifths of the perjury or the penalty la to be given world la expended on tombstones tha eaae of a puck carrier blocked a laugh u as necessary to a human by tha defense but followed by a being as sunshine to a cabbage teammate who akatee ahaad and takes providence never intended us to be the puck la to ba ruled onsida if equal except when we are asleep the player covering the puck u ahaad no man u so good but a good woman of tha player blocked at the time tha can make him better defense blocks said player then it u a golden wedding u when a couple plainly offside have gone fifty-fifty- players substi for a goalkeep- marrlage is a great institution for er when tha netminder la penalised those who like insututlons t have all tha privileges of a goalkeep- many a bachelorship has been er playere knocking sticks out of wrecked on a permanent wave opponents hands while they are not marriage u a oommlteeof two with in possession of the puck ere to be power to add to their numbers penalised players booting opponents there are more mormons in london sticks across tha lea after they have than in salt lake city but their wives been dropped will also incur a penally dont know it players must be penalised for hocking a husband should tell his wife every- opposing players around the body or thing he la aura she wul and out and under tha anas before any one else does no bodychecking will be nremltted a philosopher is a man who can on the forward line in the midice look at an ampty glass with a smile area bodychecking la permitted by if husbands went everywhere their all defending players while they are wives told them to go there would be in the defensive aona fewer divorces but more widows in the event of a ua game where divorce is a great institution it both teams refuse to play overtime keeps the women in circulation j a defeat will ba scored against each it is much better to have a few nun- team where only ona team refuses dreda in the bank than millions on the that team will have a defeat scored brain against it no gentleman has ever beard your all rinks will ba nouaad to supply story before stopwatches for the timekeeper and to achieve disarmament build bat- where no topwatches are available tleshlps by public subscription i referee are to instruct timekeepers to a mana reputation u that which la play straight or if minutes to a not found out about him period a delay of tan minutes only it seems to me that womans place win be allowed where goalkeepers are la no longer in the home it u in the substituted channel i ooalkaepara caching the puck i a man who hides behind a womsns get rid of it i when the kins today is not a coward ha la a i puck la held uw faceoff will be made magician ten feet in front of tha goal when a man aaya hla word la aa good i it waa also decided that tha puck aa his bond get hla bond rnust ba over and clear af tha goal line we have been told that man la the before it la a goal noblest work of ood but nobody aver said so except man optimism makea a man of 05 buy a new ault of clothes and two palre of trousere it is a wise wife who laughs at her husbands jolcea judge not a man by hla clothes but by his wifes oolthea poete are born not paid the road to success la filled wlut in memobt op dad oatnatfia speights garage machine shop the pioneer garage ol georgetown repairs to all makea of can acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and charging worn fly wheels fitted with hardened tteel ring gear magneto recharged and repaired ignition and generator work i have installed nqw gasoline pumpa and now offer five brands of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rose red seal and shell oils grease tires and accessories vout patronage solicited all work guaranteed t j speight phone 279 georgetown no man who hag paaaed on can have a finer monument that the grateful remembrance of hla child ren such a remembrance while be- i ing a splendid tribute to tha departed it la a blaaalng to thoee possessing it i and a benefit to the community women pushing their husband along those eonaana daughters who ehar- r ju 2 lift 5 bun msmsiausl falhware v rih- h batter clthwna mora helpful to their there are no idle rich they are fellowmen then those who have no dodging people who want their money mapwng reoolstuiiui or thoee gone motor care aw increasing by leaps before veneration presuppose that khs thoaa venerated uveiihelprul