tbb oronarrom bbbald april irth ins mttrimme m rctuomcnmc m ticket agency canadian national railway ocean steamships cwurf juthw imalami wkhe star lawe akmricaa cmummt rarjfk walter t evans msmltrj street blfots marrlas nd deaths in w chargad for at the following tea births 50c marriafm we tha boc nwmorlal cwrda oo i0e par una sxtra for poatry in mmmoriam hamin- tn lovls moroory of irjnltc action apr 17 1018 wllbart halp irath iv miierin to- high t tha aura atro nlamlntf on a lonely silent pniv wbaiv sleeps in difamltui alumber one we loved but could not mv no on knows he silent hrt acb only ihoaa who have loat can toll tha urluf that is borrl in allenc kor one we lovod so wall palnor mother sinters ami brother empire bayers em b kinum hujer are km pin hull tltrs with iliu uitrioth slogan hliuing tho tmil from the atlantic so th pucilli caimda iw uetllntf the ugu tvuilj fur a fttupcmlvu pfionomlo npthitaflp tiip kin pirn shoppinfi week in canada from april 21 to uk on wfiinli will iw fimuwml all the tuvorflillml mpothithu uf puhurlty miiaih of atli huunlii ml white nml hlnc lutiuitirti itatfh jrcsu ami a multiplultj of itthnr arroutinff lwi- omtioim nuliu liroaiuoitinif new paper ailvfliiuiiig tnlkn in theatres and xorvic4iiliilaiiiul nveii to whool flliildrfln priuts for essays and win duw displays ull thm media and methods will lu utiliited to proclaim nnil oaiphahiu kmplr b hopping wmk georgetown uemliaiitsureuoopcr atiuj to raalto the week a main arable one to the lioppiiir public of town and community umpire shopping weeks hold in the motherland australia and the nritith weit indies have all hoeu ouutandlnffly successful tlieie weeks oiaphaaize how closely knit the various parts of the british eru plre really are the primary object of such an occasion is to itlmulate the purchase and tale of empire pro duoeand manufactured prod note of the country in which the week is lteld beinn favored first speights garage to introduce the opening of speight garage we are offering a few lines at special price for one week only 11 plato hartl battery sm 18 putt bart battery 9 theie are new first quality batteries in hard ruhlier boxen and guaranteed for one year stttti coarier cord tlroa tomt mmsi oldflald cord tiro tm sox oldflald xabm lm guaranteed for so days reduction on all othei sires repairing of all kinds promptly done we iiolinit your patronage t j speight a nmetnw 1 toe ca legion a regular meeting of the legion was held on thursday the 13th inst at the town hall when k4 members were present the president jfajor coujens ooeupled the chair flnal arrangements wen made for the inauguration and social evening whioh u to be held in the town hall on friday april 27tb at 748 pra when it is expected that gen j a gunn col maokay and com a shields of the ontario command will be present a good program is be ing prepared and refreshments will be provided this is the evening when all ex service men and their wives all widows who lost their husbands in the great wars and all parents who lost sons are specially invited to be present and the legion hope that all the above mentioned will consider this an invitation among other business done was the forming of an employment board whose duty it is to keep in touch with employers of labour so as to aid members who are out of work through circumstance beyond their control to get employ ment bhitable to their various reedr the charter whioh recently arrived was on view it will be formally pre sented on the night of tlie innngura tion masonic ddgm mate official visit lsvf e auemimee m a auifclm tutjawf v- on friday evenhig april iith it w ro t c wdniley ixdum aououipaniml by hit 8mruiry w ilro u k millh made their ottkkl visit and i unpen tion of crnlit xwtfb w hro 11 it minima and lib ohlctira okeiuplilted the work of the seoond degrw to the untlre iiutntaa uotiortlielxutim ami tho oi- triitt hefihttary found tin look and rintfrtls or the lot no kept in tfood or- dfr uiul hath oflluiali expreswl their aiitia root ion with tlm protftow lielug mode by thin lodtfi after tlie indfie wosciowkiu banitt wus provided by tlie wivih of the wentbors of the otfte whlwi won uiunh enjoywl by all prvumf vollouliitf the luiiiiuat w hro mlnihin amiotmwmt the following toast list thkingaiul tho itnirit respond ed to by slnslntf god have the king tlie j rami matter mid tlietiriwd limljf prnpoae1 h w hro lltlgti cariers banqoel trtfutttm trutm saeeta- ef nle aai smf rt wor bro t c wardlbv d of wellington dlstrih dickie and responded to by r w bra t c wanlley who gave a very interesting and instructive address on masonry its alms and ideals w hro grant proposed the toast to the visitors which was responded to by w hro hills v bra coxon w hro mnlntosh and w hro lee lie during the evening bra