kindly ing by the same process um u u iivlna have not a kangaroo isjust an abortive at- fonjottenthalmmnla left usrt tempt by nature to make a safe padea- because of this their urea are fuller n bobl aaa a oul a amau part that has jnsa have been not the same p a all tratatwes stepped pain and terrible dixjabcm lord nelson at halifax opened mmboomm it eeeata almost a mlnuja tbt m rvultallvea btneflta women euffeiw insattbechsngeofllfe iweaobuewd to go to lied because of the terrible tusslnem pain and weskums writes mw omime godln of fttquetvula gjb during this trtis vuu4w proved a godsend to ma and now i am in perfect health every woman ahould follow my ex- ample and take hruitauvee and they would auraly get the wonderful relief that i did tyll vourueakr baa this womwful fruit medicine 28 and aoc n tax a hamilton eoupw are to get the kings bounty of um for the birth of trlpleta theyll need it the babies are all girls the queens own canadian hussars formerly one of the crack units of canadaa cavalry will again be reviv ed in quebec for the regiment which went out of existence in 1011 was com manded by lieut general sir richard turner vo la being reorganised thla time col j h price and head of price brother and company 113 th wealrn canada ski ebsm- ploashlpe of romblnsd skiing events will be held in bantr again this season la conjunction with tha banff winter carnival due to tali disc axt fbrusry it lias been decided upon sueb famous skiers will probably be la siundsnee aa nelson of rvallolte tlisoa or vancouver laal yaara watrn representative at tba olympic gamee and nordmoe of ramrose oaee upon a time there were sixty foxse who didnt wssr pantsse and dldnt wear aoxaa but tbay all want travelling in nice big hoi a aaredy oa a a if lines famaua bursary rhyme i inplrsd by a hlseint or ixty black and ellver mxaa wba paed through tha wind aor street station reeenuy an rauta te 8wltaarland from calgary they ware under tba wlag or the can- mlsa pacific eipraa who aaw last tba animate got ihlr dlt at raw meat regularly tea ease of a asotoriat bales etrlekaa with buck fever and aut- uag all car into the dlteb la hla exctlmnt baa bsea reported from uw nlblgon district while grlv- las alens tha highway between nlslgaa rlvr bungalow camp aad part arthur tha motortat waa etart- led whan a dear appeared oa the read before him whether he triad to ehaae the animal or forgot ha waa at tha wboel ha doaa not atale but when he recovered hie aenssa ka and hli ear ware la the ditch lhue damage was dona adams rib developed into a loud apeaker tha one thing that hurts more than paying income tax la not having to pay income tax heakh service of the canadian medical assoc a health review at the beginning of each year it la customary in many fields of human endeavour to review the twelve mon- tha which have passed to take stock aa it were and to consider whether or not the year has been a profitable one it la upon the successes and failures of the past years we base our plana for tha future it is therefore rather an approprl ate time for us to review the health conditions of our famuiee aa they were during tha past year first of all we should consider whether or not we have taken those steps which would protect us from certain dlseasee vac clnatlon doaa prevent smallpox have you allowed yourself or your fortunate la uu man whoa father has left auch an lmnrssslonupon him that ba la inspired to good deads by tha memory of the helping hand still ad perhaps ions since by death for tunate too are thoee who come in contact with nun or they will find him radiating hoparulneaa and friend- no better illustration can ba had of thla than uw worda uatd by a con tributor to a santa clause fund in to ronto these word wars in mem ory of dear old dad to ua these worda apeak volumes tbay tall a man who waa of hla family weu as uw head of it of a manwho entered heartily and affectionately in to tha uvea of hla children inviting and iniplrlng their confidence coun selling with them artmonlihlng them with necessary but always kindly if firmly sympathising with them in their childish ravens rejoicing in their viclorlee whether in school on the playground and praising wholeheartedly when pralaa was due they uu in abort of a man who the building at mora than iso mile af new branch lie with tl aaw atatlons and aalaplag polnta asms up la brief the construction programme er tba cenadlsa pactrio rauway in wmtni canada during tha seat summer according ta c coleman vicepresident west ern llnaa by thla mesas hub- dreda af fermera had beea brought much closer to transportation facl- lltlaa and thousands of acrea of rich agricultural land had been made muoh mare attractive from uu settler viewpoint i can aay without any imita tion that canada la tha beat eaua- try in the world ror farming at the present time it haa grestsr poa- ibllltl and there are indleatlone that there is greater lability and prosperity than can be round in aay other country aald dr b s archibald director in charge of the dominion experimental farm at ottawa addressing the toung mane canadian club in montrssl dr archibald aald th crop in can ada are worth iiwoooom which alona waa equal to the flaharlaa mtnea and foreta all put together realised that being a good father la tha greatest responsibility and uw have i halton garage skje aaasaaaaas iaisii issaa now open under new management we are now at your service for your automotive and tractor repairs at the moat moderate prices with the most skilled mechanics and the best equipped shop in town we specialize on carbratour ignition starting and lighting systems and batteries radio batteries called for and delivered no rental charges just phone us and try our prompt radio service oiling and greasing free brake rurjection ofeioiats hoxqbade sebvxob station day and night road service phone 7 chudren to be exposed to this disease eft xsifta sjl j i through failure to use vaccination aa js iuwi iinsw5i a mean of protection mplherla can natejjsin xl 25k be prevented by dlptherla immunise- ssfssl ian to lion have you allowed thli disease to js 1ss1s i k continue as a menace to the very uvea wl jj 2 stsss of your children by your failure to i if je 5 have them immunised s5sij 2 j i to safe water and pure milk are fun- hes x damental needs contaminated water sl a family and dirty milk u much ilckneaa the provlnco of alberta generally wlll receive more game flab than aver before waa the opinion at j a robb superintendent or nh eul ture or tb department or marine and fishsrlm wbe waa a recent visitor to calgary tha wliltellah bstchery just opted by ilia domin ion government in lesser slave lab will help tb commrclal nh- erlea he said while perl in the neighbourhood or uanrr the rocky mountain retort will he greatly improved by the advanced rry and ringrrllng gome nh thit have ueon placrd in the tram tha hatrh- ert t banff ho added ulll be ex- li uded slightly uminvmai neeas uamaminaiea watari nniiirt tl vt tr itm and dirty milk are still uu causa ol s23 s et- much sickness and many deaths s j j vrs lava you seen to it that the water sk tid if ha doaa not ha u ha may be too you and your family drink and uu busflaikls wetn anti izz1 tat muk that you use are pure or do you si i5i to j uve with the dangera of impure ifi l uut and milk ruuiglng over youf sn m lortuna may have yotglsn iltenuon to your htformtafuil llsfu kst fc hornet are your window screened hj mw v- u to keep out nicer do the window open to allow for proper ventilation doea the sunshine get into your rooms a much larger measure of health la within the grasp of most of us but we must make- the naoasaary effort to aelae it if you delayed last year if you were careless in health matters start off this year by doing uw uungs you should do in order to avoid certain diseases and to lead healthier uvea question concerning health ad dressed to uw canadian medical as sociation im college bt toronto will ha answered by letter questions aa to rtlagnoali and treatment will not bt anawared two aona of mr and mrs we bandera bora aeon dmer it sad harold 8 yeara of age went throutb tha lea on tha irvine river at salam s a week ago saturday and war drowned their bodlaa were recovered onsunday there are seven children uj the family th funeral took place to drayton on tuesday love and devotion of his offspring blessed in the sight of heaven and earth la tha man whose aaaoclatlon with hu children la auch that whan ha la gone they will be inspired to good deads by hla memory and biass ed an the children whose recollec tion of their failure are auch that they will be constrained to good in memory of pear old dan and le are tha wiwhwiiu in vn such fathers and aona reside bt thomas timesjournal ihawalllaaasaeialaael standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically buronned and loaulod among tba nuts both large and small of any aa or any dime man la the only on of all who can ba skinned a aaoond lime an english laeson was being given in a foreign school and uw mlitrai asked if any punu could make up a atntano containing uw words de fence defeat and detail the antenob aha got waa aa follows when a cat jumps over defence de feat anas over in front of detau coal wood bsleot lump for domestio and thrcabins purpose smithing and oannel coal in fact icarry overytbinc to be found in any uptodate coal unj wood yard john mcdonald piioni b goorsetoivn w beatty chairman ma mmi at w baalty ehalrmaa and president of lie canadian paejflo railway la apeakhw aa attaeief honor at tb ban sseif tnojui opening at tba lord nelson tllolsl at mfies 2xs jkbtouriat sxuusvntixzkl aabelttg aaoond to non oa tba eontiaeul thja from as wall travelled a man as the head of sa worlds oreatest travel system waa a decided an- platlon in addition lerisblhei i ki i sad leutattrlau iron bolh tie cnlted sutes and canada you hay jh historic associations auch aa typlfladby th eangelln legend which the canadian paelflj and dominion atlantic comtunma have aueeaaatuu vraaarvad and featured italama te ua enlvtsrbt that tha railway which einuts ftofltaaat of one of the uratef oesto 11 xr ewasaid othar hutorio place ha aald that travel haa growa aoaoe dnrhur tha last aw yaare and it was jssj jf uu jj amr etkara that at th aoli ill thbjllomrsf oftuaa w u torttf ma j on suttolasb reason that wa are building modem hotel with jj w f er ha ahep opemni tth2 other tourist f sell use at rjigby iv- u th aaaeloa grfltwaieh ta the lord keutm hotel whua oparatad w4 tb mthtisji direction of th canadian padttrallway u the j tba weedlwom mtfxsz sews a short tllgbt or step imjss ttato tnaisal si tsjs5i the atmesmkara r two hundred year ago haa been vattawbutvaiu which h ifjsf t t 2 ssku j wi tk ifuuisagth iriki yiifs aoraaratanda a rise copy of th wall kaowa boat of thla hem asi m tal jjujjw u aataawld aasl umi fkw fugtijsl marts lags toa fw id b4 ssj now 125 litohiog joauiry which would adaguauly take ear of tha bualnaas wuch offered in tha my it la altuatad 1 i h clly rroaung on the botanical gardens uut have helped to make thla eld city wumn and without tha appaaranc oi the hat jfsifsp w 5 lsadulldara in btiudlng and in dtoranm it la oeorglsu ta maraclar and throughout tha hotel and baklcularly in th publk rooms a most auocaaaful effort haa beea nade to expraaa lb period rwallad by the hlatorle name associated with 1l immediately it woodwork is os oajt and lw eeuhlg eroeasd by tuwn beam it 1 lit hy aads labterntofbrabik and by eeadeufcr aaalwadrusseu lights ejdehu autrtas waaala tk rankrurt alio j ef atout ask othar feature of raultaorltr t barb ahoa beeatty akap aad th usual pubh ssrvlcaat the bedrem rloem taarade a aumber ef ana eohea ol which th rays balis t en ontstsndst ttampla uk ta ether it character er dvmaf ilea u in k with th net of a batatli oonalau of arttbur room dhtug room ana taeabed- rooua and ita fimilahlaga taemd eosmbse axanw pies of esrly georgian the beb4neu and ganarak uutmtkrril alt it vaxavlfataf watorw nama associated with it immediately waa of early tjeorgjan dear i a hsndmrae ar arcloiis plurabbig eju luatlnar aseaagemsuts throuabaua lobby which at once grvaa tha keynote of oeorglan ore up to the mast aeodera tataadard aa alutareau oruon the hot i office are bare as also are tba faeihtjea raeibuirvlear 4 i asilihnnaaaaimam i did you ever stop to think that the town that fails to encourage the business concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress that when business concerns fail to use every ef fort to increase their business in the home town and its trade territory they are holding back its progress that merchants should show the people of their community by newspaper advertising that they con supply their every want that people appreciate the true merit of the home town as a trading centre when the local concerns take interest enough to tell them what they have through the recognized shoppers guide the newspapers that newspaper ads draw shoppers from other localities shoppers do not come to town to buy just one article they usually buy many articles that outoftown shoppers as well as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quality and price are the big attractions that bring them to trade