green wood recited two selections and bra thomas sang two songs which were very much enjoyed by all present after which the junior wardens toast brought to a close another hap py event in the history of this lodge visiting brethren were present from aoton and blora isseuttwiinattms grand ys thm pan food grocary axi i i i i i i i i igrandysi b ch ne united church next 8unday momlng apr 22ud rev jr dlekie will speak on a marvelous change for the better ami in tho evening on the christ ian citiran 8l georges churob services next sunday second after easter 8 am holy communions 11 sra llatins and sermon by the reotors 7 pra evensong and sernjon by the rector baptist church rev a k frith will conduct both services on sunday april 22nd preaching at 11 am on the church we porget and at 7 pra on bless ed housrmileaning hible school meets at 10 ara subject being a christian at home the salvation army meetings during the weekend will be conducted by envoy and mrs maodougall of hamilton and un doubtedly will be of a very helpful charaoter grocery specials snnera cereal per phg 26c red river cereal per pkg 80i quaker com flakes 1 pkgs 20o sugar crisp corn flakes 3 pkg 29o greengage plum jam 40 ox 40c crosse and lllaokwell fruit for salad per tin reg lfi iho crosse and hlackwell salmon steak per tin reg 10c 25c crosse and blackwell branston piikle soc stelna com beef per tin 2e clarks potted meat 3 tins 28o pumpkin mountain view 2 tins 24o keiliere orange msrmalado per jar 36c heins chow chow mustard pickle reg 4b 39c heinx spaghetti reg 20e for 18e heins tomato catsup reg 10c for 17q helnx tomato chutney reg hbc for 20c noirval the threeact comedy turning the trick will be presented by the norval dramatic club in st pauls church psrish hall norval thur apr 26 this suojeisful tbreeaet comedy is presented by the norval players under the direction of mrs e mcdonsid l m montgomery those who enjoyed hearty langb in this companys presentation of safety first are again assured of an evenings release from tlie earea and worries of every day life cast of characters patrick casey clarence moclures mary ann casey edna mcclures michael casey howard logans kathleen casey luella raids maggie casey mary hunters george drake murray laird eileen omalley alios leslie humpy steele walter fiddler jim dougherty gordon leslies madam anna bairski ethel blgnels armand francois boni aims de lovier chester early curtain rises at r16 sharp adults 38c children 20c on monday evening the lflth inst a meeting in the interests of the league of nations society in canada was held in the library hall rev kenneth maolean or cupled the chair and after the sing ing of the national anthem opened tho meeting with prayer mr haul- wood an officer of the toronto bnncb gave a oomprehensive and highly instructive address showing the solid aooomplisbments of the league and the need of treating maintaining and extending pnbllo opinion npon which alone tho league roliea for it power tho jonunned struggle in china tlie persistent propaganda of russia the colour problem in many hinds the apparent failure of tlie disarmament agenda committee tlie declared in tention of henry ford to interest him self in war airplanes instead of com mercial ones and his prediction of a war in the near future all ahow how hard it it to kill the- old warlike dis position and bow necessary it is to lend spiritual moral intellectual and financial eupport to the league in order that it may eontinue to hold in ehook such tendencies to war the work of the league however is vast ly greater than preventing war it administers nentral territories it protects minorities it supervises mandatory districts and through its operations it has set several european countries financially on their feet its humanitarian activities are far reaching it cooperates with the various national and international organizations such as the interna- tional labour office and the red cross in its efforts to stamp out plagues it works to prevent the traf fic of opium and narootic drugs the traffic of women and obildren it has neen the means of repatriating iran dreds of thoussnds of refugees and it has scons of other activities functioning for the good of the human race at the close of the address mr c b dayfoot in a few appropriate woods moved a hearty ote of thanks to tho speaker of the evening this was duly seoondfd by prof hott and unanimously carried a committee of threo comprising mr john modermid mrs harley and mr- j l- thompson was then ap pointed to receive subscriptions of membership to the league of nations society in canada with the associate 9100 membership goes the monthly bulletin published by the society the npostolio bene dtotlon by rev dr dickie brought the meeting to a close hut allhuwl banquet of jeorgn- ton curling club was held ut the ahh4 ou wednesday evening last when some forty members and ituitsu sat down to n delitious hot dinner served by tlie social commitumi of tlie club whim nil hod imtaluu w v grant tlie popular prouuviit of the club lulled tin gathering loonier and ufter a neat speech m which lie llmnkud tint tnenibers and fellow olllcora for tlulr splendid support during the season announced tlie following toiist list tim king the rouriii uutiuv proponed by 1 ii wallace and responded in by major grant the visitors propoud by j it mackenrie and responded o by 1 m moore liistruiiionul xeleclioiim unil songs were contributed during the evening by the messrs tost and guest while harmony three mesnie j d cole t s wilson and jack thompson were right up to the minute in tboir songs ehnrik ter sketchss and mono ingucs the winners ut the inter rink com petition in 1i2 2h were il hamil ton skip a tost eo brown t 8 wilson and each were presented with a haiidsonio silver ralsl by ex- presideut e mewhirter col g or brown then presented the winners of 1020 27 iitcrrink competition with handsome icook- onds they weie n tuck skips h hamilton a tost m kennedy j d kely presented c bumsides ohairman of the social eonimlttee with a pair of miniature curling stones and 1 h wallace made the presentation of a very acceptable article to president w v grant the reolpents all replied thanking tlie donors for their kfud words arid handsome presents the evening was one of the most enjoyable in the history of the club and many thanks are due to those who provided and served the splen did menu and the entertainers who added much to the pleasure of the evening members present from acton were mr peter smith and mr graham the singing of aold lang syne was a stung oilman to a splendid social evening this is the jelly when quality counts manufartllied hj mclarcenf llmltod hamilton ami winnipeg bushhorsesl t every lactstay 7 t until end ol april all t iwught ut lilh prices lust full f and in excellent working con f illtioil w rules start 11 uiu no itssorve coulter bros m a i i 1u 2hnluonhi rurunlo ss get your bicycle repajring iloae hy llf frampton charles street ages ter ccm 1lcvtiaat lea mr meydeii mm xtme payaiealv obiltury arthur cook after a lingering illness from a throat affection arthur cook form- erly of georgetown died at lit dennis on april 14th he is sur vived by his wife who was formerly miss flora sbeppard of georgetown and two children ploetta and helens their only son jackie died about thirteen months ago mr cook was a barber in georgetown some 12 years ago and since that time has been working on tlie cnr the funeral took plane from bis late resi dence 40 lambton ave mt dennis on monday april 10th the service being conducted by rev c a gov- ans of chalmers church after which the remains were brought to george town and interred in greenwood cemetery beautiful moral tributes were re ceived fiom many friends and neighbors including georgetown coating mills cnr employees and chalmers united church reasonyouneed thischevkoletthick the lowest tonmile cost in the world that in the lowest cost of transporting one ton or one mile or its equivalent is th one big reason why truckusers in all lines of business are chposinif the chevrolet ton truck added to this economy are amazing peed and dependability exceptional performance never before offered in a lowpriced commercial oar rugged ness strength and modern design un- dreajnedrofin a truck so low in price whether you need a truck or fast delivery on city streets or for steady transportation of tonloads over all sorts of roads you can find the rlgbt type of body available on the money saving chevrolet ton truck chassis ask your chevrolet dealer tht gjtac oiiurtl helen ewe it- uttea pmynuat pttn ajletit tht moat cejrvsnieat aoe ecensmesf way e buying your cfmeft b sitae n 635 cemmavelal chaaau 470 body 4ha cb exits kimrlilar delivery tob raaauur eagtreta 90bo alt ptiett at p6ciory os kawa covtmmtmt tctt ond star tiff extra cimae chewoilet j n oneill son noduct of gbnbiai motors of canada limited mjrcta mi rntauhu a very pleasant evening was spent at the home of mrs douglas lindsay on saturday night when friends and neighbors gathered to bid farewell to mr and mrs reuben ijvsns and family prior to their leaving streets villa to take np resldenoe on a farm near acton mr church acted as ohairman for a short programme in cluding solos by mrs church and miss graydon accompanied by beat rice church and also a reading com posed hy mr mcgregor sandy by mrs lindsay short addresses were given by mrs lindsay mrs d ross and messrs george mcclentsck harm mooientask o r church and alex hammand who spoke hlghl of mr and mrs evans and family mr and mrs evans and family were then called forward and mrs d ross read the following address to mr and mrs renhen evans and family we your friends and neighbours have gathered here tonight to bring you greetings and to wish you god speed as yon take your departure from our midst we wish to extrnd to you our best wishes for yoar sucoess in your new venture we have enjoyed your eight yeara among us and are tha better for having known you youre untiring willingness to help in time of trouble and the happy association bra3ssssiakss3ssha s special i ballinalaj the monthly meeting of the ladles aid of the united church balllnafad was held in the church tuesday af ternoon april lutb there was a very interesting meeting the ladles are strenuously working to raise enough money to repair the church and would like every woman in the rsru mtt m atatfy miss janet campbell elliot s graduate nurse at the general hospl tal hamilton died april 13th a vie urn to her fidelity to duty miss elliot was in charge of a maternity ease in which the patient recovered her health but not her composure it was necessary for the woman to be placed on the roof garden at the hos pital miss elliot insisted on stay ing with her pauent after she hail contracted a chill with the result that she contracted pneumonia miss elliott was a sister of exreeve j r elliott or esqueslng and the late dr elliott of georgetown and was u songiegauoa to take an active part frequent visitor ben some years ago with you will be remeniscenoes that will livelong in our memory as friends we have always found you loyal and public spirited you have accepted your share of the labour of life in a cheerful and courageous spirit- on every occasion when help was needed you were always ready with your sympathy and support now as a token of our esteem for yon we ask yoo to accept this gift and as you use them may fond memories bring the light of oilier days around yoo signed on behalf of friends and neighbours mrs douglas lindsay mrs davu ross streetsville april 7th mr a b bruce nude the presenta tion of a beautiful set of dishes to mr aud mrs evans although greatly taken hy surprise mr evans on behalf of the family responded in a few well obossu words in which he thanked friends and neighbours for their kindness the remainder of the evening was spent in singing and games a very dainty lunch was served and a happy svenlng was brought to a close by singing for they are jolly good fal lows and aold lang syne 1 i 1 i j- ia amsuaaaa awn mir i w b browne co 1 s norval flour mula m norval ontario ground screenings 26 per ton ml unrm of fich on uno we have installed 24 inch double head chopper for fast fine grinding try us ntar rtwau uncs ciiwc gemcetown mrl rutmnu murton sim ross got the surprise of his life ii had shkotl lona tn tar a neu york num ber and planned to dictntit rfvrnl letter olillo unit ing for tha cotinaction hu ron- lift could hunr ujt tlm operator said hold the lln ploane 8urly she ennt expect me to hold thfi line half nu hour hft snfd to hlu nteno- grapher llnlf an houi it probably wont b vr two minute this new speedy lona lh- utim servtm 1m very quick to provide lneraw fucil- itleo many now ixnjr dis tance circuit are being inttalled host ef them ulfl be in use this spring itrrft art come of the important additions uvatratvl tsrroate ikratlrmuattfattl momraal ottw i ofuwa tor6ta 1 taj tofmrtta wfiawr 1 leajna ohratt 1 4 standard royalties ublled are payinu dividends of one per cunt per month on par value there la m eifer inveutment than htandard lioyal- tloe as safe as tho bank if you want information write me and i will be glad to five it to you without oblljratlon to you h w dawson 1 o box 3h urnmpton represent i ii h iw44lavttl imtj cup toronto 8peeialau in dividend pay invratmentu someeepetfadvic jabotfyourrs il air coit nothing ladrj of it mean miles off the ite of your tires more than half your tire troubles are ceased byunderinflatlon ttures a correct pressure ery sin tire according to its load two or three pounds under this will take miles off its running life near enough wont do use reliable taut end be sure or call at this depot once a week and let us look over your tires well wnteh for bruises rim cuts sod embedded flints at least twice season let ut remove each tire and look for inside fabric rjrsalcs it will mean extra mileage and dollars off your tire bills a dominion tin teifiw marvffaeu mlhagt if you trtat ii right dominion tire depot t j speight iiautlse mcalmhiijnexpttave t suwmuusj suaala standard anthracite scranton coal in all sices automatically screened and i loaded i coal wood j belaet lomp for domeatio and threshlnh purposes smithing and cnnnol coal z in feet ioarry ovorytbing to x be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald i pbonb ib gostsmaa j